Brevard County Florida 2011 Boomer Senior Guide

Page 1


Boomer Senior

DiRECtORY & LiStinGS Clubs & Organizations Business & Volunteer Emergency Evacuation Senior & Retirement Living Support Groups Hotlines & Helplines

PLuS ARtiCLES • How to Beat information Overload • Making Your Life the Best it Can Be • 9 Keys for Caregivers

Your guide to great resources

Hotlines & Helplines Emergency ................................................................ 9-1-1 Alcoholics Anonymous................................321-724-2247 Circles of Care ............................................321-722-5200 Circles of Care provides high quality mental health, alcohol, drug abuse treatment and related services through its hospital-based and state and county contracted programs. Florida Senior Legal Helpline ..................1-888-895-7873 Elder Floridians source to gain convenient access to legal advice and referrals. Elder Abuse Hotline ..1-800-96-ABUSE 1-800-962-2873 # TDD (Telephone Device for the Deaf) ........1-800-453-5145

Elder Helpline ........................................1-800-96-ELDER Housing and Human Services Housing ......321-633-2076 Hurricane Information and Emergency 43 Florida Domestic Violence Hotline ..........1-800-500-1119 National Domestic Violence Hotline ............1-800-799-7233 National Flood Insurance Program ........1-800-638-6620 National Fraud Information Center .......... National Hispanic Family Health Helpline ..1-866-783-2645 Poison Control ............................................1-800-222-1222 Project Response Aids Center ..................321-724-1177 Salvation Army Domestic Violence..............321-631-2764 Shelters Salvation Army ..........................................321-631-2764 Serene Harbor ..........................................321-726-8282 Suicide Prevention Lifeline .............................1-800-273-8255 Veterans Affairs’ Suicide......... 24hr Hotline 1-800-273-8255 Women’s Center ...................................321-242-3110 Women’s Center counseling services.......... 321-242-1526

Weather websites Brevard County hurricane tracking and information. Plan and prepare. Apply for assistance. Wildfire season forecast. Florida Division of Emergency Management’s disaster supply kit list.

Aging and Disability Resource Center .....1-800-963-5337 Senior Rescource Alliance Elder Helpline Provides information on resources to help elders in need.

Brevard Information Helpline .................................... 2-1-1 2-1-1 is Brevard’s 24/7 Help line for essential services Alternate number for 2-1-1 ......................321-632-6688 Brevard County Health Department ............321-637-7300 Brevard County Legal Aid ............................321-631-2500 Brevard County TRIAD.............................................. 2-1-1 Community Services Council ......................321-639-8770 Florida Highway Patrol ................................321-690-3900 Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission ............352-732-1225 Meals on Wheels ..........................................321-639-8770 Parrish Senior Solutions ..............................321-268-6800 Red Cross ....................................................321-890-1002 SHINE ..........................................................321-752-8080 Social Security Administration..................1-866-716-7667 Victim Advocate Services .............................321-617-7555 One Senior Place ........................................321-751-6771 Sunflower House ..........................................321-452-4341 Physician Referral Health First Physician Referral........................321-434-4335 Parrish Physician Referral ............................321-268-6110 Wuesthoff Physician Referral......................1-800-522-6363 Brevard County Sheriff Non-Emergency Sheriff Jack Parker ....................................321-264-5201 Central Area ..................................................321-633-7162 North Area ........................................................321-264-5100 South Area ..................................................321-952-6371 Police (City) Non-Emergency Cape Canaveral (Sheriff’s office) ..............321-868-1212 Cocoa ........................................................321-639-7620 Cocoa Beach..............................................321-868-3251 Indialantic ..................................................321-723-7788 Indian Harbour Beach................................321-773-3030 Melbourne ................................................321-259-1211 Melbourne Beach ......................................321-723-4343 Melbourne Village......................................321-725-7224 Palm Bay....................................................321-952-3456 Rockledge ..................................................321-690-3988 Satellite Beach ............................................321-773-4400 Titusville....................................................321-264-7800 West Melbourne........................................321-723-9673 Brevard County Fire Rescue Non-Emergency ....321-633-2056 See Business Directory—Senior Services page 21 for additional listings.

4 I

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he Boomer/Senior Guide strives to provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information possible. The information you see here was accurate at the time of printing. Please understand that some organizations may have changed their contact numbers or meeting times and venues since we verified their information. Senior centers, libraries and community centers often modify their programing to suit the needs of their patrons and these frequent changes cannot be reflected in our annual directory. If you have difficulty contacting a support group or club, please call the Senior Life office at 321-757-9205 and we will try to help you find their current contact person. If you are involved in a group and the information we have is incorrect, please call us to report any changes.

6 I


Boomer Senior


Hotlines & Helplines






Senior Centers


Senior Services





43 45

Emergency Evacuation CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS



Seniors At Lunch Dining Sites


Performing Art Venues




Volunteer Opportunities


2011 AnnuAl ResouRce DiRectoRy A publication of senior life of Florida I 7


Boomer Senior



PubLished annuaLLy by

Bluewater Creative Group Inc. editor Mary brotherton Art director Jill blue-gaines creAtive director Jennifer east Writers Frank Kneiser Lisa M. Petsche Wendy scheuring Maria sonnenberg george White PhotogrAPhers Cathy heinz darrell Woehler Address senior Life of Florida 7331 Office Park Place, #300 Viera, FL 32940 advertising 321-757-9205 For additional copies of BooMer seNior gUide call 321-757-9205

• Local News • Calendar of Events

© 2011 bluewater Creative group inc. all rights reserved.

all material is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. duplication or reproduction of this annual guide in whole or in part is prohibited without permission of bluewater Creative group inc. We cannot accept liability for omissions or typographical errors. Listings or advertisements do not constitute an endorsement. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.

• Photos • Health & Wellness • Travel

this directory is a supplement to Senior Life of Florida and Viera Voice MeMber of

Viera Voice The Newspaper of Viera & Suntree

A Bluewater Creative Group Publication

8 I

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Videos Washington Watch Business Directory E-Newsletters

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Can Estate Planning avoid complications and costs? By ATTorNEy TrumAN SCArBorougH Trying to make things go right in our lives requires effort. It can become increasingly difficult when mental capacity diminishes with age, creating a need to rely on others. Failure to plan for incapacity can stress family relationships, result in unexpected complications, and leave us vulnerable. reportedly, seniors are twice as likely to be the victims of fraud due to others taking advantage of their diminished capacity. The law offers tools that preserve dignity and avoid

court intervention in the event of incapacity. They include Living Wills, Health Care Surrogates, Durable Powers of Attorney, and Trusts. With each of these we designate who will act and their duties. The Living Will addresses the termination of life support during final illness. The Health Care Surrogate gives someone the ability to make medical decisions for you if you are unable. The Durable Power of Attorney allows someone to act for you in financial matters, including working with benefit providers like insurance companies and

medicare. With a Trust, by naming a person to act as trustee if you become incapacitated, you can avoid the costs and complications of a courtappointed guardian. Ironically, those who put off making plans for fear of losing control are most at risk of having no control. In a similar manner by using Trusts, you can avoid the complications and costs of probate at your demise. There is a normal and natural anxiety about death, even though death is an absolute certainty in each of our lives. In estate planning

death is viewed from multiple perspectives: 1] as the end of a biological life, 2] as an emotional response to the end of possibilities in this physical world and the lives of those we love, and 3] as legal rights that continue after our demise. While contemplating our biological end can bring on feelings of emptiness, through estate planning we can project our hopes and desires beyond our physical existence. In estate planning we reflect on the meaning of our lives, with reasons from the heart as well as the mind. They come from hopes and concerns where relationships and interests are viewed from a unique personal perspective. The law recognizes and protects this important aspect. But if you fail to create an estate plan one is imposed by Florida Statute that you may not want. At some point the loss of mental capacity will make it impossible to develop an estate plan. However, even partial loss of mental capacity can make it difficult because estate planning is not necessarily straightforward: 1] Various objectives may lead to mutually exclusive alternatives. Avoiding probate or taxes, mental incapacity, qualifying for Medicaid, beneficiaries receiving SSI, health care issues, and distributions from IRAs are separate

subjects with solutions that may be mutually exclusive. 2] Multiple problems build on each other. When one thing goes wrong, it may cause a series of other problems. Loss of a spouse can bring isolation and loneliness which results in depression. Medical problems can lead to financial problems, with medical expenses causing half of the bankruptcies for seniors. 3] Intended heirs may have their own problems. They may be unstable, suffering from financial setbacks, marital problems, or substance abuse. 4] None of us can see into the future. We don’t know the sequence of death, which spouse will die first, or if our heirs (children) will survive us. There is no assurance that a healthier younger person will live longer. Individuals we hope will be there to carry out our plans may not be there or encounter their own unexpected difficulties. There is a need to plan for contingencies. If there is a potential your estate plan could be challenged in court, you need to be particularly cautious. Litigation is often based on “lack of capacity” or “undue influence.” With “undue influence”

capacity is not the issue; nevertheless, it generally occurs when capacity is beginning to slip. For example, if a person with only slightly diminished capacity is assisted in changing his estate plan by someone who benefits more under the new plan, the court will probably rule that it is void. This can occur under the most innocent of circumstances. While it is hoped this article has helped you consider the need for early estate planning, it is not intended to provide legal advice. You should seek the assistance of an estate planning attorney who can help develop a plan that is right for you. By using available legal tools, you can reach beyond incapacity and death to have your hopes and desires materialize with minimal confusion, conflicts, and costs. For further information, you may be interested in Attorney Truman Scarborough’s booklet on Estate Planning in Florida. It is available without charge or obligation by calling his office at (321) 267-4770. Truman Scarborough has practiced law in Brevard County for 39 years and has served as a Brevard County Commissioner and Mayor of Titusville. His office is located at 239 Harrison Street, Titusville, Florida.

Wouldn’t you want to trust your hearing to a doctor? M mission is to cchange My han nge people’s people s lives by pr providing oviding them with h their best naturally, freely p possible hearing, so that t they interact naturally urally y,, participate fr eeely and l listen li actively. actively i ly y.. My My go goal goall is i not only ly to enhance hance hearing, h i g, but b also l o enlighten ligh others by seeing how hearing can enhance their journey in life.

h ivee audiological d ol di log i all evaluation ion •C Co om mp eh en nssiv au audiological dio gi eeva vaal allu n attio Comprehensive mpr pre hen ological gica uation tion La en ng gi ne ee erre ed d hearing he hea ng g aid aid d technology tte ec hn olo gy aring • Latest Late iin hno log atesst engineered giin ech ogy gy nn itu uss evaluations ev eva alu atiio a nss & treatments tr t reea atm en ntts nt s i tus lua i on tme • Tinnitus Tiiin nit Having g issues with your y hearing heaaring g shouldn’t shouldn h ldn’t ’t stop t py you from ffrom enjoying enjjoying yi g life. lif It s sim It’s mply a matter of making makin ng a choice: simply to mov ing forward forward and takee control control of moving your co condition, ondition or to do nothing ondition, nothing and ffall ll beh b h hind. d behind.

Odilie Bagwell Au.D., CCC-A Doctor of Audiology

• Board Certified Doctor of Audiology gy • University U y off Florida B.A.,, M.A., M A AuD •V Veterans Administration Ad i i i Medical Center Trained • Shands S Teaching Hospital Trained

Visit: V isit:

for an award winning video explaining hearing loss

4 4200 SR 524 #10 #103, 03, 03 C Cocoa, FL 32926 6 It’s worth the drive,, 1 mile east ast off I-95.

Call C Ca allll (321) (3 32 21 1)) 504-HEAR 504 50 4-HEAR -H HEA EAR AR (4327) (4 4327) 327 7)

9 Keys


How to information overload page 74

for Caregivers

Tips for making


page 88

THE BEST it can be page 86 I 13

Business & Resource Directory Alzheimer’s Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Adult Day Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Attorney/Legal Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Auto Tags/Disabled Permits . . . . . . . . .16 Blind Services/Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Blood Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Cancer Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Care Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Clinical Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Dentist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Diabetes Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Farmer’s Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Food Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Gardening/Master Gardener . . . . . . . . . .19 Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Health Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Hearing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Home Care — Non Medical. . . . . . . . . . .21 Home Care— Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Home Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Hospice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Medical Alert Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Medical Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Medical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Medical Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Medicare Health Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Memory Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Newspapers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Property Appraiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Senior Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Senior Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Shelving Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 SHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 State Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Storage Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Travel Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Utility Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Veterans Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Work Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Wound Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 I 15

Business & Resource Directory ALZHEIMER’S CARE — BLOOD BANK

Alzheimer’s Care Alzheimer’s Support Groups listing page 76 Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation, Inc. ....321-253-4430 Health First Leeza’s Place ................................321-951-7118 The first in the state, Health First Leeza's Place is a community-centered resource center offering programs that educate, empower, and energize both caregivers, loved ones, and those recently diagnosed with any memory disorder. 3661 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne

Adult Day Care

Licensed centers in a safe setting with specially trained staff providing social activities, nutrition and respite. See full listing on NORTH BREVARD Joe’s Club North Adult Day Care ..................321-268-9144 830 Park Ave., Titusville CENTRAL BREVARD Adult Day Care of Merritt Island ................321-986-8500 3702 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island All One Family Senior Day Program ..........321-453-6577 585 N. Courtenay Pkwy., St. 101, Merritt Island Creative Care Center ..................................321-784-3502 3300 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach Senior Care of Brevard ..............................321-631-9014 234 Willard Street, Suite A, Cocoa SOUTH BREVARD Adult Day Services of Florida ....................321-722-9295 4180 Minton Road, West Melbourne

Attorney & Legal Truman Scarborough ..................................321-267-4770 239 Harrison Street, Titusville Brevard County Legal Aid, Inc. ..................321-631-2500 The Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service......800-342-8011 Statewide Senior Legal Helpline: ................888-895-7873

Audiology See Hearing page 67 Auto—Tags & Title Disabled Parking Permits Brevard County Government North Service Complex 400 South St., Titusville ............................321-264-5224 Central Service Complex • 1450 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island ....321-455-1412 • 240 E. Eau Gallie Blvd., Indian Harbor Beach ..321-779-4009 South Brevard Service Complex • 1515 Sarno Rd, Melbourne ...................... 321-255-4453 • 1155 Malabar Rd. NE, Palm Bay................321-952-4540

Blind & Vision Services Canine Companions for Independence ........407-522-3304 8150 Clarcona Ocoee Road, Orlando, FL 32818 CVI—Center for the Visually Impaired 113 King St., Cocoa ................................321-631-9791 Southeastern Guide Dogs ............................941-729-5665 Paws for Independence 4210 77th St. East, Palmetto, FL 34221

Easter Seals Adult Day Care ......................321-723-4474 Joe’s Club Adult Day Care Center ..................321-253-4430 4676 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne River’s Edge Adult Day Care ........................321-727-7337 422 Martin Rd. NE, Palm Bay MICCO Joe’s Club South Alzheimer’s Care Center ....772-664-9996 7951 Ron Beatty Blvd., Micco

16 I

Talking Books/Homebound Services 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa ..............................321-633-1810 His Place Ministries ....................................321-723-6900 1824 S. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne .......321-674-9009

Blood Bank 956 South US 1, Rockledge .........................321-632-2052 800 E. Seminole Ave., Melbourne .................321-768-8585 2500 Garden Street, Titusville ....................321-267-6712

Business & Resource Directory CANCER CENTER — EMPLOYMENT

Cancer Centers


Cancer Support Groups see page 78

Round-Trip R • Roundound-Trip ound-T Transportation Transpor ansporta tation Frree Play F Play • $25 Free for Food Food • $5 for Bottled Water Water • Bottled In-Route Movies Mo ovies vies • In-Route

American Cancer Society ........................321-433-3109 4450 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Melbourne Cancer Care Centers....................................321-952-0898 Viera, Merritt Island, Titusville, Rockledge and Sebastian Cancer Care Center—Melbourne 1430 S. Pine Street

about Ask ab out our overnight monthlyy o monthl vernight v ernight

Brighton Bright on & Immokalee Immokale Immok alee ale e ww w ww.MyC .MyCasinoC asinoConnec asinoC onnection.c onnec tion.c om MIMA Cancer Center ..................................321-725-4550 1130 S. Hickory St., Melbourne Parrish Cancer Center..................................321-268-6675 951 N. Washington Avenue, Titusville Space Coast Cancer Center ........................321-268-4200 490 North Washington Avenue, Titusville

Care Management One Senior Place Care Management

8085 Spyglass Hill Road Viera, FL 32940 321-253-6330

Casino Transportation Casino Connection......................................321-432-1511

TOTAL T OTA L L LONG-TERM O N G -T E R M CARE CARE C O N S U LT LTA N T SERVICES, S E R V I C E S , IINC. NC. CONSULTANT Long L ong Term T Care Planning, Management Management and and Advocacy Advocacy

18 I

321 1.4 . 4 3 2 .1 .1511

Dentist OCEAN BREEZE DENTAL 817 Westport Drive Rockledge, FL 32955 (321) 433-1141 Ocean Breeze Dental strives to provide you with the comprehensive care you expect, along with the personalized attention you deserve. Call today to schedule your appointment and begin your smile transformation!

A Certified Care Manager is your personal guide through the elder care maze – assessing, coordinating and monitoring care & services. Peace of mind starts with a FREE consultation. Call 253-6330.

(321) 752-0995 Tel (321) 369-9953 F Fax ax (321) 258-1647 C Cell ell tlc w ww.TLCConsultantsServices

Please Plea se Call Call Today Toda TTo oday day For For Reservations RReser eservva eser vations or for for More More Infor Information Inf orma or mation ma tion

"Weekend "We "W eeek ekend ek end Getaways"! Getaways"!

Catherine C atherine F. F. Rowlands Rowlands BS, M MT, T, MBA, NHA, CMC T, Pr P President residen esidentt P.O. P P.O .O. B Box Bo ox 411928 Melbourne, elbourne, FL 32941

Diabetes Support American Diabetes Association................800-741-5698 1101 North Lake Destiny Road, Suite 415, Orlando

Employment AARP SECEP ............................................321-956-1444 17 E. Hibiscus Ave., Melbourne

•A Assessments Assessmen ssessments Development/Implementation Service • De Dev velopment/Implemen mplementa tation of S Ser ervice Plan • IInformation/Referral nforma nf ormation/Ref tion/Referr erral Services Ser S ervic vices es Coordination/Monitoring Providers •C oordination/Monitoring of Service Ser S ervice P roviders Consultation/Supportive Financial •C onsultation/Supp tion/Suppor ortiv tive e Services Ser S ervices ffor or F inancial & IInsurance nsurance Matters Matters Crisis Intervention Assistance •C risis IIn ntervention and A ssistance Scheduling Arranging •S cheduling & A Arr rranging of Health Health Care Care Visits Visits Health Care Surrogate/Power •H ealth C Car are Surr ogate/Power of Attorney Att A ttorney Guardianship •G uardianship Services Services

Business & Resource Directory EMPLOYMENT — GARDENING Brevard Work Force............................................321-504-7600 Melbourne Self-Sufficiency Job Center 795 S. Babcock St., Melbourne ..........................321-953-8188 4851 S. US Hwy. 1, Rockledge ............................321-890-1676 One Stop Career Center ....................................321-504-7600 4450 West Eau Gallie Blvd., Melbourne 5275 Babcock Street, NE, Palm Bay

Catholic Charities Family Emergency Assistance Program ........................................321-636-6144 817 Dixon Boulevard, Suite 16, Cocoa Central Brevard Sharing Center ....................................................321-631-0306 Daily Bread......................................................321-723-1060

Farmer’s Market

East Coast Christian Center ................................321-452-1060

Brevard County Farmer’s Market Wickham Park Pavilion ...321-633-1702 x 226 Every Thursday night 3 -7 p.m.

Salvation Army Donations / Nonperishable Food 919 Peachtree St., Cocoa ..............................321-632-6060 1080 S. Hickory Street, Melbourne 1218 W. Main St., Titusville ..................................321-269-3110

Food Assistance Angel Food Ministries ....................................321-254-0010 Nonprofit providing free groceries. Melbourne location. Palm Bay ........................................................321-729-8089 Satellite Beach ................................................321-243-5670 West Melbourne ............................................321-952-9673 Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida Brevard Branch ..............................................321-733-1600

Gardening & Master Gardeners Cocoa . ......................................................321-633-1702, ext. 227 3695 Lake Drive, Cocoa Palm Bay ........................................................ 321-952-4536 ext. 30 1455 Treeland Blvd., Palm Bay I 19

USE IT OR LOSE IT! - Communication occurs in the brain. - When we lose our ability to hear, the ear stops sending needed information to the brain, affecting the ability to understand what is being said. - “Auditory Deprivation� can impair the way the brain processes sound. - The solution is hearing instruments sending the correct information to the brain, protecting it from atrophy.


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20 I

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Business & Resource Directory GOVERNMENT-HOME CARE


#1 U.S. Congressman Bill Posey (FL-15) N District Office ................................................................321-632-1776 ULTATIO S Fax: 321-639-8595 CON E E R F FL 32940 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Building C, Melbourne,



in Caring for your loved one

in Caring for your loved one

Project: Lansing / Tortoise Island area Lamplighter Village area Elite Audiology................................................................321-504-4327

4200 SRAccount 524 #103, Cocoa.J. See ad on pag 12 Executive: Alanour Rinehart




DC Office ......................................................................202-225-3671 120 Cannon Office Building, Washington DC 20515 Name: Comforts of Home Care Fax: 202-225-3516 Phone: 321-255-0107 Date: 04-15-2010 Hearing


Hearing Care Professionals Description: 1 / 3 ..........................................................321-305-4905 Page, vertical, Color ad 3819 Murrell Rd., Suite B, ( ) Ad # 1 or AdRockledge #2 1108 W. New Haven Ave., Melbourne ..............................321-914-0810 (


HearX..............................................................................321-775-6542 ( ) AD NEEDS CHANGES AS FOLLOWS: 509-A N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne. See our ad on page 19 _____________________________________________ Care Management Care Assistance Companions/Sitters Parrish Health and Fitness Center..................................321-268-6200 _____________________________________________ Transportation and Errands 2210 Cheney Hwy (Hwy 50), Titusville Dementia Care _____________________________________________ Meal Preparation _____________________________________________ Medication Reminders Non Medical page 21 Home or Facility Assistance _____________________________________________ Housekeeping / Laundry Hourly or Live-In Specialists ÄˆÄľÄ­Ä˘ÄŻÄŚÄ˘ÄŤÄ Ä˘ On Call Supervision 24/7 Ä–IJĭĭďįĹ Pet Assistance

Health & Fitness _____________________________________________ Home Care—

ÄŽčďĴĊĢĥĤĢ Signed ______________________________ ĈľĭĢįĹČİĢ ĆďĪĪIJčČĹĜ Ä•ĢĊČÄžÄ&#x;ČĊČĹĜ Date: _________________, 2010ĉĊĢľČÄ&#x;ČĊČĹĜ

Our Caregivers are background screened, licensed, bonded Ä‹ďĪĢ ÄŒčİĹĢĞĥ Ä–ĢčČďį ĆĞįĢ ļĞİ İĢįijĢĥ ĹļĢ Ä…įĢijĞįĥ ĆďIJčĹĜ & Payroll employees ÄžįĢÄž Ä°ÄŚÄŤÄ Ä˘ Ğčĥ ÄŚÄ° Äž ĹįIJİĹĢĥ Ä°ÄŹÄ˛ÄŻÄ Ä˘ ÄŹÄŁ ÄŤÄŹÄŤ ÄŞÄ˘ÄĄÄŚÄ ÄžÄŠ


Care Management Care Assistance Companions/Sitters Transportation and Errands Dementia Care Meal Preparation Medication Reminders Home or Facility Assistance Housekeeping / Laundry Hourly or Live-In Specialists On Call Supervision 24/7 Pet Assistance Our Caregivers are background screened, licensed, bonded & Payroll employees We Bill Insurance Companies

We are a Senior Resource Information Center


6T__ hf gbWTl Tg &%$ *($ $##&



Lic S227323


Serving Brevard County for 13 Years I 21

Business & Resource Directory HOME CARE — HOSPICE

Home Care—Non Medical

Home Care—Medical

Caregivers for Seniors..................................321-722-2242 Keeping Seniors Independent

Health First Home Care ..............................321-434-5909 200 S. Courtenay Pkwy, Merritt Island • 1912 Dairy Road, West Melbourne............321-434-7300 • 1623 U.S. Hwy 1, Ste. A-1, Sebastian ............ 772-589-1930

Community Care for the Elderly ..................321-631-2746 Case management, personal care, respite, lifeline, adult day care, homemaker services. 3600 W. King St., Suite 5, Cocoa Senior Partner Care Services 8085 Spyglass Hill Road Viera, FL 32940 321-253-6336 Since 1998, Senior Partner Care Services has been providing in-home care to Brevard seniors. Although we started out as an at home “mom and pop� business, we have grown over the last 13 years! Not only do we reside in the beautiful One Senior Place, we have provided services for hundreds of families in the community and throughout Central Florida NR#30211049

Health First Private Duty.............................. 321-459-1804 220 S. Courtenay Pkwy, Suite C, Merritt Island Parrish Home Health....................................321-268-6275 830 Century Medical Drive, Suite A, Titusville

Home Safety & Home Watch Senior Assistance Program ........................321-631-2744 3600 W. King St., Cocoa Provides services to elders, enabling them to remain in their own homes in a safe, secure and dignified manner. *There is no charge for most


Home Guardian provides a home watching service! We are a licensed and insured reliable and trustworthy company. We give you peace of mind from unexpected disasters while you are away from your home or business.... No job is to big or small!

Ask for the VNA!

Dave 321-254-9446 or roy 321-426-4536 645 Classic Ct., Ste. 104, Melbourne, Florida 32940

Hospice If you’re a Medicare participant seeing a doctor for a heart condition, orthopedic services, lung problems, or complications from a stroke, then your physician may refer you to a homecare agency. The VNA can help. We work with you and your doctor to develop a plan of care that’s right for you, allowing you to stay safe and comfortable in your own home. When you need homecare, ask your physician for the VNA.

321.752.7550 6NMRLJ[N ,N[]RORNM v 5RLNW\N 11* """"

22 I

Hospice enables terminally ill patients to remain at home during illness, relatively free from pain, surrounded by family and friends and living life as fully as possible. Hospice of Health First, Inc. ..........................321-952-0494 • 1900 Dairy Road, West Melbourne • 200 S. Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island Licensed to serve since 1985 William Childs Hospice House ......................321-434-8400 381 Medplex Parkway, Palm Bay

Business & Resource Directory HOSPICE — LIBRARIES Hospice of St. Francis, Inc. ............................321-269-4240 1250-B Grumman Place, Titusville

Palm Bay Hospital ............................................321-434-8000 1425 Malabar Rd. NE, Palm Bay

Wuesthoff Brevard Hospice & Palliative Care ...321-253-2222 8060 Spyglass Hill Road, Viera

Wuesthoff Medical Center –Melbourne ....321-752-1200 250 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne

Wuesthoff Hospice House ..........................321-253-2222

Circles of Care, Inc. ....................................321-722-5200 400 E. Sheridan Rd., Melbourne

Vitas Innovative Hospice..............................321-751-6671

Healthsouth Sea Pines Rehabilitation Hospital ....321-984-4600 101 E. Florida Ave., Melbourne



NORTH BREVARD Parrish Medical Center ....................................321-268-6111 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville

Wuesthoff Reference Laboratories ..............321-255-8020 Convenient locations throughout Brevard County Physician-ordered tests & direct access testing



Cape Canaveral Hospital ..............................321-799-7111 701 W. Cocoa Beach Causeway, Cocoa Beach Wuesthoff Medical Center – Rockledge ......321-636-2211 110 Longwood Ave., Rockledge Viera Hospital..............................................321-434-9000 8731 North Wickham Road, Viera

For programs and class listings visit Brevard County Law Library ........................321-617-7295 2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera Cape Canaveral Public Library .................... 321-868-1101 201 Polk Ave., Cape Canaveral Central Brevard Public Library ........................321-635-7845 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa Cocoa Beach Public Library..........................321-868-1104 550 N. Brevard Ave., Cocoa Beach

SOUTH BREVARD Holmes Regional Medical Center ......................321-434-7000 1350 S. Hickory St., Melbourne Kindred Hospital ..........................................321-733-5725 765 W. NASA Blvd, Melbourne


Recovery isn’t simply a goal, it’s our mission. Kindred hospitals provide extended recovery time. Kindred Hospital Melbourne 765 West Nasa Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida 32901 s FAX s WWW KHMELBOURNE COM Dedicated to Hope, Healing and Recovery


Eau Gallie Public Library ................................321-255-4304 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne Franklin T. DeGroodt Library........................321-952-6317 6475 Minton Rd. SW, Palm Bay Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Public Library ......321-952-4511 955 E. University Blvd., Melbourne Melbourne Public Library ..............................321-952-4514 540 E. Fee Ave., Melbourne Melbourne Beach Public Library ....................321-956-5642 324 Ocean Ave., Melbourne Beach Merritt Island Public Library ........................321-455-1369 1195 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island Mims/Scottsmoor Public Library....................321-264-5080 3615 Lionel Rd., Mims Palm Bay Public Library................................321-952-4519 1520 Port Malabar Blvd. NE, Palm Bay I 23

Business & Resource Directory LIBRARIES — MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS Port St. John Public Library ..........................321-633-1867 6500 Carole Ave., Port St. John Satellite Beach Public Library ............................321-779-4004 751 Jamaica Blvd., Satellite Beach South Mainland Public Library ........................772-664-4066 7921 Ron Beatty Blvd., Micco

• 401 N. Wickham Rd., Suite K....................321-242-7648 Melbourne, FL 32935 Sharing Center, Central ..................................321-631-0306 United Order True Sisters ..........................321-773-0591 American Cancer Society ................................321-843-8680

Suntree/Viera Public Library ............................321-255-4404 902 Jordan Blass Dr., Melbourne

American Cancer Society ............................321-723-7737

Titusville Public Library ..................................321-264-5026 2121 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville

Medical Professionals

West Melbourne Public Library......................321-952-4508 2755 Wingate Blvd., West Melbourne


Medical Alert Systems Health First Aging Institute ......................321-868-5809 In partnership with Critical Signal Technologies • 3661 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL 32901 • 220 S. Courtenay Parkway, Suite B Merritt Island, FL 32952

Medical Assistance

Parrish Cardiac Care......................................321-268-6225 A service of Parrish Medical Center 951 N. Washington Avenue, Titusville

—Occupational Occupational Medical Services ....................321-267-8311 A service of Parrish Medical Center 494 N. Washington Ave., Titusville

—Orthopedics Arthritis and Joint Center of FL ....................321-956-1501 109 Silver Palm Ave., Melbourne

EMBRACED Program .............................. 321-634-6377 The Enlighten Me Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (EMBRACED) is a program of the Brevard County Health Department. The program provides free yearly breast and cervical screening exams, covering four counties, for women 50-64 years of age (below 50 with a history of breast cancer), with limited income and no insurance.

Parrish Orthopedics ......................................321-268-6111 951 N. Washington Avenue, Titusville

Medical Equipment

Parrish Senior Consultation Center..............321-383-9393 805 A Century Medical Drive, Titusville

Health First Medical Equipment ......................321-434-3400 129 W. Hibiscus Boulevard, Suite A, Melbourne 7925 N. Wickham Rd., Suite B, Melbourne

—Women’s Care

Browning’s Pharmacy and Health Care ........321-725-6320 Parker Healthcare ............................................321-956-4000 Wuesthoff Home Medical Equipment • 185 Barton Blvd., Suite C............................321-632-4663 Rockledge, FL 32955

24 I

—Senior Consultation

Parrish Women’s Center..............................321-268-6790 951 N. Washington Avenue, Titusville Parrish Women’s Diagnostic Center............321-268-6680 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville The Women’s Center ..................................321-242-3110 The center strives to address the needs of women by giving them support and guidance towards living a safe, healthy and self-sufficient life. 1425 Aurora Rd., Melbourne

Business & Resource Directory MEDICARE HEALTH PLANS — NEWSPAPERS

Medicare Health Plans Care Plus ......................................................321-751-7645 4100 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne HealthFirst Medicare Plan ..........................321-434-5665 Toll-free 800-716-7737 Humana ........................................................321-751-7645

Memory Clinics Health First Aging Institute ........................321-727-3370 • 3661 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL 32901 • 220 S. Courtenay Parkway, Suite B ............321-727-3027 Merritt Island, FL 32952 • East Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinic 321-768-9575 3661 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL 32901

Museums & Historic Places 1916 Grant Historical House 66 ...............321-723-8543 5795 S. U.S. Highway 1, Grant Air Force Space & Missile Museum .......... 321-449-4400 This museum is only accessible from the “Then & Now” tour of the KSC Visitor Complex. Photo I.D. is required for adults & children. Tour sells out daily, reservations are urged. Alma Clyde Field Library of Florida History ...321-690-1971 435 Brevard Ave., Cocoa The American Police Hall of Fame and Museum 6350 Horizon Dr., Titusville........................321-264-0911 The Astronaut Hall of Fame................................321-449-4444 405 State Road Route, Kennedy Space Center BCC Planetarium & Observatory ....................321-433-7373 Brevard Community College, 1519 Clearlake Rd., Cocoa Brevard County Historical Commission..........321-433-4415 Records Archive 801 Dixon Blvd., Suite 1110, Cocoa Brevard Museum of Arts and Science ..........321-242-0737 1463 Highland Ave., Melbourne Brevard Museum of History and Science ..321-632-1830 2201 Michigan Ave., Cocoa

Cocoa Beach Surf Museum ........................321-258-8217 4275 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. The Liberty Bell Museum ............................321-727-1776 1601 Oak St., Melbourne The Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Cultural Center 2180 Freedom Ave., Mims ............................321-264-6595 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. North Brevard Historical Society Museum....321-269-3658 301 S. Washington Ave., Titusville

The Historic Rossetter House 1320 Highland Ave., Melbourne ....................321-254-9855 U.S. Space Walk of Fame Museum ....................321-264-0434 4 Main Street, Titusville Free admission - Open daily Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum ......321-268-1941 6600 Tico Rd., Titusville

Newspaper/Discounts Senior Discount Card ..................................321-757-9205 Special discounts listed each month in Senior Life. A program in Senior Life Newspaper Senior Life Newspaper ..................................321-757-9205 Brevard County’s award-winning monthly newspaper Publishing since 1997 Online and in print. Viera Voice ..................................................321-242-1235

Senior Life of Florida 321-757-9205 Award-winning Senior Newspaper publishing in Brevard since 1997.


Viera Voice 321-242-1235 A direct mail community newspaper for Viera & Suntree I 25


Orthotics & Prosthetics

Respite Programs

NORPRO Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. ..321-724-1877 1106 W. New Haven Ave., Melbourne

Project RELIEF ............................................321-253-4430

Property Appraiser

Reverse Mortgage Consultants

Brevard County Property Appraiser—Jim Ford, C.F.A. Offices open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon.- Fri. except holidays 400 South Street, Titusville ..........................321-264-6700 Viera Office ....................................................321-690-6880 Palm Bay Office ..............................................321-952-4574 Melbourne Office ..............................................321-255-4440

Real Estate Space Coast Boomers and Seniors ..............321-794-9001 Tropical Realty 321-514-0882


Senior Centers and 55+ Clubs

Malark Luann Malark Luann 321-480-4733 Reloc Relocation elocaation Specialist Spec Spec pecialist ialist & Short SShor hort Sale Sale Spec SSpecialist pecialist pec ialist EEmail: mail: lu annmalark@hotmail annmalar k@hotmail.c k@hotmail .com .c om

Your FFullYour Full-Time, ull-Time Time, ime, Local SSenior enior RReal eal Esta Est Estate ate te Prof Professional essional qualified qu alified to to meet your your special special concerns when buying or selling home.. selling your your home I LLOVE OVE REFERRALS AND I LLOVE OVE WHAT WHAT I DO!

23 2 3 Y Years e a rs S Selling elling B Brevard r e va r d LINDA E FARRAHI RRAHI

321.243.4039 Empty-nester esters s pecialty ty Are My Special

55+ Club of Satellite Beach..............................321-773-6458 12 p.m. • First Thursday David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach Freedom 7 Community Center ........................321-783-9505 5000 Tom Warrier Blvd., Cocoa Beach Greater Palm Bay Senior Center ....................321-724-1338 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay Martin Andersen Senior Center ..................321-631-7549 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge North Brevard Senior Center ........................321-268-2333 909 Lane Ave., Titusville

Recycle your electronics — 321-952-1516

26 I

Business & Resource Directory SENIOR SERVICES

One Senior Club ..........................................321-751-6771 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera Sunflower House ........................................321-452-4341 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Merritt Square Mall (near Penney’s) Wickham Park Senior Center- Melbourne ....321-255-4494 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne

Senior Services Health First Caregivers’ Resource Line ......321-727-3027 Providing valuable information and answers to Community Caregivers Brevard County Commission on Aging ...... 321-633-2007

Senior Resource Alliance ....................1-800-963-5337 SRA is the Area Agency on Aging of Central Florida * Elder Helpline— Aging Resource Center 1-800-96-ELDER ..............................800-963-5337 Community Services Council ....................321-639-8770 3600 W. King St., Cocoa The Community Services Council is recognized by the Florida Dept. of Elder Affairs and the Area Agency on Aging as the Lead Agency for senior services in Brevard. • Meals on Wheels (Senior Nutrition Program) 321-639-8770 • Sunflower House ....................................321-452-4341 • Community Care Program ......................321-631-2746 • Community Home Service ......................321-639-6552

One Senior Place

8085 Spyglass Hill Road Viera, FL 32940 321-751-6771 Award winning One Senior Place is “square one” for seniors and their family caregivers to find the information, advice, care and services they need … all under one roof!

Sunflower HouSe Caregiver Resource & Referral Center

• Information • Referrals • Exercise Classes • Support Groups & Meetings Merritt Square Mall 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island

321-452-4341 I 27

Business & Resource Directory SENIOR SERVICES — STORAGE • Senior Assistance Program ..................321-631-2744 Community Services Council continued from page 27 ........ Provides services to elders, enabling them to remain in their own homes in a safe, secure and dignified manner. *There is no charge for services.

• Retired Seniors Volunteer Program ............321-639-8770 • Senior TranServe ............................321-639-4868 ext. 282 Drive Able ....................................................321-768-9575 A cognitive driving assessment administered by healthcare professionals and certified Drive Able evaluators. East Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinic 3661 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL Florida Department of Elder Affairs.......... 850-414-2000 4040 Esplanade Way, Building B, Suite 152 Tallahassee, FL 32399-7000 * Report Elder Abuse: ........................1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800-962-2873)

GET GET O OFF FF YOUR YOUR K KNEES NEES Pull Pull O Out ut Shel Shelves ves C Custom-Made ustom-Made ust om-Made for New New or Existing Cabinets Cabinets & Pantries P Pa antries anty e Warr m i t e f i L

Licensed Licensed and IInsured nsured

Brevard’s Information & Referral Call Center ....... 2-1-1 Parrish Senior Solutions ............................321-268-6800 805 B Century Medical Drive, Titusville, FL 32796 The Senior Consultation Center is a resource for physicians, patients, family members, nurses and other agencies. It does not take the place of the patient's primary care physician (PCP), but it does address the growing need of seniors in North Brevard. Senior Sleuths/Seniors vs. Crime ................800-203-3099 Consumer related complaints Space Coast Center for Independent Living..321-633-6011 571-W Haverty Court, Rockledge 321-633-6011 Voice or TTY Sunflower House..........................................321-452-4341 Merritt Square Mall, 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy Merritt Island

Shelving Organization The Pull-Out Shelf Company ......................321-259-4249 Pull out shelves custom-made for new and existing cabinets and pantries. Licensed and insured. Free in-home consultation.

Adjustable Pantry Adjustable Pantry

O Organize rganize Storage Storage • Convenience C onvenience • Holds Fully Holds 100 lbs. lbs. F ully Extended Extended • Dovetail Joinery Do vetail Joiner y • Hand-Crafted HandCrafted • Made Made in the USA

C Compare ompare OUR Sup Superior erior Q Quality uality & V Value alue P Pricing ricing


* Statewide Senior Legal Helpline .......... 888-895-7873 Florida Relay Service ....................800-955-8770 (Voice) (Spanish) ................................................1-877-955-8773 The Florida Relay Service is a service for people who use specialized telephone equipment to communicate with those who use standard telephones. Florida Relay 7-1-1, or toll free 1-800-955-8771 (TTY)

SHINE Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders....321-752-8080 See page 43 for listing of local offices.

State Attorney State Attorney Norman R. Wolfinger Elder Service Unit 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Building D Viera, FL 32940 ............321-637-5373 or 321-617-7510

AAuthorized uthorizizized uthor ed DDealer ealer for: for:

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321-259-4249 28 I

Storage Suntree Self Storage— Senior discounts ....321-253-8300 7165 N Wickham Rd Melbourne, Fl 32940

Business & Resource Directory SHINE — VETERANS’ RESOURCES grocery store.

Therapy Gentiva Health Services ..............................321-255-9995 8247 Devereux Drive, Suite 103, Melbourne, Fl 32940

Transportation Comfort Ride LLC .................................... 321-543-7433 Non-emergency Medical Transportation Ambulatory, BLS, Stretcher, Wheelchair

Just Call: 321-543-7433 We offer high quality, on time nonemergency transportation for hire 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Our clients are people who need safe transportation by wheelchair, stretcher, or ambulatory ride. Our drivers undergo First Aid, CPR, AED training and Level 2 Background Screening. Comfort Ride LLC is licensed and insured.

Harbor City Travel & Tours 305 W. Hibiscus Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 321-727-0946

Inovations in Travel. . . ♦ Convenient, by appointment travel designing, with your detailed needs as our priority without interruption Whatever your age or activity level, if you can dream it we can design it. Stop by, say hello - the coffee will be hot and your welcome will be warm! We make travel easy . . . again!

Travel Tours A Step Above Tours ................................321-230-4573 Professional escorted tours.

Utility Assistance

“Need a Ride” Transportation Program ........ 321-633-6011 Space Coast Center for Independent Living provides accessible van transportation service at low cost for individuals with disabilities when no other accessible transportation options are available. The transportation fare is $2. Space Coast Area Transit (SCAT)................321-633-1878 Senior TranServe ..............................321-639-4868 x 282 —Volunteer transportation service for homebound seniors in Brevard County. *Must be 60+ years old, ambulatory and able to function with no mode of transportation. Senior TranServe provides rides to appointments, shopping and visiting. Volunteers in Motion ..................................321-635-7999 Space Coast Area Transit provides reliable transportation to seniors who need get to doctor’s appointments and/or the

To be a part of the 2012 issue of The Boomer Senior Guide Magazine call Bluewater Creative Group Inc. 321-757-9205

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)..................................................321-633-2076 Community Action Agency..............................321-633-1951 Sharing Center, Central ..................................321-631-0306 Sharing Center, North ..................................321-269-6555 Sharing Center, Melbourne ............................321-727-8581 Sharing Center, Palm Bay ..............................321-676-2965

Veterans’ Resources Veterans’ Services ........................................321-633-2012 County Veteran Service Officer—Glenn A. McGuffie Brevard County Veterans Services Team is available to provide Brevard’s veterans and families assistance so veterans will receive full benefits for military service. 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, FL 32940 Veteran Affairs Outpatient Clinic ................321-637-3788 2900 Veterans Way, Viera Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Brevard Veterans Council..............................321-453-1776 Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Center, 400 S. Sykes Creek Pkwy, MI Florida Department of Veterans Affairs ....1-800-827-1000 Burial, Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA), I 29

Business & Resource Directory VETERANS RESOURCES — WOUND CARE Death Pension, Dependency Indemnity Compensation, Direct Deposit, directions to VA Benefits Regional Offices, Disability Compensation, Disability Pension, Home Loan Guaranty and Life Insurance. VA Health Care Benefits ..............................877-222-8387 VA Life Insurance ........................................800-669-8477 Status of Headstones and Markers ..............800-697-6947 Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) 800-829-4833 War Widows and Survivors

Work Placement/ Job Counseling Brevard Job Link ..........................................321-504-7600 Palm Bay, Cocoa Beach, Cocoa, Titusville North Brevard—1311 N. US Hwy 1, North Earl Jones, Building 1, Suite 141, Titusville Central Brevard—Byrd Plaza, 801 Dixon Blvd., Cocoa South Brevard, 5275 Babcock St. NE, Suite 88, Palm Bay

TThai hai H Hana ana

CCall: all: 321-636-3363

6729 Colonnade Colonnade AAve. ve. #105, Vier VViera ieraa FL ier

FFax: ax: 888-666-9714

(Near (N ear OOffice ffice DDepot epot bbehind ehind Kohl’ KKohl’s) ohl’s) ohl’ s)

Goodwill Industries of Central FL ................321-953-8188

Wound Care

Health First Wound Management & Hyperbarics Center Offering the latest in comprehensive wound management care ........................................321-434-1788 Health First Pain Management Cape Canaveral Medical Plaza .................... 321-868-7696 701 W. Cocoa Beach Cswy., Ste 202, Cocoa Beach 5191 S. Babcock Street NE, Palm Bay ..................321-434-1700 Parrish Wound Healing Center ..........................321-268-6795 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville

Association Living By FRANK KNEISER There are several different types of Associations in Florida. Often, owners will use HOA as a generic term for their associations. HOA is actually an abbreviation for Homeowners Association and is governed by statute FL720. Homeowners usually own the lots surrounding their homes and a percentage of common areas and amenities of the association. Condominium Associations fall under statute FL718. Owners own only everything inside the paint of their units. The association owns everything outside of the paint, including the building(s), common areas, and amenities and each owner shares a percentage of ownership. FL723 regulates Mobile Homes. Owners usually own their mobile homes and pay rent to a park owner in order to use the common areas and amenities. In some cases, owners own their mobile home and the association owns the common areas and amenities. In this case owners share a percentage of ownership and most provisions of FL720 would apply. Cooperative Associations, regulated by FL719, are less common. Owners buy shares in the co-op, which owns all units, buildings, common areas and amenities. These Associations generally have some things in common, such as being governed by a board of directors, usually elected by members. The board has a fiduciary duty to carry out all of the provisions of the articles, declaration and by-laws. Members pay assessments for the maintenance and management of common areas and amenities. Associations are usually referred to as “Deed Restricted” which means owners are required to and agree to abide by all rules and regulations found in the declaration and by-laws. It’s important to point out that I am not an attorney and legal questions should be referred to your attorney. However, a requirement of my Community Association Manager’s license is to stay abreast of the Florida Association laws. Association Living is written by Frank Kneiser, CMCA, AMS, the General Manager of the 4,500-home Suntree Homeowners Association. Kneiser has been a licensed Community Association Manager in Florida since 1990. He is not an attorney, however, a requirement of his Community Association Manager’s license is to stay abreast of the Florida Association laws. Legal questions should be referred to your attorney.

Contact Frank with your HOA questions at

30 I


atGlenbrookeatPalmBay Come see why Olga and Ed chose Glenbrooke at Palm Bay as their home. “We lived at another local retirement community before coming to Glenbrooke and felt we had to leave. We just weren’t happy. Since we made our choice to move to Glenbrooke, I don’t ever want to leave! I am so happy now! The staff is more than caring, they make us feel like we are loved. Our neighbors have become our family. We now feel safe, secure and live everyday like we are on vacation. — Olga “Olga doesn’t have to worry about us moving ever again, I say we’ll stay here forever! Glenbrooke truly is our home and they make all our family feel welcome including our “Grand-Dog”, Maggie.

— Ed


815 Briar Creek Boulevard, NE Palm Bay, FL 32905 (321) 956-3330 AL #11650

32 I

Senior Living Directory

Living in Brevard‌

andLoving it!

55+ Retirement Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Gated 55+ Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Apartment Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Assisted Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 RV Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Skilled Nursing Care and Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Alzheimers Dementia Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Adult Family Care Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Community-Based Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

Emergency Evacuation Shelter Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


To see the digital listing of Brevard’s Senior Living & Retirement communities visit I 33

As you know, construction is well underway on the Medical Plaza at Viera Health Park, our multi-specialty and primary care physician office building. This three-story medical facility is set to open in February 2011. We are very proud to announce that a leading hematology/oncology and radiation therapy practice will be opening an office in the new Medical Plaza. The physicians and staff of Space Coast Cancer Center (SCCC) will be bringing muchneeded medical services to the Viera/ Suntree community. We asked Richard Levine, MD., president of SCCC, to share some details with VIERA VOICE readers about his practice and decision to relocate his center to Viera. “Our Viera SCCC office at the Medical Plaza will provide hematology, medical oncology, and radiation oncology services,� said Dr. Levine. “We will have an infusion center for administration of intravenous chemotherapy, biologic therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.� The cancer center at the Medical Plaza also will provide radiation therapy for cancer patients, including 3-D conformal, image-modulated radiation therapy

(brachytherapy) in collaboration with urologists serving on the Viera Hospital medical staff. We anticipate also offering radionuclide therapy for thyroid cancer.� Dr. Levine and his SCCC cancer team are not new to Health First. “We have an excellent relationship with Roy Wright, President of Cape Canaveral Hospital (CCH), as well as previous CCH presidents, Chris Kennedy now president of Viera Hospital, and Larry Garrison, now executive VP and chief operating officer of Health First. With their support, I assisted in initiating the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (ACOS COC) accredited cancer program at CCH in 1991, and I remain the medical director of the program, helping coordinate the tumor board, cancer committee, and the cancer registry at the Cocoa Beach hospital.� Dr. Levine now intends to bring his expertise to Viera Hospital, broadening the access to patients throughout the county. “One of our goals is to establish an ACOS COC accredited comprehensive cancer program at Viera Hospital. Our physicians are looking forward to the Viera Hospital and the Medical Plaza opening in 2011,� said Dr. Levine. “As an affiliate of Moffitt Cancer Center, offering state-of-the-art radiation

Featured Properties Viera Voice

Brought to you by Senior Life Newspaper IN THE NEWS

Leading hematology/oncology/radiation therapy practice to join Medical Plaza at Viera Health Park BY CHRIS KENNEDY President and CEO Viera Health Park and Viera Hospital

As you know, construction is well underway on the Medical Plaza at Viera Health Park, our multi-specialty and primary care physician office building. This three-story medical facility is set to open in February 2011. We are very proud to announce that a leading hematology/oncology and radiation therapy practice will be opening an office in the new Medical Plaza. The physicians and staff of Space Coast Cancer Center (SCCC) will be bringing muchneeded medical services to the Viera/ Suntree community. We asked Richard Levine, MD., president of SCCC, to share some details with VIERA VOICE readers about his practice and decision to relocate his center to Viera. “Our Viera SCCC office at the Medical Plaza will provide hematology, medical oncology, and radiation oncology services,� said Dr. Levine. “We will have an infusion center for administration of intravenous chemotherapy, biologic therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.� The cancer center at the Medical Plaza also will provide radiation therapy for cancer patients, including 3-D conformal, image-modulated radiation therapy

(IMRT), image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), as well as stereotactic radio surgery, utilizing respiratory gating and RapidArc technology. “We will offer prostate seed implantation (brachytherapy) in collaboration with urologists serving on the Viera Hospital medical staff. We anticipate also offering radionuclide therapy for thyroid cancer.� Dr. Levine and his SCCC cancer team are not new to Health First. “We have an excellent relationship with Roy Wright, President of Cape Canaveral Hospital (CCH), as well as previous CCH presidents, Chris Kennedy now president of Viera Hospital, and Larry Garrison, now executive VP and chief operating officer of Health First. With their support, I assisted in initiating the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (ACOS COC) accredited cancer program at CCH in 1991, and I remain the medical director of the program, helping coordinate the tumor board, cancer committee, and the cancer registry at the Cocoa Beach hospital.� Dr. Levine now intends to bring his expertise to Viera Hospital, broadening the access to patients throughout the county. “One of our goals is to establish an ACOS COC accredited comprehensive cancer program at Viera Hospital. Our physicians are looking forward to the Viera Hospital and the Medical Plaza opening in 2011,� said Dr. Levine. “As an affiliate of Moffitt Cancer Center, offering state-of-the-art radiation


therapy, utilizing evidence-based clinical pathways and continuing our quality initiatives with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the physicians of SCCC are confident we can establish a regional cancer center of excellence with Viera Hospital and for the community.� To learn more about Viera Hospital or the Medical Plaza at Viera Health Park, visit To learn more about Dr. Levine and the SCCC, visit

Dr. Levine, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Indiana University, graduated with a combined degree from Indiana University School of Medicine (M.S. Pharmacology, MD.). He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and completed his medical oncology training at the National Cancer Institute, where he was Chief Fellow. Dr. Levine is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.

Assisted Living Facility #AL10541

Happy Father’s Day!






Retirement Housing Foundation Assisted Living Facility #7476 SNF#11070961

Century Oaks


June 2010

June 2010

Viera Voice

321-452-1233 “For the best retirement years, call for your own personal tour

of Courtenay Springs Village on Merritt Island and discover the carefree lifestyle your deserve!�

Retirement Housing Foundation Assisted Living Facility #7476 SNF#11070961


Courtenay Springs


! $# "" 1200 S. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt # Island, ! # FL 32952 7

Happy Father’s Day!

K E N N E DY “Live like you’re living KENNEDY SPACE SPACE CENTER on a Cruise Ship!� CENTER

Cedar Creek Assisted Living

residency in internal medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and completed his medical oncology training at the National Cancer Institute, where he was Chief Fellow. Dr. Levine is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.

4279 Judith Ave., Merritt Island 321-454-7768 At Cedar Creek you CREEK will be surrounded by a CEDAR ASSISTED LIVING tranquil atmosphere and

cared for by

a professional dedicated staff who

create a quality like


that feels

home.Veterans’ program available to assist Our Extended Care license those who qualify.

“Live like provides all of the assistance mayyou’re need. you

living Come join our community. on

a Cruise Ship!�



gional cancer center of excellence with Viera Hospital and for the community.� To learn more about Viera Hospital or the Medical Plaza at Viera Health Park, visit To learn more about Dr. Levine and the SCCC, visit



Viera Voice

1200 S. Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island, FL E-mail: Visit:

1200 S. Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island, FL E-mail: Visit:

4001 Stack Blvd., Melbourne 321-722-4440 A rental community for Independent or Assisted An Active Retirement Rental Community Living, in a 1br or 2br Independent or Assisted Living apartment, or a suite. Our experienced personnel provide 24/7 assistance with activities of daily livand ing, meals, transportation, activities, medication management, and housekeeping. Some of our on site additional features a rehabilitation clinic, beauty/barber shop, TLC program and respite care.

Florida Charm Carefree Living


Crane Creek Senior Apartments

Florida Charm and Carefree Living

An Active Retirement Rental Community Independent or Assisted Living


2309 South Babcock St., independent living in one or two bedroom, We feature spacious apartments or assisted living in a suite all within Melbourne a 24 hour monitored secure two-story courtyard building. 321-952-5464 Located amidst serene ALLIANCE September 29beautiful • 11 a.m. CARE surroundings in one of the most SEMINARS Exercising your way to natural preserves in Central Florida. Crane EVERY good health MONTH Creek is minutes away from beaches, Community Room, Centuryshopping Oaks and historic downtown Melbourne. Rents start321-722-4440 ing at $408 including utilities. 4001 Stack Boulevard, Melbourne Corner or Eber Road and Stack Boulevard

We feature independent living in one or two bedroom, spacious apartments or assisted living in a suite all within a 24 hour monitored secure two-story courtyard building.

34 I

September 29 • 11 a.m. Exercising your way to


Senior Living ACTIVE 55+

Active 55+ Retirement Living and Gated 55+Communities Retirement communities throughout Brevard, specifically for those ages 55 and over NORTH BREVARD

Heritage Isle ................................................321-576-0264 6800 Legacy Blvd., Viera, FL 32940 Indian Oaks ................................................321-636-9683 780 Barnes Blvd., Rockledge, FL 32955 Island Lakes ................................................888-346-1651 4499 Wood Stork Dr., Merritt Island, FL 32953

Swan Lake ..................................................321-269-0991 3406 Skimmer Lane, Titusville, FL 32796

Lost Lakes ..................................................321-639-3245 140 Lost Lakes Dr., Cocoa, FL 32926

San Mateo Village ......................................321-264-2404 5205 Sisson Rd., Titusville, FL

Merritt Island Village Resort........................321-452-4684 327 Silver Oaks Ave., Merritt Island, FL 32952

Pinewood Village ........................................ 321-267-0933 42 Pinewood Place, Mims, FL 32754 CENTRAL BREVARD

SOUTH BREVARD Holiday Park Recreation District ..............321-723-6636 474 Holiday Park Blvd. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32907

Forest Lakes of Cocoa ................................321-636-4513 113 Rosewood Dr., Cocoa, FL 32926

Hollywood Estates, Inc. ............................321-724-1100 4301 Kimberly Cir., West Melbourne, FL 32904

Grand Isle at Viera ......................................321-752-7144 1910 Grand Isle Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32940

Homes of Ponce de Leon ............................321-773-2828 2610 Highway A1A N., Indialantic, FL 32903 I 35

Senior Living ACTIVE 55+ — ASSISTED LIVING Lakewood Village ........................................321-724-0083 3171 Hanson Ave., Melbourne, FL 32901

Baxley Manor ..............................................321-453-4324 630 Kurek Ct. #135, Merritt Island, FL 32953

Leisure Living Estates Condo Association ..321-725-8847 2580 S. Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951

Courtenay Springs Village ..........................321-452-1233 1200 S. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island, FL 32952

Orange Manor Mobile Home Park ..............321-254-8631 1621 Orange Manor Dr., Melbourne, FL 32934 Palm Bay Estates ........................................321-723-3353 3092 Indian River Dr. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905 Port Malabar Holiday Park ..........................321-724-2240 215 Holiday Park Blvd. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32907 Quail Run ....................................................321-984-0786 2445 Eber Road, West Melbourne, FL 32904

SOUTH BREVARD Ascension Manor Senior Housing ..............321-757-9828 2960 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne, FL 32935 Berkshire at West Melbourne......................321-984-2909 2255 Friday Ct., West Melbourne, FL 32904 Buena Vida ................................................321-724-0060 2129 West New Haven Ave., West Melbourne, FL 32940

The Lakes Of Melbourne ............................321-725-5500 4000 Hollywood Blvd., West Melbourne, FL 32904

Century Oaks ..............................................321-722-4440 4001 Stack Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901

The Village of Ponce de Leon ......................321-723-4139 2730 S. Hwy. A1A, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951

Crane Creek Senior Apartments..................321-952-5464 2309 S. Babcock St., Melbourne, FL 32904

MICCO/BAREFOOT BAY Barefoot Bay Recreation District ................772-664-3141 625 Barefoot Blvd., Barefoot Bay, FL 32976 Pelican Bay Manufactured Home Community 772-664-3138 8600 US Highway 1, Micco, FL 32976 Snug Harbor ..................................................772-663-5832 7645 Kyak Court, Sebastian, FL 32976

Apartment Living Apartment-style living, usually with other amenities such as laundry, cleaning, meals and more

Glenbrooke at Palm Bay ..............................321-956-3330 815 Briar Creek Blvd. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905 Grand Villa at Melbourne ............................321-328-8140 964 South Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901 Sonata at Melbourne ..................................321-600-4747 3260 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935 Southlake Towers ........................................321-725-2386 5501 Pinewood Dr. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905 Trinity Towers East & West ........................321-723-7512 650 and 700 E. Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne, FL 32901 Trinity Towers South ..................................321-723-8620 615 E. New Haven Ave, Melbourne, FL 32901

NORTH BREVARD Royal Palms Senior Apartments ..................321-264-2017 911 S. Park Ave., Titusville, Fl 32780 Titusville Towers, 62+ ................................321-267-4204 405 Indian River Ave., Titusville, FL 32796

CENTRAL BREVARD Westminster Asbury ..................................321-632-4943 1430 Dixon Blvd., Cocoa, FL 32922

36 I

Assisted Living Licensed housing facilities providing 24-hour limited health care and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing and dressing and medication management

NORTH BREVARD Benton House of Titusville ..........................321-383-2112 497 N. Washington Ave., Titusville, FL 32796 Carriage House............................................321-383-3531 1832 Country Club Dr., Titusville, FL 32796

Senior Living ASSISTED LIVING Lilac House..................................................321-704-4458 1770 S. Lilac Circle, Titusville, FL 32796 Riverview Retirement Center ......................321-383-2125 4470 S. Washington Ave., Titusville, FL 32780 Sand Point Senior Living ............................321-383-6000 1800 Harrison Street, Titusville, FL 32780 Titusville Towers, 62+ ................................321-264-8965 405 Indian River Ave., Titusville, FL 32796

CENTRAL BREVARD Cedar Creek Assisted Living ......................321-454-7768 4279 Judith Ave., Merritt Island, FL 32953

Angel Guardian Assisted Living ..................321-223-8371 280 Bahama Dr., Merritt Island, FL 32952 Autumn House ..........................................321-242-1006 7999 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera, FL 32940 Carolina Care ............................................321-704-4458 2460 Kathi-Kim St., Cocoa, FL 32926 Casual Country Living ................................321-632-9622 4801 Mango Ave., Cocoa, FL 32926 Friends at Home........... ..............................321-704-4458 3680 Canaveral Groves Blvd., Cocoa, FL 32926 Horizon House............................................321-704-4458 119 W. Suwanee Lane, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

The Town Square ......................................321-255-6030 1700 Wuesthoff Drive, Melbourne, FL 32940

Jacob’s Ladder ............................................321-636-1911 946 Brunswick Lane, Rockledge, Fl 32955

Courtenay Springs Village ..........................321-452-1233 1100 S. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island, FL 32952

La Casa Assisted Living ..............................321-426-5505 220 N. Grove Street, Merritt Island, FL 32953

At The Retreat at Watersong >

> >

38 I

Senior Living ASSISTED LIVING Our House ................................................321-704-4458 315 Wainai Dr., Merritt Island, FL 32953 Open Arms With Love ..............................321-632-4955 6205 Balboa St., Cocoa, FL 32927

Trinity House ..............................................321-745-2126 775 Montego Bay Drive South, Merritt Island, FL 32953


Palace Retirement Home ............................321-639-0004 965 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge, FL 32955

Angels Landing ALF ..................................321-473-8692 731 Altona St. NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907

Palm Cottages ............................................321-633-1819 3821 Sunnyside Ct., Rockledge, FL 32955

Bethesda on Turkey Creek ..........................321-723-3288 2800 Fordham Rd., NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905

Retreat At Watersong ................................321-253-7455 7365 Orchestra Lane, Melbourne, FL 32940

Buena Vida ................................................321-724-0060 2129 West New Haven Ave., West Melbourne, FL 32940

Sherwood House ........................................321-704-4458 2465 E. Sherwood Cir., Cocoa, FL 32926 Smiles and Loving Care ..............................321-454-4624 1065 Garden Rd., Merritt Island, FL 32952

The Place at Merritt Island

Century Oaks..............................................321-722-4440 4001 Stack Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901 Clarke’s Assisted Living..............................321-723-3096 48 Emerson Dr. NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907 Florida Shores of Melbourne I ....................321-726-8070 2155 Keystone Ave., West Melbourne, FL 32904

535 Crockett Blvd. Merritt Island, FL 321-454-2363

Experience a Tradition of Excellence A premier assisted living community providing the very best in amenities and services.

Florida Shores of Melbourne II....................321-409-0820 4060 Miami Ave., West Melbourne, FL 32904 Golden Wings Darrow................................321-676-6331 1351 Darrow Rd. SW, Palm Bay, FL 32908 Golden Wings Wendel................................321-952-6623 3116 Wendel Rd. SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

life is more than a BinGo Game. Gracious assisted living that offers: • personalized services • emergency call systems • laundry • full-service dining • weekly housekeeping • transportation • outings & fun social activities • so much more!

85 Bulldog Boulevard melbourne, fl 32901

(321) 984-7966 e-mail: assisted living lic. #al7354 standard alf, lns and eCC I 39

Senior Living ASSISTED LIVING — SKILLED NURSING CARE Hibiscus Court ..............................................321-951-1050 540 East Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901

Titusville Rehabilitation and Nursing Center......321-269-5720 1705 Jess Parrish Ct., Titusville, FL 32796

Pleasant Home ............................................321-984-8688 485 Wayland Rd. SW, Palm Bay, FL 32908

Vista Manor Nursing Home ........................321-269-2200 1550 Jess Parrish Ct., Titusville, FL 32796

Silver Pines....................................................321-956-8141 2360 Madrid Ave. SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909


Southland Suites of Melbourne ....................321-255-5443 2680 Croton Road, Melbourne, FL 32935

Courtenay Springs Village ............................321-452-1233 1100 S. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island, FL 32952

Sterling House West Melbourne I ................321-953-6464 7300 Greenboro Drive, West Melbourne, FL 32904

Island Health and Rehab ..................................321-453-0202 125 Alma Blvd., Merritt Island, FL 32953

Sterling House West Melbourne II ................321-725-3100 7200 Greenboro Drive, West Melbourne, FL 32904

NHC Health Care ......................................321-454-4035 500 Crockett Blvd., Merritt Island, FL 32953

The Brookshire ..........................................321-984-7966 85 Bulldog Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901

Huntington Place Care and Rehab Center ..........321-632-6300 587 Barton Blvd., Rockledge, FL 32955

The Elms ......................................................321-951-2272 1740 Elmhurst Cir. SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909


The Fountains of Melbourne ......................321-984-1494 4451 Stack Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901

Anchor Care and Rehabilitation Center ........321-723-1235 1515 Port Malabar Blvd. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905

Village Oaks ..................................................321-733-7111 1765 W. Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901

Parks for 50+ Casa Loma Estates ......................................321-254-2656 6560 US Highway 1, Melbourne, FL 32940 Forest Village RV Park ..................................321-631-0305 245 Flamingo Drive, Cocoa, FL 32926 Great Outdoors Golf Club ............................321-269-5524 137 Plantation Dr., Titusville, FL 32780 Willow Lakes RV Park Inc. ............................321-269-7440 2852 Willow Lakes Lane, Titusville, FL 32796

Skilled Nursing Care Licensed long-term care (nursing homes) and in-patient rehabilitation facilities

Atlantic Shores Rehabilitation Center ..........321-953-2219 4251 Stack Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901 Avante Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 1420 S. Oak St., Melbourne, FL 32901


Carnagie Gardens Nursing Center ................321-723-1321 1415 S. Hickory St., Melbourne, FL 32901 Consulate Health Care of Melbourne .......... 321-255-9200 3033 Sarno Rd., Melbourne, FL 32934 Life Care Center of Melbourne ....................321-727-0984 606 E. Sheridan Road, Melbourne, FL 32901 Life Care Center of Palm Bay........................321-768-6532 175 Villanueva Ave., Palm Bay, FL 32907 Melbourne Terrace Rehabilitation Center ....321-725-3990 251 Florida Ave., Melbourne, FL 32901


The Palms Rehabilitation..............................321-722-0660 5405 Babcock St. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32901

Royal Oaks Nursing and Rehab Center ........321-267-0060 2225 Knox McRae Dr., Titusville, FL 32780

West Melbourne Health and Rehab. ............321-725-7360 2125 W. New Haven Ave., West Melbourne, FL 32901

40 I

Individual Freedom. We help you find freedom. Individual Freedom. It’s what residents find here every day in the form of daily encouragement and great care designed exclusively for them. To our residents, it’s liberating when they regain their sense of freedom with a renewed spirit. To their families it’s gratifying. And to us, it’s fulfilling. We call this Personalized Assisted Living; our residents call it freedom. To learn more, call us today and schedule your personal visit. CLARE BRIDGE® WEST MELBOURNE Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care 7199 Greenboro Drive, West Melbourne, Florida 32904 (321) 951-4455 Assisted Living Facility # AL9766

SAND POINT Independent Living • Personalized Assisted Living 1800 Harrison Street, Titusville, Florida 32780 (321) 383-6000 Assisted Living Facility # AL5758

SOUTHLAND SUITES MELBOURNE Personalized Assisted Living 2680 Croton Road, Melbourne, Florida 32935 (321) 255-5443 Assisted Living Facility # AL8885

STERLING HOUSE WEST MELBOURNE I Personalized Assisted Living 7300 Greenboro Drive, West Melbourne, Florida 32904 (321) 953-6464 Assisted Living Facility # AL8834

STERLING HOUSE WEST MELBOURNE II Personalized Assisted Living 7200 Greenboro Drive, West Melbourne, Florida 32904 (321) 725-3100 Assisted Living Facility # AL9244

Our People Make the DifferenceSM

Where Experience Counts...with Services & Care TAKING CARE OF OUR RESIDENTS IS OUR #1 JOB! Our People Make the Difference is a Service Mark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. ® Reg. U.S. Patent and TM Office. MEL-ROP01-1110 I 41

Seniors At Lunch sites Seniors at Lunch provides low-cost, hot, nutritious meals in group settings for seniors 60 and over. This service provides a way for older adults to enjoy fun, fellowship, and a delicious lunch in one place. No one is ever turned away based on their ability to donate. Transporation available at most locations.

Mims Center .................................................321-264-6491 2329 Harry T. Moore Ave., Mims Titusville Center ............................................321-269-3593 Gibson Center, 835 Sycamore Ave., Titusville North Brevard Senior Center .........................321-536-8851 909 Lane Ave., Titusville Port St. John Community Center ......................321-638-4499 6650 Corto Rd., Port St. John Westminster Asbury .....................................321-504-6571 1430 Dixon Blvd., Cocoa Cocoa West Center .......................................321-636-9787 Cocoa West Community Ctr., 230 Burnett Road

Senior Living SKILLED NURSING — COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES Wuesthoff Progressive Care ..............................321-752-1000 8050 Spyglass Road, Viera, FL 32940

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care NORTH BREVARD Benton House of Titusville ..................................321-383-2112 497 North Washington Ave., Titusville, FL 32796

CENTRAL BREVARD Autumn House....................................................321-242-1006 7999 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera, FL 32940 Clare Bridge® West Melbourne ........................321-951-4455 7199 Greenboro Drive,West Melbourne, FL 32904

Adult Family Care Homes

Licensed residential homes providing room, board and personal care for up to five people in a family-style environment

NORTH BREVARD Cocoa Civic Center ........................................321-255-5011 430 Delannoy Ave, Cocoa Merritt Island Center ....................................321-453-4324 Baxley Manor, 630 Kurek Court, Merritt Island Indian Harbour Beach Center ........................321-773-0470 Garden Apartments, 4000 N. Riverside Drive Eau Gallie Center ...........................................321-255-5011 Crossroads Community Church 2436 Croton Road, Melbourne DELTA Life Development Center...................321-412-5459 805 E. Hopkins St., Melbourne

First Class Adult Family Care..............................321-264-6357 3717 Chiara Dr., Titusville, FL 32796 Judith Boyd (up to 3 people)................................321-383-1075 1990 Smith Dr., Titusville, FL 32780

CENTRAL BREVARD Trinity House...................................................... 321-745-2126 775 S. Montego Bay Dr. SO, Merritt Island, FL 32953


Grant Street Community Center ..................321-674-5723 2547 Grant Street, Melbourne

Freemans’s Family Care Adult Home ..................321-956-3190 1771 Half Moon St. NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907 We Do Respite Care.

Crane Creek Senior Apartments....................321-952-5484 2309 Babcock St., Melbourne

Bernice Laidlaw ..................................................321-951-7489 2052-2054 Syracuse Ct. NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905

Palm Bay Center ............................................321-727-9737 United Methodist Church 2100 Port Malabar Blvd. N.E., Palm Bay

Good Faith Adult Family Care Home ..................321-956-0869 479 Krefeld Rd. NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907

Micco Center .............................................. 772-664-4900 S. Mainland Community Center 3700 Allen Ave., Micco

Community Based Services Your Care Brevard............................................321-757-6970 Long Term Care Nursing Home Diversion

42 I

Hurricane Information Brevard County strongly urges that a public shelter be used only as a last resort. You will be more comfortable sheltering with friends, family or in commercial lodging. If you require public sheltering, please be familiar with your designated primary evacuation shelter location and your planned route to that shelter.

Bring the following to the shelter: 1. Enough food and supplies to last several days, including special diet foods, as food may not be readily available at the shelter. 2. Bottled water (2 qts/person/day) and other beverages. 3. A manual can opener, eating utensils, paper plates, cups and napkins/paper towels. 4. Infant formula/food/diapers and wipes. 5. Two week supply of medications & First Aid kit. 6. Cash or traveler’s checks. 7. Sleeping bags, blankets, pillows and folding chairs. Bedding is not provided in public shelters. 8. Personal hygiene items and changes of clothing. 9. Flashlight, battery-powered radio/TV and spare batteries, cards, games, books and toys. Do not take pets (except Guide Dogs), alcoholic beverages or weapons of any kind into public shelters. For further information, call 321-637-6670.

Emergency Evacuation Shelters

Designated Shelters • Mims Elementary School, 2582 US Highway 1, Mims • Apollo Elementary, 3085 Knox McRae Dr., Titusville • Imperial Estates Elementary School, 5525 Kathy Dr., Titusville • Brevard Community College, 1519 Clearlake Road, Cocoa • Manatee Elementary School, 3425 Solerno Blvd., Viera • Brevard Community College, 3865 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne • Eau Gallie High School, 1400 Commodore Blvd., Melbourne • Melbourne High School, 74 Bulldog Blvd., Melbourne • Central Jr. High School, 2600 Wingate Blvd., West Melbourne • Riviera Elementary School, 351 Riviera Dr. NE, Palm Bay • Westside Elementary, 2175 DeGroodt Rd. SW, Palm Bay • South Mainland Community Center, 3700 Allen Ave., Micco

Special Needs Shelter The Special Needs Registry is a confidential listing of those people who meet program criteria, and is updated on an annual basis. Patients with colostomy assistance needs, nebulizers, oxygen, feeding tubes, or Alzheimer’s disease are examples of medical criteria that are eligible for the registry. Individuals who elect to use a Special Needs or other public shelter should bring with them items such as cots, bedding, medicine, medical supplies, and food supplies, preparing to be self-sufficient for 72 hours. Special Needs registrants should also be accompanied by at least one caregiver. Occupants’ comfort will be determined by their preparedness. For more information, call 321-637-4088. Go to to download a special needs registration form.

Animal Shelters & Boarding All county Animal Shelters will be open, unless ordered evacuated, and will receive pets on an Emergency basis. Call the following numbers for information concerning pet sheltering during a disaster: Brevard County Animal Services and Enforcement 321-633-2024 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Titusville 321- 267-8221 Brevard Humane Society Melbourne 321-253-6608 Titusville 321-264-5119 Cocoa 321-636-3343 In the event that all shelters are full, the Melbourne Greyhound Park at 1100 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, has volunteered its facility as a temporary disaster relief shelter for pets of people in the evacuation areas only. Source: Brevard County Emergency Management I 43

Clubs and Organizations AARP Chapters ............................47 Alumni ..........................................47 Animal, Wildlife & Rescue ............47 Archery ........................................47 Art Guilds and Leagues ................47 Astrology ......................................48 Bingo ............................................48 Book Discussion ............................48 Camera ........................................49 Collectors/Antiques ......................49 Computer and Technology ............49 Continuing Education ........................49 Dancing ........................................49 Exercise & Sports ..........................51 Fraternal Organizations ................53 Games ..........................................53 Gardening ....................................55 Heritage Clubs ..............................56 History ..........................................56 Homebrew Beer and Wine ............57 International ..................................57 Knights of Columbus ....................58 Magic ..........................................58 Meditation Groups ........................58 Military..........................................58 Miscellaneous ................................60 Model Clubs ..................................61 Music /Bands/Barbershop ............61 Nature Groups ..............................62 Needlework ..................................62 Outdoor Activities ........................63 Political Groups ............................63 Professional Organizations ..........64 Radio Clubs ..................................64 Religious Groups ..........................64 S.A.L.T..........................................64 Self-Improvement ........................64 Service Clubs ................................65 Singles Clubs ................................67 Social Groups / Programs ............67 State Clubs....................................68 Storytelling/Performing Arts ..........68 Tai Chi ..........................................68 Toastmasters ................................68 Travel Clubs ..................................69 Vehicle Clubs ................................69 Water Sports ................................69 Weight Loss ..................................69 Women’s Clubs ............................69 Writers’ Clubs ..............................71 Yoga ..............................................71 I 45

Experience the


T Bald Eagle

Viera Wetlands

Birding Guide Brochure

Wetlands BROCHURE WEBSITE VIDEO • 321-242-1235

Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands at Viera Near the South Central Regional Wastewater System 10001 N. Wickham Road, Viera


46 I

Take a video tour of the Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands at Viera with Florida Master Naturalist Charlie Corbeil.

Clubs & Organizations AARP — ART LEAGUES

AARP chapters AARP #1031 Titusville 11:30 a.m. • 3rd Monday (Sept. - May) North Brevard Senior Center 909 Lane Ave., Titusville 321-269-4221 AARP #1413 Satellite Beach 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. • 1st Friday Indian Harbour Beach Rec. Center 2055 South Patrick Drive Indian Harbour Beach 321-674-0147 or 321-255-5433 AARP #2622 Palm Bay 11a.m. • 3rd Monday (Sept. - June) Call for location 321-953-5821 AARP #756 Merritt Island 1st Thursdays (Aug. - May) 11:30 a.m. • Exercise Noon • Business Meeting Kiwanis Island Park 951 Kiwanis Island Park Rd. Merritt Island 321-455-2986 or 321-784-1398 AARP #219 Viera 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. • 1st Friday One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Road, Viera 321-253-6326

Alumni Brevard County Gator Club University of Florida Alumni Assoc. 6:30 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday Conch Key Grill 6355 N. Hwy 1, Melbourne 321-752-5051, ext. 4683 Melbourne High School Alumni Focuses on finding lost MHS classmates, locating MHS class reunion.

Palm Bay High School Alumni focuses on finding lost PBHS classmates, locating PBHS class reunion information and keeping in touch with fellow PBHS 3“Pirates” Space Coast UCF Alumni Chapter Social events, community service activities and sports outings Titusville High School Alumni Assoc. Glenda Phillips Waring, Class of 1961 president THS Alumni Assoc.

Animal, Wildlife & Pet Rescue Brevard Zoo 8225 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 321-254-9453 Central Brevard Humane Society 1020 Cox Rd., Cocoa 321-636-3343 Florida Wildlife Hospital and Sanctuary Has an ongoing need for donations of supplies, money and volunteers. Open seven days a week 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 4560 N. US Hwy 1, Melbourne 321-254-8843 Golden Retriever Rescue Mid-Florida, Inc. Looking for fosters, adopters, and volunteers. Events all year. 407-332-2840 Siamese Cat Rescue Center Always looking for adopters, fosters and volunteers 540-672-6373 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)

455 Cheney Highway, Titusville 321-267-8221 South Brevard German Shepherd Rescue 1981 Mattison Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-8873 Suntree-Viera Pet Rescue Looking for fosters and adopters for all animal types as well as volunteers and donations. 321-432-4921

Archery Brevard Archers Promoting archery, archery lessons Ask for Angie Olds

Art Leagues & Guilds Art Appreciation Paint still life, landscape, and landscapes. 8 week session/Fall, Winter and Spring Satellite Beach United Methodist Church 450 Lee Ave., Satellite Beach 321-777-0116 Art Class 1 - 4 p.m. • Mondays 9:30 a.m. - noon Thursdays Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-255-4494 Art Class 9 a.m. • Friday Martin Anderson Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Arts & Crafts 9 - 11:30 a.m. • Friday Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr., NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 I 47

Clubs & Organizations ART LEAGUES — BOOK DISCUSSION Brevard Brush Strokes Local chapter of the National Society of Decorative Painters 9 a.m. • 2nd Saturday Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 1830 S. Babcock St., Melbourne 321-259-7097 Brevard Cultural Alliance 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Building C-307, Viera 321-690-6817 Brevard Porcelain Artists 9:30 a.m. • 1st Tuesday Salvation Army Bldg. 1080 Hickory Street, Melbourne 321-255-9489 Brevard Watercolor Society Noon • 2nd Saturday 10 a.m. • 4th Saturday (Jan., Mar., May, July, Aug., Oct. & Dec.) Satellite Beach Civic Center 565 Cassia Blvd., Satellite Beach 321-751-5520 Linda Neil Central Brevard Art Association Promote education, art shows, exposure in public places, non-profit 1 p.m. • 1st Saturday (Except Jul. & Aug.) 566 Barton Blvd., Ste. 3, Rockledge 321-636-3673 Oil Painting Complete original painting each class. All materials provided. Call for specific dates. Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Dept. 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $40/class 321-773-0552 Scrapbooking 5:30 - 11 p.m. • 2nd Friday Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Dept.

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1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach *$8/night 321-773-0552

Bingo Ascension Catholic Church 6:15 p.m. • Mondays & Thursdays 2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-259-3707

Titusville Art League 6:45 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday 1421 Draa Rd., Titusville 321-383-7441

Bingo —Harbor City Retirees Bingo games and dancing to live music. Annual membership. $5. Wednesdays 9 - 11:30 a.m. • Dance 11:15 - 2:30 p.m. • Bingo *First time guests, free. Eau Gallie Civic Center 1551 Highland Ave., Melbourne 321-259-5275

Watercolor Hands-on workshops for all levels 12 - 2 p.m. • Monday Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Dept. 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $50/4-weeks (+$20 materials fee) 321-773-0552 Watercolor Classes Pre-registration required David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-6458 Woodshop 8 a.m. - noon • Monday - Friday Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr., Palm Bay 321-724-1338

Astrology S.T.A.R. Guild 7 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-779-0604

Bingo Bingo Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Wednesdays 6:15 p.m. • Fridays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Bingo American Legion Post 117 5:30 p.m. • Fridays, 1 p.m. • Sundays 189 Veterans Drive SE, Palm Bay 321-872-0252

Bingo American Legion Post #1 1 p.m. • Sundays & 6 p.m. • Tuesdays 1281 N. US Hwy. 1, Titusville 321-269-9959 Bingo VFW Post #10131 1 - 4 p.m. • Saturdays & Sundays 105 Longpoint Rd., Cape Canaveral 321-783-8019 Bingo Wickham Park Senior Center 11:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-255-4494

Book Discussion Book Discussion Group 2 - 3:30 p.m • 2nd Tuesday 7 - 8:30 p.m. • 4th Thursday Melbourne Public Library 540 E. Fee Ave., Melbourne 321-952-4514 Neighbors of Suntree/Viera Book Club 2 p.m. • 3rd Thursday Suntree/Viera Library 902 Jordan Blass Dr., Melbourne Membership in N.O.S. not required 321-255-4404 Romance Readers’ Circle Book and discussion group 7 p.m. • 4th Tuesday Barnes & Noble, 1955 W. New Haven Ave. West Melbourne 321-726-8817

Clubs & Organizations CAMERA — COMPUTERS

Camera Camera Club 7 p.m.• first Tuesday David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Drive, Satellite Beach 321-848-1110

Collectors Brevard Antiques and Collectors Club Open to anyone having an interest in learning about antiques/collectibles. •10 a.m. • 1st Friday Suntree/Viera Library 902 Jordan Blass Dr., Suntree •7 p.m. • 2nd Thursday Eau Gallie Library 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne •1:30 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday Melbourne Beach Public Library

As Always, open to everyone 18 and over!

324 Ocean Ave., Melbourne Beach 321-254-5831 Space Coast Post Card Club 2 p.m. • 1st Sunday Alma Clyde-Field Library (Florida Historical Society) 435 Brevard Ave., Cocoa Village $10/year or $1/mo. 321-690-0099, press 5 South Brevard Coin Club 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. • 2nd Sunday Eau Gallie Civic Center 1551 Highland Ave., Melbourne 321-751-3647

Computers & Technology Beginning Computers 8 week sessions beginning Fall, Winter and Spring.

9:30 a.m. • Thursday 9 a.m. • Friday Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-777-1700 BUG Club General meeting with guest speaker 6:30 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera Call for dates and time 321-652-7618 BUG Club 1st & 3rd Thursdays One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera Call for dates and time 321-652-7618 BUG Club Beginner and Imaging with Photoshop 6:30 p.m. • 2nd, 4th & 5th Thursday

Greater Palm Bay Senior Center

Greater Palm Bay Senior Center

1275 C ulver D r . Ne, P alm B ay Mark your calendar B4 you forget!! Open every Wednesday and Friday Wednesdays early bird — 11:35 a.m., Lunch at 10:30 a.m. Fridays early bird — 6:15 p.m., dinner — 4 p.m.

Join the Bingo crew for the friendliest BinGO in town! delicious and reasonably priced food prepared by Chef Jackie I 49

Clubs & Organizations COMPUTERS—DANCING Central Baptist Church 2503 Country Club Rd., Melbourne 321-652-7618 BUG Club Linux Meeting 7 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Tuesdays One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera Call for dates and time 321-652-7618 Annual family dues -$25 Computer Class 1 - 4 p.m. • Mondays and Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. • Saturdays $5 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-255-4494 Computer Class 1 - 3:30 p.m. • Mondays (Beginners) 9 - 11:30 a.m. • Thursdays (Advanced) Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr., Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Melbourne Linux Users Group 7 - 9 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 8 - 9 p.m. • every other Tuesday No dues. Call for locations. 321-473-6379, ext. 102 The Space Coast Macintosh Users Group (SCMUG) 12:30 p.m. • 3rd Friday Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-636-7155 Windows Computer Brevard Users Group (BUG Club) Helping people learn about computers 2 p.m. • 1st Monday One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-652-7618

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Internet class—Adventures in Learning Program Contact: Office at Peace Lutheran Church 1801 Port Malabar Rd., Palm Bay Call for additional locations, dates and times 321-723-2976

Continuing Education Personal Financial Management Covers the basics and more advanced areas of money management. 8 week sessions beginning Fall, Winter and Spring. 10 a.m. • Thursdays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815

Dancing Ballroom Dancing 7:45 - 8:45 p.m. • Tuesdays Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Center 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $12 per class or $40 per month 321-773-0552 Ballroom Dancing 2 p.m. • Fridays Martin Anderson Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Ballroom Dancing 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. • Mondays $5. Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Beginner Tap 6:30 p.m. • Mondays Martin Anderson Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Belly Dance 5 - 6 p.m. • Thursdays $5 Wickham Park Senior Center

2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Belly Dancing Classes 7 - 8 p.m. • Mondays Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Center 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $10 per class / $28 per month 321-773-0552 Brevard Scottish Country Dance Teaching and dancing the jigs, reels and strathspeys of Scotland. No partner needed. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. • Mondays Community House 6200 Hall Rd., Melbourne Village $3 after first time Canaveral Squares 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. • Tuesdays McLarty Recreation Center 790 Barton Blvd., Rockledge $3 club members, $4 dancing guests Free to non-dancing guests. 321-652-0680

Cocoa Beach Contra Dance New England Contra Dancing to Irish, Scottish, Appalachian, and French-Canadian tunes played by live musicians 7:30 p.m. • 1st Saturdays (Lessons) 8 - 11 p.m. • Dance, 3rd Friday $7 adults, $4 children Cocoa Beach Recreation Center 321 Ramp Rd., Cocoa Beach 321-536-8808 English Country Dancing Community House 6200 Hall Rd., Melbourne Village Tuesday 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 321-427-3587 or 321-255-2756 GPBSC Monthly Dance 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. • 4th Saturdays $5 per person. BYOB Greater Palm Bay Senior Center

Clubs & Organizations DANCING 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Harbor City Lights Ballroom dancing for seniors 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. • Wednesdays Eau Gallie Civic Center 1551 Highland Ave. Melbourne 321-724-8730 Harbor City Retirees Dancing to live music 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. • Wednesdays Eau Gallie Civic Center 1551 Highland Ave., Melbourne *First time guests, free. Membership is $5 per year 321-259-5275 International Folk Dancers 7 - 10 p.m. • Fridays No partners necessary. $5 Melbourne Village, Community House 6200 Hall Road, Melbourne Village 321-727-3333 Lebed Therapeutic Dance 5:30 p.m. • Tuesdays $5 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Lessons & Dancing Dance instruction and social dancing (Swing, Latin, Ballroom) *$5 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Thursdays All over Brevard County 321-751-4766

Line Dancing Beginners 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. • Tuesdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338

7:30 - 10 p.m. • Thursdays Tropical Haven Community Center 1205 Eddie Allen Rd., Melbourne $5 per person. 321-242-8490

Line Dancing—Intermediate 10 - 11 a.m. • Mondays 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. • Tuesdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338

Run Arounds Round Dance Club Choreographed Ballroom Dancing Sundays • 1 p.m. • Beginners 2:15 p.m. • Phase 2 & 3 3:30 p.m. • Phase 4 David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 407-491-4514 or 321-433-9922

Line Dancing Doesn’t require a partner. 8 week session/Fall, Winter and Spring 10 a.m. • Fridays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815 Line Dancing 5:30 p.m. • Tuesdays $6 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Melbourne Ballroom School of Dance 6300 N. Wickham Rd., Suit 132 J Melbourne 321-255-1537 Melbourne Floorplay Dance Club

Line Dancing 12:30 p.m. • Mondays and Tuesdays 12:15 p.m. • Fridays Martin Anderson Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549

Swing, Country, Latin & Some Ballroom Last Saturdays 7:30 - 8 p.m. • lesson beginners/intermediate 8 - 11 p.m. • Dance The American Legion Post 81 2909 S. U.S. 1, Melbourne 321-751-4766

Line Dance 6:30 p.m. • Wednesday North Brevard Senior Center 909 Lane Ave., Titusville 321-268-2333

Palm Bay Promenaders Square Dance Club Square dancing with caller Dale McClary. Round dances in between each Square Dance tip.

Singles & Couples Dance DJ Richie of B&R Entertainment. Ballroom Dance Floor. Swing, Fox Trot, Line Dances, Waltz, Country, Salsa 7 - 11 p.m. • Saturdays 7 - 10 p.m. • Wednesdays Holiday Inn, 1300 N. Atlantic Ave. Cocoa Beach 321-409-5660 South Brevard English Country Dancers Teaching and dancing set dances in the English tradition. 6 - 9 p.m. • Tuesdays Community House 6200 Hall Rd., Melbourne Village $2 after first time 321-427-3587 Space Coast English Country Dancers 7 - 9 p.m. • Fridays (From Labor Day to Memorial Day) North Brevard Senior Center 909 Lane Ave., Titusville $2 for members. May be more with live band. 321-269-3682 Space Trackers Square and Round Dance Club —Beginner lessons 7:45 p.m. • Mondays McLarty Recreation Center 790 Barton Blvd., Rockledge I 51

Clubs & Organizations DANCING — EXERCISE/SPORTS —Dances 7:30 p.m. • 1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursdays Merritt Island Presbyterian Church 155 Cone Rd, Merritt Island $4 members, $5 guests. Annual dues $20 321-427-7950 Square Dancing 10 a.m. • Wednesdays Martin Anderson Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Avenue, Rockledge 321-631-7549

9:45 - 10:30 a.m. • Mon., Wed., Fri. David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach $12 per month 321-773-6458 Aerobics 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. • Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay Free to members 321-724-1338


Aerobics Includes warm-ups, step, mat work, weights and a cool down with Instructor Lanore Hensley. Adults $22 per month. 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. • Mon., Wed. & Fri. DRS Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-6458

3 H’s Exercise Class October-May 8:45 - 9:30 a.m. • Mon., Wed. & Fri.

Aquafit Water aerobics 8 - 9 a.m. • Tues, Wed. & Fri. Indian Harbour Beach Rec. Center

Tap and Jazz 11:15 a.m. • Mondays North Brevard Senior Center 909 Lane Ave., Titusville 321-268-2333

1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $40/month 321-773-0552 Exercise 9:10 a.m. • Tuesdays and Thursdays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Exercise Sessions 11 a.m. • Mondays and Fridays Sunflower House Merritt Square Mall 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy. Merritt Island $1 per session 321-452-4341 Fencing Learn the classic art of sword fighting and practice against competitors. All experience levels, age 10 - adult. 5 - 6:30 p.m. • Wednesdays Indian Harbour Beach Rec. Dept. 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $65/12-week session 321-773-0552 Fitness Program 6:45 - 7:45 p.m. • Tuesday & Thursday David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach *$12 per month 321-773-6458 Indoor Walking Group Walk to brisk music! 8:30- 10 a.m. • Tues., Wed. & Thurs. David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 South Patrick Dr. Satellite Beach 321-773-6458 Jazzercize Lite 8:30 a.m. or 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday $25/ month Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-259-4427

Clubs & Organizations EXERCISE — GAMES Joint Movement 9:30 • Tuesdays and Saturdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338

No partner needed. $8 Tropical Haven Ballroom 1205 Eddie Allen Road, Melbourne 321-427-3587

Shorin-Ryu Karate 6 - 7 p.m. • Thursdays 10 - 11:30 a.m. • Saturdays $35/mo. individual or $40/mo. family Viera Regional Center 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera 321-848-3197

Zumba Tuesdays 10:45 - 11:45 a.m. Thursdays 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. $8/class or $12/month Indian Harbour Beach Rec. Center 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach 321-773-0552

Karate Traditional Shorinji-Ryu Karate training 4:30 - 6 p.m. • Tuesday & Friday All ranks and ages. Indian Harbour Beach Rec. Department 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $50/month (family discounts) 321-773-0552 Rockerettes Exercise 9:10 a.m. • Tuesdays & Thursdays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Seniors Fun Fitness 10 a.m. • Mondays North Brevard Senior Center 909 Lane Ave., Titusville 321-268-2333 Sit & Fit Strength and flexibility exercise class 8:30 a.m. Thursday One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-253-6316 Tap 10 – 11 a.m. • Wednesdays $3 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Tropical Haven Contra Dance 7:30 - 11 p.m. • 3rd Fridays

Zumba 10:30 a.m. • Fridays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Zumba Beginner & Senior Saturdays 9:45 a.m. $5/per class David R. Schecter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Drive, Satellite Beach 321-773-6458

Fraternal Order of Eagles Palm Bay Aerie #4249 • 6 p.m. • Trustees Every Tuesday • 8 p.m. • Officers & General meeting 1st & 3rd • Tuesday for Men 2nd & 4th • Tuesday for Women 2570 Palm Bay Rd., Palm Bay 321-951-3069 Rowdy Roosters A retirement men’s organization 9 a.m. • 1st Wednesday Glenbrooke at Palm Bay 815 Briar Creek Blvd., Palm Bay 321-956-3330

Games ACBL Bridge 12:30 p.m. • Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549

Zumba Gold 8:30 - 9:15 a.m. Thursdays Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-255-4494

Beginning Bridge For those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. 8 week session/Fall, Winter and Spring 9 a.m. • Fridays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815

Fraternal Organizations

Beginning Bridge Lessons 9 a.m. • Mondays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549

B.P.O.E. – Viera Elks #2817 7:30 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Thursday *Socials Daily 5820 S. US Hwy 1, Rockledge 321-432-9275 Fraternal Order of Eagles Merritt Island Aerie #4257 & Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 600 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island 321-452-4258

Bridge Lessons Intermediate/Advanced 7 - 9 p.m. • Tuesdays Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Bridge Basic 2 12:30 - 3 p.m. • Tuesdays $3 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 I 53

Clubs & Organizations GAMES Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4 p.m. • Wednesdays 7 - 10:45 p.m. • Thursdays $5. Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Duplicate Bridge Lessons 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. • Fridays $5 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Intermediate Bridge 8-week sessions Fall, Winter and Spring 10 a.m. • Fridays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815 Sunday Duplicate Bridge 1:30 – 5 p.m. Sundays Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Rubber Bridge 1 - 4 p.m. Thursdays $1.50 12:30 - 4 p.m. Saturdays Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Billiards 8 a.m. -11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Men and Women 11:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Men 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Daily Men and Women Free to members Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Billiards 2 - 4 p.m • Mondays & Fridays McLarty Park Community Center 790 Barton Blvd., Rockledge 321-633-1870 Board & Card Games 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Wednesdays

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One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera $10 Annual Dues 321-751-6771 Bocce 9 - 11 a.m. • Mondays & Fridays (weather permitting) Free to members Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Brevard County Space Coast Peggers Cribbage Club 6 p.m. • Mondays nine game tournament 300 S. Sykes Creek Pkwy., Merritt Island 321-632-2088 or 321-652-1278 Bridge Noon - 3:30 p.m. • Mondays & Fridays 9 p.m. - Midnight Wednesdays 7 - 10 p.m. • Thursdays Free to members Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Bridge Studio 12:30 p.m. • Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays Hollywood Estates Clubhouse 4301 Kimberly Cir., West Melbourne 321-271-0001 Bridge 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. • Wednesdays One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-751-6771 Party Bridge 12:30 p.m. • Mondays and Fridays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Canasta Noon - 3:30 p.m. • Tuesdays Free to members Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338

Canasta 10 a.m. • Mondays North Brevard Senior Center 909 Lane Ave., Titusville 321-268-2333 Canasta & Pinochle 11 a.m. • Thursdays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Cards and Games 6:30 - 9 p.m. • Wednesdays Cards and Games 10 a.m. • Thursday The Dinner Gang 12 p.m. • 2nd Tuesdays 55+ Club of Satellite Beach David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr. Satellite Beach 321-773-6458 Cards, Dealer’s Choice 12:30 - 3:45 p.m. • Mondays & Fridays Noon - 3:30 p.m. • Tuesdays – Ladies 12:30 - 3:45 p.m. • Tuesdays 5 - 10 p.m. • Thursday Free to members Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Chess • Merritt Island 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sundays Barnes and Noble 780 E. Merritt Island Cswy. Gregory Grant 321-783-2615 • Palm Bay 5 - 9 p.m. • Thursdays. Franklin T. De Groodt Public Library 6475 Minton Road SE, Palm Bay 321-728-9049 Dominoes 6 p.m. • Tuesdays and Thursdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center

Clubs & Organizations GAMES

1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Euchre 1 - 3 p.m. • Thursdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Euchre/Pinochle 11 a.m. • Tuesdays North Brevard Senior Center 909 Lane Ave., Titusville 321-268-2333 Game Day Open to all activities 9 a.m. - noon • Mondays Wickham Park Senior Center

2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-777-2208 Mahjongg 11 a.m. - noon • Thursdays Class 1 - 4 p.m. • Games $1 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-242-6290 Mahjongg 9 a.m. • Wednesdays Satellite Beach Recreation Center 1089 South Patrick Drive, Satellite Beach 321-773-6458 MahJongg 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. • Thursdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr., Palm Bay 321-724-1338

Ping Pong 12:45 - 3:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321- 724-1338 Pinochle and Canasta 11 a.m. • Thursdays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Avenue, Rockledge 321-631-7549 Pinochle 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. • Thursdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Poker Call for details & schedule I 55

Clubs & Organizations GAMES — HERITAGE CLUBS Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-255-4494

Front Street Civic Center 2205 Front St., Melbourne 321-254-7090

Pool – 8 Ball All day, whenever the center is open. $1 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-255-4494

Cocoa Beach Garden Club 6 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday Social begins at 9:30 a.m. $20 Annual dues Cocoa Beach Library 555 N. Brevard Ave., Cocoa Beach 321-784-2296

Spacecoast Table Tennis Club 7:30 p.m. • Mondays 6:30 p.m. • Wednesdays Certified coach available. Veterans Memorial Center 400 S. Sykes Creek Blvd., Merritt Island 321-784-2152 Shuffleboard Oct - March Monday • 10:30 a.m- 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tuesday 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. League Play 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 9 - 11 a.m. • Saturdays Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-255-4494

Gardening Beach Gardeners of Melbourne Beach 6:30 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday (Oct. - May) Melbourne Beach Community Center 509 Ocean Ave., Melbourne Beach 321-723-4180 Brevard County Orchid Society 7:30 p.m. • 2nd Monday Satellite Beach Civic Center 565 Cassia Blvd., Satellite Beach 321-777-9837 Brevard Gourd Society 9 a.m. - Noon • 1st Saturday Eau Gallie Library 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-749-6962 Brevard Rare Fruit Council Emphasis on exotic fruits 7:30 p.m. • 4th Wednesday (Jan. - Oct.)

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Dirt Daubers Circle 9:30 a.m • 2nd Tuesday Cocoa Rockledge Garden Club 1493 S. Fiske Blvd., Rockledge 321-338-7059 In-har-bee Garden Club 9:30 a.m. • 3rd Wednesday (Sept. - May) Gleason Park 1233 Yacht Club Bvd. Indian Harbour Beach 321-242-0094 Island Garden Club Noon • 2nd Wednesday Lunch included & speakers Melbourne Beach Community Center 509 Ocean Blvd., Melbourne Beach 321-956-3476 or 321-751-4766 Melbourne Garden Club 10:30 a.m. • 1st Friday (Sept. - May) Hester Wagner Community Center 6100 Hall Road, Melbourne Village $15 Annual dues 321-952-5618 Port Malabar Gardening Club 9:30 a.m. • 2nd Fridays (Oct. - May) Peace Lutheran Church 1801 Port Malabar Blvd. NE, Palm Bay $15 annual dues 321-723-0930, 321-726-0933 Straw Hat Circle 9:30 a.m. • 2nd Wednesday Cocoa Rockledge Garden Club 1493 S. Fiske Blvd., Rockledge 321-632-8632 The Beach Gardeners Providing basic information about main-

taining landscapes in our unusual beach growing conditions. 6:30 p.m • 3rd Tuesdays (Oct – May) Melbourne Beach Community Center 509 Ocean Blvd., Melbourne Beach $10/year family dues 321-729-9563

Heritage Clubs Brevard British Club Open to people born in the British Isles and Commonwealth 2 p.m. • Last Sunday Locations vary 321-639-6839 Da Vinci Italian-American Society Meeting: 2nd Monday of each month. Call for meeting details 321-783-4572 French and Canadian Heritage Society of Central Florida 9:30 a.m. • 3rd Monday Melbourne Public Library 540 E. Fee Ave,, Melbourne 321-242-7018

Clubs & Organizations HISTORY Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. D.A.R. is a non-profit patriotic organization with the mission to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. 10:15 a.m. • 3rd Monday (Oct. - May) Holiday Inn in Viera 321- 633-4426 or 321-259-9363 America’s Women Discovering the history of American women. 8 week session in the Fall 9 a.m. • Fridays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815

Italian-American Club of South Brevard 1:15 p.m. • 2nd Thursday Lunch Noon - 1 p.m. 1471 Cypress Ave., Melbourne 321-242-8044 Sons of Italy Palm Bay Lodge #2823 7 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday Locations vary. 321-729-6987 or 321-722-0576 The Sons of Norway Space Coast Vikings Lodge #615 2 p.m. • 3rd Saturday (Sept. - June) Memaw’s Bar-B-Q 4916 Babcock Street, Palm Bay 321-253-8977 Trans-Atlantic Brides and Parents Association 1:30 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 2030 N. SR A1A, Indialantic 321-773-6399

History Clubs Abigail Wright Chamberlin

Brevard Genealogical Society “Encouraging and educating family historians” 9:30 a.m. • 2nd Monday Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa Annual dues $20 single, $25 couple 321-779-1739 Civil War Round Table of Central Florida 7:30 p.m. • 2nd Thursday Brevard Museum of Natural History and Natural Science 2201 Michigan Ave., Cocoa 321-259-3076 or 321-632-7297 Confederate Sons Association Indian River Camp #47 Honors the memory of the Confederate soldier preserve Southern culture. 7 - 9 p.m. • 4th Tuesday Jimmy’s Restaurant 1150 Malabar Rd. SE, Palm Bay Memberships begin at $15 annually 321-453-4006 Daughters of 1812 Lt. William Shannon Chapter Open to women over 18 with ancestors who served the USA between 1784-1815. 11 a.m • 1st Wednesday

(Nov., March & May) 11 a.m. • 3rd Wednesday (January) Eau Gallie Yacht Club 100 Datura Drive, Indian Harbour Beach Call for locations Daughters of the American Revolution Indian River Chapter 1 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday (Oct. - May) Titusville Public Library 2121 South Hopkins Ave., Titusville 321-267-9774 Daughters of the American Revolution Rufus Fairbanks Chapter Promoting historic preservation, education and patriotism 10 a.m. • 1st Saturday Satellite Beach Library 751 Jamaica Boulevard, Satellite Beach 321-777-0310 Historical Society of North Brevard, Inc. Historical Museum (Sept. - April) 2 p.m. • 4th Monday Call for meeting location 321-269-3658 or 321-514-0096

National Railway Historical Society Florida East Coast Chapter 6 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday Central Brevard Public Library, Room 2 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-636-3393 North Brevard Heritage Foundation, Inc. 7 p.m. • 2nd Monday Titusville Public Library Meeting Room 2121 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville 321-267-4480 Philip Perry Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution 11:30 a.m. • 4th Tuesday Rockledge Country Club & other locations. 321-453-5052 Sons of the American Revolution Society of male descendants of those I 57

Clubs & Organizations HISTORY — MEDITATION who gave service in the American Revolution. 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. • 3rd Saturday Holiday Inn—Viera Everyone pays for lunch. Must RSVP. 321-952-2928 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Free educational resource for family history 1801 S. Fiske Blvd., Rockledge 321-636-2431 The Genealogical Society of North Brevard, Inc. To promote and stimulate knowledge and interest in the study of genealogy and to provide tools necessary for exchanging and finding information in genealogical research 6 - 8 p.m. • 1st Tuesdays (Except July & August) Titusville Public Library 2121 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville Member dues $15/single or $20/family 321-383-8486 United Daughters of the Confederacy, Canaveral Light Chapter 11:30 a.m. • 1st Saturday Rockledge Country Club and other locations. Margot Gould, Secretary 321-784-0861 United Daughters of the Confederacy, Henry Patrick Gradic Chapter 1 pm. • 4th Wednesday (Sept. - April) Various Locations 321-674-2210

Homebrew Wine & Beer Club SAAZ Homebrew Club If you enjoy great beer, please contact for meeting location 2 p.m. • Sundays (Most months)

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321-615-6417 Space Coast Wine Guild Appreciate wines and improve homemade wines through education and wine making. 7 p.m. • 4th Thursday David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 321-956-1894 or 321-453-6817

International Beginning German 8 week sessions beginning Fall, Winter and Spring. 10 a.m. • Fridays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815 Easy as Pie Spanish Fun with language for those with no prior knowledge. 8 week sessions/Fall, Winter and Spring 12 p.m. • Thursdays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815 International Cuisine 8 week sessions/Fall, Winter and Spring 9 a.m. • Fridays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815 Italian in Minutes 8 week sessions/Fall, Winter and Spring 10 a.m. • Thursdays Satellite Beach United Methodist Church 450 Lee Ave., Satellite Beach 321-777-0116 Spanish Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Dept. 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach $80/8-week session (+$16 textbook) 321-773-0552

Knights of Columbus KoC Bishop Verot Council #5845 7:30 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Holy Name of Jesus 3050 N. Highway A1A Indialantic 321-773-7016 or 321-848-3096 KoC Father Charles Spellman Council #6125 7:30 p.m.• 2nd Thursday 3435 Fiske Blvd., Rockledge 321-633-0380 KoC Our Lady of Space Council #5667 7:30 p.m. • 2nd Monday 3450 Kilmarnoch Lane Titusville 321-268-2764

Magic Magic for Beginners 9 a.m. • Thursdays 8-week session —Fall, Winter and Spring Satellite Beach United Methodist Church 450 Lee. Ave., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815 Magic for the Experienced 10 a.m. • Thursdays 8-week sessions beginning Fall, Winter, and Spring. Satellite Beach United Methodist Church, 450 Lee Ave., Satellite Beach 321-773-1815 Space Coast Magic Club 7 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday Church on the Rock 4028 Babcock St., Melbourne 321-698-2398

Meditation Alternative Therapies for Well-being 9 a.m. • Thursdays 8-week session / Fall, Winter, and

Clubs & Organizations MEDITATION — MILITARY Spring Satellite Beach United Methodist Church 450 Lee Ave., Satellite Beach 321-777-0116

American Legion Post 22 Auxiliary 5 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday 241 Peachtree Street, Cocoa 321-636-9720

American Legion Post 359 Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 1st Wednesday 7260 S. U.S. 1, Bellwood 321-268-1632

Dharma Talk & Meditation Gain insight and clarity while reducing stress with Zen meditation 10 - 11:30 a.m. • Sundays 878 Sarno Rd., Melbourne Entrance is in back. *Donations 321-768-2098

American Legion Post 81 & Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 1st Tuesday 2909 S. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-723-2939

AMVETS Post 893 7:30 p.m. • 2nd Monday 218 Hardee Lane, Rockledge 321-639-9700

Circle of Love A Healing circle using energy, sound therapy and meditation 3 p.m. • 2nd Sunday What You Love To Do 602 Brevard Ave., Cocoa Village 3 p.m. • 4th Sunday Lotus Heart 529 E. New Haven Ave. Melbourne 321-615-4678 or 321-951-2528 Sitting Meditation 7 - 8 p.m. • Mondays West Melbourne Library 2755 Wingate Blvd., West Melbourne 321-720-1519


American Legion Post 117 7:30 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday 189 Veterans Dr. SE, Palm Bay 321-872-0252 American Legion Post 117 Auxiliary 7:30 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday 189 Veterans Dr. SE., Palm Bay 321-872-0252 American Legion Post Unit 163 7:30 p.m. • 2nd Thursday 1795 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-259-7239 American Legion Post Unit 163 Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 4th Thursday 1795 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-259-7239 American Legion Post 200 10 a.m. • 2nd Saturday 105 Ocean Blvd., Satellite Beach 321-773-5151

Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 557 Noon • 1st Wednesday The Tides, 1001 N. Highway A1A Patrick Air Force Base 321-917-4164

American Legion Post 332 Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 4th Tuesday Dinner at 6 p.m. KARS Park 1 Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island 321-454-9303

American Legion Post 1 6 p.m. • 3rd Mondays 1281 N. U.S. 1, Titusville 321-269-9959

American Legion Post 348 6 p.m. • 3rd Thursday 105 Lincoln Ave., Cape Canaveral 321-799-1060

American Legion Post 1 Auxiliary 6 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday 1281 N. U.S. 1, Titusville 321-269-9959

American Legion Post 348 Auxiliary 6 p.m. • 2nd Monday 105 Lincoln Ave., Cape Canaveral 321-799-1060

American Legion Post 22 6 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday 22 Legion Lane, Cocoa 321-636-9720

American Legion Post 359 7 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday 7260 S. U.S. 1 , Bellwood 321-268-1632

AMVETS Post 893 Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 3rd Monday 218 Hardee Lane, Rockledge 321-639-9700 Brevard Space Coast Chapter of Ex-Prisoners of War 11 a.m. • 2nd Monday Veterans Memorial Center 400 S. Sykes Creek Pkwy., Merritt Island 321-631-7728 Civil Air Patrol, Patrick Composite Squadron 6:45 p.m. • Wednesdays Patrick South Housing Area Bldg 3650, Patrick Air Force Base 321-494-6395 DAV Chapter 109 Auxiliary 6 p.m. • 2nd Monday 435 N. Singleton Ave., Titusville 321-269-0109 DAV Chapter 109 6 p.m. • 2nd Monday 435 N. Singleton Ave., Titusville 321-269-0109 Jewish War Veterans Walter I. Berlin Post 639 9:30 a.m. • 2nd Sunday Joe’s Club 4676 Wickham Road, Melbourne 321-433-3025 Korean War Veterans Association, Chapter #210 1 p.m. • 1st Wednesday Brevard Veterans Council Building 400 Sykes Creek Pkwy., Merritt Island 321-455-2937 I 59

Clubs & Organizations MILITARY Lady Vets 10 a.m. • 1st Saturday American Legion Post #163 1795 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-259-7239 Military Order of Purple Heart Chapter 453 and Auxiliary Noon • 4th Monday Veterans Memorial Center 400 S. Sykes Creek Pkwy. Merritt Island 321-453-1776 Retired Officers’ Wives’ Club 11:30 a.m. • 4th Friday (Jan. - Oct.) The Tides, 1001 N. Highway A1A Patrick Air Force Base

321-773-6212 or 777-3044 Sons of Confederate Veterans 7 p.m. • 4th Thursday Meeting room in Meemaw's 600 E. Eau Gallie Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach 321-259-0837 or 321-452-3207 About Boating Safety U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary South Brevard Flotilla 17-2 • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • 4th Saturday (Except Dec.) $35 for materials and light lunch. • 7 - 9 p.m. • Tuesdays & Thursdays (March & Oct.) $45 for materials Sal Martinez Palm Bay Boating Safety

Building, Pollak Park 1455 Main St. NE, Palm Bay 321-254-0540 Veterans Council of Brevard County 9 a.m. • 2nd Wednesday Veterans Memorial Center 400 S. Sykes Creek Pkwy., Merritt Island 321-453-1776 VFW Post 4228 6:30 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday 4411 Capron Rd., Titusville 321-268-4411 VFW Post 4228 Men’s Auxiliary 6:30 p.m. • 2nd Monday 4411 Capron Rd., Titusville 321-268-4411 VFW Post 4228 Ladies' Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday 4411 Capron Rd., Titusville 321-268-4411 VFW Satellite Post 8191 7:30 p.m. • 3rd Thursday 4130 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-254-9885 VFW Satellite Post 8191 Auxiliary 1 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday 4130 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-254-9885 VFW Satellite Post 8191 Men’s Auxiliary 7 p.m. • 2nd Monday 4130 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-254-9885 VFW Post 10148 and Auxiliary 6:30 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday 150 Minutemen Cswy., Cocoa Beach 321-784-4296 WAVES National Women of The Sea Services Space Coast Unit #75

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Clubs & Organizations MILITARY — MUSIC 10:30 a.m. • 2nd Saturday (Sept. - June) Indian River Colony Club 1936 Freedom Dr., Melbourne 321-773-3967 Women’s Army Corps Veterans Association Accepts Air Force, Guards, Reserves, Active Duty & Veterans 10 a.m. • 2nd Saturday Salvation Army Building 1080 Hickory St., Melbourne 321-724-0494 Women Reaching Women 6:30 p.m. • 1st Monday 8850 Grissom Parkway, Titusville 321-383-2633

Miscellaneous Bill Backers Supporting Buffalo Bills and the Brevard community games days and other events Dogs Family Sports Bar & Grill 1580 Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island 321-453-1288 Canaveral Mineral and Gem Society Instruction in lapidary and geological topics 7 p.m • 1st Wednesday (Except August) Henegar Center 625 East New Haven Ave., Melbourne 321-725-9179 Central Brevard Rock and Gem Club Offers programs in jewelry making Class — 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 6 - 9 p.m. • Wed. — 9 a.m. - Noon • Saturdays 407 Imperial Blvd., Cape Canaveral Club meetings — 6:30 p.m. • 1st Thursday Merritt Island Public Library 1195 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island 321-453-4183 Gemstone Classes Call for time, date, and location 321-757-7522

Neighbors of Suntree Encourages friendliness among the residents of Suntree Community and welcomes people of all ages and interests to participate in the many activities and programs the organization offers. $15/year 321-751-9281 Senior Citizens Club 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. • Mon. - Fri. Isaac Campbell Sr. Park Community Center 701 South St., Titusville $5 per month 321-264-5040 Space Coast Inventors Guild Learn how to protect your inventions 2 - 4:45 p.m. • 4th Saturday Eau Gallie Public Library 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-768-1234 The Humanists at Barefoot Bay Noon • 2nd Saturday South Mainland/Micco Public Library 7921 Ron Beatty Blvd., Micco 727-945-8400

Model Clubs International Plastic Modelers Society Space Coast Chapter • 6:30 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday Hobby Town • 6:30- p.m. • Last Tuesday Cocoa Public Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-636-6373 or 321-951-0740 Space Coast Model Sailing Club 1 - 3 p.m. • Wednesdays 10 a.m. - noon • Saturdays Wickham Park Pond (just past the dog park) 2500 Parkway Drive, Melbourne Titusville Area Model Railroad Club 7 p.m. • Mondays Gibson Complex K 15

835 Sycamore, Titusville $10 monthly dues 321-269-0723

Music, Bands & Barbershop Brevard Community Chorus Auditions required to join 7 - 9 p.m. • Tuesdays King Center, Room 160 3865 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne Free to join, but tax-deductible donation to BCCF is encouraged 321-433-7629 Community Band of Brevard Exists to educate its members, entertain its audiences, and serve its community. 7 - 9:15 p.m. • Wednesdays Edgewood Jr./Sr. High School band room 180 E. Merritt Island Ave., Merritt Island 321-268-5312 or 321-725-9191 Greater Canaveral Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society 7 p.m. Tuesdays Choral Room of the B.W. Simpkins Fine Arts Building, BCC campus 1519 Clearlake Road, Cocoa 321-639-9699 Harbor City Harmonizers A men’s acappella chorus of the Melbourne Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Perform as a chorus and with quartets. 7:15 p.m. • Tuesdays Tropical Haven Community Center 1205 Eddie Allen Rd., Melbourne Annual membership $145 321-752-0250 Indialantic Chamber Singers Call for audition information 106 N. Riverside Dr., Indialantic 321-537-0404 or 321-723-8371 Martin Andersen Senior Choir 10 a.m. - noon • Tuesdays I 61

Clubs & Organizations MUSIC — NEEDLEWORKING Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Melbourne Chamber Music Society A respected presenting organization bringing in 5-6 world-class chamber music groups to perform each season. St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 2030 N. SR A1A, Indialantic 321-956-8775 New Horizons Band Welcome comeback players and beginners 9 - 11 a.m. • Tuesdays Beginners meet from 11 a.m. - noon Municipal band practice room behind the Fee Ave. Library 231 E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne 321-505-9638 Platinum Coast Chorus of Sweet Adelines International Four part harmony, barbershop style for women 6:30 p.m. • Mondays Singers must be able to carry their part and stand for three hour rehearsals Wuesthoff Hospice Admin. Bldg. 8060 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 772-581-9084 or 321-255-3090 Rock the Silence Non-profit organization bringing Christian music to hearing-impaired audiences throughout Florida and other states. The group teaches sign language to residents and teachers. 321-446-1802 South Guild of the Brevard Symphony Orchestra 10:30 a.m. • 1st Friday (Sept. - June) Luncheons - RSVP Eau Gallie Yacht Club 100 Datura Dr., Indian Harbour Beach $25 lunch/membership $35 year 321-453-5635 or 321-253-5560 Space Coast Flute Orchestra Musicians who play a wide collection of

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flutes, ranging from piccolo to standard C flute and a rare double contra bass flute in four seasonal concerts 3:30 p.m. • Last Sunday Suntree United Methodist Church 7400 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 321-723-7145

Space Coast Jazz Society Keeping Jazz alive on the Space Coast 2 p.m. • 2nd Sunday Cocoa Beach Country Club (Minutemen Causeway) Cocoa Beach *$15 singles, $25 couples (annually) 321-777-3494

Friends of St. Sebastian River, Inc. Maintaining and improving the health and beauty of the St. Sebastian River 7:30 p.m. • 4th Tuesday (Odd months, except July) North Indian River County Library 1001 Sebastian Blvd., Sebastian 772-589-0636

Space Coast Pops Non-profit professional orchestra of 54 musicians conducted by Richard Hayman, famous from the Boston Pops 6-7 concerts annually, one rehearsal before concert. (Nov., Jan., Feb., Mar., April concerts) Merritt Island First Baptist Church 140 Magnolia Ave., Merritt Island 321-632-7445 The Brevard Chapter of the Central Florida Accordion Club 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. • Last Sunday Central Brevard Library 308 Forest Ave., Cocoa 321-799-2267 The Greater Canaveral Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society For men above the age of 12 7 p.m. • Tuesdays Sunflower House, Merritt Square Mall $138 annual dues 321-636-0900, 321-454-3823 or 321-777-0406

Nature Groups Brevard Nature Alliance Raising awareness to Brevard’s natural resources value and importance. 321-268-5224 Call for meeting dates and locations.

Friends of Carr Refuge Sea Turtle Preservation Society P.O. Box 510988, Melbourne Beach 321-676-1701

Friends of the Enchanted Forest 6:30 p.m. • 3rd Thursday Enchanted Forest Sanctuary 444 Columbia Blvd., Titusville 321-264-5185 or 321-264-5192 Marine Resources Council Greenways, Blueways, Right whale program 3275 Dixie Hwy. NE, Palm Bay $20 membership 321-725-7775 Merritt Island Wildlife Association Promoting conservation, awareness, and appreciation of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge 321-861-2377 Pelican Island Preservation Society 7 p.m. • 4th Monday (Oct., Jan., April and June) North City Library, 1001 Sebastian Blvd. (CR512) Sebastian 772-663-9750

Needlework American Needlepoint Guild/ Space Coast Chapter 9:30 a.m. • 1st Friday

Clubs & Organizations NEEDLEWORK — OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-433-0238

$15 annual dues & 30 volunteer hours for members + supply fees

American Sewing Guild (Neighborhood meetings listed on homepage)

Indian River Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America, Inc. 9:30 a.m. • 3rd Monday Front Street Civic Center 2205 S. Front St., Melbourne 321-591-0097

ASG SeaSide Stitchers - Melbourne 9 a.m. • 1st Monday The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer 12 E. Avenue A, Melbourne $40 annual dues 321-724-1421 Andersen Quilters 9 a.m. • Mondays Martin Andersen Senior Center Bldg. 3 1025 S. Florida Ave. Rockledge 321-631-7549 BeeLine Knitters Knitters and other “Fiber Fanatics” work on projects & chat. Free. 7 p.m. • Wednesdays Barnes & Noble Café 780 E. Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island 321-453-8202 Busy Fingers Crafts 9 a.m. • Mondays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-631-7549 Crochet Please call ahead for supply list. 10 - noon • Thursdays Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Dept. 1233 Yacht Club Blvd., Indian Harbour Beach 321-773-0552 EduQuilters Inc. An education group which teaches quilting primarily to children, secondarily to our volunteers 9:30 a.m. • 3rd Saturday (Sept., Oct., Jan., Feb., Mar. & May) Suntree/Viera Public Library 902 Jordan Blass Dr., Suntree 321-255-4404

Knit & Crochet 9:30 a.m. • Thursdays Sunflower House, Merritt Square Mall 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island 321-452-4341 Night Stitchers A satellite of Indian River Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America, Inc. 7 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Tuesdays Ascension Lutheran Church 1053 Pinetree Dr., Indian Harbor Beach 321-591-0097 Palm Bay Knitters 3 - 4:30 p.m. • Mondays Palm Bay Public Library 1520 Port Malabar Blvd., Palm Bay 321-952-4519 Seaside Piecemakers Quilt Guild 9:30 a.m. • 4th Wednesday (except December) Heritage Isle Club 600 Legacy Blvd., Viera 321-622-5610 $20 annual membership Sew ’n Sews A satellite of Indian River Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America, Inc. 5:30 - 7:45 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-622-5440 Space Coast Quilters 9 a.m. • 3rd Wednesday

(Except July & Dec.) First Baptist Church, 303 Main St., Titusville $12 annual dues or $10 if over 55 321-268-1969 Space Coast Weavers & Fiber Artists Guild 9:30 a.m. - Noon • 3rd Saturday Merritt Island Public Library 1195 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island Membership $15/year 321-459-1265 Suntree/Viera Sit and Stitch Group 1 - 3 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday Suntree/Viera Public Library 902 Jordan Blass Drive, Melbourne 321-255-4404

Outdoor Activities Brevard County Horseshoe Club Leagues with spring and fall tournaments. Amateurs have equal chance with experts. Open play. • Cocoa Straddley Park 6:30 p.m. • Thursdays • Melbourne Wickham Park 10 a.m. • Sunday $30 to join associations 321-242-2446 Fishing Clinics Classes offered in Catching Bait, Surf Fishing, Throwing a Cast Net & more Call for times. Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Dept. 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach 321-773-0552 Space Coast Paddlers 7 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday Eau Gallie Public Library 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-255-4304 I 63

Clubs & Organizations POLITICAL GROUPS— RADIO

Political Groups Barefoot Bay Democrats 7 p.m. • 4th Thursday Building D / E Barefoot Bay Golf Course 772-664-3895 Brevard County Democrats No membership charge. Registered Democrats are eligible. Must sign a loyalty oath. 7 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday Agricultural Center 3695 Lake Dr., Cocoa 321-795-6814 Brevard Republican Executive Committee 2nd Thursdays • 6:30 p.m. • Social 7 p.m. • Meeting The Government Center 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera Members and visitors must be registered Republicans with Voter ID required for entrance. Free. 321-254-0073 Citizens for Florida’s Waterways Dinner meetings at area restaurants 7 p.m. • 4th Wednesday 321-449-0827 Melbourne Area Federated Republican Women Promoting Republican ideals and goals. Republican men are welcome as associates. 1st Wednesdays 11 a.m. • Networking 11:30 a.m. • Program 12:15 p.m. • Lunch Holiday Inn Viera 8298 N. Wickham Rd., Viera $25 annual dues plus $17 lunch 321-727-1212 Palm Bay Democratic Club 7 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday The Christian Development Center

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343 Nail Street SW, Palm Bay $15 annual dues Open to all registered Brevard County Democrats. Must sign loyalty oath. 321-984-0406 Republican Women’s Network of Brevard County 11 a.m. • 3rd Thursday Eau Gallie Yacht Club 100 Datura Dr., Indian Harbour Beach Reservations required 321-728-4424 South Brevard Democratic Women’s Club 11:15 a.m. • 1st Saturday Piccadilly at Melbourne Square Mall (unless otherwise posted) $20/year 321-773-2949 Space Coast Florida Republican Winners A co-ed Republican political group whose goal is to provide information about our community and/or the Republican party to interested area Republicans 10:30 a.m. - Noon • 4th Tuesday Comfort Inn & Suites 3901 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach $2 for meeting only, $13 for lunch (optional). Members must be registered Republicans. 321-783-9631

Professional Organizations NARFE—National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association • NARFE—Chapter 1137/Central Brevard 2nd Monday (Sept. - June) 11:45 a.m.• Lunch 12:15 p.m. • Meeting Kate’s Real Pit Barbeque, West Cocoa $35, retirees; $25 current federal employees 321-783-3248 or 321-253-2072

• NARFE Chapter 2255 1 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday Vic’s Pizza, 1140 U.S. Hwy. 1, Sebastian 772-643-4535 • NARFE South Brevard Chapter 0609 4th Thursdays (Except Nov. & Dec.) 11 a.m. • Lunch, Noon • Meeting Piccadilly, Melbourne Square Mall National membership $40 annually, chapter dues $7 after first year 321-242-8525 or 321-725-2237 New York State Teacher Retirees in Florida, Space Coast Chapter 10:30 a.m. • 1st Friday (Dutch lunch follows meeting; Oct. -March)

Eau Gallie Public Library 1521 Pineapple St., Melbourne 321-259-8087 or 321-255-4304 North Brevard Retired Educators Association Retired public and private school employees within Titusville, Mims and Port St. John. 10 a.m. • 2nd Thursday (Oct. - April) Titusville Public Library 2121 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville 321-267-2144 Society of Women Engineers Space Coast Section 6 p.m. • Dinner meetings (Monthly Sept. - May) Various dates & locations $100 annual dues. Guests are welcome. 321-783-4644

Radio Indian River Amateur Radio Club 7:30 p.m. • 2nd Thursday American Red Cross Building 1700 Cedar St., Rockledge North Brevard Amateur Radio Club 7 p.m. • 2nd Thursday

Clubs & Organizations RELIGIOUS — SERVICE CLUBS 435 N. Singleton Ave., Titusville 321-264-2622

Religious St. Sophia Philoptochos Society 9:30 a.m. • 1st Monday St. Katherine’s Greek Orthodox Church 5965 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 321-254-1045 Women of Temple Israel Organization of women interested in Judaism. 321-459-0920

SALT Councils Seniors and Law Enforcement Together Brainstorming solutions to specific community problems. —Central area S.A.L.T. Council 10 a.m. • 4th Wednesday Sunflower House Merritt Square Mall 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island 321-403-8878 or Call 2-1-1

902 Brevard Ave., Cocoa Village 321-632-1221

9009 Astronaut Blvd. Cape Canaveral 321-799-1876 or 321-867-0947

Herbal Classes 9 - 11 a.m. • Every other Saturday The Herb Corner 227 N. Babcock St., Melbourne $35 321-757-7522

Eau Gallie/Suntree Kiwanis Emphasis on youth 6 p.m. • 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Beef-O’ Brady’s 724 South Patrick Drive, Satellite Beach 321-777-8313

Wellness Workshops 1 - 3 p.m. • Sundays Topics are wideranging, fun, and informative promoting health, vitality and the pursuit of happiness. Call of check website to verify. *$20 Living Yoga Studio, 333 17th St., Ste. K, Vero Beach 772-978-1099

Indian River Colony Club Kiwanis 11:30 a.m. • 1st & 3rd Thursdays Indian River Colony Club 1936 Freedom Dr., Viera 321-751-3805


Kiwanis Club of Titusville Serving the children of the world Noon • Tuesdays Whistle Junction 3125 Columbia Blvd., Titusville $50 monthly, includes meals 321-890-9354

Cape Canaveral Kiwanis 7 a.m. • Wednesdays Country Inn & Suites

Kiwanis Club of Melbourne 7:45 a.m. • 2nd & 4th Fridays

Service Clubs

—North Area SALT Council 10 -11 a.m. • 1st Wednesday Harry T. Moore Social Services Center 725 Deleon Ave., Titusville 321-403-0077 or 2-1-1 —South Area SALT Council 10 -11 a.m. • 3rd Wednesday Trinity Towers East 700 East Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne 321-777-7232 or 2-1-1

Self Improvement Nature Aromatherapy Classes Understanding the benefits of essential oils for the mind, body and spirit *Call for dates and class details Nature’s Spirit I 65

Clubs & Organizations SERVICE CLUBS Basil Leaf Cafe 24 South Babcock Street Melbourne 321-305-2748 Merritt Island Kiwanis Noon • Tuesdays Doyle Carleton Pavillion 950 Kiwanis Island Park Rd. Merritt Island 321-626-9146 Rockledge Kiwanis 7 p.m. • Thursdays Malibu’s Sports Grill & Bar 165 Barton Blvd., Rockledge 321-631-9992 Titusville Sunrise Kiwanis 7 a.m. • 2nd and 4th Thursday Parrish Medical Center 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville 321-302-1983 Viera Kiwanis 11:30 a.m. • 1st and 3rd Thursday At Ease Club in IRCC 1936 Freedom Drive, Viera 321-255-6682

•Lions Barefoot Bay Lions 9 a.m. • 1st and 4th Thursday Building D&E, Barefoot Bay Melbourne Lions 6:30 a.m. • 2nd and 4th Tuesday Grand Buffet 1437 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne 321-723-8868 Merritt Island, Space Coast Lions Noon • 2nd & 4th Wednesday The Sunflower House Merritt Square Mall 321-453-1658 The North Brevard Lions Club 6 p.m. • 2nd and 4th Thursday Beef O’ Brady’s, Titusville Secretary Edmund Kindle 321-289-0838

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Palm Bay Happy Lions 8 a.m. • 1st and 3rd Tuesday Dottie’s Restaurant 5275 Babcock Street, Palm Bay 321-951-7880 Palm Bay Progressive Lions 6:30 a.m. • 4th Thursday American Legion 189 Veterans Drive SE, Palm Bay 321-872-0252 Pilot Club of Titusville, Inc. Noon • 1st & 3rd Wednesday La Cita Country Club

777 Country Club Dr., Titusville 321-385-1251 Rockledge Lions 6 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Wednesday Rockledge Country Club 1591 Fiske Blvd., Rockledge Satellite Beach Lions 6:46 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Tuesday Enigma Cafe 1550 Highway A1A, Satellite Beach 321-327-8931

Clubs & Organizations SERVICE CLUBS — SOCIAL GROUPS Viera Lion 6 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Tuesday Holiday Inn—Viera 8298 Wickham Road, Viera 321-255-0077

Broken Barrel Tavern 4700 Babcock Street NE, Palm Bay 321-537-8980 or 321-728-4755


Titusville Rotary Noon • Thursdays La Cita Country Club 777 Country Club Drive, Titusville 321-795-5199

Melbourne Rotary 6:30 • Thursdays Mighty Mushroom 2400 Dairy Road, Melbourne 321-676-4400

Titusville Sunrise Rotary 7:15 a.m. • Tuesdays La Cita Country Club 777 Country Club Drive, Titusville 321-383-3991

Eau Gallie Rotary 12:15 p.m. • Thursdays The Palm Café at Kiwi Tennis Club 30 Tradewinds Drive Indian Harbour Beach 321-446-6382

Rockledge Rotary 7:15 a.m. Thursdays Rockledge Country Club 1591 Fiske Blvd., Rockledge 321-636-6022

Cocoa Beach Daybreak Rotary 7:30 a.m. • Tuesdays Roberto’s 26 N. Orlando Ave., Cocoa Beach 321-480-5140

Suntree Rotary Club 7:25 a.m. • Fridays, Meeting 8:30 • Fridays, Breakfast Suntree United Methodist Church 7400 Wickham Road, Suntree 321-757-8420

Indialantic Rotary 12:15 p.m. • Wednesdays Eau Gallie Yacht Club 100 Datura Drive, Indian Harbour Beach 321-773-7747

Viera Rotary 6 p.m. • Tuesdays Viera East Golf Club. 5250 Murrell Road, Viera 321-482-5361

Melbourne Beach Rotary 7:30 a.m. • Tuesdays Beach Street Eatery 302 Ocean Ave., Melbourne Beach 321-952-2066 or 321-951-0224


Merritt Island Rotary 12:15 p.m. • Thursdays Red Lobster Merritt Square Mall, Merritt Island 321-631-0383 Merritt Island Breakfast Rotary 7:15 a.m. • Wednesdays Victoria’s Restaurant 370 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island 321-459-3363 Palm Bay Rotary 12:15 p.m. • Thursdays

Zonta Club of Melbourne Service organization of executives working to advance the status of women. 6 p.m. • 4th Thursday Piccadilly, Melbourne Square Mall Reservations required. 321-729-0755

Singles Groups Brevard Single Adult Club Smoke-free dances 7 p.m. • 1st Wednesday 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. • odd Saturdays Martin Andersen Senior Center Building 1 • meet/ Building 2 • dance

1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge $5 members, $7 guests. Bring snacks to share. 321-631-7549 Social Singles Social group for ages 50 and older 7 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Thursdays Viera Elks Lodge, 5820 U.S.1, Rockledge $15 annual dues 321-255-9843 Trailblazers Outdoors adventure club for singles 21 and older 6:30 p.m. • 1st Saturday David R Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 321-636-6022

Social Groups with programs Our Saviour Senior Community Club 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. • Thursdays All welcome Our Saviour Catholic Church 5301 N Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach 321-449-5305 Prime Time 11 a.m. • 1st Monday Bring a “brown bag” lunch. Beverages & Deserts provided. Temple Israel 7350 Lake Andrew Dr., Viera 321-617-9102 Single, Separated, Widowed & Divorced (SSWD) A social and support group open to all. 12:30 p.m. - 1st Friday Lunch at area restaurants 7 p.m. • 3rd Fridays Meetings at Parish Center Church of Our Saviour 5301 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach 321-213-6629 Senior Talkers Discussion group. Bring “brown bag” lunch. Beverages & dessert provided. I 67

Clubs & Organizations STATE CLUBS — TOASTMASTERS 11:30 a.m. • 3rd Mondays Temple Israel Social Hall 7350 Lake Andrew DriveViera 321-254-5143

State Clubs California State Club Meets for lunch bi-monthly at various restaurants. Call for upcoming date and location. 321-253-2655. Connecticut Yankees 11 a.m. • 2nd Saturdays Golden Corral 880 Palm Bay Rd NE Palm Bay 321-772-4142 Little Rhodys Club Open to all current and former residents of Rhode Island Meets monthly at various locations, times and places. Call for information. 321-725-2237 Michigan Upper Peninsula Annual Picnic 1st Sunday in March Wickham Park (Parkway Dr.) Melbourne Virginia Hartselle 321-632-1975 or 321-242-7254 New England Club Barefoot Bay only 1 p.m. • 3rd Monday (Oct. – May) Barefoot Bay, Building A 772-664-4247

Pittsburgh PA Club 2nd Tuesday (every other month) Call for location 321-725-1764

Tai Chi by the River 9 - 10 a.m. • Saturdays 2205 S. Front St., Melbourne $10 321-984-9332

Storytelling/ Performing Arts

Tai Chi Chuan 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Wednesdays Indian Harbour Beach Rec. Center 1233 Yacht Club Blvd. Indian Harbour Beach 321-773-0552

Clown College For anyone interested in becoming a clown The Brevard Theatrical Ensemble Quality stage productions that educate and entertain • 7 p.m. • Mondays 129 West Hibiscus Blvd. Melbourne • 7 p.m. • Select Mondays Melbourne Square Mall Melbourne Community Room 321-676-0697 Voices of Story Storytelling Guild Assists new storytellers, writers, dramatic presenters, poets and musicians to find their unique voices. • 6:30 p.m. • 4th Wednesday Melbourne Public Library 540 E. Fee Ave., Melbourne 321-259-3822

Tai Chi

Gentle Traditional Chinese exercise helps improve balance

New Jersey Club 11:30 a.m. • 2nd Thursday Various restaurants 321-504-6010

Tai Chi 2 p.m. • Thursdays Palm Bay Community Center 1502 Port Malabar Blvd., Palm Bay *Free 321-725-2405

New York State Club Noon • 3rd Tuesday Various lunch locations John Trieste 321-446-9358

Tai Chi 10 - 11 a.m. • Fridays One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-751-6771 or 321-726-0660

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Tai Chi Heart 6 - 7 p.m. • Mondays $10. Aquarium Dreams 414 Miramar Ave., Indialantic 321-984-9332 or 321-729-9495

Toastmasters Developing speaking, listening, thinking and leadership skills Islander Toastmasters 6:30 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Wednesday Kay’s BBQ, 1552 SR 520, Cocoa 321-208-7642 Merritt Moonliters Club 7 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Tuesday Cape Canaveral Hospital Conference Room C, W. Cocoa Beach Cswy. Cocoa Beach 321-453-9664 Harbor City Toastmasters Club 10 a.m. • 2nd and 4th Saturday West Melbourne Library 2755 Wingate Blvd., Melbourne 321-777-5520 or 321-952-4508 South Beach Toastmasters Club 7 - 8:30 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Thursday Beach Street Eatery 302 A Ocean Ave., Melbourne Beach 321-243-2926 or 321-951-0224 Advanced Communicators Club 6:45 p.m. • 4th Monday

Clubs & Organizations TRAVEL CLUBS — WEIGHT LOSS (every other month) Call for dates. Front Street Civic Center, Melbourne 321-727-0946 Harbor City Cruise Club 321-727-0946 Travelin’ Singles 321-727-0946

Vehicle Clubs Cape Canaveral Region of AACA 7 p.m. • 1st Wednesday Cocoa Public Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-725-8106 Legendary Jeep Club 1 p.m. • 4th Sunday Fox Lake Park, Titusville 321-480-0253

Piccadilly Café Melbourne Square Mall, Melbourne 321-220-3787 or 321-672-2280 Toastmasters Titusville 6:30 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Tuesday Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott Titusville Toast Stars Noon • Thursdays Northrup Grumman NASA Blvd. Building 221, Melbourne 321-726-7603 Viera/Suntree Toastmasters 7 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Wed. Viera Regional Community Center 2174 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera 321-639-7303

Travel Clubs Navigators Travel Club 10 a.m. • 1st Tuesday

Space Coast Region Antique Automobile Club of America Any classic cars 25 years and older. No kit cars or hot rods. Don’t need to own an old car to join — love of old cars is enough! • 7 p.m. • 1st Thursday (Jan., March, May, July, Sept. & Nov.) North Brevard Public Library 2121 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville • Dinner meetings (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. & Dec. various locations $15 annual dues. • Cruise-in Titusville, Old Downtown (Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. & Nov.) 321-269-3498 Titusville Corvette Club 7 p.m. • 1st Tuesday IHOP, Hwy. 50, Titusville

space available basis; pre-registration and a deposit are required for all classes. Class size is limited, sessions fill early. Titusville Sailing Club (Formerly Titusville Yacht Club) Low cost training classes and promote sailing in the Indian River, and have fun doing it. Activities include a New Year’s Day Fun Race and Sail a Small Boat Days, Spring & Fall Race series, pot luck dinners, parties, picnics, dinners and monthly meetings. Down Under Dive Club (DUDC) 7 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday Everyone interested in SCUBA diving is welcome to the group. Indian River Lagoon House South of University Blvd. on US1 Melbourne.

Weight Loss TOPS—Individual Dietary Consultants Take Off Pounds Sensibly Times, dates and locations vary 321-255-8160 or 321-752-1200 • TOPS Chapter 164 Thursdays 9:30 a.m. • Weigh/10:30 a.m. • Meeting First United Methodist Church 110 New Haven Ave., Melbourne 321-768-6440 or 321-723-6761 • TOPS 6:20 p.m. • Weigh-in • Tuesdays Eau Gallie Christian Church 2010 Babcock St., Melbourne, 32901 321-254-3619

Water Sports

• TOPS 5:30 - 7 p.m. • Tuesdays Oceanside Community Church 305 Cassia Blvd., Satellite Beach 321-752-8727 or 321-777-1658

Melbourne Yacht Club Sailing Classes Sailing classes are offered by Melbourne Yacht club and are open to the public on a

• TOPS 9:30 - 11 a.m. • Tuesdays One Senior Place I 69

Clubs & Organizations WOMEN’S CLUBS 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-259-7557 or 321-253-6330

Women’s Clubs Alpha Delta Kappa International Teachers Sorority Membership by invitation Beta Nu 321-794-1807 Gamma Kappa Fidelis Lambda retired educators 321-267-6705 Beta Sigma Phi Sorority More than 40 chapters in Brevard

County meet in members’ homes. 321-723-2250 Business Professional Women 5:30 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday Tuscany Grill 7640 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 321-504-4266 or 321-757-7220 Central Brevard New Comers A group of ladies that’s designed to welcome new residents (less than 3 years) with several interest groups. Some evenings include spouses. Annual picnic. Monthly parties. 11 a.m. • Social 3rd Thursday 11:30 a.m. • Lunch and program Various locations. 321-452-2656 Cocoa Beach Woman’s Club 9:30 a.m. • 1st Thurs (Sept. - June) Cocoa Beach Country Club 5000 Tom Warriner Boulevard Cocoa Beach 321-868-7393 Melbourne Alumnae Panhellenic For women who were college sorority members 7 p.m. Social • 7:30 p.m. Program 1st Wednesdays Locations vary. 321-632-2088 MOMS Club of Rockledge/Viera NW International nonprofit group for stay-at-home Moms. 10 - 11 a.m. • 1st Friday Grace Fellowship Church 3505 Murrell Rd., Rockledge New Neighbors Club of South Brevard Beaches Giving back to the community while having fun 12 noon • 3rd Tuesday Lunch and program

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Locations vary. $20 annual fee & lunch 321-952-4324 Palm Bay Woman’s Club 12:30 p.m. • 1st Thursday Glenbrooke at Palm Bay 815 Briar Creek Blvd., Palm Bay 321-674-7513 or 321-327-8909 Red Hat Society Dates, times and locations vary with chapters. More than 100 chapters in Brevard. 866-386-2850 The Space Coast Junior Woman’s Club 6:30 - 8 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday Capron Ridge Clubhouse 1187 Ballinton Drive, Viera Dues: $20 per year plus applicable 321-258-4332 Viera Women’s Club (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) 11:30 a.m. • 2nd Monday (Sept. - May) Holiday Inn & Conference Center, Viera 321-639-8186 or 321-757-6687

Writers’ Groups Family Writing Florida Writers Association Writers helping writers 7 p.m. • 3rd Wednesday Melbourne Public Library 540 Fee Ave., Melbourne The Cape Canaveral Pen Women 1:30 p.m. • 4th Saturday Satellite Beach Public Library 751 Jamaica Blvd., Satellite Beach 321-779-4004 Playwrights Workshop

Clubs & Organizations WRITERS’ GROUPS — YOGA Helping new and established local playwrights improve their craft through feedback from members at play readings and from audiences at community productions, while enriching the local community through original one-act plays. 3 - 5 p.m. • Last Saturday Central Brevard Public Library 308 Forrest Ave. Cocoa. Free. Scribblers 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. 2nd & 4th Saturdays (Feb. - Oct.) 2nd Saturdays (Nov., Dec. & Jan.) Eau Gallie Public Library 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-254-8747 or 321-255-4304 Space Coast Poetry Club 1 - 3:30 p.m. • 4th Monday Central Brevard Public Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-455-2986

Space Coast Writers’ Guild An organization of writers within Brevard County dedicated to encouraging, instructing and developing writers of all genres. 1 p.m. • 3rd Saturday (Except Dec. & Jan.) West Melbourne Public Library 2755 Wingate Blvd. West Melbourne $35/year dues or $25 for students 321-592-4508 STAR To promote excellence in romantic fiction and advance the professional interests of career-focused writers. 10 a.m. • 4th Saturdays Piccadilly Cafeteria meeting room Melbourne Square Mall 158 E. Merritt Square Mall $20/year dues. Members must also belong to the Romance Writers of America.

Yoga Chair Yoga 1 p.m. • Tuesdays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Avenue, Rockledge 321-631-7549 Gentle Yoga 2 p.m. • Tuesdays Martin Andersen Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Avenue, Rockledge 321-631-7549 Gentle Yoga 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays $4 Wickham Park Senior Center 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne 321-757-0660 Yoga Classes 6:15 - 7:30 p.m. • Tuesdays Indian Harbour Beach Recreation Complex 1233 Yacht Club Blvd., Indian Harbour Beach 321-773-0552 I 71

Performing Arts Venues in Brevard

Peking Acrobats King Center Photo

By Maria Sonnenberg

The play’s the thing at Brevard’s many delightful performing arts venues, but it is not the only game in town. In addition to productions that range from the classics to the quirky, Brevard stages host orchestras, singers, comedians and variety shows. From the King Center’s world-class entertainment to the intimate and endearing productions of Space Coast community theaters, the entertainment options delight residents and visitors of all ages.

Galmont Ballet

Cocoa Village Playhouse 300 Brevard Ave., Cocoa Village 321-636-5050 Over 80 years old, Cocoa Village Playhouse still has the energy and vibrancy of a teenager. The historic 1924 building, listed in the National Register of Historic Places, has many friends, including 600 volunteers and 4,000 season patrons. Revisit classics such as Man of la Mancha or fall in love again with the music of Ragtime. The Playhouse’s “Stars of Tomorrow” program channels young talent into shows such as Footloose and even ballet lovers enjoy the best of the Galmont Ballet, Cocoa Village Playhouse’s resident dance company.

72 I

Henegar Center for the Arts 625 E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne 321-723-8698 The Henegar Center for the Arts knows how to keep everyone entertained, with productions that showcase everything from sublime Shakespeare sonnets to the rollicking silliness of The Producers. The keystone of the downtown Melbourne art scene holds a host of theatrical wonders, thanks to the legacy of award-winning Broadway designer Peter Feller who donated a collection of priceless Broadway sets and memorabilia to the Henegar. In the mezzanine, for example, guests can enjoy sitting on the sofa used in the Broadway production of Sunset Boulevard. A typical year at the Henegar stage includes shows such as The Sunshine Boys, The Producers, Treasure Island and Lucky Stiff. That’s not all, folks, for the Henegar plays host to an eclectic range of shows, from The Best of Groucho to Shakespeare in Love.

King Center for the Performing Arts 3865 N. Wickham Rd., Melbounre 321-242-2219 The monarch of Brevard entertainment venues, the King Center for the Performing Arts is the county’s premier cultural showcase. Its dressing room mirrors have reflected the likenesses of America’s top performers, from Aretha Franklin to Jerry Seinfeld, from Liza Minnelli to Bill Cosby. The 6,000 sq. ft. main stage and 200-seat studio theatre set the tone for a variety of performances of all shapes and sizes. Here’s just a taste of the King Center’s recipe for success in 2011: Mamma Mia!, Disney Live!, Peking Acrobats, Breakin' Backwards and the Kenny G. Add a dash of the resident Brevard Symphony Orchestra concerts and mix with plenty of family-friendly shows for a memorable cultural feast.

Melbourne Civic Theatre 817 E. Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne 321-723-6935 Community theater in its purest form, Melbourne Civic Theatre unites audiences with talented amateur thespians on a journey down pathways of the performing arts. At its 100-seat theater, located in downtown Melbourne’s La Galerie, MCT’s atmosphere is always informal and energetic. Community theater is meant to entertain and, sometimes, enlighten. In Come Back, Little Sheba, for example, audiences examine the theme of lost hopes and promise with unflinching honesty. But, not to worry if your taste veers to the bubbliness of farce; Melbourne Civic Theatre can dish out all the double entendres of the genre, as it did with the recent and wildly successful Move Over, Mrs. Markham.

Titusville Playhouse 301 Julia St., Titusville 321-268-1125 With a quarter century of community theater under its belt, the Titusville Playhouse knows how to entertain audiences. An ad in the August, 1917, edition of the East Coast Advocate touts the moving picture shows at the Magnolia Theatre in Titusville. Reborn as the Emma Parrish Theatre, the building is home to Titusville Playhouse. Now the silent movies have been replaced by live theater. Productions range from the silly Phantom of the Opry to one of the classics of the stage, Guys and Dolls.

Other Venues

Space Coast Symphony Orchestra 321-536 8580 First Baptist Church in Merritt Island 140 Magnolia Ave.

Space Coast Pops Orchestra 321-632-7445 First Baptist Church in Merritt Island, 140 Magnolia Ave.

Surfside Players 300 Ramp Rd., Cocoa Beach 321-783-3127 Cocoa Beach, that quintessential beach town, has long depended on Surfside Players to add a touch of big-city sophistication to its funky flip-flop culture. The theater is the only beachside community theater in the Space Coast, arriving at its Ramp Road headquarters only after its troupe gallantly performed on the actual beach and at motels, churches and even the local firehouse. Things are much nicer now than when Surfside first saw life in 1959. The current 269-seat facility is comfortably climate controlled and boasts special equipment for the hearing impaired. A community theater that features Chapter Two followed by The City of Angels is a place where no one gets bored. Lovers of the cult classics can catch one of Surfside’s occasional productions of The Rocky Horror Show, always a favorite. I 73

Record-keeping tips for caregivers How to beat information overload By Lisa M. Petsche


f you are caring for a medically frail parent, you’re entrusted with managing a wealth of information relevant to his or her health and well-being. This may include medical, financial, legal and other important details. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the data there is to keep track of, such as schedules, appointments, due dates, identification numbers, names, locations and phone numbers of healthcare professionals, and so on. The resulting disorganization may lead to missed appointments or unnecessary expenses, among other consequences. On the other hand, keeping information organized and centralized makes it quick and easy to access, saving you time and energy and avoiding frustration. It also facilitates communication with service providers, ensuring timely, thorough and accurate sharing of key information. In addition, a good record-keeping system helps ensure continuity of care when you take breaks from caregiving, and also in the event of a crisis should you become unable to look after your parent. If you are not a caregiver, read on nonetheless. You may find some of the following tips valuable for organizing your personal information.

What to organize Here are types of information it’s important to have easy access to. n Vital statistics: Date and place of birth, immigration and citizenship papers, military service records, employment history and marriage and divorce records. Keep birth certificates and other identification together in a safe place. n Medical: Height, weight, blood type, allergies, immunizations, family health history and personal health history — including tests, diagnoses, treatments and results, hospitalizations and surgeries. Keep a log of doctors and other healthcare professionals seen and recommendations made — for example, lifestyle changes, medication or referral to a specialist. Maintain a listing, too, of home care providers and other healthcare organizations and services involved with your parent. This is also the place to include medication information sheets from your parent’s pharmacy; punch holes in them or store them in top-loading page protectors if you decide to use a binder. Do the same with disease-related information in the form of brochures and other literature. n Financial: Bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, investments, assets, income, debts, credit cards, insurance policies, income tax records and funeral prearrangements. Include contact information for banks, financial planner, insurance broker and accountant. Also include household bills if your parent lives on his or her own and you are assisting with their management. n Legal: Information pertaining to powers of attorney, advance directives and estate planning falls into this category. Include contact information for lawyers and any other legal professionals that have been consulted.

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n Personal: Contact information for family and friends is key here. Be sure to obtain work and cell phone numbers in case you need to reach them right away. Some other contacts to include: neighbors (especially if your parent lives alone), faith community and clubs and groups to which your parent belongs. This is also a good place to record your parent’s wishes around funeral arrangements if there are no prearrangements in place. n Other: Anything else that doesn’t fit into the above categories, including your parent's daily routines and weekly schedule, and miscellaneous community resources he or she accesses (specialized transportation, for example).

How to organize n Filing: One option for organizing information is a portable file box containing hanging file folders with plastic tabs and manila file folders. Another idea is a three-ring binder equipped with dividers, lined paper and transparent sheet protectors (a three-hole punch is also helpful). Label hanging folders or dividers according to major types of information – medical, financial and so on. You may wish to subdivide each of these categories, using separate sections or folders for medications, medical visits and hospitalizations in the medical category, for example. n Charts: Most pharmacies have a medication log available for customers, which saves you from having to create your own. n Centralize Vital Statistics: Consider utilizing one of the estate planning booklets available free of charge through funeral homes and financial planning firms. n Maintaining Organization: The final phase after collecting and organizing information is maintaining it so that it remains up-to-date. Set aside a monthly time to review information, and make a habit of updating records immediately after medical visits and hospitalizations.

Support Groups & Classes

Mary Donadio Campbell’s therapy dog works with Bridges, Joe’s Club and local nursing homes.

Alzheimer’s Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Amputee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Arthritis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Assault and Abuse Survivors . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Bereavement/Grief Support . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Brain Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Breathing Respiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Cardiac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Caregiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Compulsive Gambling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Crohn’s / Colitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Diabetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Divorce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Domestic Violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Eating Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81

Epilepsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Fibromyalgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Grandparent Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Hepatitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Laryngectomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Mood Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Multiple Sclerosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Osteoporosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Parkinson’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Polio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Scleroderma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Substance Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Widow/Widowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 I 75


Alzheimer’s Support

Joe’s Club Central 4676 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 321-253-4430

Alzheimer’s Support Group 9:30 a.m. • Tuesday & Thursday Joe’s Club Central 4676 N. Wickham Rd, Melbourne 321-253-4430

Senior Care of Brevard 234 Willard Street, Suite A, Cocoa 321-631-9014

Alzheimer’s Support Group 3 - 4:30 p.m. • Thursdays Holy Apostle Episcopal Church 505 Grand St., Satellite Beach 321-253-4430

Amputee Support Group 1 - 2:30 p.m. • 1st Wednesdays Health South Sea Pines Rehab Hospital 101 E. Florida Ave., Melbourne 321-984-4600

Alzheimers Dementia Support Holy Name of Jesus 6:30 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic 321-773-2783 or 321-777-8522 Joe’s Club North 830 Park Ave., Titusville 321-268-9144 Joe’s Club South Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation Caregiver Training 1 - 2:30 p.m. • Wednesdays 7951 Ron Beatty Blvd., Micco 772-664-9996 Leeza’s Place 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. • Tuesdays 3661 S. Babcock St., Melbourne 321-951-7118 Legacy Harbor Caregiver Support Group & Resource Center 1:30 - 3 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Thursdays One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-253-6320 Men’s Only Support Group for Alzheimer’s 9:30 a.m. • Mondays

76 I


Arthritis Joint Therapy Class 9:15 a.m. • Tuesdays & Thursdays Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 1275 Culver Dr. NE, Palm Bay 321-724-1338 Arthritis Class 1 - 2 p.m. • 3rd Wednesdays Franklin T. DeGroodt Public Library Minton Road, Palm Bay 321-725-2217

Assault and Abuse Survivors Childhood Sexual Abuse/ Incest Survivor Support 5:30 - 7 p.m. • Tuesdays Women’s Center 1425 Aurora Rd., Melbourne Free 321-242-3110 Domestic Violence Class Provides education 12 - 1:30 p.m. • 2nd Friday Women’s Center 1425 Aurora Rd., Melbourne 321-242-3110, ext. 301

Incest Survivors Adult women who suffered incest or sexual molestation 12 - 1:30 p.m. • Wednesdays Women’s Center, 1425 Aurora Rd. Melbourne 321-242-3110, ext. 301 Sexual Assault Recovery Group For adults recovering from sexual assault 5:30 - 7 p.m. • Tuesdays Women’s Center 1425 Aurora Rd., Melbourne 321-242-1526 or 321-242-3110 ext 301

Bereavement/ Grief Adult Bereavement/Groups 1 - 2 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Hospice of St. Francis 1250-B Grumman Place, Titusville 321-269-4240 Afternoon Support Group 1 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Thursdays Hospice of St. Francis 1250-B Grumman Pl., Titusville 321-269-4240 or 866-269-4240 Barefoot Bay Grief Support Group 3 - 4:30 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Concordia Lutheran Church 300 Barefoot Bay Blvd., Micco 321-751-6671 Coming Out of Grief For gays & lesbians whose same-sex partner or spouse has died 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 4450 W Eau Gallie Blvd., Suite 250 Melbourne Facilitated by: Jean Hopkins, MS 321-751-6671 Compassionate Friends Support group for parents whose child has died at any age from any cause.

Support Groups BEREAVEMENT/GRIEF 7 p.m. • 3rd Tuesdays Courtyard by Marriott 2101 W. New Haven Ave., Melbourne 321-610-7875 Getting Together/Wuesthoff Social Lunch Group —North Brevard 11:30 a.m. • 3rd Fridays Call Renvia Laikin 800-259-2007, ext.4729 to RSVP. —Central Brevard 11:30 a.m. • 2nd Fridays 321-253-2222, ext. 4729 —South Brevard 11:30 a.m. • 4th Wednesdays Call Allora Crowell 321-984-5127 to RSVP. —Micco 11:30 a.m. • 2nd Tuesdays Call Leslie Miksch 321-253-2222 to RSVP. Good Grief Breakfast Club (for men, open to the community) 9 - 10:30 a.m. • 3rd Thursday Bob Evans, 895 Palm Bay Road West Melbourne 321-751-6671

GriefShare Christian recovery seminar and support group 6 - 8 p.m. • Tuesdays Running in 13-week cycles (Jan.&Aug.) * $15 supplies Reservations recommended Park Ave. Baptist Church 600 S. Park Ave., Titusville 321-269-6702 ext. 405 Grief Support at Great Outdoors Please call to verify dates and times The Great Outdoors Church 144 Plantation Dr., Titusville 321-269-4240 or 866-269-4240 Grieving Children For ages 3 to 18 and families Meets twice monthly Bright Star 300 E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne 321-733-7672 I 77

Support Groups BEREAVEMENT /GRIEF— CANCER Health First Hospice Bereavement Support 2:30 -4 p.m. • 1st Tuesdays Sunflower House, Merritt Square Mall 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island 321-452-4341 Hospice of St. Francis Grief Support in Viera 10 a.m. • 2nd & 4th Tuesdays Watersong 7300 Watersong Lane, Viera 321-269-4240 Ladies Luncheon Group 1 p.m. • 1st Thursday Call Hospice of St. Francis for location Titusville 321-269-4240 or 866-269-4240 Living With Loss 2 - 3:30 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Tuesdays One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-751-6671 or 321-253-6330 Men’s Breakfast Group 9 a.m. • 1st Wednesday Village Inn Restaurant 2925 S. Washington Ave., Titusville 321-269-4240 Men’s Survivor Group Adult male victim of Childhood Abuse Thursday • 6 – 7:30 p.m. Women’s Center 1425 Aurora Rd. Melbourne Free 321-452-1526 Never Alone For single people 55 and older 7 p.m. • Mondays Peace Lutheran Church of Palm Bay 1801 Port Malabar Blvd., Palm Bay 321-727-3131

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New Beginnings Social Group 11:30 a.m. • 3rd Thursday Call for location 321-269-4240 New Beginnings: Journey from Grief to New Life (for women, open to the community) 1st & 3rd Tuesdays • 10 - 11:30 a.m. Franklin DeGroodt Public Library 6475 Minton Road, Palm Bay 321-751-6671 or 321-952-6317 North Star - Child Grief Support Provides a safe environment for children who are grieving the death of a loved one to share and support each other in the grief experience Tuesday evenings for 3 to 17-years-old; Adult Bereavement Program meets while North Star groups meet Hospice of St. Francis 1250-B Grumman Place, Titusville *Free. Call for details. 321-264-1687 or 866-269-4240 Safe Place Support Group 10 a.m. • 2nd & 4th Tuesdays Martin Anderson Senior Center 1025 S. Florida Ave., Rockledge 321-253-2222 Safe Place Support Group West Melbourne Public Library 10 a.m. • 1st & 3rd Thursdays 2755 Wingate Blvd., West Melbourne 321-253-2222 Safe Place– Evening A confidential grief support group for Adults. 6 p.m. • 3rd Thursdays Wuesthoff Hospice & Palliative Care 8060 Spyglass Hill Road, Viera 321-253-2222 Soaring Eagles Open for military families both active duty and retired veterans. 4 - 5:30 p.m. • 2nd & 4th Thursdays Ask for marketing department. P.A.F.B. South Chapel

854 Harrier St., Rm. 4, Satellite Beach 321-751-6671 Survivors of Suicide – Evening 6 p.m. • 2nd Thursdays Wuesthoff Hospice & Palliative Care 8060 Spyglass Hill Road, Viera 321-253-2222 Valley Walkers 3:30 - 5 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Riverside Presbyterian Church, Parlor 3400 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach Marilyn Cromer, LCSW 321-752-2534

Brain Injury Heads Up Brain Injury Support Group *Not for stroke victims 7 p.m. • 2nd Wednesday Wuesthoff Medical Center Cafeteria Conference 110 Longwood Ave., Rockledge 321-637-0009

Breathing Respiration Breathin’ Buddies Support group for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other pulmonary conditions 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. • 3rd Wednesdays Pro-Health and Fitness Center 611 E. Sheridan Road, Melbourne 321-868-8300 Breathin’ Buddies 1 - 2 p.m. • 1st Monday Cape Canaveral Medical Center’s HealthPlex, Merritt Island 321-434-5826

Cancer American Cancer Society 321-433-3109 ext. 113 Cancer Support 10 a.m. • 2nd Tuesday Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Support Groups CANCER— CAREGIVING (Shepherd’s Hall) 2073 Garden St., Titusville 321-267-3003 or 321-267-4323 Cancer Support Noon • 3rd Friday Cancer Care Center 13050 U.S. 1, Sebastian Lunch provided free of charge 772-589-1995 Cancer Support Noon • 1st Friday & light lunch Cancer Care Center 1430 S. Pine St., Melbourne 321-952-8837, ext. 231 Cancer Support Noon • 2nd Friday 215 Cone Rd., Merritt Island Light Lunch provided. 321-952-8837, Ext. 231 Marta Central Brevard Breast Cancer Support 7 - 9 p.m. • 2nd Friday Monthly luncheons various locations 11:30 a.m. • 4th Wednesday 321-453-6023 or 321-459-0399 Friend to Friend For anyone whose life has been touched by cancer 7 - 8:30 p.m. • 1st Tuesdays Holmes Regional Medical Center’s Cancer Program Office 1350 S. Hickory St., Melbourne 321-434-8615 or 321-434-8959 Live Life Now Leukemia/Lymphoma Support Group 12 p.m. • 4th Thursday Holmes Regional Medical Center 1350 S. Hickory Street, Melbourne 321-434-7227 Look Good Feel Better A free program that helps women offset appearance-related changes from cancer treatment 321-433-3109 ext. 1111 Lymphedema Support 6:30 p.m. • 2nd Thursday Alternating between: Medical Center Melbourne 240 N. Wickham Rd., Suite 207, Medical Arts Building Rockledge Outpatient Center 830 Executive Dr., Suite 130, Rockledge Every month location rotates. 321-752-1500 or 1-800-227-2345 Man to Man (North) Prostate Cancer Education and Support Group Call for details 1-800-227-2345 Man To Man (South) 7 - 9 p.m. • Last Monday Call for details 1-800-227-2345 Oncology Resource Center 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Holmes Regional Medical Center 321-434-8929 Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida Space Coast 5 - 7 p.m. • Last Tuesday Eau Gallie Library 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-784-3772

Cardiac Adult Heartsaver CPR Courses Satellite Beach Fire Department 9 a.m. • 3rd Saturday 1390 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-4405 Pulmonary Rehab Support Group Better Breathers Parrish Heart and Health Village 2 p.m. • Last Wednesday of the month 603 N. Washington Ave., Titusville 321-268-6726 Congestive Heart Failure Support 2 - 3 p.m. • 4th Tuesday

Every other month Parrish Medical Center 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville 321-268-6800 Mended Hearts 1 - 3 p.m. • 2nd Saturday Cape Canaveral Hospital 701 W. Cocoa Beach Cswy., Cocoa Beach Medical plaza, room B and C. 321-799-7111, ext. 23036

Caregiving All Caregivers Group 1 - 2:30 p.m. • Thursdays Men’s support group 9:30 - 11 a.m. • Mondays Evening group-Adult caregiver children 5:30-6:30 p.m. • 3rd. Thursdays Joe’s Club Central 4676 N. Wickham Rd, Melbourne 321-253-4430 Alzheimer’s & Dementia Training Support 10 - 11 a.m. • 1st & 3rd Thursdays Sunflower House, Merritt Sq. Mall 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island 321-452-4341 Alzheimer’s Caregiver’s 3 p.m. • Thursdays 321-253-4430 Caregiver’s Support 10:15 a.m. • 2nd Monday of every month Vista Manor 1550 Jess Parrish Court, Titusville 321-268-9144 Caregiver in the Last Years For current and future caregivers. Locations vary. Respite available if pre-arranged. Call Barbara Borman, RN for details. 866-269-4240, Ext. 330 Caregiver Training Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation 3 - 5 p.m. • 3rd Thursday I 79

Support Groups CAREGIVING Joe’s Club South 4616 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 772-664-9996 or 321-253-4430 Caregiver to Caregiver Support Group For those caring for loved ones dealing with dementia and memory loss 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. • Tuesdays 11 - noon • Thursdays Leeza’s Place 3661 S. Babcock St., Melbourne 321-951-7118 Empowered Caregivers Support Group 11 a.m. • Every Thursday Leeza’s Place 3661 S. Babcock St., Melbourne 321-951-7118 Legacy Harbor Caregiver Support 10 a.m. • 2nd & 4th Thursdays One Senior Place 8085 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-253-6320 Making Memories in Melbourne 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. • Thursdays Preserving your family history and memories in a social setting with other caregivers and loved ones. Save those family photos and treasured memories in an artistic and attractive way. Leeza’s Place 3661 S. Babcock St., Melbourne 321-951-7118 Snowbird Caregivers 1 p.m. • 1st and 3rd Tuesdays (Oct. - May) Great Outdoors Church 144 Plantation Dr., Titusville 321-267-3113 South County Caregivers 1- 2:30 p.m. • Every Thursday Joe’s Club 4616 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 321-253-4430

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Support Groups COMPULSIVE GAMBLING — EATING DISORDERS Talk Shop 1 - 2:30 p.m. • 1st & 3rd Wednesday A time for seniors & caregivers Sunflower House Resource Center Merritt Square Mall 777 E. Merritt Island Cswy., Merritt Island 321-452-4341 Women with Heart 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. • 4th Thursday The Place at Merritt Island 535 Crockett Blvd., Merritt Island, Lynn Pearson 321-454-2363

Compulsive Gambling Florida Council of Compulsive Gambling, GamAnon and Gamblers Anonymous 7 p.m. • Thursdays School District Building 1948 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-726-3946 or 321-259-1662

Crohn’s/Colitis Brevard Crohn’s and Colitis Support 6:30-7:30 p.m. • 4th Wednesday Every other month Melbourne Public Library 540 Fee Ave., Melbourne 321-806-3349

Diabetes Adults with Diabetes Support Group 10 a.m. • First Wednesdays Cape Canaveral Hospital Private dining room 701 W. Cocoa Beach Cswy., Cocoa Beach 321-868-2782 Diabetes Health Management Wuesthoff Center for Diabetes Education Homecare Hospice Bldg. 8060 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-255-8160 Physicians referral needed.

Divorce Divorce Recovery Workshop for those divorced, separated, widowed or ending a significant relationship. 12-week phases 7 - 9 p.m. • Tuesdays Eastminster Presbyterian Church 106 N. Riverside Drive, Indialantic 321-302-0717 Divorce Support The Collaborative Association of Brevard (CAB) combines attorneys, financial and mental health professionals to help couples going through a divorce to do so with respect and caring and without litigation. Alan Frisher, certified divorce financial analyst 321-757-3233 Divorce Care Support Separated, in divorce, or already divorced who are looking for answers and support. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Wednesdays August & January 13-week cycle, open enrollment, no reservations needed, free. Park Avenue Baptist Church 2600 Park Ave., Titusville 321-269-6702 DivorceCare Wednesdays • 6:30 - 8:15 Park Avenue Baptist Church 2600 Park Ave., Titusville 321-269-6703 x 1509

Domestic Violence Domestic Violence State Attorney Victim Services 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Bldg. D, Viera 321-617-7555

Domestic Violence Class 12 - 1:30 p.m. • Second Friday Women’s Place 1425 Aurora Rd., Melbourne Free – Certificate provided Domestic Violence An open support group for women to provide information and understanding of emotional and/or physical abuse at the hands of someone they love 10 - 11:30 a.m. • Mondays Women’s Center 1425 Aurora Road, Melbourne 321-242-3110, ext. 301 Serene Harbor Domestic Violence Shelter Psycho-educational and support group 6 p.m. • Wednesdays A group is available for children age 5 and older. Child care for those 5 and under. First Baptist Church 3301 Dairy Rd., Melbourne 321-726-8282

Eating Disorders Anorexia, Bulimia Support Support group sponsored by Brevard County chapter of ANAD (Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) Call for location and dates 321-259-6842 Overeaters Anonymous (800) 338-5838 —Indialantic 7 - 8 p.m. • Mondays Eastminster Presbyterian Church 106 N. Riverside Dr. 321-626-0519 7 p.m • Tuesdays Eastminster Presbyterian Church 106 N. Riverside Dr. 321-727-7442 I 81


—Indian Harbor Beach 9:30 a.m. • Saturdays Holy Name of Jesus Church, Rm. 4 3050 N. Hwy A1A 321-728-3060 —Palm Bay 10 a.m. • Thursdays Our Lady of Grace Church 300 Malabar Rd. Room 2 321-427-9423 —Port St. John 9:15 a.m. • Saturdays Port St. John Public Library 6500 Carole Ave. 321-266-1910 —Rockledge 7:30 p.m. • Sundays Circles of Care, 1770 Cedar St. 321-784-5370 —Sebastian 10 - 11 a.m. • Tuesdays Roseland United Methodist Church 12962 Roseland Rd. 772-663-9169 —Titusville 7 p.m. • Mondays Hope Community Fellowship Church 2929 Cheney Hwy. 321-223-2549 7 p.m. • Thursdays Indian River United Methodist Church 1355 Cheney Hwy., room 209 321-223-2549 —Vero Beach 7:30 p.m. • Mondays Trinity Episcopal Church 2338 Granada Ave., Verpo Beach 772-581-7862 First Church of God Room D, 58th Ave. & 12th St. 772-663-9169 —West Melbourne 1 - 2 p.m. • Wednesdays West Melbourne Public Library 2755 Wingate Blvd. 321-724-6199

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Epilepsy Epilepsy Support 6 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday Central Brevard Public Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-253-4112

Fibromyalgia Fibro Friends 11:30 a.m. • 3rd Tuesday Lunch—call for location 321-632-0786 or 321-728-3150

Grandparenting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren —Satellite Beach 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. • Last Thursdays Memaw’s Restaurant 598 E. Eau Gallie Blvd., Satellite Beach 321-631-7776 —Melbourne 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. • 2nd Thursday Memaw’s Restaurant 3316 S. Monroe Street, Melbourne 321-631-7776 —Cocoa 9:30 a.m. • 3rd Tuesday 705 Blake Ave. #D, Cocoa 321-727 3947 —Palm Bay 6:30 p.m. • Last Thursday Memaw’s Restaurant 4916 Babcock Street NE, Palm Bay 321-727 3947

Hepatitis Hepatitis C Support 6:30 p.m. • 2nd Tuesday Wuesthoff Medical Center 110 Longwood Ave., Rockledge


Laryngectomy Space Coast Nu-Voice Club A support group for laryngectomy patients and their families Holmes Regional Medical Center 1350 S. Hickory St., Melbourne Bob Smiley 321-536-0831 or 321-434-7000

Mood Disorders Bipolar Support Group 7 p.m. • Tuesdays Faith Lutheran Church (Day Care Building: upstairs) 280 E. Merritt Ave., Merritt Island 321-452-4080 Brevard Drop-In Center Improving quality of life, providing socialization, empowerment, independence, and self-esteem to community members with psychiatric disabilities. 268 N. Babcock St., Melbourne All services are free Call to make an appointment 321-253-4442 Depression and Bipolar Support Group Space Coast Chapter 7 - 8:30 p.m. • Mondays Parrish Medical Center Conference Room 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville Must be diagnosed with a mood disorder, or a friend/family member of an individual who is diagnosed. 321-636-5360 or 321-749-4501 Recovery International 7:30 p.m. • Mondays Brevard Drop-In Center 268 Babcock Street, Melbourne 321-722-2738 Recovery International 10 a.m. • Fridays His Place Ministries 1824 S Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne 321-722-2738

Support Groups MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS — STROKE Survivors of Suicide Call for times Wuesthoff Hospice 8060 Spyglass Hill Rd., Viera 321-253-2222 The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 6:30 p.m. • 1st Tuesday Titusville Public Library 2121 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville 6 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-453-4462

Multiple Sclerosis Central Brevard MS Self Help Group 2 p.m. • 2nd Sunday Central Brevard Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-635-7845

Osteoporosis Bone Walkers Osteoporosis Support 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. • Mondays Satellite Beach Recreation Dept. 1089 S. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-6458

Parkinson’s Disease Brevard Parkinson’s Support Group Programs are offered, including speakers such as neurologists, speech therapists, sleep therapists, etc. 1:30 p.m. • 4th Thursday Eau Gallie Library 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-725-9001 North Brevard Parkinson’s Support 11 a.m. - 12 noon. • 3rd Saturday Parrish Medical Center Training Rooms

951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville 321-268-2363 or 321-267-0317

Polio Post Polio Support Group of Brevard Offers support to those who are suffering from the late effects of polio Meetings on even number of months 2nd Saturday Jack Baker’s Lobster Shanty 2200 S. Orlando Ave., Cocoa Beach 321-725-9179 ro

Scleroderma Scleroderma Foundation 1-800-722-HOPE

Stroke Brevard County Stroke Survivors Club Affiliated with the American Heart Assoc. 1 p.m. • 4th Tuesday

Support Groups STROKE — WIDOWERS (Sept., Nov., Jan., March and May) Social meetings (Oct., Dec., Feb., Apr., June) Central Brevard Public Library 308 Forrest Ave., Cocoa 321-777-1484 or 321-454-3973 Stroke Support Group 2 p.m. • 3rd Tuesday Parrish Medical Center 951 N. Washington Ave., Titusville 321-268-6195

schedules available at public libraries 321-639-0220 Narcotics Anonymous 24-hour help line 321-631-4357 Prevent of Brevard Alcohol and drug treatment, support services and family counseling 1948 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne 321-259-7262

Substance Abuse


Alcoholics Anonymous 24-hour hotlines: 321-724-2247 or 321-633-0052

Brevard Association for Advancement of the Blind 9 a.m. - Noon • Monday- Wednesday 674 South Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach 321-773-7222

Al-Anon/Alateen For those troubled by someone else’s drinking. Various locations/times; meeting

Center for the Visually Impaired A non-profit agency dedicated to serving the special needs of blind and visually impaired individuals and has been

providing a wide variety of critical services for the past 20 years. 113 King St., Cocoa 321-631-9791 InSight For all people with visual loss 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. • 2nd Friday Suntree United Methodist Church 7400 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne 321-242-2585

Widow / Widowers For Widows and Widowers 11:30 a.m. • 3rd Friday • North Brevard 2nd Friday • Central Brevard 4th Wednesday • South Brevard 321-253-2222 ext. 4729 Widows and Friends of South Brevard 1 p.m. • Wednesdays every other week St. Mark’s United Methodist Church 2030 A1A, Indialantic 321-254-2007

Free Medicare Counseling!

Wickham Park Senior Center ..................321-757-0660 2785 Leisure Way, Melbourne Mornings from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.


(Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders)

Glenbrooke of Palm Bay............................321-956-3330 815 Briar Creek Circle NE., Palm Bay

Parrish Senior Solutions Center ................321-268-6563 805-B Century Medical Dr., Titusville

Joe’s Club South ......................................321-752-8080 7951 Ron Beatty Blvd., Micco By Appointment only

Church of Our Savior ..............................321-783-4554 5301 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach

Trinity Towers ..........................................321-723-7512 700 E. Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne For residents only

Sunflower House ......................................321-452-4341 Merritt Island Square Mall, Merritt Island Monday from 12-4 p.m., Closed June-Sept. Wuesthoff Central Business Office ..........321-690-6661 375 Commerce Parkway, Rockledge Wuesthoff Medical Center........................321-752-1511 240 N. Wickham Rd., Suite 200, Melbourne

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Martin Andersen Senior Center ................321-631-7549, ext. 1025 1025 Sl Florida Ave., Rockledge Thursday afternoon only Appointments are recommended at all sites. To schedule an appointment or to verify dates and times of counselor availability, please contact the individual locations above. SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Senior Resource Alliance, 407-514-1800 988 Woodcock Road, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32803

Protect yourself from scams BY WeNDY ScheuriNG

“if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is,” said Assistant State Attorney Phil Archer, quoting the well-known adage. if someone contacts you about winning the lottery or sweepstakes, and, in order to collect the prize, you need to provide checking account or credit card information to pay taxes before receiving the prize, you’re probably targeted for a scam. “You never have to pay anything to collect a prize in Florida,” stresses Archer. “Never give out personal information on the telephone or on email unless you know whom you are talking to.” if you have applied for a job as a mystery shopper or mystery diner or are selling something online, be wary if you receive a check for your services or product for more than the appropriate amount. Scammers send counterfeit checks for larger sums of money, and ask the payee to keep a partial amount and send back or wire the remainder of the amount

elsewhere. When the check bounces, you have to pay back the entire amount to your bank as well as any return check fees incurred. According to Archer, another scam is the “Nigerian letters” received via e-mail. You might receive an e-mail from someone stating that his relative has died, he inherited money and he needs a bank account to deposit it in. the next step is asking you to provide your bank account number. Some have reported being contacted by people offering to perform routine household chores for an upfront fee, only to take the money without performing any work. others have dealt with shoddy workmanship or work started but not completed once some money has been paid. if you have any concerns, call 211 for Brevard county information or contact the Aging and Disability resource center and elder helpline at 321-504-2038, which is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Don’t become a victim.

Most refuge volunteers are seniors BY GeorGe White

Dorn Whitmore started his job as ranger in the Merritt island National Wildlife refuge in 1978. his job has changed over the years and he now serves as supervisor ranger over several programs that utilize more than 100 volunteers. “i would say that the majority of our volunteers are seniors and it turns out they are our best volunteers,’’ he said. “they seem to be happy to be here and involved.” the volunteers do a variety of tasks, including working in the visitor’s center, helping with education, outdoor interpretation programs and tours. All are put through an orientation program and must sign a liability waiver before starting their service. “We have them doing a little bit of everything, including trail mainte-

nance,’’ he said. “i can’t say enough about them. We try to fit the volunteers into what their interests are. We‘re not going to put them into something they don‘t want to do.” Members of the Merritt island Wildlife Association also support refuge programs in many ways. Formed in the mid 1990s, MiWA has now grown into 1,300 members and is considered the largest fish and wildlife organization in the country. retiring from being a ranger is on the horizon but not imminent for Whitmore, who said he still very much enjoys coming to work from his home in titusville. “it’s a great gig,’’ he said. For more information about the Merritt island National Wildlife refuge, call 321-861-0668 or visit

Tips for making your life the best it can be

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By Lisa M. Petsche


t’s natural to be concerned about health issues cropping up as we age. however, with a little forethought we should be able to live active and fulfilling lives into our mature years. that’s because numerous risk factors are within our control and can significantly influence our quality of life. Follow these lifestyle tips to help preserve your vitality.

Do as much for yourself as possible, to maintain your independence and self-esteem. cultivate a healthy sense of humor. Learn to laugh at your quirks and mistakes and to find amusement in stressful situations.

Physical care

exercise your mind: Do word puzzles, play card or board games, read, research subjects of interest, travel, learn a new skill, take up a new hobby, sign up for an adult education course. set aside daily time for relaxation; consider taking up meditation or some other relaxation technique. Don’t keep problems to yourself — seek support from family members, friends or a counselor.

Follow a well-balanced diet that meets your body’s nutrition and energy needs. if you are significantly overweight or have a health condition that necessitates a special diet, consult a dietician for guidance around meal planning. Get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Practice good sleep habits, including refraining from eating and drinking close to bedtime, staying away from caffeinated products after noon, avoiding strenuous activity late in the day, keeping to a regular schedule of going to bed and waking, and avoiding over-the-counter sleep aids. Get regular medical checkups. Follow doctor’s orders (for example, monitoring your blood pressure) and take medications as prescribed. Quit smoking (ask your doctor about the best way to go about it) and avoid exposure to second-hand smoke. avoid alcohol; otherwise consume no more than one drink per day. Limit your sun exposure and always use sunscreen outdoors. a wide-brimmed hat is also a must, as are sunglasses that block out 100% of ultraviolet rays. increase your level of physical activity, aiming for 30-60 minutes of moderate activity most, if not every day of the week. Popular exercise options include walking, bicycling, swimming and low-impact aerobics. consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. choose an activity that appeals to you and incorporate it into increase the duration and intensity. Find an exercise partner to help keep you motivated. Make your home as safe as possible, to reduce the risk of falls. For example, clear clutter, improve lighting, remove or secure scatter mats and install handrails along stairs. tune in to your body. if something doesn’t look or feel right, see your doctor for an assessment without delay. Mental self-care Keep a positive attitude about life and aging, and associate with people who have a similar outlook. cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Do something you enjoy every day.

Social well-being stay connected to important people in your life through regular visits, phone calls or correspondence. if your social network diminishes due to relocation or retirement, make new connections. take a class, volunteer or join a club. Get to know neighbors and members of groups to which you belong. Pursue friendships with those whose company you enjoy. if you live alone and don’t like it, consider taking in a boarder, sharing accommodations with a relative or friend, or perhaps moving to a more vibrant community. Spiritual well-being if applicable, nurture your faith by attending religious services, engaging in spiritual reading or attending a spiritual retreat. Do things that provide you with meaning and purpose, such as writing a family history, getting a pet or helping someone you know. Get involved in the community by volunteering your time and talent. Do things that center you and bring inner peace, such as writing in a journal or spending time in nature. Financial welfare Minimize financial stress by setting long-term financial goals, developing and sticking to a budget that will help you achieve them, setting aside money for unexpected expenses and investing wisely. seek advice from a certified financial planner. take a holistic approach to your health, and keep in mind that even modest lifestyle changes can make a difference. take small steps, build on your success and enjoy how good you feel. I 87

New to caregiving? Here’s If you are new to caregiving, you may feel overwhelmed and worried about your ability to handle all the responsibilities involved in looking after a frail relative. Here are nine keys to handling this very important role.

Accept Accept the reality of your relative's illness. You can't stop or reverse it. Give yourself permission to experience all of the emotions that surface. Grieve losses, but don’t dwell on them. Let go of any bitterness resulting from unrealized plans and dreams so that you can move forward and channel your energy in positive ways. Recognize that there will be good days and bad days, and what you can give may vary from day to day. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Learn Educate yourself about your relative’s diagnosis, and share the information with family and friends. Be open to learning practical skills, such as proper transferring and bathing techniques. Find out about community services that can help your relative and you in various ways. Potential sources of information include: your relative’s doctor and other healthcare providers, books, videotapes, caregiving magazines, the Internet, non-profit organizations associated with the disease (for example, the Parkinson Foundation), your local office on aging, and other caregivers.

Communicate Keep the rest of the family informed of changes in your relative’s status. Involve your relative and other family members in decision making as much as possible.

what you need to know

By Lisa M. Petsche

Develop a partnership with involved healthcare professionals. Share information about your relative’s needs, abilities, personality and preferences. Ask questions, seek advice and offer opinions and suggestions.

Prepare Find out what to expect during the course of the illness, in terms of symptom progression and the caregiving skills, medical equipment, and community supports that will be required. Talk openly with your relative about his/her wishes. Discuss living arrangements, outside help, surrogate decision-making, medical intervention and end-of-life care and funeral arrangements. Help your relative get his/her affairs in order, including completing paperwork such as advance directives, durable powers of attorney and a will.

Connect Stay connected to friends and outside activities. Talk with other caregivers. Join a community support group, or an Internet group if it’s hard to get out or you prefer anonymity.

Simplify Keep a caregiving log so you don’t have to rely on memory when it comes to medical history. Keep relevant medical, financial, legal, and other documents organized in a binder or filing system for easy access. Seek ways to streamline your life. Set priorities and stick to them. And let go of the need for perfection. Take things one day at a time so you don’t become overwhelmed.

Practice self-care Look after your health. Eat nutritious meals, get adequate rest, exercise and see your primary physician regularly. Find something relaxing you can do to give yourself a break at home, whether it’s quietly enjoying a cup of tea, reading, writing in a journal, calling a friend or listening to music. Make it a daily habit. Schedule regular breaks from caregiving duties. Take a couple of hours, a day or an overnight. By being kind to yourself this way, you’ll also be far more effective for your relative when you resume your caregiving tasks.

Seek help Acknowledge your limits. Recognize that you can’t — and shouldn’t — do everything alone. Accept offers of help. Ask other family members to share the load and be specific about the kind of help you need. Research and take full advantage of respite services in your community.

Advocate Ensure that your relative’s needs and wishes are taken into account by health professionals when they are developing a plan of care. Join a local or national caregivers’ organization — for example, the National Family Caregivers Association ( — that offers education, information, and support to family caregivers and advocates for their needs. I 89

Four Generations

American Cancer Society .................... 321-433-3109, ext. 121

MOW—Meals on Wheels ..................................321-639-8770

Drivers needed to drive cancer patients to and from treatments.

Deliver meals in Brevard to homebound seniors daily.

American Red Cross .................................... 321-890-1002 x25

Ombudsman ...................... 407-228-7752 or 888-831-0404

Offers training for disasters.

Volunteers monitor nursing homes.

Brevard Association for the .............................. 321-773-7222 Advancement of the Blind Volunteer needs vary from program to program. Brevard Commission on Aging ........................ 321-633-2007

Partners in Compassionate Care ........................ 321-269-4240 Hospice of St. Francis volunteers provide assistance in many ways. Free training for many positions is provided.

Support the mission of the Brevard Commission on Aging through volunteer service on a committee or task force.

321-409-2200 • Melbourne..........................321-268-8771 Titusville

Brevard Schools Foundation.................. 321-633-1000 ext. 415

Retired & Senior Volunteer Program ................ 321-631-2749

Make a difference in the life of a child by volunteering one hour per week.

Canine Companions for Independence ................321-522-3300 Need volunteers to raise puppies.

Police Athletic League ........................................ 321-953-6251

Rolling Readers Space Coast .............................. 321-254-9976 Connecting tutors and mentors to students in need.

Friends of the Enchanted Forest.......................... 321-264-5192

Senior TranServe...................................... 321-639-4868 x 282

Tour guides, shop assistants and researchers needed.

Drive seniors to medical appointments, markets and more.

Guardian Ad Litem Program .............................. 321-690-6823

SPCA Clinic & Adoption Center ........................ 321-267-8221

Become a child’s voice in the court system.

Adult volunteers needed for miscellaneous clerical work.

Harmony Farms .................................................. 321-631-9433

SPCA Thrift Store .............................................. 321-267-2210

Groom and exercise horses, administrative tasks, participate in special events.

SHINE .............................................................. 321-752-8080 Serving Health Insurance Needs of the Elderly

Merritt Island Wildlife Association .................... 321-861-0667 Promote conservation & appreciation of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

90 I

United Way Volunteer Center ............................ 321-631-2740 Women’s Center .................................... 321-242-3110, ext. 301

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