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OUR VISION is to be the most trusted hospital
World-leading cancer care with a charitable purpose
People from global destinations are choosing e London Clinic because of the fast access to world-leading cancer consultants, pioneering cancer services and a clinical research centre that combine to oer innovative treatments
A CHARITABLE HOSPITAL WITH A HISTORY OF PUTTING PATIENTS FIRST e London Clinic is a large, independent, charitable hospital in Harley Street, the heart of London’s medical district. Opened by HRH e Duke and Duchess of York in 1932, e London Clinic was granted charitable status in 1935 and, ever since, has been committed to reinvesting income to help improve healthcare for patients and advancing healthcare in the wider global healthcare community.
In 2010, HM e Queen and HRH e Duke of Edinburgh opened e London Clinic’s cancer centre – the Duchess of Devonshire Wing. In that time it has become a leading global cancer care facility, winning the prestigious International Cancer Centre of the Year award in 2018 from the International Medical Travel Journal. In 2019, it received an overall score of 5 (excellent) in its rst Quality Environment Mark by Macmillan Cancer Support, assessing the care and treatment of patients aected by cancer. e Macmillan standards acknowledge innovation and excellence in medicine and patient care, and were developed in collaboration with more than 400 people living with cancer.

e patients of a leading UK medical insurance provider, which refers patients to a number of London hospitals, also rated e London Clinic as the best for the quality of care provided.
A GLOBAL HOSPITAL Over 120,000 people from the Middle East, China, US, UK and Europe visit e London Clinic every year to see one of over 600 leading consultants, in elds as diverse as cancer care, digestive diseases, musculoskeletal and orthopaedics (including hips, knees, shoulders and ngers). ese leading experts are supported by one of the best nursing teams available, an on-site physiotherapy rehabilitation service, with hydrotherapy, and an intensive care unit that is the envy of most top London hospitals.
LEADING HEALTHCARE EXPERTISE e London Clinic’s aim is to be the best hospital, trusted by patients to oer unrivalled service and standards, and by consultants and doctors as an essential healthcare partner. With access to over 600 internationallyrenowned consultants, specialist clinical nurses and a large support team with 34 dierent nationalities, we provide rapid access to the best treatment and care.
As well as providing top consultant and nursing care, we also oer some of the very best facilities available. e London Clinic’s haematology facility – located in the cancer centre – is the largest stem cell collection centre in Europe. Working with charities including blood cancer charity Anthony Nolan, over 700 stem cell donations are collected every year and safely stored until needed by patients around the world.
On 23 February 2017, e Duchess of Cornwall opened e London Clinic’s Intensive Care Unit, a specialist facility – unusual in private hospitals – that allows the treatment of patients with complex conditions. e London Clinic’s intensive care service is led by Dr John Goldstone, an internationally renowned consultant and expert in intensive care.
With the growing demand for high-quality healthcare around the world, an advantage of e London Clinic’s charitable status is the ability to reinvest income in clinical training, enabling nurses to complete specialist degrees, and Fellows to become the next high-achieving Consultants.
In 2018, e London Clinic funded 28 higher-level degree courses for clinical and non-clinical sta, which helps provide advanced, quality care for patients and assists e London Clinic in attracting and retaining high-calibre sta.
BEST-IN-CLASS SERVICE e London Clinic’s services are designed around patients, and form a vital part of diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We oer a bespoke, tailored in-house kitchen service that is centred on the nutritional needs of patients, with the aim of creating exciting meals that people want to eat. e London Clinic’s award-winning chefs strive to deliver the best for patients, visiting them regularly and talking to them about their appetite and possible menu options. Patients with a diverse range of tastes, needs and cultural backgrounds enjoy excellent food that provides physical, psychological and emotional nourishment – all served in the comfort of their rooms.
CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CANCER CARE e London Clinic’s Clinical Research Centre works with consultants and research partners to develop new treatment techniques to advance healthcare. e London Clinic is the only hospital research centre in the UK to take part in a landmark international clinical trial of a new radiation treatment for people with glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive form of brain cancer with a high death rate. In this new clinical trial, after the brain tumour is removed, a high, focused dose of radiation is delivered directly to the tumour cavity to kill any microscopic cancer cells left behind.
INNOVATIONS IN CANCER TREATMENT In September 2018, e London Clinic became the rst independent hospital in the UK to oer patients the latest diagnostic imaging with the new Siemens MAGNETOM Vida 3T MRI scanner. e scanner works by generating a powerful magnetic eld that is twice the strength of the older 1.5 Tesla scanners – routinely found in other hospitals. e London Clinic’s 3T MRI produces exceptional image quality, supporting more precise diagnosis of cancers, as well as in other specialities such as orthopaedics, urology and neurology. Prostate cancer specialists in the UK are referring their patients to e London Clinic because the 3T MRI can help detect disease earlier.

Patients with advanced prostate cancer at e London Clinic have the opportunity to be treated with the innovative treatment Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy, a molecular radiotherapy treatment that targets and kills cancer cells precisely, avoiding damage to healthy cells and tissue. is treatment oers new hope of extending and improving quality of life, as clinical data shows Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy reduces prostate specic antigen (PSA) in up to 70% of patients.
e London Clinic treated its rst group of patients using this innovative treatment in 2019. More patients are scheduled to be treated, and referrers, including consultant oncologists, are being asked to put forward suitable patients.
e London Clinic is one of the few sites in the UK to oer treatment for colorectal cancer with the Carl Zeiss Intrabeam ® system – a miniaturised X-ray device that is located within its on-site operating theatres.
Colorectal cancer is primarily treated with surgery but, in some cases, in order to help reduce the chance of recurrence, intra-operative radiotherapy treatment (IORT) can be given during the operation. Intra-operative radiotherapy involves giving a high dose of radiation at the same time as the surgical treatment.
A MULTI-DISCIPLINARY APPROACH Excellence in cancer care involves a multidisciplinary approach, a strength of e London Clinic’s cancer care. “Every two weeks at e London Clinic, everybody involved with a patient’s care – oncologists, urologists, radiologists and pathologists – meet to discuss their progress and plan the next move,” explains one of the Clinic’s consultants. “We discuss the scans and any biopsy results, and work out the options for the patient’s treatment. is multi-disciplinary approach is best for patient care and oers a personalised approach to their cancer treatment.”
We work in partnership to develop medical knowledge and expertise for the benefit of patients within our hospital and in the wider healthcare community
CLINICAL SUPPORT SERVICES Patients being treated for cancer have specialist support services available, due to the large breadth of treatments and consultant expertise oered by e London Clinic. For example, e London Clinic’s Cardio-Oncology manages cardiovascular complications for cancer patients, as both chemotherapy and radiotherapy can potentially cause heart problems in some patients, especially if they have a medical history of cardiac issues. Patients also have fast access to cancer-focused complementary therapies, physiotherapy, psychological and counselling support.

Our ‘Moving On’ workshops – hosted by our cancer nursing specialists – support patients from all cultures as they adapt to life after treatment.
TAILORED CARE AND SUPPORT e International Oce works to ensure that every patient receives the highest standard of support before, during and after admission into e London Clinic. We speak to every patient prior to their admission, to check what support they require.
is can range from ensuring access to interpreters, that their children have accommodation and schooling, that our chefs are aware of their cultural and religious needs for meals, or arranging a shopping trip for the patient’s family in nearby Oxford Street. We also oer a concierge service to support family and friends who have travelled to London with their loved ones. Our team help book hotel accommodation, reserve tickets for theatre and sporting events, arrange schooling, and organise shopping requests.
AN ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVE We are nding an increasing number of customers asking us to comment on a treatment or diagnosis they have had from another hospital. Considering the complexity of treatments available, it is not unsurprising that people want some peace of mind that what they are being told is denitely the best for them. Our Second Medical Opinion service is growing in popularity for this reason. It includes a review of medical records, including scans, by e London Clinic’s leading consultants. Many patients who have been treated elsewhere rst, have beneted from using this service.

WAYS TO ACCESS LEADING HEALTH SERVICES ere are multiple ways to access the high-end services at e London Clinic. While the majority of international health insurance companies and governments will pay to send their customers, sta and even the general public to e London Clinic, it is possible to pay directly. We have exible xed-price packages available to those who want to pay for treatment themselves. Our International Oce can explain the options available.
Supporting people to lose weight with surgical and non-surgical innovations
Mr Shaw Somers, a consultant who specialises in upper gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery, talks about how he and the specialist digestive health team at e London Clinic help people reach their weight-loss aims

WHAT ARE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT-LOSS OPTIONS AVAILABLE? Each weight-loss procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the individual person. at’s why I spend time getting to know every patient and work with the wider team of experts at e London Clinic.
Non-invasive treatments, where little or no surgery is needed, are becoming increasingly popular, mainly because of the lower risk of treatment complications, as well as less scarring.
A good example is endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, or ESG, which e London Clinic has recently started to oer. is procedure is an option for people with body mass indexes of over 30, as well as anyone who’s signicantly overweight. An ESG reduces the size of the stomach using an endoscopic suturing device, without the need for surgery. By limiting how much can be eaten, patients can see signicant weight loss.
Like other weight-loss procedures, ESG requires commitment to a healthier lifestyle. e London Clinic support patients after their treatment for up to two years, something that sets us apart from many other hospitals. Our expertise in digestive health, across the key areas of endoscopy, clinical nurse specialists, bariatric dieticians and psychologists, oers patients a complete and thorough treatment plan, from pre- to post-treatment.
ARE WELL-KNOWN SURGERIES SUCH AS THE GASTRIC BAND AND BYPASS STILL POPULAR? Yes they are. e laparoscopic adjustable gastric band can be considered for patients with a BMI of 30 or greater. e band is inserted into place over the top of the stomach to restrict food intake. e surgery is done using keyhole techniques and is fully reversible.
e gastric bypass, typically used with patients that are signicantly overweight with BMIs over 45, is a more complex option. e surgeon creates a small stomach pouch and connects it to the lower small intestine, re-routing the path of food so that only small meals can be eaten. It also leads to reduced appetite, as patients’ hormones tend to change post-surgery.
ARE YOU SEEING MORE PEOPLE WORRIED ABOUT THEIR WEIGHT? Yes I am. It feels to me that our changing and busy lifestyles may be leading to more people seeking help for weight issues. Over 9,000 people have referred themselves or been referred to e London Clinic’s specialist digestive centre.

WHY IS THE LONDON CLINIC SET UP TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE WEIGHT LOSS OPTIONS FOR PATIENTS? Good quality outcomes require a good rapport and understanding of the individual patient.
At e London Clinic, I work with clinical nurse specialists, bariatric dieticians and psychologists – all trained to a high standard to understand weight loss and digestive health – to provide excellence in care for every patient. Pre- and post-surgical care is tailored to their individual needs, including up to two years of comprehensive aftercare that is available face-to-face or through digital video consultation.

e London Clinic is the UK’s largest independent private hospital, with a leading weight management unit, featuring some of the best medical experts, facilities and services available. Our expert team assess and treat each person individually, building a weight management plan that helps you achieve your goals. To fi nd out how we can help you, call +44 (0)20 8108 9699 or visit thelondonclinic.co.uk
Leading immunotherapy cancer treatment
e London Haematology group, based at e London Clinic, is London’s leading private care haematology group, with expertise in all aspects of stem cell transplants, leukaemia, myeloma, anaemia, coagulation and thrombotic disorders. Professor John G Gribben talks about immunotherapy and the impact it can have

WHAT IS CAR T-CELL THERAPY AND HOW CAN IT HELP PATIENTS? e ability to adapt the patient’s own immune system to ght cancers is hugely exciting. CAR T-cell (chimeric antigen receptor T-cell) therapy is an exciting advancement in immunotherapy, oering a new, nal treatment option for patients with diuse large B-cell lymphoma and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. ese are aggressive forms of blood cancer, which can be resistant to other treatments.
WHAT INTERESTS YOU ABOUT CAR T-CELL THERAPY? We are in the very early days, but this could be transformative for cancer treatments. e concept of CAR T-cell therapy was born from the clinical community’s growing understanding of why T-cells – which our immune system uses to identify and ght infections – are not able to recognise and kill cancer cells. We now understand how cancers have developed to make themselves invisible to the immune system and actively switch o the T-cells and other immune cells that would attack them.
WHAT IS THE CLINICAL EVIDENCE FOR CAR T-CELL THERAPY? So far, CAR T-cell therapy is showing promising outcomes for many patients. A phase 2 clinical trial of 111 patients with refractory lymphoma has shown positive outcomes, with 52% of patients treated with CAR T-cell therapy living for 18 months after treatment. is Professor John G Gribben
contrasts with the extremely poor outcome seen for patients who had a dismal prognosis before CAR-T cells became available, with an expected survival of only six months. Real-world data with CAR T-cell therapy is at an early stage, but consistent with this positive outcome. is is encouraging because, if patients respond as we hope, we are unlikely to see a late return of the cancer.
HOW MANY PATIENTS ARE BEING TREATED AT THE LONDON CLINIC? We have started treating the rst group of patients. As the treatment is relatively new, we are closely monitoring our patients and we are optimistic about the outcomes. We are in a position to help more patients who may be suitable for treatment with CAR T-cell therapy, fullling e London Clinic’s charitable purpose of advancing healthcare knowledge for the wider healthcare community.
Professor John G Gribben, Consultant Haematologist and President of the European Hematology Association (EHA), specialises in haematological cancers including lymphomas, leukaemias and bone marrow transplantation.
With a global reputation for his work in researching new drugs and forms of cancer treatment, Professor Gribben has authored more than 300 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed publications. He works alongside Dr Richard Kaczmarski, Dr Mike Potter and Dr Riaz Jan-Mohamed within the London Haematology group based at e London Clinic.
Advances in prosthetics and precision robotic surgery
e London Clinic is committed to advancing new surgical techniques to improve outcomes within joint care and for amputees
Innovation is happening at pace across all areas of healthcare, from new drug treatments to the growing use of robotic aids to surgery. With the vision to advance healthcare, e London Clinic recognised the need to be at the fore of robotic surgery, becoming the rst private hospital in the UK to establish a robotic surgery cross-specialty group in February 2019.
Robotic surgery at e London Clinic is performed by highly experienced and skilled surgeons using innovative techniques and equipment. An example of this is the introduction of the NAVIO robotic surgical system, which provides increased precision and accuracy during knee surgery, with the aim of faster recovery times for patients.
e London Clinic launched a leading innovation in orthopaedics when it became the rst independent hospital in the UK to oer osseointegration to above-the-knee and arm amputees. e aim of osseointegration is to improve the function of the limb, as well as reducing pain and skinrelated complications.
“ere’s robust clinical evidence that osseointegration, a pioneering operation for patients with amputations that removes the need for a socket prosthesis, signicantly improves quality of life and long-term health,” says Mr Paul Culpan, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at e London Clinic.
“As the prosthesis is directly connected to the bone it can dramatically improve limb function, as well as patient psychology, reducing dependency, improving lifestyle and providing an opportunity to return to work and a more normal life. We are proud to be able to oer patients from the UK and abroad the opportunity to undergo osseointegration by our experienced trauma surgeons in Harley Street and help to establish a worldclass osseointegration centre at e London Clinic,” adds Mr Culpan.

Mr Paul Culpan