Jan • Feb 2022 • Issue 116
22 26
30 32 34 36
38 40 44
48 50 52
Hearing impairment Learn to speak through listening
Autism How to help students develop self awareness
Autism The benefits of additional support for SEN students
Autism Building a life from neurodiversity
Wellbeing Engaging with animals in school
Wellbeing Move it, shake it, jump about… then breathe and relax
Wellbeing Disseminating mental health knowledge across the sector
Wellbeing Pupil-led mental health
Post-16 A cooperative trust provides access to opportunities for work and independence
Post-16 Developing skills for ‘Real World’ employment opportunities
Phonics Key techniques for teaching literacy skills
CReSTeD Find schools in your area catering to specific needs
Assistive technology & dyslexia Investment in AT can lead to better learning for dyslexics
Outdoor activities Improving a child’s development through outdoor activities
64 67 74 78 80 84 87 90
Home education To home educate or not - what is the right choice?
SEN law The Law and Home Education
Alternative provision Cracking down on unregistered AP schools
Integrating therapies as part of the curriculum
Leadership The nature of leadership
Specialist furniture A guide to specialist seating
Professional development
Professional Development programming for teachers
Recruitment A broad based SEND recruitment strategy
Recruitment Fixing the headache of supply teacher recruitment
Regulars 8
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