Avoiding Android Malware – All And More By Semalt

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Avoiding Android Malware – All And More By Semalt

Android malware exists everywhere on the web. However, Android's Foundation, Linux has been found to be almost free of malware. Notably, Trend Micro has predicted a possibility of more than a million Android Trojans by the end of the year. Windows is popular on the desktop, but on other platforms, Linux is renown too. As such, people will tend to ask, why is only Android that is targeted by malware? Ivan Konovalov, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, explains why and how you should secure your device. To begin with, Android is more popular. According to Canalys research of 2013, Android led by 59.5 percent all smart mobile devices shipped. As a result, Jupiter Networks Mobile Threat Center reported that commercial sales teams focus on 'where the sh are.' Similarly, cyber criminals have targeted most of the threats on Android apps and developers. After that, Android makes it easy to install fake software compared to other platforms such as Linux. Consequently, malware readily attacks Android phones or tablets. Thus, if you want to use your device safely, just ensure that you abide by these simple rules. Firstly, avoid visiting and downloading apps from suspicious sites. Blue Coat security company has discovered that pornography is the critical threat. Notably, the most dangerous place for mobile phone users was found to be https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1286.html



pornography. As a result, more than 25 percent of the time a user visited a malicious website, they were emanating from a porn place. Therefore, by avoiding these sites, you will be secure from the infestation of malware. Secondly, never download apps from third-party Google play stores. Juniper Networks found out that malware writers are dominant in third-party Android stores. Furthermore, such stores have become a leading source of Android Virus and false installers which claim to be legitimate applications. It is advisable to stick to the trustable Google play store. Similarly, upgrade to the newest version of Android. According to Juniper Networks, 77 percent of Android Trojans make their money by sending text messages. The latest versions of Android notify you when an application tries to send premium SMS with additional charges. Thus, you can either allow the app to send the message or block it. After that, con rm the legitimacy of any software before you install and ensure it only asks for the required permissions. Despite the fact that Google has made progress in clearing malware from its play store, you should still be wary of unknown programs. Look carefully at the reviews, the number of users and the name of the developer to ascertain the authenticity of the program. Moreover, check the permissions of the software. If the app developer has nothing to say then be warned and stay away. Finally, use an anti-virus software. With so many viruses out there, you should not use an Android device without an anti-virus protection. Many people think that Android anti-virus programs are useless. However, this is not the case as things have changed. For example, in February 2013, the AV-TEST found that 21 anti-virus Apps were capable of achieving satisfactory results. These tests were carried on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus that runs on Android 4.1.2 against 1000 malware. Thus, why not make your Android device secure?



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