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Brevard County shows commitment to help identify, prevent elder abuse
In the United States, millions of older adults fall victim to financial exploitation, abuse and neglect each year. In Brevard County, the elderly population is at risk.
The Florida Department of Elder Affairs, the Senior Resource Alliance, the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation, the Brevard Commission on Aging, Aging Matters in Brevard, and other state and local community organizations will host a World Elder Abuse Awareness Day — WEAAD.
The event will support efforts to raise awareness about elder abuse and neglect in Brevard communities.
Come by from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, June 15 to the Space Coast Health Foundation in Rockledge to learn what is being done to prevent elder abuse and neglect.
Special guest speakers Ruth Rhodes, an attorney from Rhodes Law, and Rachel
Sadoff of the Brevard County Clerk of Courts will provide information on protecting yourself from financial exploitation.
Admission and parking are free. Space is limited and reservations are requested. Contact the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation at 321-253-4430 to save a spot.
WEAAD serves as a call-toaction for communities to raise awareness about abuse, neglect and exploitation of elders.
It reaffirms the country’s commitment to the principle of justice for all. Elder abuse is widespread. Every year an estimated one in 10 older Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect or exploitation. Experts believe that elder abuse is significantly under reported.
Research suggests that as few as one in 14 cases of elder abuse come to the attention of authorities.
When everyone comes together, elder abuse can be prevented. Support services can be put in place and community resources can be used to prevent elder abuse. There are many ways to strengthen social support through policies, services and programs to keep people integrated in their communities as they age.
For more information, check out eldermistreatment. usc.edu/weaad-home.
To report abuse by phone, call the Florida Abuse Hotline at 1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800962-2873). Press 2 to report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. This toll free number is available 24/7. The TTY (Telephone Device for the Deaf) is 1-800-955-8771. To report via fax, print and complete the DCF fax reporting form with details and fax to 1-800-914-0004. SL
BCOA meetings are open to the public and are held the second Thursday of each month at the government center in Viera. For information, contact Cindy Short at 321-6332076, FAX 321-633-2170, cindy.short@brevardfl.gov, brevardf l.gov/HumanServices/CommissionOnAging or at 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, B-106, Viera, FL 32940.