FEATURES this month... 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12
Go Into All The World Pastor Paul Khosla G-ROC Indoor Program Joyceleen Osbourne ELEVATE young adults Pastor Paul Khosla ALPHA /Shilo University Church Pastor Paul Khosla Precepts Lorna Wanzel Golden Treasures 55+ Pastor Sheila MacDonald Faith Tabernacle Weekly Activities Praying Together Pastor Sheila MacDonald Changing Lives Forever – Short Term Mission to Malawi COMMUNITY ACTION - CITY MISSION - CHUCH MINISTRY Welcome to Faith Tabernacle Pentecostal Church Take us Home with You! & What’s Ahead? September
Kidz Alive is our exciting Sunday School program for children aged 4 -12 years. It consists of Bible lessons, object lessons, memory verses, games and lots of enthusiasm packaged into a dynamic format. Kidz initially join the main service, and then head off to the Kidz Zone for a great time of learning and fun with the Kidz Alive Gang. 2
Go Into All The World Pastor Paul Khosla
One of the many great qualities of Faith Tabernacle Church is that this is a missional community, one that not only reaches out but goes out and is apart of the community. In doing so we fulfill Jesus Christ’s commands from Mark 16:15: Mark 16:15 And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 1 There is something about ‘all the world’ that is important for us to pick up on. Certainly Christ was speaking of reaching every part of our world in the geographic sense. That is happening more and more in our time. However, I believe there is a message here for us on a personal level that our ‘World’ is also the place where we do life on a daily basis. For example, our community, our workplace and our family would be parts of the immediate world you and I live in, reaching different parts of our community. Consider Alan Hirsch’s words, writing in Christianity Today. “A missional theology is not content with mission being a church-based work. Rather, it applies to the whole life of every believer. Every disciple is to be an agent of the kingdom of God, and every disciple is to carry the mission of God into every sphere of life. We are all missionaries sent into a non-Christian culture.” The ideas of every ‘sphere of life’, and ‘non-Christian culture’ are not necessarily comfortable ideas for us. This is because they challenge you and me to resist the tendency to compartmentalize our Christianity based on what sphere of life we happen to be engaged in. However Christ’s words are clear: ‘GO into ALL the world...’ Responding to this command requires a multifaceted, dynamic approach to mission. What is so exciting to me, and what we all should be thankful for is that is what our local church is endeavoring to do. There are many ministries from our church that 1
Tyndale House Publishers. (2007). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (3rd ed.). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
are out in the community on a regular basis and there are many people from a wide variety of community groups that are within the walls of Faith regularly. It’s wonderful to witness that coming and going. As we attempt to deepen our existing community connections, and further our presence and service in part of ‘our world’ that is Halifax, I’m thrilled to draw your attention to a couple of new endeavors that are continuing in our missional trajectory. First we have a note from our GROC Coordinator, Joyceleen Osbourne regarding a new GROC initiative:
G-ROC will be launching an indoor site here at FTC from Oct. 12, 2013 - Dec. 7, 2013.
This EXCITING opportunity will make it possible for us to connect with kids from other communities in our area where we are currently unable to bring our Sidewalk Model. Taking this step also means we will be able to continue sharing Christ’s love with these kids through the colder months of the fall.
Along with the excitement surrounding the expansion of GROC’s reach also comes a rise in the level of work that has to be done and the cost to make it happen. Our main cost increase has to do with transportation. One of our G-ROC kids came by bus to VBS this summer and said that it made him feel like he was famous being picked up every day. Isn`t that our goal? To let the kids know that they are famous but not because of the bus but because they are a child of the King. You can help us reach more kids with the Gospel by: 1.
Contributing financially in one of the following ways: designate G-ROC indoor site on your offering envelope, visit us online at groc.ca and select donate now button, or by stopping by the main office.
Contributing your time as a volunteer: We need volunteers to make all of this happen so if you would like to be a bus monitor, hall monitor, prepare hot chocolate and treats, or teach please contact us.
Finally I would like to invite each of you to please join with us in prayer as we step out in obedience to follow God`s direction. Serving Together, Joyceleen. Second, ELEVATE is moving forward with some initiatives on Dalhousie’s Campus. Part of that involves supporting existing ministries such as Shiloh University Church on Friday nights but all also launching some campus initiatives of our own. In the coming weeks ELEVATE will be launching a Campus ALPHA gathering at Dalhousie University. ALPHA Canada suggests that a Campus gathering offers students ‘A DIFFERENT KIND OF EDUCATION’, giving them the space they need to contemplate, study and reflect on ‘life’s big questions’. The answers to those questions, in turn, will determine the beliefs that map out the course of a particular student’s life. What an amazing opportunity for us to be engaged with our students on that level.
The Elevate Lead Team has prayerfully considered how we can move beyond the walls of our church into college part of ‘our World’ and Campus ALPHA will be a strategic first step of that plan. In addition, we are working towards offering transportation for Students to and from Faith on Sunday Mornings. We are in need of drivers and vehicles for this initiative so please email elevate@faithhalifax.org if you are interested in driving Students to and from Faith on Sunday mornings. Finally Elevate plans on launching a Halifax Red Frogs chapter to serve both Dalhousie and St. Mary’s Universities in various ways. Please join us in prayer for God to provide the right individuals to lead that initiative. As a church family, let’s continue to celebrate our missional focus by involving ourselves in some way in these initiatives. ----------------------------------------------------
Just a reminder to all those 55+ that on October 9th at 11:30am our Golden Treasures will gather for our Thanksgiving Luncheon. There will also be a book table with all the proceeds going for our kitchen renovations project.
Thank You Seniors October 1st is National Seniors Day in Canada, and so I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Seniors here at Faith Tabernacle Church who have given so much time, commitment, physical energy, love for God, love for His Church, love for our community, and so much more over the years to help make our church what it is today. Only eternity will truly reveal all that our seniors have deposited into our lives and continue to do so. When so many sit back and do little, our seniors are actively involved in the life of Faith Tabernacle Church and to you we say “thank you”. Almost without exception it is the Seniors of Faith Tabernacle who make Golden Treasures happen each month for the many seniors who come from the various Senior’s residences throughout the city as well as some who come from private homes. These are not sitting back expecting to be served, they serve. To all of you who are part of that ministry, thank you! We are excited to look forward to our Youth (Ignite) coming in November to serve, sing, testify, and bless our hearts as they have in past years. As well, we look forward to our Young Adults (Elevate) coming in a few months to share with us from their hearts. We are blessed to know that the hearts of our youth and young adults are toward the seniors and as such want to bless them. On October 9th we will be blessed by the ministry of Pastor John. You will not want to miss this time of food, fun, fellowship, and ministry of the Word of God. Pastor Sheila 7
FTC Weekly Activities... Sunday Services: 1 0:30 am & 6:00 pm Public Services 10:30 am KIDZ Alive. Ages 4-12
Monday: 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am 6:45 pm 7:00 pm
Moms 'n Tots Family Night/BG Club Bible Studies
Wednesday: G-ROC Bayer’s Westwood Young Adult’s Prayer Youth Band Practice
4:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm
Thursday: 9:30 am 7:00 pm
ALFS Women’s Bible Study
Friday: 7:00 pm ignite Youth Church 9:00 pm – 1:00 am Standing in the Gap
Saturday: 2:00 pm
Indoor G-ROC\
--------------------------------------------------Remember that one of the best opportunities to represent our church to our community is how we park our cars when attending Services and events at FTC. Please take the time to park courteously and obey all of the relevant parking restrictions in the streets around the church. Thank you.
Praying Together By Pastor Sheila
Many years ago Alfred Tennyson made this statement that has been often quoted regarding prayer: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” Many books have been written over the years regarding prayer and its tremendous value. What a privilege is ours to be able to go to the very throne room of God and open our hearts up to Him and know that He is there to hear and respond to the cry of our hearts. Here at Faith Tabernacle Church there are a number of opportunities for us to gather corporately and seek the face of God, to pray together: 1. Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Time 9:30 – 10:30 am 2. Monday Evening 7:00 – 9:00 pm 3. Monthly Missions Prayer 6:00 – 6:45 pm 3rd Wednesday of each month 4. Prayer Chain All are invited to be part of these corporate prayer times. If you are hosting a prayer meeting at your home and would like to have it mentioned, please contact John Pelton at 902-444-1948 or 902-830-8860 or by e-mail john_pelton@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Faith Tabernacle Church – Bringing a message of hope to the world Short Term Mission to Malawi October 24th to November 07th 2013 In Malawi, a southeast African county, poverty means that most children will never attend school beyond their primary years, let alone dream of being able to attend university or college in their lifetime. Only 13% of high school age children living in Malawi actually attend high school, partly due to poverty and a lack of resources that make paying for school fees impossible. In many countries around the world, high school education is a basic service providing essential knowledge, skills, and values that form the foundation for lifelong learning. Simply put, basic education gives people greater economic opportunities and empowers them to lead healthier and more productive lives. Your generous financial gift* will provide the opportunity for a child in Malawi to be rescued from poverty to complete their high school education, and restore hope. Thank you for giving and… Changing Lives Forever. *Tax receipt will be issued
$19,347 --
Industrial stove New Cupboards Two Fridges Dishwasher Ventilation Lighting Upgrade electrical & plumbing
$50,000 --
Dinners Weddings Funerals Banquets Special Events Small Groups Public Events Special Fundraising
$100,000 --
As we engage our Vision of bringing good news to the people of Halifax through Community Action, City Mission and Church Ministry, a strategic part of our Christian service is demonstrated through good neighbourliness, generousity, and HOSPITALITY. The Bible encourages an ongoing engagement in the ministry of Hospitality (Romans 12:13, Titus 1:8 and Hebrews 13:2) and in order to be fully engaged we must first be PREPARED. Recently we have taken a further step in this ongoing process of preparing ourselves to better serve our community in the strategic area of Hospitality by updating and reappointing our Kitchen Facilities. Our future plans include Fire Suppression, Proper Ventilation, a new Industrial Stove and New Cabinetry. This investment is one in our capacity to serve the purposes of God more effectively. Our kitchen already serves thousands of hot meals every year. As we continue to move ahead with the renovation of our church kitchen, we are not just smartening up our facility. We are getting ready to better serve our church and community. We have already placed a new 30" stove, and now have purchased the new 60" industrial stove. Installing this industrial stove will involve electrical work and appropriate ventilation. Soon to come is a commercial dishwasher, two refrigerators, cabinets, countertops, improved lighting, and flooring. Thank you for sharing your part in helping bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heart of our city.
Faith Tabernacle Pentecostal Church Bringing the 'Gospel of Jesus Christ' to the heart of Halifax, and the whole world.
Sunday Services Morning Worship 10:30 am Evening Service 6:00 pm Faith Tabernacle Church 6225 Summit Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 1R6 Church Offices Phone: (902) 455-1523 Fax: (902) 455-1682 Email: faitht@eastlink.ca Visit our website...
www.faithhalifax.org ————-
Pastoral Staff Pastor John Cheyne Pastor Sheila MacDonald Pastor Paul Khosla
Welcome to
We welcome you to Faith Tabernacle Pentecostal Church If we can assist you in any way please let us know by filling out this section of the magazine, tear it off and place it in the offering bag...
I am new in the city I would like a phone call Children's Ministries Kidz Alive / BG Club Youth Ministries
Ages 9-18
Young Adult Ministries Ministries for Families Ministries for Adults Nursery Facilities Wheelchair Accessible Elevator Scent-Free Seating Area Name: ___________________ Date: ____________________ Phone No: ________________ 11Email: ___________________
Take us Home With You!
What’s Ahead? October SAFE KIDS REVIEW TRAINING Wednesday, October 2 at 7:00 pm
COMMUNION SUNDAY Sunday, October 6 at 10:30 am
Stop by the Info Booth in the lobby to obtain or reserve your DVD copy of today's service.
Also available are DVD's of the Tuesday Bible Study. ***************
Why not pick up a copy
Friday and Saturday, October 4 & 5 for the Upcoming Election.
G-ROC INDOOR PROGRAM Launch – Saturday October 12
PRECEPTS Tuesday, October 15 at 9:30 am
BOARD MEETING Wednesday, October 16 at 7:00 pm
MPOWER BREAKFAST Saturday, October 19 8:00 am to 10:00 am
for someone who has not been able to join us in Worship today? 12