2 minute read
AAt the Cannabis
Business Awards June 2022
in Miami, Sensi had the honor of winning “Most Infl uential Media Source” and we couldn’t be prouder. Ever since we launched in 2016, we have been working both to reimagine the perception of cannabis culture and keep a fi nger on the pulse of trends and new directions in the industry. We want Sensi to be the leader as the entire nation opens its arms to cannabis medicine, the industry, and innovations in science, as FIND well as new important uses for the plant.
We want Sensi to be
US One disturbing trend in the cannabis industry, however, is a falloff in the number of women and people of color who serve in executive positions. We are proud to be
ON heading in the opposite direction. There is a plurality of women in our top-level positions, and we see women as thought leaders in the business and drivers in dismissing
SOCIAL tired old stereotypes about cannabis—and we intend to lead the way in bringing more
MEDIA women and people of color into important roles in the industry. We must prove that this industry can set an example that all should follow. We are also in the midst of an exciting revival of our brand and there are many bold changes afoot here at Sensi. In these new summer print issues of our magazine in all FACEBOOK markets, you will see a renewed focus in support of brands who represent the roots Like Sensi Media of this industry. We are celebrating people like Patrick King, who was incarcerated for
Group to infuse your newsfeed with more his belief in cannabis, but now stands at the forefront of a renaissance. King, along of our great cannabis with others know the potential cannabis has to heal those suff ering from chronic lifestyle content. pain to combat-induced PTSD, and we advocate for him and his vision for the healthy cultivation of the plant. This is the future. Sensi is committed to connecting you with the important voices in our community and to celebrating the value they bring to our TWITTER everyday lives.
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Sensi headquarters. Innovate Grow Lead
INSTAGRAM Pretty things, pretty Sensi will continue to be a leader in building our community and serving you at the places, pretty awe- highest level. We look forward to bringing you along on this journey. some people: nd it all on @sensimagazine.
Stephanie Graziano stephanie.graziano@sensimag.com