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420 Approaches
It’s coming. Start prepping now.
Even though it’s a month away, we can’t stop thinking about 420 day. Cannabis’s birthday? Noooo. Cannabis’s most beloved holiday? Noooo. Cannabis smokers’ favorite holiday? Maaayyybbbeee? Whatever 420 means to you, here are fi ve ways to make the most of our favorite day. 1. Get as stoned as possible and eat all day. (Check out our February 2022 issue for a tasty cannabis-infused fudge recipe.) 2. Use it as an excuse to avoid working (it’s practically a federal holiday, yo!). 3. Get all the of the sweet dispensary deals (including a Sensi 4/20
Grab Bag, by following us on Instagram, where we’ll announce our offi cial distribution list over the next month). 4. Educate people about cannabis. After all, more people are thinking about it today than any other day of the year. 5. See live music. Obviously.