EPP Winter 2015 Catalog

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Enrich Professional Publishing EYE ON NEW CHINA

Winter 2015 / Spring 2016

About Enrich Professional Publishing Enrich Professional Publishing (EPP) specializes in academic and reference works on the economic and financial changes taking place in China and across Asia. By partnering with universities in China and Hong Kong, as well as commissioning original titles from regional experts, EPP has become the leading publisher to translate and publish the work of these prominent Chinese scholars for a global audience. With an impressive publishing output of over 30 new titles every year, our books are invaluable references for anyone whose interest and work revolves around the New China phenomenon.

Highlights from the 2015 Collection


Enrich Professional Publishing Winter 2015/Spring 2016


2 New and Forthcoming


8 Finance & Investment

24 Qing Series

10 Political Science

25 Culture & History




Trade Titles



Featured Titles


Distributors & Suppliers

29 Order Form

Publish with EPP We are actively seeking new manuscript proposals in English in the areas of economics and finance as it pertains to China and the greater Asia region. We are also open to manuscripts in the humanities, specifically, the art, culture and literature of China. Please see our resources for authors link on our website for manuscript submission information. You are welcome to direct queries to info.epp@enrichculture.com

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A Note about Names Throughout this catalogue, the author’s family name is capitalized and precedes the first name.

From Destiny to Dao A Survey of Pre-Qin Philosophy in China HUANG Kejian (Renmin University of China) This book surveys the prominent schools of thought in Pre-Qin China — Daoism, Confucianism, Mohism, the School of Names, Legalism, and the School of Yin-Yang. Author Huang Kejian explores the development of thought from the mystical concept of destiny to the philosophical “Dao” and offers a discussion of the major philosophical themes in each school of thought with a unique collection of insights from commentators. The book also offers readers a holistic understanding of these philosophies through their historical place, existential concerns, and impact on future philosophers. • Daoism: Non-Being in Being and Going Back to Simplicity • Confucianism: Benevolence, Propriety, and Political Conduct from Intrinsic Sentiments

New & Forthcoming

• Mohism: Impartial Care and the Pragmatic Opposition to Confucianism • School of Names: The White Horse Paradox, A Language Crisis in Philosophical Debate December 2015 | 360 pp | 7 x 10 | US$148

• Legalism: Rule of Law as “Dao” and the Slow Death of Humanist Optimism

Hardback: 978-1-62320-023-7

• School of Yin-yang: “Five Elements” - Towards a Future Model of Statecraft

eBook: 978-1-62320-070-1

HUANG Kejian is Professor of the School of Chinese Classics of the Renmin University of China. He is the author of Struggling Confucianism (1995), 100 Years of New Confucianism (2000), and Beauty As Reality of Illusion: An Interpretation of German Classical Aesthetics (2004).

The Ideological Transformation of 20th Century Chinese Literature XIE Mian (Peking University) Rulers in the late-Qing dynasty era were subjected to unwilling reforms which saw the abolition of the “eight-legged” essays and the imperial examination as these had notoriously restricted the thinking of the Chinese literati. Shortly after the fall of the Qing, leaders of the New Culture Movement started to promote vernacular literature, stressed the need for a re-examination of the ancient classics, and championed the popularization of Western values. After that, Chinese literature was taken on a completely different trajectory, not only in stylistic terms but also in ideological ones. This book is the fruit of poet and critic Xie Mian’s decades-long study of contemporary Chinese literature. Grouped thematically and in accordance with the periods in discussion, this collection of essays provides an integrated examination of the historical backdrop and ideologies that underpinned Chinese literature from the days of the New Culture Movement to the New Era beyond the Cultural Revolution through a mix of microscopic criticisms and macroscopic overviews. December 2015 | 176 pp | 7 x 10 | US$108 Hardback: 978-1-62320-026-8 eBook: 978-1-62320-079-4


The book won the Chinese Association of Contemporary Literature Outstanding Achievement Award. XIE Mian, is renowned as a literary critic, poet, writer, and academic expert in contemporary Chinese literature. He is the Honorary Vice President of the Beijing Writers Association, and Vice President of the Chinese Association of Contemporary Literature. His publications include Treatise on Contemporary Chinese Poets (1986), The Green Revolution of Literature (1988), Water Flowing Afar (1997), and Campus of Eternity (1997).

A History of Chu ZHANG Zhengming The fruit of late historian and accomplished Chu expert Zhang Zhengming’s long and dedicated research, A History of Chu unfolds the intriguing history of a powerful feudal state in the Zhou dynasty. Chu, once deemed “barbarian” in its southern territory, gradually rose to prominence on the shores of the Yangtze as the Zhou court weakened. With King Zhuang recognized as hegemonial lord towards the late Spring and Autumn period, Chu subdued many Central Plain states and eventually survived into the Warring States period as a major power. From its emergence to the realization of its ambitious dreams of conquest and hegemony, the vast land of Chu boasted a culture that was distinctly different from the Central Plain states.

ZHANG Zhengming (1928–2006) was a pioneer of Chu studies and prominent researcher of ethnic minority history. A graduate of Tsinghua University, he started his career in government ethnic minority committees in the 1950s. In 1979, his first monograph A History of the Khitans won him wide recognition in the field of minority historical studies, and in 1981, he facilitated the founding of the Chu Research Institute at the Hubei Academy of Social Sciences. He was Professor at the School of History and Culture of Central China Normal University and held vice presidency positions at the Chinese Association for Nationality History and the Chinese Association of Quyuan. His other notable works include A History of Chu Culture (1981), A Chronicle of Chu Culture (1988), and Qin and Chu (2007).

New & Forthcoming

Coming in 2016

Zhang Zhengming spent years studying and gathering both historical records and archaeological finds, carefully compiling his findings into a Chu-centric narrative that has long been an ignored perspective in traditional Chinese history. A History of Chu documents the entirety of the Chu's remarkable and dramatic existence. It begins with an examination of the legendary origins of the Chu ruling house, details the periods of internal strife and prosperity during the state’s contention for power, pays tribute to the people that remained defiant in conquest, and finishes with an account of the revived Chu’s defeat to Han after the collapse of the Qin dynasty.

Unequal Treaties and China WANG Jianlang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) From the first Opium War (1839-1842) and until the birth of New China in 1949, China was forced to sign multiple unequal treaties by foreign imperialist and invading powers. In these treaties, China conceded many of its sovereign rights in terms of territory and commerce. Ever since the time of the first unequal treaty (the Treaty of Nanjing), the people of China had struggled to invalidate these unequal treaties. This series provides a comprehensive overview of China’s history of fighting against these unequal treaties, and looks at how those unequal treaties from foreign powers have shaped China’s policies even up until the modern day. WANG Jianlang is the President of the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the General Secretary of the Association of Chinese Historians, and Dean of the Department of Modern History of the Graduate School, CASS. BOOK REVIEW

2-Volume Set October 2015 | 408 pp | 7 x 10 | US$188 Hardback: 978-1-62320-118-0 eBook: 978-1-62320-119-7

Wang Jianlang's book provides a vivid and well documented account of the ignominious origins and early development of the unequal treaty system in China, demonstrating why the Chinese government and its citizens considered the return of Hong Kong to the Mainland in 1997 to symbolize the "washing away of one hundred years of national shame." --Richard J Smith, George and Nancy Rupp Professor of Humanities, Rice University 3

Cooling China’s Housing Bubble Policies for Sustainable Growth GUO Qingwang and ZHANG Jie (Renmin University of China) This book tackles the knotty problem of housing market development from a policy perspective. Referencing economic theories and models, the book comes up with a fair mechanism for determining China’s equilibrium home price and examines the risk of housing bubbles in the country. The book then evaluates past and current financial, land, and housing policies, including the recent home-purchase restrictions which have effected a temporary drop in property investments, in terms of their effects on home prices, while giving suggestions on policies for sustainable growth in the property market. • The Regulatory Plight of China’s Property Market • The Equilibrium Price of Commodity Housing • Measures of the Housing Bubble and Assessment of Systematic Risks

New & Forthcoming

• Fiscal and Monetary Policy Coordination for Stable Home Prices November 2015 | 256 pp | 7 x 10 | US$118 Cloth: 978-1-62320-131-9

• Sustainable Growth of the Housing Market and Monetary Policy; Tax Reform; Land Finances; Low-Income Housing Construction; and Home-Purchase Restrictions • Policy Suggestions for the Sustainable Growth of the Property Market

eBook: 978-1-62320-132-6 GUO Qingwang is the Dean of the School of Finance, Renmin University of China, and the Vice-President of the Chinese Tax Institute. ZHANG Jie is the Deputy Dean of the School of Finance, Renmin University of China, and also the President of the university’s International Monetary Institute.

Corporate Governance in China The Role of Institutional Investors YUAN Rongli (Renmin University of China) The growing share of institutional investors in the capital market has increasingly brought their role in corporate governance to the fore of academic discourse. While China is no exception in this booming trend, Chinese academia has not given the issue equal attention.

December 2015 | 248 pp | 7 x 10 | US$108 Cloth: 978-1-62320-133-3 eBook: 978-1-62320-134-0


The book contextualizes the assessment of the monitoring function of institutional investors in the Chinese economy using mixed research methods including interviews, secondary data analysis, and a case study. Noting the diverse types of institutional investors in China, author Yuan Rongli singles out financial institutions, particularly securities investment funds and securities companies, which are counterparts of “institutional investors” as traditionally understood, as she probes into the actual functioning of financial institutions in corporate governance as well as the corresponding effects on company performance. Her study, apart from confirming the important role of these financial institution investors, identifies the factors that enhance and limit this role and the main agency problem in China’s corporate governance. YUAN Rongli, Associate Professor of Accounting at the School of Business at Renmin University of China. She was the CFO of Zhengzhou Weikemu Electronic Co. Ltd. during its IPO and is currently serving on the Editorial Board of the China Journal of Accounting Studies.

Wages in China An Economic Analysis ZHANG Jun (Fudan University) A major determinant of the primary distribution of national income, wages will have tremendous impacts on both social equity and economic efficiency in China. This series presents authoritative research results from the study of the evolution of China’s wage formation mechanism over 30 years. The series looks at the impact from the institutional evolution of the wage system, social networks, and geographical factors on the determination of wages. The author examines the collective negotiation system as an example of institutional changes to explore the impacts on employees’ wages, and does an empirical study on the shrinkage in labor’s share of national income by using industrial and provincial data.

3-Volume Set November 2015 | 530 pp | 7 x 10 | US$238 Cloth: 978-1-62320-116-6 eBook: 978-1-62320-117-3

ZHANG Jun is Changjiang Professor of Economics and Director of the China Center for Economic Studies at Fudan University in China. He authored and edited many books including Thirty Years of Reform and Opening Up, Transformation of the Chinese Enterprises, and Economic Transitions with Chinese Characteristics.

New & Forthcoming

Based on the discussion of local policy-making decisions under fiscal federalism in China, the author also analyzes the regional wage differences with economic geographical and regional policy variances. The perspective of inter-industrial wage spillover is also followed to explain the wage differences and convergence paradox.

Transformation of China’s Modern Banking System From the Late Qing Era to the 1930s LAN Rixu (Central University of Finance and Economics) China’s banking system has undergone many transformative changes since the Qing Era. Of particular note is the period between the Quing Era and the 1930s when China began to interact with the West. The product of more than 10 years of research, this series offers a unique and comprehensive analysis of the financing structure, governance structure, incentive and restraint mechanisms, and structural changes of China’s modern banking system. Lan Rixu uses historical evidence to show how the transformation of the modern banking system of China reflected an acute awareness of the practical reality of modern Chinese bankers.

2-Volume Set June 2015 | 488 pp | 7 x 10 | US$208 Cloth: 978-1-62320-092-3 eBook: 978-1-62320-093-0

The series is a winner of the Second Financial Book Awards, the Golden Goat Awards, co-organized by China Finance, China (Guangzhou) International Finance Expo, and the Finance Affairs Office of Guangzhou. LAN Rixu is Associate Professor at the School of Economics at Central University of Finance and Economics. He is the author of Modernization of China’s Finance (2005), and a co-author of The Economic Development of Contemporary China: A 60-Year Review (2009), A Financial History of China (2008), and other works.


Reforming China’s Capital Market The Future Development Path WU Xiaoqiu In Reforming China’s Capital Market, Wu Xiaoqiu, forefather of China’s securities theory, examines the most critical issues with this volatile but booming market. This book also offers studies of prominent cases of trading irregularities in China over the past 20 years, as well as suggestions of the regulatory system and the policy orientation for future reforms such as the creation of market watchdogs in order to deter unfair trading practices. • The IPO Market in China and Its Supervisory Mechanism • Acquisition and Restructuring: Increasing Allocation Efficiency in Existing Resources • Refinancing of PLCs: Regulation Changes and Policies of Dividend Distribution

New & Forthcoming

• Information Disclosure and Market Interpretation • Liabilities of Securities Violations: Current Laws and Future Developments

2-Volume Set Coming in 2016 | US$218 Cloth: 978-1-62320-108-1 eBook: 978-1-62320-109-8

• Delisting: Market Cleanup and Value Enhancement as Important Safeguards WU Xiaoqiu is President of the Finance and Securities Institution at Renmin University of China. He is a leading expert in finance and securities research in China, having published nearly 100 papers in the nation’s leading journals. He is also the author of Interpretation of Capital Market (2002), Transformation and Rise of China (2011), Chinese Securities Companies: Present and Future (2012), and other works.

Major Issues and Policies in China’s Financial Reform Edited by CHEN Yulu and GUO Qingwang (Renmin University of China) “Pants with close crotch,” “polyandry,” and “a tiger in a cage” — these enigmatic terms are frequently used by Chinese economists and policy-makers to figuratively describe certain significant financial policies and phonomena in the history of New China. Major Issues and Policies in China's Financial Reform is a 4-volume guide to these terms. With the economic transformation of late 1980s as a turning point, this series provides an in-depth examination of 28 key financial concepts in China over a 60-year timespan. • “A Tiger in a Cage” - Potential shocks on market supply and demand from household cash in hand and saving deposits • “Polyandry” - The use of the fiscal surplus from the previous year to make the budget of the current year

4-Volume Set Coming in 2016 | US$368 Cloth: 978-1-62320-033-6 eBook: 978-1-62320-124-1


CHEN Yulu is President of the Renmin University of China, Member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China, Vice President of the China International Finance Society. GUO Qingwang, Professor and Dean of the School of Finance at the Renmin University of China. He is also Vice President of the Chinese Tax Institute, Executive Director of the Society of Public Finance of China.

Rural Development in China The Rise of Innovative Institutions and Markets LU Yilong (Renmin University of China) This series explores China’s rural development path from two angles: institutional innovations and the market. Using China‘s unique “3-rurals” concept as the basis, the series discusses the institutional drawbacks and demands to determine the specific issues of China’s rural market, and gives suggestions of how to stimulate China’s rural socioeconomic growth. • Patterns in New Rural Communities and Institutional Demand • Reforming the Dual-Sector Structure and Developing Rural Communities • Transfer of Land under the Household Responsibility System • Government Imposed Institutional Innovations • Institutional Innovations and Emerging Factor Markets

3-Volume Set August 2015 | 470 pp | 7 x 10 | US$268 Cloth: 978-1-62320-088-6 eBook: 978-1-62320-089-3

• Peasants’ Market Preferences • Institutional Conditions for Nurturing Entrepreneurial Talents in the Rural • Rural Development in 1949–1979, and 1979–2009 • Market Transition and Rural Stratification • Dual Structure and Dual Institution in China's Rural Society • New Rural Communities and Urbanization • Institutional Innovations in the Market and Recent Rural Developments

New & Forthcoming

• Non-Farm Business Activities and Social Network of Rural Households

LU Yilong is the Deputy Director of the Research Center of Sociological Theory and Method, Renmin University of China. He is an associate professor in sociology at Renmin University of China.

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, China s Outward Foreign Direct Investment Theories and Strategies ZHANG Hong (Shandong University)

Finance & Investment

This volume aims to combine global value chain (GVC) theories and foreign direct investment (FDI) theories and provide theoretical explanations for China’s outward foreign direct investment activities from the perspective of the global value chain. The book addresses five areas: summary explanations for China’s outward FDI activities offered by current theories of GVC and outward FDI; rationally understand China’s position in GVC and characteristics of China’s outward FDI in this new era; build and discuss theoretical models behind technology acquisition and upgrading in value chains through outward FDI; examine the impact of outward FDI on the domestic technologic progress; provide suggestions on China’s outward FDI strategies from the perspective of GVC based on theoretical and empirical analyses.

December 2014 | 240 pp | 7 x 10 | US$138 Cloth: 978-1-62320-036-7 eBook: 978-1-62320-065-7

ZHANG Hong is Professor at the School of Economics of Shandong University. Her academic works include: Transnational Companies Outward FDI and the Market Structure of Host Countries (2006), Empirical Analysis of the Influencing Factors of the Sino-Korea Intra-industry Trade (2006). BOOK REVIEW This is a timely book in light of the fact that the annual value of China’s outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), which for all practical purposes had begun only in the early 2000s, is now just about matching the value of the inflow of FDI into China. --Paul Marer, Ph.D., Professor of International Business, Central European University Business School

Managing Inflation in China Current Trends and New Strategies LIU Yuanchun (Renmin University of China) Liu Yuanchuan reports the results of a large research project he led investigating the causes of inflation in China. After an overview, he covers internal causes of inflation, inflation from an international perspective, the transmission and impact of inflation, inflation from the perspective of income and wealth distribution, and an inflation forecast and choice of tools. Among specific topics are an endogenous money perspective on the relationship between China's currency and inflation, how international agricultural product prices affect China's agricultural product prices, the effects of the wage level on China's industrial upgrading, a study of heterogeneity in China's welfare costs of inflation, and coordination between global monetary policy adjustments and China's monetary policy.

2-Volume Set December 2014 | 560 pp | 7 x 10 | US$198 Cloth: 978-1-62320-041-1 eBook: 978-1-62320-068-8

LIU Yuanchun is the Associate Dean of the School of Economics and Associate Director of the Institute of Economic Research, Renmin University of China. He is the author of Renminbi Exchange Rate and China's Monetary Policies (2005), China's CGE Model and the Renminbi's Exchange Rate Depreciation (2006). BOOK REVIEW The first volume of Managing Inflation in China: Current Trends and New Strategies illustrates a main strand of Chinese economic research. It is ambitious in scope and seeks to integrate both Chinese and foreign work. For those not intimately familiar with the Chinese economy, Chapter 3 is especially valuable. It correctly upends conventional views about the role of the money supply, emphasizing the crucial role of lending to producers.” --Derek Scissors, PhD, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute


Private Equity Funds in China A 20-Year Overviewv XIA Bin, Wang Changyun, and Zhou Ye’an In this two-volume set, Xia, Wang, and Ye’an present readers with a comprehensive overview of the development of private equity funds in China. The first volume provides an overview of the general subject before diving into the development of China’s privately offered funds, the development of private funds in mature markets, and an analysis of the environment for the development of China’s privately offered funds. The second volume provides analysis of the regulatory environment, China’s privately offered fund industry, China’s private securities investment fund companies, non-securites investment funds, and lastly provides recommendations on future development.

December 2013 | 392 pp | 7 x 10 | US$198 Cloth: 978-1-62320-008-4 eBook: 978-1-62320-055-8

WANG Changyun is Professor at the School of Finance at Renmin University of China. He is also the Director of China Financial Policy Research Center at Renmin University of China. Zhou Ye’an is Professor at the School of Economics at Renmin University of China.

Finance & Investment

2-Volume Set

XIA Bin is the Honorable Director of the Financial Research Center under the State Council, and he was Head of the Transaction Department of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Deputy Head of the Policy Research Center of the People's Bank of China. He was the chief editor of China’s Encyclopedia of Securities.

The Capital Market in China A 60-Year Review CAO Erjie In this three volume series Cao presents readers with a comprehensive overview of the capital market in China, looking at the formation of capital, developmental financing, state financial intervention, private funds, foreign capital, mergers, mutual funds, bonds, securities, futures, the role of capital in Socialist society, human capital, time-space compression, and Renminbi internationalization. Volume one focuses on the joint stock system in China and the socialization of capital, innovation in China's mechanized capital formation, and China's finance lease policies. Volume two looks at the development of China's non-public economy, private investment, human capital in China, and China's mutual investment fund. The third volume examines securitization of capital, the financial futures market, China's investment banks, and the internationalization of the Renminbi. The author is a faculty member of Tsinghua University.

3-Volume Set July 2014 | 776 pp | 7 x 10 | US$268 Cloth: 978-1-62320-005-3 eBook: 978-1-62320-060-2

CAO Erjie was the Head of the Investment Investigation Department of China Construction Bank. His other major publications include Management of China's Fixed Asset Investment, A 40-Year Review of China Construction Bank.


Structural Reform in China’s Regional Governments GUO Qingwang and JIA Junxue (Renmin University of China) Guo and Jia present the findings of the "Study of the Optimal Size and Structure of China's Regional Governments" conducted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In an innovative theoretical analysis, it builds a framework upon the theories of intergovernmental fiscal relations and government administration to examine the endogenous determinants of the size, structure, and evolution of regional governments and the influence they have on China's socio-economic development. It also takes a more microscopic perspective, looking at county-level governments to examine the effect of the differentiated behavior of various levels of government on the size and structure of regional governments.

Political Science

2-Volume Set July 2014 | 516 pp | 7 x 10 | US$198 Cloth: 978-1-62320-043-5

GUO Qingwang is the Dean of the School of Finance, Renmin University of China, and the Vice-President of the Chinese Tax Institute. He is the author of The Effectiveness and Fade-Out Strategy of Active Fiscal Policy (2007), Corporation Tax: International Comparison (1996), and Active Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy (2004). JIA Junxue is the Deputy Head of the School of Finance, Renmin University of China. Jia was also the Chairman of the Chinese Finance Society.

eBook: 978-1-62320-064-0

The Political and Economic History of China (1949–1976) HU Angang (Tsinghua University) China’s political and economic history is chronicled from 1949 to 1976, in three volumes, from the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the Cultural Revolution. It details modernization, industrialization, collectivization, the Great Leap Forward, Mao’s successes and mistakes, and the final verdict on the Mao era. There are 16 chapters in three volumes: China’s situation in the context of modernization; economic development history of China; initial conditions for China’s modern economic development; China’s early nation-building efforts; the first golden age of China’s industrialization; emulating the Soviet model; collectivization and nationalization in China; the Great Leap Forward; Mao-centered interpretations versus official historical judgment of the Cultural Revolution; why did Mao unleash the Cultural Revolution?; the first phase (1966-1969); the second phase (1969-1973; the third phase (1973-1976; economic background to the Cultural Revolution; economic policy and structural reforms during the Cultural Revolution; official verdict on the Maoist era.

3-Volume Set November 2013 | 676 pp | 7 x 10 | US$338 Cloth: 978-981-4332-729 eBook: 978-981-4332-60-6


HU Angang is Professor in the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University. He is also Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Japan’s Keio University, and Guest Professor at Tongji University. He is the chief editor of National Report, a monthly journal of China's political research which is read by China's top leaders. He is the author of China in 2020: A New Kind of Superpower (2010), Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution (2008), Economic and Social Transformation in China (2006), and other works.

Renewable Energy in China Towards a Green Economy Edited by LIU Manhong Mannie, Mike Henry, and HUANG Haifeng Renewable Energy in China: Towards a Green Economy presents a complete look at China’s efforts to become a “green” nation. This three-volume series uses an overview of contemporary issues of sustainable development, as well as a set of 25 unique case studies (from leading companies and industry experts in China and the West), to highlight China’s unique “green” role. The key concepts of sustainable development, including the rising use of solar and wind power, present complex challenges for China and shape the nation’s geopolitical role.

CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS • Green Supply Chain: Improving Energy Efficiency and Environmental Performance • China’s Solar Energy: Solar Photovoltaics (PV) • A Summary of China’s Biodiesel Field and Hydro Power

3-Volume Set October 2013 | 880 pp | 7 x 10 | US$308 eBook: 978-1-62320-051-0

• Qingdao: The Development and Utilization of Ocean Energy • Offshore Wind Power by CNOOC • Forestry Carbon Exchange Practice in China FROM THE PREFACE

LIU Manhong Mannie, Professor and PhD adviser at the School of Finance, Renmin University of China, is a Financial Adviser to the Beijing Municipal Government, the Director at Boston China VC Research Center, and the Director of the Private Equity Research Center at the Renmin University of China. HUANG Haifeng is the director of the Center for Green Economy, Peking University HSBC Business School, as well as Asian Chairman in the Ecological Development Union International, and the supervisor of the China’s Ministry of Land and Resources. Mike Henry is Associate Dean of the School of Business, Macewan University.

I hope that the publication of this book can raise awareness and provoke thought on the issue of renewable energy, and attract more people to participate in the study of theories and the application of renewable energy, and thus contribute to the development of renewable energy in China.


Cloth: 978-1-62320-020-6

• Green Insurance, Renewable Energy, and Carbon Finance in China

--Cheng Siwei, Former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China

The Green Economy and Its Implementation in China Edited by LIU Manhong Mannie, David Ness, and HUANG Haifeng 400 pp | 7 x 10 | US$138 | Cloth: 978-981-4298-95-7 A collection of essays and papers presented by over 30 internationally regarded experts from China, Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia in a series of conferences on China’s ecological development issues at the China-Europe Forum hosted by the Ecological Development Union International (EDUI). BOOK REVIEW Overall, this is a highly recommendable publication on the green economy in China which provides a good overview over the most important industries, the government policies, as well as the potential for further development. Its unique feature is the well assembled group of authors in which Chinese contributors provide original insights with China-specific knowledge." --Henrique Schneider, Chief Economist, Swiss Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises


Theoretical System of China’s Macroeconomic Analysis ZHENG Chaoyu (Renmin University of China) This book delineates a theoretical system of macroeconomic analysis for China from the angles of the AD-AS model, growth and inflation, the open economy, and demand management. It describes China's current macroeconomic status, which is characterized by high savings, investment, and economic growth, and examines the components of its economy, including its aggregate supply and demand functions, external demand-driven economic fluctuations, structural and cost-push inflations, and structural economic changes. The book also details a dynamic purchasing power parity theory and a macroeconomic analysis and forecasting model aligned with the IS-LM-AS approach, the country's experience in demand management, and its monetary policy.

May 2013 | 224 pp | 7 x 10 | US$118 Cloth: 978-981-4402-33-0


eBook: 978-981-4402-34-7

Zheng Chaoyu is Professor of Economics at Renmin University of China. He was a Fulbright Scholar in 2004 and 2005. He was also selected as one of the "New Century's Top Scholars" by the Ministry of Education of China. He is the author of Nonequilibrium Development of China's Economy, Measurement of the Effects of Monetary Policies, Research on the Economy of Speed, Research on China's Inflation and Capital Inflow, and other works.

Internationalization of the RMB 2013 Annual Report International Monetary Institute This report examines China's current RMB (renminbi) policy and its goals for full internationalization of the currency in the future. It describes the indicators and data that take into account the global share of all functions of the RMB viewed as an international currency (the RMB Internationalization Index) and its rationale, development, structural analysis and changes, and comparison of the internationalization indexes of major currencies; the current situation of renminbi internationalization, including RMB cross-border trade settlements, RMB direct investments, securities investment, the RMB overseas credit market, the RMB in global exchange reserves, the foreign exchange and offshore markets, RMB exchange rates, and China's capital account openness; and world perspectives on RMB internationalization.

June 2014 | 392 pp | 7 x 10 | US$138

Established in 2009, the International Monetary Institute is a non-profit academic institution housed in the School of Finance at Renmin University of China and the China Financial Policy Research Center.

Cloth: 978-1-62320-096-1 eBook: 978-1-62320-097-8

BOOK REVIEW For those who want a serious, comprehensive status report on the internationalization of the yuan, there is no better read than The Internationalization of the RMB: 2013 Report. According to The Economist, the “Buzz about the rise of China’s currency has run far ahead of sedate reality.” This volume increases the signal-to-buzz ratio. -- Prof. Steve H. Hanke, The Johns Hopkins University


Enrich Annual Economic Review China’s Economy 2009-2012 The Institute of Economic Research, Renmin University of China The four volumes in this new series summarize China’s economic figures for 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, monitor major economic trends in China, and identify global trends impacting China’s national economy. The 2009 volume examines Chinese monetary and fiscal policies following the financial crisis, the relationship between fiscal policy and economic fluctuations, the adjustment path of the American trade deficit, and the “outstanding results” China has achieved in cutting carbon emissions per capital compared to developed countries. The 2012 volume focuses on international comparisons of economic growth models as inspiration for China to pursue continuous and healthy rapid economic development.

4-Volume Set

China’s Economy 2009

December 2014 | 1416 pp | 7 x 10 | US$448

312 pp | US$108 | 978-981-4298-67-4

eBook: 978-1-62320-062-6 The Institute of Economic Research of the Renmin University of China is an academic institution engaged in research on China’s macroeconomic dynamics and major economic issues. It commissions a number of macroeconomists to study China’s macroeconomic trends and cutting-edge economic issues.

• Chinese Macro-economic Landscape and Policies in 2009 • Overall Analysis on Chinese Macro-economy in 2009 • Economic Cycle, Inflation Cycle and Stock Market Cycle


Cloth: 978-1-62320-035-0

China’s Economy 2010 408 pp | US$138 | 978-981-4339-33-9 • China's Core Inflation Estimate from a Perspective of Forecast • Redoubling Residents' Income and China's Economic Growth • Financial System Reform of the 12th Five-Year Plan

China’s Economy 2011 368 pp | US$138 | 978-981-4339-42-1 • Overall Analysis on China's Macro-economy 2011 • Liquidity in the Financing Structure Variation • China's Economic Growth vs. Its Aging Population

China’s Economy 2012 440 pp | US$138 | 978-1-62320-034-3 • Analysis of Factors Affecting China's Potential Growth Rate • Future Trends of China's Economic Growth and Response Strategies


Enrich Series on China’s Economic Issues This nine volume set focuses on a wide range of contemporary economic and financial issues in China, including monetary policies, banking reform, fiscal deficits, regional development, and industrial restructuring. The series also covers some more minor issues, including the development of service industries in China, the economic effects of foreign trade, the development of the Yangtze River Delta, and coordination between economic efforts in China's rural and urban areas.

9-Volume Set


March 2013 | 2984 pp | 7 x 10 | US$888 Cloth: 978-1-62320-039-8 eBook: 978-1-62320-094-7 (In alphabetical order)

Volume 1 China's Openingup: The Impact on Monetary Policy Choice

Volume 2 Growth of the Service Sector in the Yangtze River Delta

Volume 3 Foreign Trade Growth and Economic Development In China

Volume 4 A Study of the Macroeconomic Effects of China's Fiscal

Volume 5 Competition, Concentration and Efficiency of Commercial Banks in South Korea, Mainland China and Taiwan

Volume 6 Research on Western Economic Triangular Zone: Development of the Anti-gradient Region

Volume 7 Conflict and Harmony: Development in the Yangtze River Delta

Volume 8 The Strategy of Chinese RuralUrban Coordinated

Volume 9 The Strategy of Chinese RuralUrban Coordinated Development to 2020 Part 2

FAN Zhiyong, Renmin University of China HUANG Juan, Renmin University of China JIN Zhesong, University of Kobe LI Jun, Central University of Finance and Economics LIU Zhibiao, University of Nanjing SHAO Feng, Tsinghua University SUN Jiuwen, Renmin University of China XIE Fei, Chongqing University of Technology XU Xiongqi, Chongqing University of Technology ZHENG Jianghuai, University of Nanjing

BOOK REVIEW Enrich Professional Publishing makes important economic books written in Chinese (in China) accessible for an Englishreading audience. For the first time, an “inside perspective” of the Chinese economic discourse is offered to professional economists everywhere. --Henrique Schneider, Chief Economist, Swiss Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises


Joe Zhang

is a corporate governance advisor based in Hong Kong. He worked for 11 years at UBS, mainly as Head of China Research and then Deputy Head of its China Investment Banking Division. He was an official of the central People's Bank of China in Beijing from 1986 to 1989. Between 2006 and 2008, Joe was the Chief Operating Officer of Shenzhen Investment Limited, a government company.

Party Man, Company Man Is China’s State Capitalism Doomed? Inefficient and corrupt, the state sector in China is the source of many of the nation’s current ills. However, according to corporate financier Joe Zhang, it is fixable. In his new book, Joe shares his firsthand insights into China’s SOEs, the reasons he left the Communist Party, and his predictions on the future of China’s successful and growing state sector.

BOOK REVIEWS Joe Zhang has long been one of the most astute observers of China, whether the issue is energy efficiency, macroeconomics or the role of state-owned companies.... This book is a rare firsthand view from inside the machinery of China's vast economy.

Paperback: 978-1-62320-038-1 eBook: 978-1-62320-057-2

Trade Titles

April 2014 | 256 pp | 5.5 x 8.5 | US$15.95

-- Victor Mallet, author of The Trouble with Tigers: the Rise and Fall of South-East Asia , and South Asia Bureau Chief of the Financial Times Gripping, well-written, insider's account about the state-owned sector in China and the much needed reforms taking place… I highly recommend this book for investors, policy makers and anyone interested in knowing the internal plumbing of China's economy. -- Shaun Rein, Founder, China Market Research Group, Author, The End of Copycat China: The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia Joe Zhang is the bull in the China shop. An insider who is unafraid to speak his mind and to lock horns with the idiosyncrasies of state capitalism. His latest book is an entertaining and educational look into boardrooms of China business. -- Jeffrey Towson, Professor of Investment at Peking University and author of the #1 best-seller The One Hour China Book

Inside China’s Shadow Banking The Next Subprime Crisis? Within shadow banking, China’s microcredit industry is an area of tremendous interest for most business analysts. In this book, Joe Zhang pinpoints the areas of concern based on his experience in the field and his knowledge of the complicated rules and regulations of banking in China gathered during his years as an official of the central People’s Bank of China in Beijing.

BOOK REVIEWS This is an informed, clearly written and timely look at China's financial system by a real player in the system itself.

May 2013 | 176 pp | 5.5 x 8.5 | US$15.95 Paperback: 978-1-62320-017-6 eBook: 978-1-62320-044-2

-- James McGregor, author of No Ancient Wisdom, No Followers: The Challenges of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism Joe Zhang has impeccable timing. The former investment banker’s book about running a small Chinese microcredit firm, “Inside China’s Shadow Banking”, has hit shelves just as concerns about the country’s runaway credit boom are capturing global headlines. --Peter Thal Larsen, Thomson Reuters


Strategic Priorities China's Reforms and the Reshaping of the Global Order HU Yifan (Haitong International Securities) • Proposes short-term and long-term measures to ensure the sustainability and solvency of local public financial institutions in China amid mounting government debt • Provides key points on how China can use its new economic leverage to shape its long-term outward investment strategies in Africa and ASEAN countries. • Assesses China’s latest policies to promote the Renminbi as a world reserve currency amid a global currency war • Analyzes China’s national pension system and labor issues in the wake of President Xi’s sweeping reforms HU Yifan is Chief Economist and Head of Research at Haitong International in Hong Kong and a Visiting Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Additionally, Dr. Hu has worked with the World Bank and KPMG. November 2013 | 336 pp | 6 x 9 | US$27.95


Cloth: 978-1-62320-037-4 | eBook: 978-1-62320-052-7

Structural Economics in China A Three-Dimensional Framework for Balanced Growth XIANG Junbo (Agricultural Bank of China) A thorough examination of the structural imbalances in China’s consumption, investment, financial, and international balance of payments sectors, the book measures China’s structural imbalances in terms of wealth distribution, economic growth, and environmental protection. XIANG Junbo is the Chairman of the Agricultural Bank of China. He served as Deputy Auditor-General of the National Audit Office, Vice President of the People’s Bank of China, and Director of its Shanghai headquarters. February 2012 | 360 pp | 7 x 10 | US$128 Cloth: 978-981-4298-38-4 | eBook: 978-981-4298-39-1

China's Exchange Rate Variation Impacts on Industrial Restructuring GU Kejian and YU Jian (Renmin University of China) Using the three transmission paths of China’s exchange rate variation as the basis of their research, the authors examine the link between the RMB exchange rate and the overall industrial restructuring of China. GU Kejian is a Professor at the School of Business at Renmin University of China. His areas of expertise are international trade theory and policy. YU Jian is an Assistant Analyst at the Department of Business Management of the People’s Bank of China. January 2012 | 272 pp | 7 x 10 | US$108 Cloth: 978-981-4298-34-6 | eBook: 978-981-4298-35-3


Innovative Capability of Chinese Enterprises YI Zhihong (Renmin University of China) This book looks at the panorama of the innovative capability of Chinese enterprises from the international environment, financial environment, and industrial policies to specific topics such as technological innovation, institutional innovation, and the rise of proprietary brands. YI Zhihong is Professor of Corporate Finance, Renmin University of China, and the President of the Business School at the Renmin University of China. Yi was a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School (HBS) and the University of Michigan. May 2012 | 440 pp | 7 x 10 | US$138 Cloth: 978-981-4298-36-0 | eBook: 978-981-4298-37-7

China's External Economic Relations Edited by LIU Saili and ZHOU Lin (China Foreign Affairs University)


Using a systematic approach to assess each of China’s key economic partners – the U.S., India, Japan, South Korea, as well as the ASEAN nations – the book presents a reasoned overview of China’s place in the current geopolitical paradigm and the nation’s prospects for the future. LIU Saili is Professor of International Economics at China Foreign Affairs University. Her research interests include international trade and finance, economic relations between major countries, and China’s external economic relations. October 2012 | 400 pp | 7 x 10 | US$148 Cloth: 978-981-4332-13-2 | eBook: 978-981-4332-11-8

The Development of Rural Finance in China CHEN Yulu and MA Yong (Renmin University of China) Using theoretical and empirical methods, the book analyzes and summarizes the features of China’s rural households in the rural credit market and looks at the economic behavior of the supply and demand sides through the prisms of various frameworks: nation, society, system, and culture. CHEN Yulu is the President of Renmin University of China, a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Republic of China, and Vice President of the China International Finance Society. September 2012 | 356 pp | 7 x 10 | US$138 Cloth: 978-981-4332-08-8 | eBook: 978-981-4332-07-1


Chinapedia The First Authoritative Reference to Understanding China Edited by FENG Jun et al. (Renmin University of China) A nearly 700-page comprehensive and authoritative guide to everything you need to know about China, written and compiled over the course of 7 years by the most knowledgeable scholars in their respective fields of expertise. With 9 broad sections, and nearly 1000 entries, this encyclopedia provides a panoramic account of China’s geography, history, politics, economy, law, scientific and technological achievements, education, culture, art, and religion. FENG Jun is the former Vice President at the Renmin University of China, Professor at the School of Philosophy of the Renmin University of China, and Standing Vice Dean of the China Executive Leadership Academy. March 2013 | 668 pp | 7 x 10 | US$188 Cloth: 978-981-4332-54-5 | eBook: 978-981-4332-15-6

Growth without Crisis China's Modern Financial System


The Financial Policy Research Center of the Renmin University of China This book looks at the relationship between economic growth, fiscal decentralization, local government behavior, and taxation. In addition, the book investigates the RMB equilibrium exchange rate and traces the political economic mechanism of exchange rate reform to explain the reasons for China’s economic growth. The Financial Policy Research Center of the Renmin University of China conducted a series of studies on important financial issues in China, such as fiscal and monetary policies, and other related issues. September 2011 | 448 pp | 7 x 10 | US$138 Cloth: 978-981-4298-32-2 | eBook: 978-981-4298-33-9

Enrich Series on Chinese Currency Reform (3-Volume Set) ZHANG Jie, KAMIKAWA Takao, LI Xiao, DING Yibing Volume 1 Internationalization of the Renminbi: History, Theories and Policies Volume 2 Regionalization of the Renminbi Volume 3 Cooperation between the Renminbi and the Yen ZHANG Jie is Professor and Deputy Head of the School of Finance at Renmin University of China. KAMIKAWA Takao is Professor in International Economics at the Yokohama National University. LI Xiao is Professor and Deputy Dean of the School of Economics at Jilin University. DING Yibing is Professor of the School of Economics at the Jilin University. November 2011 | 1008 pp | 7 x 10 | US$328 Cloth: 978-981-4339-06-3 | eBook: 978-981-4339-09-4


An Introduction to China’s Taxation Edited by YANG Hong (Central University of Finance and Economics) The book details the current tax system with a focus on tax rates, taxpayers, tax incentives, and specific taxation. The book covers 9 tax types, including value added tax, consumption tax, business tax, customs duty, enterprise income tax, individual income tax, resource taxes, property taxes, and taxes for special purposes. YANG Hong is the Dean of the School of Taxation at Central University of Finance and Economics. Her research covers taxation policies, taxation planning, and enterprise taxation. February 2012 | 400 pp | 7 x 10 | US$128 Cloth: 978-981-4332-01-9 | eBook: 978-981-4332-00-2

Evolution and Growth of China’s Wholesale Industry since 1978 MA Longlong (Renmin University of China)


In this first English language book about China’s wholesale industry since China’s openingup, the author reviews the history of China’s wholesale industrial reform since 1978. The book offers a comprehensive examination of the growth of the industry, its structural evolution, market development, and the emergence of logistics operations. MA Longlong is a Professor of Industrial Economics and the Director of the Research Center for Industrial Development and Logistics Reform at Renmin University of China. Ma’s research interests are in the areas of market structure, logistics policy, logistics, and commercial science. June 2011 | 504 pp | 7 x 10 | US$158 Cloth: 978-981-4298-40-7 | eBook: 978-981-4298-41-4

Economic Reforms and Development in China Selected Works of Cheng Siwei (3-Volume Set) CHENG Siwei This book, in three volumes, presents the thoughts and reflections of the highly regarded Chinese scholar and statesman, Cheng Siwei. Using the principles of complexity science and finance, the author also elaborates on the characteristics and laws of fictitious economy in China and from this perspective, studies such issues as venture capital, financial crises, capital and monetary markets, inflation and deflation, housing system reform, the social security system, and enterprise management in contemporary China. CHENG Siwei was the Chairman of International Finance Forum, and a former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China. He has been dubbed the “Father of Venture Capital in China” for his groundbreaking work in this area. December 2011 | 1216 pp | 7 x 10 | US$398 Cloth: 978-981-4332-47-7 | eBook: 978-981-4332-52-1


SILKROAD PRESS Silkroad Press is a humanities imprint of Enrich Professional Publishing. Our list is broadly focussed on Chinese culture and studies, history, journalism, art, philosophy, religion, art and literature. By partnering with universities in China and Hong Kong, Silkroad Press has become the leading publisher to translate and publish the work of renowned Chinese scholars. Our goal is to promote a better understanding of contemporary China through studying its past and heritage.

The History and Spirit of Chinese Art ZHANG Fa (Renmin University of China) Art is always a product of cultural evolution, and The History and Spirit of Chinese Art looks at this universal process as it unfolded in ancient China. With “mountain-water” landscape paintings, works of classical Chinese calligraphy, and blue and white porcelain widely displayed in museums and fetching high prices in auction houses worldwide, Chinese art is no longer foreign to the Western world. However, to many, the making of such cultural artefacts remains an enigmatic process. Indeed, Chinese art, the product of such an old civilization, was shaped by an ongoing process of evolution along the ebbs and flows of China’s history as a nation. Aesthetics expert Zhang Fa deciphers the philosophies and thoughts that have defined Chinese art since the very beginning of the Chinese civilization, moving through the dynastic landmarks of artistic development with discussions of numerous art forms including paintings, architecture, dance and music, calligraphy, and literature. • Origins of Chinese Artistic Motifs in Pre-Qin Primitive Society

2-Volume Set December 2015 | 400 pp | 7 x 10 | US$198 Cloth: 978-1-62320-129-6 eBook: 978-1-62320-130-2

• Architecture, Sculpture, Epideictic Rhapsody, and Portraits in the Qin and Han Dynasties, under a New Concept of the Universe • Artistic Grandeur in the Tang Dynasty, the Cultural Pinnacle of Ancient China • Cultural and Artistic Transitions in the Song Dynasty • Embracement of the Popular, Realistic, and Pragmatic in Yuan, Ming, and Qing Art

The Formation of Chinese Humanist Ethics From a Hermeneutic-Semiotic Perspective

Featured Titles

ZHANG Fa is Professor of the School of Art and President of the Institute of Aesthetic Research, Renmin University of China. Currently, he also sits on the Board of the Chinese Association for Aesthetics and Chinese Comparative Literature Association. He has published influential research papers and books on aesthetics and Chinese art, including The Elements of Aesthetics (1999), A History of Chinese Aesthetics (2000), and Art, Literature, and the Modernity of China (2002).

LI Youzheng (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) This book makes Chinese ethics theoretically more understandable through an interdisciplinary approach, from the perspectives of hermeneutics and semiotics. The Analects of Confucius are structurally analyzed so as to reveal the epistemological preconditions and pragmatic rationality implied in the maxims of this important classic. Volume 1 and 2 The Structure of the Chinese Ethical Archetype • Political Turn of Mencian-Confucian Ethics against Taoist Nihilism and Legalist Philosophy of Power • The Epistemological Challenge to Confucian Ethics: Taoism and Legalism • The Ethical Pragmatics of the Mencian Political Will Volume 3 and 4 The Constitution of Han-Academic Ideology

4-Volume Set August 2012 | 824 pp | 7 x 10 | US$368 Cloth: 978-981-4339-84-1 eBook: 978-981-4402-37-8

• The Cultural Consequences of Han-Confucianism • The Historiographic and Exegetic Patterns of Han-Academia • The Composition of the Confucianist Classics LI Youzheng is a Special Research Fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Vice-President of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. He is the author of An Introduction to Theoretical Semiotics, The Structure of the Chinese Ethical Archetype, The Constitution of Han-Academic Ideology, and Epistemological Problems of the Comparative Humanities. 21

The Capital of the Yuan Dynasty CHEN Gaohua (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) The Yuan Dynasty was different from other dynasties in the history of China, and so was its capital, Dadu, the city that laid the foundation for what would become modernday Beijing. As the first publication of its kind, The Capital of the Yuan Dynasty presents the capital’s history using a thematic approach. Starting from Beijing in the pre-Yuan Dynasty period and the building of Dadu as a new city, the author introduces the layout of the city and imperial palaces, and then focuses on Dadu in detail from political, economic, and cultural angles. The Capital of the Yuan Dynasty references over 100 Chinese classics of the Yuan and succeeding dynasties, including Yuanshi (History of Yuan), Xijinzhi jiyi (Compilation of the Scattered Writings of the “Gazetteer of Xijin”), and Tongzhi tiaoge (Legislative Articles from the “Comprehensive Regulations”). Insights from contemporary prose, poetry and references from Goryeo Korea (Nogŏltae and Pak T’ongsa) complement the text. April 2014 | 224 pp | 7 x 10 | US$ 128


Cloth: 978-981-4332-44-6

Before the arrival of the Mongols, present-day Beijing was the site of the Jin capital under the Jurchens. After it was sacked by Genghis Khan in 1215, the city was virtually laid waste. Later, the Mongols built a separate city north of the Jin capital site, which substantially overlapped the Ming-Qing city of Beijing. In 1267, Genghis Khan’s grandson Kublai Khan designated it as his main capital, Dadu, and went on to found the Chinese-style Yuan dynasty there in 1271. The city lost its capital status in 1368 when Mongol rule in China was overthrown. Originally written in Chinese and translated into English, this book is authored by a well-known SongYuan scholar in the PRC and is a worthwhile effort to systematically examine various aspects of Dadu, including its prehistory, construction, layout, and political, economic, and cultural life, and ends with a chapter devoted to a brief history of the city in the last days of the Yuan dynasty. It cites a rich body of modern, especially traditional, Chinese sources."

Featured Titles

eBook: 978-981-4339-55-1 CHEN Gaohua is the Director at the Institute of History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He was the Director of the Research Center of the Song, Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties. He was also the co-translator of the Cambridge History of China (The Qin and Han Dynasties). recommended by

CHOICE for all levels/libraries

Summing Up: Recommended. All levels/libraries. -- V.C. Xiong, Western Michigan University CHEN Gaohua is one of the best-known Chinese scholars in Yuan Studies. His book Yuan Dadu published in 1982 was translated into Japanese in 1984, and into Mongolian language in 1985. The English translation by Phoebe Poon is a creditable contribution to the research literature of Yuan history in the western world. The glossary of personal names, building names and official titles is a handy reference tool for general readers, and Yuan studies scholars may find it useful, too. -- Xian Wu, Michigan State University Chen Gaohua has provided an excellent textbook for all students and researchers on the Yuan capital and has opened up a treasure-trove of sources hitherto inaccessible to the English speaking world. His treatment of this early period sets the tone and style for the rest of the book which is solid with detail, decorated with primary-sourced quotations, and supported by plentiful citations. What soon becomes obvious and what marks this book out from all other studies of the Yuan period currently available in English is that Chen’s sources are all Chinese. -- George Lane, SOAS, University of London


A History of Journalism in China FANG Hanqi (Renmin University of China) • The product of more than 3 years of work from 48 top scholars • More than 2,000 pages in 10 individual volumes • Spans 200 BC to the modern era in China The History of Journalism in China presents the evolution and development of journalism in China against the backdrop of the major events in China’s history (the first and second Sino-Japanese Wars, the Chinese Civil War, and the Cultural Revolution). The series looks at all aspects of journalism in China including not just newspapers but journals, television programs, newsreels, and other formats. The 10-volume History of Journalism in China offers unique insights into journalism in the entire Chinese-speaking world, from the Mainland to Taiwan to Hong Kong to Macau and to the larger Chinese diaspora.

10-Volume Set

The editor in chief of this series, Fang Hanqi, Professor Emeritus in Journalism, has been called the “Father of China’s Modern Journalism.”

November 2013 | 2108 pp | 7 x 10 | US$968


Cloth: 978-981-4339-82-7

• The Early Newspaper Publishing Activities of Foreigners in China

eBook: 978-981-4339-98-8

• Journalism in the era of the 1911 Revolution • Journalism in the Early Republic Period of China • Journalism in the May Fourth Movement • The Founding of the Communist Party in China and Journalism during 1924–1927 • The CPC’s Journalism during the Chinese Civil War • Kuomintang Journalism and Private Journalism during the Ten-Year Civil War • Journalism in the Kuomintang-Controlled Areas during Anti-Japanese War • Anti-Japanese Propaganda in Journalism in Hong Kong and Overseas • Journalism in the Liberated Areas during the Second Chinese Civil War • Gargantuan Changes of Journalism in China

Featured Titles

FANG Hanqi is a Professor Emeritus of Journalism at Renmin University of China. He has been called the “Father of China’s Modern Journalism.” He is the Director of the Chinese Journalism Association and Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Journalism History Association. He is the author of Newspaper in Ancient China, The Press History (1979), The Press History of Modern China (1981), Press and Journalists in the History (1991), and The Great Newspaper and Journalists in the History of Journalism (2000).

• Political Standpoints of the Chinese-Operated Newspapers

• Journalism in the Construction of Socialism ( January 1957–May 1966) • Journalism in the Rectification Movement and the Anti-Rightist Movement


The Eastward Dissemination of the Western Learning in the Late Qing Dynasty XIONG Yuezhi (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) In three volumes Xiong examines the relationship between the eastward dissemination of Western learning and the society of the late Qing period, exploring only those subjects that had a major impact on Chinese culture, as he seeks to understand why the “arrogant, ethnocentric and xenophobic Chinese scholar-gentries” eventually surrendered to Western culture. Volume 1 looks at the contributions of sixteenth-century Catholic missionary, Matteo Ricci, who succeeded by adopting a Chinese form of preaching, expanding Catholic influence, gaining the patronage of court officials, winning over the Emperor. Volume 2 treats schools in detail—the Imperial Foreign Language Institute, the Institute for Dialects, Shanghai Polytechnic Institute—and publications—A Review of the Times and other western titles, science and technology journals.

3-Volume Set June 2013 | 656 pp | 7 x 10 | US$ 318 Cloth: 978-981-4332-84-2 eBook: 978-981-4339-12-4

XIONG Yuezhi is Vice President of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Director of the Institute of History of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. He is the author of The History of Democratic Ideology in Modern China, Shanghai History: General Remarks.

Qing Series

Metabolism of Modern Chinese Society CHEN Xulu (East China Normal University) Feng Qi, who inherited Chen’s manuscript after his death, presents Metabolism of Modern Society which integrates history with a concise analysis of historical facts, explores dialectics (metabolism here meaning dialectic thinking) in modern Chinese history, looks at the adoption of Western learning on the basis of Chinese Confucianism, and examines his study of revolutions and reforms, patriotism and betrayal, invasion and progress in modern Chinese history, as well as his observation of the double functions of the huidang (secret societies) in modern history.

2-Volume Set April 2012 | 488 pp | 7 x 10 | US$248 Cloth: 978-981-4339-79-7 eBook: 978-981-4339-77-3


Volume 3 describes the dissemination of Western learning through the Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge among the Chinese, introduces John Fryer, master disseminator, Timothy Richard, “Devil Minister,” Young J. Allen who enlightened through publications and education; spotlights Yan Fu and Lin Shu, the twin pillars of translation.

Chen Xulu (1918–1988) was a Professor of History, St. John’s University; and one of the founders and a Professor Emeritus of History, East China Normal University. He served as the President of Chinese History Society, Vice President of Chinese Modern History Association. He wrote the Xinhai Revolution, the first book to discuss this large democratic revolution in China, and he served as one of the editor-in-chief of China’s largest encyclopedia Ci Hai. Also, He had published over 30 books such as The Hundred Days' Reform (1972), Thoughts on China’s Modern History (1984), Political Parties After the May Fourth Revolution (1988), Eighty Years of China’s Modern History (1983), Encyclopedia of the Republic of China (1990), Collected Biographies of Celebrities in the Qing Dynasty (1993).

A Concise History of the Qing Dynasty DAI Yi (Renmin University of China) The most complete and authoritative look at the last feudal monarchy in China’s long history, A Concise History of the Qing Dynasty details the birth of what would become modern-day China. Covering the fall of the Manchurians, these 4 volumes offer a comprehensive look at the last dynasty in China. Under Qing rule, China saw art and culture flourish even while the nation faced invasion by hostile foreign powers and oppression under the subsequent unequal treaties. A Concise History of the Qing Dynasty is a landmark work on Chinese history by China’s leading expert on the Qing era. Dai Yi explores every facet of the Qing’s empire and the dynasty’s rule. The roots of the structure of today’s China can be traced back to the last dynasty in China.

4-Volume Set February 2012 | 1208 pp | 7 x 10 | US$458 Cloth: 978-981-4339-78-0 eBook: 978-981-4339-71-1

DAI Yi served as Deputy Director of the History Department of Renmin University of China, and also as Director of the Research Institute of Chinese History. In 2002, he served as Director of the National Editorial Board on Qing dynasty history. He has written or edited over 30 books, including the Draft of China’s Modern History, the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689), Emperor Qianlong and his Era, China and the World in the 18th Century, A Yearbook of the Qing Dynasty.

HUANG Aiping (Renmin University of China)

Qing Series

The Compilation of the Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature This two-volume set outlines the compilation process of The Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature, the collection of Chinese books in history, philosophy, literature, and classics during the Qing dynasty. In the first volume, the author details its background, rationale, collection, transcription, revision, storage, perusal, and review, as well as the organization of the Editorial Office and the scholars involved, the architecture and operation of the imperial libraries, and the impact of literary inquisition and persecution of forbidden books on the compilation process. The second volume addresses the publication of the printed edition and supplementary works, the history of the eight duplicates, the compilation of the catalog, and its contribution to academic scholarship.

2-Volume Set February 2012 | 336 pp | 7 x 10 | US$228 Cloth: 978-981-4339-80-3

Huang Aiping is a Professor at the Institute of Qing Dynasty History, School of History, Renmin University of China. Dr. Huang has published 10 books and over 100 articles. Her representative works include research on the Compilation of the Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature, Academia and Culture of the Qing Dynasty (co-authored), China and the World in the 18th century, A History of Academia and Culture of Qing Dynasty, and Textology and Qing Dynasty Society.

eBook: 978-981-4332-99-6


Macau through 500 Years Emergence and Development of an Untypical Chinese City Victor F. S. SIT Fully supported by the University of Macau and the Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies of Hong Kong Baptist University, Macau through 500 Years is the first book of its kind and it provides a detailed history of Macau’s geographical, social, and economic development. The product of more than three years of dedicated research, this book brings together more than 1,000 maps and pictures of Macau to give a full picture of its entire history including Macau’s Golden Age (1550-1643), its protracted decline (1644-1844), and its role as Guangzhou’s Outer Port (1758-1824).

CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS • The Changing Perspectives of China and the West on Power at Sea June 2012 | 280 pp | 7 x 10 | US$148 Cloth: 978-981-4298-86-5 eBook: 978-981-4298-88-9

History & Culture

Victor F.S. SIT is the author of Chinese City and Urbanism: Evolution and Development, Chinese Cities: The Growth of the Metropolis Since 1949, Beijing: The Nature And Planning of A Chinese Capital City, and other works.


• The Golden Century (1550–1643) • Protracted Decline: Opium Trafficking and an Aggressive Imperial Outpost (1644– 1844) • Colonization: Expansion and Modernization (1845–1949) • Contemporary Macau, a World-Class Gambling, Tourist and Exposition City (1950–2010) • Key Map for Major Historical Buildings • Guangzhou’s Outer Port: Winter Bivouac and Opium Trafficking (1758-1824) • Opening Four Ports to Foreign Trade (1684-1757) • A Subtype of the Late Medieval City • Macau Viewed as a “Foreigners’ Ward” by China

The Phenomenon of Chinese Culture at the Turn of the 21st Century

Distanciation and Return

MENG Fanhua (Peking University)

ZHANG Kaiyuan (Central China Normal University)

Cloth: 978-981-4332-35-4 March 2011 | 344 pp | 7 x 10 | US$178

Analysis on Traditional Culture and Modernization of China

Cloth: 978-981-4332-22-4

The Humanistic Values of the Beijing Olympics FENG Huiling (Renmin University of China) Cloth: 978-981-4298-66-7 October 2010 | 336 pp | 7 x 10 | US$118

April 2011 | 256 pp | 7 x 10 | US$118

History & Culture

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