Architecture Portfolio 2020 − Selvia Diwanty

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PORTFOLIO Architectural Works 2020

Selvia Diwanty



Selvia Diwanty Born September 19th, 1998 Jakarta, Indonesia

Address Kelapa Gading 14250, North Jakarta




Hi! I’m Selvia Diwanty. I finished my study at Bandung Institute of Technology and graduated in October 2020 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture. I am a very inquisitive and passionate learner who is into the creative realm, everything it has to offer, and the possibilities yet to be explored.

AutoCAD Lumion Adobe Photoshop Microsoft Office


SketchUp Adobe Indesign


Revit Adobe Illustrator Adobe XD / Figma




Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Bachelor of Architecture Cum Laude with GPA 3.93/4.00


SMAK 5 PENABUR Jakarta Best Student Batch 22 Ranked 4th in National Exam—DKI Jakarta Base

speak fluently and read/ write with high proficiency

Architecture Urban design Landscape Interior design Furniture design

I aspire to learn and grow to be a sensible architect with attention towards materiality, contextuality, and sustainability for I consider architecture as a cultural footprint—a vessel that houses the people’s stories. This portfolio gathers selected works throughout my journey in architecture school and beyond. EDUCATION 2016-2020



Architectural Portfolio

native language


Mandarin, French

speak, read, and write with basic competence

Art & Illustration Graphic Design Editorial Design Gastronomy Botany




National Multi Comfort Student Contest

Private Projects

R House, O House, and J House design Prembun HD visualization

1st Place

International ASHRAE Student Design Competition’s Applied Engineering Challenge

Freelance Architect


2nd Place


Popo Danes Architect

Bali Cultural Center, Widodaren Beach Resort, and Besakih Temple Area Renovation: masterplan, modeling, visualization, scheduling, and site visit ‘Architecture for Kids’ event planner, designer, & volunteer

PROTECT Oil Rig Design Competition

Ganesha Karya & Karsa ITB Ganesha Awards 2019

Best Student

ITB Architecture 2016



Dean’s List Honor



Interior Design from Start to Finish


Building & Maintaining Design System

Online course by Nook Architect, Domestika 2018-2019

Two-days workshop by Magika Studio


Lumion Workshop

Seminar on Performance, Tradition, Creativity, and Informality in Architectural Design Presented paper on Thematic Study of Dining Narrative in Restaurant Design Based on Performative Exp. Theory


Green Architecture Workshop


Tutor | Architecture Computation Studio


Exchange Grantee | University of Kitakyushu


Instructed and tutored computation lab practice sessions Selected as one of ITB Architecture delegate out of 40 applicants to take part in Net Zero Energy Building— Japan-Asia Youth Science Training Program

Event Coordinator | ‘FAÇADE’ Field Excursion Coordinated a seven-days-trip focused on vernacular, historical, and colonial architecture in Semarang, Solo, and Yogyakarta

Curriculum Vitae

Color Guard

Marching Band Waditra Ganesha ITB


Kabinet Keluarga Mahasiswa ITB

Designed infographics and posters for ‘Suarasa’ Participated in strategic communication training Served as field division staff in 2017 ITB Orientation Created installations for 2016 October Graduation

Guest Lecture and EDGE training by ITB Architecture


Student Catalyst Batch 6

Performed as color guard in 2016 PINKA Coordinated publication & documentation division in 2017 regeneration program Designed graphic information for social media postings and e-magazine

Official Lumion Training for Computation Studio Tutor 2019


Selected as one of 40 students out of 445 applicants Arranged events and published educative podcasts

Architectural Design Week: Community House Third place creation intensive workshop with lectures by professional architects

Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Gunadharma ITB Deputized the president Supervised 4 divisions under secretarial sector Arranged organization timeline and mass allocation Coodinated various organizational events Provided and administered letters & documents


Secretary General


Studi Teater Mahasiswa ITB

Performed in 2016 ‘Enigma of Saints’ play and 2017 ‘Festival Paduan Angklung’ musical collaboration play Composed design guideline and performed as choreographic ensemble in ‘Ratna Manggali’ musical play 2014-2015

Vice President

SMAK 5 PENABUR Jakarta Student Council

Officiated as vice student council president Coordinated ‘ESCALADES Vidias’— PENABUR 5’s cup and open house in 2015 as head of 141 commitee members





Museum of Indonesian Gastronomy

Renmin-iscing The Riparian Heritage


Cibadak Riverfront



Bandung Mixed Commercial Building



Other Works

01 The Cultural Melting Pot: Museum of Indonesian Gastronomy

Type Year Location Building Area Designer Supervisor Tools

: Studio project, Museum, Cultural : 2020 : BSD, Tangerang, Banten : 18.586,8 sqm : Selvia Diwanty : Ir. Tri Yuwono, MT. : AutoCAD, Sketchup, Lumion, Procreate, Photoshop, Lightroom, EDGE App

Cicero once stated that the human mind must be cultivated to ‘fruit’; Since God knows when I have always been inquisitive about the world of food: the sizzles, the outburst of aroma, the tempting visual, the texture, the universal language it speaks, the way such delectable celebration of flavors works on every bite, and the fact that certain settings could elevate the whole dining experience. Behind those curiosities lies a vivid love for Indonesian culture. Hence, the idea of designing an experiential center for Indonesian gastronomy as my final project came to light.

Root of the matter

Indonesia has more than 30.000 varieties of recorded dishes originating from across the archipelago. Indonesian Cuisine is not only about taste but is also full of narratives and cultural philosophies contained. Gastronomy is the study of the relationship between food and culture. Based on the notions of various Indonesian gastronomic communities and associations in the National Dialogue on Gastronomy,


Architectural Portfolio

Indonesia’s abundant gastronomic wealth needs to be promoted for cultural education and preservation— to be passed down to generations to come. Various foods, eating activities, and the cooking processes can be documented, stored, and preserved in a center for cultural preservation and studies, namely the Museum of Indonesian Gastronomy.

Museum of Indonesian Gastronomy


The cultural melting pot The designed program embodies multidimensional gastronomic exploration. The building acts as a platform that connects men and their natural surroundings in cultivating ideas. The gastronomic course from the cultivation of ingredients to the processing and enjoyment of gastronomic products is chosen as the main sequence and translated into the museum programs vertically. These facilities are woven by a spiral ramp that runs across the building, along with social spaces that kept the dialogues going. The designed museum is envisioned to be a culturally vibrant platform for appreciating, learning, experimenting, and preserving the diverse and unique Indonesian gastronomy.


Architectural Portfolio

Site Location

Site Plan

Ground Plan

Museum of Indonesian Gastronomy



Architectural Portfolio

The course of form finding

Museum of Indonesian Gastronomy



Architectural Portfolio

Entrance Plaza

Relishing the journey Pedestrian Park

Cultivation Garden

Museum of Indonesian Gastronomy

Show/Demo Kitchen


Architecture and gastronomy coexist on an experiential dimension, both involve multisensorial perceptive experience and play pivotal roles in human life— from basic physiological, social, and psychological needs to the point of portraying one’s identity and cultural dynamic.


02 Cibadak Riverfront

Type Year Location Building Area Designer Supervisor Tools

: Studio project, Mixed-Use : 2019 : Cibadak, Bandung : 19.555 sqm : Selvia Diwanty : Dewi Larasati, ST., MT., Ph.D. : AutoCAD, Sketchup, Lumion, Photoshop, Lightroom

Cibadak has a distinct urban fabric as the Chinatown of Bandung City with its particular shopping arcades streetscape. The proposed design is a mixed-use building in a high-density area—a lifestyle center that combines vertical housing with commercial and other leisure amenities with a ratio of ~60:40. The design maintains the existing shopping arcade with an extended culinary festival to attract visitors and liven up the area. The rejuvenated riverside acts as the site’s main amenity whilst also contributing to the bustling city’s public space and the block’s permeability.

Project site Cibadak Riverfront is located in Cibadak, Bandung, West Java. The project site is adjacent to Cibadak Street, Abuya Alley, and Citepus River. The land is angled with shopping arcade character on one side, neighboring the residential area on the other side. The site is located in the K2 zone (Trade and Services Center) with maximum floor area of 19,555 m2.


Architectural Portfolio

Design concept & vision

As a leisure attraction that focuses on lifestyle, the open air concept is appointed to provide a unique shopping experience for visitors, improving the porosity, accessibility, and permeability of the building.

Maintain the area’s skyline and urban façade continuity by setting back the tower and makes the height gradually increase through the terraced mass. The façade morphology and geometric fragments are preserved as an urban facade.

The movement and circulation nodes are turned into green public areas, spaces for interaction and oasis in the middle of the bustling city whilst acting as an extended culinary festival that liven up the neighbourhood.


Cibadak Riverfront




Floor Plan


Architectural Portfolio





Building Features

Cibadak Riverfront


Apartment Floor Plan


Architectural Portfolio


Riverside Leisure

Drop Off

Lifestyle Center

Shopping Arcade

Entrance Plaza

Cibadak Riverfront


03 Re(BOND)ir Type Year Location Site Area Designer Supervisor Tools

: Competition, Masterplan, Residential, Educational, Heritage Conservation, Building Performance : 2020 : Saint-Denis, France : 55.150 sqm : Selvia Diwanty, Vadya Dzauqiah, Hilman Prakoso : Dr.Eng. M. Donny Koerniawan, ST., MT. : AutoCAD, Sketchup, Lumion, EDGE App, DIALux, Photoshop, Lightroom

Re(BOND)ir: a sustainable development park combining residential, educational, and recreational functions. Designed based on the notion of the Sustainable Development, the project serves as an affordable living area in a festive historical setting. The proposed design strive to promote reminiscence of the respected past while moving forward to the future through its design vision: Sustainable, Permeable, and Memorable Saint Denis. The design focuses on energy efficiency and the occupants’ multicomfort & well being to encourage sustainable lifestyle. Not only reducing the carbon footprints, the design also generates energy from alternative source to fulfill the area’s needs. The proposed project has competed in the national contest and will represent Indonesia in the International Stage.

Background & Issues

Initial Masterplan & Site Regulations


Architectural Portfolio

Saint Denis, a member of the Plaine Commune Establishment that will serve as the host of 2024 Paris Olympic Village. It is a home to 2 endearing heritage buildings and hundred thousands of its multicultural inhabitants, consist of youngest population of Ile de France. 45% of which are young adults and growing households, and 65% of which are blue collar workers from the past industrial enterprise. The lack of affordable housing for modest households still remains a reality, with 20% of the current dwellings are deemed unfit for purpose.

Site Analysis

Historical Buildings

Sun Path

Wind Rose

Juxtapositioning Grid

Building Orientation Tilt

Green Buffer

Design Vision Sustainable





Site Plan

Design Programs



Architectural Portfolio

01 Maison Coignet 02 Utility 03 Rent Office 04 Multifunction Hall 05 Sports 06 School 07 Daycare 08 Office

09 Outdoor Tribune 10 Market 11 Food & Beverage 12 Retail 13 Cafe 14 Co-Working Space 15 Retail 16 Urban Farming

Ground Plan

Urban Farming The introduction of urban farming and public park at the bottom of the site acts as buffer zone for heat whilst producing fresh air, which through the prevailing wind flows into the cooling pit inlets and towards the northern habited zone.


The urban farm serves for food chain shortening and resilience. It also aims to generate activity and income for the apartment residents in hope to minimize the area’s crime rate and cut down their traveling distance.


Adaptive Reuse



Maison Coignet

Architectural Portfolio

Conservation Strategy


Maison Coignet

The warehouse building is revitalized with introduction of new functions and activities as a lively marketplace that flows into the plaza and open public space. Connectivity bridges intersect the existing wall dynamically and are encased with glass boxes to show the contrast between the old and new structures.

The Maison Coignet is rejuvenated and revitalized retroactively with more open partitions, allowing the creation of social and collaborative spaces across the building. The exposed structures along with transparent volumes and updated programs encourage appreciation of the building’s history.



Site Plan

Ground Plan

Kindergarten & Primary School The kindergarten and primary school are situated in the lower density zone. The school areas are separated by shared facilities, following the brief’s bubble diagram. Both school playgrounds are placed as innercourts to allow supervision and visual access. Outside school hours and during holidays, computer room, leisure sport area and common hall can be accessed by the communities through the podium bridge entrance. For the school comforts, extra attention are being put to the acoustic comfort. The building mass is surrounded by green belt as natural noise buffer zone. the facade on the east side are oriented irregularly to avoid constructive reflected sound interference.


Architectural Portfolio

Floor Plan

1st Floor Plan

2nd Floor Plan

3rd Floor Plan



Apartment The apartment consists of 3 interconnected towers of 4-5 floors. It houses 262 units with more than 60% of which are over 60 sqm. Each tower has 5 foyers adjacent to the core. The foyers function as shared social living space for the residents and enable visual connectivity between every two floors. Every bedrooms and living area has direct access to daylight and fresh air. Kinetic facade system and irregular disuniform ones are used to respond to the daylight penetration and avert noises from the RER.


Architectural Portfolio

Apartment Units











Expandable Loft The idea was generated on the notion that St Denis consists of young families and working class communities. The initial cost of an expandable unit might be more expensive than the regular ones, but in the long run as the family grows they can gradually add up more rooms in the mezzanine level with more fit and flexible expansion.



Apartment Floor Plan

Tower A-1

Tower A-2

Tower B-1

Tower B-2

Tower C-1

Tower C-2


Architectural Portfolio

Apartment Foyer

Barbeque Spot

Cinema Lounge


Mini Gym


Natural Daylighting



Building System

Alternative Energy



Indoor Air Quality

Architectural Portfolio


Savings Simulation

Thermal Comfort


Visual Comfort

Acoustic Comfort


Passive Design Scheme

Longitudinal Section


Architectural Portfolio

Market & Plaza


Kindergarten Playground

Apartment Facade

Urban Farming


Apartment Foyer



04 Renmin-iscing the Riparian Heritage: Interweaving The Blue & Green Type Year Location Site Area Designer Supervisor Tools

: Competition, Masterplan : 2020 : Kaizhou New City, Sichuan, China : 213.000 sqm : Selvia Diwanty, Vadya Dzauqiah, Hilman Prakoso, Shabrina Amalia Ihsanti, Fransiskus A Dwinugroho : Ir. Achmad Deni Tardiyana, MUD. : AutoCAD, Sketchup, Lumion, Photoshop, Lightroom

Recollecting memories from the past often triggers thoughts of the future. Vice versa, envisioning the future might stimulate reminiscence. China’s riparian heritage goes a long way from the constant encounter between men and nature, dwelling in coexistence, to the emergence of cleaner, greener, and more sustainable agenda. The shift from defensive flood management to a more resilient approach occurs in thriving to recover past mistakes and make amends with nature. The intertwining of nature’s blue and green hence contrived in the mended idyllic fabric whilst maintaining economic, environmental, and cultural vitality— rejuvenating the harmony between men and nature.

Project Site


Architectural Portfolio

Problem Identification

Renmin-iscing The Riparian Heritage


Design Concept

Design Scenario




Happens during the drought or when the rainfall intensity is low. The water volume and flow is manageable to be held inside the main canal only.

Happens during medium rainfall intensity. The water overflows the canal and is being streamed down the secondary stream and collected in the water catchment area, to further be managed as resources or absorbed to the ground.

Happens during heavy rainfall, rainstorm, and/ or followed by land water run-offs. The water catchment area will be full and the water will be streamed back to the canal. This division is aimed to lower the stream’s speed and allow the water to be absorbed before being streamed back to the canal.


Architectural Portfolio


Renmin-iscing The Riparian Heritage


Building System


Architectural Portfolio







Isometric Lot

Veranda & Forest Walk


Health & Healing Facilities

Renmin-iscing The Riparian Heritage


Water Management Area

Design Sequence The Central Park is designed based on how nature connects to its inhabitants: weaving the blue and green around a man’s way of life, restoring the riparian heritage and reconnecting the three key aspects that lead to a more sustainable future. The sequence of the park is devided into 5 parts, each represents different stages of how nature and men’s relationship shifted from coexisting to harmonious coliving.


Architectural Portfolio

Natural Reserve

Cultural Center


Health & Healing Center


Energy Center

Renmin-iscing The Riparian Heritage


05 Bandung Mixed Commercial Building Type Year Location Building Area Team

Supervisor Tools

: Competition, Building System : 2020 : Bandung, West Java, Indonesia : 11.772 sqm : Selvia Diwanty, Hilman Prakoso (AR), Reza Dzikri Khusaini, Kamilita Hening Musono, Alpinus Raditya Dewangga (ME), R. M. Nadhir Nasrudin T. (EE) : Adrian Rizqi Irhamna, ST., MT. : Revit, Lumion, Photoshop, Lightroom

The project covers an adaptive thermal comfort optimization system for large commercial buildings based on occupants’ feedback. In this case, the designed system is applied on a mixed commercial building in Bandung City, Indonesia. The selected site is situated in a dense area with tropical climate and urban heat island issues. Due to these problems, the building has potential to be developed through various systems, plants and design strategies. The proposed system is awarded first place in 2020 international ASHRAE Student Design Competition’s Applied Engineering Challenge

For such large commercial buildings where occupants have different backgrounds and preferences, finding a specific air condition to ensure occupants comfort becomes a challenging task, hence it acts as a framework in designing the system. The fact that many existing commercial buildings have an already established HVAC control system is also a major consideration in our thought process on designing the system. The designed mixed-use building spans across 7.252 sqm area of land with a total of 11.772-


Architectural Portfolio

sqm floor area divided into 6 stories above ground and 2 basement levels. The basements consist of vehicle parking, building plants, management and security offices, ground floor consists of restaurants and supermarkets, second floor consists of commercial spaces, third floor consists of co-working space, gym, food court and restaurants. The various functions and activity programs display the versatility of proposed system design in diverse cases.

Shopping Center

Bandung Mixed Commercial Building

Leisure Space

Rent Office


Building System The system’s design heavily focuses on the occupant feedback to achieve the optimum air temperature. The PMV method from the ASHRAE/ANSI Standard 55-2017 is utilized as a guideline. This method allows the system to predict optimal air temperature automatically with the aid of servers, although operator will still be needed for several decision making. Essentially, the system proposed will work with what the building already has, making it very economical and easily deployable for construction. It makes use of the surveillance system, adding computer vision modules to the CCTV to create an occupant sensor and an activity mode sensor. It is also equipped with various sensors that measure the indoor and outdoor conditions of the building which are directly affected by the system variables. The proposed system also helps building operator to answer operational issues whilst optimizing thermal comfort, creating a better indoor environment for the occupants.


Architectural Portfolio

Environtment Monitoring & Materials

Lighting & Occupants’ Feedback

Bandung Mixed Commercial Building


Design Strategies As a response to the relatively hot and humid climate, the building is designed with enhanced natural ventilation to reduce average cooling load and suppress energy costs. A large inner courtyard void at the center of the building helps warmer air to rise across the space, known as the stack effect. The building mass and envelope are subtracted at various corners to enable cross-ventilation. All passive and active design measures are implemented to improve both indoor and outdoor microclimate, ensuring occupants’ comfort whilst optimizing energy efficiency and raising environmental sustainability.


Architectural Portfolio

Bandung Mixed Commercial Building



Other Works

Competition Entries

Seboq Tanduran 2019 | Wiswakharman Expo Public Toilet & Rest Area Team: Arkansyah Farras S & Albertus S Yulianto

Softail Offshore Rig 2020 | 1st Runner Up PROTECT ORDC Offshore Rig Design Team: Softail ITB Alroy Suchipto, Jay Bianco, M Irsyad Fahmi L (Petroleum Engineering), & Aditya Herfrison (Ocean Engineering)

Lingkar Suar 2020 | Architectural Design Week Workshop Public Park & Informal School Team: Azizah R. Harsanto, Shabrina A. Ihsanti, Luthfiawati Bahman, dan Vadya Dzauqiah


Architectural Portfolio


R House 2020 | Private Residential Renovation

Prembun HD 2020 | Private Hospital Interior Team: R. Aji Rahadian

Pusat Kebudayaan Bali 2019 | Internship Masterplan Team: Popo Danes Architect

Other Works


Academic Works

Cicendo District Office 2018 District Office Cicendo, Bandung City, Indonesia Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Erika Yuni Astuti, ST., MT.

Canvas Urban Gallery & Workshop 2018 Community Center | Gallery Braga, Bandung City, Indonesia Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Erika Yuni Astuti, ST., MT.


Architectural Portfolio

Eco Pesantren Agriculture School 2019 Vocational School Parongpong, West Bandung, Indonesia Supervisor: Ir. Achmad Deni Tardiyana, MUDD.

Verde Residence 2019 Apartment Soekarno Hatta, Bandung City, Indonesia Supervisor: Ir. Achmad Deni Tardiyana, MUDD.

Other Works


Construction & Material Studio 2018 Widespan Timber & Steel Structure Supervisor: Permana, ST., MT. Team: Vanessa Susanto

Structure & Form Studio 2019 Vector & Form Active Structure System Supervisor: Dibya Kusala, ST., MT. Team: Cantika W Febrina, Apri Surya H P S, Alya P Ashyifa, Dinta Tiara


Architectural Portfolio

Site Planning & Design Studio 2018 Restaurant | Site Plan & Landscape Design Supervisor: Ir. Budi Faisal MAUD, MLA, Ph.D.

Space & Form Composition Studio 2018 Mass & Faรงade Composition Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Andry Widyowijatnoko, ST., MT.

Other Works



Semarjoglo 2018 Photo Series Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo

Happiest & Most Magical Place on Earth 2017-2018 Photo Series Shanghai & Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo Disney Sea


Architectural Portfolio

Styles: Byzantine to Renaissance 2017 Sketch Tools: Pigma Micron, Artline, COPIC, Koi Brush

@selvia.png 2020 Digital Illustration on Instagram Tools: Procreate, Adobe Illustrator

Other Works


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