2014 alfa conference how to be a culturally ready employer

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How to be a Culturally-Ready, Culturally – Friendly Employer: Insights Into Your Diverse Workforce

We’ve Changed No Longer a Melting Pot, but a Salad Bowl



1 in 3 is not White

Source: 2010 U.S. Census

The Census Diversity Index Has Been Increasing Consistently • The probability that two people chosen at random would be of a different race and ethnicity on a 0-100 scale. The scale ranges from 0 (no diversity) to 100.

Source: U.S.A Today, Minority births drive growth in U.S. diversity , 6/22/10

Arizona’s Diversity Index

60 In Arizona, the probability that two people selected at random will be of different races or ethnicities is 60%

Best Place to Get Your Local Data • usatoday.com/news/census/index • You can find the diversity index for every county and city, as well as: • Population density • Racial & ethnic composition

Screen Shot from the Website

Diversity Index by County

4 States &The District of Columbia have Minority Majority Populations • Minorities account for more than 50% of the population in California, Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas and DC

Source: New U.S. Census to Reveal Major Shift: No More Joe Consumer. AdAge, October 12, 2009.

States with Majority Minority Among Children • In 10 states, the share of children who are minorities has already passed 50 percent, up from five states in 2000: Mississippi Georgia Maryland Florida Arizona

Nevada Texas California New Mexico Hawaii

Not Just in Select Places‌ • Across every major market in the U.S. the majority of the child population is nonwhite

Non-Hispanic Whites • Whites share of the total U.S. population dropped over the last decade from 69% to 64% • Whites are aging fast: median age is now 41 (up from 38.6 in the 2000 Census) • Will be minority by 2041

Multiracial Americans • Multiracial Americans now number 8.7 million • 3% of the population • 25% increase in last decade

The Browning of America

A Country within a Country • 50.5 million Latinos in U.S. • • • • • • • •

Mexico U.S. Colombia Spain Argentina Peru Venezuela Chile

108.7 MM 50.5 MM 44.4 MM 40.4 MM 40.3 MM 28.7 MM 26.0 MM 16.3 MM

Source: Synovate 2010, CIA World Factbook, 2010 Census

50.5 Million Hispanics One in six U.S. residents is Latino

Source: 2010 U.S. Census

Among Children, 1 in 4 is Hispanic

Every 30 seconds, a Latino turns 18 in America Source: NPR, Latino Mayor May Be A Glimpse Of Things To Come, December 12, 2010

Latino Growth from 2000 - 2010

Diversity Comes in Many Forms •



Political views

Age/Generation – – – –

Matures (seniors) Boomers Gen X Gen Y


Physical abilities

Rural / Metro


Diversity Comes in Many Forms • Racial – White, Black, Asian, Native American

• Ethnic/Linguistic – Hispanic, Indian, etc.

• Nativity – Foreign-born or U.S. born

• Lifestage – New moms/dads, retirees, college students, empty-nesters

• Lifestyle/Affluence – Working poor, middle class, wealthy

• Core values – Environmentalists, vegetarians, home schoolers

Your Hispanic Workforce Opportunity

U.S. Latino Population is Exploding‌ 63.9

Latino Population in Millions 56.0 48.7 43.5 14.6



Source: Synovate 2010 /U.S.Census Bureau




First Things First: Latino or Hispanic? • Both are acceptable and most people use them interchangeably • There are a few differences: – Latino is more current terminology, more in fashion – Latino is more inclusive • Includes Brazilians, who are Latin American, but not Hispanic

• I use Latino, but will use Hispanic when citing research that uses that term

Latinos/Hispanics Can Be of Any Race • Ethnicity, not race • Definition of Hispanic generally relies on three factors: – Self-identification • People who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino

– Country of birth • Born/Ancestry in one of 22 Spanish-speaking countries

– Linguistic • Spanish was 1st language learned, is primary language or language of ancestry

Culture & Value Differences The Importance of Language Acculturation

The 5 F’s: the Bedrock of Latino Culture • • • • •

Faith Family Friendship Food Fútbol (soccer)

Family First

Religion and Faith

Holidays and Celebration

Hispanic Pride

Feel very proud of my Hispanic background

Source: Yankelovich Hispanic Monitor

Strong Ties to Culture

Sustaining ethnic traditions and symbols is important

Source: Yankelovich Hispanic Monitor

Strong Ties to Each Other • Hispanics feel closer to others like themselves • Leisure time usually includes other Hispanics

Source: Yankelovich Hispanic Monitor 2000

Key Indicators of Acculturation Level Language Values

Latino Acculturation Stratification™ UNACCULTURATED CULTURAL LOYALIST™




• Foreign Born

• Foreign Born

• U.S. Born

• U.S. Born

• Recent arrival

• U.S. is home now

• First generation

• 2nd, 3rd Generation

• Spanish

• Spanish

• Bilingual &

• English Preferred

dependent • Traditional values

• Latino Proud



• Aspirational

• Professional

• Retro-acculturation

• In touch with roots

• Influential

Acculturation Among Hispanic Adults 18+





66% Acculturated

Source: Synovate 2006

Strategies to Recruit, Train & Retain the Best Diverse Workforce

Recruiting Strategies

Let Your Employees Do the Recruiting • Don’t underestimate the power of their network – Tight community of friends and family – “Word of mouth” is how info is shared – Can be positive or negative

• Good employees recruit other good employees • Bilingual managers and supervisors send a message of aspiration

Money Talks • Develop systems that reward both employee and recruit – $50 or free lunch for a week to employee for each referral who is hired – Signing bonus for new employee AND referring employee, conditional upon performance and tenure • 50% of incentive paid upon hire of referral, 50% after 6 months of satisfactory work

• Offer competitive wages. Don’t exploit.

Advertise in Language • Spanish media outlets often offer employers free exposure for open positions – Univision: airs Mondays at 5pm – “Everyone knows about this – we all have our pads and pens ready to write down the numbers”

• Flyers in Spanish, Chinese advertising open positions: – At ethnic grocery stores and restaurants – Placed on windshields in Dollar Store/Discount Department store parking lots in high-density diverse areas – Passed out at parks, churches, immigration advocacy centers

• Help wanted ads in local in-language free shoppers, weekly publications. They are typically widely read

Partner with Local Trade Schools, High Schools • Many high school students will not attend college or any secondary school • Hispanic students have highest dropout rate among all races/ethnicities – No stigma – it’s an opportunity to earn • Viable, professional occupations and trades are highly coveted

Training Strategies

Provide as Much as Possible in Native Languages • E.g. Info on company, policies, rules in Spanish • Training for the job itself • Safety information and practices • Helps minimize injury, mistakes and lawsuits • Bilingual whenever possible – assists in learning • “How to” info – helpful information for living and working in the U.S.

Provide “Show & Tell” Training • Literacy is a huge issue for many recent arrivals. Even though materials may be available in a native language, many can’t read • Better to have workers demonstrate exactly how jobs are to be done, tools/gear are to be used, then watch new workers do it

Certification is Important • Having a “certified” skill is highly valuable • Many foreign-born workers less jaded about the value of certification – Builds confidence, self-esteem and pride in work – May carry significance in Mexico, other countries

Strategies for Being a Culturally-Ready, Culturally-Friendly Employer

The 5 R’s Respect Recognition Reward Respond Reflect Culture & Tradition

Demonstrate Respect • Take the time to learn employees’ names. Greet employees by name if possible • Be patient as employees learn new jobs and culture • Provide all gear, equipment necessary to do the job and protect employees • Treat with respect consistently – Deliver on every promise, no matter how small – Communicate changes to any agreements

• Demonstrate confidence in them and you will be rewarded with motivated performance • Be open to sharing of ideas and suggestions • Don’t mock employee food choices/preferences

Recognition is Always Appreciated • Just as public humiliation is reviled, public recognition is revered • Praise a strong employee in a staff meeting – A solution to a problem, a new idea, or work “over and above”

• Recognize good work, tangibly and intangibly – Intangible: “Roberto – good job today – that was a smart idea” – Tangible: small bonus for extraordinary work

• Even the smallest tangible token is valued – $10 gift certificate or cash, movie passes, lunch

Reward • Provide career/job advancement – Good employees are very goal-oriented – Show them what’s possible for them and give them the tools to advance • Ana Laura Garcia • Went to night school to develop writing skills

Compensation is More than Just Money… • ESL classes partially/fully paid for, provided – Sed de Saber – “Thirst for Knowledge” • Interactive program that employees study on the job

– ESL classes offered through: • Catholic churches, Project Literacy, community colleges, immigration advocacy groups

• Offer listings or information on basic services – – – –

Daycare for children Clinics Schools Financial literacy & money management • Savings accounts • Money-wiring services

Pollo Campero Teaches Money Management • Savings accounts

• Check writing and debit cards • How to buy a car • How to get/use a credit card • Money wiring cost comparisons

$300 Wired Among 7 Different Services Service USPS MoneyGram DolEx Wells Fargo InterCuenta Express Tornado Money Transfer Western Union B of A SafeSend

Source: Dallas Morning News

Pesos received 3,285.7 3,284.2 3,252.1 3,244.1 3,205.7 3,189.2 3,179.9

Respond • Offer a sincere, “open door policy” • Respond to problems quickly and professionally – Otherwise seen as “dismissal of input” – lack of respect

• Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas, relating problems – Example: woman felt uncomfortable at work with male coworker’s innuendo, comments, so she quit rather than tell her supervisor

Factors working against open door policy: – Cultural politeness and respect for authority – Avoidance of confrontation. Hope for resolution. – Fear of losing job, being seen as a “troublemaker”

Reflect Culture & Tradition • Understand that there are differences – Greetings are often more enthusiastic – Conversations are more social – Culture dictates politeness always • American culture very direct, almost “brash” • Where and when appropriate, allow Hispanic employees to express/celebrate traditions – E.g: Cinco de Mayo decorations in the break room

Do’s & Don’ts • Don’t: • Take took long to resolve problems/issues • Don’t promise something you can’t deliver. Tell the truth, no matter how tough the news is. • Don’t be surprised by silence and formality – only in the U.S. is the worker-boss relationship casual • Overload their schedule. Many great workers cannot say no to work or their employer. It’s easy to take advantage by depending on them and easy for them to get burned out.

Do… • Explain their rights: sexual harassment, workman’s comp, etc. • Keep confidences. Employees will tell you what you need to know if they trust you. • Allow them to share ideas and suggestions for improving business. • Organize a “Family Day” cookout with games, food and prizes • Offer certifications where appropriate, especially for things like safety • Provide sick days. Otherwise, they will come to work when they shouldn’t. • Let your employees recruit for you - they will bring great workers

Final Thoughts • You can be the employer of choice for the best talent available • Your industry and company will continue to grow and prosper by creating a safe and productive work environment for diverse workers and recognition for top performers • Your efforts to reach and retain this worker will pay dividends, today and tomorrow

My New Book Can Help!

#5 on the list of Bestselling Business Books of 2013

For more information about consumer trends, contact Kelly McDonald at 214-880-1717 or kelly@mcdonaldmarketing.com

Š2014 McDonald Marketing 7820 Enchanted Hills Blvd. Ste. A-199 Rio Rancho, NM 87144 214-880-1717, Fax 214-880-7596 kelly@mcdonaldmarketing.com All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced In any form without permission by the author.

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