put your body in balance
nutrients In order to grow, develop and work, humans need macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), essential fatty acids, amino acids, fibre, water and various protective substances.
proteins • They are a source of energy and amino acids that are necessary for building body proteins. • They help in maintaining and increasing muscle mass. • They help the body regenerate cells and form new cells of muscles, bones, skin, hair, etc. • They help improve the immune system. • They help stimulate wound healing.
fats and fatty acids • They are necessary due to their energy value and for the provision of essential fatty acids. • Omega-3 and omega-6 belong among unsaturated or “good” fats. • They are essential fatty acids, which means that they are necessary for the functioning of the human body and the body cannot produce them itself. • Unsaturated fatty acids reduce cholesterol concentration in blood, help stimulate the metabolism, strengthen the immune system and balance blood pressure.
lauric acid • It is a natural fatty acid and it is an important component of breast milk. • It helps preserve the immune system, and it helps in the fight against fungus and bacteria.
fibre • It increases the amount of stool and water in it, which results in a greater volume of stool and a faster passage of intestinal contents. • This protects the intestinal wall, since the time of the passage of intestinal contents through the digestive system is shorter. • It helps prevent constipation. • It helps prevent haemorrhoids, because it makes the stool softer. • It contributes to the regulation of blood pressure. • It helps protect against diabetes, heart and vascular diseases and obesity.
vitamin a and beta-carotene • Beta-carotene slowly transforms into vitamin A in the body. • It influences numerous metabolic processes, for example growth. • It helps in maintaining eyesight, in the functioning of the immune system and in maintaining • healthy bones, skin and mucosa.
• It has a role in the normal functioningof the heart.
vitamin B2 ali riboflavin • It has a role in the metabolism of iron and in maintaining normal red blood cells. • It helps protect cells from oxidative stress. • It contributes to reducing fatigue and maintaining healthy skin.
vitamin b3 or niacin • It contributes to reducing fatigue and maintaining healthy skin. • It has a role in the release of energy during metabolism.
vitamin b6 or pyridoxine • It acts as a coenzyme that accelerates chemical reactions in cells in harmony with enzymes. • It helps to improve mood.
vitamin B17 • It helps strengthen the immune system.
vitamin c • As a powerful antioxidant, it has a role in the protection of cells against free radicals. • It helps strengthen the immune system, since it increases the production of white blood cells that increase the level of antibodies in the body. • It has a role in the production of collagen, which is important for the functioning of veins as well as for healthy bones, skin, teeth and gums. • It contributes to reducing fatigue. • It accelerates the absorption of vitamin A and iron, which can help with anaemia. • It helps reduce the level of cholesterol in blood.
vitamin e • It is an antioxidant, so it helps protect cells from oxidative stress. • It has a role in the function of the muscles.
iron • It has a role in the function of the immune system. • It contributes to reducing fatigue and exhaustion. • It helps produce haemoglobin that transmits oxygen in the body. • It takes care of the health of the muscles, since it provides oxygen that is necessary for them to contract.
potassium • It contributes to the regulation of blood pressure. • It has a role in the function of the muscles.
vitamin B1 or thiamine • It contributes to the release of energy in metabolism. Source: Košnik M., Mrevlje F., Štajer D., Koželj M., Černelč P., 2011. Interna medicina. Ljubljana : Littera picta : Slovensko medicinsko društvo, 1712 pgs.
select a product that calcium • It is necessary for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. • It contributes to the transmission of nerve impulses. • It helps prevent blood clots. • It has a role in the function of the muscles. • It helps reduce blood pressure.
iodine • It plays a vital role in the function of the thyroid. • It is important for the production of thyroxine, the hormone that helps regulate metabolism.
zinc • It helps strengthen the immune system, and it protects cells against oxidative stress. • It contributes to maintaining healthy bones, hair, nails, gums and skin. • It helps in the metabolism of vitamin A, carbohydrates and fatty acids. • It has a role in fertility and reproduction.
magnesium • It helps improve physical fitness, since it is important for the contraction of muscles. • It contributes to reducing fatigue and exhaustion. • It helps produce hormones that keep bones healthy. • It helps reduce blood pressure and alleviate the stress of everyday life.
antioxidants • They help reduce cell oxidation caused by free radicals. • They contribute to slower ageing process of the cells. • They help strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to infections.
chlorophyll • It helps in cleansing the intestines, liver and blood, as it binds to heavy metals. • It helps strengthen the immune system, since it stimulates cell activity. • Its structure is similar to that of haemoglobin, and it helps transmit oxygen in the body.
glycemic index It represents the degree to which certain food, after ingestion, directly affects the change of blood glucose level. Foods are classified into a scale with values from 0 to 100.
suits you immune system acai, camu camu, goji berries, incan berries, barley grass, cacao products, chlorella, hemp oil, hemp seeds, apricot kernels, wheatgrass, carob, sacha inchi seeds, triphala, cordyceps, imun mix, gastro mix, neem, reishi, sport mix, pink salt from Andes, coconut products
help with losing weight acai, chia seeds, mesquite, coconut sugar
sport and energy hemp protein, whole food bars, acai, camu camu, chia seeds, goji berries, incan berries, cacao products, chlorella, hemp seeds, maca, MSM (mineral beauty), mulberries, sacha inchi seeds, spirulina, ashwagandha, cordyceps, sport mix, triphala, chocolate 55% and 70%, macaccino, mesquite, coconut oil
helps reduce cholesterol acai, goji berries, cacao, chlorella, hemp oil, spirulina, sacha inchi seeds
helps reduce blood pressure hemp oil, spirulina, chlorella, acai, cacao, goji berries
chia seeds (allow electrolyte balance), maca (regulated hormonal balance), hemp products, ashwagandha, mesquite
detoxification chia seeds, barley grass, chlorella, wheatgrass, spirulina
help with digestion hemp protein, acai, incan berries, whole cacao beans, chlorella, hemp oil, spirulina, wheatgrass, vanilla, gastro mix, coconut products
beauty acai, goji berries, camu camu, ashwagandha, maca, MSM (mineral beauty), mulberry, cacao products, coconut oil
against stress goji berry, ashwagandha, incan berries, chaga, triphala
put your body in balance Vegalife is a synonym for quality production, a healthy way of life and achieving the body’s balance. Vegalife slogan is “Put your body in balance”, which supports it’s goal. Vegalife selection of products is made from ingredients that, besides suitable organic certificates, also have special quality standards. Every Vegalife products meet strict legal requirements that confirm the compliance of production, packaging, storage and transportation. In each step, special methods are used to preserve the important nutrients in the foods.
organic hemp protein powder 25 g, 500 g, 1000 g Organic hemp proteins are made from edible hemp seeds. Due to a high content of plant proteins that are responsible for the regeneration of muscles and the increase of muscle mass, the product is also suitable for athletes. It contains a lot of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and fibre that contribute to proper digestion.
. . proteins . . fibre . . fatty acids
organic acai powder
organic chia seeds
15 g, 85 g
40 g, 250 g, 1400 g
Organic acai powder is made from acai berries that grow on the palm trees of Central and South America. It contains a high percentage of antioxidants, unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibre. These ingredients increase our energy, contribute to proper digestion and strengthen the immune system.
These miracle seeds are known as one of the best sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that are essential for the functioning of the human body. They contain a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre. They also promote the feeling of satiety, which can help to reduce body weight.
. protein . fibre . vitamin E
. antioxidants . omega fatty   acids
camu camu powder
organic goji berries
15 g, 65 g
25 g, 125 g, 400 g
Camu camu is a red and purple berry that can be found in the Amazon rainforests. It is a very abundant source of vitamin C - an antioxidant with a role in the functioning of the immune system. The latter can also help with anaemia, since it contributes to the absorption of iron.
organic goji berries powder 25 g, 150 g These red berries contain amino acids that are responsible for releasing serotonin, which provides a feeling of well-being and happiness. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
. vitamin C
. iron . vitamin C . vitamin E
organic cacao beans
organic incan berries
175 g
40 g, 200 g
Cacao beans taste somewhat bitter, but they contain a large amount of important minerals and unsaturated fats. They are known as one of the most complex nutrients in the world, since they have high content of potassium, calcium, iron and antioxidants. They are also full of fibre, which contributes to proper digestion.
This dry fruit that looks like raisins at first glance originates in high-altitude regions of South America. They taste sweet and sour and they are a rich source of vitamin C that has an important role in the functioning of the immune system. They contain omega-6 fatty acids, proteins and fibre.
. antioxidants . fibre . iron
. protein . fibre . vitamin C
organic barley grass powder 15 g, 125 g, 300 g The basic ingredient of the organic barley grass powder is chlorophyll, the structure of which is similar to the structure of haemoglobin. It also contains proteins, vitamins and minerals, and, due to its ingredients, it has an alkaline effect on the body. It contains 29% of fibre, and it is also rich in amino acids.
organic chlorella powder 20 g, 175 g, 450 g
organic chlorella tablets 90 g, 700 g Chlorella is an algae that contains proteins, carbohydrates and a wide range of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Due to its content, it is especially suitable for people who do not eat food of animal origin.
. chlorophyll . vitamin C . amino acids
. magnesium . protein
organic cacao powder
organic hulled hemp seeds
20 g, 125 g
30 g, 200 g, 1000 g Hulled hemp seeds are one of the richest sources of easily digestible proteins; they contain all essential amino acids and fatty acids (omega 3-6-9) in an ideal ratio for the human body and a high level of antioxidants that help strengthen our immune system.
Organic cacao powder contains a large amount of antioxidants (flavonoids), vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the immune system. It is also rich in dopamine and serotonin that contribute to overall well-being and have an amazing effect on the mood.
. protein . omega-3 . antioxidant
. antioxidants . calcium
organic cacao butter
organic hemp seed oil
20 g, 150 g
250 ml, 500 ml
Cacao butter is obtained through cold pressing of cacao beans. It has a unique structure, since it contains omega-6, omega-9 and stearic fatty acids that help keep blood cholesterol levels balanced. We can use it in the kitchen and for cosmetic purposes.
organic hemp seed oil with basil 250 ml
. antioxidants . iron . vitamin C
Cold pressed hemp oil is high in omega-6 and omega-3, fatty acids and vitamin E. Vegalife hemp oil is unique on the market, as it is bottled without the presence of oxygen in dark purple bottles that offer the most effective protection from UV rays, thus preserving sensitive essential fats in the product.
organic maca powder
organic mullberries
25 g, 175 g
25 g, 175 g
Maca is a plant that grows high in the Andes, as it develops its characteristic and valuable features only under these conditions. Powder of the tuberous root is an excellent source of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and important amino acids.
Organic white mulberries have a unique sweet taste, and they are an excellent source of energy, since they provide the body with quality and natural sugars. They contain important minerals, vitamins and a strong antioxidant resveratrol that can be found in red wine.
. copper . iodine . magnesium
organic apricot kernels
. vitamin C . antioxidants . fibre
30 g, 200 g
organic wheatgrass powder 15 g, 125 g, 350 g
Organic apricot kernels are a healthy snack. They contain a lot of antioxidants, proteins, fibre and unsaturated fats, and they are an excellent source of vitamin B17 that helps to strengthen the immune system. The kernels are chewed or they are crushed and sprinkled on food.
Organic wheatgrass powder is an excellent foodstuff, since it is a great natural source of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It contains more vitamin C than an orange, and it is also rich in the antioxidant chlorophyll, which contributes to proper digestion and helps remove toxins from the body.
. amino acids . enzymes . chlorophyll
. vitamin B17 . fibre . iron
msm powder
carob powder
25 g, 200 g
175 g
The MSM abbreviation refers to the socalled beauty mineral, which is a dietary form of sulfur. It is famous for its characteristic that the body absorbs it quickly and effectively. It is sulfur of plant origin, which is very popular among older people and athletes due to its effect on collagen, elastin, cartilage and keratin production.
Carob is a tasty and healthy naturally sweet substitute for cacao. It is caffeine, theobromine, gluten and lactose free. It is produced in the natural environment of the Mediterranean Sea and due to the geographical position of the islands, it contains a lot of minerals and vitamins.
. antioxidants . amino acids . detoxifier
. no caffeine . fibre . minerals
sacha inchi seeds caramel, chocolate, pink salt: 30 g, 175 g The nutritional value of these seeds has been known since the ancient Incas. They are a balanced snack, since they contain essential fatty acids, proteins and amino acids. They are the richest plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids.
organic ashwagandha powder 25 g, 150 g Organic ashwagandha powder contains a great number of useful compounds, for example vitanolids, alkaloids, holin, fatty acids and amino acids. Alkaloids help to reduce psychological and physical stress, and they help improve sleeping and increase energy.
. carbohydrates . fibre
organic spirulina powder
organic chaga powder
20 g, 175 g, 450 g
15 g, 100 g
organic spirulina tablets 90 g, 700 g Spirulina is a blue-green algae rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect cells from damage. The nutritional value of spirulina is higher than the nutritional value of any other food of plant origin. It helps strengthen the immune system.
Chaga is a dark and hard mushroom that grows as a parasite on birch trees. Despite its unattractive appearance, it contains a lot of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, polysaccharides and antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system. It is also a natural source of melanin.
. protein . iron . amino acids
. protein . calcium
organic cacao nibs
organic cordyceps powder
25 g, 175 g
15 g, 100 g
Organic crushed cacao beans are a completely natural source of antioxidants and minerals such as calcium and iron. They have a positive effect on the immune system, and they provide energy for the whole day, since more than 50% of cacao beans are made up of healthy fats.
The very rare fungus cordyceps contains a lot of minerals and vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. Other useful substances are amino acids, fatty acids and proteins, so the product is also suitable for athletes.
. antioxidants . iron
. phosphorus . calcium . magnesium
organic triphala powder 25 g, 200 g
organic mesquite powder 150 g
Triphala is composed of Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bibitaki (Terminalia bellerica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). It is a strong antioxidant, and due to its high content of vitamin C, it contributes to the functioning of the immune and nervous systems. It contains a large amount of fibre that contributes to proper digestion.
Mesquite is a tree whose pods are ground into a fine powder with a sweet taste. It is used as a sweetener. It is an excellent ingredient for desserts due to its characteristic carob flavour. Mesquite is distinguished by a low glycemic index (GI 25). It is an excellent source of fibre, amino acids and minerals.
. fibre . calcium . protein
. vitamin C . antioxidants
organic chocolate 70% and 55% with sacha inchi seeds 80 g Organic chocolate (70% or 55% of cacao) with sacha inchi seeds contains no added refined sugars. Its sweetness comes from the raw syrup from unrefined cane sugar. Sacha inchi seeds are one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids in the world.
pink salt from andes 250 g, 500 g Vegalife pink salt from the Andes is collected manually. It is completely natural, unrefined and it contains no additives. Its irregular crystals are of soft pink colour with a touch of ivory. Beside the gourmet taste, it has a rich mineral structure.
. unrefined . no additives
. handmade
organic macaccino
organic vanilla powder
25 g, 150 g
50 g
It is a sweet mixture of maca, organic cacao powder and unrefined coconut sugar, which is the only sweetener in macaccino. It has a low glycemic index (GI 35). Macaccino drink simulates the energy effect of coffee but without negative consequences for health.
Vanilla is a fruit in the shape of an elongated pod that grows from the flower of the climbing orchid that originates in Central America. It is a luxurious spice with an extremely pleasant smell and rich sweet taste appreciated by housekeepers and contemporary culinary masters.
. low GI . protein
. calcium . iron
organic coconut milk
organic coconut oil
400 ml
25 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml
Aromatic coconut milk is obtained from fresh coconuts. It has a high percentage of coconut fat that does not contain artificial stabilisers or preservatives. It contains lauric acid and vitamins. The milk is naturally creamy, and it is a perfect complement to sauces and desserts.
Organic coconut oil is obtained from organically grown coconuts. Within three days after harvesting, coconut oil is obtained through a cold pressing procedure. Due to this procedure, it is not necessary to add colours or aromas to the product, and it also does not contain any preservatives.
. extra virgin . cold pressed
. naturally smooth and creamy
coconut flour finely ground 1000 g
organic coconut sugar
Organic coconut flour is obtained from fresh, ripe and organically grown coconuts, and it is a good alternative to wheat flour. It contains a lot of fibre, proteins, vitamins, minerals and lauric acid. It is gluten-free, without any additives, sugars, whiteners or preservatives.
Organic coconut sugar is used in the same way as ordinary sugar. It has a low glycemic index (GI 35), and it is full of beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is characterised by its delicious caramel flavour. 100% pure coconut sugar is unrefined, without preservatives and without additions of anti-fermentation agents.
35 g, 450, 1000 g
. fibre . protein
. low GI
organic desiccated coconut 300 g
organic creamed coconut
Organic coconut flour coarsely ground is obtained from organic coconut meat. The production procedure occurs three days after harvesting the fruits at the latest. In this way, the high quality of the product rich in nutrients, fibre and with a low glycemic index is guaranteed.
Coconut mousse is made of the dried meat of organically produced coconuts. Thick coconut purée can be used in numerous recipes. It solidifies at a temperature lower than 24°C, which does not reduce its quality or spoils the taste. We recommend that you warm the coconut mousse in warm water and stir well.
. low GI . fibre . protein
500 ml
. made from fresh coconut
organic gastro mix
organic reishi powder
15 g, 100 g
15 g, 100 g
Organic gastro MIX helps individuals cope with possible digestive problems due to the great amount of fibre it contains. The mix also contains maitake mushroom, known as an adaptogen, which means that it helps the body establish and maintain balance.
Reishi, also known as the mushroom of immortality in the East, is also called the “elixir of eternal life�. Organic reishi Vegalife is grown in clean rural areas, therefore its production process guarantees high quality without harmful microbes, pesticides or heavy metals.
. phosphorus . magnesium . fibre
. fibre . calcium
organic imun mix
organic sport mix
15 g, 100 g
15 g, 100 g
It consists of selected mushrooms that help strengthen the immune system. These are: Agaricus blazei, Trametes versicolor, Poria cocos, Hericium erinaceus, Cordyceps (it has a proven antibiotic effect) and maitake and shiitake (proteins) as well as reishi (the mushroom of immortality and longevity) mushrooms.
It is a mixture of mushrooms that help increase endurance during sport activities. Cordyceps contributes to faster regeneration of muscles. In combination with reishi mushroom, it provides the body with necessary energy. Shiitake and maitake mushrooms are a good source of quality proteins.
. protein . calcium . iron
. calcium . magnesium
organic neem powder 25 g, 100 g Neem is an evergreen bushy tree with white flowers and fruits that look like olives. It contains compounds that have an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Neem is one of the most effective products for hair and skin care. It helps with fungal and skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis and dandruff .
. fibre . protein
energy & sport superfoods herbs, tea & mushrooms sweet & salty coconut
Get in touch with us:
Sensilab Group SA 21, Rue Aldringen L-1118 Luxembourg, EU info@sensilab.com Our export team: Eleonora Duljanova BalaĹžic, MBA M +386(0) 40 583 310 eleonora.balazic@sensilab.com Samo Koren M +386(0) 41 347 772 samo.koren@sensilab.com Maja Ĺ tih M +386(0) 51 372 003 maja.stih@sensilab.com Rok Kramer M +386(0) 30 705 505 rok.kramer@sensilab.com