GRAYSON Magazine
Free Monthly Publication January 2016
Serving Grayson & Surrounding Communities
Lux Royale Productions
2016 Fashion Forward Page 8 New Year’s Resolutions P. 28
Magazine The Finest Community Magazine
Table of Contents
Grayson Magazine Issue 4 January 2015
fashion forward
8 Compliments of Lynn Whitley. Photo credits for the cover, Erika Lynn Photography.
Car review
lux royale productions
Wine Corner
new year’s resolution
16 Grayson Magazine does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of any information, product or service represented within our magazine or website. The views and opinions of the authors who have submitted articles to Grayson Magazine belong to them alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Grayson Magazine or its staff. Grayson Magazine is not directly affiliated nor funded by any local government entities
We began our publication in October of 2015 and in a short time, you have accepted us as your new favorite community magazine. Thank you for your continued support as we continue to grow and develop. Our goal for 2016 is to continue to work hard for our supporters, our readers and this great community. Happy New Year! - Grayson Magazine Staff President Accounts Manager Senior Editor Art Director Technical Support
Dio Chatham Tom Riley Christine Engler Hannah Aryee Tim Nguyen
Contributors: Brandon Sullivan, Heather Cheng, Dr. Amul Adashee, James Leason, Elana Jones-Dusett. Dr. Karen Miller, Jennifer Cooper
To advertise in our February publication, please call 678-231-4554
g lf tips Remember when you executed that perfect golf iron shot to the 18th green. The ball went sailing into the sky and you could feel the clubhead compress against the golf ball just right. The ball landed just a few feet from the pin and stopped to a standstill leaving you a short putt for birdie. It’s an awesome feeling and brings you back to the game of golf more than any other shot in the game. The problem for many of us golfers is, when our irons are off they are really off. When you mishit a golf iron shot whether it’s fat or thin it’s a horrible feeling. The golf ball either goes nowhere DW DOO RU ÀLHV RYHU WKH EDFN RI WKH green landing you in more trouble. These mishit golf iron shots also do irreparable damage to your golf balls. The key to hitting consistent and solid golf iron shots is to maintain a connected downswing 6
that strikes the golf ball at just the ULJKW WLPH ,W¶V QRW GLI¿FXOW WR master and can be easily performed by golfers of all skill levels. The key is keeping the angle between the wrist holding the club and the distance from the shoulder. This is vital to hitting solid golf iron shots! Keep this angle until you reach the bottom of the golf swing. From there the release takes over and you can really drive through the golf ball with maximum power. If you’re struggling with making solid contact with your golf iron shots give this a try. It’s most likely you’re not maintaining the angle and coming out of your shots too early. Start off by making half swings and really focus on keeping the angle all the way to the bottom of the golf swing. By Troy Vavados
Grayson Magazine
Creekside Dentistry has now been serving the families of Walton, Gwinnett and beyond for nine years. Every step of the way, we have had one goal in mind and that is to remember that everything we do is about the patient; large and small decisions are made from that intonation. Everything from utilizing digital x-rays and same-day crowns to creating an environment of comfort and convenience to consistent, on-time appointments—you should expect great care in our practice. We are constantly striving to perfect our patient’s experience. All of our clinicians exceed the continuing education requirements of the Georgia Board of Dentistry and are truly committed to patient care. As we move and grow into our 10th year and onward, we hope we continue to serve our patients by developing genuine and lasting relationships. Drs. Vic Koehler, Beau Upshaw, Stewart Helton and the entire team welcome you to Creekside Dentistry.
Address: 3238 Krisam Creek Dr, Loganville, GA 30052 Phone:(770) 466-0474
Fashion Foward 2016 Fashion Trends As we enter the new year, ‘tis the season to reminisce on the 365 fashion days that are now behind us — and make predictions for the pieces that will be taking over our closets in the WR FRPH $ IHZ WUHQGV IURP GLHG RXW IDLUO\ TXLFNO\ FUD]\ Ĺ´XII EDOO VKRHV ZKHUHDV RWKHUV DUH VWLOO JRLQJ VWURQJ VXHGH VNLUWV EXW WKHUH DUH D IHZ PLFUR WUHQGV WKDW ZHUH QHZFRPHUV RU VLPSO\ Ĺ´HZ VRPHZKDW XQGHU WKH UDGDU WKLV \HDU Ĺ‹ DQG WKHLU PRPHQW LV TXLFNO\ approaching. Thanks to bloggers, celebrities, fashionistas, stylists, and some of our favorite retailers, ZHĹ?YH QRWLFHG FHUWDLQ WUHQGV LQ FDVXDO ZHDU WKDW NHHS UHRFFXUULQJ PRUH DQG PRUH ODWHO\ ,Q \RX FDQ FRXQW RQ WKHVH IDVKLRQ WUHQGV WR EORZ XS DOO RYHU \RXU ,QVWDJUDP DQG 3LQWHUHVW feeds, so be sure to snap up your favorites now. That way you can say you were ahead of the crowd. From jazzy sneakers to skinny neck scarves take a peek at the trends we’ll all be wearing this year.
Fringe was a huge trend in 2015, but it’s only going to pick up speed in 2016. In the new year, fringe is going to literally take over your clothes in a big way. So don’t be shy: Pick a top, dress, or jacket with seriously statementmaking fringe. (Shop Forever 21 &
:KHQ FXORWWHV Ć“UVW DUULYHG RQ the scene, everyone groaned in unison. Now, however, they seem to be catching on in a ELJ ZD\ *HW D SDLU RI Ĺ´RZLQJ wide-legged culottes that end somewhere below the knee and above the ankle for a more interesting look than just a regular skirt. (Shop
Skinny Neck Ties
Whether as a stand-alone accessory or as part of a top or dress, these skinny neck ties are about to become the No. 1 must-have accessory in 2016. A satin one in basic black will go with everything, but a patterned one is fun too. Have fun with tying it in different ways and pairing it with everything from collared tops to strappy dresses. (Shop Urban Outfitters)
Grayson Magazine
Fashion Foward 2016 Fashion Trends
Oversized, Masculine Coats
Wrap Jumpsuits This is kind of a weird one, but it’s a burgeoning trend nevertheless. Wrap dresses and jumpsuits that tie in the front aren’t new, but this newest version involves ties that start at the sides and wrap together in the front of the dress. It’s a little odd to get used to, since it’s not a belt (leaving us with the question: what exactly is it??) but it’s pretty handy for making D GUHVV ORRN FKLF LQ D ŴDVK (Shop Forever 21 &
Oversized, masculine coats are everywhere right now and they’re only going to become more popular as the months get chillier. It’s only January and the cold weather hasn’t yet approached so here in Gwinnett we have probably through February to rock this style. Put aside your maxi dress till spring and invest in a good maxi coat instead. They can be a little bulky and overwhelming, so pair them with skinny jeans and high heels. Tall girls will look especially cool in these coats. (Shop
Statement heels are a thing of the past. Now everyone needs at least one pair of statement sneakers in their closet. Whether for hanging out on the weekend or adding a casual touch to a party dress, statement sneakers are fun, versatile, and (best of all) comfortable. (Shop keds)
While there are likely loads more unexpected trends that will pop up in WKHVH DUH WKH PXVW KDYHV WR Ć“OO \RXU FORVHW ZLWK LQ WKH QHZ \HDU By Kelly Duggar
Grayson Magazine
BEING A TWIN The ups and downs of being a twin, sharing birthdays, double-takes, double everything, and a bond that lasts a lifetime as written by 4 pairs of identical & fraternal twins.
Grayson Magazine
“I get asked the question a lot. What’s it like being a twin? My answer is the same everytime and I keep it short and simple...It’s AWESOME. I’ve never known what it’s like not being a twin, so I guess I have nothing to compare it to, but I can’t imagine not having my true other half. I’m 21 years old, and my sister and I still enjoy dressing alike and completing each other’s sentences which comes quite naturally.” (They both said naturally at the same time while smiling at each other.) “We are used to all the double-takes we get, but honestly, we like the attention.” - Kelly & Karen Riley
“As with most good things, WKHUHōV DOVR D ŴLS VLGH WR WKH MR\V of being a twin, especially an identical twin. Sometimes I feel a loss of identity. We are always “the twins” and never just Michael or Brandon. People Grayson Magazine
attribute all success and failures to the both of us together.” “There are times when I purposely try to go in the opposite direction in sports or career just to have a stronger sense of self. We were dressed alike while we were toddlers, but shortly thereafter, we both wanted to have our own style. The fact that we both agreed on this proves that we are still very similar despite having a need or desire to be different. Despite the occasional mistakes in identity and working a bit KDUGHU WKDQ PRVW WR ƓQG \RXU true self, I would not change my situation of being a twin with anyone...except maybe my twin brother.” - Brandon & Michael Monroe Age 28 Snellville, GA
“My sister is my worst critic and my best fan. She tells the truth however bitter it is. A bad choice, a poorly done work, VKHōV WKH ƓUVW WR SRLQW RXW DQG correct it. Also, she is just as quick to appreciate as she is to criticize. Being twins is the most honest relationship you can be in.” - Fraternal Twins Bryan & Erin Addison - Age 26
“Happiness, sorrow, anger, frustration, craziness, random feeling, anything and everything - I can share it with her. I don’t even have to share, she just knows. Even if she can’t solve my problems, her very presence is comforting. A twin who silently cries with you, for you, is far more comforting than the comforting words of a friend. A constant support forever.” - Diane & Meghan Miller - Age 38
Smiles Forever Orthodontics is excited to announce the recent opening of our new Loganville office! Our name says it all - we are SmilesForever Orthodontics, and for over 25 years, we’ve been creating beautiful smiles that last a lifetime! Our team of Doctors specialize in Orthodontics, which means they attended years of additional school beyond dental school, and we treat both children and adults. In addition to offering traditional ceramic and mini metal braces, we also offer Invisalign® as well. Our team has won the Best of Gwinnett 2015 award and has held this title since 2010. At Smiles Forever Orthodontics we believe in providing personal care to all of our patients. We offer convenient early morning and late afternoon appointments, as well as appointments on periodic Saturdays, to help fit the schedules of every day working families. To make seeing an Orthodontist even easier, our practice accepts many forms of insurance, and we offer payment plans to fit every need. In addition to our Loganville office, we also have convenient locations in Duluth, Dacula and Flowery Branch. If you’re ready to take the next step toward receiving orthodontic treatment, and achieving the smile you’ve always wanted, call our Loganville office at (678) 689-6887 or schedule a Free New Patient Consultation on our website - Look for us around town - we love participating in community events!
Loganville 678-689-6887
(Photo from our float in this month’s Loganville Christmas parade, Team Spirit Day and some office photos.)
4. Move. It’s pretty simple. Movement FEELS
Set your intentions and make 2016 your year!
s we all make our way into 2016, a NEW year, we have a chance to be more intentional about our HEALTH and wellness! The Wellness Studio at ProMotion has some valuable and simple tips to help optimize your health in 2016 and for the rest of your life.
1. Stay Hydrated. Coffee and soda don’t
count (sorry). Take your body weight and divide it by 2. That’s how many ounces of WATER you should drink per day. EVERY CELL in your body will function better if you stay hydrated.
2. Get Plenty of REST. We know….you’re “busy”. We’re ALL busy, right? Don’t you FEEL more productive when you are well rested? There are many resources out there with “recommended hours of sleep” for all age groups. Most agree that for adults it’s 7 to 9 hours. We’d like to insert one of our favorite phrases here: “Listen to your BODY”. That body and mind of yours needs to rest and replenish itself so you can be the best YOU! 3. Eat What Grows. What’s one thing that
$// KXPDQV FRXOG EHQH¿W IURP" (DWLQJ ZKDW grows. So whether you are meat-free, gluten-free, or even soy-free…....grab some fresh fruits and veggies at every possible chance and get them in your system (and remember to chew and breathe while you are eating)! Your body is the home for your mind and spirit, and it’s the only one you get, so give it good fuel. If your schedule is so tight that you have trouble ¿JXULQJ RXW WKH IRRG WKLQJ«FRQVLGHU D 1XWULWLRQ Coach. We have TWO on site and they would love to help you get your nutrition up to par in order to serve you well!
good and is good for us. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that most healthy adults get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity), combined with strength training exercises at least 2 times a week. And guess what? Exercising causes smiling…..and it can be contagious. What an DGGHG EHQH¿W
5. Meditate - Practice Yoga - Pray. Make time
to connect your mind, body and spirit, in whichever manner you choose. We are telling you, we have seen it with our own eyes and we see it every day with our clients--- reduction in STRESS & a healthier body and mind equals PRUH SUHVHQW DQG ÀH[LEOH DWWLWXGHV 7KHUH DUH hundreds of studies out there that consistently show that blood pressure, stress, and even HEALTHCARE costs go down when we can elicit a relaxation response. The Wellness Studio at ProMotion is organically grown from a shared vision between Amanda Pilz, MPT and owner of ProMotion Physical Therapy, and Kelly Liddell, Yoga Instructor and Program Director at The Wellness Studio at ProMotion. “Our mission is to offer proactive resources for wellness, enhanced by a physical therapy foundation for exercise, in a nourishing environment. We want you to be the best possible version of yourself.” We offer Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Barre, Circuit Training, Nutrition Coaching, Thai Yoga Bodyworks sessions, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy & so much more! We are currently remodeling so please stop by in the new year to see our brand new facility.
The Wellness Studio at ProMotion
20 Grayson New Hope Road, Grayson GA
Grayson Magazine
2016 Mercedes C300 5 out of 5 stars
The 2016 Mercedes C300 raises the bar for all small luxury cars with beautiful styling inside and out, the best balance of ride DQG KDQGOLQJ D WHUUL¿F HQJLQH loads of features, and that coveted Mercedes brand cachet. For a model to receive my coveted 5 star rating it must check all items on my checklist but most importantly it must surround you with the rich environment and pampering amenities of a true luxury car while also providing the most enjoyable overall driving experience. The C300 starts just under $40,000, but I’d recommend paying a bit over $49,000 to get it with what we believe are must-have features for a
compact luxury sedan. Continuing with only minor changes for 2016, the C300 received a complete redesign for 2015 with handsome styling that borrows its look from the brand’s ÀDJVKLS 6 &ODVV VHGDQ WKH FDU also gained a sumptuous interior that sets new levels of luxury for the class. Best of all, the C300 backs up its good looks with the best balance of ride and handling, along with lively acceleration and exceptional fuel economy from its turbocharged four-cylinder engine. Visually, the 2016 Mercedes Benz C300 looks like a larger and much richer car than either its compact dimensions or accessible sticker price suggest. The new interior is Grayson Magazine
Important Specs
Base price:$38,950 (not including $925 destination charge) &RQÂżJXUHG SULFH QRW LQFOXGLQJ GHVWLQDWLRQ FKDUJH
also particularly well designed DQG FRPHV ODYLVKO\ ÂżQLVKHG ZLWK top-quality materials that give it a truly luxurious look and feel. While many models in this class try to outgun the BMW 3 6HULHV ZKLFK LV NQRZQ IRU LWV precise and sporty handling, they RIWHQ VDFULÂżFH D FHUWDLQ OHYHO RI comfort in the process. By contrast, the C300 manages to deliver tenacious cornering grip while still maintaining a smooth ride over all but the roughest road surfaces. Though the C300 packs what some might consider a small engine, its 2.0-liter four-cylinder is turbocharged to deliver strong acceleration while still getting exceptional fuel mileage for a sports car at 28 mpg. Grayson Magazine
If we were buying the C300, we’d get the base C300 with a modicum of features we deem essential even in an “entry-levelâ€? luxury car. These include DPHQLWLHV OLNH OHDWKHU XSKROVWHU\ power-adjustable and heated IURQW VHDWV D SUHPLXP DXGLR V\VWHP ZLWK VDWHOOLWH UDGLR D QDYLJDWLRQ V\VWHP D VXQURRI NH\OHVV HQWU\ SXVK EXWWRQ VWDUW and, for added safety at a nominal additional cost, a backup camera and blind-spot warning system. Adding the necessary option packages and standalone options, we pushed WKH FDUÂśV 0653 XS WR DURXQG $49,000. -LP *RUODQQ\ 5 6LPPRQV
2340 Loganville Hwy Grayson, GA 30017
• • • •
Free Intial Consulation Excellent Patient Care Covenient Location Most Insurance Accepted Dr. Cesar Cardenas
PH: 770-995-4032
“Your Goal is My Goal�
This is about more than real estate. It is about your life and your dreams. Pamela O’Bryan utilizes the latest technologies, market research and business strategies to exceed your expectations. More importantly, we listen and that means we find solutions that are tailored to you.
Pam OBryan Properties Cell 678.642.3350 2IÂżFH
Start your real estate search with us today!
HAPPY NEW YEAR. LET YOUR SMILE SHINE We are pleased to announce the start of Grayson Orthodontics 9th year of providing Beautiful Smiles to the Grayson Community. At Grayson Orthodontics, we welcome our patients into a comfortable and fun environment where getting braces is a pleasant experience. Our main Goal is to provide the highest quality orthodontic care to our patients. Our use of cutting edge technology helps us provide you orthodontic care ZLWK PD[LPXP HIÂżFLHQF\ DQG FRPIRUW Our staff strives to help our patients and parents understand the treatment goals,
LWV SURFHVV DQG ÂżQDOO\ DFKLHYH RXU greatest satisfaction: Your Smile!! Dr. Cardenas is from Colombia, South America. He has a Master of Science and Dental Medicine from Tufts University in Boston, MA. His passion is the combination of Art and Science involved in creating a beautiful smile. We are happy to announce the opening of our new location in Dacula, Dacula Orthodontics, located right across the street from Hebron Christian Academy on Dacula Road.
As we ring in the New year, we want to Thank you for allowing us to continue to bring Beautiful smiles to you, your children, and the Grayson Community. Please call for a Free Consultation. It’s a New Year and time for a New Smile. If you mention Grayson Magazine you will receive $250 off Full Orthodontic Treatment. Grayson Orthodontics 2340 Loganville Hwy Grayson, GA 30017 Ph 770-995-4032
Dacula Orthodontics 842 Dacula Road Dacula GA, 30019 Ph 770-963-0083
Grayson Magazine
2 red wines you’ll l ve this year:
Merryvalle 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon $69
Rustic earth gives way to bright, crisp red fruit and a hint of citrus providing freshness and life. Soft and full bodied, don’t let this cab pass you by. Merryvale is working with great raw materials and winemakers Sean Foster and Graham Wehmeier are doing them justice with classical winemaking techniques--such as egg white fining on the top reds--and shrewd blending. Beautiful brightness, purity, potential balance and equilibrium, power without excess and sweet tannin, this wine is a rather classic Cabernet Sauvignon.
Grayson Magazine
Luna Vineyards 2009 Merlot $35
A deep garnet red wine that tastes of black cherries, chocolate, and crushed berries. This wine exhibits rich oak scents followed by a gorgeous array of ripe and juicy fruits. Best paired with beef or game (especially deer, venison) this wine is sure to compete with the best out of Napa Valley in 2016. Priced at $35, if you find it on the menu, don’t hesitate to order. This wine will quickly convert those Pinot enthusiasts that usually shy away from a Merlot.
Please share with us your favorite new wine discoveries or pairings or your opinions on my suggestions. Send your emails to attn: wine corner. Thank you, Christine Engler
Grayson Magazine
Grayson Magazine
New Changes in the Tax Laws GLIIHUHQWLDO ZDJHV How Are you affected? â&#x20AC;¢ <U OLIH RI 4XDOL¿HG /HDVHKROG In my past article I discussed that PLANNING IS THE KEY INGREDIENT TO MINIMIZING YOUR TAXES. Planning should be a time set aside every month or two beginning at WKH ¿UVW RI WKH \HDU WR JHW PD[LPXP UHVXOWV IURP \RXU HIIRUWV <RXU SODQQLQJ IRU LV QRZ YHU\ OLPLWHG :H DUH WR WKH SRVLWLRQ RI ¿OLQJ D WD[ UHWXUQ RQ ZKDW KDSSHQHG LQ 1RZ LV WKH WLPH WR SODQ IRU As this article was being written, the +RXVH SDVVHG WKH QHZ WD[ ODZ DQG sent to the Senate. We think this will pass, maybe with some changes. 6RPH RI WKH LPSRUWDQW KLJKOLJKWV IROORZ 0RVW DIIHFW EXVLQHVV EXW VRPH DIIHFW WKH LQGLYLGXDO Permanent Extensions â&#x20AC;¢ &KLOG WD[ FUHGLW²WKUHVKROG IRU UHIXQGDEOH FUHGLW VHW DW â&#x20AC;¢ (DUQHG ,QFRPH 7D[ &UHGLW² â&#x20AC;¢ Enhanced and phase-out range LQGH[HG IRU LQÃ&#x20AC;DWLRQ â&#x20AC;¢ (GXFDWRUV¶ FODVVURRP â&#x20AC;¢ VXSSOLHV²LQGH[HG IRU LQÃ&#x20AC;DWLRQ â&#x20AC;¢ 6WDWH ORFDO VDOHV WD[ GHGXFWLRQ LQ OLHX RI VWDWH ORFDO LQFRPH WD[ â&#x20AC;¢ 'LUHFW WUDQVIHUV IURP ,5$ WR &KDULW\ IRU WKRVH ò RU ROGHU â&#x20AC;¢ Charitable contributions by S Corps â&#x20AC;¢ 5 ' WD[ &UHGLW â&#x20AC;¢ :DJH &UHGLW IRU 24
Improvements, restaurant property and retail improvements â&#x20AC;¢ 6HF VHW WR PLOOLRQ SKDVH RXW
5 Year Extensions (Through 2019) â&#x20AC;¢ :DJH 2SSRUWXQLW\ 7D[ â&#x20AC;¢ &UHGLW² RI TXDOL¿HG VW \HDU ZDJHV RI WDUJHWHG JURXSV â&#x20AC;¢ %RQXV 'HSUHFLDWLRQ² ¿UVW \HDU UHGXFHG WR 2 Year Extensions (2015 & 2016 only) â&#x20AC;¢ ([FOXVLRQ RI XS WR PLOOLRQ RI discharged principal residence debt income â&#x20AC;¢ Mortgage Insurance premium deductible as interest â&#x20AC;¢ $ERYH WKH OLQH GHGXFWLRQ IRU TXDOL¿HG WXLWLRQ UHODWHG H[SHQVHV
â&#x20AC;¢ &UHGLW IRU DOWHUQDWLYH YHKLFOH UHIXHOLQJ SURSHUW\ â&#x20AC;¢ &UHGLW IRU SOXJ LQ HOHFWULF motorcycles/vehicles â&#x20AC;¢ %LRIXHO FUHGLWV â&#x20AC;¢ &UHGLW WR EXLOGHUV IRU QHZ HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQW KRPHV â&#x20AC;¢ 'HGXFWLRQ IRU HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQW commercial buildings Please let us know if we can assist you with your 2015 situation or PLANNING for 2016. Donnie Houston, CPA Houston, Myers & Company, PC, CPAs Grayson, GA. 770-813-1033
Grayson Magazine
The real estate market for 2015 definitely reflects an increase in home values over 2014. As seen in the Graphs. The charts provided are calculated from the Georgia Multiple Listing Service. In reference to 2016, there can only be a Forecast. Grayson-Georgia
The real estate company, Zillow, recently offered a 12 month forecast for home price in the Atlanta area. The company’s economic team experts predict house values in the area to rise an estimated 5% from October 2015 to October 2016.
“Your goal is my goal” This is about more than real estate it’s about your life and your dreams.”
Pam O’Bryan Properties Cell Phone 678-642-3350 Office 678-287-4300 Email Please contact Pam O’Bryan for all your Real Estate needs, Pam O’Bryan Disclaimer: This information contains forecasts and outlooks relating to our local real estate market. Such projections are the equivalent of an educated guess and should not be viewed as fact.
Grayson Magazine
Grayson Magazine
Grayson Magazine
Mention Grayson Magazine when you book any Crush Service in January and receive 15% off
New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Resolutions
Grayson Magazine
Don’t let the party hats, champagne toasts, and midnight smooching sessions fool you. New Year’s resolutions—or, at least, making them stick—is an act of war. After all, you’ve got overcrowded gyms, after-Christmas designer sales, and winter’s trademark lack of willpower to contend with. So this year, if you want to come out on top, you’ve got to know your enemy. To help, I’ve rounded up the top stats you need to know heading into 2016—plus some pointers on sticking to your guns.
Here are the resolutions by the numbers:
Percentage of Americans who usually make New Year’s resolutions.
Amount by which people who fully commit to making resolutions are more successful at keeping them. 1 in 3: Number of people who ditch their vows by the end of January. Top reasons include being too busy or not being committed to their goals in the first place.
Percentage of people who set fitness goals as part of their resolutions.
Percentage of those who gave up at some point during the year before completing all resolutions on their list.
Percentage of people who don’t make resolutions in the first place
Grayson Magazine
The Top American Resolutions:
21% Weight loss 14% Improve finances 14% Exercise 10% Get a new job 7% Healthier eating 5% Manage stress better 5% Stop/reduce smoking 5% Improve a relationship 3% Stop procrastinating 3% Set time aside for self 3% Start a new activity/
Want to beat the odds? Tell others your goal, says John C. Norcross, Ph.D., ABPP, a distinguished professor of psychology at the University of Scranton and author of Changeology: 5 Steps to Realizing your Goals and Resolutions. “Going public increases accountability and allows for more support,” he says. So this year, scream your intentions from the rooftops and surround yourself with positive people that will help you achieve your goals. It’s a new day, a new start, a new you. Keith Fetters
2% Improve my work habits
2% Stop/reduce drinking alcohol
1% Assertion/learn to say no
Aside from the stench of tobacco cigarette smoke vs. the non-offensive or usually pleasant scents associated with vaping, burning tobacco generates a smoke that is a toxic cocktail of chemicals that affect not only the smoker, but others as well. Scientist Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki says the polonium released in tobacco cigarettes is the equivalent alent to 200 chest x-rays a year for people ple who smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. y. Between vaping and smoking, which is better ter for your health? With overr 4,000 chemicals including ding g 43 carcinogeic compounds, choosing vaping versus smoking g is the obvious answer. We all know that cigarettes rettes contain enough chemicals i l tto start t t a car without the keys...nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, DDT, etc. Vapours or e-cigarettes have chemicals as well. Not nearly as many and not nearly as toxic. Here is a list of chemicals and compounds in e-cigarette vapours: Nicotine Propylene glycol (not Ethylene glycol - which is toxic). Used in asthma inhalers and nebulizers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Air containing these vapors in amounts up to the saturation point is completely KDUPOHVV´ 7KH 86$ )'$ KDV FODVVLÂżHG propylene glycol as â&#x20AC;&#x153;generally recognized as safeâ&#x20AC;?. Vegetable glycerol - low toxicity. Used in medications, cosmetic and food items. The only other chemicals are in the Ă&#x20AC;DYRULQJV ZKLFK LI FRPLQJ IURP D reputable merchant) are food grade. and make up a very small percentage of eliquids. 30
Smoking VS. Vaping That said, very few carcinogenic chemicals have been found in e-cigarette vapours, and those present only appear to be in trace quantities - far less than in burning tobacco and unlike cigarette smoke, nearly all of tthe nicotine is absorbed vaping. ab a bs so orb r ed e in vapin Dr.. Joel Nitzkin, Chair of Dr D tthe th he Tobacco Control Task Force F or for the American Association of Public A As s Physicians, believes Health P tthe th he hazards posed by e-cigarettes would much lower than one w oul u d be m percent off tthat hat posed by smoking tobacco AAPHP recommends ccigarettes. ci garettes e . The e AAP electronic cigarettes as a less hazardous smoke-free tobacco/ nicotine product. Not putting anything in your lungs except 100% pure air is the healthiest way to go, however ecigs are a viable harm reduction device in my opinion, and one that more smokers need to know about. According to the recent study, smokers are 60 percent more likely to quit with the help of an electronic smoking device. If eliminating smoking all together is on your New Year resolution list for 2016, vaping is a strong pillar of support and can be a healthier lifestyle choice for you and those around you.
- Rick Buchannon ex smoker for over 800 days Medical research: E-cigarettes: harmless inhaled or exhaled Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Grayson Magazine
If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still should be vaping.
470-282-3185 1977 Scenic Highway N. Snellville, Ga. 30078
The Vaping Shack prides itself in giving you the ultimate experience in vaping. We want you to stop by, lounge around, maybe watch a game on our large screen TV while you are sampling our JUHDW Ă&#x20AC;DYRUV :H DUH DOO DERXW building relationships while we are all on this journey to quit smoking!
Grayson Magazine
meet the Grayson Magazine:
doctors Health & Wellness
optimal hearing
Our patients enjoy seeing the third generation in our family to help with their hearing. I am now seeing the grand children of patients my grandfather treated 50 years ago. - Gabriel J. Pitt, AU.D.
What was your most defeating moment and how did you learn from it?
I frequently have patients tell me they have never sought treatment for their tinnitus (ringing in ears) because they have been told there is nothing that can be done about it. I have made it a goal to educate the public as well as the medical community that in many cases we can provide relief and possibly eliminate tinnitus.
What have you learned from your patients that you never could have learned from any class or clinic? Those who suffer
from hearing loss can be affected by the handicap in a multitude of ways. From social withdrawal, to an absolute loss of control in conversation, some become lonely and isolated. Others become increasingly suspicious of loved ones. No classroom can prepare you for how the same underlying problem can affect people in so many ways.
What are you doing to stay at the forefront of medical technology and innovation?
I stay active in state and national audiology groups. I have been elected by fellow audiologists in Georgia to serve as president of the Georgia Academy of Audiology. I also serve on the board of our national association, The Academy of Doctors of Audiology. These organizations provide excellent venues to stay abreast of all the newest and most innovative hearing and tinnitus treatments strategies and technologies in a private setting.
GABRIEL J. PITT OPTIMAL HEARING 2180 Satellite Blvd Suite 400 Duluth, GA 30097 4402 Lawrenceville Rd (Hwy 20) Loganville, GA 30052 770-938-2400 32
Grayson Magazine
Wild Ivy Publishing is a small press publishing and marketing company based in Norcross, Georgia. Ivy Valentine Pate, CEO, who resides in Lawrenceville, has been in Sales & Marketing for 20 years. Her expertise with Consumer Insight, Product Marketability and Buyer Behavior, coupled with a lifetime passion for books has enabled her to present new and under-promoted authors to the marketplace. Wild Ivy Publishing recently released two titles this fall, and plans to publish six additional works in 2016, including the highly anticipated Dark Justice 2 – Searchin’ and a spiritually based Adult Coloring Book. The company is currently accepting manuscripts for YA (Young Adult), Historical Romance, and fiction novels. If you have self-published your book and would like assistance in marketing your work, consider Wild Ivy Publishing’s Marketing & Advertising Program for Self-Published Authors. Wild Ivy Publishing also takes pride in supporting local start-up entrepreneurs and small business owners in Gwinnett County. The company understands how limited capital and small or non-existent marketing budgets can prove to be challenging to these business owners. Their expertise with low-cost “guerilla marketing” and integrated brand management can help any small business owner compete with established national companies. This is accomplished by creating custom-made logos, Marketing Point-of-Sale materials and advertising campaigns that are designed to drive traffic and increase sales. For some quick, easy and low-cost ideas to get you started, visit to download 92 Marketing Ideas to Jumpstart Your Business, free of charge. While there, watch Pate’s Marketing 101 video to help maximize your small business’s presence for little or no investment. For more information on how Wild Ivy Publishing can help you, please visit or email
Grayson Magazine
NEW YEAR NEW ME As we begin the new year with reviewing our resolution list for 2016, towards the top of most lists are a slimmer, leaner, or healthier self. Within that realm, the number one part of the body that men and women wanted to modify the most was their midsection. I’ve composed a quick 20 minute workout targeting the midsection and abs that will have you crossing off getting in shape from your list by March. Let’s start 2016 with conquering small achievable goals and then tackling the rest of that resolution list as we go.
Side Bridge
/LH RQ VLGH RQ PDW 3ODFH IRUHDUP RQ mat under shoulder perpendicular to ERG\ 3ODFH XSSHU OHJ GLUHFWO\ RQ WRS of lower leg and straighten knees and hips. 5DLVH KLSV XSZDUG E\ ODWHUDO ÀH[LRQ RI spine. Lower to original position and repeat.
This is a 20 minute workout and a great way to start your morning. Be sure to rest for 30 seconds between each exercise.
$ FUXQFK EHJLQV ZLWK O\LQJ IDFH XS RQ WKH ÀRRU with knees bent. The movement begins by curling the shoulders towards the pelvis. The hands can be behind or beside the neck or crossed over the chest.
Bicycle Crunch
lift your head up and touch your right elbow to the left knee while pulling your knee up towards your head. At the same time, straighten your right leg, keeping it several inches off of WKH ÀRRU VLPLODU WR WKH PRWLRQ \RX¶G make while pedaling a bicycle. As you lift your head, tense your abs. Use your abdominal muscles to crunch your body forward so that your elbow can reach your knee.
V-Sit Crunch
Begin in a seated position, contract your ab. muscles and core, and lift your legs up to a 45-degree angle. 5HDFK \RXU DUPV VWUDLJKW IRUZDUG RU reach up toward your shins as you are able. Hold this â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vâ&#x20AC;? position for several seconds to begin. As you get stronger, hold the position longer. 5HWXUQ WR \RXU VWDUWLQJ SRVLWLRQ VORZO\ -XVW EHIRUH \RX UHDFK WKH Ă&#x20AC;RRU VWRS and hold the position for a few seconds.
This is a great starting point to a UHÂżQHG \RX IRU WKH QHZ \HDU
PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER WEATHER Winterizing your vehicle is a wise idea. A vehicle check before the temperatures drop is a sensible way to avoid the inconvenience of being stranded out in the cold and with the unexpected expense of emergency repairs. An investment of an hour or two to have your vehicle checked is all it takes to have peace of mind and help avoid the cost and hassle of a breakdown during severe weather.
Good visibility is vital. If your wipers are leaving streaks of water on the windshield, or if the wiper-blade rubber shows any signs of cracking or stiffness, replace them with a new set. In addition, don’t try to use your wipers to remove adhered ice from the windshield; keep an ice scraper in the car for frosty mornings. If the vehicle is parked outside, placing the wipers in the “raised” position before an overnight snow will keep them from freezing to the windshield.
Let the engine fully warm up. Condensation in the exhaust system can cause premature rust-through of exhaust components. To help prevent this, try to let the engine reach its full normal operating temperature whenever you drive the vehicle. This will evaporate the moisture in the system. If this isn’t possible, try to limit short trips.
Check the heater and windshield defroster. Winter will put your vehicle’s windshield defrosters to the test. It’s a good idea to check that they are in working order. While you’re at it, check the air-conditioner, too. An easy way to speed up the defrost process is to turn on the A/C. (You can leave the temperature dial on warm so you don’t have to suffer.) And now is also a good time to make sure your heating system works.
Keep the battery in good shape. Your vehicle’s battery is especially hard hit when the mercury plummets. Cold temperatures reduce its cranking power. In fact, at about zero degrees F, your battery only has about half the cranking power it has at 80 degrees. At the same time, the thickened oil in a cold engine makes it harder to turn over. So the battery is asked to do more while in a weakened condition.
Prevent freeze-ups. Water can get into door and trunk locks and then freeze, effectively locking you out of the vehicle. To prevent this, lubricate the locks with a silicone spray or door-lock lubricant. If they’re already frozen, use a lock antifreeze product to thaw them.
Check to see if your engine requires lower-viscosity oil in the winter. This isn’t nearly as hard as it sounds. Viscosity simply refers to how thick or thin a fluid is. (Tar has a higher viscosity than orange juice, for example.) Engine oils are sold with different viscosity levels. When winter arrives, the outside temperature drops. The colder the oil is, the thicker it will be. A thicker oil doesn’t circulate as well in an engine during start-up as a thinner oil would. If the oil is too thick, the engine doesn’t get the proper lubrication.
Inspect the belts and hoses. Extreme cold can cause rubber parts to become brittle and fail. Check the radiator and heater hoses for cracking, leaking, or contamination from oil or grease. The hoses should be firm yet pliable when you squeeze them. Replace them if they feel brittle or overly soft.
Check antifreeze mixture. For most vehicles, the cooling system should be flushed at least every two years. This helps keep corrosion from building up in the system. The ideal mixture of antifreeze (coolant) and water inside your vehicle’s radiator is 50:50. If the mixture deviates from this norm, then hot- and cold-weather performance can suffer. If you were to put pure water in your vehicle’s radiator, it would freeze at 32° F.
Art Kleve, Owner Nobody’s Auto Repair With over 35 years of experience, Art Kleve is a veteran of the auto industry. Art was first a line supervisor with Chrysler and then moved on to be the program manager for the Ford Mustang convertible program—the largest in the U.S. at the time. Art was then hired to oversee the Oldsmobile convertible program, supervising all areas from Research and Development through production. His vast experience includes plant management at Volvo Truck engine and axle and then as the Quality Division Manager. In 2003, Art became owner and operator of Nobody’s Auto and Repair, where he established a solid reputation in the Lawrenceville, Loganville, Grayson, Snellville, Duluth and Suwanee communities.
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Ahmed Hashem and his wife are very excited about the opening of their new Philly Connection in Loganville. “We enjoy the Loganville area and we are looking forward to giving the community great service and great food in a comfortable environment.” Ahmed, who is originally from Egypt, says his dedication to his dining Guests is a commitment that he shares with his entire staff.
Located at 4325 Atlanta Highway in Loganville, the new Philly Connection allows you to enjoy some of the fan favorites that have catapulted Philly Connection to over 27 locations nationwide such as The Cheesesteak Hoagie, The Southwest, and The Plain Jane, but Ahmed reminds us there’s more on their menu besides great hoagies. “Many people don’t know that we have delicious wings, chicken tenders, and salads or desserts like reeses peanut butter cup pie.” Committed to excellence and
dedicated to a positive Guest experience, Ahmed & Philly Connection will be a new favorite in Loganville. Stop by today to welcome Ahmed Hashem to our community and enjoy a new and improved Philly Connection.
Philly Connection
Philly Connection of Loganvile owners The Hashems with Loganville’s Kristy Peters and GECC President Doug Adams.
Dining ideas and recommendations so when it’s date night... you know where to go. $ Under $10
$$ Under $11-25
$$$ $26-40 $$$$ Over $40
Dollar signs indicate the typical cost per dining guest including meal and one alcoholic drink. Gratuity not included. Kampai Sushi 1250 Scenic Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30045 678-951-1000 $$
Kampai Sushi, located in The Shoppes offers a wide range of creative sushi rolls and sashimi as well as hibachi for those seeking a little entertainment while dining. We enjoyed their newest creation, the Kamikaze Roll (excellent spicy mayo with sweet eel), the Super Crunch Roll with scallops and the Super Volcano Roll. This was complimented with their delicious Mango Martini and Kampai Punch which featured a nice combination of vodka, mango and fruit juices. The layout of the restaurant is very comfortable for intimate dining as well as after work fellowship. The food and drinks were exactly what we were hoping for but we would return again to revisit the more than hospitable General Manager Jessica who was helpful and friendly but not obtrusive. She enhanced our evening with warm smiles, patient menu explanations and first-class table service. Menu recommendation: sit at a booth on the right where you can watch the chef prepare your roll, and try the Kamikaze Roll with the Kampai Punch and end the evening with the Fried Cheesecake.
New Year Fritters
Okay...before you begin your New Years resolutions, you have to give this a try. Over the holidays, my husband had family visit us here in Grayson. His mother is of Russian descent, but currently lives in Canada and she informed me on New Years Eve that she was going to make Portzelky. Although I was determined to obey my list of 10 resolutions that I quickly jotted down on December 31st, I will have to delay my quest for just a few more days. She delighted all of us (especially the children) with what she called New Year fritters. I tried to stick with just one but as the Peach went down, so did these tasty morsels. Puffy fried golden brown cookies sprinkled with sugar and made with love.
Prepare yeast as directed on package. Warm milk slightly with butter, salt and sugar until slightly ZDUP $GG \HDVW $GG ŴRXU WR PDNH D VRIW EDWWHU Stir in the raisins and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Put in a warm place to rise until almost double. Heat shortening (a deep fryer is the safest method) until hot and drop tablespoonsful of dough in. Do not break sponge bubbles. Fry quickly, turning once, until golden and remove with slotted spoon to drain in colander. Serve with a dusting of icing/confectioner’s sugar. Prep time 15 minutes / Cook Time 20 - Christine E. 2 pkgs dry yeast 2 c milk 1/4 c white sugar 1/2 c butter 1 tsp salt 4 eggs 2 lbs golden or sultana raisins - washed and soaked in warm water, WKHQ GUDLQHG (QRXJK ŴRXU for a soft batter oil to deep-fry fritters
Grayson Magazine
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Under New Management
Stop by a Philly Connection today and experience sandwich perfection!
4325 Atlanta Highway Suite 16 Loganville, GA 30052
We have more than just delicious sandwiches: Tender juicy wings; crisp salads topped with your choice of meat; crispy french fries and onion rings. Check out our tantalizing menu... and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget dessert!
Stop by and see the NEW Philly Connection of Loganville!
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any plans for 2016???
Make it the best year ever. Find your path or create a new one for others to follow. Happy New Year, From Grayson Magazine