When people hear the word content, blog posts are often the first thing that comes to mind. While blog posts are essential for building a brand through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, this isn’t the only form that content can take. Content can also be visual assets like pictures or other graphics. With the continued growth of Instagram, along with how well images tend to perform on Facebook and other platforms, it’s worth taking a look at how this kind of content can be used to build and spread your brand visually. Establish Your Brand’s Color Palette In terms of the best starting point for business social media design, establishing your brand’s color palette is a great option. What this means is choosing between two and four colors that you want to use as often as possible in your social media content. Over time, your audience will instantly associate these colors with your brand whenever they see them. Although it’s fine to have exceptions from time to time, the more consistently you can use
the same two to four colors in your social media efforts, the greater the visual impact you’ll be able to create with your brand. Experiment with Filters Because Instagram has become so popular, people are used to seeing pictures with filters. While the wrong use of filters can take away from the impact of an image, the right one can really enhance it. You should experiment with different filters, and if you find one or more that work for your brand, consistently use them across all your social platforms to help create a strong visual aesthetic for your brand. Don’t Be Afraid to Use Templates Writing great blog posts takes a lot of work. And there are times when you need to write one but feel blocked. Many people develop templates for themselves to help with both of those issues. You can do the same for social media graphics. By having a handful of go-to templates, you’ll always be able to come up with a great visual asset to publish even when you aren’t feeling “inspired.” Using these types of templates will also help with creating visual consistency for your brand. Tell Your Story Even though it’s an old saying, a picture is worth 1000 words is absolutely true for social media. So take advantage of that fact by using pictures to tell the story of your brand and product. By choosing the right pictures and images, you can help people connect with your brand without needing to use a single written word. Published By: Nigel Miller VP Sales & Marketing at Send Social Media 1-888-329-4453