Date of Birth - DoB: 16/09/1995 Place - PoB: Ourense, España +34 605 444 525 Madrid. Architect graduated at ETSAM, very competent and tenacious, who gets on perfectly both individually and as team member. Devoted to hel his colleagues and able to work under pressure maintaining a positive attitude and being at the same time highlt perfectionist. Primarily interested in the consequences architecture generates around social group dinamics, its role in phenomenons like exclusion and integration and its potential as tool to cause changes and achive progress.
Experience. Formación Académica.
May 2020 Present 2019-2020
Máster en Arquitectura por la Universidad Politécnica de Architect in ARDITECNICA S.L. Project Management duties in Madrid (ETSAM). logistic buildings, bilingual monitoring and report elaboration. Nota TFM: 8,00. Matrícula de honor en Urbanismo. Building Permits, Construction and As-Built Documentation.
Nov. 2020 Sept. 2020 2013-2018 July 2018 April 2019 June 2018 2014 - 2020 2017-2018
Brandingen for Me’Spacio Yogade School. Grado Fundamentos la Arquitectura por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM). Volunteer in Concéntrico 06. Nota media: 8,11. BIM Junior Architect in MORPH. Residential - During all phases: Matrículas de honor en “Estructuras 1”, “Estructuras 3” y competitions, building permits and construction documents. “Ciudad y medio”. Elebaration of structure plans for a sports centre in Rielves, designed architect Tiburcio Pérez. Beca de by Excelencia del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Several design and architecture competitions:
Programa de intercambio Erasmus en la Universidad - Foro Cerámico Hispalyt. Master’s Thesis Awards Politechnika Krakowska. First Place. Suturas Gausas. Nuestro Madrid es el Sur.
Prueba AccesoNacional. a EstudiosValle-Inclán de Grado.Vestibule (2020). - Centrode Dramático Nota: (13.5/14). - Archstorming. A Home for the Jorejick Family (2020).
- Habitat Inmobiliaria. Sustainable Urban Furniture Design.
Experiencia. Education. Proyectista/modelador BIM (Archicad) en el estudio MORPH. Proyectos en las fases de concurso, proyecto básico y “Máster en Arquitectura” by Universidad Politécnica de proyecto de ejecución. Abril 2019 Madrid (ETSAM). Master’s Thesis Mark: 8,00. With Honours in Urbanism. Desarrollo de los planos de estructura del proyecto de “Grado endeFundamentos de laenArquitectura” 2013-2018 ejecución un polideportivo Rielves, obraby delUniversidad arquitecto 2018 Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM). Tiburcio Pérez. Academic Record Average Mark: 8,11. With Honours in “Structures 1”, “Structures 3” y “Ciudad y Concursos de arquitectura y diseño: -medio”. Archstorming - A Home for the Jorejick Family (2020). Proceso 2014 - 2019 En Academic Excellence Award by Madrid City Council. 2017-2018 - Non Architecture Competitions (2018-2019) 2016-2017 Mención de Honor junto a Nuria Pérez Cabrero. Erasmus Exchange Programme at Uniwersytet Politechnika Expuesto en New Castle University. Krakowska. - Concurso Arkxsite - Site Memorial (2018). Examination. 2013 -Univesity ConcursoEntrance Sika (2014). Mark: (13.5/14). - Concurso Consentino (2014). -Bac Concurso Steelcase (2014).With Honours in Colegio Mayol calaureate (A Levels)
Julio 2018 2019-2020
Finalist alongside Nuria Pérez Cabrero. Bachillerato con Competitions. Matrícula de Honor(2018-2019). en el Colegio - Non Architecture Learning Mayol SCL.Mention alongside Nuria Pérez Cabrero. Honourable Exhibited in New Castle University and in the Instituto Superior de Economía y Gestão da Universodade de Lisboa. - Arkxsite - Site Memorial Competition (2018). - Sika Competition (2014). Software - Cosentino Competition (2014). - Steelcase Conpetition (2014).
Dibujo - Modelado:
TFM Suturas Gausas. Nuestro Madrid es el Sur. 2020. Some media: Tectónica: del-foro-ceramico-hispalyt/ Revit Architecture Infoconstrucción: Rhinoceros hispalyt-premios-proyectos-fin-de-grado-ladrillo-caravista-arquitectura Interempresas: Articulos/314862-Ya-hay-ganadores-del-Premio-TFM-y-TFG-del-ForoDiseño - Posproducción: SketchUp Ceramico-Hispalyt-curso-2019-2020.html
Adobe Illustrator
Pre_Imaginarios: Una Prospectiva Visual desde la Arquitectura para Imaginar la Grasshopper Ciudad Antes de que Ocurra. 2020. ISBN-13 : 978-84-122691-0-9
Adobe Indesign
Non Architecture-Learning: The Book. 2019. Publicación Física y online.
Adobe Photoshop Investigation on Models: Factum Foundation. 2018. Madrid: Fisuras. Otros: ISSB: 978-84-945932-2-2
GIS Talamanca de Jarama: Propuesta bioclimáticas en el espacio público. Madrid: Adobe Premiere Fundación General de la UPM. 2018. ISBN: 978-84-697-8760-1
TFG: Segregación Urbana. EL Viso y San Cristóbal, Extremos en Madrid Lumion
Languages. English - C1 Polish - A1 Idiomas. Spanish - Native Galician - Native
Software BIM: ArchiCAD
Drawing - Modelling: AutoCAD
Rhinoceros Revit Architecture * Non Architecture-Learning: The Book. 2019. Publicación Física y online. 1/non-conventional-news/ SketchUp
Design - Postproduction:
Investigation on Models: Factum Foundation. 2018. ** Madrid: Fisuras. Grasshopper Adobe Illustrator ISSB: 978-84-945932-2-2 Adobe Indesign Talamanca de Jarama: Propuesta bioclimáticas en el espacio público. Adobe Madrid:Photoshop Fundación General de la UPM. 2018. Other: ISBN: 978-84-697-8760-1 Adobe Premiere . SAP2000 . Office ArkxSite. Site Memorial Competition: GIS Lumion . Wrike CYPE Artlantis . TFG: Segregación EL Viso y San Cristóbal, Extremos en Madrid * Carlos Lucena Course.Urbana. Udemy Certificate. ** Javier González Castillo Course. Udemy Cerificate.
PROJECTS P • 01 P • 02 P • 03 Suturas Gausas PROJECT
New Gourna Refoundation PROJECT
U •07
Park Dąbie LANDSCAP.
House in La Latina PROJECT
Radziwiłłowska Storehouse
U •08 Sprouting Fort LANDSCAP.
U •09 Market Talamanca URBAN PR.
E • 10 E • 11 E • 12 E • 13 E • 14 E • 15 Firefly Project C O M P E T I T.
Mucha Mierda KABUKI C O M P E T I T. C O M P E T I T.
Pão por Deus C O M P E T I T.
C O M P E T I T.
Inputs Outputs APPENDIX
P • 04 P • 05 P • 06
Publication fragment in Investigations on Models
P • 01 P • 02 P • 03 Suturas Gausas PROJECT
New Gourna Refoundation PROJECT
P • 04 P • 05 P • 06 House in La Latina PROJECT
Radziwiłłowska Storehouse
01 SUTURAS GAUSAS Nuestro Madrid es el Sur - January 2020 - Ud. Aparicio - Mentors: Jesús Donaire - César María Jiménez de Tejada Benavides - Alejandro Claudio Vírseda Aizpún -
- First Place - Master’s Thesis Hispalyt Awards Fractured by Manzanares River, Madrid Metropolis is divided in two parts. Between North and South differences are clear and we could even behold the existence of two cities with completely contrasting dinamics. Villaverde, district disgraced by media, has been staring how its terrains have been gradually constrained by transport infrastructures. The Gran Vía de Villaverde was build as a barrier wall between neighbours.
This complex cojunction is solved by a sole gesture, a needlework over the rampart dividing Villaverde inhabitants. The porposal creates a safe space, a connection between neighbouhoods and with the riverbank, which extols the moral values of a diverse and discredited society. In regards to the urban scale, a complete production chain is implanted: primary sector, craft elaboration and a market (also trasnsport hub) as finishing piece, work together to achive economic strengthening for the surrounding areas. An abandoned parcel appears as the perfect place for the development: the plot and pavilions forgotten by RENFE neighbours want to recover as symbols of their communal history.
Fine particles have brought both misfortune and joy to Villaverde. Until the middle of the twentieth century, ceramic production was the monetary driving force, but at the same time buildings were collapsing under soil expansiveness. Clay is the material and tool employed to provide corporeality to the new social nexus.
“ “
” ”
SET UP Sliding Formwork + Prestressed Concrete
02 REFOUNDATION Facsimile Factory for Factum Foundation. Ud. Soriano - Projects VIII, ETSAM. Mark: 8,20. Factum Foundation asked for the design of a complex which would allow the production of their facsimiles; facsimiles of tombs located at the Valley of the Kings.
New Gourna Village, developed by one of the most famous egiptian architects, Hassan Fathy, is crumbling into ruins and its inhabitants rebuild its foundations day after day. As proposal, the construction of an historical tour through the different pharaonic dynasties whose foundations will replace current ones, allowing Factum to participate in an heritage and social protection programme.
Support structure will be built primarily with cane stems, an abundant platation in fields all across the Nile, which will provide a new economic source for Newgournians. Factories and warehouses will implement a different kind of bricks: bricks made of sand sintered by solely means of desert solar energy following Markus Kayser’s system.
03 VPO Madrid Río. Ud. Ruiz Cabrero - Projects V, ETSAM. Mark: 9,00. In a plot of 31.000 sqm, 250 subsidised houses are outlined, following various typologies to adapt themselves to different family configurations.
A seven-storey building encloses the block, embraces the smaller volumes open to the Manzanares River and at the same them protects the latter from the noisy adjacent avenue, acting as an acoustic barrier.
A plaza occupies the southeastern corner and the plinth were the large building rests, functions as a space for wandering with shade elements that also bears and hides a car park. Tall trees can be planted to endure strong sunlight thanks to earth containments at the basement levels.
03 HOUSES TYPE A 2 Bedrooms Variant A - 4 Bedr. Large families Variant B - 2 Bedr. Disabled People HOUSES TYPE B 3 + 1 Bedrooms
04 Metalsmiths’ house in La Latina. Ud. Ruiz Cabrero - Projects V, ETSAM. Mark: 9,00. Two-week design project for a single-family home at the Plaza de Puerta Cerrada, in La Latina neighbourhood, Madrid. Annexed to the residential programme, comercial and crafting spaces are requiered in order to allocate the family metalsmith job tradition.
The house, with only a free façade to the north, obtains light and ventilates its many rooms by means of a courtyard, including the estudio, half buried below the store.
Plaza de Puerta Cerrada
Proyectos Proyectos 4 4
Alberto Ambrosio Sanz Alberto Ambrosio Sanz
Luis Astor Cordes Luis Astor Cordes
Fernández Varela Unidad Unidad Maroto Otoño Otoño 2015 Sección Sección SemSem Fernández Varela Maroto 2015 2 2
12 12
05 CISA Seventh Art Investigation Centre. Ud. Maroto - Projects IV, ETSAM. Mark: 8,50. The proposal consists in the construction of a cinema school for students belonging to San Fernando Royal Academy of Arts in Casa de Campo neighbourhood, Madrid, close to the remainings of the Brussels Spanish Pavilion by Corrales y Molezún. A student dormitory is added as part of the project planning.
The mat-building employs as composition module unit two steel profiles which functions simultaniously as beams and columns. Water drainage go along hidden in the interior of these units. In order to generate different light conditions in accordance to each space needs, different opacity layers are placed in the façade configuration.
06 Cinema Academy Radziwiłłowska. Old theatre storehouse renovation. Prof. Marta Urbanska - Projects VI, PK. Mark: 8,00. Renovation of the old municipal theatre wardrobe storehouse as a new cinema school for cracovian art students. Inserted between tall residential buildings, original façades are kept intact as well as interior supporting walls, meanwhile an extension is set up above the current roofing in order to reach the height of adjacent blocks.
The existence of a basement allows perfect allocations for facilities which requiere protection form light. Upper storeys are used as coworking spaces or to host workshops, for both students and visitors. Middle floors are kept exclusive for private teaching.
Bachelor’s thesis 2017 - 2018
U •07 Park Dąbie LANDSCAP.
U •08 Sprouting Fort LANDSCAP.
U •09 Market Talamanca URBAN PR.
XERISCAPING AUTUMN - WINTER Cornus Alba Sibirica Vivid red stems during Winter Spring Blossoming
Vinca Minor + Pulmonaria Perennial Ground Cover Plants Summer - Spring Blossoming SPRING - SUMMER
Carex Remota Perennial
Galium Odoratium Aromatic and Perennial Spring Blossoming
Tirarella Cordifolia Perennial Summer - Spring Blossoming
07 Park Dąbie Cracovian park renovation. Prof. Anna Staniewska - Projects VI, PK. Mark: 9,50.
08 Sprouting Fort Renovation of Fort 50 1/2 W Kosocice. Z. Myczkowski, K.Wielgus - Urban Project, PK. Mark: 9,50. - TeamWork -
09 Local product streetmarket, Talamanca del Jarama. Town reactivating proposal Prof. Ester Higueras - City and Environment, ETSAM. Mark: MH. - Published -
08 09
Experiencia. Architect in ARDITECNICA S.L. Project Management duties for logistic buildings, bilingual monitoring and report elaboration. Building Permits, Construction and As-Built Documentation. (May 2020 - Present) Branding for Me’Spacio Yoga School Volunteer Concentrico 06 BIM Junior Architect (Archicad) in MORPH estudio. Residential Projects in all phases: competition, building permits and construction documents (July 2018 - April 2019)
Elaboration of structure plans for a sports centre in Rielves, designed by architect Tiburcio Pérez. (June 2018)
Competitions. - Foro Cerámico Hispalyt. Master’s Thesis Awards First Place - Suturas Gausas. Nuestro Madrid es el Sur. Published in various webpages - Habitat Inmobiliaria. Sustainable Urban Furniture Design (2020) - Centro Dramático Nacional - Valle-Inclán Vestibule (2020) - Archstorming. A Home for the Jorejick Family (2020). Finalist alongside Nuria Pérez Cabrero. - Non Architecture Competition: Learning (2018-2019). Honourable Mention alongside Nuria Pérez Cabrero. Exhibited in New Castle University and Instituto Superior de Economía y Gestão da Universodade de Lisboa. - Arkxsite - Site Memorial Competition (2018). - Sika Competition (2014). - Consentino Competition (2014). - Steelcase Competition (2014).
E • 10 E • 11 E • 12 E • 13 E • 14 E • 15 Firefly Project C O M P E T I T.
Mucha Mierda C O M P E T I T.
Pão por Deus C O M P E T I T.
C O M P E T I T.
Inputs Outputs APPENDIX
10 Firefly Project - Honourable Mention - Non Architecture Competitions - Learning - 2019 - Teammate: Nuria Pérez Cabrero For centuries University has been imprisoned between four walls; learning was linked to a norm, a dull convention that also implied to have enough means, only in disposal of a minority of the population. Complete equality is difficult in a human world, however transferring learning to a truly public experience may mean something.
Benches are the most basic and universal elements of urban furniture, places to pause and get lost in your own thoughts, they become a constant part in the background of your life. A bench generates activity in its surroundings: from your playful tender years, through your teen meeting chats until you reach the age when you enjoy the simplicity in staring people passing by.
This summarize the reasons why our revolutionary devices are attached to them. Small lights floating in the air, anywhere in the world, amplifying the reach of knowledge and education for anyone willing to learn.
Fireflies are the seeds from which an alternative learning scenography will flourish. A closely studied and complex programme will favour both, professors’ teachings and individual initiatives. Technology and human cooperation, working together will transform urban space into The University.
11 KARIBU The Jorejicks New Future - Finalist - Archstorming Competitios - 2020 - Teammate: Nuria Pérez Cabrero With the passage of time, the Jorejick’s land has been in continual transformation, adapting to this family developing needs that they have endured and worked their way through. It is time for them to receive something that will make their constant fight a bit easier by the hands of architecture. KARIBU will establish a hierarchy to this disjointed place, strengthening the pre-existing constructions built on the sweat of their brow, the natural heritage of the landscape and organising the different itineraries. A central elliptic space embraces the exterior kitchen and structures the plot and the floor allocation of the various volumes. This place becomes the core for family dynamics, always in the natural shade of one of the preserved acacias. Surrounding the conic curves, two new blocks outline a more private area which, through purposeful gaps, frames the visual connections with the rehabilitated huts, Nico’s house, and the enlarged cattle pen. Only the shower facilities and latrines are kept veiled from view.
Bricks baked by Agato are the best opportunity to invigorate the local community trade and they will not only serve as walls but will also allow to create a low-cost cross-ventilated double roof. A second layer of corrugated sheet will take the form of a butterfly cover that, while creating a shadow haven of rest during the dry season, will harvest enough water for all members of the family, and even produce surpluses to share. This natural air-conditioning roofing is only one of solutions the project implements to adjust to the thoroughly analysed meteorological factors and conditions of Arusha.
12 Mat · Mix · Mucha Mierda - Centro Dramático Nacional - Valle-Inclán Vestibule - 2020 - Teammates: María Bertrán de Lis, Paula Bozalongo, Nuria Pérez y Nacho Vallejo Our title is a critique in relation to the cultural sector abandonment in times of crisis and proposals, audience us now the cast who converse with the new ritual. Mat · Mix ·Mucha Mierda (“¡Mucha Mierda!” is the Spanish equivalent to “Break a Leg!”) poses a clear structure via a dry construction steelframe technique, over which the different materials offered by MATCOAM are sewn. This transforms the space into a continuation of the original exhibition. By means of solely painting frontsides, components dematerialise and scene layers are created. Construction perversions are generated: geotextiles are now screens, a mailbox becomes furniture, every scrap a oportunity to take in the new protocol props: face masks, hydroalcoholic gel and more.
And there is always an underside, the plaza is now the backstage, and the stage, from the audience perspective, seems to be under construction, as theatre always is, constantly changing and, going back into critique, continuously on the brink of oblivion. Thanks to its configuration, the space offers a topography able to embrace every required situation: press conference, temporary exhibition, waiting room... Only when leaving the play, spectators will realize they have been actors all along. Ergo, the greatest budget portion goes to the new leading roles.
13 Pão por Deus - ArkxSite Competition - Site Memorial - 2018 - Teammate: Nuria Pérez Cabrero ¿How many children went from door to door after the castastrophe on All Saints’ Day? The ones which hold on were open to aid and feed everyone in need; poems asking for Pão por Deus (Bread for God) started to be recited each November 1st.
Three tile walls raise in front of where the Tagus River meets the ocean to commemorate Lisbon Community, both its past suffering and current splendour. Steel Gates recall those days of despair the city overcame while framing views of the riverbank. Small openings appear capriciously on the ivory surfaces to house little presents in honour of both victims and heroes.
Jelly Orange. - Sika Competition - May 2014 - Teammate: Miguel García Victoria -
We’ll Always have Madrid. - Cosentino Competition - April 2014 - Teammate: Miguel García Victoria -
Quiet Sea. - Steel Case Competition - February 2014 - Teammate: Miguel García Victoria -
14 Other Competitions 14
Tesela. - Habitat Inmobiliaria - November 2020 - Teammate: Ignacio Vallejo Almería -
15 Appendix
Branding - 2020-2021 - Me’spacio School -
- inputs outputs -
photography and drawing
Publications - Físicas y Digitales -
Non Architecture Learning. The Book
Segregación Urbana: El Viso y San Cristóbal, Extremos en Madrid
- 2019 - Physical and Digital Book -
- 2018 - TFG: -
Talamanca del Jarama: Propuestas Bioclimáticas en el espacio Público - 2018 - ISBN: 978-84-697-8760-1 -
- 2018 -
Suturas Gausas: Nuestro Madrid es el Sur
- ISSB: 978-84-945932-2-2 -
- 2020 -
Investigation on Models: Factum Foundation
- TFM: -
Pre_Imaginarios: Una Prospectiva Visual desde la Arquitectura... - 2020 - ISBN-13: 978-84-122691-0-9 - + 34 6 0 5 4 4 4 52 5