Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, INCORPORATED
Corporate Office • 5656 South Stony Island Avenue • Chicago, IL 60637-1997 • (773) 684-1282• (773) 288-8251
OFFICE OF: Sharon Brown Harriott South Atlantic Regional Director Post Office Box 6496 Columbia, South Carolina 29206-6496 Phone: (803) 658-8424 Fax: (888) 446-9459 E-mail:
October 21, 2016
My Dear Sorors, I greet you with excitement and joy as I welcome you to the 2016 Cluster III Conference. Our journey continues as we “Launch New Dimensions of Service” under the stellar leadership of Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, Supreme Basileus. I am confident that your attendance at the 67th Boule in astonishing numbers as well as at this Cluster speaks volumes of the commitment you have for our organization. This weekend of fellowship and learning is designed for your knowledge and edification on the program, polices, and direction of our beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha. I ask that you embrace the materials that are shared with you and move forward with the knowledge that we are our sister’s keeper, understanding that the perpetuity of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated rests on our shoulders. We trust these workshops will equip you with the tools necessary for your chapter's continued success in support of our service credo. Our devotion and service to the sisterhood with Purpose, Passion, Perseverance and Performance are the cornerstones of our existence. Every Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror wears her pearls with dignity and pride; and as women of service, we are in tune with the needs of our communities. We continue to pro- vide concerted efforts to make a difference in the places in which we live. Know that I am always concerned with your needs and want us to grow together in both sisterliness and service. This year's theme, "AKA Pearl Perfect and Ivy Strong," reiterates that sisterhood is a fellowship, "sincere and rare" and "one that clings as the IVY clings" to remind us that our vows are everlasting and a life-long commitment to the sisterhood. I ask that you forever be mindful of the promises made to be steadfast and true to our beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha. We have a great deal in which to be proud as women of this august body, and I am honored to have been re-elected as your 2016-18 South Atlantic Regional Director. My Promise to you rings true today and beyond that I will give you the best of my service always. Warm sisterly regards,
Soror Sharon Brown Harriott South Atlantic Regional Director
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, INCORPORATED®
Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office ▪ 5656 South Stony Island Avenue ▪ Chicago, IL 60637-1997 ▪ (773) 684-1282
OFFICE OF: DOROTHY BUCKHANAN WILSON Supreme Basileus P. O. Box 250841 Milwaukee, WI 53225 October 21, 2016 Soror Sharon Brown Harriott South Atlantic Regional Director P.O. Box 6496 Columbia, South Carolina 29260-6496 Greetings, Sorors! Welcome to the 2016 South Atlantic Region Cluster Conference! Attending Cluster is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other Sorors in attendance, learn more about best practices and membership engagement strategies, and gain tips on implementing powerful programs locally through our International Program Launching New Dimensions of Service™. Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Founders had a vision of promoting sisterhood and service to all mankind. They ignited the desire of excellence in us, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we pass on the torch of leadership, service and sisterhood to one another. Cluster Conference allows us to learn how our programs and community impact days are being carried out in a more intimate setting, and it provides a forum for us to share creative ideas and strategies that can be implemented through our chapters. Under South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Sharon Brown Harriott’s leadership, you will learn how to maintain the exemplary work being done under Launching New Dimensions of Service™. We want to solidify our sisterhood’s legacy by hosting impactful programs that will be a benefit to all. Soror Sharon, her Regional Leadership Team, and International Committee Members will have a chance to interact with you at Cluster and will share your ideas and feedback with their respective committees and the Directorate. I look forward to visiting your chapters and hearing about your various achievements! Please feel free to contact me by email at and look for me on Twitter or Instagram (@AKAintpres). Thanks again for everything you do on behalf of our beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha! Sisterly yours,
Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Supreme Basileus
Pre-Conference Activities Friday, October 21, 2016 Jekyll Island Convention Center 75 Beachview Drive, Jekyll Island, GA
Registration One Million Backpacks Service Project Drop-Off Oceanside Lobby 4:00 – 9:00 PM
Vendor Setup and Sales – Atlantic Ballroom B 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Evaluation Documents Drop Off Oceanside Rooms 2 & 3 4:00 pm
Basilei and Graduate Advisor Chat with the Regional Director Oceanside Room 1 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Soror Regina Hedgeman Johnson - Convener
SCHOOL DAZE/HBCU Night Event Atlantic Ballroom A 7:30 pm – 10:00 p.m. *Dinner on Your Own*
Soror Sabrina Johnson-Nixon – Event Captain Entrance of VSGs
Soror Connie Foster Cluster Protocol Chairman
WELCOME FROM ZETA IOTA OMEGA Soror Regina Hedgeman Johnson, Basileus Greetings
Soror Rose Dean Andrews Cluster III Coordinator
Greetings and Remarks
Soror Sharon Brown Harriott South Atlantic Regional Director
Soror Janel Holland Light Hors d’oeuvres SCHOOL DAZE/HBCU EVENT
Awards Presentations & Door Prizes
Conference Logistics
Soror Brenda Johnson Soror Donna Thomas Cluster Awards Committee Soror Senetra Smith Haywood Cluster III Conference Chairman
Saturday, October 22, 2016 Jekyll Island Convention Center 75 Beachview Drive – Jekyll Island, GA
Registration One Million Backpacks Drop off – Oceanside Lobby 7:30 AM -12:00 NOON
Vendor Sales – Atlantic Ballroom B 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Continental Breakfast – Atlantic Ballroom A 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Opening Session Atlantic Ballroom A 9:30 am – 9:45 am
Business Attire Soror Senetra Smith Haywood - Cluster III Conference Chairman – Presiding Soror Felicity Littles and Soror Donna Thomas - Recorders Zeta Iota Omega
Musical Prelude Moments of Meditation and Invocation
Soror Vacountess Johnson, Chaplain Zeta Iota Omega
Introduction of Dais Members and Special Guests
Soror Connie Foster Cluster III Protocol Chairman
Former Cluster Coordinators and Special Guests Welcome
Soror Regina Hedgeman Johnson, Basileus Zeta Iota Omega
Video Presentation
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Sessions One and Two 9:45 AM- 12:15 PM
Session One Soror Rose Dean Andrews, Cluster III Coordinator – Presiding Soror Felicity Littles and Soror Donna Thomas - Recorders Zeta Iota Omega
Roll Call
Soror Senetra Smith Haywood Cluster III Conference Chairman
Approval of the 2015 Cluster III Conference Minutes
Soror Fredna T. Wilkerson Eta Tau Omega Chapter Basileus
Video Greeting
Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Supreme Basileus
Presentation of Regional Director
Soror Norma Solomon White 25th Supreme Basileus State of the Region Address
Soror Sharon Brown Harriott South Atlantic Regional Director Hidden Figures Movie Trailer Video (January 13, 2017) Finance Committee Video Presentation
Soror Danette Anthony Reed Supreme Tamiouchos
Session Two New Dimensions of Service Workshops Are You Ready for This? Get Your AKA House in Order
Soror Ora Douglass South Atlantic Region Representative International Standards Committee
Launching New Dimensions of Voter Participation: Mobilizing Our Communities to Take ACTION
Soror Tiffany Moore Russell South Atlantic Region Representative International Connection Committee
Buckle Up-2nd Half of New Dimension of Service
Soror Thuane B. Fielding South Atlantic Region Representative International Program Committee
BREAK: 12:15 PM – 12:45PM
Educational Advancement Foundation Luncheon
Atlantic Ballroom A 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM Mrs. Michele Jackson Seals, Presiding Cluster III Conference Co-Chairman Soror Felicity Littles and Soror Donna Thomas - Recorders Zeta Iota Omega
Mrs. Vicki McClinton Zeta Iota Omega
EAF Presentation
Mrs. Deirdre Barrett England South Atlantic Region Representative International EAF Committee LUNCH IS SERVED EAF Raffle Mrs. Mary Davis Mrs. Vickie McClinton Cluster III EAF Representatives
Presentation of Community Service Project Mrs. Denise Martin Zeta Iota Omega
Acceptance of Community Service Project Donations – Department of Family & Children Services Mr. Craig Campbell – Glynn & McIntosh Counties Mrs. Beth Griffis – Camden County
Closing Session Soror Rose Dean Andrews -Presiding Cluster III Coordinator Soror Felicity Littles and Soror Donna Thomas - Recorders Zeta Iota Omega
Ethel Hedgeman Lyle Commemorative Stamp Project
Soror Gwen Hunter Cluster III Representative South Atlantic Region Archives Committee
Registration and Attendance Report
Soror Monyca Cundiff Harper
AWARDS Thelma Mosley Graduate Attendance Award
Soror Thelma Mosley Mu Upsilon Omega Gainesville, FL
Elizabeth Smiley Young Community Service Award
Soror Elizabeth Smiley Young Pi Eta Omega Orange Park, FL
Loretta Pompey Jenkins Sisterly Relations Award
Soror Loretta Pompey Jenkins Eta Tau Omega Ocala, FL
Atwater & Robinson Cluster III Servant Leader Award
Soror Bonnie Atwater Gamma Rho Omega Jacksonville, FL Soror Gayle Dee Bowman Zeta Iota Omega
Report of Time & Place
Soror Terri Scott Zeta Iota Omega
Invitation to the 2017 Cluster III Conference Gamma Rho Omega – Jacksonville, FL Soror Willetta Richie, Basileus Presentations & Special Recognitions
Soror Regina Hedgeman Johnson, Basileus Zeta Iota Omega Soror Rose Dean Andrews, Cluster III Coordinator Zeta Iota Omega Closing Remarks
Soror Sharon Brown Harriott South Atlantic Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Cluster III Coordinator Lineage 1974-1978 1978-1980 1980-1984 1984-1988 1988-1990 1990-1992 1992-1996 1996-2002 2002-2006 2006-2010 2010-2014 2014-Present
Soror Gladys Greene** Soror Barbara Robinson** Soror Thelma J. Mosley Soror Ann Taylor Green Soror Vivian Hope Soror Josephine F. Porter Soror Loretta Pompey Jenkins Soror Yvonne Rawls Soror Eddye K. Walden Soror Mae Frances Davis Soror Elizabeth Young Soror Bonnie C. Atwater Soror Rose Dean Andrews
Gamma Mu Omega, Daytona Beach, FL Gamma Rho Omega, Jacksonville, FL Mu Upsilon Omega Gainesville, FL Gamma Mu Omega, Daytona Beach, FL Zeta Iota Omega, Brunswick, GA Gamma Rho Omega, Jacksonville, FL Eta Tau Omega, Ocala, FL Mu Upsilon Omega, Gainesville, FL Kappa Sigma Omega, Sanford, FL Gamma Mu Omega, Daytona Beach, FL Pi Eta Omega, Orange Park, FL Gamma Rho Omega, Jacksonville, FL Zeta Iota Omega, Brunswick, GA
** = Ivy Beyond the Wall
Cluster III Conference Time and Place YEAR 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
CHAPTER Gamma Rho Omega Kappa Sigma Omega Tau Chi Omega Pi Eta Omega Chi Gamma Omega Chi Delta Omega Mu Upsilon Omega Gamma Mu Omega Eta Tau Omega
LOCATION Jacksonville, Florida Sanford, Florida Deland, Florida Orange Park, Florida Waycross, Georgia Palm Coast, Florida Gainesville, Florida Daytona Beach, Florida Ocala, Florida
As chapters are chartered, they will be added to the list in alphabetical order.
Notice of Possible Use of Your Name, Image or Likeness Please be advised that participating in this Cluster Conference may result in the use of your name, image, and/or likeness in printed and electronic material, including, but not limited to publication on the World Wide Web, social network sites, in press material and in advertising and marketing materials. You hereby specifically release Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and its agents from any and all claims arising from the use of your name, image and/or likeness based on any of the uses stated above.
2016 Cluster III Conference Leadership
Soror Rose Dean Andrews Cluster III Conference Coordinator
Soror Regina Hedgeman Johnson Basileus
Soror Senetra Smith Haywood Conference Chairman
Soror Michele Jackson Seals Conference Co-Chairman
Cluster III Conference Committee and Host Chapter Member List Finance Committee Joyce McClendon, Chairman Stephanie Smith Angie Graves Connie Foster Latonia Odom Registration Committee Felicity Littles, Chairman Latonia Odom Donna Thomas Senetra Haywood
Printing Committee Senetra Haywood, Chairman Candace Anderson Felicity Littles Michele Seals Regina Hedgeman-Johnson Vicki McClinton
Entertainment Committee Brandi Lyde-Whitfield, Chairman Vivian Hope Senetra Haywood Sabrina Johnson-Nixon Rosetta Lewis Raquel Shields
Protocol/Courtesies Committee Connie Foster, Chairman Gayle Bowman Miriam Jenkins Michele Seals Terri Scott Raquel Shields
Friday Night Pep Rally Terri Scott, Chairman Sabrina Johnson-Nixon Brandi Lyde-Whitfield Denise Martin Angie Graves
Cluster III Conference Committee and Host Chapter Member List Continued Transportation Committee Carol Rountree, Chairman Gayle Bowman Louise Mitchell Arnetia Maasha Janel Holland Sabrina Johnson-Nixon Laverne Cooper Vicki McClinton Vivian Hope
Decorations Committee Brenda Johnson, Chairman Donna Thomas Vacountess Johnson Denise Martin Peggy Newman Carol Rountree Arnetia Maasha
Cluster III Chapters Graduate Chapters Chi Delta Omega ~ Palm Coast, FL Chi Gamma Omega ~ Waycross, GA Eta Tau Omega ~ Ocala, FL Gamma Mu Omega ~ Daytona Beach, FL Gamma Rho Omega ~ Jacksonville, FL Kappa Sigma Omega ~ Sanford, FL Mu Upsilon Omega ~ Gainesville, FL Pi Eta Omega ~ Orange Park, FL Tau Chi Omega ~ Deland, FL Zeta Iota Omega ~ Brunswick, GA
Undergraduate Chapters Gamma Tau ~ Bethune Cookman University, Daytona Beach, FL Iota Lambda ~ University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Mu Theta ~ University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL Nu Iota ~ Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, FL Omicron Delta ~ Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL
Officers & Members Zeta Iota Omega Chapter Basileus Anti-Basileus Grammateus Epistoleus Tamiouchos Pecunious Grammateus Ivy Leaf Reporter Parliamentarian Hodegos Philacter Chaplain Cluster III Coordinator Candace Anderson Joyce Green Clark Nettye Evans Georgia Golden Janel Holland Rosetta Lewis Vicki McClinton Peggy Newman Jacqueline Ratliff Elisia Rooks Terri Scott Donna Thomas Brandi Whitfield Doris Willis
Regina Hedgeman Johnson Sabrina J. Nixon Gayle Bowman Felicity S. Littles Joyce H. McClendon Stephanie A. Smith Senetra S. Haywood Michele D. Seals Brenda Johnson Deborah Francis Vacountess Johnson Rose Dean Andrews
Theresa Atkinson Laverne Cooper Connie Foster Anderlyn Graves Vivian Hope Arnetia Maasha Louise Mitchell Latonia Odom Zolya Redwood Carol Rountree Raquel Shields Iris Waye Annie Wilcox
Joanne Boone Connie Delaney Lillie Frazier Monyca Harper Miriam Jenkins Denise Martin Gloria Mullino Bernidene Pinkney Carrie Risher Emily Sanders Stephanie Smith Rosa Waye Amanda Wilcox-Summers
Thank you for attending Cluster III Conference
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