ISBN: 978-1-5319-1579-7
5" x 7" • 192 pages
Paperback • Carton quantity: 48 $9.95/$12.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
BTM-1579 • UPC: 7-64453-11579-6
Ships: September 2021
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1579-7
5" x 7" • 192 pages
Paperback • Carton quantity: 48 $9.95/$12.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
BTM-1579 • UPC: 7-64453-11579-6
Ships: September 2021
Rights: World • Display: A
Pocketful of Puzzles: Word Searches is a collection of 150 puzzles wrapped up in a colorful, stylish package. This activity book will fit easily into a pocket or purse and keep your mind occupied during lulls in your day. Its on-trend cover art make this book the perfect gift for any word search lover who values tasteful design. Word searches will appeal to both adept and novice puzzlers alike.
In her brightly colored, imaginative illustrations, Robin Pickens celebrates the sustenance we derive from nature, family, and friends in Celebrate the Everyday Joys of Life. Robin is an artist who aspires to capture the natural beauty that surrounds us and pairs those illustrations with messages that comfort, energize, and inspire.
Teach us delight in simple things, and mirth that has no bitter springs.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1577-3
6" x 6" • 64 pages
Hardcover • Carton quantity: 60 $10.95/$13.95 Canada/£8.50 UK
30+ full-color photographs
BTM-1577 • UPC: 7-64453-11577-2
Ships: September 2021 • Rights: World Display: B
ROBIN PICKENS creates art that merges traditional everyday subject matter with contemporary and sophisticated designs. Her work appears in a multitude of forms including greeting cards, calendars, fabric, and tabletop products. She has been the recipient of numerous honors including awards from the Broadcaster Designers Association and the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators. She lives in Southern California.
If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.
Dolly Parton
A little of what you fancy does you good.
Marie Lloyd
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1574-2
8" x 10.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 5-8
Carton quantity: 40
$14.95/$16.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
30+ full-color illustrations
BTM-1574 • UPC: 7-64453-11574-1
Ships: September 2021
Rights: World • Display: A
A young girl wakes up one morning and is surprised to find a bear outside her house rummaging through her family’s rubbish can. She convinces her parents to allow her to keep the bear, whom she names Burt, provided that she can teach him good manners, a task that she undertakes with enthusiasm and completes successfully.
“That’s impossible,” he replied. “There are no bears in the city. Are you just joking, Zoey?”
“No, Dad, there really is a bear in front of our house. Come and see,” Zoey said.
WENDY LEACH was born in the heartland of the United States and has very stubbornly stayed put. She currently lives in Overland Park, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City. She loves that she is ten minutes from her favorite Caravaggio painting and five minutes away from a walk in the creek with her family. Her favorite subjects to draw include cute kids and their pets, city landscapes, and lush garden spaces. She is a proud member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
“Oh my gosh,” her father said when he saw the bear. “We should call the animal control officer!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Zoey,” Dad said. “He has very bad manners. Look at the mess he’s made!” “I will teach him good manners, Dad,” Zoey promised. “Well, he does seem friendly. I suppose you could keep him for a little while,” Dad replied.
“Thanks, Dad!” Zoey said happily. “I think I’ll call the bear Burt!”
Zoey was quiet for a moment, then said, “Dad, he seems like a gentle bear. Could we just keep him for a little while?”
“Okay, Burt,” Zoey said to the bear, “a well-mannered bear doesn’t make messes. You must learn to clean up after yourself. Watch me.”
The bear watched Zoey pick up trash and put it into the rubbish can. Then he began to help.
“See, Dad,” Zoey said with a smile. “Burt’s a fast learner. I’ll teach him manners in no time.”
Then Zoey and her dad brought Burt into their house. Dad began cooking breakfast. He put toast with honey on the table first.
Burt grabbed some toast and began licking off the honey.
“No, no, no, Burt. That’s not what well-mannered bears do,” Zoey scolded. “First we must help Dad set the table.”
Zoey showed Burt how to set the table. First she put the plates on the table. Her dad was cooking oatmeal, so she placed bowls on top of the plates. She added a fork to the left side of each plate and a knife and spoon to the right. Zoey folded napkins and placed them under the forks. Finally, she placed a drinking glass above the knife and spoon.
Once the table was set, Burt sat down, grabbed another piece of toast, and began eating it.
“Burt, please put your napkin on your lap, like this,” Zoey said. Burt did as he was told, then picked up his bowl and started scooping out oatmeal with his paw and gulping it down.
“No, no, no, Burt,” Zoey said as she took the toast away. “Well-mannered bears don’t start eating until everyone else is seated.”
“No, no, no, Burt. That’s not how well-mannered bears eat oatmeal,” Zoey said. “You must use your spoon, like this.” Zoey put a spoonful of oatmeal into her mouth and ate it with her mouth closed. Burt watched, then picked up his spoon and did the same thing.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1576-6
6.5" x 6.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 0-5
Board Book w/rounded corners
Carton quantity: 36
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
15 full-color illustrations
BTM-1576 • UPC: 7-64453-11576-5
Rights: World • Display: B
This rhymed counting book was designed to have special appeal to children who love airplanes, boats, automobiles, trucks and construction equipment. Andy Rowland's brightly colored illustrations are chock full of whimsical details, and Ronnie Sellers rhymed verse adds even more fun to the experience of learning the numbers.
One excavator is digging a hole.
Two road compactors that rumble and roll.
Three fire engines are dousing a fire.
Four cable trucks that are stringing up wire.
Five locomotives roll into the yard.
Six armored trucks with a driver and guard.
Seven dump trucks hauling topsoil and rocks.
Eight mighty tugboats tow ships to their docks.
Nine city buses traverse every street.
Ten trucks with plows clear off snow, slush and sleet.
Eleven small vans each deliver the mail.
Twelve ice cream trucks have gelato for sale.
Thirteen bulldozers are digging a trough.
Fourteen jetliners all wait to take off.
Fifteen farm tractors are baling up hay.
Sixteen sleek sailboats are sailing the bay.
Seventeen jet skis are all surfing a wave.
Eighteen four-wheelers drive right through a cave.
Nineteen fast race cars that each want to win.
Twenty small drones make a deafening din.
p. 16, ISBN: 978-1-5319-1222-2
ANDY ROWLAND has always loved drawing; one of his earliest memories is of his dad bringing home reams of scrap paper from the printers for him to use because he went through so much. Since then he has worked freelance, mainly on children’s books, illustrating over one hundred books for clients such as Bloomsbury, Macmillan, Usborne, Hachette, Lerner, Pearson, Franklin Watts, OUP and many others. He has also worked artistically in the voluntary sector as well as mural work, portraiture, printed products and surface pattern design. Andy lives in Greater Manchester, England, with his partner and two children.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1575-9
6.5" x 6.5" • 20 pages • For Ages 0-5
Board Book w/rounded corners
Carton quantity: 40
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
10 full-color illustrations
BTM-1575 • UPC: 7-64453-11575-8
Rights: World • Display: B
It’s never too early to introduce a child to the joys of reading. Look Who’s Two is a rhymed children’s book filled with fun illustrations designed to both celebrate a milestone birthday and acknowledge a two-year old’s development.
RONNIE SELLERS has written for magazines, radio, film and television, edited a highly successful series of non-fiction books, including the top-selling Fifty Things To Do When You Turn Fifty, and authored many children’s books. He is also the founder and president of Sellers Publishing, one of the fastest growing independent publishers of the last twenty-five years.
AMY JINDRA is a Cleveland, Ohio native that has a dedicated passion for illustration. Ever since she can remember, she has been drawing everything and anything. Over the years, Amy has developed and honed her eclectic and unique style. She works both traditionally with pencil, pen and paper, and also digitally to create her works. She enjoys developing characters and scenes that tell a story, create a connection, and warm the heart. Amy loves collaboration and working as a team to create the best end product. She believes that an artist is never done learning, developing, and evolving and looks forward to new opportunities and artistic adventures. Amy is fueled and inspired by the arts, family and friends, and good sushi.
You climb up stairs. You kick a ball.
You fill the house with happy noise.
You jump. You run. You roll. You prance.
You pull a wagon down the hall.
You draw and paint and play with toys.
You love to sing and laugh and dance.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1482-0
8" x 8" • 64 pages • For Ages 3-7
Hardcover • Carton quantity: 30
$14.95/$16.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
60+ full-color illustrations
BTM-1482 • UPC: 7-64453-11482-9
Rights: World • Display: A
Where does Bellybutton fuzz come from?
Does anyone really know for sure?
Where does the ocean come from?
Are snakes proof that Mother Nature makes mistakes?
What would the world be like if everything was opposite?
In Bellybutton Fuzz and Other Poems To Ponder, Ronnie Sellers grapples with these (and other) comically quirky questions in a collection of fun and frivolous poems, each guaranteed to put a smile on the face of a young reader. Ronnie’s playful poems are illustrated by Jon Davis.
Bellybutton fuzz. Bellybutton fuzz.
Bellybutton fuzz. Bellybutton fuzz. Don’t know where it comes from.
Don’t know where it comes from.
Don’t think anyone does.
Don’t think anyone does.
Go to sleep at bedtime.
Go to sleep at bedtime.
Bellybutton’s nice and clean.
Bellybutton’s nice and clean.
Wake up there’s more fuzz in there Than you have ever seen.
Wake up there’s more fuzz in there Than you have ever seen.
Bellybutton fuzz. Bellybutton fuzz. Don’t know where it comes from.
Bellybutton fuzz. Bellybutton fuzz.
Don’t know where it comes from.
Don’t think anyone does.
Don’t think anyone does.
Brother says it comes from The junkie food I eat.
Brother says it comes from The junkie food I eat.
Sister says a fairy puts the fuzz in while I sleep.
Sister says a fairy puts the fuzz in while I sleep.
Don’t know where it comes from.
Don’t know where it comes from.
Don’t think I much care.
Don’t think I much care.
But, y’know, it’s kind of fun to find the fuzz in there!
But, y’know, it’s kind of fun to find the fuzz in there!
Bellybutton fuzz. Bellybutton fuzz.
Bellybutton fuzz. Bellybutton fuzz.
Don’t know where it comes from.
Don’t know where it comes from.
Don’t think anyone does.
Don’t think anyone does.
RONNIE SELLERS has written for magazines, radio, film and television, edited a highly successful series of non-fiction books, including the top-selling Fifty Things To Do When You Turn Fifty, and authored many children’s books. He is also the founder and president of Sellers Publishing, one of the fastest-growing independent publishers of the last twenty-five years.
JON DAVIS is an awardwinning illustrator of more than 90 books across the globe. Jon is based in his small but snug studio at the back of his house, where he lives with his family in the Lake District, UK.
Ruth’s a goof, and that’s for sure. She knows a hundred jokes or more. She cracks me up. She’s such a clown. When I’m with Ruth I never frown.
Ruth’s a goof, and that’s for sure. She knows a hundred jokes or more. She cracks me up. She’s such a clown. When I’m with Ruth I never frown.
She’s got a hat shaped like a trout. She takes it off and worms fly out.
She’s got a hat shaped like a trout. She takes it off and worms fly out.
Don’t smell the flower on her shirt Unless you want to get a squirt!
Don’t smell the flower on her shirt Unless you want to get a squirt!
She’ll make a rabbit disappear
She’ll make a rabbit disappear
Then pull a carrot from her ear!
Then pull a carrot from her ear!
I’ve lots of friends, and that’s the truth. My favorite, though, is goofy Ruth.
I’ve lots of friends, and that’s the truth. My favorite, though, is goofy Ruth.
Leslie will tell you her favorite times
Are those spent alone reading stories and rhymes. She reads in the morning while riding to school. She reads while she floats on a raft in the pool.
Leslie will tell you her favorite times
Are those spent alone reading stories and rhymes. She reads in the morning while riding to school. She reads while she floats on a raft in the pool. She reads while she’s eating her jelly and bread. She reads in the bathtub. She reads in her bed.
She reads while she’s eating her jelly and bread. She reads in the bathtub. She reads in her bed.
She reads about butterflies, tigers and snakes. She reads about cyclones, volcanoes, earthquakes. She reads about comets that blaze through the sky. She reads books explaining how airplanes can fly.
She reads about butterflies, tigers and snakes. She reads about cyclones, volcanoes, earthquakes. She reads about comets that blaze through the sky. She reads books explaining how airplanes can fly.
She reads some so often she knows them by heart. She just loves to read and that’s why she’s so smart.
She reads some so often she knows them by heart. She just loves to read and that’s why she’s so smart.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1481-3
8" x 10.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 3-7
Carton quantity: 40 $14.95/$16.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
30+ full-color illustrations
BTM-1481 • UPC: 7-64453-11481-2
Rights: World • Display: A
Lucky, a toy elephant, is out on a boat whale watching with the girl he belongs to when suddenly he falls into the sea. Once in the water, he meets some playful seals, some pushy seahorses, an inky octopus, and a clever shark that comes up with a brilliant plan to help Lucky reunite with the little girl he loves.
ERIN BROWN is a Northern Irish illustrator who lives and works on the beautiful island of Jersey. After graduating university with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art, a passion for stories and children’s books took hold, and she completed a diploma in Illustrating Children’s Books with the London Art College. She combines her love for handdrawn lines and traditional techniques with the flexibility and freedom of adding color digitally. Her love of stories comes from her Grandad who lived by the sea and was always ready with a tale or two (and a tea cake). When she’s not working in her tiny studio, she can be found baking something overly sweet, exploring the forests and cliff paths of Jersey, or watching the tide roll in down at the seashore.
Travel around the world searching for rare and endangered animals. The Busy Book of Search and Find: Amazing Animals is a fun spin on a traditional search and find activity book that also offers a strong message about the importance of protecting the many exotic and endangered creatures that inhabit our planet. Find the amazing animals throughout 11 different ecosystems! Solutions are included in the back of the book.
GEMA GALÁN is an illustrator currently based in Madrid but originally from Badajoz, a small city in western Extremadura and one of her biggest inspirations! She is good at translating words into strokes and stories into shapes!
10" x 12" • 32 pages • For Ages 3-7
Hardcover • Carton quantity: 28 $14.95/$16.95 Canada/£11.50 UK 30+ full-color illustrations
BTM-1483 • UPC: 7-64453-11483-6
Rights: World • Display: A
Below the surface of the waves it’s a real party! In the ocean’s warmer waters you’ll find dolphins and turtles, octopuses, jellyfish, sharks and so much more. They say we know less about the ocean than we do about outer space, which explains why some sea creatures look so alien! There are plenty of endangered creatures in the ocean, which need protection from human activity and the changing climate. Can you spot these fishy friends in their watery wonderland?
illustrated by Sophie Corrigan
Our bestselling gift book is now a board book for kids! I Love You Like No Otter offers a pun way to tell children how much they are loved. Sophie Corrigan's whimsical artwork not only conveys expressions of love, it also illustrates how playing with words and sounds can be lots of fun!
I think you're purrfect just the way you are.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1212-3
6.5" x 6.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 0-5
Board Book w/rounded corners
Carton quantity: 40
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
15 full-color illustrations
BTM-1212 • UPC: 7-64453-11212-2
Rights: World • Display: B
I love spending koality time with you.
SOPHIE CORRIGAN is a freelance illustrator who lives in a little sweet shop in the UK. She has a first-class illustration degree and a Masters Degree in Children's Book Illustration from the University of Central Lancashire. When not drawing cute things, Sophie spends her spare time going to shows, watching nature programs, and hanging out with her pet axolotls and cockatiels.
Need to get a child to sleep? Why not have them count some sheep?
Lambies in Jammies is both a go-to-sleep book and a counting book. Sharon Harmer’s delightful illustrations of lambs in pajamas combined with the whimsical rhymed text offers a wonderful way to help a child settle down and go to sleep.
Lambies in Jammies are cute baby sheep
Children who count them will soon fall asleep
There's one in the meadow
And two on the hill
Three by the lakeside, so quiet and still
Four lie on flowers, a beautiful nest
While five find a haystack, upon which to rest
Six sleep in hammocks, that hang from the trees
They swing back and forth, in the cool evening breeze
Seven lambs curl up by the light of the moon
Eight lambs doze off, to a lullaby tune.
Nine lambs are sleeping . . . and one more makes ten. Tomorrow at bedtime, we'll count them again.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1214-7
6.5" x 6.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 0-5
Board Book w/rounded corners
Carton quantity: 40 $9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
15 full-color illustrations
BTM-1214 • UPC: 7-64453-11214-6
Rights: World • Display: B
SHARON HARMER lives and works on the south coast of England. She has been a freelance illustrator for over 15 years, working mainly in children's publishing and art licensing. She has illustrated over 50 children‘s books from pre-school, board and novelty books, educational and picture books.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1222-2
6.5" x 6.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 0-5
Board Book w/rounded corners
Carton quantity: 40
$9.95/$12.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
15 full-color illustrations
BTM-1222 • UPC: 7-64453-11222-1
Rights: World • Display: B
The ABCs of things you drive, ride, sail, and fly. This rhymed alphabet book is designed to have special appeal to children who love airplanes, boats, automobiles, trucks, and construction equipment. Andy Rowland's brightly colored illustrations are chock-full of whimsical details, and Ronnie Sellers' rhymed verse adds even more fun to the experience of learning the ABCs.
A is for Airplane flying for miles.
B is for Bulldozer pushing through piles.
C is for Crane. It can lift up big loads.
D is for Dump truck. It's used to build roads.
E is for Excavator digging up dirt.
F is for Fire truck. Look at it squirt!
G is for Grader. It's used to clear snow.
H is for Helicopter flying down low.
I is for Icebreaker clearing the lake.
J is for Jet boat. It makes a big wake!
K is for Ketch. That's a boat with two masts.
L is for Locomotive, long, sleek, and fast.
M is for Monorail over the park.
N is for Night train that runs when it's dark.
O is for Oceanliner cruising the seas.
P is for Payloader carrying trees.
Q is for Quarry Truck hauling huge blocks.
R is for Railroad car loaded with rocks.
S is for Spacecraft orbiting Earth.
T is for Tugboat tied up at its berth.
U is for Underground train 'neath the streets.
V is for Van selling ice cream and treats.
W is for Waste truck for trash and old cans.
X is for Xray truck giving free scans.
Y is for Yacht that's all polished and nice.
Z is for Zamboni clearing off ice.
ANDY ROWLAND has always loved drawing; one of his earliest memories is of his dad bringing home reams of scrap paper from the printers for him to use because he went through so much. Since then he has worked freelance, mainly on children’s books, illustrating over one hundred books for clients such as Bloomsbury, Macmillan, Usborne, Hachette, Lerner, Pearson, Franklin Watts, OUP and many others. He has also worked artistically in the voluntary sector as well as mural work, portraiture, printed products and surface pattern design. Andy lives in Greater Manchester, England, with his partner and two children.
There are times when every household is like a three ring circus! When Mom decides she needs a break and runs off to join the circus, her family members must do all the chores she normally takes care of for them. Each task the family does is mirrored by Mom as she performs in the circus. By the time she returns home, the family has new appreciation for Mom and all she does to make sure the show goes on each and every day within the household.
SUE DOWNING lives and works in a little eco house in Newcastle upon Tyne with her husband and two children. She loves to draw, design and make things. Since leaving Edinburgh College of art in the late 1990’s, she‘s worked in-house, on a freelance basis, as an illustrator, product/licensed character developer, a designer/maker of jewelry, greeting cards and wrapping paper − never a dull moment! She‘s drawn to anything that is quirky, humorous and minimal in design, and hopes that this is reflected in her illustration.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1220-8
8" x 10.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 3-7
Hardcover • Carton quantity: 40 $14.95/$18.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
BTM-1220 • UPC: 7-64453-1220-7
Rights: World • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1217-8
8" x 10.5" • 32 pages
Hardcover • Carton quantity: 40 $14.95/$18.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
30+ full-color illustrations
BTM-1217 • UPC: 7-64453-11217-7
Rights: World • Display: D
“If Christmas were a poem it would be my favorite rhyme. If Christmas were a song to sing, I’d sing it all the time.”
So begins If Christmas Were A Poem, an illustrated children’s book that celebrates the many joys of the holiday season from the perspective of a young girl. Illustrator Peggy Jo Ackley is one of the most prolific illustrators working today, and has illustrated children’s books, craft books, greeting cards, and stationery. She often collaborates with Ronnie Sellers and together they have created successful products in many different categories.
RONNIE SELLERS has written for magazines, radio, film and television, edited a highly successful series of nonfiction books, including the top-selling Fifty Things To Do When You Turn Fifty, and authored many children’s books. He is also the founder and president of Sellers Publishing, one of the fastest growing independent publishers of the last twenty-five years.
PEGGY JO ACKLEY has been an illustrator and product designer since 1978, and has worked with many giftware and paper companies designing children's books, craft books, baby record books, greeting cards, gift wrap and totes, holiday ornaments, tabletop accessories, fabrics, and more. Peggy’s love of pattern together with her keen sense of detail has made her work a stand-out in commercial illustration, and her product designs have been featured in retailers from Walmart to Neiman Marcus as well as several catalogs. Her Bitty Bear story and activity books have been a feature of American Girl's line for more than 15 years. Peggy Jo Ackley lives in Petaluma, California with her husband Fred Mosher.
A humorous illustrated children’s book that describes the many diversions a young boy uses to postpone going to sleep at night.
Written by Ronnie Sellers, and illustrated by the award-winning illustrator Sholto Walker, Ned Dreads Bed will resonate with every parent and child who struggles with bedtime.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1219-2
8" x 10.5" • 32 pages • For Ages 3-7
Hardcover • Carton quantity: 40 $14.95/$18.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
40+ full-color illustrations
BTM-1219 • UPC: 7-64453-11219-1
Rights: World • Display: D
SHOLTO WALKER has been an artist and illustrator for 25 years, working in many areas of illustration including advertising and publishing. His immediate, lively and often witty drawings have gained his work an international reputation.
Gift Book Specs (unless otherwise indicated):
Trim size: 5.25" x 5.25" • Page count: 64 pp. • Format: Hardcover with jacket
Carton quantity: 60 • Display: A (for additional gift book display options, see pages 39-41.)
Retail: $9.95/$9.95 Canada/£7.50 UK • Rights: World
Parenting is a constant battle between going to bed early to catch up on sleep, or staying up late to get alone time
ISBN 978-1-4162-4668-8
UPC 7-64453-04668-7 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4641-1
UPC 7-64453-04641-0 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-0685-9
UPC 7-64453-00685-8
ISBN 978-1-4162-4640-4
UPC 7-64453-04640-3 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4545-2
UPC 7-64453-04545-1
ISBN 978-1-4162-4579-7
UPC 7-64453-04579-6
ISBN 978-1-4162-0624-8
UPC 7-64453-00624-7
ISBN 978-1-4162-4508-7
UPC 7-64453-04508-6
ISBN 978-1-4162-0567-8
UPC 7-64453-00567-7
your farts are lethal, long and loud!
ISBN 978-1-4162-4534-6 UPC 7-64453-04534-5
ISBN 978-1-4162-4548-3 UPC 7-64453-04548-2
ISBN 978-1-4162-4612-1 UPC 7-64453-04612-0 $9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4536-0 UPC 7-64453-04536-9
teacher lessons, true teacher learner.
The teacher is the one who gets the most out of the lessons, and the true teacher is the learner.
—Elbert Hubbard
ISBN 978-1-4162-4639-8 UPC 7-64453-04639-7 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4547-6 UPC 7-64453-04547-5
(800) 625-3386 • Fax: (207) 772-6814 • 21
ISBN 978-1-4162-4630-5
UPC 7-64453-04630-4 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4647-3
UPC 7-64453-04647-2 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4629-9
UPC 7-64453-04629-8 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4532-2 UPC 7-64453-04532-1
ISBN 978-1-4162-4565-0
UPC 7-64453-04565-9
ISBN 978-1-4162-4516-2
UPC 7-64453-04516-1
ISBN 978-1-4162-4551-3 UPC 7-64453-04551-2
ISBN 978-1-4162-4567-4 UPC 7-64453-04567-3
ISBN 978-1-4162-4645-9
UPC 7-64453-04645-8 • 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4530-8
UPC 7-64453-04530-7
ISBN 978-1-4162-0665-1
UPC 7-64453-00665-0
ISBN 978-1-4162-4512-4
UPC 7-64453-04512-3
ISBN 978-1-4162-4674-9
UPC 7-64453-04674-8 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-5319-1218-5
UPC 7-64453-11218-4 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$13.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4663-3
UPC 7-64453-04663-2 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-0647-7
UPC 7-64453-00647-6
ISBN 978-1-4162-4568-1
UPC 7-64453-04568-0
ISBN 978-1-4162-0851-8
UPC 7-64453-00851-7
ISBN 978-1-4162-4586-5
UPC 7-64453-04586-4
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
ISBN 978-1-4162-0518-0
UPC 7-64453-02018-2
112 pages
$9.95/$11.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
ISBN 978-1-4162-0964-5 UPC 7-64453-00964-4
ISBN 978-1-4162-4601-5
UPC 7-64453-04601-4 $9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
ISBN 978-1-4162-4529-2
UPC 7-64453-04529-1
ISBN 978-1-4162-4528-5
UPC 7-64453-04528-4
ISBN 978-1-4162-4531-5
UPC 7-64453-04531-4
ISBN 978-1-4162-4642-8
UPC 7-64453-04642-7 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4672-5
UPC 7-64453-04672-4 • 6" x 8"
$10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK
Display: B
ISBN 978-1-5319-1487-5
UPC 7-64453-11487-4 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$13.95 Canada/£6.99 UK Display: B
ISBN 978-1-5319-1486-8
UPC 7-64453-11486-7 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$13.95 Canada/£6.99 UK
Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4521-6
UPC 7-64453-04521-5
ISBN 978-1-4162-4523-0
UPC 7-64453-04523-9
ISBN 978-1-4162-4666-4
UPC 7-64453-04666-3 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK
Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-0646-0
UPC 7-64453-00646-9
ISBN 978-1-4162-4589-6 UPC 7-64453-04589-5
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
ISBN 978-1-4162-4677-0
UPC 7-64453-04677-9 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK
Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4549-0
UPC 7-64453-04549-9
ISBN 978-1-4162-4644-2
UPC 7-64453-04644-1• 6" x 6" $10.95/$12.95 Canada/£8.50 UK • Display: B
ISBN 978-1-5319-1577-3
UPC 7-64453-11577-2 • 6" x 6"
$10.95/$13.95 Canada/£6.99 UK Display: B
ISBN 978-1-4162-4566-7 UPC 7-64453-04566-6
ISBN 978-1-4162-4575-9 UPC 7-64453-04575-8
ISBN 978-1-4162-4616-9 UPC 7-64453-04616-8
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
ISBN 978-1-4162-4580-3 UPC 7-64453-04580-2
ISBN 978-1-4162-4515-5 UPC 7-64453-04515-4
ISBN 978-1-4162-4538-4 UPC 7-64453-04538-3
What Would I Do Without You?
ISBN 978-1-4162-0891-4 UPC 7-64453-00891-3
ISBN 978-1-4162-0657-6 UPC 7-64453-00657-5
ISBN 978-1-4162-0610-1 UPC 7-64453-00610-0
ISBN 978-1-4162-0918-8 UPC 7-64453-00918-7
ISBN 978-1-4162-4507-0 UPC 7-64453-04507-9
ISBN 978-1-4162-4514-8 UPC 7-64453-04514-7
ISBN 978-1-4162-4537-7 UPC 7-64453-04537-6
ISBN 978-1-4162-4550-6 UPC 7-64453-04550-5
ISBN 978-1-4162-4543-8 UPC 7-64453-04543-7
Signs of Hope is a collection of 45 ready-to-frame artful quotes that are meant to uplift and inspire — be it on a wall in your home, office, or dorm room. Printed on high-quality matte paper with a perforated edge, these 8" x 10" prints include inspirational quotes from wellknown authors, philosophers, and public figures typeset in carefully selected contemporary fonts. The color palette and aesthetic of the prints make it possible to create an upbeat motivational gallery wall — without breaking your budget. Signs of Hope is the perfect gift for anyone looking to transform their space and their outlook.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1485-1
8" x 10.5" • 96 pages
Paperback with perforated pages
Carton quantity: 28
$16.95/$21.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
BTM-1485 • UPC: 7-64453-11485-0
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0627-9
Size: 8.5" x 10" • 128 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 20
UPC: 7-64453-00627-8
$18.95/$21.95 Canada/£14.50 UK
120+ color photos
Rights: World • Display: D
e edition available
Printed on high-quality matte paper with a perforated edge, these 8" x 10" prints include inspirational quotes from wellknown authors, philosophers, and public figures typeset in carefully selected contemporary fonts. The color palette and aesthetic of the prints make it possible to create an upbeat motivational gallery wall — without breaking your budget. Signs of Hope is the perfect gift for anyone looking to transform their space and their outlook.
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4605-3
Size: 7.7" x 7.7" • 96 pp.• PB
Carton quantity: 40
UPC: 7-64453-04605-2
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4527-8
Size: 8" x 11" • 144 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 24
UPC: 7-64453-04527-7
$19.95/$21.95 Canada/£14.95 UK
250+ color photos
Rights: World English Display: D
$10.95/$13.95 Canada
100+ color photos
Rights: North America Display: D
s a collection of 45 ready-to-frame artful quotes that are meant to uplift and inspire — be it on a wall in your home, office, or dorm room.
True boat lovers will find something to appreciate in almost any vessel that floats. For the Love of Boats contains a wonderfully diverse collection of boat illustrations by artist Peter Scott that's sure to warm the heart (and pique the interest) of every boater who peruses it.
Boats propelled with paddles, boats meant to be rowed, sailboats, motorboats, antique boats, work boats, pleasure boats, this book includes them all, along with brief descriptions of their unique characteristics and inspirational quotes that convey the emotional rewards of boating.
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1208-6
8" x 8" • 96 pages
Hardcover • Carton quantity: 30 $15.95/$19.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
35 full-color illustrations
BTM-1208 • UPC: 7-64453-11208-5
Rights: World • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4627-5 • Size: 6" x 8" • 128 pp.
HC w/elastic band closure & ribbon marker
Carton quantity: 40
• BTM-4627
UPC: 7-64453-04627-4
$14.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: B
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0889-1
a favorite among new dads!
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 208 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 24 • BTF-889
UPC: 7-64453-00889-0
$15.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0651-4
Size: 7" x 9" • 192 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 26 • BTM-651
UPC: 7-64453-00651-3
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: D
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4633-6
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 240 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 48
UPC: 7-64453-04633-5
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1480-6
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 248 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 40
UPC: 7-64453-11480-5
$16.95/$21.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4667-1
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 240 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 44
UPC: 7-64453-04667-0
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4615-2
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 400 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 28
UPC: 7-64453-04615-1
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4676-3
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 304 pp. • PB
Carton Quantity: 36
UPC: 7-64453-04676-2
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1216-1
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 480 pp. • PB
Carton Quantity: 24
UPC: 7-64453-11216-0
$16.95/$21.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
More than $350,000 has been generated in royalties from the sales of this series, and donated to charities dedicated to cancer research and prevention.
The Wall Street Journal December 2012
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4637-4 • Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
304 pp. • PB • Carton quantity: 36
BTM-4637 • UPC: 7-64453-04637-3
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World, excluding Russia & Korea Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4661-9
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 376 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 28 • BTM-4661
UPC: 7-64453-04661-8
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1211-6
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 400 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 20
UPC: 7-64453-11211-5
$16.95/$18.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World, excluding China
Display: C
e edition available
You proved you’re smart. Now go disrupt the world !
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4584-1
Size: 5.5" x 8.5” • 256 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 44
UPC: 7-64453-04584-0
$16.95/$21.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4518-6
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 48 • BTM-4518
UPC: 7-64453-04518-5
$16.95/$18.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4617-6
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 240 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 48
UPC: 7-64453-04617-5
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4573-5
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 304 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 36 • BTM-4573
UPC: 7-64453-04573-4
$16.95/$18.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
“[one] of the year’s best guides to later life.”
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1484-4
5" x 7" • 192 pages
Paperback • Carton quantity: 56
$9.95/$12.95 Canada/£6.99 UK
BTM-1484 • UPC: 7-64453-11484-3
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1221-5
Size: 5" x 7" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 56
UPC: 7-64453-1221-4
$9.95/$12.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4675-6
Size: 5" x 7" • 304 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 36
UPC: 7-64453-04675-5
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4669-5
Size: 6" x 8" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 48
UPC: 7-64453-04669-4
$12.95/$15.95 Canada/£10.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: B
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4671-8
Size: 5" x 7" • 304 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 44
UPC: 7-64453-04671-7
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4604-6
Size: 9" x 9" • 96 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 24
UPC: 7-64453-04604-5
$12.95/$15.95 Canada/£10.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-5319-1213-0
Size: 5" x 7" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 56
UPC: 7-64453-11213-9
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4678-7
Size: 5" x 7" • 352 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 40
UPC: 7-64453-04678-6
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4662-6
Size: 5" x 7" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 56
UPC: 7-64453-04662-5
Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4665-7
Size: 5" x 7" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 56
UPC: 7-64453-04665-6
$9.95/$10.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0920-1
Size: 5" x 7" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 56
UPC: 7-64453-00920-0
$9.95/$9.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0928-7
Size: 5” x 7” • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 56
UPC: 7-64453-00928-6
$9.95/$9.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: A
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4572-8
Size: 7.25" x 9.25" • 240 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 12
BTM-4572 • UPC: 7-64453-04572-7
$18.95/$20.95 Canada/£14.50 UK
150 color photos • Rights: World Display: D
e edition available
Photography by Carol Ross
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4636-7
Size: 7" x 9" • 272 pp.
Softcover Flexibound • Carton quantity: 14
BTM-4636 • UPC: 7-64453-04636-6
$21.95/$27.95 Canada/£17.00 UK
500+ color photos • Rights: World Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0916-4
Size: 8.75" x 10.25" • 288 pp. • HC w/J
Carton quantity: 10
UPC: 7-64453-00916-3
$29.95/$31.95 Canada/£22.95 UK
500+ color photos
Rights: World • Display: D e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-56906-578-5
Size: 7.75" x 7.75" • 128 pp.
HC • Carton Quantity: 32
UPC: 7-64453-00584-4
$16.95/$19.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
75+ color photos
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0849-5
Rights: World • Display: D
e edition available
Size: 8" x 10" • 160 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 16
BTM-849 • UPC: 7-64453-00849-4
$22.95/$26.95 Canada/£17.50 UK
25+ color/B&W photos
Rights: World • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0914-0
Size: 8 " x 10 " • 176 pp • PB
Carton quantity: 16
BTM-914 • UPC: 7-64453-00914-9
$22.95/$24.95 Canada/£17.50 UK
100+ color photos
Rights: World • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4578-0
Size: 9" x 9" • 96 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 24
UPC: 7-64453-04578-9
$15.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
88+ illustrations • Rights: World Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4588-9
Size: 9" x 9" • 96 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 24
UPC: 7-64453-04588-8
$15.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
88+ illustrations • Rights: World Display: D
Special Price for Placemat Pads only $6.50 cost
• 50 full color placemats per pad (one design consistent throughout)
• 12" tall x 18" wide
• Shrink-wrapped
• Easy to peel off
• Sugg. retail $19.99 US & $23.99 Canada
• Min. 3 per design
The Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Notebook is a must-have item for every weather enthusiast. Log daily weather details like wind speed, temperature, precipitation, barometric pressure, and more. Jot down notes about observable weather events. Historical weather, lore, truisms, and stunning weather-related color photographs sprinkled throughout the pages will entertain record keepers, even when the weather keeps them indoors.
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4631-2
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 440 pp.
Softcover Flexibound
Carton quantity: 12 • BTM-4631
UPC: 7-64453-04631-1
$14.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
70+ color illustrations
Rights: World • Display: B
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0847-1
Size: 8" x 8" • 128 pp.
PB w/gold foil on cover
Carton quantity: 32 • BTM-847
UPC: 7-64453-00847-0
$15.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
55+ color photos
Rights: World English Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4503-2
Size: 8" x 8" • 144 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 32 • BTM-4503
UPC: 7-64453-04503-1
$16.95/$18.95 Canada/£12.95 UK
160+ color photos
Rights: World English Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0910-2
UPC: 7-64453-00910-1
$18.95/$21.95 Canada
• Trim size: 6.25" x 6.25"
• Page count: 288 pp.
• Format: Hardcover with jacket
• 180+ color photos
(unless otherwise indicated)
• Carton quantity: 24
• Display: See pages 39-41
• Retail: $17.95 ($19.95 Canada)
• Rights: North America & Latin America
by Nguyen LeISBN: 978-1-4162-0884-6
UPC: 7-64453-00884-5
$18.95/$21.95 Canada
by Philippa Vanstone & Carol BeckermanISBN: 978-1-4162-0908-9
UPC: 7-64453-00908-8
by Carol BeckermanISBN: 978-1-4162-4522-3
UPC: 7-64453-04522-2
by Hannah Elgie & Kath WebberISBN: 978-1-4162-0883-9
UPC: 7-64453-00883-8
$18.95/$21.95 Canada e edition available
by Carol Beckerman withDeb Wheaton
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0663-7
UPC: 7-64453-00663-6
e edition available
by Carol BeckermanISBN: 978-1-4162-4562-9
UPC: 7-64453-04562-8
celiac advocateISBN: 978-1-4162-0909-6
UPC: 7-64453-00909-5
by Deborah GrayISBN: 978-1-4162-0882-2
UPC: 7-64453-00882-1
e edition available
by Lynne Goldsworthy & Kerry GreenISBN: 978-1-4162-0911-9
UPC: 7-64453-00911-8
$18.95/$21.95 Canada e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0558-6
UPC: 7-64453-00558-5
edition available
by Carol BeckermanISBN: 978-1-4162-0662-0
UPC: 7-64453-00662-9
by Deborah GrayISBN: 978-1-4162-0636-1
UPC: 7-64453-00636-0
edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4560-5
Size: 7" x 8.75" • 96 pp.
HC w/concealed wire-o
Carton quantity: 20 • BTM-4560
UPC: 7-64453-04560-4
$16.95/$18.95 Canada
150+ color photos
Rights: North America • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4576-6
Size: 7" x 8.75" • 96 pp.
HC w/concealed wire-o
Carton quantity: 20 • BTM-4576
UPC: 7-64453-04576-5
$16.95/$18.95 Canada
150+ color photos
Rights: North America • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0625-5
Size: 8.5" x 8.5" • 144 pp. • HC
Carton quantity: 24
BTC-625 • UPC: 7-64453-00625-4
$18.95/$21.95 Canada/£14.50 UK
70+ color photos • Rights: World, excluding Germany • Display: D e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0638-5
Size: 8 " x 10 " • 176 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 20 • BTC-638
UPC: 7-64453-00638-4
$21.95/$24.95 Canada/£17.00 UK
150+ color photos
Rights: World • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0695-8
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4574-2
Size: 7.7" x 7.7" • 96 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 40
UPC: 7-64453-04574-1
$10.95/$12.95 Canada
50+ color photos
Rights: North America Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4561-2
Size: 7.7" x 7.7" • 96 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 40
UPC: 7-64453-04561-1
$10.95/$12.95 Canada
100+ color photos
Rights: North America Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0773-3
Size: 8.5" x 8.5" • 144 pp.
HC • Carton quantity: 24
BTC-773 • UPC: 7-64453-02273-5
$18.95/$21.95 Canada/£14.50 UK
40 color photos • Rights: World Display: D • e edition available
Size: 5" x 7 " • 128 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 60
UPC: 7-64453-00695-7
$9.95/$9.95 Canada/£7.50 UK
78+ color photos
Rights: World • Display: A-6
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4664-0
Size: 7" x 9" • 192 pp.
Softcover Flexibound
Carton quantity: 20 • BTM-4664
UPC: 7-64453-04664-9
$19.95/$23.95 Canada/£14.95UK
75+ color photos
Rights: World • Display: D
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4582-7
Size: 7.7" x 7.7" • 96 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 40
UPC: 7-64453-04582-6
$10.95/$13.95 Canada
100+ color photos
Rights: North America Display: D
Ricki Heller
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0917-1
Size: 8.5" x 10" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity:
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0639-2
Size: 6" x 9" • 256 pp. • HC
Carton quantity: 20• BTM-639 • UPC: 7-64453-00639-1
$21.95/$24.95 Canada/£17.00 UK
Four 16-page signatures featuring 100 color photos
Rights: World, excluding Korea & China
Display: B • e edition available
Audio book available • ISBN: 978-1-4526-0396-4
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0542-5
Size: 7.25" x 9" • 192 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 36
BTM-542 • UPC: 7-64453-02042-7
$19.95/$22.95 Canada/£14.95 UK
100+ B&W photos
Rights: World • Display: D
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0517- 3
Size: 6" x 8" • 128 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 24
UPC: 7-64453-02017-5
$12.95/$14.95 Canada/£10.50 UK
30+ original line drawings
Rights: World • Display: B
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0848-8
Size: 5.5" x 7.5" • 144 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 40
UPC: 7-64453-00848-7
$14.95/$16.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-0659-0
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 224 pp.
PB • Carton quantity: 44
UPC: 7-64453-00659-9
$15.95/$18.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
e edition available
By Ken AltshulerISBN: 978-1-4162-0629-3
Size: 6" x 9" • 224 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 30
BTM-629 • UPC: 7-64453-00629-2
$15.95/$17.95 Canada £11.95 UK
40+ color photos
Rights: World • Display: B e edition available
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4564-3
Size: 5.5" x 7.75" • 160 pp.
HC • Carton quantity: 32
UPC: 7-64453-04564-2
$15.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-4162-4599-5
Size: 5.5" x 8.5" • 304 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 36
BTM-4599 • UPC: 7-64453-04599-4
$15.95/$20.95 Canada/£11.95 UK
Rights: World • Display: C
ISBN: 978-1-56906-975-2
Size: 6.25" x 6.25" • 288 pp. • PB
Carton quantity: 24
UPC: 7-64453-00931-6
$14.95/$17.95 Canada/£11.50 UK
120+ illustrations
Rights: World • Display: B
• Display holds 5 per pocket (60 books)
• Fits our 5¼” x 5¼” gift books
• 12.5" diameter; 30" high (w/ header)
• Display offered free when ordered full ($87 Value)
• *Fill cost: $300
• Display holds 5 per pocket (100 books)
• Fits our 5¼” x 5¼” gift books
• 16" diameter; 70" high (w/ header)
• Display offered free when ordered full ($159 Value)
• *Fill cost: $500
• Display holds from 4 to 8 books per pocket, depending on titles selected
• Prices vary by titles selected
• 25" diameter, 62" high (w/ header)
• Contact us for complete pricing details
Valentine’s Day
Mother’s Day
• Pre-Packs for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day & Graduation
2-Pocket Gift Book Countertop Display Pre-Pack
• Fits all gift books
• Display holds 8 books
• Prices vary by titles selected
Father’s Day
• Single Item Number and UPC Code for each
• Order all 4 seasons at once
Valentine’s Day BTM-4595
• Each display holds 20 Books
• Single Item Number and UPC Code for each
• Wholesale Cost: $99.50
• Each display holds 20 books
• Fits our 5¼" x 5¼" gift books
• Retail Value: $199
• Order all 4 at once and receive free freight
• Order all 4 and receive free freight
• Book selection can be customized
• Wholesale Cost: $99.50
• Retail Value: $199
Valentine’s Day
• Seasonal pre-packs sold non-returnable
Scan UPC Codes for pre-packs below
Scan UPC Codes for Pre-Packs below
Father’s Day
Father’s Day
Mother's Day
BA-MD; Retail value $87.60, Wholesale cost: $43.80
Father's Day
BA-FD ; Retail value $83.60, Wholesale cost: $41.80
9-Pocket Gift Book Counter Display Pre-Pack
• Fits all gift books
• Holds 5 per pocket (45 books)
• 20½" W x 14" D x 18½" H
• Retail value: $492.75
• Wholesale cost: $246.38
Children’s Book Counter Display
• Fits 3 board books & 3 picture books
• Holds 4 per pocket (24 books)
• Retail value: $298.80 • Wholesale cost: $149.40
Please specify title selection on order.
5¼" Counter Display
• 5¼" x 5¼" gift book size
• Display holds 8-15 books, depending on title
• Prices vary by title selected
• 5½" W x 8" D x 9½" H
Fits all 5¼" gift books and 5" x 7" puzzle books
SIZE B 6¼" Counter Display
• 500 Series and 6" x 6" gift book size
• Display holds 4-8 per pocket, depending on title
• Prices vary by title selected
• 7¹⁄ 8 " W x 6 5 ⁄ 8 " D x 8" H
Fits all 500 series titles and 6" x 6" gift books
5½" Counter Display
• Fits "milestone" books series
• Display holds 6-10 books, depending on title
• Prices vary by title selected
• 7¼" W x 6 5 ⁄8 " D x 8" H
Fits all Milestone Books
SIZE D Large Book Counter Display
• For all books 7½" W - 8¾" W
• Display holds 4-13 books, depending on title
• Prices vary by title selected
• 9½" W x 9" D x 11" H
Fits all 8.5" x 10" craft, wedding, and cooking titles
• 20½" W x 14" D x 18½" H
2-Pocket Gift Book Display
• Fits gift books & journals that fit in all SIZE A Displays
• Display holds 4-13 books, depending on titles
• Available in black & light blue
• Prices vary by
by Sellers Publishing is a premium collection of planners, calendars, and greeting cards that blends art, fashion, and function. Its distinctive and refined designs stand out in the marketplace. They feature bright colors, striking contemporary patterns and artwork, and carefully applied special treatments like foils and metallic inks. High Note is for people who appreciate beauty and intentional design in the products they use every day. High Note is a beautiful accompaniment to our core calendar, greeting card, and book
Featured here is our current selection of non-dated to-do pads, and personal planning notebooks. For more information about our entire High Note line, please visit
• Textured cover with foil embellishment • Non-dated • 144 lined pages
Our personal planning notebooks combine planning with note-taking, and offer the perfect solution for someone who wants to be organized but does not want to commit to detailed daily planning. Task checkboxes, day-of-the-week planning, and a fill-in date reference make this a great tool to customize for your own organizational needs.
© 2018 Sellers Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mindfulness Botanical CHN-0587
Mindfulness Collection
Size: 6" W x 8.25" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $12.99 (Can. $16.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0587-3
* Mindfulness quotes throughout
* Silver foil on cover
Geometric in Orange CHN-0588
Geometric Collection
Size: 6" W x 8.25" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $12.99 (Can. $16.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0588-0
* Orange foil on cover, colored paper edges
• Non-dated • Magnetic hanger • 52 tear-off sheets
It’s easy to organize the week with this handy desk pad. Similar in size to a mouse pad, it can be kept within easy reach on your desk or hanging on your refrigerator. Charming artwork borders the grids, simply adorned with the days of the week. This format offers a variety of appealing designs, and is a simple way to plan out your weekly tasks.
CHT-0573 • Garden Bee
Garden Bee Collection
Size: 9" W x 7.5" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $9.99 (Can. $12.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0573-6
CHT-0575 • Citrus
by Sarah WalshSize: 9" W x 7.5" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $9.99 (Can. $12.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0575-0
CHT-0576 • Dinara’s Folk Floral
Dinara Mirtalipova Collection
Size: 9" W x 7.5" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $9.99 (Can. $12.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0576-7
CHT-0311 • Jungle Pattern by Elizabeth Olwen
Size: 9" W x 7.5" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $9.99 (Can. $12.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0311-4
* Includes perforated Grocery List/Notes To-Go section
CHT-0312 • Notes To-Go
Size: 9" W x 7.5" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $9.99 (Can. $12.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0312-1
Size: 9" W x 7.5" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $9.99 (Can. $12.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0304-6
CHT-0310 • Floral Charm
by Elizabeth OlwenSize: 9" W x 7.5" H
Sugg. U.S. Retail: $9.99 (Can. $12.99)
ISBN: 978-1-5319-0310-7
Countertop display options available. Contact us for details.
Minimum order: $150 opening order, $100 reorder. All product categories combine to meet minimum.
Discounts (Books Only): Choose: 45% returnable or 50% nonreturnable
Freight: All shipments FOB, South Portland, Maine.
Terms: Net 30 upon approved credit. Past-due accounts are subject to 1.5% monthly finance charge.
New account: Please supply 3 trade references and bank information, or COD, or prepay by check/credit card.
Wholesalers: Please contact our sales department at 1-800-MAKE-FUN (800-625-3386) for wholesale terms.
Claims: Damages or shipping errors must be reported within 10 days of receipt of goods.
Returns: Overstock returns require authorization. Please write, fax, or e-mail for a Return Authorization #.
Returns are eligible between 120 days and 365 days of invoice date and must be in saleable condition. The RA# and invoice information must be referenced on all return paperwork. Returns without invoice information will be credited at 50%. Customer pays freight costs on all returns. All returns are for credit only to be applied against future purchases. Sellers Publishing does not issue cash refunds for credits. Credits cannot be taken before a credit memo is issued.
Backorders: We will ship backorders valuing $50.00 net or more (FOB, South Portland, ME). Drop-ship orders are subject to a fee of $4.00 per address.
New England & New York: (CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT)
Bill Palizzolo (MA, ME, NH, VT)
Tel: 603.496.1352
Fax: 603.746.3547
Beth Martin (MA, CT, RI)
Phone: 978-221-5758
Fax: 978-710-3544
Lisa Sirak (NY)
Phone: 973.299.0085
Mid-Atlantic: (Eastern PA, DE, MD, NJ, VA)
Phone: 610-518-2995
Fax: 610-518-6005
Midwest & South Central:
(AR, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, OK, SD, TX, WI)
Ian Booth
Tel: 763.744.6921
Fax: 312.624.7927
Southeast: (AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
Chip Mercer
Tel: 205.682.8570
Fax: 770.804.2013
West Coast & Rocky Mountains:
(AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)
Richard McNeace/Trevin Matlock
Joseph Tremblay/Shea Petty
Tel: 800.824.2888
Fax: 800.257.8646
For information about the GIFT representative in your area, please call Sales Administration at 1-800-625-3386
Inquiries on rights sales, contact Ronnie Sellers at
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Tel: 905.770.0052
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Sales & Marketing Director, Europe, Middle East & Africa
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Regional Manager, Indian Subcontinent
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Regional Manager, Greater China & South Korea
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Shanta Inshiqaq
Director, Sales & Marketing
Australia & New Zealand
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All Other Markets or Inquiries:
Shanta Inshiqaq
Director, Sales & Marketing