Semalt Expert Outlines Content Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid
Content marketing is an important aspect of the digital campaign strategy because it increases customer traf c. High customer traf c enables a company to achieve its goal of increasing the customer base and the sales revenues. However, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) professionals make certain mistakes in the content marketing process. Lisa Mitchell, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, shares her experience and illustrates 11 content marketing mistakes.
1. Su cient action, but ineffective master plan A successful content marketing approach has two key factors. These are the effective strategy and the tactical execution. The effective strategy is the master plan that shows the goals of the digital campaign. Tactical execution involves the action required to achieve the goals. The Return on Investments (ROI) will be low if the SEO expert engages in the implementation of the marketing goals without a proper strategy.
2. Content is the same as blog posts Content is important in the digital marketing process. The online content includes videos, GIFs, webinars, podcasts, memes, and social media posts. The SEO expert should think beyond the blog post and develop content that appeals to the customers. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article843.html
3. Relying on hypothetical buyer personas The digital marketing experts mostly rely on basic pro le information of the desired customer. For example, most-middle level managers in the banking industry are males aged between 30 years and 40 years. It is important to understand the motivations, opportunities, preferences, and challenges experienced by the desired customer so as to develop an effective SEO strategy. Critical information about the desired market can be obtained using customer surveys and web interviews.
4. Minimal understanding of the audience The research done by IBM in 2015 found out that 63% of clients feel that they are not understood by their preferred brands. The SEO experts should analyze the needs and preferences of the targeted customers, and develop an effective digital content that addresses the needs.
5. Content publication equals digital marketing Many marketing experts relax after publishing content online. An effective online campaign is more than just publishing high-quality content. It involves the proper distribution of the content through various online platforms; for example, emails, YouTube, blogs, and social media.
6. Relying entirely on SEO In the current competitive business environment, the SEO strategy should be used together with other digital marketing approaches. The SEO process is important in improving the rankings in the search engines. However, the appeal of the marketing content can be improved through innovation and creativity. For example, marketing experts can use funny GIFs to market products.
7. Low-quality content Many marketers do not use suf cient efforts and resources to produce effective content. It is important to develop valuable content that appeals to the needs and interests of the clients.
8. Expecting immediate results The digital marketing process requires patience. This is because the ROI can be experienced after several months or years of online campaigns.
9. Trying many strategies https://rankexperience.com/articles/article843.html
Online marketers strive to have a signi cant presence in all internet avenues. However, it is not possible to deliver high-quality content on all online platforms. The SEO expert should focus on a few online avenues for marketing purposes; for example, YouTube, Twitter, and blogs.
10. Hard-selling It is common for business executives to exert pressure on the marketing team to improve sells. In content marketing, selling should not be too obvious. Efforts should be made to appeal to the customers, without coercing them to purchase the product or service.
11. Total adherence to best practices Even though information from best practices is important, the online marketers should not follow it blindly. This is because certain strategies that are effective for one business may not be appropriate for another business. The digital team should strive to develop unique and competitive content that meets the needs and expectations of the targeted customers.