5 minute read
By Jessie H. Nunery
The term “downtown development” isn’t defined by a single word within the Twin Counties in 2019.
There’s expansion, revitalization, planning, renovating and more that guides downtowns into the current puzzle pieces that will shape the future.
In Rocky Mount, the opening of a 165,000-square-foot Event Center in October 2018 has helped put the city on the regional and national map of amateur athletic tournaments in volleyball and basketball.
The Rocky Mount Event Center also has spurred private-public development of a hotel, parking garage, retail and residential area that is expected to bring 195 direct jobs through the pre- and post-construction process.
Rocky Mount also is looking to make its downtown area more vibrant with the implementation of the Accelerated Façade Grant Program. The program promotes exterior repair and improvements to downtown buildings in the form of grants up to $5,000.
For people interested in starting their own business downtown, the city of Rocky Mount also offers a Downtown Business Program as well as a Downtown Incentive Grant Program.
A list of available properties can be found at downtownrockymount.com
Station Square continues to be a hub of downtown activity. The building, located at 301 S. Church St., was named small business of the month by the Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce in November 2018 and has since added businesses including Count Your Blessings Furniture and Home Décor, Dynamic Learning, Carryoutcabby. com, Affordable2Insurance and more.
Station Square also provides low-cost, monthly rental and meeting spaces for small businesses and other organizations.
Growth and expansion are not limited to downtown Rocky Mount. Downtown Tarboro

has seen the opening/construction of a local diner, a pizzeria, coffee house and more in recent months. The owners of a downtown favorite, On the Square, added Tarboro Brewing Company in the past few years and have been at the forefront of helping revitalize downtown Tarboro.
While major industries focus on the outskirts of Edgecombe County, it is downtown Tarboro where local, small business seem to be making a home.
Both Nashville and Bailey were selected in early 2019 as two of 24 North Carolina towns to participate in Downtown Strong, an initiative of the N.C. Main Street & Rural Planning Center. The program will provide downtown revitalization expertise to selected incorporated rural communities and set up networking opportunities as they develop downtown plans.
“Downtowns are the heartbeat of rural North Carolina,” said state Commerce Secretary Anthony M. Copeland early in 2019. “Downtown Strong will help small communities regain their economic vibrancy and position them to retain and recruit new businesses, create jobs and spur investment.”
- Anthony M. Copeland,
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New Life Christian Academy in Rocky Mount, NC is a private Chris- special calling to work in a private Christian institution where they can tian School that opened in 2012 and offers classes from Pre-School talk freely about faith issues with their students. through High School. New Life Christian Academy uses the A Beka Curric-
The purpose of New Life Christian Academy is to “Train up a ulum for grades Pre-K-12. The God given ministry of partner with the parents and the Church by providing Christian schools is to lead young people to Christ and a quality education for students that is fully integrated child in the way train them in the Bible, Christian character, language, and with God’s Word and Christian principles. Why choose New Life Christian Academy? he should go: traditional subject matter. Today’s students need to be taught the accumulated
Because your child deserves not only a good edu- and when he is wisdom of the past from God’s point of view and trained cation, but a loving and nurturing environment where in the way they should go (Prov. 22:6). This lays a firm their faith can grow alongside their academics. Give old, he will not foundation from which to evaluate the present and make your child a good foundation through New Life Christian Academy. For New Life's teachers, this is not just depart from it.” proper decisions for the future. A Beka Book materials are developed with well estaba job – it’s a ministry! Their teachers are committed – Proverbs 22:6 lished philosophical and research foundations, providing to loving your child and bonding with them through an excellent educational program that is unashamedly the teaching process. The staff does what they do because they feel a Christian and traditional. You can go to ABeka.com to learn more about this curriculum. New Life Christian Academy New Life Christian Academy is Founded on Christian Principles “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such 812 Instrument Drive is the kingdom of God.” — Mark 10:14 Rocky Mount New Life Christian Academy is not just a school – it’s a mission! The staff imitates Christ by welcoming the children in the community (252)443-6560 and introducing them to Christ through their quality education program. Everything New Life does is in response to their understanding of the www.newlifeacademyrm.com Bible and upholding Christian principles.