Staffing Strategies for Senior Living Executives Ryan Novaczyk, President & CFO, New Perspective Senior Living Mark Woodka, CEO, OnShift
Employee Lifecycle Interview Recruit
Retain or Exit
Onboard & Train
Average turnover for non-certified resident caregivers in assisted living
Recruiting & Hiring Practices • What are your key practices for recruiting and hiring care givers? • What are some innovative interviewing & hiring practices? • What technologies are you using to support recruiting & hiring? • How do you plan to deal with the shortage of qualified healthcare workers?
The first 90 days are critical to long-term employee retention
Cite HR
The First 90 Days
“That 90 day window is crucial. Get them hooked in that window and they’ll stay.” - Senior Living Executive, ALFA Executive Forum, November 2013
Onboarding & Training Practices • What are your key practices for onboarding & training care givers? • How do you onboard and orient new employees? • What are your keys to successful onboarding? • Do you have a mentor program? • How are peer employees involved in onboarding & training? • What are some of your greatest onboarding challenges?
Only 29% of American workers are engaged in their jobs
Employee Engagement Strategies • How are you approaching employee engagement? • What role do employee surveys play? • What are your expectations for employee engagement? • What are some practices that work in engaging key employees? • How are you using technology to engage employees?
Average retention rate for all assisted living employees
Employee Retention Best Practices • How big of an issue is employee turnover? • What are the most common reasons employees leave? • How are you retaining key talent? • What best practices can you share in improving retention?
~60% Operating Budget
Labor is your largest operating expense
Staffing & Labor Cost Management • How are you scheduling and managing your employees? • Where does technology fit with your staff scheduling and labor management efforts? • What practices do you have in place to control labor cots? • What benefits have you experienced through proper, consistent staffing? • What are your top staffing & labor management priorities for 2014?
The Role of Technology
“Technology is potentially the single most important phenomenon that can synergize the other driving forces to assure value for all concerned.� - 28
Licensed Nursing Facility Cost Comparison, CliftonLarsonAllen
For More Information Webinars…. Whitepapers…. Videos… • Employee Engagement Best Practices • Proactive Staffing in Senior Living • Executive Perspectives: Shockwaves in Senior Living, & more