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Wellness Worlds WELLNESS & SPA


FascInatIng Wellness Worlds

Haslauer Brechelbath ® / Waldhotel Tann, Klobenstein-Ritten / Italy | Spoon XL bath tub / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro Treatment room with Haslauer wet massage table Hamam/Pantai ® and King’s bath tub / Hotel Schönruh, Seefeld / Austria


Haslauer Wellness & sPa FacIlItIes

Salve-in-terra速 (Europat.) / Hotel Unterschwarzachhof, Hinterglemm / Austria | Haslauer Rasul 速 Splendid / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro









6 8 9 10 11 12 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 33 34 3 36 38 42 44 46 48 0 2 4 6 7 8 9 60 61 62 63 64 6 66 67 68 69 70 71

Prologue Paul Haslauer

Paul Haslauer tracking down the marvels of frank incense

The Power of the Vision Visionaries are capable of combining the latest results often from very different research areas, and create something totally new, something which has never existed before. We have achieved this, with our Salve-in-terra ® ceremony. On the one hand, there is the perfected automated cleaning technology that removes the burden from the staff. On the other hand, there is the combination of steam, lights, music, and the soft Kurland ® Créme Peeling with various scents creating a sensual, holistic experience – something which can not only be enjoyed by a single person, but also by two. Couples‘ treatments have been enjoyed by people for thousands of years and are still amongst the most popular, modern treatments. Further information on this can be found on page 36 of this catalogue. Only those understanding how to combine physical well-being with spiritual and mental wellness, creating extraordinary stimulation and staying authentic at the same time, will leave a lasting impression on the guests, thus ensuring their return. This requires profound knowledge, years of experience, and the inclusion of science and medical know-how. Benefit from our over 40 years of experience in medical balneology, during which we have influenced its research and development, and also from our daily enthusiasm!

» About Paul Haslauer Paul Haslauer is known as a pioneer in physical therapy. His story of success started 40 years ago with ‘Moor mud’ as a natural remedy. His Moor mud sheets, in combination with his invention, the Soft-Pack-Systems ®, posed a revolution in treatments. With his pioneer spirit and his extensive knowledge of balneology and naturopathy, Paul Haslauer was already developing innovative wellness products, long before people had ever heard of wellness. Today, his company, which employs around 110 employees, takes a unique position in the market, due to its wide range of natural products, wellness and spa facilities, as well as its professional consulting and hands-on training. Enthusiastic customers, worldwide, give a clear message.

But not only the equipment is crucial. The decisive factor for success is the staff – the direct bearers of performance. That is why we not only train people to perform treatment techniques, but also show them how to sell and offer specialities, thereby emphasizing the extraordinary character of every wellness or spa facility. In this regard, I hope you will enjoy looking through this new catalogue and that you will find a lot of new ideas for your business!

Ideal Project Course

Your Path to a Successful Spa 1


Starting the project: Your goal is to own a unique, incomparable and successful spa - your investment must pay off.


Market Survey

We recommend a study of other Spas, visualizing initial ideas suiting your own philosophy, and taking your competitors and your target group into consideration.


Choose a Partner




Treatment Program


Business Plan


Defining your Design

Treatment-Spa-Suite with Soft-Pack-System ® I Day Spa and Haslauer wet massage table Hamam/Pantai ®

» Knowing How the Wind Blows! This catalogue introduces various interesting and innovative wellness and spa facilities, although, it‘s important to remember, that in order to be successful, you need more than just functional and beautifully designed facilities. Above all, the spa program, as well as the quality of services offered, is decisive. Therefore, we have drawn up an ideal project course for a successful spa, and have also emphasized the crucial factors of success, which determine a positive progression. Furthermore, we will show you in detail, in which phases we can support you.



! !

Crucial decisions - which partner can you rely on? Feel free to contact us! We will advise you free of charge and help you with our expertise gained during many years of experience in the spa industry, in daily business and in spa training. As a consumable specialist, we can offer our own ‘Kurland®’ spa product brand. At an early stage, you should have an integral view of your spa as it should be designed regarding USP, themes, area, staff etc. We will present made-to-measure designs in a personal consultation, as well as initial treatment suggestions, which will increase your best chances for success. Of course, we also help you to choose a fitting theme for your Spa. Find out what you really need! By creating and defining treatments and treatment packages we are able to tell which facilities you need. Your business plan guarantees the long-term economic success of your spa! We provide you with tried-and-tested facts (sales prices per treatment, room capacities, achievable turnover, cost for treatments and retail products, economical comparison of each treatment room, necessary staff capacity etc.). With these facts you can draw up a number of budgets (e.g., return on investment, break-even-point). The business plan is your base for financing. Facilities and equipment, design and decoration are to be defined for every room. We can present you our design suggestions or gladly accommodate our facilities and equipment to the style of your spa.

Ideal Project Course



Obtain price and service offers in order to make a decision.


Place your order

Order the spa facilities and equipment. The scope of delivery and services, as well as delivery and installation dates are to be defined. You should arrange the training of your staff already at this stage.

10 Select the Spa Products


Marketing Plan



12 Construction

Choose the right brand! It has to suit your spa. With our Kurland® products you have no deposit obligation. Benefit from our expertise in ‘hands on’ treatments. More on page 10. Ensuring the success of your spa from Day 1. Defined packages for print and internet are available for you. Carrying out the M+E installations, the interior contruction, as well as supervision of the general construction. We supply you with detailed M+E plans for your spa & wellness facilities and equipment.

13 Installation

Installation of the facilities and equipment and completion of rooms. Delivery and installation is done by our own experts – in time and within the agreed budget.

14 Spa-Products Basic Order

Order the basic load of products for your treatments. Your treatment program tells you which Kurland ® products you need to order for professional use and retail for a successful start from Day 1.

15 SoftwareSelection

Selection and installation of the software for management, daily business, as well as your treatment plans.

16 Staff-Selection and Training


17 Opening

18 Continuous Support


Crucial Factors of Success Steps marked with this exclamation mark are crucial factors of success and therefore very important for the success of your spa. Haslauer Service Steps marked with the ‘Haslauer – Sun’ state our services. We would be very happy to share our know-how with you. Very Crucial Steps Steps 3 to 5 are very important and should be clarified early in order to ensure your spa is a success.

Look out for friendly staff with the right attitude towards service. Our team will train your staff in a professional and organized manner – either at our training center or at your Spa. More on page 11. Unofficial opening for business partners, celebrities, and press. Afterwards, have a grandiose start with excellently trained staff.


Support and News Management. Benefit from our technical support via our hotline and free distance maintenance (see page 64), as well as from our innovativeness.

tHe Haslauer adVantage

  ®



  ®



Detailed plan for a Hotel-Spa

Playing it Safe! » clear Positioning For the unique positioning of your business, we take your guests’ requests, regional specialities, existing resources, as well as the ambience suiting your spa and wellness area into consideration.

Your benefit from cooperating with Haslauer is not just our helping you plan and equip your Spa, but also we support you from the beginning to the end of your project, especially during the critical phases. We will draw up an individual treatment program, deliver important facts for your business plan, entice you with luxurious treatments from our own brand ‘Kurland ®’ and train your staff. This will guarantee a grandiose start and long-lasting success.

Paul Haslauer and his Spa-design team


our Wellness World – reIter alM sPa & Wellness

The Reiter Alm in Ainring - an idyllic location in the midst of nature with view of Salzburg

Try it Yourself! Visit our spa, the Reiter Alm in Ainring - enjoy the lovely view of Salzburg, which is only 10 km away - and try our facilities, equipment and products. We will gladly introduce our treatments and show you ways of transforming your business into a unique Wellness world. Make an appointment today. We look forward to getting to know you and your ideas. Contact: +49 (0) 86 4/48 87-22 or info@haslauer-gmbh.de

» everything under one roof At the Reiter Alm, we offer our globally renowned facilities and equipment to be viewed and tested. » Full service We help you choose the right equipment, products, as well as inform you on training possibilities for your staff. » restaurant and Hotel An excellent wellness cuisine and wonderful rooms with a view of Salzburg and the mountains give your perfect spa day at the Reiter Alm its finishing touch.

There is a lot to explore – the lobby

Our wellness cuisine alone is worth a visit


Kurland ® Products

Kurland ® Classic Skin Care Series

With the Power of Nature We have always developed our products in agreement with our customers’ requests and wishes. This approach has stood the test of time for over 40 years. We use valuable raw materials for our Kurland® products, such as natural mineral muds, hay from unfertilized Alpine meadows and natural sea salt. Our knowledge of their effectiveness, combined with the latest scientific results, give us a head start. Let yourself be convinced of the quality of our products.

» Product catalogue Within our consumables’ catalogue “Professional Care” you will find all Kurland® products for professional use. Order your free copy today. You can find our contact and order form on page 71. Pantai Luar®

Pantai Herbal Belle Visage® AuF Zu neuen uFeRn Pantai Luar ® ist eine wunderbar entspannende Massage, deren Wurzeln im ostasiatischen Raum zu finden sind. Bei dieser Massagetechnik wird der Körper mit duftenden Fruchtkräuterstempeln und einem 40 °C heissen Pflanzenextraktöl behandelt. Mit Pantai Luar ® ist sowohl eine Teilbehandlung (nur Körperrückseite) als auch eine Ganzkörperbehandlung möglich.


Pantai Luar ®


Pantai-Luar ® -Fertigstempel

0 590-00500

ARoMATiSCHeR WoHLGenuSS Durch den schnellen Wechsel der Hitze von einem Differentialrezeptor zum anderen, wird über die Thermorezeptoren der Haut ein Self-Repair-Mechanismus aktiviert, um vermeintlich verbrannte Zellen zu ersetzen. Diese Verbrennung wird jedoch nur simuliert, ohne dass sie wirklich stattfindet. Somit wird eine Zellerneuerung und -revitalisierung erzielt.


€/Stk. 6,90

2 60 500 ml


Pantai-Luar ® -Spezialölmischung

5 Liter


Pantai-Luar ® -Spezialgewürzmischung

30 g


300-00 00

Pantai-Luar ® -Spezialgewürzmischung

00 g


300-0 000

Pantai-Luar ® -Spezialgewürzmischung




Kräutersäckchen Lavendel/Holunder/Rosmarin


pro Stück

Gehatex Folie weiss, 200 x 250 cm

00 Stk./Karton

pro Stück


04 0-00250

Ziegenbutter Aloe-Vera-Gel

250 ml


Q 0 24-Stunden-Creme

50 ml


Gehatex einmal-Liegetuch, 90 x 2 0 cm

50 Stk./Karton



eine Zellerneuerung und -revitalisierung erzielt und die Zellmembranstruktur gefestigt. Die Haut sieht glatt und rosig aus. nicht zuletzt trägt der exotische Duft, mit seiner Wirkung über das limbische System, zu einer tiefen entspannung der Gesichtsmuskulatur und angenehmem Wohlempfinden bei.


Pantai Herbal Belle Vissage®


Pantai Herbal Balls BeLLe ViSAGe, orange - harmonisierend, entspannend, muskellockernd, leicht kühlend, leicht durchblutend, hautpflegend. empfehlenswert zur Behandlung von Gesicht und Dekolleté.

6,70 6,50

Pantai-Luar ® -Spezialölmischung

0 590-05000 300-00030


Pantai Herbal Belle Visage® verleiht ein herrlich strahlendes Aussehen von Gesicht und Dekolleté. Der wässrige Kräuterauszug aus den Stempeln und die besondere Beschaffenheit des Vlieses befreien die Haut von abgestorbenen Hautzellen und verfeinern das Hautbild. Durch die Anregung der Mikrozirkulation und das eindringen wertvoller Öle wird

Menge 2 60

0 594-00500

Pantai Herbal oil BeLLe ViSAGe, orange

500 ml

0 594-05000

Pantai Herbal oil BeLLe ViSAGe, orange

5 Liter


Pantai Herbal Balls CALMeR, blau - beruhigend, ausgleichend, entzündungshemmend, muskelauflockernd, antibakteriell. empfehlenswert bei Hautirritationen.

€/Stk. 5,20 5,00 4,80








0 59 -00500

Pantai Herbal oil CALMeR, blau

500 ml


0 59 -05000

Pantai Herbal oil CALMeR, blau

5 Liter


Die Farbschleifen auf Stempel und Ölen erleichtern die richtige Anwendung unserer Pantai-Produkte.



Reflektionsfolie, 60 x 2 0 cm


7566 -20

Aufbereitungsgerät „Pantai“, 4 ,5 x 2 x 6 cm


Wussten Sie, dass ...

Wussten Sie, dass ...

mit Pantai Luar ® im Körper ein Self-Repair-Mechanismus ausgelöst wird? Diese Wirkung können Sie mit keiner anderen bekannten Massagetechnik erreichen.

durch Pantai Herbal Gesichtsbehandlungen Akkupressurpunkte stimuliert und Meridiane aktiviert werden? Auf diese Weise erfährt der gesamte Körper eine Tiefenentspannung und das Gesicht sieht strahlend frisch und schön aus.

Stand Mai 2007

Stand Mai 2007

Stand Mai 2007


Kurland ® Pantai Luar ® oil and bundles


Kurland ® Rasul muds

educatIon and traInIng - sPa coMPetence

Training Pantai Herbal Belle Visage ® facial massage

Feel, Experience, and Learn Training and motivating your staff are crucial factors of success. We invite you to profit from our many years of experience! Our strict demands for quality, combined with the latest findings in the fields of products and treatments, ensure an excellent standard of training. At our own training center “Reiter Alm” in Ainring near Salzburg, or on site, you and your staff can participate in various wellness and special massage trainings, including the Pantai® Massage. We particularly encourage a “hands-on” approach.

» training Program In our annually published training catalogue you will find all our courses offered at the Reiter Alm. You can easily register on our website www.reiteralm.de. For receiving our current training catalogue simply use the order form on page 71. » new! Kurland ® recipes To ensure you never run out of ideas and that you are always able to surprise your guests, we have designed a ‘Kurland ® Recipes’ book. Surprise your regular guests and gain new ones. For ordering, simply use the form on page 71.

Immediate Beauty facial trainig

Kurland ® recipe book


Haslauer rasul 速


Haslauer Rasul ®

Rasul ® 4-seater / Oriental Tendineum, Berlin / Germany

Schlosshotel Weyberhöfe, Sailauf / Germany

The Skin care Culture from the Orient The Rasul® is a very attractive ancient oriental skin care ceremony with the flair from “One Thousand and One Nights.” The original Haslauer Rasul® enchants through its impressive authenticity: hand-made ceramic in elaborate moorisharabian rich colours, towering minarets sweeping you away into the word of sultans, sheiks, and great moguls. The ceremony: mists of steam float through the room, the starry sky glows mysteriously, soft music plays in the background, and your company is hidden by fragrant mist. Instinctively, you start to apply the splendid Kurland ® muds and feel the skin becoming soft and smooth. Relaxed, you snuggle into the ergonomically-designed seats, sense the pleasant heat, and watch the stars. All in all, you feel comfortable and secure. A warm, tropical rain finally brings this splendid bathing delight to an end. You will feel newly born! Naturally, we don‘t just offer the Rasul® in the oriental style, but also in a vast selection of styles. We hope the following pages offer some inspiration.

» Steam-Proof Steam-proof cabin made of fibre-glass consisting of floor, walls, seats and dome. » Comfortable Seating – no Sliding out Ergonomically-designed seats with arm-rests made of fibre-glass, simple, quick cleaning, even heat distribution all the way up the upper back. » Clean hands – Clear Eyes A wash basin integrated in the arm rests provides fresh water during the treatment. » Unclogged Drains Integrated sedimentation basin (mud trap) keeps your drain clear. » Pleasant Room Climate through heat ventilation in intervals. » Distance Maintenance Problem-solving and programming and software updates, comfortably and quickly operated via telephone connection.

Rasul® 4-seater / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro


Haslauer rasul 速


Haslauer Rasul ®

Kurland ® Rasul ® skin care oils and muds

Rasul ® 2-seater / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Orient meets Occident The Heart of the Rasul ® Ceremony – Kurland ® Muds an Oils The special and valuable Kurland® Rasul® muds, ranging from “Bolus Alpha” to “Bolus Zeta” are not only very agreeable, but are also a true experience for your guests. The special Kurland® oil compositions, such as „Montana“, „Provence“, „Toskani“, „Tropical“ or „Tutti Frutti“ complete this wellness journey. We will be happy to inform you thoroughly on our Kurland® products.

Design plays a very important role with positioning your wellness and spa business in the market. In order to meet these requirements, we offer the Original Haslauer Rasul® in various styles, to your preference. Our selection ranges from traditional and authentic, Asian and Mediterranean, to timeless classic and current trends, such as the Zen-look or natural design, which skilfully plays with organic elements. Creativity knows, almost, no bounds. Challenge us!

Layout / Required Space:


Room height: approx. 2.7 m

Room height: approx. 2.9 m

ca. mm ca.2250 2250 mm mm ca. 2250

approx. 2.25 m

ca. 2400 mm


ca. 2400 2400 mm mm ca.

approx. 2.8 m

ca. 3400 mm

ca. 3400 3400 mm mm ca.

approx. 3.4 m

ca. 3000 mm

approx. m ca. 3000 3000 3 mm ca. mm

ca. 4100 4100 mm mm ca.

ca. 41004.1 mmm approx.

ca. mm ca.2800 2800 mm mm ca. 2800 ca. 3700 mm ca.approx. 3700 mm3.7 ca. 3700 mmm

» Further Information on our Website about the Rasul® and all other ca. ca.1250 1250 ca.More 1250 mm mm mm Haslauer facilities and equipment can be found on www.haslauer.info

2-seater Room height: approx. 2.45 m

Rasul 2-seater / Intercontinental Hotel, London / Great Britain


Haslauer rasul 速 DaY Spa


Haslauer Rasul ® Day Spa

Hull Old Rope Factory, Hull / Great Britain

Hotel Oberstdorf, Oberstdorf / Germany

Rasul® for Two The Haslauer Rasul® in its Day Spa version enables two people to enjoy this wonderful skin care ceremony in a private atmosphere. Despite the small exterior size, this Day Spa model seems spacious, but actually requires little space and can be fitted into any spa or hotel suite. This way, the Original Haslauer Rasul®’s (from page 12 on) little sister will leave nothing to be desired. Your guests will love it!

» Private Atmosphere for Two People A strong economic bonus. » Any Design Possible Like the Original Rasul® - all design varieties are possible - from traditional to modern. » The Day Spa Series Also available: the Soft-Pack-System® 1 Day Spa, complementing this range. » Full Leasing Options Request your individual offer!

Layout /Required Space:

ca. 1250 mm

approx. 1.25 m

Various styles, from Oriental and Asian to modern

m ca.approx. 24002.4mm

Room height approx. 2.4 m



Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA

Haslauer PrIessnItz BatH 速 (euroPat.)


Haslauer Priessnitz Bath ® (Europat.)

Ice technique

Rain technique

Steam Shots and Cold Stimulation » Computer-Controlled Program Number and duration of steam shots, length of ventilation, seat and room temperature – you define the optimal program.

Wellness can make you feel tired. Especially, when after certain heat treatments the cool off and refreshment phase is missing. This strains the cardio vascularsystem. The Priessnitz Bath®, named after the master of water therapy, Vinzenz Prießnitz, combines steam shots and cold stimulants at the climax of pure thermal enjoyment in just one treatment. Select either cool rain or ice for healthconscious guests. This will boost your guests’ immune system!

» Cool Rain or Ice Choose the refreshment you would like to offer your guests. The 3 Phases in the Priessnitz Bath® » Haslauer Water Preparation No limescale – an almost maintenance free system offers high operating safety. Further information on page 64. 1) Warming up

2) Steam shots

» Design Can be arranged individually – to your preference.

3) Refreshment

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

ca. 2250 mm

ca. 2250 mm

ca. 3400 mm

ca. 3000 mm

approx. m ca. 3000 3 mm

ca. 4150 mm

Ø ca. 3150 mm

Ø ca. 3150 mm

approx. ca. 43004.3 mmm

» Flexible Use The Priessnitz Bath® can be used as a conventional steam room or heat cabin.

2250 ca. ca. 2250 mmmm ca. 3000 mm mm ca. ca. 3000 mm2800 ca. 4350 mm m approx. 4.35

Ø approx.

ca. 4150 3.15 m mm

approx. 3 m

Room height: approx. 2.8 m as well as in any preferred shape

Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany


Haslauer stoneBatH 速



Haslauer StoneBath ®


Hotel Oberstdorf, Oberstdorf / Germany

The Elemental Wellness Alternative With the Haslauer Stonebath® guests experience elemental forces, which occur deep-down in the earth’s core, in an awe-inspiring fashion. Mineral stones are heated in the oven. Then the basket containing the hot stones is dipped into a basin filled with cold water. The sizzling stones set free all their valuable contents: minerals are released and dispersed as aerosols within the room. This has a great effect on inhalation. This extraordinary “Steam bath experience” will be greatly appreciated by your guests. An increase in humidity and room temperature can be achieved through the repeated lifting and lowering of the basket. Slowly, the guests become acclimatized to the rising temperatures and humidity. This leads to a special kind of well-being that is also gentle on the cardiosystem. The mild hyperthermia is intensified through targeted heat in the seating area. If a steam bath offers your guests well-being, in combination with elemental “forces”, then it is, without a doubt, the elemental Haslauer Stonebath®.

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

Stonebath ® oven country style

Reiter Alm Spa & Wellness, Ainring / Germany

» More than just Pouring Water over Sizzling Stones Well-being through steam, in combination with elemental “activity” – only available with the Original Haslauer Stonebath®.

ca. 3800 mm

approx. 3.8 m

» Circulation-friendly Perspiration by a gentle increase in room temperature and humidity.

approx. m ca. 45004.5 mm

» Controlled Steam Shots by an electrically-controlled ceiling ventilation system. See page 62.

Room height: approx. 2.3 m as well as in any preferred shape

Acquaviva Beauty Center / Alpin Wellness Hotel Kristiania, Cogolo di Pejo / Italy


Haslauer BrecHelBatH 速 (euroPat.)


Haslauer BrechelBath ® (Europat.)

Modern Brechelbath® / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Lebensquell Bad Zell, Bad Zell / Austria

Fir Tree Scent and so Much More The Haslauer Brechelbath® – an attractive alternative to a “conventional” Bio or herbal sauna! Mild heat, real herbs, warm wood, and fir tree needles – a pleasure for young and old. The gentle increase in temperature and the herbal steam shots activate intense perspiration without straining the circulation. Additionally, the fir tree needles on the floor boost the circulation in the soles of the feet by a soft massaging effect. Furthermore, a genuine „fir tree scent“ miraculously unblocks the respiratory passsages! The original design of the Haslauer Brechelbath® captivates due to its authenticity. The wood-panelled room is a replica of an Alpine Brechel cabin. The Brechelbath® oven, its copper crown filled with fir cones and twigs, is situated in the center. The herbal steam shots rise and set free the spicy aroma of a forest. The steam moves down the walls and gently strokes the backs of your guests. Naturally, a Brechelbath® can also be realised in a modern design.

» Individually Controlled Program Number and duration of steam shots, length of ventilation, seat and room temperature – you define the optimal program. » Haslauer Water Preparation No limescale – an almost maintenance free system, safe operating. Find more information on page 64. » Controlled Steam Shots The warm air does not get “trapped” at the ceiling, pleasant steam shots are pushed down by the ventilation system.

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

approx. 2.8 m

ca. 2800 mm

» Special Copper Ceiling guides the heat down to the backs of the guests. » Massage Effect and Hygiene Fir twigs have a pleasant massaging effect on the foot soles and provide natural hygiene through essential oils. approx. 4 m

Room height: approx. 2.3 m

ca. 4000 mm

as well as in any preferred shape country style version / Waldhotel Tann, Klobenstein-Ritten / Italy


Haslauer steaMBatH


Haslauer SteamBath

Haslauer Steambath with colour-light beams / Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany

Kurland ® fruity steambath peel

Herbs and Steam The Haslauer Steambath and its integrated herb evaporator is the modern counterpart to the genuine oriental Steambath. The extraordinary effectiveness of a steambath is found in the interaction between steam, natural herbal scents and a pleasant conductive transfer of heat in the seating area. The precise coordination of these factors guarantees a pleasant and stimulating bath experience for your guests. Our Steambaths consist of completely water and steam proof cabins and benches. Of course, the design will be tailored to your requirements. Pleasant and agreeable temperatures (43-46° C / 109-115 °F), high humidity, genuine herbal aroma, soft lights and relaxing music – your guests could not experience a classic steambath any better. The skin is supplied with blood, the respiratory passages cleansed, and the immune system strengthened.

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

ca. 2250 mm ca. 2250 mm

approx. 2.25 ca. 2250 mmm

ca. 3000 mm

ca. 3000 mm approx. m ca. 3000 3mm

Ø ca. 3150 mm

Ø ca. 3150 mm Ø ca. 3150 mm

ca. 2250 2250 mm ca. ca. 2250 mmmm

Ø approx. 3.15 m

ca. 3000 3000 ca. ca. 3000 mmmm approx. 3 mm m

approx. 2.25 m

» Individually Controlled Program Number and duration of steam shots, length of ventilation, seat and room temperature – you define the optimal program. » Haslauer Water Preparation No limescale – an almost maintenance free system and high operating safety. Find more information on page 64. » Design The Haslauer Steambath can be designed individually – to your preference. » Atmosphere with Lights Using either colour-light beams, or a starry sky with Swarovski® crystals – light creates a very special atmosphare. Choose from many possibilities. » Genuine Herbal Aroma The Haslauer steam system allows the use of real herbs.

Room height: approx. 2.3 m as well as in any favoured shape

Steambath with Swarovski® crystal-light magic / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro


Haslauer sauna


Haslauer Sauna

Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany

Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Work up a Good Sweat The Finnish Sauna is a hot air bath with temperatures between 80 and 100 °C (176 and 212 °F) and a relative humidity of 3 to 8 % . The seating area is situated in tiers around the sauna oven. The Haslauer Saunas can be operated in different ways, depending on your requirements, e.g. as a Finnish Sauna, a Bio sauna, a vitalizing herbal bath, an invigorating steam bath, or as a hot air bath – each with various temperatures and humidity. Haslauer offers saunas in various wood styles (e.g. spruce, hemlock or old wood) and in different designs, e.g. as a castle parlour, a country style old wood sauna or as a sauna in organic design. The oven can either be placed against the wall or in the center of the sauna and be clad in various materials. Solid construction, carefully chosen wood, approved techniques, and the love of workmanship go into the composition of our sauna. Turn your sauna into an oasis of relaxation.

» Everything from One Source One contact partner, one style, the integration of a sauna area without difficulty while planning your wellness area. » Various Functions Finnish sauna, Bio sauna, vitalizing herbal sauna, invigorating steambath, hot air bath. » Individual Design Any kind of design is possible, from country style and puristic to a natural design. Just ask us! » Interval-Controlled Ceiling Ventilation Programmed steam shots for a pleasant heat experience. More information on page 62.

Sauna huts with pool / Passauer Erlebnisbad, Passau / Germany Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany





Millwheel Shower / Reiter Alm Spa & Wellness, Ainring / Germany

Double shower in a snake skin design / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

A Pleasure – Not a Necessity! We offer showers with various features for your spa & wellness area, using hand-made ceramic, as well as mosaic and industrial tiles. Choose from a range of square, circular or snail showers and get to know our experience techniques, such as “ice-fog”, “tropical or thunderstorm rain”, “waterfall” showers with sound effects and the “Millwheel shower”. Naturally, we also offer individual shapes, designs and functions. Turn your showers into a great pleasure for your guests!

Round shower with experience effects Mount Wolseley / Ireland

» Refreshment Kick – the Millwheel Shower The extraordinary millwheel is turned by water power. The water, apparently coming from the millwheel shovels, pours out in intervals, alternately warm and cold, onto the person taking a shower. A true refreshment kick after visiting a hot sauna!

Schlosshotel Weyberhöfe, Sailauf / Germany

Double shower / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro


Haslauer saBBIa Med 速


Haslauer Sabbia Med ®

Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro / Interior design BioDesign

Reiter Alm Spa & Wellness, Ainring / Germany

Sun Energy for High Spirits ‘Summer, sand, and sun’. With the Haslauer Sabbia Med ® you can satisfy your guests’ yearning for light, heat, and a holiday feeling, at any time – even during winter! It is without any doubt, that the human organism requires a certain dose of sunlight in order to be able to function. The creation of the essential vitamin D would not be possible without the influence of the sun. Even the so-called ‘winter depression’ can be counteracted with the help of the Sabbia Med ®.

» Perfect Light System No light irritation to the eye, due to ideally situated light sources and the ceiling mirror for light reflection. » Individual Design with Customization by wall mural painting or cladding in various materials, colour light modules, as well as individual programs.

During the cold and dark winter season, in which the human eye and the skin only receive a few sun rays, a summer holiday can be simulated - from sunrise to sunset. Clean, warm, sand, gentle light, the pleasant intensity of a late summer’s day, surrounded by soft music, makes you forget these dreary days. The Haslauer Sabbia Med® offers a steady, daylight-similar brightness, gentle UV radiation and a stimulation of the metabolism.

» Hygienic Sand Surface An integrated UVC sterilizing lamp ensures a hygienic sand surface.

approx. 4 m

ca. 4000 mm

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

Program course simulates a sunny day on a sandy beach approx. 3.9 m ca. 3900 mm

Room height: approx. 2.7 m

as well as in any preferred shape Sabbia Med ® Day Spa / Interbad Düsseldorf 2007 / Germany


Haslauer BrIne-lIgHt-rooM

Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA

A Sea Breeze in your Wellness Area Âť resistant against the effects of salt Only brine resistant materials are used (e.g. an integrated basin made of plastic).

With the Haslauer Brine-Light-Room you are able to create a sea climate in your wellness or spa area. Factors, such as inhalation (brine inhalation) and soft colour effects are of therapeutic importance. Brine, flowing down the cascades, creates a fascinating interaction of various colours. This ambience is especially suitable for atmospheric projections coming from a video projector or an alternating coloured light projector. Enchant your guests!

Âť Various stone surfaces The cascade can be clad with various stones.

Reiter Alm Spa & Wellness, Ainring / Germany


Salt crystals

salIna tHorn rooM

Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany

Liberating – A Genuine Pleasure » cleansing effect for skin irritations. Suggested Layout / Required Space:

approx. 4.2 m

ca. 4200 mm

Nowadays, the Salina Thorn Rooms are used for inhaling salt-enriched air. Aerosols, created by dispersing brine, have a soothing effect on the respiratory tract. In the course of time, beautiful white crystal appear on the white thorn twigs. A pleasant and relaxing ambience that thrills guests!

» relieves the respiratory Passages The ideal brine mist gives relief to the respiratory passages. Very soothing for people suffering from asthma.

ca. 5500 mm

The Salina Thorn Room consists of a wooden rack filled with white thorn twigs. In earlier times, it was a technique used by salt mines to increase the salt concentration in the brine. In such times the brine would flow down the white thorns and water was evaporated by wind and sun. At the same time, the impurities from the brine were caught in the twigs. Therefore money, normally needed for boiling the brine in order to release salt, was saved.

approx. . m

Room height approx. 2.3 m as well as in any preferred shape


Haslauer BreadBatH

Reiter Alm Spa & Wellness, Ainring / Germany

» Ideal starter Subsequent treatments will be more successful, as the metabolism is already activated. A good start to a successful wellness day.

Freshly Baked - A Wonderful Scent! A mild heat bath and the scent of baking at the same time – your guests will be amazed. The wonderful fragrance of freshly baked bread literally whets your appetite for life. The center point is a big bread baking oven spreading the pleasant scent of bread. The released sour dough enzymes activate the metabolism. Guests enjoy dry, mild heat in comfortable seats. This room can be used as a resting room or as a “starter” for subsequent treatments.

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

approx. 3. m

» simple cleaning and Maintenance Hygienic fibre glass seats, maintenance free bread baking oven. » Interesting added Value This bread oven bakes very tasty bread.

ca. 3500 mm

» unique Heat Bath with metabolic-activating enzymes. Fitted with heated seats and a heated bed with a grain bag cushion. (enzyme bath).

approx. 3. m ca. 3500 mm

Room height approx. 2. m as well as in any preferred shape Waldhotel Tann, Klobenstein-Ritten / Italy


Haslauer lIgHt & sound relax

Hotel Escorial, Playa del Ingles / Spain

Plunge into the World of Colours Every colour has its special effect. The colour blue, for example, is the equivalent to the element water and symbolizes calmness. Blue stimulates concentration and has a positive effect on the vegetative nervous system. With the Haslauer Light & Sound Relax, we have created a special area, allowing a relaxation with all senses, using light, music, and, waterbeds. Send your guests on a journey of restfullness of a special kind.

Âť Ideal light distribution The special, centrally positioned light funnel makes sure that the light is perfectly distributed throughout the room. Âť Minimal requirement of space The Light & Sound Relax zone can even be integrated in small rooms with limited space without extensive construction effort.

approx. 7.1 m

ca. 7100 mm

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

Room height: approx. 2.2 m Various colours in the Haslauer Light & Sound Relax Zone

The lamp shade can also be built around a pillar as well as in any preferred shape


World Innovation An extraordinary ceremony for couples and singles

SALVE-in-Terra (EUropat.)



Couples‘ treatment with Kurland ® créme peeling

The Magic of the Touch With the Haslauer Salve-in-terra ®, guests embark on a journey into a world of emotions. Gentle swaying in a warm créme peeling turns a touch into a true ceremony. An unique, unforgettable skin care experience, which can be enjoyed by couples and singles.

Single treatment, application of the créme peeling

» special double Bed The special double bed within the Salve-in-terra® allows couples’ as well as single treatments.


the salve-in-terra® ceremony: Guests choose their own scented oil mixture for the treatment. A special cube offers a choice of various music styles, which can be changed at any time (more information on page 60). Then the bathing pleasure begins: Your guests lie down on the heated bed – undressed - the warm créme peeling is applied and fragrant steam fills the cabin. The relaxing swaying of the double bed enables your guests to gently slide back and forth. Beside the charms of scents and music, the modern light system and Swarovski® crystals are a “touching sight” for the eye. At the end of the ceremony, guests can indulge in flamboyant fun! The sides of the bed are lifted upwards, similar to a mussel shell. Also the kind of cleansing and refreshment can be choosen: either a tropical rain shower or a refreshing ice rain; that’s up to you!

Wolf Hotels Alpine Palace, Saalbach-Hinterglemm / Austria

Medicine and Science From a scientific view, the rocking movement in the créme peeling during the Salve-in-terra® treatment effects a “skin-and-me-experience” with singles and, a “skin-and-us-experience” with couples. Medically speaking, the connection between Oxytocin and Cortisol plays an important role. By rocking and touching, Oxytocin is increased and Cortisol, the stress hormone, decreased. Oxytocin, which is also known as the hormone influencing faithfulness, supports a harmonious partnership. salve-in-terra ® coming together information




“skin-and-me- “skin-and-usexperience” experience” OXYTOCIN increase CORTISOL decrease

» an experience for all senses Salve-in-terra® is an experience for all senses, pampering especially our largest sensory organ – the skin. » Various treatments From cocoa, algae, moor, and chalk to the special Kurland ® Salve-in-terra® créme peeling. Anything is imaginable. » choose Music with the cube The cube allows to playfully choose your music style during the treatment. » Integrated Marketing Package Every client choosing the Salve-interra® receives free advertising material and information for websites and brochures.


Haslauer - World Innovation - Salve-in-terra ®


Cost-Effectiveness at its Best! Either as a hotel owner, wellness or spa operator – cost-effectiveness is crucial. The automatic room cleaning of the Salve-in-terra® guarantes lower staff expenses and we specially put emphasis on the flexibility of placing it. The cabin can easily be integrated in your wellness area, in alignment with your range of offers. Its acrylic glass exterior fits well in small rooms – it can even be the highlight of your Spa suite. Moreover, the longevity, due to its fibre glass surfaces and the low product costs per treatment speak a language for itself.

» Automatic Bed and Room Cleaning guarantees low staff costs, plus, the climate gets stabilized after each ceremony. » Individually Adjustable Program Tropical rain or ice in the end of the treatment - selected with or without lifting the sides of the bed. Treatment time, steam intensity and many more factors are adjustable. » Quick Installation The Salve-in-terra® is installed quickly and therefore ready to be used in only a few days. » Integrated Hand Showers Two hand showers are integrated in the cabin, making a seperate shower nonessential.

Cabin made of acrylic glass


» Comfortable Lying and Sliding The special liner on the bed allows a comfortable lying and sliding, whether you are big or small, slim or robust. » Atmospheric Lights Chose from different atmospheric lights: Swarovksi® crystals, light spots or colour light.

Required Space:

Automatic cleaning of bed and cabin

Cleaning technique

Øapporx. ca. 3100 3.1 mm m Room height: approx. 2.5 m

HaSlauer Soft-pacK-SYStem 速 I / DaY Spa


Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® I / Day Spa

Original Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® I

Hay bath treatment in the Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® 1

Completely Weightless Dim lighting, a lovingly designed room, and right in the middle, the elegant Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® I Day Spa. Valuable crémes, fragrant nourishing oils, herbs, algae, blossoms and leaves are ready to be applied during the treatment. Your guests can simply relax and enjoy. The nourishing créme is applied with gentle strokes. Soft and smoothly, the body is cocooned in the membrane. The bed is lowered without a sound and a warm, comfy, and weightless feeling is sensed. Tentatively, heat approaches the body. Neither disturbing music, light effects, nor noisy massage jets interrupt this unique relaxation experience. Simply wonderful! Only with the Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® I will your guests plunge deeply and be completely cocooned in just the right temperature. A thin, smooth membrane surrounds the body, so that guests are not in direct contact with the water. The membrane cuddles the body due to the water pressure and the products are able to seep into the skin (occlusion effect). This way, the body can absorb more active agents. The pure and natural Kurland ® products used are not diluted and are without preservatives. Gradually, increasing temperatures and weightless reclining lead to a relaxation of the muscles and the support apparatus which in turn increases the therapeutic effectiveness.

» Robust and Durable Thousands of Haslauer Soft-Pack-Systems® in various practices and spas worldwide have proven to be reliable - for over 25 years now. » Ready to Plug in Delivery Soft-Pack-System® I Day Spa and SoftPack-System® I with integrated pump can be used without air pressure and are delivered ready to plug in. » High Reliability Little cleaning and low maintenance necessary. » Full Leasing Possible Request your individual offer! » Special membrane Very soft and cuddly - only available with Haslauer

Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® I Day Spa / Reiter Alm Spa & Wellness, Ainring / Germany


Haslauer Soft-pacK-SYStem ® I / DaY Spa

Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® I / Four Seasons, Maui Hawaii / USA

A Variety of Treatments » new: recipe Book Within our new ‘Kurland ® Recipe Book’ you will find a vast variety of treatment possibilities for the SoftPack-System® I. Order this extraordinary and practical book by filling in the Form on Page 71. » treatment training in our training center “Reiter Alm” or on site. If you decide on the Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® you will receive a reduction on any related training course at “Reiter Alm”. Just ask us!


Due to its various treatment possibilities, the Original Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® I has long since become an essential standard requirement for treatment professionals. It allows various treatments, such as a cosmetic skin care, body wraps, Moor mud and fango wraps, hay baths, Cleopatra wraps, as well as Thalasso and Vino treatments. The Original Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® I is the ideal system for body wraps. A facial treatment can also be done at the same time for a highly efficient service. More than 30 recipes enable you to offer attractive, new Spa treatments time and again. The Original Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® I is therefore an ideal piece of equipment for every Hotel Spa or Treatment Suite. The sophisticated technique convinces with extraordinary longevity, a specially soft and durable membrane, ‘ready to plug’ performance, and simple assembly.

Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® I Day Spa / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Kurland ® créme wrap with the Soft-Pack-System ® 1

Day Spa – The Compact Alternative Are you interested in our modern, elegantly designed Day Spa range? The lifting system with integrated pump and the use of fibre glass make the Soft-Pack-System® 1 Day Spa a attractive and very economical piece of equipment for body treatments. Available in various colours, its design will definitely suit the style of your wellness area. We will be happy to show and explain to you both systems!

Soft-Pack-System® 1 The Original

Soft-Pack-System® 1 Day Spa Modern and Compact

ca. 1150 mm

1.15 m

1.05 m

ca. 1050 ca. 1150 mm mm

ca. 1050 1050 ca. mm mm


Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® I / Day Spa

2.21 m or 2.36 m

ca. 2250 2400 mm • high-quality stainless steel tub available with 2 different lifting techniques: - with an integrated pump

2.4 m

ca. 2400 2250 mm mm ca.

» Individual Cladding Design The Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® I offers a variety of cladding possibilities. From skai-leather, wood, and stone to a tiled cladding. Moreover, the customer can even supply his own cladding. With the Day Spa model, you can choose from 200 RAL colours. » Simple Cleaning of the skai leather cladding of the SoftPack-System® I, as well as the fibre glass surface of the Day Spa version. » Efficiency low maintenance due to its lifting technique and the internal pump, high ca. 2400 mm reliability, and low operating costs.

• fibre glass surface • new lifting technique with integrated pump (hydraulic)

(hydraulic) system

• available in 200 RAL colours

- with a compressed air system

• very elegant design

» Instructions and Support Technical instructions during installation and expert support via phone.

• any cladding possible (wood, tiles, stone, skai-leather ...) • more than 25 years in use


HaSlauer Soft-pacK-SYStem 速 II / WaVe MotIon


Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® II / Wave Motion

Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® II water-floating bath

Easy to get in and out with the Soft-Pack-System ® II

Swaying and Floating The heated, body-shaped tub of the Haslauer-Soft-Pack-System® II picks guests up while standing and brings them back to an upright position after the treatment. For the treatment, warm water is filled in between tub and disposable folio – the body starts to float. By swaying and rocking the tub back and forth the supporting muscles of the inner organs are alternately tensed and relaxed. This creates a special sense of well-being and leads to an increased perception of the body. The shower for guests during the Haslauer Soft-Pack-System® II treatment is omitted and is replaced by a pleasant cleansing bath. The Wave Motion surf tub rewards your guests with a special wellness experience. While relaxing in a fragrant oil and herbal soak, the tub slowly moves back and forth. This gives the body the feeling of being enveloped by a soft surf. The consumption of water is kept low and a treatment with highly concentrated products can be offered, thanks to the body-shaped tub.

Soft-Pack-System® II

Wave Motion / Hotel Waldschlösschen Mühlenteich - Spa Rosarium, Varel / Germany

» Comfortable to Get In and Out due to the movable bed of the SoftPack-System® II, the system prevents the overstretching of muscles. » Quick and Deep Relaxation as the inner organs are lightly lifted out of the supporting muscle apparatus. » 3 Functions in One • Water-Floating bath with folio • Cleansing bath with a shower • Aqua floating (rocking bath)

Wave Motion


0.505 m

ca. 800 mm

ca. 800 mm


0.8 m 2.09 m

ca. 2090 mm

ca. 370

ca. 505

0.37 m

0.8 m 2.09 m

» Simple Cleaning Cleaning is reduced immensely as the guest is showered within the tub. » Individual Regulation of amount of water enveloping the body.

ca. 2090 mm Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® II / Studio S, Großräschen / Germany


Haslauer Wet Massage taBle HaMaM/PantaI 速


Haslauer Wet Massage Table Hamam/Pantai ®

Hamam soap massage / Cassiopeia Therme, Badenweiler / Germany

Haslauer wet massage table with mosaic tiling

Oriental Bath – Modern Scrubs The greatness of the Oriental bathing culture lies in the combination of ambience and effectiveness – sensitively shaped to every day habits. Indulgence, silence, and idleness are emphasized with the Hamam. The Haslauer wet massage table Hamam/Pantai® is a multi-functional, heightadjustable treatment table with a circulating edge and a form fitting, heated surface. The attractive design can be suited to the style of your wellness area and emphasizes the skills of the therapist. The integrated, extendable warm and cold water hand shower enables a simple showering-off of the guests while on the table. Offer your various treatments on one single table: from the Oriental Hamam soap massage and assorted scrubs to the Kurland ® Pantai® Herbal massages.

» Multi-functional Use The Haslauer wet massage table Hamam/Pantai® can be used for any wet massage, such as the Hamam soap massage, bodys crubs or the Kurland® Pantai® Herbal massages. Many treatments on just one bed. » It is Good for the Back The height is steplessly adjustable. Its two elevating pillars make it very steady. » Quick Cleaning The smooth fibre glass surface is easy to clean and absolutely hygienic.

Measurements: m ca.0.9900 mm 2.35 m

ca. 2350 mm Kurland ® Pantai Herbal Body ® massage on the Haslauer wet massage table

Hotel Schönruh, Seefeld / Austria


Haslauer KraxenstoVe 速


Haslauer KraxenStove ®

Waidringer Hof, Waidring / Austria

Hotel Waldschlösschen Mühlenteich - Spa Rosarium, Varel / Germany

A Tradition from The Alps The Haslauer Kraxenstove® is a variant of the group hay bath with all its soothing and well known benefits. Haslauer has taken this well-respected wellness experience and developed a modern treatment: placed in the individual ambience of your wellness area, the spicy Alpine hay spreads its scent from behind comfortable and heated seats, its herbal mist softly stroking the backs of your guests.

» Fibre Glass Body with Integrated Technology Simple and quick installation - can be covered with various materials.

Take a seat and enjoy! Heat rises through the hay pads and relaxes the entire back. At the same time, the pelvis muscle is gently heated. In order to target the herbal mist directly to the back and neck region the guest is wrapped in a kind of “cape”. The characteristic scent comes from the essential oils (cumarine) in the hay and, combined with the pleasant warmth, has a soothing and invigorating effect whilst unblocking the respiratory passages in a miraculous way.

ca. 605 605 ca. mm ca.mm 605 mm

ca. 1040 ca. ca.1040 1040 mm mm mm

approx. 2,2 m approx. 1,5 m

2 seats Room height: approx. 2.3 m as well as in any preferred shape

3 seats

4 seats

Kraxenöfen Kraxenöfen

Suggested Layout / Required Space:

» Light Barrier controls the operation independently, therefore less staff involvement and energy-saving. » Simple Cleaning and Maintenance Ready to use hay pads, hygienic seat covers, and a fibre glass surface guarantee minimal cleaning effort. » Model with Wheels enables a simple set up. The ideal warmth for cool evenings on the terrace. » Ideal before any Massage due to gentle hyperthermia of back and neck muscles. » Full Leasing Possible Ask for your individual offer!

Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA


Massage and FacIal BencHes


Massage and Facial Benches

Wellness bench / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Luxury Pedicure/Manicure chair Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA

The Right Place to Lie Down You need the right bench for a Well-being massage and the same goes for a relaxing facial. Whether for the Sassi dei Vulcano® stone massage, the Pantai® massages, aroma massages, Ayurvedic treatments or classic massages - with us you will find the most suitable massage bench, pedicure and manicure chair, and the right facial chair for cosmetic treatments. Electric height adjustment, arm and head rests, a wide selection of colours – we will gladly send you an offer for the model you request.

» Suitable Treatment Techniques We not only deliver treatment benches, but can also show you suitable treatments. Plus, we can train your staff in specialized treatment techniques. » New: Kurland ® Passei A combination massage with hot Pantai Luar ® bundles and stones. » New: Kurland ® Pantai Salis A Spa concept treatment, including body aroma scrub massage with wooden sticks and warm, balancing salt-lavender bundles.

Pedicure chair “Forte” with massage function by European Touch

Facial chair “Ergo”

» Immediate Beauty A special facial effect treatment with hand movements used in the ‘Chinese facial bath’, combined with a warm hay bag placed on the stomach and the use of the highly effective Kurland® plant serums.

Treatment bench for Kurland ® Pantai ®, Sassi dei Vulcano ®, Ayurveda or classic massages


Haslauer KIng’s BatH tuB


Haslauer King’s Bath Tub

Haslauer King’s Bath, Reiter Alm Spa & Wellness, Ainring / Germany

Kurland ® apple foam bath with oil composition

Bathe like the Emperor Measurements:

ca. 855 mm

approx. 0.85 m

With the Haslauer King’s bath tub your guests go on a journey back to the time of kings and emperors. This show-piece is an elaborate tub made of massive bell bronze. In a bathing ceremony of this quality, you will certainly not find any common bath additives. In fact, specially selected, delicate, dried herbs, such as lavender, camomile and roses or special salt-oil compositions, are added. The nostalgic style, the size and the special shape of the tub invite to enjoy a sensual bath “à deux”.

approx. 2.1 m

ca. 2100 mm

Modell Spoon XL / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Bathing ceremony with Kurland ® bath oil

Individual Design As well as the King’s tub we can supply bath tubs in any design and size, suiting your wellness area and your preferences.

Haslauer King’ bath / Hotel Waldschlösschen Mühlenteich - Spa Rosarium, Varel / Germany


relaxatIon rooM / restIng BencHes

Relexation room Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Pure Relaxation Âť resting as a Principle After a hyperthermia of the body, the cardiovascular-system has to be given time to get back to normal. This procedure requires a resting bench, which quieten the psyche and does not raise the temperature and humidity, but balances it. Heated beds are therefore not suitable after hypothermia treatments. We will be happy to show you suitable resting benches.

An important therapeutic aspect often neglected is resting after any kind of heat treatment. Even after treatments with oil, resting is necessary, so that the oils can be absorbed effectively. Having the right bed, a suitable wellness atmosphere and a nice cup of tea or refreshing lime-flavoured water, turns resting into a ceremony for your guests.

Design Lounger LC4 / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro Interior Design BioDesign


Relaxation Room / Resting Benches

Relax Loungers / Hotel Splendid 5* Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Model Esmeralda

The Different Models The Design Lounger LC4 is the right choice if you are looking for a classic and timeless designer bed. A comfortable leather cover and individual adjustment possibilities are further highlights of this very special chair. The Relax Lounger convinces with comfort and contemporary design. Its shape optimally suits the human body. Guests feel light and, therefore, can experience total relaxation. It comes with a skai-leather cushion and a neck rest.

Model Dondolo

The Dondolo Rocking Chair is a unique combination of a relaxing bench, bed, and rocking chair. It offers great relaxation, relieves the strain on the spinal cord, and allows a „feet up“ position. The Resting Bed Esmeralda is a combination of a relaxing bed and decorative item and complements a Mediterranean or Asian wellness area perfectly. Its sedan-chair shape is made to provide carefree relaxation and a pleasant rest. The Relax Waterbed is a water bed especially made for the wellness and spa industry. It is much softer than a traditional water bed and guarantees pure relaxation. Naturally, we offer various designs. With the Fly and Swing Bed, guests feel as if they are floating. This bed is attached to the frame with two ropes. The position of the bed is motioned into a rocking movement through an electric drive mechanism.

Model Fly and Swing

» The Perfect Bed for You We also gladly offer you other designs, so that your relaxation room will harmonize perfectly with your wellness or spa area.


snoW-Fall and Ice FountaIns

Snow-fall shower / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Arctic Refreshment » an extraordinary sight This Snow-fall technique, which is an extraordinary sight, can be very attractively fitted into a shower with transparent walls.

Freezing snow-flakes softly falling onto your guests’ heated bodies – an invigorating tingle. Even hours later the refreshing effect can be felt. The circulation becomes stimulated, the immune system strengthened and the skin tightened. A ceramic ice-fountain is a another very attractive way to offer your guests an extraordinary refreshment kick.

» simple Installation This Snow-fall technique is fixed on top of the shower cabin or built in to a recessed ceiling. » Ice Machine for Ice Fountains The Ice Machine consists of a complete cooling technique which accommodates the fountain with the required amount of crushed ice. The ice vent transports the ice to the fountain.

Vertical section


Horizontal section

Horizontalschnitt Ice technique of a Snow-fall shower


Ice-fountain / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

decoratIVe FountaIns

O‘Sinitri, Landshut / Germany

Water – The Source of Life Water has always been very important in all cultures. It indicates clearly that everything is “in a state of flux”. Flowing water has a balancing, calming and relaxing effect. A fountain is an ideal decorative item for your relaxation rooms and / or public areas. An individual design and well-choosen materials will make your fountain a real eye-catcher.

» Various Possibilities The material defines the effect. That is why we offer fountains in stone, ceramic, and copper in various designs. » drinking Water Fountain in your spa A fountain is not only a decorative element, but can also be used as a drinking water fountain.

Kurnen fountain

Cascade fountain made of copper

Oriental fountain in a Hamam

PreParatIon desKs and counters

Day Spa entrance area with front desk

Everything Within Reach! » Individually Made Our preparation desks and counters are made-to-measure. They consist of a wooden base with solid doors and/or drawers, as well as a solid worktop made of laminated plastic or hand-made ceramic.

In order to ensure a trouble-free treatment procedure, it is important for your therapist to have all treatment products handy. With our preparation desks, the required products (oils, crémes, muds …) can be prepared easily. The built-in heater keeps everything nicely warm. Always, a round stainless steel wash basin with standard fitting is integrated in the desks.

Hotel Liebes Roth Flüh, Haldensee / Austria


Wonnemar Donau Therme, Ingolstadt / Germany

decoratIVe FIres

„Montenegrine Fire“ / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

The Power of Fire From the beginning of mankind, fire has always held great fascination. It stands for warmth, energy, and vitality. Every room gains immense comfort with an open fire. Haslauer’s decorative fires burn with organic alcohol and leave no residues. Therefore, they are ideal to use in relaxation rooms, saunas, and even in spa-suites. Your guests will feel and love the difference.

» no residues Due to a high percentage of Bioalcohol (96%), there are no ashes and combustion gases. Completely odourless combustion. » an attractive sight With an open fire you will be able to offer your guests an attraction, simple to operate and install. No technical requirements necessary – any surface possible, less work than with a fire place.

Finnish Sauna with a decorative fire / Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany

» Individual adaptable Whether country style or modern, we offer fire attractions for every taste. Decorative chopped wood made of ceramic complements our offer.


HaSlauer DaY Spa Wall elemeNtS

Reiter Alm Day Spa, Ainring / Germany

Peace and Harmony Your spa or wellness worlds have to awaken emotions and well-being. The design of your rooms does play a crucial role in conveying peace and harmony. For hotels, spas and therapy practices we offer light, flexible arrangeable wall elements which can be used in various ways and are convincing due to good price-performance-ratio. Integrated in the treatment room

» natural Materials and untreated surfaces create a friendly and warm ambience. » Various Possibilities Lightweight walls, décor wood or translucent membranes, various illumination features, but also ceiling covers and room dividers create it a unique atmosphere. Possible use of Day Spa wall elements


Wooden Floors

Wooden floor in a Day Spa

Barefoot on Nature! Wood is a natural material, and experienced best when walking barefoot on a genuine wooden floor. Wooden floors create a friendly, harmonious and warm atmosphere, especially in spa and wellness areas. It goes without saying, that great demands are made on the choice of material in treatment rooms and wet areas.

» choose for Yourself We deliver and / or lay wooden floors. » news The new thermal wooden floor “Mirqua” by Mirako is 100 % water-resistant and at the same time is laid simply and quickly. Choose from various designs and surfaces!

Miraqua, thermal wood by Mirako


MusIc and sound

Cube for choosing the music

A Playful Experimental Journey » a Playful start The cube allows a playful access to music in your wellness area. » Various Functions Possible With the help of the Soundcube technique you not only have a choice of different music, but also the possibility to control colour light features. » Innovative technique The cube operates without a cable. All your equipment can have a music speaker function, e.g. the benches, the cabin etc. » suitable for any room e.g. the Steambath, the Brechelbath®, Finnish Sauna or Salve-in-terra®

Music is a matter of taste. Some people enjoy listening to meditative and relaxing music and others prefer stimulating and rhythmic sounds. Let your guests choose! Haslauers Soundcube offers different music styles. In a playful way, your guests discover their favourite song by placing the cube on a number – no matter when. Number 1 is silence. An attractive accessory.

Dominant green and yellow Classical – String Orchestra

Dominant blue and green Soft pop music

Dominant red and yellow Piano music – soft

red and yellow and green Classical music

Dominant yellow and green Asian music

Music and colour effects are switched off

Example program selection for the music and coloured-light system in Salve-in-terra ®



Starry sky with Swarovski ® crystals / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Light is Life Only with light does a room gain atmosphere. The clever selection and positioning of light elements decide whether a guest feels comfortable or not. We are happy to work out an individual illumination concept for you.

Colour-light beams in a steam bath

Colour-light elements in a sauna

Colour-light wall elements built into to the walls

Spot-lights emphasizing wall elements

» Various Illumination systems We offer a wide range from simple spot-lights, colour lights or LED systems to glass fibre technology. This way Saunas, Steamrooms, the Rasul® or Salve-in-terra® can be fitted with a starry sky, Swarovksi® crystals or colour light beams of your choice.


InterVal-controlled ceIlIng VentIlator

Interval-controlled ceiling ventilator by Haslauer with automatic cleaning jet

The Heat Experience » experience the effect The warm air does not stay on the ceiling, but pleasant shots of steam are pushed down by the ventilator. » Flexible use Ideal for any Sauna, Stonebath®, Steam bath or other heat cabins. » temperatures up to 120 °c / 248 °F Due to a specially-designed, concealed drive mechanism, the ceiling ventilator can be used in dry rooms with temperatures up to 120 °C / 248 °F. A special model is available for wet areas.

The interval-controlled ceiling ventilator is responsible for pushing down the accumulated warm air in certain time sequences, thus preventing it from staying at the ceiling. This provides on the one hand an additional pleasure due to stimulating heat, and on the other hand a more even distribution of heat.

Climate in a Sauna

Climate in a Sauna

without ceiling ventilator 107°C/ 22 °F stand-by

with ceiling ventilator 100°C/ 212°F stand-by

100 °c / 212 °F

90 °c / 194 °F

85 °c / 185 °F

84 °c / 183 °F

57 °c / 135 °F

70 °c / 158 °F

Change of temperature by the interval-controlled ceiling ventilator in a Sauna


aPPlIances and accessorIes

Pantai Contour ® (Europat.) constant steam unit for Pantai ® Massages

Perfectly Equipped Whether it is a professional créme blender, a portable skin measurement instrument, various appliances for the heating of products or the Pantai® heater – we provide the best quality in order to simplfy your therapists’ daily work!

» constantly steamed Herbal Balls Excellent for body treatments. With the help of consistent temperatures, herbal extracts are optimally absorbed by the skin. » Hot Bundles, cool Hands The way the Pantai® heater is made, makes sure that only the bundle is heated, the handle stays cool.

Compress warmer - Hot Cabbi

Warming device for basalt stones

Preparation device for classic Pantai ® Stamps

Built-in product preparation device

» Further appliances and accessories can be viewed in our ‘Professional Care’ product catalogue – order this catalogue by filling out the form on page 71.



Intuitive control with touch screen panel (in english and german, standard)

Carefree Technique » distance Maintenance Should you have a problem, our distance maintenance technique will help to find a quick solution. » little Maintenance required Our water softeners for steam systems stand out due to their low maintenance requirements. You only have to change filters once a year. And it is so simple that you can do it yourself.

Technique should make people’s life easier. This is why we rely on innovative technical components, which are simple to operate. Therefore our equipment, for example, is equipped with a touch screen panel or a control device with LCD panel which can control any equipment centrally. Moreover, we believe in energy-saving technology and put a lot of emphasis on high efficiency and fault liability. You can also benefit from our technical support provided by our Support Hotline and distance maintenance.

» no electricity costs The water softener works without electricity.

Maintenance and repair done by our technician


Water softener ( 0x 0x20cm - W/H/D)

arcHItecture and desIgn

Organic designs / Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro Interior Design BioDesign

Design Creates Identity Creating your treatment rooms‘ appearance in order to ensure your guests’ well-being is crucial, only surpassed by the effectiveness of treatments. A harmoniously designed room, its individuality suiting your business, consolidates your distinctive identity. Our Spa Design department always has its sight on current trends. Many completely new ideas are created in close cooperation with architects, such as the following example ‘deep in outdoor refugia’ proves:

» Form follows Function Design does not only have to be lovely, but also practical. That is why we use materials which are easy to clean and develop specially shaped beds and seats. » ‘deep in outdoor refugia’ With the system ‘deep in outdoor refugia’ all Haslauer’s facilities and equipment can be easily integrated. The concept excels through its ‘never before seen’ combination of genuine nature, sophisticated technical knowhow and fantastically luxurious interior design. Info: deep in outdoor refugia gmbh; www.deep-in.at

‘deep in outdoor refugia’ with Haslauer Salve-in-terra ®


reFerence exaMPle - Hotel sPa

Montenegro Stars Hotel Splendid * Conference & Spa Resort, Budva / Montenegro

Venture into a New Spa Dimension Splendid Spa reception desk

Organic styles and a rich combination of colours encounter natural materials. This generous luxury hotel-spa (2700 m²) leaves nothing to be desired. From Brechelbath®, Rasul®, Spa treatment suites with the Haslauer wet massage table, and Soft-Pack-System® to the new Salve-in-terra® and Steambath with magic Swarovski® lights – we have joined new and well-proven concepts together in harmony.

» training and Products Haslauer has not only supplied all facilities and equipment, but also various treatments and products under its own ‘Kurland ®‘ brand, such as Pantai Luar ® or Immediate Beauty. Haslauer even created the customized oil blend “Montenegro Stars”. Also the staff training was done by Haslauer.

Spa Treatment Suite with Soft-Pack-System ®, Haslauer wet massage table and Rasul ®


reFerence exaMPle - tHerMal sPa

Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany

The Iodine-Thermal-Brine Spring One of the strongest iodine-brine springs in Europe bubbles in Bad Endorf. Encompassing a Sauna area of around 1000 m², it is a true Eldorado for enthusiastic saunists – a Finnish Sauna, Bio-Sauna, Earth Sauna, and Herbal Sauna, as well as a herbal Steambath. Special packages and treatments by Kurland ® turn everything into an unforgettable wellness experience for your guests. Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany

» endorf special Together, we have created a mixture of algae and the iodine brine. Great detoxification and skin firming features are the results. It is used in bath tub treatments and with the Soft-PackSystem® 1.

Haslauer Sauna / Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / Germany


refereNce eXample - DaY Spa

Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA

We are an Adventure The owner put it this way: “Yes, we are a spa, but mainly we’re an adventure. We are an experience for the guest. Our mission is to introduce the guest to wellness by enchanting with the magic of a touch, clear, crystal water, pure and natural products in powerful surroundings.” We believe: You can’t put it any better!

Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA

» the Facilities and equipments Various Kurland ® treatments in the Soft-Pack-System® or on the Haslauer wet massage table, a Rasul® Day Spa and 3 Kraxenstoves® thrills guests in this wonderfully authentic spa.


Haslauer Rasul ® Day Spa Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA

Haslauer wet massage table with an individual design Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / USA

refereNce eXample - meDIcal DaY Spa


Cawi-Medical-Day-Spa, Nürnberg / Germany

Body and Soul United The Cawi Medical Day Spa focuses on sustaining and recreating physical and mental power. A special combination of ambience, expertise, and welltried treatments make this Medical-Day-Spa so unique. The highlights are Kurland® Pantai® herbal massages, as well as various scrubs and wraps in the Soft-Pack-System®. Cawi-Medical-Day-Spa, Nürnberg / Germany

Cawi-Medical-Day-Spa, Nürnberg / Germany

» the Kurland ® Pantai® Family Whether classics, such as Pantai Luar ®, Pantai Herbal Energy®, the Pantai Contour Concept® anti-cellulite treatment or the new Kurland® massage with constantly steamed herbal bundles Pantai Herbal Body® and the holistic concepts Pantai Salis – there is sure to be something for every taste. All the Pantai® treatment training is carried out at our own training center Reiter Alm, near Salzburg, or on site.


EXTRACT from our Reference List

Enthusiastic Customers Worldwide Pyramids Club, Dubai / AE Almesberger Hotel, Aigen i. M. / AT Mountain Resort Feuerberg, Bodensdorf / AT Hotel Der Bär, Ellmau / AT Hotel Klosterbräu, Seefeld / AT Liebes Rot Flüh, Haldensee / AT Löwen Hotel, Schruns / AT Therme Blumau, Blumau / AT Hotel Unterschwarzachhof, Hinterglemm / AT Hotel Waidringer Hof, Waidring / AT Wolf Hotels Alpine Palace, Saalbach-Hinterglemm / AT Peppers Springs Retreat, Hepburn Springs, Victoria / AU Argenteuil, Roselare / BE Helena Sands Hotel, Slancev Brjag / BG Atlantis Spa by Mandara, Nassau / BS Fort Garry Hotel, Ten Spa, Winnipeg / CA Princes of Wales Hotel, Niagara on the Lake / CA Ermitage-Golf Hotel, Gstaad-Schönried / CH Grand Hotel, Bad Ragaz / CH Hilton Hotel, Dalian / CN Kempinski Hotel, Shenyang / CN Meridien Hotel Le Spa, Nicosia / CY Hoffmeister Hotel, Prag / CZ Cassiopeia Therme, Badenweiler / DE Cawi Medical Day Spa, Nürnberg / DE Chiemgau Thermen, Bad Endorf / DE HanseDom, Stralsund / DE Hotel Oberstdorf, Oberstdorf / DE InterSPA Gruppe, Wonnemar-Bäder / DE Kissalis, Bad Kissingen / DE O´Sinitri, Landshut / DE Passau Erlebnisbad, Passau / DE Rivoli Hotel, München / DE Hotel Waldschlösschen Mühlenteich, Varel / DE Savoy Hotel, Köln / DE Tendineum, Berlin / DE Überfahrt Hotel, Bad Wiessee / DE Weyberhöfe Schlosshotel, Sailauf / DE Pädaste Manor, Muhu Island / EE Eugenia Victoria Hotel, Playa del Ingles / ES Hotel Escorial, Playa del Ingles / ES Kempinsky Estepona Hotel, Marbella / ES Palm Beach Hotel, Maspalomas / ES Riu Palace Hotel, Playa del Ingles / ES Sandy Beach Hotel, Playa del Ingles / ES Flamingo Resort, Helsinki / FI Hostellerie des Chateaux Hotel, Otrott Le Haut / FR Sas Pure Altitude, Megeve / FR Les Fermes de Marie, Ramatuelle / FR Bloww Spa, London / GB Champney´s, Tring / GB Elemis, London / GB Intercontinental Hotel, London / GB Thermae Bath Spa, Bath / GB Bergmann Kord, Athen / GR


Gallini Hotel, Kamena Vourla / GR Thermae Sylla, Edipsos / GR The Myconian Collection Hotels, Resort & Spa, Mykonos / GR Lotus Therme Hotel & Spa, Heviz / HU The K Club, Kildare / IE Hotel Breaffy House, Castlebar / IE Dunboyne Spa, Dunboyne / IE Body Drench India, Bangalore / IN Adler Hotel, St. Ulrich / IT Alpine Wellness Hotel Kristiania, Cogolo di Pejo / IT Hotel Plunhof, Ridnaun / IT Hotel Post, Olang / IT Hotel Quellenhof, St. Martin / IT Waldhotel Tann, Klobenstein-Ritten / IT Le Royal Hotel, Amman / JO Marriott Hotel, Amman / JO Hotel Mövenpick, Amman / JO Elysium Health Spa, Dasman / KW Hotel Gorfian, Triesenberg / LI Mondorf Domain Thermal, Mondorf-lais-Bains / LU Montenegro Stars Hotel Splendid, Budva / ME Casino Flamingo Hotel, Gevgelija / MK Riviera Resort Hotel, Marfa Bay / MT Scandic Hotel Sanadome, Nimwegen / NL Hotel Hyatt, Auckland / NZ Thermy Medical Warmia Park, Olsztyn / PL Golden Residence Hotel, Madeira / PT Hotel Quinta Jacintina, Almancil / PT Qatar National Hotel, Doha / QA Gelios Hotel, St. Petersburg / RU Four Seasons, E´Sence Day Spa, Riyadh / SA Beauford Hotel, Sentosa Island / SG Nahrawess Hotel, Hammamet / TN Hasdrubal Thalassa Hotels, Tunis / TN Canyon Ranch, Tucson, Arizona / US Four Seasons Hotel, Maui, Hawaii / US Four Seasons Hotel, New York City / US MGM Mirage, Las Vegas, Nevada / US Milton Hall Spa, Alpharetta, Georgia / US Mira Vista Spa, Fort Worth, Texas / US Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Abhasa Waikiki Spa, Hawaii / US Serenity in the Mountains, Blue Ridge, Georgia / US Sonoma Mission Inn, Boyes Hot Springs, California / US The Venetian / Canyon Ranch, Las Vegas, Nevada / US Touch of Tranquility, Tucson, Arizona / US Planet Hollywood Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada / US The Borgata Water Club, Atlantic City / US Serenite Wellness Centre, Tokai / ZA Norwegian Jewel, Cruise liner MS “Deutschland”, Cruise liner Pride of Hawaii, Cruise liner MS “Queen Mary II”, Cruise liner Freedom of the seas, Cruise liner Costa Concordia, Cruise liner ... and many other hotels, Spas, thermal Spas, medical Spas, and cruise ships

Request and order Form y M aster Cop FAX Germany: +49 (0) 8654 48 87-55

YES, I am interested in Haslauer facilities and equipment, especially: Rasul® Rasul® Day Spa Priessnitz Bath® (Europat.) Stonebath® (Europat.) Brechelbath® (Europat.) Steambath Sauna Showers Sabbia Med® Brine-Light-Room Salina Thorn Room

Breadbath Decorative Fountains Light & Sound Relax Preparation desks ® Salve-in-terra (Europat.) Decorative Fires ® Soft-Pack-System I / Day Spa Day Spa Wall Elements Soft-Pack-System® II / Wave Motion Wooden Floors ® Wet Massage Table Hamam/Pantai   Music and Sound Kraxenstove® Illumination Massage / Facial Benches Interval-controlled ceiling ventilator King’s Bath/modern tubs Appliances and Accessoires Relaxation Room / Beds Kurland® Products Snow-fall / Ice Fountains Education and Training

I would like ... you to contact me on this telephone number you to contact me on this e-mail address a private consultation

I would like to order printed media ... Kurland® ‘Professional Care’ Product Catalogue with price lists your current training program book ‘Kurland ® recipes’ (price on request)

in following languages ... German English other languages (on request)

I would like to be informed about news and current offers via the Haslauer-Internet-Newsletter. Please state your e-mail address!

Customer number (if given): Name: Post code:








Errors and changes reserved. Errors in print and sentences reserved. Product images do not always correspond with actual products. We would to like give our thanks to our customers for allowing us to use the various photos. March 2008. © 2008 Haslauer GmbH, Kirchenwegstrasse 5, 83404 Mitterfelden/Ainring, Germany, Phone +49 (0) 86 54/48 87-22, info@haslauer-gmbh.de



Haslauer Soft-Pack-System ® I / Four Seasons, Maui, Hawaii / USA

Design, concept, room design, as well as technical installation of therapy and wellness facilities and equipment

Balneology, naturpathy products, muds, herbs, oils, base crémes, cosmetic treatment concepts, consumables of very high quality

Training and further education in medicinal wellness, bathing remedies and special massage techniques, as well as drawing up treatment concepts

Spa & Wellness in wonderful surroundings – test the “Reiter Alm” and experience the facilities, equipments and products

Haslauer gmbH / germany Kirchenwegstrasse , 83404 Mitterfelden/Ainring Phone +49 (0) 86 4/48 87-22 Fax +49 (0) 86 4/48 87- E-mail info@haslauer-gmbh.de training center reiter alm / germany Reit 1+2, 83404 Ainring Phone +49 (0) 86 4/77 88-241, -242 Fax +49 (0) 86 4/77 88-24 E-mail ausbildung@reiteralm.de Internet www.reiteralm.de

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