6 minute read
The leading private provider of cancer services in the UK has opened Europe’s most advanced radiotherapy centre in London. GenesisCare is a modern healthcare provider that specialises in cancer care and is building a global network of treatment centres that is second to none.
In the UK, GenesisCare has 14 outpatient oncology centres, including Oxford, Cambridge and Windsor. Now the company is bringing its unique cancer service to the heart of London’s medical district in a partnership with the prestigious Bupa Cromwell Hospital. The £20m fl agship radiotherapy facility in Kensington has all the hallmarks of a GenesisCare treatment centre – equipped with the latest and most sophisticated technology and situated in a calm and uniquely patient centric healthcare environment. When completed at the end of this year, it will house three of the world’s most advanced radiotherapy machines: the MRIdian MR-linac, the Gamma Knife Icon and the Varian Edge. The centre will specialise in neuro-oncology (cancers of brain and spine), complex and di cult-to-treat tumours in the abdomen and lung, as well as o ering the latest techniques for common cancers, such as breast and prostate.
Groundbreaking treatments
Patients will also have access to groundbreaking treatments available through the GenesisCare national network, including Theranostics, which uses radioactive drugs called radionuclides to seek out and destroy advanced metastatic cancers that have spread within the body.
James McArthur, General Manager UK, GenesisCare, explains the vision for London’s latest cancer radiotherapy centre – and how it will meet the needs of patients from across Europe, Asia and the Middle East: “Our company ethos is to change the way people experience cancer treatment and care, understanding what it takes to achieve the best possible life outcomes and going further to provide it.
"The GenesisCare global network is built on a simple business model – to o er fast access to world-class cancer care – and we invest early in new evidencebased modalities that hold potential for improved life outcomes. The strength of our relationships with oncologists is key to our success, enabling us to build a strong governance framework and to be the fi rst to introduce many new cancer treatments safely and e ectively.
"In practice, this means advanced cancer techniques as standard, with
treatment starting within days or even hours of diagnosis and a personalised care plan that ensures access to a team of leading experts. As a patient, you can also expect to receive lifechanging therapies, such as wellbeing and exercise medicine – techniques that are proven to help our patients through their cancer, recovery and beyond.
"Last year, we treated more than 160,000 patients worldwide across cancer and cardiac care and we’re consistently rated in the top 1% of healthcare providers worldwide, based on our net promoter score, which measures patient satisfaction across a range of parameters.
"London is an important move for us and we’re delighted to partner with Bupa Cromwell Hospital to oer an exceptional cancer care service. It has a reputation as one of London’s leading private
hospitals for complex and high-acuity care and has a 10-bed Adult Intensive Care Unit, advanced cancer diagnostics, chemotherapy and robotic surgery. At the same time, Bupa Cromwell has an international patient centre and houses four luxury suites, with all standard rooms recently refurbished to the high standard expected by our national and international patients.
"GenesisCare has invested in three of the most advanced radiotherapy machines and, together with the Bupa Cromwell Hospital, we are working with many of London’s leading oncologists and cancer surgeons to provide a leading-edge cancer service.”
To enquire about GenesisCare radiotherapy services at the Bupa Cromwell Hospital, please call +44 (0)20 7460 5626 or visit genesiscare.com

James McArthur, General Manager UK, GenesisCare
Advanced radiotherapy is improving cancer outcomes
Radiotherapy is one of the most rapidly advancing ways to treat cancer. Recent breakthroughs have led to techniques that can improve treatment outcomes by controlling localised tumours and reducing the need for surgery – at the same time limiting side eects and shortening treatment times from weeks to just a few days for some tumour types.
GenesisCare is the largest private provider of specialist radiotherapy in the UK and their doctors are leading specialists in using radiotherapy to treat advanced cancer. Their new £20m radiotherapy centre at the Bupa Cromwell Hospital in London will oer the most advanced radiotherapy treatments available today, including Gamma Knife Icon for brain and spinal tumours and Varian Edge for breast, prostate, lung, bowel, head and neck, and pelvis. The centre will shortly also house the MRIdian, a stateof-the-art system that combines an MRI scanner with a radiotherapy machine, making it possible to treat inoperable tumours in the liver, pancreas and other organs with extreme precision.
Brain-sparing tumour treatment
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) uses powerful beams of radiation to destroy cancer cells in a few short treatments. It is often called ‘brain-sparing’ surgery because of its ability to protect healthy brain tissue and preserve quality of life in people needing treatment for brain tumours. GenesisCare is a centre of excellence for SRS treatment of brain metastases, as well as other types of brain tumour. The new Gamma Knife Icon is one of the most advanced systems for this type of inter-cranial surgery.
MRIdian targets moving tumours
MRIdian allows clinicians to ‘see as they treat’, using live images of the tumour and surrounding tissue to continually adjust the radiation beam for movements and more precise treatment targeting. MRIdian is widely used for gastrointestinal, lung and prostate cancer, as well as dicultto-reach tumours that are partly hidden behind sensitive organs such as the heart. GenesisCare has the first MRIdian in the UK and a pioneering partnership with the University of Oxford for clinical trials.
Varian Edge state-of-theart radiotherapy
This is designed for stereotactic brain and spinal surgery, as well as stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), which is used for small tumours elsewhere in the body. Varian Edge can also perform
Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT), a highly versatile treatment for a wide range of cancer types.
Together with these technologies, the new radiotherapy service includes innovative organ-sparing treatments, advanced computer imaging and sophisticated AI planning systems, which means personalised treatment plans can be started within days of diagnosis for all cancer types.
To find out more about advanced radiotherapy at GenesisCare, please call +44 (0)20 7460 5626 or visit genesiscare.com Below: MRIdian enables the targeting of moving and hard-to reach tumours, allowing for more precise treatment

Pioneering Robotic Surgery: Changing the future of medicine

With the introduction of medical robots, an increasing amount of surgical procedures are being performed through robotic-assistance.*
At Bupa Cromwell Hospital, we are expanding our surgical programme to include robotics.

A recent addition to our robotics oering is the da Vinci X Robot, which provides surgeons with enhanced vision, greater precision and control. It can also have significant benefits to patients, like faster recovery time.