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5 things to see here
Iwas born in Hertford County. I have lived in Bertie County my entire life except when I pastored a church near Raleigh for a few years. By God’s grace, I have returned to pastor my home church and now live in Chowan County.
I have also been so fortunate to travel the world. My thirty-six years have seen remarkable things. No one can see more potential and enjoy this area more than I. I hope you can see the things I love about these plains in plain view.
Here are five things you can see here:
Genuine People
Societal expectations are a weight in our world. So many want to be accepted by the ways of so-called experts and those that laud their education or experiences. So, they lay aside their intuitive beliefs and understandings to align with the prevailing thoughts.
But, here, you might still find people who will live their whole life according to what sits right in their spirit - no ax to grind and no war to fight. They live a life that says, “That’s how I see it, and that’s enough for me.”
I love meeting people who are “what you see is what you get,” and that may just be what you find around these parts.
Generous People
I’ve seen people who looked like they could barely make it, but they would invite you to dinner and give you everything that isn’t nailed down.
I know a lady in whose home you’ll see no personal luxuries, but it’s filled with cleaning supplies, food and everyday items she takes to an orphanage annually. She wears the same dresses I’ve seen her wear all the years I’ve known her, and yet she abundantly blesses everyone she meets.
Yes, we may not have many attractions here, but the people are astonishing.
Gentler Speed of Life
Many are living at that breakneck speed, but if you look closely, you may see some letting life come to them.
In our world of hurry, “dog eat dog,” production first, it’s an absolute joy to see life lived one day at a time. Farmers have such an impact on our culture here that the seasons still influence many things. Businesses change their hours to accommodate their families and the town’s life flow. People recognize the need for rain and talk about when we need less of it.
These people are much more in tune with the earth and each other than our TVs and media. Maybe walk down one of our streets or stop and watch some corn stalks dance in the wind. If it’s gentleness you crave, there is a place for you here.
In a world that’s increasingly becoming hostile to all discussions of gender, I’m glad that some of the “patriarchy” still see their place as a position to help and serve others. In the “good ole days”, the word gentleman referred to a landowner.
Today, this word means a nice way of treating one another. During the 1800s, people began to connect the idea that those with the most should be the most generous. The word generous means “like royalty,” and kings and queens should use their authority to bless those around them.
All that to say, you can still find men that put others before themselves. We have people who live the golden rule.
Generations in One Place
The last thing I think you might see are families who stay together. I pastor a church blessed with many new families, and I’m so grateful for each of them. But, we also have children whose grandparents and great-grandparents began, built and stayed committed to the work here in Bertie.
My boys are growing up in the same church that I did, and I grew up on the same road where my mom lived her childhood. Many generations have settled here and, as far as I’m concerned, after traveling and living in some other places, being home is not settling at all.
Emanuel Webb Hoggard is Pastor at Askewville Assembly of God and a resident of Edenton. He can be reached via email at pastorwebb@hotmail.com.
Pastor Webb Hoggard