Semardel Group

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Transformation assurance

Semardel, the Group's head office Semardel, Société anonyme d'Economie Mixte (French semipublic company), develops and manages the collection, treatment and transformation of household and economic waste.

Assistance Control Strategy

The head office of the Semardel Group is the knowledge centre for its subsidiaries Semaer, Semariv, Semavert and Semapro. Semardel develops and maintains the technical and economic synergy between its different professions. Dedicated to public interest services, it offers local communities (in particular the 126 parishes of the Siredom - French trade union for the transformation and removal of waste) and

Semaer is one of the main waste collection operators in the Southern region of the Ile-deFrance. Recognised on a regional scale, Semaer operates using all modes of waste collection and manages specific recycling subsidiaries in addition to waste disposal facilities. The company implements solutions for the containerisation of waste, urban waste management and business services. Semaer offers its customers the opportunity to develop customised solutions tailored to the specific, local needs while guaranteeing real partnership relations. Semaer is also committed to ensuring the best possible service and full transparency of its management process for its customer’s waste

professionals close-at-hand solutions guaranteeing the continuity of public services at the lowest possible cost with a high level of environmental and sanitary protection. Via its strategy, Semardel invests in the research and development of high-performance tools in order to support the transformation of materials, organic products and energy from waste. Because Semardel integrates and manages the entire waste removal chain from collection to transformation, it can even guarantee the security of its services via a perfect tracking system. In this respect, the Semardel Group is committed to an Integrated Management System for all of its activities and in 2008 obtained the QSE certification on “Quality, Safety and the Environment” (ISO 9 001 - ISO 14001 - OHSAS 18 001)

Collection Urban waste management Semaer in n u mber s

> 700,000 inhabitants served > 135,000 tonnes of waste collected (75,000 tonnes of industrial waste and 60,000 tonnes of household waste) > 700 business customers > 16 waste disposal facilities managed > 189 employees > 16 M Euros in turnover

Semariv is an industrial partner specialised in the recycling and transformation of household and household-related waste.

scope of a contract, a true partnership in search of sustainable development Semar iv in n umbers

Semariv transforms waste on behalf of local communities. Boasting its experience in collaboration with the Siredom (French trade union for the transformation and removal of waste), Semariv offers its technical expertise and know-how as an operator of automated sorting plants and energy transformation units.

Material and energy transformation

Respecting the environment, managing technological developments and its confirmed experience in managing processing units are the major assets offered by Semariv to its customers for developing, beyond the simple

Semavert manages the engineering and design of waste processing plants with both organic and energetic transformation. Semavert manages several waste transformation facilities such as: • a composting platform for plant waste, • a wood energy production platform, • a non-hazardous waste storage plant (220,000 tonnes) with leachate treatment via evapoconcentration and energy transformation of the biogas into electricity and heat production,

> 200,000 tonnes of transformed waste > 45,000 tonnes of recycled waste (30,000 tonnes of packages and newspapers, reviews and magazines and 15,000 tonnes of glass) > 40,000 tonnes of transformed clinker > 100,000 MWh of electricity produced (the equivalent to the average consumption of 60,000 inhabitants) > 159 employees > 29 M Euros in turnover

Organic and energy transformation Semaver t in n u mber s > 220,000 tonnes of stored waste > 18,000 tonnes of transformed compost > 15,000 tonnes of transformed wood energy > 38,000 MWh of electricity produced (the equivalent to the average consumption of 25,000 inhabitants) > 35 employees > 20 M Euros in turnover

• a gravel-sand quarry and filling with inert materials


Expertise Engineering Consulting Semapro, performance assurance. Semapro offers local communities and industrialists its expertise, engineering and consulting services in the collection, processing and transformation of waste. Boasting a team of qualified experts in the field of waste management, Semapro is also dedicated to using its know-how in the development and success of a semi-public model specific to its field of activity

| Transformation of materials

A waste sorting plant for economic and bulk waste with material transformation and the production of solid recovered fuel. •

| Transformation of materials

A transformation platform for mineral waste from building and public works A transformation platform for mineral waste from building and public works. •

| Transformation of organic products

An anaerobic digestion plant with the production of fuel biogas to feed the fleet of Semaer lorries, electricity generation and transformation of digestates. •

| Transformation of energy

A cogeneration plant for recovered fuels to feed the urban heating network of Greater Evry Centre Essonne and generate electricity.

Vert-le-Grand Ecosite

91810 Vert-le-Grand, France Tel.: +33 (0)1 64 56 75 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 64 56 09 11

Tél : +33 (0)1 64 56 75 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 64 56 09 11

Tél : +33 (0)1 64 56 75 90 Fax : +33 (0)1 69 14 83 64

Tél : +33 (0)1 64 56 03 63 Fax : +33 (0)1 64 56 98 26

Tél : +33 (0)1 69 14 16 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 69 14 16 47

Tél : +33 (0)1 64 56 75 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 64 56 09 11

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