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Self Care for Parents

This year has been a challenging season for many parents as they attempt to adjust to a new normal that consists of having children schooling from home while also caring for their child with special needs. As parents, it is important that we also focus on our own self-care so that we can maintain an equilibrium. This is important so that we can effectively care for our children without suffering exhaustion. Below are some tips to help encourage you in a season of much needed self-care.

Try to develop a routine for you and your children. Kids find comfort and safety in routines and usually routines help ease their fears and anxiety. Establish morning routines that will also help you set the tone for your day. When your kids are down for a nap, enjoy the quiet moments and instead of trying to accomplish other tasks make sure you rest too. Consider diffusing aromatherapy such as lavender or another essential oil that helps you feel relaxed. Listen to music that makes you feel calm or that brings you joy. Try to schedule time into your day where you can do things like taking a walk. Exercise is recommended by the American Heart Association at 150 minutes per week and is an important part of self-care. Lastly, work on a bedtime routine that puts your children to bed before your bedtime. This might provide you with an opportunity to unwind, take a bubble bath or read a book for pleasure?


Everyone is working towards a new normal and making adjustments based off of your daily routines will help you perfect your own self-care.

Natalia Farias, MSN, BSN, FNP-BC, RN VP, Director of Clinical Services San Rafael Healthcare Inc 210-255-1466

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