2 minute read
The real one to know…
Pastor Webb Hoggard
ho are you, Lord?” Paul was distressed and now blind. “I must know who this great one who has revealed Himself to me.”
Paul is on his way currently to destroy anyone who claims to believe in Jesus. He wants to stamp out the name of Christ everywhere, but today he meets Jesus.
“I am He that you are persecuting.” Paul never gets over this moment, and he recalls it forever. Paul’s life is changed once he knows Jesus.
When Jesus was just twelve years old, those in the temple were amazed at his knowledge. “Who is this kid?” They couldn’t believe his knowledge, and they wanted to know from where He came.
Years later, in a synagogue in His hometown, the same thing took place. They were all amazed by His Scripture knowledge. That is until Jesus reveals that He is who they have all been waiting for, and this makes them want to kill Him. He narrowly escapes because it’s not quite time to reveal all that He is.
John the Baptist knew who He was.
“Behold the Lamb that comes to take away the sins of the world,” John shouts from the muddy waters. “This is the one I’ve been talking about for years.”
Jesus has come to fulfill every promise and change every life if you know Him. Immediately some of John’s disciples leave to follow Jesus. That’s good training.
Peter stands before the altar in the town of Dan and exclaims, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” Jesus is amazed at his recognition and then tells Peter he didn’t learn that on His own, but
“W God revealed it. Knowing who He is is a grace and blessing from God above. To understand who Jesus is is a beautiful discovery, but even better is when you get to know Him personally. Can you imagine walking alongside Him as He teaches on the mountain or at the Temple? How wonderful it would be to get to walk with Him. Well, He is near you now. He walks with you today, and He truly is someone you should know. Not only should everyone know Him, but unlike any other human, Jesus Christ can be understood by every one of us. He is as close as the mention of his name. He can surpass our understanding of life and grant us deep peace that abides forever. He will not leave you, and because of that, you can be strong and courageous, knowing that even in moments of the deepest darkness, He is with you. Jesus is a present help in times of trouble. Jesus is present. So, if you need grace and truth today, I recommend Jesus. Why not pull out the Bible and begin to pray to Him? He is the basis of all knowledge. Nothing can be known outside of Him, and He has a servant’s heart. He is the embodiment of grace. Paul spent the rest of his life telling others about this Jesus that loved enough to save, restore and call into serving others. John the Baptist pointed to Jesus as the Messiah until he lost his head for preaching the truth. Peter also would be killed because of His love for Jesus. Today, they are still walking and talking with Jesus in eternity. He’s just someone you really need to know. The Rev. Emanuel Webb Hoggard is Pastor of Askewville Assembly of God.