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HEALTH & WELLNESS Staying hydrated daily can help to ensure better health
Drinking enough water every day is important to regulate temperature and help ensure the body functions normally.
“Water is water, the best for you. It helps flush toxins, keeps joints lubricated and organs functioning as they should,” said Lisa GladuMolina, a certified personal trainer at Aquatic Health and Rehabilitation of Melbourne at One Senior Place.
“Hydration also helps improve quality of sleep as well.” brain cognition due to not getting enough water.
Gladu-Molina said that years ago, the general rule was to drink eight ounces of water a day. It should be more than that.
“Actually, a lot of seniors are constipated due to not drinking enough water,” Gladu-Molina added. “I have 17-ounce bottles of water and make sure to drink four of them a day or about 68 ounces a day.
Kathy Gannon of West Melbourne makes sure she stays hydrated.
“I have ice water next to me wherever I am all day long,” said Gannon, who also drinks water when exercising and swimming.
“I am thirsty, so I make sure I even have ice water in the car with me,” she said.
Gladu-Molina said that caffeine and alcohol dehydrate you.
“There are a lot of power drinks that contain sugars and proteins, but you don’t need those,” she said.
“Water flushes all the toxins out. Drink enough water where you urinate clear at the end of the day. Cloudy or yellow urine indicates everything you have had during the day. When you are done with enough water, you will urinate the water straight out and it will no longer be yellow,” Gladu-Molina said.
“You should drink probably two liters for a woman and three liters for a man,” she said. “You have fewer falls if you are hydrated, and without enough water you can find yourself dizzy and lose concentration as in
Exercising outside in July or August in Florida can be a challenge when it is usually the hottest time of the year, according to the Florida Department of Health. When exercising outdoors, you risk elevating your core body temperature and putting additional stress on your body, which can lead to heat exhaustion or a heat stroke. Drinking water is essential. SL
Call Sylvia 321-242-1235, email media@bluewatercreativegroup.com or send a postcard to Senior Life, 7350 Shoppes Drive, 102, Viera FL 32940