TEMPERED STEAL Aurora moves toward mandatory jail sentences for shoplifters convicted of stealing more then $100 in merchandise
Aurora is stranger than truth and city council fiction when it comes to dramas
f there’s one rule that’s been faithful in all the years I’ve watched and written about Aurora, it’s that you can’t make up stuff that tops the reality of life in A-town. The last couple of weeks have been a perfect example of that. Winning the 2024 Award for Life is Stranger Than Fiction is the never-ending trial of Robin Niceta. This truly is a story that keeps on giving. If you recently came to this planet, Niceta is the former Arapahoe County social worker who apparently became infuriated with Aurora Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky two years ago. At the time, Niceta was dating Aurora’s former police chief, Vanessa Wilson. Jurinsky appeared on a far-right radio talk show and badmouthed Wilson, who was running headfirst through the city’s painful police reform, a show unto itself. An investigation revealed that Niceta, acting on her own, faked a report on a tip line, accusing Jurinsky of abusing her son. The false report prompted an investigation about Jurinsky, which eventually turned into an investigation about Niceta for faking the report. That was almost two years ago. Convicted earlier this year for falsifying the report, Niceta has been in and out of court, also accused of faking brain cancer, complete with a fake New Mexico doctor she invented that supposedly supplied faked brain x-rays. Despite being convicted, Niceta can’t seem to collect her sentence. Last Homeless camps are still littered throughout the city, near major intersections month, she appeared in court to have justice meted out to her. and along side roads. Seen here is a small camp near 6th Avenue and I-225. File Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/Sentinel Colorado Ubexpectedly, her lawyer didn’t show, calling in on a speaker phone and explaining that he had become unexpectedly ill with the kind of thing that makes it so you can’t leave your homeless people. He returned to city hall and told everyone house — safely. that the secret to fixing all this is to hustle them out of where All of the sordid details were captured on the judges’ they sleep at night. speakerphone last month, and as if it were just part of the That was three years ago. show, Niceta’s sentencing was postponed until last Friday. Sure, even after the city keeps evicting homeless campers Well, of course Nicetas lawyer missed court again, unfrom their campgrounds, they set right back up someplace expectedly and without warning. Jurinsky, having pursued else around town, but they’ve moved some. Progress. justice this far was undone. Three years into spending piles of tax dollars doing the “I’m having a f*****g nervous breakdown,” Jurinsky Hooverville Shuffle. Coffman stayed home and came up with told Sentinel reporter Max Levy. “and you can quote me another keen idea: Coffmanville. Why not spend $40 million on that.” Well, of course he did. Tune in next month for on buying an old Aurora hotel and turning it into a Mecca for the continuing saga. homeless people that just need to choose work over whiskey Meanwhile, in another part of the Aurora Enchanted and meth, or fentanyl? The city just happened to have a spare Forest, the Aurora City Council’s animal instincts played $40 million lying around in federal dollars. out. Voila! Problem solved. So by next year, the old Crowne You’ve no doubt read in this very space before the foibles Plaza Hotel tucked away between Interstate 70 and Denver’s of Mayor Mike Coffman, aka “Homeless Mike.” Montbello neighborhoods, far, far away from any Aurora That’s the moniker celebrity Denver TV reporter Shaun neighborhood, will become a “Work First” dream-come true Boyd bestowed on hizzoner three years ago when he pretendfor all the thousands of homeless people who will suddenly reed to be homeless for a week and sleep among the tented and alize they’ve just been making bad choices. Coffman believes untented along the Colfax corridor. they’ll choose work for one of a few dozen rooms at the inn. The Sentinel and other media derided the stunt as unethI can’t imagine why no one has figured this out before, but ical because he never told any of the people he encountered maybe no one asked homeless people like Coffman has. In that was really the mayor of Aurora and could get an Uber the fact he told reporters this week that he asked some homeless hell home at any moment. He did, however, tell Channel 4, so people about his plan and they liked it. there would be plenty of B roll as he retold his amazing stoSo, despite the gnashing of teeth on spending real money ry of having slept outside with homeless people for an entire on a real hotel that technically is part of Aurora, the deal is doweek and lived to tell about it. ne, and homelessness will soon be solved. Not only did he survive, he told Boyd after day seven, or A far easier sell last week was spending a whopping $50 maybe it was six, whatever, Coffman told the camera he’d million on a shelter for homeless animals. No, real animals, learned all the secrets to this homeless problem thing. Cofflike dogs and cats. man found out that almost all of those people with serious Other than cranky “quit spending” Councilperson Curdrug and alcohol addictions living on the streets, except for tis Gardner, city lawmakers who have backed shooing away the ones who just have debilitating mental illness and no adhomeless people are totally on board with spending even diction issues, are indeed alcohol and drug addicts, except for more on a place for unwanted dogs and cats. the ones with debilitating mental illness and no addictions The City of Pets Before People will not only create a Mecissues. ca for the unhoused on four legs, they won’t be forced to get a But Coffman learned a bigger secret he shared with Boyd: job to stay at the Aurora Animal Inn. They “choose” to live on the streets, behind dumpsters, in Next up? It looks like Aurora lawmakers have figured out a parks and under cars because that way they do not have to way to end shoplifting, just like they did car theft and homeface their addictions, except for the ones with debilitating lessness psychiatric problems and no addiction issues. I’m not making this up. Coffman figured out that the problem is that homeless people don’t have jobs. And they don’t have jobs because they don’t want one. They want addictions instead. It’s all a matter Follow @EditorDavePerry on BlueSky, Threads, Mastodon, Twitter and of making wrong choices. Facebook or reach him at 303-750-7555 or dperry@SentinelColorado. And that launched Coffman’s great plan for Aurora’s com
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Aurora’s must-jail-shoplifter crusade offers a mirage reflecting a lack of honesty, credibility and facts
n Aurora attempt to reduce shoplifting in local stores looks and sounds much more like a frothing talk-radio show than a deliberative city council. Over the last week, conservatives on the Aurora City Council have once again taken a ready-fire-aim approach to governing. This time, lawmakers shot themselves in the feet over a scheme that threatens to send more convicted shoplifters to jail. Last year, city lawmakers agreed to jail anyone convicted of shoplifting merchandise worth $300 or more. This week, lawmakers pushed to lower the limit to $100. The state limit for felony theft is $2,000. The scheme is grounded in right-wing talk radio hysteria, disinformation, half-truths and fallacy. The only fact in this “go-directly-to-jail” ruse is that evidence shows there was a marked increase in retail loss from theft over the past few years, nationally, regionally and locally. That data — from reliable sources such as the National Retail Federation, Statista, Retail and Trade, and the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention — is backed by a slate of other retail and retail insurance studies that reveals that Colorado retailers lost $1.289 billion in revenue to retail theft in 2022, but the bulk of that was not from shoplifting. Among the things this conservative cohort of Aurora city lawmakers aren’t telling the public: • Retail theft per capita in Colorado is 19% lower than all states. • Only about one-third of the losses are attributable to shoplifting. About 29% of the retail theft loss is due to employee or internal theft. Another 26% of retail theft loss is attributed to internal process and control failures. Another 9% is loss attributable to “other” causes — not shoplifting. That’s just the beginning of this bogus city-council campaign to “get tough on crime.” First off, shoplifting is far from new and far from being at the forefront of the mind of retail owners. In 2014, shoplifting became a top concern for Aurora business owners. Another ill-fated attempt to get tough on shoplifting involved city courts handing out jail sentences and posting pictures of those arrested for shoplifting on Facebook. It did nothing but risk due process lawsuits and eventually petered out. At the root of this ruse is a fairy-tale belief that increasing threats and jail punishment reduces crime. It does not. The sustained evidence shows that threatening worse punishment for stealing cars, toothbrushes, tires or trampolines does not measurably move the needle — except in costing more to taxpayers. While repeated studies have backed this up, famous among them is a 1997 Urban Institute review. During the 1980s when jails and prisons were filled with three times as many inmates, crime went down about 9%, according to research in the Urban Institute study. What does increase is the ratio of Black men put in jail compared to their convicted white counterparts, the study
revealed. Incarceration of Black men “above the poverty level increased from 21 to 37 per 1,000 of these men in the general population. These rates are eight times those for a comparable group of white men.” Just as importantly, 1 in 4 shoplifters is under the age of 16, immune from the threat of jail, even if they were arrested, and the vast majority of shoplifters are not. Here’s more information from National Association for Shoplifting Prevention that city council members didn’t reveal to the public: • Shoplifters say they are caught, on average, just 1 in every 49 times they steal. • Chronic offenders say they are arrested 1 in every 100 times they steal. • Each time an offender enters the criminal justice system, the cost to taxpayers is upward of $2,000, and that’s before the cost of incarceration Like a loopy right-wing talk radio jock, tough-talk believers can wish and promise all they want. The evidence is unequivocal that increasing jail time does not prevent nor “reform” criminal behavior. Not only did a city council committee of conservatives leave out these critical details about the issue, they exaggerated or made up narrative to support their folly. During a city council public safety committee meeting last week, city council members Stephanie Hancock and Danielle Jurinsky both said that an Aurora Goodwill store was closing because of a pernicious shoplifting problem. Juninsky called the Goodwill problem “beyond embarrassment.” When the Sentinel checked out their story, it was bogus. “Goodwill of Colorado spokeswoman Stephanie Bell later said the organization’s decision not to renew the lease on its Mississippi Avenue outlet store at the end of May was ‘not related to shoplifting in any way, shape or form,’ and was instead part of a planned consolidation of the store into a location in Westminster,” according to a Sentinel report by Max Levy. Hancock said in a later text message to the Sentinel that she did not remember who informed her about the Goodwill store closing. Police attorney Pete Schulte joined in the faux-fact committee hearing by stating that Arapahoe County Sheriff Tyler Brown was essentially on board with this scheme to fill one of the county jails with shoplifters. Not quite, said Arapahoe County Sheriff spokesperson Ginger Delgado in an email to the Sentinel after being pressed for confirmation. “Brown is aware of the ordinance but wants to learn more about the potential impacts on capacity at the county jail and the City of Aurora’s budget before making a commitment,” she said. The rest of the county has never been interested in subsidizing Aurora’s boondoggles. Everyone but this city council wants more information. How many people arrested and potentially jailed has been or
could be is unclear. Even as the city council debated the measure in study session this week, neither council members nor lawyers presented any data about the cost or impact of the previous jail boost and this one. When the measure’s supporters were called out by other council members, they defended that lack of data about the previous push for jail time. “I understand what you’re saying about getting the data, but I don’t think it changes the intent of the ordinance,” Councilmember Francoise Bergan said Monday. Facts-and-reality-be-damned philosophies makes for bad legislation and bad government. Frosting all this with fantasy and exaggeration further undermines the city council’s credibility in Aurora and the region. There wasn’t even mention of Adams County jail, which has been sideways in the past with the city over efforts to fill that jail after city “reforms.” The ACLU has filed notice that they think the $100-theftfor-jail scheme has a host of legal issues, similar to a plan the town of Rifle tried and backed away from last year. Schulte said that Aurora has far more tax-payer funded lawyers at its disposal than Western Slope Rifle, and, essentially, the city attorney’s office is ready to fund a fight against the ACLU. Still, unlike previous city governments, there is no fiscal impact data as lawmakers move the plan ahead. Nobody is asking for a useless, expensive and inequitable go-to-jail scheme. Businesses want results, not shock-jock talk from city hall or the local AM radio channels. Retail experts say that clearly marked video surveillance camera systems, mirrors, signage and police or guards visible at the entrance and inside stores really do work in thwarting shoplifters. The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention says that jailing some convicts reduces recidivism by about 40%, but jail time often leads to other crimes. Educating convicts, as rehab, however, reduces recidivism to 0.3%. The biggest challenge isn’t the lack of harsh punishment, it’s catching, stopping, holding and turning shoplifters over to police for prosecution. Rather than waste taxpayer time and money on a proven talk-radio boondoggle, the city should provide grants and low-cost loans for retail security camera systems, signage and mirrors. The city should subsidize police and guards in retail stores, which actually thwarts shoplifters. But end this bluster over the farcical fantasy that “getting tough” on crime actually reduces crime, or homelessness, or speeding or cheating on taxes. The answer here is more police, visible in a city that has come to expect them only when they’re called and only for the most dire of situations.
New Aurora city manager says his tenure at city hall is about mapping out the future ‘I’M JUST TRYING TO CONTINUE THE GOOD WORK THAT WE DO DAY IN AND DAY OUT.’
aving finally shed his “deputy” and “interim” titles, Aurora City Manager Jason Batchelor said Wednesday that he’s focused on filling job openings and planning for Aurora’s future with the help of city lawmakers and employees. “There’s always things that, as an organization, we can improve on,” Batchelor said Feb. 7. “I’m just trying to continue the good work that we do day in and BY MAX LEVY, Sentinel Staff Writer day out.” Aurora’s city manager oversees the day-to-day operations of the city as well as the hiring and firing of most city employees. They are also responsible for making sure the policy decisions of Aurora’s City Council are carried out by the rest of the city. Wednesday marked 10 months to the day since Batchelor took over as the city’s top administrator — first on an interim basis, following Jim Twombly’s retirement in April, and lately as a permanent appointee, after Aurora’s City Council Aurora City Manager Jason picked him for the job in November and watched Batchelor is pictured in front him get sworn in three weeks later. As city manof Mayor Mike Coffman during ager, he’ll earn $330,000 per year. Batchelor, 49, graduated from the United an Aurora City Council workshop Saturday, States Military Academy in West Point in 1996. Feb. 3, 2024. After a five-year stint in the Army, he received Photo by Max Levy/ master’s degrees in engineering and public affairs Sentinel Colorado from the University of Texas at Austin.
“I didn’t quite know what I wanted to do when I grew up,” Batchelor said. “And then, early on in my career, I learned about the city management profession, and I was like, ‘I like this. This is really what I want to do.’ I like the ability to directly serve my community and solve problems every day.” Batchelor interned for the City of Austin and later went to work full-time in that city’s budget office. Describing Texas summers as “long, hot and miserable,” Batchelor said he was grateful when an opportunity arose to serve as a budget officer in Aurora. Since he and his wife, Peggy, moved to Aurora 15 years ago, Batchelor has worked his way up, being promoted to finance manager and then deputy city manager. In the latter role, he helped draft the consent decree between Aurora’s public safety agencies and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, and served once before as interim city manager, when Skip Noe stepped down in 2017. “Whether it was Ron Miller, or Skip Noe, or Jim Twombly, they’ve all been really good city management professionals for me to model myself after,” Batchelor said about the city’s past city managers. “I really try to have a relationship with not only employees but also elected officials and really understand them, so we can have good communication in terms of what it is they’re trying
to accomplish, and what their concerns are, and what we can do.” He described an ongoing strategic planning effort as one of his priorities — during a workshop Saturday, city staffers and council members shared ideas for streamlining city government and promoting economic development, community engagement, public health and safety. Batchelor said his office plans to bring back proposals for multi-year projects realizing those ideas back to the council in the spring. Some of the projects Batchelor said he’s most proud of from his time in Aurora include helping with the development of the Stanley Marketplace and negotiating contracts with Aurora’s police and firefighter unions. Batchelor’s new job will require him to balance carrying out the will of the majority of the council and maintaining relationships with individual council members, who have been known to publicly clash over policies and personal disagreements. He said striking a balance involves getting to know the perspective and interests of each council member while setting clear expectations for how he can and can’t help individual lawmakers accomplish their policy goals.
Aurora OKs $1.5M toward $25M-35M replacement of the city’s crowded animal shelter Aurora’s only animal shelter has been pushed to capacity for years, with more dogs and cats jockeying for spots in the facility’s kennels than available spaces. That could change under a proposal to double or at least increase the space available to house the city’s lost, surrendered and impounded pets, which Aurora’s City Council pledged $1.5 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds to explore Saturday. “We have one animal shelter in our entire city of 400,000 people,” Councilmember Francoise Bergan said. “I just think it’s a good investment. We don’t really have any other alternatives.” The funds will be used along with general impact fees and capital project funds to design and create a financial plan for an all-new facility. Funding for construction could come from certificates of participation with a total face construction cost of between $25 million and $35 million, deputy city manager Laura Perry said Saturday. Certificates of participation are a long-term financing mechanism that cities use in a way similar to municipal bonds. Unlike bonds, certificates of participation are considered a lease-purchase agreement rather than long-term debt, meaning cities don’t need to get the permission of voters before issuing them. Councilmember Steve Sundberg questioned whether a warehouse could be repurposed or built for the city’s needs, which city manager Jason Batchelor said the city will investigate once the details of the new facility are determined. City staffers estimated Saturday that paying for construction using certificates of participation would cost between $1.5 million and $1.8 million annually for 30 years in debt service and interest. More details about the project will be presented to the council at a future meeting. Besides being a safe space for wayward animals to wait for adoption or transfer to one of the rescues that partners with the shelter, the Aurora Animal Shelter offers vaccinations as well as end-of-life services such as euthanasia and cremation for pet owners. Animals are not euthanized due to the amount of time spent at the shelter or to free up space. Built in 1983 when the city’s population was less than half its current size, the shelter has pleaded publicly for members of the public to adopt animals and find other places to hand over pets due to crowded conditions. The situation isn’t as dire as city staffers described Saturday — while Aurora’s director of housing and community services, Jessica Prosser, said the shelter was operating under a “waiver” from the state’s Pet Animal Care and Facilities Act Program that the state could revoke at its discretion, a PACFA representa-
tive later said no such waiver exists and that the shelter is in compliance with state regulations. City spokesman Michael Brannen wrote in an email that Prosser “misspoke” when she referenced a waiver but said the building is at risk of falling out of compliance as it ages. Batchelor said Saturday that “absent a new facility, PACFA is likely going to not allow us to continue out of our existing shelter, certainly not in the long term.” Some council members said they were uncomfortable with the price tag for issuing certificates of participation, which could cost the city up to $54 million, including interest payments, over the life of the deal. “Between that and our purchase of Crowne Plaza, we’re spending nearly $100 million for people experiencing homelessness (and) animals experiencing homelessness,” Councilmember Curtis Gardner said. “I have a lot of issues with this.” However, the majority of the council voiced no objections and said they appreciated the need for a new shelter and stressed how the shelter serves a purpose beyond housing lost pets. Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky described an incident that took place during a ride-along with an animal services officer, during which she said she and the officer responded to a call about dead geese in the road. She said the geese were ultimately taken to the shelter to be cremated. “I had to cremate some geese,” Jurinsky said. “So, I mean, this is what is going on at the animal shelter. This isn’t just some big homeless shelter for dogs. This is a part of city government.” — Max Levy, Sentinel Staff Writer
everybody else who is here in this courtroom and is virtual this morning for this sentencing, but we can’t go forward.” Root could not be reached by phone or through a contact page on his website following the Feb. 9 hearing. In November, an Arapahoe County jury found Niceta guilty of attempting to influence a public servant, a fourth-degree felony, and making a false report of child abuse, a third-degree misdemeanor. Investigators say Niceta called a child abuse hotline to accuse Danielle Jurinsky of sexually molesting her own son in January 2022 after Jurinsky went on a talk radio show to criticize then-Aurora police chief
ping off the radar of law enforcement and becoming a fugitive. At 9:10 a.m., Niceta walked into the courtroom without her attorney and sat down at the defendant’s table. The hearing itself didn’t begin until about 9:40 a.m., at which time Elliff announced the postponement. While the delay means Danielle Jurinsky and Niceta won’t learn Niceta’s fate until April 12, Elliff invited those present to address the court on behalf of the two on Friday. Danielle Jurinsky, her father and Niceta’s former boss took Elliff up on his offer, asking him not to show leniency to Niceta. Michelle Dossey — the child and ›› See METRO, 6
ARAPAHOE COUNTY County offices closed All County offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 19 in observance of the Presidents Day holiday. Visit
Wedded bliss begins with us.
Judge replaces lawyer for ex-social worker who called in fake child abuse tip against Aurora lawmaker The attorney representing Robin Niceta missed another hearing due to illness Friday, prompting a judge to remove him from the case and postpone Niceta’s sentencing for trying to frame an Aurora City Council member for child abuse to April. Three weeks after attorney Michael Root called into Niceta’s original sentencing hearing and said he couldn’t attend because of “a really bad issue with some health stuff,” Judge Eric Elliff told a courtroom packed with Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky’s supporters that Root had once again fallen “extremely ill.” Elliff threatened to clear the courtroom when some of Danielle Jurinsky’s supporters chuckled and made sarcastic comments at this announcement. Since defendants are generally entitled to have their attorney present during sentencing, Elliff said his “hands are absolutely tied” and that he had no choice but to once again postpone Niceta’s sentencing. “I know it pains all of you, and it pains me,” Elliff said. “I have every sympathy for the victims in this case, for Ms. Niceta’s family members, for
Vanessa Wilson, who was Niceta’s girlfriend at the time. Niceta faces up to six years in prison and $500,000 in fines for the felony charge and six months’ imprisonment and $750 in fines for the misdemeanor. Friday’s sentencing was scheduled to start at 9 a.m. As the start time came and went with no sign of Niceta, Danielle Jurinsky paced anxiously through the public gallery, at times huddling with her father and other supporters. “I’m having a f*****g nervous breakdown, and you can quote me on that,” she said. She later told reporters that she has “lost sleep” for the past year and a half at the thought of Niceta drop-
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adult protection services division manager for Arapahoe County’s Department of Human Services, where Niceta worked as a caseworker at the time of the fake tip — said Niceta’s actions had damaged the reputation of social workers across the state, endangering the lives of children who are genuinely at risk of abuse. “If one person in our community has doubts about our child welfare system because of Ms. Niceta and hesitates or does not call, a child could really be needlessly injured or killed,” Dossey said. “We believe the punishment should fit the heinous nature of her crimes, and we respectfully request that she be punished to the full extent of the law.” Jerry Jurinsky told Elliff how he felt helpless as his daughter was investigated and threatened with the loss of custody over his grandson. He stressed that Niceta acted deliberately and not spontaneously out of anger when she made the hotline call. During the November trial, investigators presented digital forensic
evidence downloaded from Niceta’s county-issued laptop and cellphone that indicated Niceta looked up information about Danielle Jurinsky and the child abuse hotline’s policies for retaining caller information shortly before the call was placed. “Every lie and every evil criminal action committed by this defendant against Danielle and our family was planned — not random, spur-of-themoment decisions, but planned and researched,” Jerry Jurinsky said. “She hoped it would succeed in removing a son from his home and destroying a family.” Danielle Jurinsky wept openly during her father’s testimony and during her own comments to Elliff, saying Niceta’s actions went beyond intimidation. “Those allegations were made with the intent of taking my son from me. What that means, your honor, is that those allegations were made with the intent of taking my life from me,” Danielle Jurinsky said. She also described the ordeal as God’s way of positioning her as a “voice for the voiceless” and holding Niceta accountable for misconduct
that was likely to have taken place before. “I was chosen for encountering a terror that was Robin Niceta,” Danielle Jurinsky said. “Robin, may God have mercy on your soul. Judge Elliff, please, may you have none.” After the hearing, she told reporters that the ongoing delays in the case were “nerve-wracking” and that she continues to fear Niceta will try to harm members of her family. Niceta’s trial on charges that she tried to dupe the court into believing that she was suffering from brain cancer to avoid criminal penalties is scheduled to begin April 29. Some of Jurinsky’s supporters wore matching T-shirts on Friday that read “All Brains are NOT Made the Same – Team Jurinsky,” which hearing attendee Melissa Ryan described as a tongue-in-cheek allusion to Niceta’s brain cancer claims. A status hearing in the original case that would include the attorney appointed to replace Root was also set for March 1. — Max Levy, Sentinel Staff Writer SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION
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State bill would force school boards, city councils, others to livestream meetings — including Cherry Creek schools While most Aurora governments regularly livestream public meetings, Cherry Creek School District does not. A proposed state law could change that. From even before the pandemic — when most local school boards and governments began live streaming meetings or holding them remotely — Cherry Creek has been criticized for refusing to broadcast meetings over the internet. The is-
sue was often a topic of discussion during the November school board elections. The district currently only uploads the audio recording of the meeting one day after a school board meeting. The district does not have a designated school board meeting room. The school board varies the locations of its meetings in an effort to hold sessions at schools across the expansive school district. School officials have previously cited the irregular locations as an obstacle to livestreaming the meetings. Directors Anne Egan and Angela Garland, who won their re-election campaigns, said during candidate forums last fall, that while they were open to livestreaming the meetings, they also said that there was value in people attending and delivering public comment in-person. The two people who challenged Egan and Garland, Steve McKenna and Scott Graves, advocated for live-streaming the meetings. Since losing their election campaigns, they have spoken up at the board meetings and said that they are waiting for the district to live-stream the meetings. As to whether the school district would be forced to allow for remote public comment even if it were to livestream meetings, current law refers to local governments and school boards. Jeff Roberts, executive director of the Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition, said public bodies are allowed to make their own rules regarding public comment. House Bill 1168 requires that those allowed to comment remotely be subjected to no more than the same restraints as those who comment in person. Cherry Creek school board members have scheduled a closed session Monday evening, prior to the regular board meeting, citing legal advice about the impact of the proposed bill. The bill, introduced Jan. 31 into the House Transportation, Housing and Local Government Committee, states that public bodies must also follow theses requirements: • Must livestream the video or audio of the meeting that is recorded and accessible to people with disabilities • Post any documents that will be distributed during the public meeting on their website at least 24 hours before the meeting • Allow the public to deliver public testimony through a video conference platform unless the location of the meeting does not have broadband internet service. • Must provide auxiliary aids and services upon request, but may require that people submit these requests at least a week in advance. The proposed bill does not require public bodies to provide hardware, software, internet or phone access at a person’s home. House prime sponsors of the bill are state Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Denver, and Manny Rutinel, D-Commerce City. State Sen. Nick Hinrichsen, D-Pueblo, is the prime state Senate sponsor. The bill is slated for its first hearing in the Transportation, Housing and Local Government Committee at
1:30 p.m. Feb. 21. — Kristin Oh, Sentinel Colorado
Cherry Creek schools will end charter school pact with Colorado Skies Academy Declining enrollment rates and budget deficits are among the reasons why the Cherry Creek school board voted Feb. 12 to cancel the district’s charter school pact with Colorado Skies Academy Charter School. Without any public discussion, the board unanimously voted against renewing the charter agreement. Director Anne Egan spoke briefly before the vote, saying that there are concerns about the charter school’s finances and that they are unsure if the school will be viable through the rest of the school year. She added that the school did not have a plan to meet financial obligations. According to district documents, the charter school has struggled to pay staff salaries and other core expenditures without relying on fundraising and grants. Egan also mentioned that the school’s enrollment has continued to decline. At its peak, in October 2020, 236 students were enrolled in the charter school. In February 2024, only 105 students were enrolled, according to the district. Like public schools, charter schools receive per-pupil funding. They do not charge families for tuition, according to the Colorado Department of Education. During the board meeting, charter school employees spoke against the board’s decision to not renew the contract. Christa Coryell, acting director of the school, said the district’s decision to approve only a oneyear extension in 2023 made it difficult for the school to retain teachers and drove families away. Two parents supported the board’s decision during public comment. Both said that the charter school’s leadership ignored their complaints against a science teacher the parents said retaliated against their child in school. The charter school did not immediately respond to The Sentinel’s request for comment on Tuesday. However, according to the state, the school has 30 days to appeal to the State Board of Education. The aerospace-focused middle school on the campus of the Centennial Airport has had a turbulent relationship with the district for years. Cherry Creek initially voted not to grant the academy a charter when it initially reached out to seek authorization, but was overruled by the Colorado state board of education. The district ultimately granted the academy a four-year charter running through the summer of 2023 and said its goal was for the charter school to be “a successful school that ultimately reflects the high standards of the Cherry Creek School District. The school opened in the fall of 2019 for sixth through eighth grade students, with students attending
school in trailers and then online once the pandemic started. In the fall of 2020 it celebrated the grand opening of its $10 million permanent campus, which is adjacent to the Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight exhibit on airport grounds. — Kristin Oh, Sentinel Colorado
Colorado legislators offer bill targeting book bans in school and public libraries Some Colorado lawmakers want to make it harder to pull books from the shelves of public libraries and school libraries, especially when the challenges come from people who live outside the community. Sen. Bill 24-49 would create a standard process through which books or other library materials could be challenged and outlines the makeup of school district committees that would have the authority to remove books from school libraries. The bill also spells out who can submit a book challenge. At a school library, challengers could be an enrolled student or the parent of a student. At a public library, a resident of the local library district could challenge a book. The bill, which will be heard by the Senate Education Committee on Feb. 22, comes at a time when book bans and challenges are more prevalent than they’ve been in decades. Often, those challenging books raise objections about how subjects like race, racism, or LGBTQ issues are handled. In some cases, dozens of challenges originate with one person. During a press conference Monday in the State Capitol building, Sen. Lisa Cutter, a Jefferson County Democrat and co-sponsor of the bill, framed the measure as a way to ensure young people in Colorado have the freedom to read, including books that “might challenge preconceived notions or present uncomfortable truths.” While Cutter and others spoke, supporters of the bill, including from the state teachers union, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the LGBTQ advocacy group One Colorado, held up books that have been banned in the past — titles like, “Where the Wild Things Are,” “Hunger Games,” “The Hate U Give,” and “Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.” Lily Williams, a Colorado teacher and illustrator, also spoke at the press conference, recounting how her graphic novel, “Go With the Flow” was banned in Keller, Texas, in 2022. The book is about “growing up, best friends and getting your first period,” she said. Williams, who teaches art at Carlson Elementary in Idaho Springs, talked about meeting a middle school girl during the book tour who confessed that she didn’t have anyone to talk to about puberty. “When adults censor and ban books, important conversations and questions don’t suddenly stop,” she said. “Those conversations and questions and simply move to a less
safe space.” Williams said after the press conference that she hopes the bill will provide checks and balances so that book challenges aren’t quite so “freeform.” The bill specifies that a committee appointed by the school district superintendent would consider challenges to school library books. The committee would include a district administrator, three teachers, three principals, a parent on the District Accountability Committee, and a student or recent graduate. It also would include three parents whose children are students of color or part of the LGBTQ community. The bill says a book could be removed only if the committee unanimously approves. Cutter’s bill is a response to the book bans debated recently in Douglas County and nationally. In August, conservative activist Aaron Wood requested the removal of four books that featured LGBTQ content. The Douglas County library board rejected the appeals by Wood. Nationally, there’s been a surge in book bans, according to the American Libraries Association. From January to August 2023, Colorado libraries heard eight challenges of 136 titles. And across the nation, there were 531 attempts to ban books with over 3,900 book titles challenged from January to August 2023. The most sweeping challenges have come from a handful of conservative organizations, including Moms for Liberty, according to the Associated Press. Cutter said she doesn’t want that to happen in Colorado, and the bill outlines the criteria for a challenge. “You can’t just come from out of state,” she said. Some Colorado education groups want to see the bill amended. “Obviously, as school administrators, we support access to materials in school. That’s terrific,” said Bret Miles, executive director of the Colorado Association of School Executives. But he said the bill should be pared down to allow more flexibility because it’s too prescriptive about how school districts make decisions about library books. “These are the kinds of decisions that are best left to a local community,” he said. Michelle Murphy, executive director of the Colorado Rural Schools Alliance, said the bill essentially excludes local school boards from developing their own book challenge policies or deciding the makeup of committees in charge of book removal decisions. She said the alliance is still hoping to work with the bill’s sponsors to come up with amendments that would make it more palatable. After the press conference, Cutter said she and other lawmakers are working on amendments to the bill. “We’re trying to relax the committee structure and the process so that it’s not onerous for school districts and rural schools,” she said. “We started out probably too prescriptive.” — ANN SCHIMKE, Colorado Chalkbeat
›› CITY MANAGER, from 4
“I try and be clear with them that, while they may have individual policy agendas, it’s my job to get the information that they need to convince their colleagues. It’s not my job to convince their colleagues. That’s their job,” he said. “I think that’s going well with the council. … It’s something that requires constant attention. Just like with any relationship, you want to make sure that you’re not taking it for granted.” Under the form of government described by the city’s charter, the city manager also serves as a buffer between city employees and the political interests of individual council members. The charter allows the council to hire and fire a few top officials such as the city manager, city attorney and municipal judge. However, council members are forbidden from meddling in the appointment and replacement of the majority of employees, and they can only give orders to those employees through the city manager. That means a council member who wanted someone hired or fired for political reasons would have to go through the city manager, whose refusal to go along could lead to consequences for their own job. Aurora’s current council members haven’t withheld their candid opinions about officials serving under the city manager, criticizing and sometimes openly insulting leaders of city departments. 022, Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky referred to then-police chief Vanessa Wilson as “trash” on a talk radio show due to Wilson’s handling of police reform, and Mayor Mike Coffman and other council conservatives lamented the “failure of leadership” in the department after a city consultant raised concerns about a record-keeping backlog. Wilson was fired not long after these and other comments — she and the city dispute what led up to her firing, with Wilson saying that some council members pressured then-city manager Jim Twombly into firing her because of her efforts to hold cops accountable for misconduct. The city has said Wilson’s firing was apolitical and that she neglected to manage the operations of the police department and engage officers. When asked how he would respond if he faced pressure to replace an employee for reasons unrelated to their job performance, Batchelor said he would try to understand any council member’s concerns about an employee but that he wouldn’t abdicate his duty to fairly manage the city’s workforce. Echoing a comment made weeks earlier by Art Acevedo, who resigned as the city’s police chief in January, Batchelor said he is “here to do the job, not keep my job.” “Ultimately, that’s my decision. And I’ll handle that, and the councilor could hold me responsible
for the performance of the organization,” he said. On the topic of Acevedo’s departure, Batchelor said the city is still determining how it wants to proceed with finding someone willing and qualified to serve as chief on more than an interim basis. The interim chief title has since passed to Heather Morris, a retired Texas police officer who Acevedo invited to join the Aurora Police Department as his second-in-command last year. Batchelor praised Morris on Wednesday, saying her appointment had promoted stability during the leadership change and that she has done a good job so far of reaching out to officers. “It’s given me the ability to kind of step back and take some time to think through what’s next,” Batchelor said. “We’ll probably over the coming weeks try to figure out what’s next in terms of filling that position on a permanent basis. We’re just not there yet.” Batchelor also said Acevedo put the city “back on track” to meeting the goals of the consent decree, which requires the Aurora Police Department and Aurora Fire Rescue to enact dozens of operational changes meant to crack down on racial bias and the use of excessive force by police officers as well as the improper use of sedatives by paramedics. In 2023, the department implemented many of the reforms in the decree, including by rewriting policies on physical force and constitutional rights, retraining officers on those policies and changing how uses of force are reviewed after the fact. APD also struggled to produce data quantifying uses of force and the demographics of people contacted by police, which the firm tasked with monitoring the city’s compliance with the decree described as “extremely concerning,” and missed a deadline for anti-bias training. Batchelor acknowledged that the city made assumptions that have since turned out to be false about the amount of time that it would take to meet some of the goals in the decree. In some cases, such as the department’s data woes, Batchelor said the delays were due to technological challenges. Other times, like when the department decided to tailor an anti-bias training for Aurora officers, Batchelor said the city and department accepted that it would take more time than initially planned to meaningfully comply with the decree. “It’s the old adage, right? You don’t know what you don’t know,” he said. “It’s not for lack of effort. It’s not for lack of trying. It’s not for lack of any of those things. It’s that we want to get it right.” Batchelor said he is proud of how close the department is to rolling out an online portal that will allow the public to view current enforcement data. He said the portal would become active in the coming weeks.
He also anticipated the department will finish implementing all of the reforms included in the decree “in the next few weeks,” at which point the second phase of the decree will commence, with the monitoring firm following the department’s compliance with the changes for the next three years. When asked whether he felt any sense of closure following the mixed prosecutions last year of the first responders involved in the homicide of Elijah McClain, which spurred the creation of the decree, Batchelor said he viewed the incident as something the city should find lessons in rather than try to move past. “It is something that, as an organization, is now part of us,” he said. “It’s something that I think we have to be aware of and continue to learn from.” As for the most pressing issues facing the city’s administration, Batchelor mentioned the struggles the City of Aurora and businesses face hiring and holding onto qualified employees. He highlighted the ongoing cooperation between the city’s Human Resources Department and APD, which he said has contributed to the largest police academy cohort seen by the department in years. But he said he wants to figure out what else the city can do to hire and retain employees. In response to the question of whether he views advocacy on behalf of city staffers to the council as part of his job, Batchelor said the role includes honestly explaining the challenges faced by his administration as well as maintaining high standards among the city’s 3,000-plus employees. “It’s also about holding people accountable. That’s part of what we do as leaders is make sure that we’re getting performance from the entire organization,” he said. “Our job as a city is to make sure that the services we’re providing to our residents and our businesses are top-notch. And I want folks to know that they’re very fortunate to have a high-performing organization where there’s thousands of employees who come to work every day to make their quality of life better.”
Honest Journalism #NoPayWallHere
Right: Members of the Regis Jesuit girls swim team pose with the runner-up trophy at the Class 5A girls state swim meet Feb. 9 at the Veterans’ Memorial Aquatic Center. The Raiders finished three points behind winner Cherry Creek. Top right: Smoky Hill sophomore Cameryn Walkup takes a breath on her way to a fifthplace finish in the 200 yard freestyle at the Class 5A girls state swim meet. Middle right: Regis Jesuit senior Charlotte Burnham, left, and coach Nick Frasersmith pose with plaques as they were voted Class 5A Swimmer of the Year and Coach of the Year, respectively. Bottom right: Grandview senior Kaitlyn Hafer swims the backstroke portion of the 200 yard individual medley in the consolation finals of the Class 5A girls state swim meet. PHOTOS BY COURTNEY OAKES/AURORA SENTINEL
oint by precious point slipped away from the Regis Jesuit girls swim team, which built to a high stakes final race at the Class 5A state meet Feb. 9. The Raiders had positioned themselves well to end a three-year reign by Cherry Creek atop the classification, but as the championship and consolation finals unfolded, the situation eroded. Senior Charlotte Burnham’s state championship-winning performance in the 100 yard breaststroke gave Regis Jesuit a slight lead, but coach Nick Frasersmith’s Raiders had to have at least a second place finish in the 400 freestyle relay to secure the proGIRLS SWIMMING gram’s first state title since 2014.
Those four would be major point scorers for the Raiders along with sophomore Lexi Stramel, as they made two championship finals apiece. Burnham finished second in the 50 freestyle, Daum was fifth in the 200 individual medley and 100 backstroke, Stramel finished ninth in both distance freestyle events and Terella was fourth in the 100 butterfly and eighth in the 100 backstroke. Regis Jesuit finished one place outside of the championship finals in the 200 freestyle (by a mere 0.28 of a second) and slipped one more spot into 12th when Rock Canyon edged them. That kept four points off their total in the event, while Cherry Creek grabbed 30 more by winning. The Raiders got back into the lead, however, in the breaststroke as Burnham turned in a personal-best time of 1 minute, 1.90 seconds, for a second straight title. The Cal-Berkeley recruit led three Regis Jesuit swimmers in the finals as Kohl finished seventh and senior Emme Penry 10th. Cherry Creek’s Sydney Fernstrom moved up three spots from prelims to finals (a difference of three points) to put the outcome of the meet on the final event. The Bruins were the No. 5 seed after prelims, but stacked the final relay and won it by nearly five seconds. Burnham followed junior Elise Kittleson, Terella and senior Amelia Marsicek into the water and closed a gap, but came in 0.73 of a second behind runner-up Heritage and also behind Fairview to see the title slip away. “When you look back, you can find those three points so many places,” Frasersmith said. Grandview broke the 200-point mark to finish sixth with help from senior Keira Vail, who was top-seven in two individual events, while senior Kaitlyn Hafer grabbed a fifth in the 100 breasttroke and Vail, fellow senior Amelia Brown and freshmen Jasia Barnes and Makenna Dyk turned in a third-place finish for coach James Boone’s team. Cherokee Trail got two scoring swims apiece from seniors Sarah Woren and Emme Metzmaker, plus juniors Ella Drakulich and Ava Zadigan and sophomore Aria Clouse on its way to its highest finish in program history. Sophomores Cameryn Walkup and Mya Noffsinger scored in two events apiece for Smoky Hill, with Walkup taking fifth in the 200 freestyle and sixth in the 500 freestyle as city’s top distance freestyler.
Touched out Three teams beat Burnham to the wall, however, as the Bruins snatched a three-point victory in the closest state competition in more than a decade. Regis Jesuit finished with 359 points to the 362 generated by Cherry Creek, which swept the relays and won five total events. The Raiders — who lost BY COURTNEY OAKES Sports Editor major points when they failed to qualify for the championship finals in the 200 freestyle relay — instead finished second for a second straight season. Grandview took sixth, Cherokee Trail ninth and Smoky Hill 18th in a strong local showing. “I was proud of them, and they fought hard,” Frasersmith said. “They were a great team that was so supportive of each other from Day One. They wanted each other to do so well, so it’s tough to see a group of girls who worked so hard lose it by such a little bit.” Regis Jesuit collected 41 points in the diving competition Feb. 7 as seniors Maya Kriz and Sarah Mann finished second and third. Kriz finished second to Fossil Ridge’s Sydney Ovesen by just 3.2 points — which kept three points away from the Raiders — while Mann finished in third place for a second straight season. Things started out in a promising way in the 200 medley relay with a second-place finish for Burnham, fellow senior Tierney Kohl and freshmen Natalie Daum and Ava Terella.
ABOVE: Vista PEAK Prep sophomore Amelia Bacon makes the Horns Up sign as she will represent the Bison at the girls state wrestling tournament Feb. 15-17 at Ball Arena after she won the 120-pound Region 2 championship Feb. 10 at Vista PEAK Prep. BELOW: Eaglecrest senior Ethan Diaz won the 120-pound championship at the Class 5A Region 2 tournament at Ponderosa High School and is part of a contingent of 11 Raptors who qualified for the 5A boys state wrestling tournament. Photos by Courtney Oakes/Aurora Sentinel
he stage is set and Ball Arena will be bursting with Aurora wrestlers during the state tournament Feb. 15-17. A total of 56 wrestlers — 43 boys from seven programs and 13 girls from five teams — survived the rigors of regional tournaments Feb. 9-10 to join the legions that have earned the chance to compete in the largest spectacle in Colorado prep sports. Two teams in particular — the Grandview and Eaglecrest boys — go into the Class 5A state tournament particul0arWRESTLING ly well-equipped with double-digit qualifiers.
Dalton Leivian (190) and junior Alijah Gabaldon (126) with state experience from last season. Seniors Oscar Hinojos (138), Gabe Rangel (165), Conroy and Riley Neumeyer (285), junior Blake Saddler (106) and freshman Britton Matejovsky (150) will make their state debuts. The next-largest contingent for an Aurora program comes from Cherokee Trail with eight, which includes two sets of brothers in freshman Cooper Mathews (106) and junior Chance Mathews (138), plus senior Jay Everhart (126) and junior Ryan Everhart (144). Jay Everhart and Chance Mathews both are three-time state qualifiers, while senior Kyle Ste-
State secured
Coach Ryan Budd’s Grandview team got an infusion of talented freshmen this season and five of them are part of a contingent of 12 that made it into the state tournament. The Wolves won the championship of the Region 3 tournament at Legacy H.S. as nearly the entire lineup earned its way downtown. Grandview has state BY COURTNEY OAKES Sports Editor veterans in seniors Nehemiah Quintana (132 pounds) and Dylan McMahon (175), junior Charlie Herting (165) and sophomores Jonathan Montes Gonzales (150) andGunner Lopez (157), while among the six first-timers are freshman JR Ortega (106), Graeson Streit (120), Braxton Widrikis (126), Oz Nowick (215) and Leland Day (285) along with junior Marcus Nesbitt (190). Herting earned third place last season, while Montes Gonzales and Lopez each were sixth. Coach Javier Quintana’s Eaglecrest team continued its outstanding season with its runner-up performance at the Region 2 tournament at Ponderosa. The Raptors had regional champions in seniors Adonias Cantu (113 pounds) and Ethan Diaz (120), who led the way among 11 state qualifiers. Eaglecrest got into double digits when senior Braden Conroy (215) won a wrestleback. Cantu made a state championship match last season and is joined by Diaz (who placed fifth last season), plus fellow seniors Thayne Lundy (175) and
Vista PEAK Prep played host to the Region 2 girls tournament, which saw the four local programs in attendance — the Bison along with Eaglecrest, Overland and Smoky Hill — combine to earn 10 spots in the state tournament. Leading the way was coach Horacio Vialpando’s Eaglecrest team with seven, which included vens (165) will be there for a second time and Coo- a single regional champion in 235-pound winner per Mathews (the Region 1 champion), senior Mou- Emma Roberts. hamed Benbelkacem (215), juniors Michael Collins Roberts is a returning state qualifier, as are se(175) and Matteo Garreffa (190) and sophomore niors Chasey Karabell (100) and Gianna Falise Ryan Everhart (144) will be there for the first time. (190), while first-timers will be seniors Milar Little Regis Jesuit had a handful of state qualifiers (105) and Nyla Barmore (125), junior Natalie Replofrom the Region 4 tournament at Leggle (135) and sophomore Sydney Babi end H.S., led by a pair of champions in (110). Karabell earned third place at junior Garrett Reece (150) and senior regionals and joined the 100-win club For brackets & more Ryan Curran (157). Reece is in the midst —which already included Falise — in on state wrestling, of an exceptional season in which he the process. visit aurorasentinel. 42-1 and is favored to repeat as a state A former Eaglecrest wrestler also com/preps finalist, while Curran earned a second earned a state return, as senior Madstraight state trip. Senior Connor Mohr die Patterson — whose home school is (132) also has previous state experience, Smoky Hill — became the Buffs’ first while senior Daniel Lantz (138) and sophomore state qualifier when she made it at 140 pounds. Dane Anderson (106) will make their state debuts. Overland has a repeat state qualifier in junior Ruth Smoky Hill’s contingent of three state compet- Worknhe at 235 pounds. Also in the state tournaitors includes senior Zach Brophy (165) and ju- ment for a second year in a row is Vista PEAK Prep nior Dashawn Jenkins (106), who both will wrestle sophomore Amelia Bacon, who won the 120-pound downtown for a third straight season. Brophy won Region 2 championship on her home mats. a Region 2 championship, while Jenkins was a runRegis Jesuit competed in the Region 3 tournaner-up and freshman Jovani Galvan (120) got in via ment in Grand Junction and came away with a trio a wrestleback victory. of state qualifiers, headed by senior 120-pounder Overland has a pair of first-time state qualifiers Alexis Segura, who has made the state championin juniors Jarrius Ward (190) and Silver Velasquez ship match in her two previous trips to state. The DeLao (285), while sophomore Ian Bacon (120) Raiders also have freshman Remington Zimmerer earned a second appearance for Vista PEAK Prep (105) and sophomore Jorydnn Shannonhouse (170) and will be joined by senior Joseph Maes (285). in the state field.
Mike Campbell hired as Vista PEAK Prep coach Vista PEAK Prep has announced the addition of veteran coach Mike Campbell to lead its football program going forward. Campbell has been a head coach in the Colorado prep ranks for more than two decades, as he spent the past six seasons at Englewood High School, which followed a 15-season stint at Arapahoe High School. His cuCampbell mulative record at the two stops is 120-89-1 with four league titles and 10 trips to the playoffs. Campbell has won Coach of the Year honors for his team’s league in 2004, 2012, 2015 and 2019. Vista PEAK Prep found an accomplished candidate to fill a vacancy created when DaVaughn Thornton Sr. stepped down in November after a 4-6 season. Thornton Sr. coached the Bison for three seasons and had a 13-18 overall record and one trip to the Class 4A state playoffs. Two local job vacancies have been filled now, as Eaglecrest has also made a hire in Jesse German, formerly of Green Mountain. Overland is reportedly deep in the process of its own hire as well. BOYS BASKETBALL
Centennial League Challenge continues The Centennial League Challenge boys basketball tournament continues Feb. 15 with matchups set based on results from the Feb. 9 opening round. Top-seeded Eaglecrest (a 65-50 winner over No. 8 Cherokee Trail), No. 2 Overland (which topped No. 7 Grandview 72-49), No. 4 Smoky Hill (a 71-45 winner over No. 5 Mullen) and No. 6 Arapahoe — which pulled off the only upset of the first round with a 54-47 defeat of No. 3 Cherry Creek — advanced on the championship side of the bracket. In the championship semifinals, Overland plays host to Arapahoe at 6 p.m. Feb. 15, while Eaglecrest will be home to Smoky Hill at 7 p.m. The Trailblazers posted a 56-48 win over the Warriors on Feb. 7, while the Buffaloes were 70-53 winners on the Raptors’ home floor Jan. 17. In consolation play, Grandview plays at Cherry Creek at 7 p.m., the same time that Cherokee Trail visits Mullen. The placing round of the tournament is Feb. 17 with the higher seeds in each contest playing at home. GIRLS BASKETBALL
Centennial League Challenge nears finish The Centennial League Challenge girls basketball tournament reaches the semifinal round Feb. 15 in the wake of the Feb. 9 first round.
TOP: Cherokee Trail sophomore Aaliyah Broadus (4) slices through the Cherry Creek defense for a layup during the Cougars’ 61-55 win at Cherry Creek Feb. 7. LEFT: Senior Charlegh Reeves, center, and her parents watch a tribute from her Gateway girls basketball team before a game Feb. 8 at Gateway High School. ABOVE: Regis Jesuit’s Iliana Greene (24) pulls in a lob pass during the first half of the Raiders’65-34 Continental League girls basketball win Feb. 6 at Regis Jesuit. (Photos by Courtney Oakes/Aurora Sentinel) WINTER PHOTO GALLERIES FOUND AT COURTNEYOAKES.SMUGMUG.COM
Top-seeded Cherokee Trail (which downed No. 8 Smoky Hill 86-9), No. 2 Cherry Creek (a 58-41 winner over No. 7 Overland), No. 3 Mullen (which topped No. 6 Eaglecrest 68-27) and No. 4 Grandview (a 55-33 winner over No. 5 Arapahoe) posted opening wins. That creates a matchup between the Cougars and Wolves at 6 p.m. Feb. 15 at Cherokee Trail, while Cherry Creek will be home to Mullen at 5:30 p.m. Cherokee Trail topped Grandview 52-40 Jan. 17, while Cherry Creek downed Mullen 52-42 Jan. 19. In consolation play, Overland plays at Eaglecrest at 4:30 p.m., while Smoky Hill is at Arapahoe at 6 p.m. The placing round of the tourna-
ment is Feb. 17 with the higher seeds in each contest playing at home. WEEK PAST
The week past in Aurora prep sports MONDAY, FEB. 12: The Colorado League boys basketball tournament opened as Gateway earned a 62-60 win over Adams City to win the three-game season series 2-1. In the other league matchup, host Aurora Central fell to Thornton 72-65 despite Charles Laurendine II’s 19 points, 13 from Bishop Dankyi and 12 from Alex Flores. Gateway and Thornton squared off for the tournament title
Feb. 14. ...The Eaglecrest girls basketball team dropped a 68-27 visit to Mullen in the last first round game of the Centennial League Challenge. ...The Aurora Central girls basketball team lost to Skyview 47-9 to open the Colorado League Tournament. ...SATURDAY, FEB. 10: Camron Crisp scored 12 points and Charles Laurendine II added 11 for the Aurora Central boys basketball team in a 66-47 non-league loss to Standley Lake. ...The Cherry Creek co-op ice hockey team skated to a 1-1 overtime tie with Monarch on the road. Connor Wagner scored the Bruins’ goal on a pass from Kristian Hauswirth (Cherokee Trail) in the second pe-
riod, while Jack Ryan (Cherokee Trail) made 37 saves. ...FRIDAY, FEB. 9: The Eaglecrest boys basketball team topped Cherokee Trail 65-50 in the opening round of the Centennial League Challenge. LaDavian King’s 22 points paced the Raptors, while the trio of Jason Noone, Sir Devin Roberts and La’Quince York added 10 apiece, while the Cougars’ double-digit scorers were Alonzo Rodgers with 15 and Nathan Baack with 12 ...The Overland boys basketball team got 24 points from Siraaj Ali plus 14 from Kymani Eason in a 7249 home win over Grandview to open the Centennial League Challenge. ...Kevin Sylla scored 18 points, Damian Dirden chipped in 13 and Kaylan Graham had 11 as the Smoky Hill boys basketball team rolled to a 7145 win over Mullen in the Centennial League Challenge first round. ...The Rangeview boys basketball team dropped a 55-53 buzzer-beater at Denver South despite 13 points apiece for Kenny Black-Knox and Archie Weatherspoon V. ...The Regis Jesuit boys basketball team had just one double-digit scorer in Damarius Taylor with 14 points in a 65-45 Continental League loss to ThunderRidge. ...The Cherokee Trail girls basketball team got double figures from Talia Strode (19 points), plus Delainey Miller and Ava Pelaez in an 86-9 win over Smoky Hill to begin the Centennial League Challenge. ...Sienna Betts scored 22 points and pulled down 24 rebounds as the Grandview girls basketball team topped Arapahoe 55-33 in a Centennial League Challenge first round game. Lexi Yi added 15 for the Wolves. ...Paige Boettcher went 10-for-10 from the free throw line on her way to 21 points to help the Rangeview girls basketball team to a 60-56 City League win over Denver South. D’Ajha Horton had 17 for the Raiders. ...Coryn Watts tallied 16 points, while Hana Belibi contributed 15 as the Regis Jesuit girls basketball team topped ThunderRidge 5245 in a Continental League contest. ...The Regis Jesuit ice hockey team blanked the Poudre School District 4-0 as Ian Beck, Parker Brinner, Alexander Gregory and Avery Osgood scored goals, Dhilan Paranjape had two assists and Marc Brousseau made 24 shots for the shutout. ...The Cherry Creek co-op ice hockey team got a first-period goal from Daniil Korobeynikov plus 38 saves from Jack Ryan (Cherokee Trail) as it played to a 1-1 overtime tie with Denver East. ...THURSDAY, FEB. 8: James Brown III poured in 19 points, while Javon Lowman, Julian Carrizales and Alante Monroe-Elazier added 14 apiece for the Vista PEAK Prep boys basketball team in a 71-46 City League defeat of Thomas Jefferson. ...Alex Flores and Charles Laurendine II scored 22 points apiece as the Aurora Central boys basketball team topped Regis Groff 83-68. ...The Gateway boys basketball team fell to Adams City 68-64 in a Colorado League clash. ...The Vista PEAK Prep girls basketball team cruised past Thomas Jefferson 62-32 in City League play as a 16-point effort from Eianna Jackson and 11 from Mackenzie Griffin led the way. ...D’Ajha Horton had nine points to lead the ›› See PREPS, 11
›› PREPS, from 10
way for the Rangeview girls basketball team in a 42-27 non-league loss to Colorado Springs Christian. ...Two goals for Reece Peterson, plus a goal and assist apiece for Parker Brinner and Harry Sorensen helped the Regis Jesuit ice hockey team down Monarch 4-1. Easton Sparks made 21 saves. ...WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7: Cole Holtman scored 19 points and Breven Anderson added 18 as a balanced Grandview boys basketball team knocked off Smoky Hill 60-54 in the Centennial League regular season finale. ...The Overland boys basketball team tipped Arapahoe 56-48 behind Siraaj Ali’s 15 points and 11 from Aidan Perez. ...The Rangeview boys basketball team pulled away in the second half for a 68-52 City League win over Denver East. Kenny Black-Knox paced the Raiders with 18 points, while Archie Weatherspoon V had 14 and Demetrius Bailey 11. ...The Cherokee Trail girls basketball team outscored Cherry Creek 10-4 in crunch time in a 61-55 Centennial League road win that gave the Cougars a perfect league mark in the regular season. Damara Allen had 16 points, while Aaliyah Broadus added 13 and Talia Strode 11. ...Ava Chang rang up 23 points, while Deija Roberson added 15 as the Grandview girls basketball team topped Smoky Hill 72-10 in Centennial League play. ...The Eaglecrest girls basketball team got six points apiece from Shyann Farbes and Kaydence Waymire in a 39-20 Centennial League home loss to Mullen. ...TUESDAY, FEB. 6: The Vista PEAK Prep boys basketball team rolled past Regis Groff 83-37 with five players in double figures, led by Alante Monroe-Elazier with 17, James Brown III with 15 and Mitchell Oliver with 13. ...The double-digit scoring trio of Camron Crisp (21 points), plus Alex Flores and Charles Laurendine II (19 apiece) helped the Aurora Central boys basketball team to a 79-68 win over Thornton. ...The Gateway boys basketball team downed Skyview 62-24. ...Despite 26 points from Damarius Taylor, 15 from Eric Fiedler and 10 from Alec Roumph, the Regis Jesuit boys basketball team suffered a 76-70 Continental League loss at Highlands Ranch. ...The Regis Jesuit girls basketball team cruised to a 65-34 Continental League home win over Highlands Ranch as Hana Belibi poured in 24 points, Coryn Watts added 17 and Jane Rumpf chipped in 11. ...Mackenzie Griffin led the Vista PEAK Prep girls basketball team with 13 points and Amirah Pena added 11 and Mimi McGaughy eight in a 67-38 win over Regis Groff. SIGNING DAY
National Letter of Intent signees, 2.7.24 A list of Aurora prep athletes by school who signed or were honored a ceremonies on National Letter of Intent Signing Day Feb. 7: CHEROKEE TRAIL: Damara Allen, women’s basketball, Univ. of Texas-San Antonio; Aubrey Benton, women’s lacrosse, Regis Univ.; Kyla Bieker, women’s lacrosse, Regis Univ.; Alexandria Bugal, women’s soccer, Park University (Ariz.); Sam Burnette, men’s lacrosse, Florida Tech; Akoi
TOP: Regis Jesuit senior Sarah Mann is upside down during one her attempts during the 1-meter diving competition at the Class 5A girls state swim meet held on Feb. 7 at the Veterans’ Memorial Aquatic Center. Mann finished third and senior teammate Maya Kriz placed second to help the Raiders get off to a strong start to the meet (see story, page 8). LEFT: Rangeview junior Kenny Black-Knox, right, leans back to get off a shot over Denver East defender Declan MacDonald (13) during the second half of the Raiders’ 68-52 City League boys basketball win Feb. 7 at Rangeview High School. (Photos by Courtney Oakes/Aurora Sentinel).ABOVE: From left to right, Seilani Relford, Wondame Davis Jr., Geo Jones and Talil Seals-Fisher pose after a National Letter of Intent Signing Day ceremony on Feb. 7 at Overland High School. Student athletes from all over Aurora signed NLIs in a variety of sports, including many in football, at ceremonies large and small throughout town. (Photo courtesy Domonic Martinez).
Burton, baseball, Garden City C.C.; John Clinton, men’s volleyball, Merrimack College; Ethan Conover, men’s lacrosse, Univ. of Detroit Mercy; Sade Davis, softball, Drake; Keegan Eberly, baseball, Embry-Riddle; Jay Everhart, men’s wrestling, Trinidad St.; Nathan Gilmore, men’s lacrosse, Queens Univ. of Charlotte; Kynli Hart, women’s basketball, Western Texas; Jacob Hernandez, baseball, The College of Scholastica; Daniella Iaquinta, women’s soccer, Univ. of Nebraska-Kearney; Cayman Lightner, softball, Tyler J.C.; Evan Mata, men’s lacrosse, Marymount Univ.; Aidan Medina, baseball, Barton C.C.; Emme Metzmaker, women’s swimming, Marist College; Gwen Mitchell, women’s volleyball, Miracosta College; Chiara Pryor, softball, Texas Southern; Braedan Reichert, baseball, Scottsdale C.C.; Logan Reid, baseball, Univ. of Houston; Jonathan Robledo, baseball, Scottsdale C.C.; Emily Schwab, women’s volleyball, Cal Poly Humboldt; Willow
Snow, women’s volleyball, Northeastern J.C.; Maddyn Walker, women’s soccer, Gillette C.C. District; Peyton Waterman, women’s soccer, Univ. of Mary Hardin-Baylor; Joshua Woren, men’s swimming/polo, MIT; Sarah Woren, women’s swimming/polo, San Jose St. EAGLECREST: Cam Chapa, football, Northern Colorado; Cory Jackson, football, Northern Colorado; Logan Ryan, football, Colorado Mesa; Kael Weatherby, football, Colorado School of Mines. GRANDVIEW: Joe Alie, men’s lacrosse, Bellarmine University; Peyton Belcher, women’s volleyball, Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania; Hailey-Cate Bull, diving, Grand Canyon Univ.; Xabier Citte, men’s soccer, Concordia College (Minn.); Anthony Crow, baseball, William Jewell College; Gabriella Cunningham, track & field, Louisana State; Emerson Deferme, women’s volleyball, Nova Southeastern Univ.; Easton Flores, baseball, Antelope Valley College; Kristin Gallego, softball, Univ. of Dayton; Kaitlyn
Hafer, women’s swimming, Univ. of Idaho; Brenna Kelly, women’s volleyball, Central Missouri; Samantha Maroni, women’s soccer, Michigan St.; Avery May, women’s lacrosse, Rider Univ.; Collin May, baseball, Univ. of the Ozarks; Collin McClure, men’s lacrosse, Carthage College; Gladys Mellinger, women’s lacrosse, William Jewell College; Devin Melton, men’s lacrosse, Centre College; Ashley Miller, softball, Case Western Reserve; Caroline Ryan, golf, Univ. of Wyoming; Makiya Singleton, track & field, Western Colorado; Tucker Smock, baseball, Kansas City (KS) C.C.; Liam Szarka, football, Air Force Academy; Dylan Tallon, men’s lacrosse, Limestone Univ.; Tessa Treesh, softball, Clark College (Wash.); Keira Vail, women’s swimming, San Jose St.; Nkongolo Wa-Kalonji, football, Air Force Academy; Anna Wehrenberg, track & field, Colorado St.; Peytann Weiland, softball, McCook C.C.; Owen Zitek, cross country, Savannah
College of Art & Design.OVERLAND: Wondame Davis Jr., football, UTEP; Geovanni Jones, football, Diablo Valley College (Calif.); Seilani Relford, women’s basketball, Missouri Valley College; Talil Seals Fisher, football, Fort Lewis. REGIS JESUIT: Niko Auerbach, football, Colorado School of Mines; Hana Belibi, women’s basketball, Harvard; Perrie Brown, women’s soccer, Prairie View A&M University; Erin Croke, rugby, Sacred Heart; Lawson Douglas, football, The Univ. of Pennsylvania; Grace Dreiling, women’s soccer, Univ. of Denver; Amelia Marsicek, women’s swimming, Lewis Univ.; Anthony Medina, football, S.D. School of Mines & Technology; Ashlyn Pallotta, cross country/track & field, Emory; Ryan Paul, rugby, Kentucky; Damarius Taylor, football, Colorado Mesa; Jaden Thermidor, football, Colorado Mesa; Andre Zdanowicz, football, Concordia Moorhead. SMOKY HILL: RJ Hines, football, Western Colo.; Ene Niusulu, football, CSU-Pueblo
Bags and boxes of chocolate candy are for sale behind locked, transparent, protective plastic to prevent shoplifters from stealing the products at a Duane Reade convenience store in the Manhattan borough of New York on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey
The proposal would mandate jail time for conviction of shoplifting $100 or more in merchandise BY MAX LEVY, Sentinel Colorado Staff Writer
hoplifters who steal merchandise worth $100 or more from Aurora stores would be automatically jailed under a proposal that the Aurora City Council’s conservative majority endorsed last week and passed out of study session Feb. 12. Currently, retail thieves who steal $300 or more in goods trigger the automatic three-day jail sentence included in the mandatory minimum sentencing law that the council passed in 2022. The proposal sponsored by Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky would lower that threshold to $100. It would also impose special penalties for repeat offenders — a 90-day minimum jail sentence for anyone convicted of one prior retail theft offense and a 180-day minimum sentence for people who have been convicted at least twice. “Our constituents have asked for it,” Councilmember Stephanie Hancock said during the Feb. 8 meeting of the council’s public safety policy committee. “We need to let people know that we’re open for business, and we’re closed to crime. If you steal, there is a penalty for that. It’s about accountability, and responsibility, and people need to get a clear message with regards to that.” The committee consisting of Hancock, Jurinsky and Councilmember Steve Sundberg unanimously endorsed the proposal moving forward to Monday’s study session, where the council’s conservative majority indicated its desire to vote it into law at a future meeting. Year-end crime statistics published by the Aurora Police Department indicate 1,702 incidents of shoplifting were reported in 2023 by Dec. 24 — an increase of about 35.5% from 2022, when 1,256 incidents were reported during the same time period. Aurora’s former interim police chief, Art Acevedo, previously commented that the uptick in reports doesn’t necessarily reflect an increase in crime, as business owners have become more willing to cooperate with police to follow up on shoplifting. Shortly before the committee meeting, the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado contacted the council to weigh in on Jurinsky’s ordinance, warning that it could violate the Colorado Constitution’s promise of equal protection under the law, since the city’s retail theft laws would be tougher than the state’s. The letter that the ACLU sent to the council and other city officials said state law allows the combined value of items stolen within six months to be aggregated for the purposes of penalties but that, as long as the total value of the items is less than $1,000, the maximum jail sentence that can be imposed under statute is 120 days. The ACLU also mentioned how, last year, the City of Rifle acquiesced to a legal challenge to its municipal code, which included terms of imprisonment for theft that were 18 times greater than the state penalty, after Colorado’s Supreme Court agreed to consider an appeal by two shoplifting defendants, according to Colorado Politics.
“Aurora’s authority to prohibit theft cannot be used in a way that violates the state constitutional guarantee of equal protection,” ACLU attorneys Laura Moraff and Cat Ordoñez wrote. “Passing the ordinance would expose the city to additional expenses as organizations seek to invalidate the unconstitutional penalties.” When chief public defender Elizabeth Cadiz asked about the letter during the committee meeting, Pete Schulte of the City Attorney’s Office said Aurora is free to impose tougher penalties than those established by the state because of the privileges afforded by Aurora’s status as a home-rule city. He also said Rifle’s decision to bring its municipal penalties for theft into line with the state’s stemmed from the fact that Rifle is a relatively small city with a limited budget to fight state supreme court cases. “If the City Council passes this ordinance and says this is the law of the land and that shoplifting is not welcome in the city of Aurora, then we will do what we need to do,” Schulte said. “We’re on a very good legal foundation to support this ordinance if it passes.” He also said he was irritated by the fact that the ACLU reached out to the council directly without looping in any city attorneys, bringing up how state ethical rules generally prohibit an attorney from contacting an opposing attorney’s client directly. “I appreciate the ACLU,” Schulte said. “I just wish, before they start giving legal advice to our city council members, that they make sure they have a full understanding of what the law is.” He said the municipal court has observed “a lot of people” stealing just under $300 worth of merchandise since the previous mandatory minimum sentencing law passed, which he said indicates that at least some thieves are familiar with but undeterred by existing penalties. Jurinsky said she would be willing to sponsor an item lowering the threshold even further if a similar trend emerged once the new shoplifting penalties were enacted. Hancock and Sundberg were vocal in their support for Jurinsky’s anti-shoplifting proposal. “On the national level, in certain cities, you’re seeing that urban decay,” Sundberg said. “What you’re seeing are stores and retail operations with already-minimal profit margins pulling out. … We don’t want to be like those places.” To illustrate the seriousness of retail theft in the city, Hancock and Jurinsky both said they had heard from property owners involved in the Havana Business Improvement District that one of the city’s Goodwill stores is considering shutting down due to frequent shoplifting, which Jurinsky said was “beyond an embarrassment.” Goodwill of Colorado spokeswoman Stephanie Bell later said the organization’s decision not to renew the lease on its Mississippi Avenue outlet store at the end of May was “not related to shoplifting in any way, shape or form” and was instead part of a planned consolidation of the store into a location in Westminster. She added that the store’s 42 employees
are being offered comparable positions at nearby Goodwill stores. Hancock wrote in a text message that she did not remember who informed her about the Goodwill store closing. As for where repeat offenders would serve their sentences, Schulte said Arapahoe County Sheriff Tyler Brown had expressed that he is willing to work with the city on the incarceration of shoplifters at the Arapahoe County Detention Center if the ordinance is passed by the entire council. The city’s jail is only permitted to hold inmates for 72 hours. Ginger Delgado, a spokeswoman for the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, wrote in an email that Brown is aware of the ordinance but wants to learn more about the potential impacts on capacity at the county jail and the City of Aurora’s budget before making a commitment. Cadiz also said the bill would likely increase the workload of the public defender’s office, which is appointed in municipal court cases where an indigent defendant could face jail time, as well as the frequency of defendants taking plea deals, due to the perception that the county jail is more “scary and intimidating” than the city’s jail. “I need to find out what’s going on in these county jails,” Jurinsky quipped. “We’re not doing something right.” The original version of the ordinance specified that the first three days of the 90- and 180-day jail sentences would be served in the city’s jail, after which a repeat offender would be transferred to county jail. On Monday, Jurinsky amended the ordinance to remove the language specifying where an offender would serve their sentence, to allow judges to order defendants to serve the entirety of their sentence in county jail. When Councilmember Alison Coombs asked during Monday’s study session whether city staffers had statistics on the jail sentences handed down under the current mandatory minimum sentencing law, Schulte said they did not but that it is something the city is “working on.” “I understand what you’re saying about getting the data, but I don’t think it changes the intent of the ordinance,” Councilmember Francoise Bergan told Coombs. “I think it changes the credibility of our decision-making as a body,” Coombs replied. The committee and a majority of the council also endorsed a proposal to send convicted “dine-and-dash” perpetrators to jail for three days if they defraud restaurants for $15 or more. That, too, is slated to move forward for a vote. Jurinsky and Sundberg, who both own bars and restaurants in the city, said during the committee meeting that other restaurant owners have asked the city to do more to discourage diners from skipping out on their bills. They said many restaurateurs are either too busy or feel like the city doesn’t do enough to justify calling the police. “We’re watching them walk out of our places,” Jurinsky said. “My hope is that, because of this, we start to get that, and the message is made clear that they should at least call and report it.”
The Magazine
n Feb. 10, Asian American communities around the U.S. officially began ringing in the Year of the Dragon with community carnivals, family gatherings, parades, traditional food, fireworks and other festivities. In many Asian countries, it is a festival that is celebrated for several days. In diaspora communities, particularly in cultural enclaves, Lunar New Year is visibly and joyfully celebrated. In the Chinese zodiac, 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. Different countries across Asia celebrate the new year in many ways and may follow a different zodiac. Last year, Gov. Jared Polis signed into law a statewide designation for the Lunar New Year. The law was in response to an increase in Asian-community hate crimes, a product of misinformation about the roots of the COVID-19 pandemic. Colorado and California are the only two states designating Lunar Near Year as a holiday, despite large AAPI communities across the nation. On Havana Street was among a handful of local groups offering traditional Lunar New Year celebrations, this year on Feb. 4 outside the Stampede on Havana Street. Entertainment, fire-crackers and lion dancers rang in the year in traditional style. Read on for information about the history of celebrations and variations among the Asian diaspora.
What is the Lunar New Year? The Lunar New Year — known as the Spring Festival in China, Tet in Vietnam and Seollal in Korea — is a major festival celebrated in several Asian countries. It is also widely celebrated by diaspora communities around the world. It begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends 15 days later on the first full moon. Because the lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, the dates of the holiday vary slightly each year, falling between late January and mid-February.
How do diaspora communities celebrate? Members of Asian American communities around the U.S. also organize parades, carnivals and festivities around the Lunar New Year featuring lion and dragon dances, fireworks, traditional food and cultural performances. In addition to cleaning their homes, many buy new things for their home such as furniture and decorate using orchids and other brightly colored flowers. Lunar New Year is also celebrated as a cultural event by some Asian American Christians and is observed by several Catholic dioceses across the U.S. as well as other churches.
What are some special foods for the new year? Each culture has its own list of special foods during the new year, including dumplings, rice cakes, spring rolls, tangerines, fish and meats. In the Chinese culture, for example, “changshou mian” or “long-life noodles” are consumed with a wish for a long, healthy and happy life. In Vietnamese culture, banh chung and banh tet — traditional dishes made from glutinous rice — are a must for the celebrations. To make a banh tet, banana leaves are lined with rice, soft mung beans and pork belly and rolled into a tight log, which is then wrapped in the leaves and tied up with strings. Koreans celebrate with tteokguk, a brothy soup that contains thinly sliced rice cakes.
What are the animals of the zodiac? Each year honors an animal based on the Chinese zodiac. The circle of 12 animals — the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig — measure the cycles of time. Legend has it that a god beckoned all animals to bid him farewell before his departure from earth and only 12 of them showed up. The Vietnamese zodiac is slightly different, honoring the cat instead of the rabbit and the buffalo instead of the ox.
& herd
All Stars: American Artists from The Phillips Collection
Left and above. Spectators braved chilly weather on the afternoon of Jan. 28, 2023 to watch the Lion Dance celebrating the Lunar New Year, an annual event at Stanley Marketplace. File Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/Sentinel Colorado
What are some beliefs and traditions around the Lunar New Year? One well-known ancient legend speaks of Nian, a hideous monster that feasted on human flesh on New Year’s Day. Because the beast feared the color red, loud noises and fire, people put up red paper dragons on their doors, burned red lanterns all night and set off firecrackers to frighten and chase away the monster. To this day, the Lunar New Year celebration is centered around removing bad luck and welcoming all that is good and prosperous. Red is considered an auspicious color to ring in the new year. In many Asian cultures, the color symbolizes good fortune and joy. People dress up in red attire, decorate their homes with red paper lanterns and use red envelopes to give loved ones and friends money for the new year, symbolizing good wishes for the year ahead. Gambling and playing traditional games is common during this time across cultures. Ancestor worship is also common during this time. Many Korean families participate in a ritual called “charye,” where female family members prepare food and male members serve it to ancestors. The final step of the ceremony, called “eumbok,” involves the entire family partaking the food and seeking blessings from their ancestors for the coming year. Vietnamese people cook traditional dishes and place them on a home altar as a mark of respect to their ancestors. Some Indigenous people also celebrate Lunar New Year this time of year, including members of Mexico’s Purepecha Indigenous group.
The event showcases some of the best of American art from the Washington, D.C.-based The Phillips Collection, one of the most celebrated collections of American art in the United States. These landmark works encompass more than 140 years of unexpected visual conversations between American artists about what connects us as humans. With works by more than 50 artists including Benny Andrews, Arthur G. Dove, Childe Hassam, Jacob Lawrence, Georgia O’Keeffe, Jackson Pollock, and more, the show explores American art from the birth of the modernist spirit at the end of the nineteenth century through post-war American painting in the mid-twentieth century and into the twenty-first century, with artists exploring the important issues of today. Founded by Duncan Phillips in 1921, The Phillips Collection opened to the public as America’s first museum of modern art. All Stars: American Artists from The Phillips Collection is the second large-scale, traveling presentation of The Phillips’ celebrated collection to be shown at the DAM, chronicling the broad scope of its holdings. Discounts available for museum members, students, and all visitors 18 and under. IF YOU GO Feb. 15, 10 am Denver Art Museum 100 W. 14th Ave. Parkway Discounts for members, students, and visitors 18 and under. 720-913-0130
Bugs and Brews- Romance is Wild Rewind after the hustle and bustle of everyday life and step into a world of wonder as you explore our invertebrate exhibits after hours without the kids. Immerse yourself in the fascinating realm of invertebrate courtship, guided by our knowledgeable experts stationed at each exhibit. Highlighting the evening is a captivating pheromone demonstration led by our esteemed lepidopterist, Shiran Hershcovich. Prepare to be amazed as you learn about the intricate language of love among butterflies and other invertebrates. But that’s not all! As you mingle amidst the enchanting displays, enjoy the added delight of two complimentary glasses of beer or wine of your choice. And for a playful twist, consider naming a butterfly after your beloved in our tropical rainforest, the Wings of the Tropics. Not only will this unique experience create lasting memories, but it also supports
Butterfly Pavilion’s vital education department. This event is for guests 21 years and older. Tickets include two glasses of beer or wine to sip and savor. Non-alcoholic beverages are available for your enjoyment IF YOU GO: Feb.15 5:30pm Butterfly Pavilion 6252 W 104th Ave Non-Member: Adult $45 Members: $40 303-469-5441
>>>>>Corn, Tortillas, and Culture Presented by History Colorado’s Community Table and CSU Spur, join renowned chef Paula Thomas of the Ecological Kitchen on a tantalizing journey through Latino culture, as she unravels the mysteries behind corn and tortillas. Delve into the agricultural history of corn with Rachael Storm, Curator of Business and Industry, and gain insights into the cultural history from our soon-to-be-announced community expert. Immerse yourself in the cultural and culinary significance of corn and tortillas, and discover the rich flavors and captivating history that have shaped the vibrant culinary landscape of Latin America. Don’t miss this tantalizing workshop celebrating the magic of corn, tortillas, and the captivating essence of Latino culture. Registration is required. IF YOU GO: Feb. 15 6 pm CSU Spur at the National Western Center in Denver 4777 National Western Drive (Free registration at this URL is required)
Message in a Bottle Message In A Bottle is a spectacular new dance-theatre show from triple-Olivier Award nominee, Kate Prince, inspired by and set to the iconic hits of 17-time Grammy Award-winning artist Sting, including Every Breath You Take, Roxanne, Walking On The Moon and more. With a mix of exhilarating dance styles, high-energy footwork and breathtaking athleticism, Message In A Bottle tells a unifying and uplifting story of humanity and hope. The peaceful village of Bebko is alive with joyous celebrations. Suddenly, under attack, everything changes forever. Three siblings, Leto, Mati and Tana, must embark on perilous journeys in order to survive. Message In A Bottle is the latest masterpiece from the ground-breaking choreographer behind several West End hits including Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, and features the astonishing talents of dance storytelling powerhouse, ZooNation: The Kate Prince Company. IF YOU GO: Show times vary through March 31 Denver Center for the Performing Arts 1101 13th St message-in-a-bottle 303-893-4000
Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 Electropop tunes meet a scandalous slice of War and Peace in this musical
extravaganza. Meet Natasha, a young woman who arrives in Moscow longing for her fiance; and Pierre, a man caught in an existential crisis who tries to save her shattered reputation. Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 was nominated for 12 Tony Awards when it premiered in 2012. Expect to find the Black Box Theatre transformed into a raucous Russian dinner club with cabaret tables, immersive seating, and an unforgettable theatrical and musical experience. IF YOU GO: Various show days through March 31 at 7:30pm Arvada Center 6901 Wadsworth Blvd
Laughing at the art of the ‘ART’ The Aurora Fox Arts Center launches 2024 with the internationally acclaimed comedy, “ART,” by Yasmina Reza. The show is a sharp, witty exploration of art and friendship, performed at the Fox’s Studio Theatre. The show runs through Feb. 24. “ART,” translated by Christopher Hampton and directed by Kate Gleason, has garnered international recognition, including the Tony Award for Best Play, the Olivier Award for Best New Comedy and the NY Drama Critics Award for Best Play. The play revolves around three friends and a controversial white painting, sparking intense debates and challenging the trio’s long-standing bonds. Matthew Schneck and Gareth Saxe help bring to life this engaging story where the purchase of an abstract painting leads to a comedic yet profound dissection of friendship and art. The play questions the value of art and examines how personal interpretations can strain relationships. “ART” promises an 85-minute roller coaster of emotions. The play is billed as suitable for audiences 16 and older. The play contains adult language. IF YOU GO: When: Through Feb. 24, curtains at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets: $29 -$42 Info: or 303-739-1970 Location: Aurora Fox Arts Center, 9900 E. Colfax Ave.
Of Chaos and Order: On the Edge of Transition Artists leave a recognizable mark on every piece, defining their individual process. But if an artist breaks off from their usual methods, what becomes of those pieces and how do the results fit into their larger body of work? Throughout 2023 Of Chaos and Order (OCAO) has experimented with edges in paintings, diverging from their usual techniques and embracing the expansion from familiar to uncomfortable terrain. OCAO is a group of five Denver artists who share the urge to push the boundaries of contemporary art and explore the uncomfortable. IF YOU GO: Through Feb. 24, events and times vary. See website. Curtis Center for the Arts 2349 East Orchard Road
Public Notices
Public Notices for FEBRUARY 15, 2024 | Published by the Sentinel
Because the people must know COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0500-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 14, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Anthony Settles Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR GUILD MORTGAGE COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust June 19, 2019 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust June 21, 2019 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) D9060234 Original Principal Amount $242,526.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $238,866.23 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. LEGAL DESCRIPTION UNIT 102, BUILDING 1, AURORA AT CROSS CREEK CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF, RECORDED ON OCTOBER 7, 2005 AT RECEPTION NO. B5151842, IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO, AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF AURORA AT CROSS CREEK CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED ON JUNE 17, 2005 AT RECEPTION NO. B5089614, IN SAID RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE THE LIMITED COMMON ELEMENT GARAGE BAY 2. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. APN: 1977-07-2-21-002 Purported common address: 23306 E 5Th Place Unit #102, Aurora, CO 80018. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/13/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 1/18/2024 Last Publication 2/15/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/14/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 23-031213 The Attorney above is acting as a debt
collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0503-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 14, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) James Reuben Booker AND Timolin Chantel Booker Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR HOMEAMERICAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Date of Deed of Trust December 23, 2020 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 31, 2020 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E0184888 Original Principal Amount $359,097.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $340,953.27 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 12, CROSS CREEK SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 7, 2018 UNDER RECEPTION NO. D8109934. Purported common address: 23581 East 5th Drive, Aurora, CO 80018. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/13/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 1/18/2024 Last Publication 2/15/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/14/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 23-031120 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0505-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 17, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) ANDREW L. SIKES AND ARLENE M. SIKES Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR WR STARKEY MORTGAGE, L.L.P. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RMAC TRUST, SERIES 2018 G-CTT Date of Deed of Trust January 30, 2013 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust February 05, 2013 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) D3015093 Original Principal Amount $242,606.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $195,917.96 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations of the terms thereof THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 11, BLOCK 9, SMOKY RIDGE, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. Purported common address: 19885 EAST BELLEVIEW PLACE, CENTENNIAL, CO 80015. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/20/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 1/25/2024 Last Publication 2/22/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/17/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Anna Johnston #51978 Randall M. Chin #31149 David W. Drake #43315 Ryan Bourgeois #51088 Joseph D. DeGiorgio #45557 Barrett, Frappier & Weisserman, LLP 1391 Speer Boulevard, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 350-3711 Attorney File # 00000009909847 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0508-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 17, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Caroline J. Mcneill AND Lance A. Mcneill Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK INC., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ACCREDIT LOANS, INC., MORTGAGE ASSET-BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-QA3 Date of Deed of Trust February 27, 2006 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 06, 2006 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) B6035523 Original Principal Amount $180,333.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $117,330.23 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 4, BLOCK 12, MURPHY CREEK SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO PARCEL ID NUMBER: 197719117004 Purported common address: 24701 EAST WYOMING CIRCLE, AURORA, CO 80018. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/20/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 1/25/2024 Last Publication 2/22/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/17/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 20-024099 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0511-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 21, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) John Lodrick Ruelas Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (“MERS”) as nominee for Nations Lending Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Date of Deed of Trust January 31, 2023 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust February 02, 2023 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E3006719 Original Principal Amount $135,437.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $134,982.90 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations thereof THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 225, BUILDING NO. 10742, HIGH HOLLOWS CONDOMINIUMS, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 46 AT PAGE 11, AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR HIGH HOLLOWS CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED IN BOOK 3236 AT PAGE 64, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. Purported common address: 10742 E Exposition Ave, Apartment 225, Aurora, CO 80012. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/20/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 1/25/2024 Last Publication 2/22/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/21/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Erin Croke #46557 Steven Bellanti #48306 Holly Shilliday #24423 Ilene Dell’Acqua #31755 McCarthy & Holthus LLP 7700 E Arapahoe Road, Suite 230, Centennial, CO 80112 (877) 369-6122 Attorney File # CO-23-969999-LL The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
Public Notices
FEBRUARY 15, 2024 | SENTINELCOLORADO.COM | 17 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0512-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 21, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) David Wilson Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR CELEBRITY HOME LOANS, LLC., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust June 14, 2022 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust June 16, 2022 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E2066240 Original Principal Amount $427,121.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $421,736.86 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 6, BLOCK 2, HOFFMAN TOWN, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. APN #: 031059216 Purported common address: 1230 Peoria Street, Aurora, CO 80010. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/20/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 1/25/2024 Last Publication 2/22/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/21/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 22-029090 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
Honest Journalism #NoPayWallHere
COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0513-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 21, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Douglas V Carter Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (“MERS”) as nominee for American Financing Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns Current Holder of Evidence of Debt PNC Bank, National Association Date of Deed of Trust April 28, 2021 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust May 05, 2021 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E1073870 Original Principal Amount $66,200.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $63,528.14 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations thereof THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A CONDOMINIUM UNIT 11, IN CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 9, AM-CON CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF, RECORDED ON SEPTEMBER 5, 1984 IN PLAT BOOK 78, PAGE 17 THROUGH 23, BOTH INCLUSIVE, IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, COLORADO AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR AM-CON CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED ON MARCH 24, 1983 IN BOOK 3822 AT PAGE 328, AND SECOND STATEMENT OF INTENTION TO ANNEX ADDITIONAL LAND TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 5, 1984 IN BOOK 4254 AT PAGE 421, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. Purported common address: 447 South Memphis Way, Apt 11, Aurora, CO 80017. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/20/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 1/25/2024 Last Publication 2/22/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/21/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Erin Croke #46557 Steven Bellanti #48306 Holly Shilliday #24423 Ilene Dell’Acqua #31755 McCarthy & Holthus LLP 7700 E Arapahoe Road, Suite 230, Centennial, CO 80112 (877) 369-6122 Attorney File # CO-23-970006-LL The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
Honest Journalism #NoPayWallHere
COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0514-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 28, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) OBC INVESTMENTS LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Original Beneficiary(ies) CIVIC FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Current Holder of Evidence of Debt US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR NRZ PASS-THROUGH TRUST XVIB Date of Deed of Trust September 27, 2022 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust October 04, 2022 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E2100148 Original Principal Amount $396,200.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $396,200.00 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 12, BLOCK 3, MISSION VIEJO FILING NO. 2, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. Purported common address: 3891 S. IDALIA ST.,, AURORA, CO 80013. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/27/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/1/2024 Last Publication 2/29/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/28/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Steven E. Abelman, Esq., #13980 Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Schreck PC 675 Fifteenth Street, Suite 2900, Denver, CO 80202 (303) .22-3.1100 Attorney File # 3891 S. IDALIA ST. The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0515-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 28, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) SRE CAPITAL, LLC Original Beneficiary(ies) MICHAEL GARDNER Current Holder of Evidence of Debt MICHAEL J. GARDNER REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED JUNE 13, 2017 Date of Deed of Trust October 11, 2018 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust October 11, 2018 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) D8100868 Original Principal Amount $100,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $100,000.00
Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 3, BLOCK 1, PINEY CREEK VILLAGE FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO Purported common address: 16438 E LAKE DR, AURORA, CO 80016. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/27/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/1/2024 Last Publication 2/29/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/28/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Robert Graham #26809 Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher LLP 360 South Garfield Street, 6th Floor, Denver, CO 80209 (303) 333-9810 Attorney File # 27758.0001 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0516-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 28, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Lorrie A Heller Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR JLB Corporation dba Golden Oak Lending, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION Date of Deed of Trust December 04, 2021 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 10, 2021 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E1187266 Original Principal Amount $592,500.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $576,596.82 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. TRACT 25, ARCADIAN ACRES SECOND FILING, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO Purported common address: 16817 E Davies Ave, Foxfield, CO 80016. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/27/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said
Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/1/2024 Last Publication 2/29/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/28/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 23-031306 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0517-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On November 28, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Jesus Miguel Loya, Jr Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHWEST FUNDING, LP., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust January 13, 2023 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust January 18, 2023 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E3003380 Original Principal Amount $396,682.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $395,270.43 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 14, BLOCK 7, SUMMER VALLEY SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 20, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO Purported common address: 17443 East Temple Drive, Aurora, CO 80015. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 03/27/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/1/2024 Last Publication 2/29/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/28/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861
Public Notices David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 23-031258 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0520-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 1, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) BAN RE GROUP, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Original Beneficiary(ies) PATHFINDER CRISMON, LLC Current Holder of Evidence of Debt PATHFINDER 321 LLC Date of Deed of Trust September 17, 2021 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 23, 2021 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E1148382 Original Principal Amount $3,750,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $4,246,358.17 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT “A” EXHIBIT A THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF BENNETT, IN THE COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Parcel A: All of Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado Except the west 40 feet of said section conveyed to Arapahoe County by Deeds recorded May 3, 1949 in Book 636 at Page 11 and August 15, 1949 in Book 645 at Page 25, And except any portion thereof lying within a City, County, State or Federal Roadway, And except any portion platted as Antelope Hills Filing No. 1 and Antelope Hills Filing No. 2, And except that portion described as follows: (West Golf Course Tract): A tract of land located in Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Bennett, Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 14 and considering the West line of the Northwest ¼ to bear South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest ¼ a distance of 2075.51 feet; Thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 40.00 feet to a point on the East right of way line of the Kiowa-Bennett Road; Thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 973.38 feet to the point of beginning of the West Golf Course Tract; Thence along the boundary of said West Golf Course Tract the following 43 courses: Thence South 86 degrees 14 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 175.00 feet; Thence South 79 degrees 19 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 124.15 feet; Thence North 09 degrees 20 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 73.98 feet; Thence North 22 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 356.39 feet; Thence North 06 degrees 20 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 425.60 feet; Thence North 02 degrees 50 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 505.62 feet; Thence North 29 degrees 03 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 308.87 feet; Thence North 22 degrees 14 minutes 56 seconds East a distance of 71.31 feet; Thence North 69 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 299.75 feet; Thence South 50 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 102.94 feet; Thence South 70 degrees 07 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 756.02 feet; Thence North 78 degrees 09 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of 336.40 feet; Thence South 14 degrees 29 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 60.00 feet; Thence continuing South 14 degrees 29 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 91.07 feet to a point of curve; Thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right a distance of 288.17 feet, said curve has a radius of 400.00 feet and a central angle of 41 degrees 16 minutes 36 seconds to a point of reverse curve;
Thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 369.02 feet, said curve has a radius of 460.00 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 57 minutes 50 seconds; Thence South 19 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 545.61 feet; Thence South 38 degrees 24 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 289.71 feet; Thence South 14 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 73.25 feet, Thence South 74 degrees 24 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 676.93 feet; Thence South 66 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 223.89 feet; Thence South 77 degrees 05 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 282.12 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 18 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 169.77 feet to a point on a curve; Thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right a distance of 180.14 feet, said curve has a radius of 300.00 feet, a central angle of 34 degrees 24 minutes 12 seconds and a chord that bears South 30 degrees 09 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 177.44 feet to a point of reverse curve; Thence along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 62.50 feet, said curve has a radius of 450.00 feet and a central angle of 07 degrees 57 minutes 27 seconds; Thence South 89 degrees 33 minutes 21 seconds West a distance of 672.65 feet Thence North 77 degrees 48 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 578.02 feet; Thence South 53 degrees 30 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 487.61 feet; Thence South 29 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 414.28 feet; Thence South 09 degrees 55 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 243.65 feet; Thence South 26 degrees 33 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 234.79 feet; Thence South 21 degrees 22 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 493.96 feet, Thence South 50 degrees 06 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 444.15 feet to a point on a curve; Thence along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 400.05 feet, said curve has a radius of 545.00 feet, a central angle of 42 degrees 03 minutes 27 seconds and a chord that bears South 31 degrees 18 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 391.13 feet; Thence South 53 degrees 32 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 62.25 feet Thence North 78 degrees 32 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 432.63 feet; Thence North 51 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 541.46 feet; Thence North 20 degrees 04 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 538.76 feet; Thence North 06 degrees 01 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 553.05 feet; Thence North 18 degrees 19 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 922.76 feet; Thence North 73 degrees 17 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 356.87 feet to a point of curve; Thence Northeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 83.76 feet, said curve has a radius of 230.00 feet and a central angle of 20 degrees 51 minutes 53 seconds; Thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 210.00 feet to the point of beginning. (East Golf Course Tract): A tract of land located in Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Bennett, Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 14 and considering the West line of the Northwest ¼ to bear South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest ¼ a distance of 2075.51 feet; Thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 40.00 feet to a point on the east right of way line of the Kiowa-Bennett Road; Thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 973.38 feet; Thence South 86 degrees 14 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 175.00 feet; Thence South 79 degrees 19 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 124.15 feet; Thence North 09 degrees 20 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 73.98 feet; Thence North 22 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 356.39 feet; Thence North 06 degrees 20 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 425.60 feet; Thence North 02 degrees 50 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 505.62 feet; Thence North 29 degrees 03 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 308.87 feet; Thence North 22 degrees 14 minutes 56 seconds East a distance of 71.31 feet; Thence North 69 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 299.75 feet; Thence South 50 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 102.94 feet; Thence South 70 degrees 07 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 756.02 feet; Thence North 78 degrees 09 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of 336.40 feet Thence South 14 degrees 29 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 60.00 feet; Thence North 75 degrees 30 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of beginning of the East Golf Course Tract; Thence along the boundary of said East Golf Course Tract the following 57 courses: Thence North 14 degrees 29 minutes 23 seconds West a distance of 55.30 feet; Thence North 71 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 526.58 feet; Thence North 84 degrees 03 minutes 01
seconds East a distance of 435.55 feet to a point on a curve; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 435.79 feet, said curve has a radius of 450.00 feet, a central angle of 55 degrees 29 minutes 13 seconds and a chord that bears South 83 degrees 30 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of 418.96 feet; Thence South 21 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 190.42 feet; Thence South 34 degrees 33 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 128.71 feet; Thence South 12 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 122.03 feet; Thence South 62 degrees 54 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 425.00 feet; Thence South 38 degrees 12 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 250.00 feet; Thence South 10 degrees 50 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 430.69 feet; Thence South 57 degrees 05 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 161.99 feet; Thence North 61 degrees 30 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 318.60 feet; Thence South 63 degrees 41 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 295.61 feet; Thence North 72 degrees 24 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 158.26 feet; Thence South 00 degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 460.83 to a point of curve; Thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right a distance of 106.51 feet, said curve has a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 08 degrees 08 minutes 11 seconds; Thence South 68 degrees 49 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 169.06 feet; Thence South 62 degrees 49 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 438.52 feet; Thence South 71 degrees 09 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 337.25 feet; Thence South 66 degrees 07 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 587.59 feet; Thence South 24 degrees 57 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 833.63 feet; Thence South 48 degrees 56 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 616.64 feet; Thence South 23 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 376.20 feet; Thence South 43 degrees 46 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 332.42 feet; Thence North 62 degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 577.06 feet; Thence North 52 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds West a distance of 339.01 feet; Thence North 68 degrees 44 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 579.40 feet; Thence North 82 degrees 20 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 322.88 feet; Thence South 18 degrees 56 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 616.35 feet; Thence South 54 degrees 30 minutes 12 seconds West a distance of 680.34 feet to a point of curve; Thence Northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 103.02 feet, said curve has a radius of 235.00 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 07 minutes 01 seconds to a point of reverse curve; Thence along the arc of a curve to the right a distance of 306.98 feet, said curve has a radius of 485.00 feet and a central angle of 36 degrees 15 minutes 54 seconds; Thence North 53 degrees 28 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 490.32 feet; Thence North 27 degrees 22 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 478.57 feet; Thence North 42 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 435.23 feet; Thence South 85 degrees 53 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 489.25 feet; Thence South 71 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 281.76 feet; Thence North 27 degrees 28 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 281.78 feet; Thence North 01 degrees 41 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 680.29 feet; Thence North 68 degrees 33 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 89.68 feet to a point on a curve; Thence Northerly along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 359.06 feet, said curve has a radius of 360.00 feet, a central angle of 57 degrees 08 minutes 47 seconds and a chord that bears North 02 degrees 48 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 344.36 feet; Thence North 03 degrees 18 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 265.70 feet; Thence North 45 degrees 55 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 651.33 feet; Thence North 32 degrees 09 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 604.84 feet; Thence North 68 degrees 47 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 108.73 feet to a point of curve; Thence Northeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 87.06 feet, said curve has a radius of 460.00 feet and a central angle of 10 degrees 50 minutes 37 seconds; Thence South 79 degrees 38 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 144.11 feet; Thence South 65 degrees 53 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 427.71 feet; Thence South 45 degrees 45 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 1092.52 feet; Thence North 33 degrees 19 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 573.29 feet; Thence North 44 degrees 44 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 610.95 feet; Thence North 66 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 410.00 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 27 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 162.00 feet; Thence North 77 degrees 38 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 572.44 feet to a point of curve; Thence along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 107.77 feet, said curve has a radius of 230.00 feet a point of tangent; Thence South 75 degrees 30 minutes 37 seconds West a distance of 10.77 feet; Thence North 14 degrees 29 minutes 23 seconds West a distance of 61.07 feet to the point of beginning.
(Commercial part of the West Golf Course Tract): A tract of land located in Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Bennett, Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 14 and considering the West line of the Northwest ¼ to bear South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest ¼ a distance of 2075.51 feet; Thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 40.00 feet to a point on the East right of way line of the Kiowa-Bennett Road; Thence continuing North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 973.38 feet; Thence South 86 degrees 14 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 175.00 feet; Thence South 79 degrees 19 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 124.15 feet to the point of beginning; Thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 427.55 feet; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 360.00 feet; Thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 397.55 feet to a point on the West line of said West Golf Course Tract; Thence North 04 degrees 45 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 361.25 feet to the point of beginning. Note: Said parcel is now known as Outlot H, Antelope Hills Filing No. 1, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. And except that portion described as the Well and Tank Site (1) and the Well Site (2) being more particularly described as follows: Well and Tank Site (1): A tract of land located in Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Bennett, Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 14 and considering the West line of the Northwest ¼ to bear South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest ¼ a distance of 2,642.65 feet to the West ¼ corner of said Section 14; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds West along said West line of the Southwest ¼ a distance of 2,642.68 feet to the Southwest corner of said Section 14; Thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East along the South line of said Section 14 a distance of 176.03 feet; Thence North 01 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of beginning; Thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 30.00 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 104.73 feet; Thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 248.58 feet; Thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 261.32 feet; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 278.59 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 156.59 feet (156.58 feet as measured) to the point of beginning. Well Site (2): A tract of land located in Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Bennett, Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 14 and considering the West line of the Northwest ¼ to bear South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said West line of the Northwest ¼ a distance of 2,642.65 feet to the West ¼ corner of said Section 14; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds West along said West line of the Southwest ¼ a distance of 2,642.68 feet to the Southwest corner of said Section 14; Thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East along the South line of said Section 14 a distance of 2,523.55 feet to the point of beginning; Thence continuing North 88 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East along said south line of Section 14 a distance of 222.55 feet; Thence North 31 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 334.78 feet to a point on a curve; Thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left a distance of 53.67 feet, said curve has a radius of 370.00 fret and a central angle of 08 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds to a point of tangent; Thence South 50 degrees 36 minutes 01 seconds West along said tangent a distance of 82.06 feet to a point on a curve; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the right a distance of 189.88 feet; said curve has a radius of 330.00 feet and a central angle of 32 degrees 58 minutes 02 seconds to a point of tangent; Thence South 01 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel B: A parcel of land located in the North ½ of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Arapahoe County, Colorado more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 13; Thence North 88 degrees 44 minutes 49 seconds East, along the North line of said Section 13, 659.69 feet; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, 2641.54 feet to a point on the East - West centerline of said Section 13; Thence South 88 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds West, along said East - West centerline, 660.45 feet to the West ¼ of said Section 13; Thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 58 seconds East, along the West line of said Section 13, 2642.21 feet to the point of beginning. County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado EXCEPT that parcel described as follows: A parcel of property located in the NE ¼ of Section 14 and the NW ¼ of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 63 West of the 6th P.M., County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the NW ¼ of said Section 13 and considering the West line of the NW ¼ of said Section 13, to bear N00°02’26”E with all bearings contained herein relative thereto; thence N00°02’26”E along said West line, a distance of 397.13 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N46°29’57”W, a distance of 140.50 feet; thence N19°32’59”W, a distance of 146.36 feet; thence N51°56’17”E, a distance of 105.71 feet; thence N10°10’03”E, a distance of 103.35 feet; thence S81°06’34”E, a distance of 428.90 feet; thence S06°33’10”W, a distance of 138.57 feet to a point of curve; thence along said curve to the left have a central angle of 10°53’42”, a radius of 930.00 feet, for an arc length of 176.84 feet to a point of tangent; thence S04°20’32”E. a distance of 16.22 feet; thence N82°28’40”W, a distance of 240.00 feet; thence S62°18’31”W, a distance of 65.73 feet; thence S84°32’54”W, a distance of 60.47 feet to a point on the West line of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of said Section 13 and the Point of Beginning, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. Purported common address: 600 ANTELOPE DRIVE W, REFERRED TO AS PHASE 2 ON THE DEED OF TRUST DOCUMENTS, BENNETT, CO 80102. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/03/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/8/2024 Last Publication 3/7/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/01/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Conner G. Eversole #52560 Thomas P. Kearns #11347 Michael M. McKinstry #4701 Tamara A.Hoffbuhr #29391 Fairfield and Woods PC 1801 California Street, Suite 2600, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 830-2400 Attorney File # 600 ANTELOPE DRIVE W The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0521-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 1, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Samuel L. Romero Original Beneficiary(ies) WESTERRA CREDIT UNION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Westerra Credit Union Date of Deed of Trust September 06, 2016 County of Recording Arapahoe
Public Notices
FEBRUARY 15, 2024 | SENTINELCOLORADO.COM | 19 Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 13, 2016 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) D6102408 Original Principal Amount $100,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $98,661.73 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay installments of principal and interest, together with other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations of the terms thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 15, BLOCK 1, PARKVIEW COMMONS SUBDIVISION NO. 3, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO Purported common address: 5766 South Jericho Way, Centennial, CO 80015. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/03/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/8/2024 Last Publication 3/7/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/01/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: David C. Walker #36551 Neal K. Dunning #10181 Douglas W. Brown #10429 Drew P. Fein #48950 Brown Dunning Walker Fein Drusch PC 7995 E. Prentice Ave., Suite 101-E, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 3293363 Attorney File # 3006-273 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0522-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 1, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Bernard Katz Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. as nominee for Cherry Creek Mortgage, LLC, Its Successors and Assigns Current Holder of Evidence of Debt PHH Mortgage Corporation Date of Deed of Trust November 20, 2020 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust November 25, 2020 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E0165050 Original Principal Amount $345,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $172,248.43 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: The failure to make timely tax and insurance payments under said Deed of Trust and the Evidence of Debt secured thereby THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A LOT 60 A, RAINTREE EAST, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 23 AT PAGE 90, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHTS SET FORTH IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS RECORDED IN BOOK 2120 AT PAGE 169 TO 189 INCLUSIVE, AND TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR PARKING AND STORAGE OVER THAT PORTION OF LOT 60
D, SHOWN AS EASEMENT NO. 1 ON EASEMENT LOCATION PLAN RECORDED IN BOOK 2143 AT PAGE 618 WHICH EASEMENT IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF AND APPURTENANT TO SAID LOT 60A, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO Purported common address: 10001 E Evans Avenue Apt 60A, Aurora, CO 80247. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/03/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/8/2024 Last Publication 3/7/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/01/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Erin Croke #46557 Steven Bellanti #48306 Holly Shilliday #24423 Ilene Dell’Acqua #31755 McCarthy & Holthus LLP 7700 E Arapahoe Road, Suite 230, Centennial, CO 80112 (877) 369-6122 Attorney File # CO-23-969508-LL The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0523-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 1, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Glen Cox Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR UNITED CAPITAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust July 18, 2001 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust July 20, 2001 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) B1118310 Original Principal Amount $64,919.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $43,859.41 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 3, BLOCK 18, COPPER RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO Purported common address: 17179 East Tennessee Drive, Aurora, CO 80017. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/03/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns
therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/8/2024 Last Publication 3/7/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/01/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 23-031286 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0524-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 1, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Bruce A. Detlof Original Beneficiary(ies) CANVAS CREDIT UNION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt CANVAS CREDIT UNION Date of Deed of Trust April 08, 2022 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 13, 2022 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E2041997 Original Principal Amount $100,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $32,983.86 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 394, BLOCK 1, SUMMIT PARK SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. Purported common address: 4181 South Fraser Court Apt A, Aurora, CO 800146150. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/03/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/8/2024 Last Publication 3/7/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/01/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon
Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 23-031199 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0526-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 5, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Charles Randolph Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN FINANCING CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust May 24, 2019 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust May 30, 2019 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) D9050159 Original Principal Amount $353,479.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $330,051.50 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 79, BLOCK 8, AURORA HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL ID NUMBER: 1975-21-3-03-079 Purported common address: 1639 South Richfield Street, Aurora, CO 80017. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/03/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/8/2024 Last Publication 3/7/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/05/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Alison L Berry #34531 N. April Winecki #34861 David R. Doughty #40042 Nicholas H. Santarelli #46592 Lynn M. Janeway #15592 Janeway Law Firm, P.C. 9540 Maroon Circle, Suite 320, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 22-029070 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0530-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 8, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) RICHARD A. BLADE BRIGITTE AGNES LANGLOIS AKA BRIGITTE AGNES BLADE Original Beneficiary(ies) ENT CREDIT UNION
Current Holder of Evidence of Debt ENT CREDIT UNION Date of Deed of Trust April 23, 2021 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 29, 2021 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) E1070489 Original Principal Amount $60,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $55,377.44 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of Lot 1, Block 1, Heather Gardens West Subdivision Filing No. 2, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, described as follows: Parcel 1: An undivided 1/100th interest in and to said Lot, which interest does not include any interest in the buildings and equipment situate on said Lot in which apartment and townhouse units are situate other than the interest in the apartment building and equipment conveyed with that unit listed in Parcel 2 below. Parcel 2: All of that space which lies between the ceiling and the floor, and the walls of the townhouse at 13743-A East Marina Drive for convenient reference numbered as Unit 349A Building No. 349 now or hereafter constructed on said Lot, said building being located substantially as shown on the Fourth Supplement Condominium Map filed for record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado under Reception No. 1765360 in Book 35 at Page 38. Parcel 3: An undivided one half interest in and to the building and equipment therein installed and appurtenant thereto within which the space of area described in Parcel 2 is located. Parcel 4: The exclusive right to use the Patios and Balconies, Air conditioners, or other appliance which project beyond the space or area in the townhouse described in Parcel 2 and contiguous thereto, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. Purported common address: 13743 E. MARINA DRIVE, UNIT A,, AURORA, CO 80014. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. If applicable, a description of any changes to the deed of trust described in the notice of election and demand pursuant to affidavit as allowed by statutes: C.R.S.§ 38-35-109(5) LEGAL DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN CORRECTED BY SCRIVENER’S AFFIDAVIT RECORDED 11/17/2023 AT RECEPTION NO. E3078199 IN THE RECORDS OF ARAPAHOE COUNTY. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/10/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/15/2024 Last Publication 3/14/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/08/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Peter M. Susemihl #494 Susemihl, Mcdermott & Downie, PC 660 Southpointe Ct. Suite 210, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 (719) 579-6500 Attorney File # 13743 E Marina Drive The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
Public Notices COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0532-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 8, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) TANISHA WARNER AND BRENT WARNER Original Beneficiary(ies) ARGENT MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Argent Securities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-W4 Date of Deed of Trust February 24, 2006 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 03, 2006 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) B6034801 Original Principal Amount $176,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $227,742.52 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations of the terms thereof THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 2, BLOCK 4, AURORA KNOLLS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO. PURSUANT TO CORRECTIVE AFFIDAVIT RE: SCRIVENER’S ERROR PURSUANT TO C.R.S. § 38-35-109(5) RECORDED ON JULY 9, 2018 AT RECEPTION NO. D8066779 Purported common address: 2710 SOUTH RIFLE STREET, AURORA, CO 80013. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. If applicable, a description of any changes to the deed of trust described in the notice of election and demand pursuant to affidavit as allowed by statutes: C.R.S.§ 38-35-109(5) LEGAL DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN CORRECTED BY SCRIVENER’S AFFIDAVIT RECORDED 07/09/2018 AT RECEPTION NO. D8066779 IN THE RECORDS OF ARAPAHOE COUNTY. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/10/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/15/2024 Last Publication 3/14/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/08/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Anna Johnston #51978 Randall M. Chin #31149 David W. Drake #43315 Ryan Bourgeois #51088 Joseph D. DeGiorgio #45557 Barrett, Frappier & Weisserman, LLP 1391 Speer Boulevard, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 350-3711 Attorney File # 00000009932120 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015
Honest Journalism #NoPayWallHere
COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0534-2023 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 8, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Jordan A. Pagels and Wendy L. Pagels Original Beneficiary(ies) WESTERRA CREDIT UNION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WESTERRA CREDIT UNION Date of Deed of Trust August 31, 2017 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust August 31, 2017 Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) D7100104 Original Principal Amount $370,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $353,917.26 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay installments of principal and interest, together with other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations of the terms thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 3, BLOCK 2, SADDLE ROCK GOLF CLUB SOUTH SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 15, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO Purported common address: 7098 S. Tempe Ct., Aurora, CO 80016. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/10/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/15/2024 Last Publication 3/14/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/08/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: David C. Walker #36551 Neal K. Dunning #10181 Douglas W. Brown #10429 Drew P. Fein #48950 Brown Dunning Walker Fein Drusch PC 7995 E. Prentice Ave., Suite 101-E, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 3293363 Attorney File # 3085-162 B The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 COMBINED NOTICE RESTART -PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-109(2)(b)(II) FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 0005-2023 Republished to restart foreclosure stayed by bankruptcy and reset sale date. To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 5, 2023, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Arapahoe records. Original Grantor(s) Bertha Alicia Ramirez Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as beneficiary, as nominee for America’’s Wholesale Lender, its successors and assigns Current Holder of Evidence of Debt The Bank of New York Mellon as Trustee for CWABS, Inc. Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-8 Date of Deed of Trust May 01, 2006 County of Recording Arapahoe Recording Date of Deed of Trust May 05, 2006
Recording Information (Reception No. and/ or Book/Page No.) B6069055 Original Principal Amount $210,400.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $236,132.63 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: Failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. Lot 10, Block 1, Country Lane Subdivision Filing No. 1, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. Purported common address: 17519 E Caspian Pl, Aurora, CO 80013-4172. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, 04/03/2024, at The East Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, 80120, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 2/8/2024 Last Publication 3/7/2024 Name of Publication Sentinel Colorado IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/05/2023 Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado By: /s/ Michael Westerberg, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Amanda Ferguson #44893 Heather Deere #28597 Toni M. Owan #30580 Halliday, Watkins & Mann, PC 355 Union Blvd., Ste. 250, Lakewood, CO 80228 (303) 274-0155 Attorney File # CO10780 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 1/2015 AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT Date Report Run : Wed, Jan-03-24 PUBLIC AUCTION REPORT 02/21/2024 YEAR MAKE V.I.N. —— —— —————————— 01 ACUR 2HNYD186X1H505458 12 ACUR JH4CU2F42CC011235 01 ACUR 19UYA426X1A009049 05 ACUR 19UUA66245A008051 07 AUDI WAUEH74F87N018116 06 AUDI WAUKF78E06A124172 16 BMW WBS6E9C5XGG393751 04 CHEV 1GNEK13V44J166364 06 CHEV 2G1WC581269117307 10 CHEV 1G1ZD5E72AF159186 03 CHEV 1GNEK13Z23J304761 04 CHEV 2G1WF52E549108164 13 CHEV 1G1PG5SB2D7249959 09 CHEV 2G1WT57K391283459 01 CHEV 1GNEK13T81J180472 01 CHEV 1GCJK33G31F156525 00 CHEV 2GCEK19VXY1210724 00 CHEV 1GCEK19T7YE367902 95 CHEV 1G1BL52P9SR166824 04 CHEV 1GCHK23244F216412 15 CHRY 1C3CCCAB0FN529549 99 DODG 3B7HF13Z4XM516127 02 DODG 2B7HB11Y62K104341 82 DODG 1B7KW34T0CS264342 15 DODG 2C3CDXBG5FH722092 88 EARR 17N540123JW003068 97 FORD 1FMFU18L7VLB37747 08 FORD 1FMEU73E48UA46201 98 FORD 1FAFP15P3WW235330 04 FORD 1FMZU72K04ZA96941 00 FORD 1FTYR14V5YTA01174 07 FORD 1FMCU93157KA50672 02 FORD 1FTRW08682KE27335 03 FORD 1FMFU17L13LB23793 08 FORD 1FMCU03Z28KE20768 14 FORD 3FA6P0LU7ER222133 17 FORD 1FMCU9J95HUE95587 04 FORD 1FTPW12524KD45665 06 FORD 1FTSE34PX6DA70075 97 FORD 2FTDF1726VCA71023 98 FTWD 1ED5B2122W1574488 90 GEO JG1MR6466LK722650 93 GMC 1GTEK19K4PE545738 02 GMC 1GTGK13U62F189038 00 GMC 1GKEK13T1YJ201167 06 GMC 1GKET63MX62277755 05 HOND JH2PC35015M602073 04 HOND JHLRD78854C035056 05 HOND 5FNYF18485B027163 18 HOND 1HGCV1F17JA210550
07 HOND 2HKYF18797H538217 06 HYUN KM8JM12B96U337163 18 HYUN KM8J2CA41JU605796 17 HYUN KMHCT5AE2HU320741 12 HYUN KMHCU5AE4CU013965 11 HYUN 5NPDH4AE4BH004974 17 HYUN 5NPD74LF1HH201697 10 HYUN KM8JUCAC7AU022277 17 HYUN 5NPE24AA4HH496899 09 HYUN 5NPEU46C39H514881 12 HYUN KMHDH4AE8CU409710 12 HYUN 5NPDH4AE5CH089857 12 HYUN 5NPEB4AC4CH477778 13 HYUN 5NPDH4AE8DH331428 19 HYUN KM8J2CA47KU840382 19 HYUN KMHD74LF7KU777951 97 INFI JNKAY21D4VM505192 04 INFI 5N3AA08C44N808671 15 ITNL 3HAMMMML1FL140437 06 JAGU SAJWA54AX6WE80470 08 JEEP 1J8GN28K18W199773 00 JEEP 1J4GW48S4YC330528 15 JEEP 1C4RJFDJ2FC807511 98 JEEP 1J4FJ68SXWL109115 00 JEEP 1J4FF48S4YL171201 06 KAWK JKAEXMF136DA20587 16 KIA 5XYPGDA33GG025263 18 KIA KNDJP3A55J7530789 21 KIA 3KPF24ADXME263042 16 KIA KNADM4A36G6668993 15 KIA KNDPBCAC6F7758301 05 LEXS JTHBA30G955095509 99 LEXS JT8BD68S6X0063067 10 MAZD JM1BL1S59A1345439 97 MAZD 4F4CR12A4VTM07489 11 MERZ 4JGBB2FBXBA662815 02 MERZ WDBNG75J32A281783 14 MERZ WDDHF8JB6EB055845 19 NISS 3N1AB7APXKY287782 07 NISS 5N1AA08CX7N717952 10 NISS JN8AZ1MW7AW115289 07 NISS 1N4AL21E87N426202 05 NISS 5N1AR18W75C735312 08 NISS 3N1AB61EX8L741446 11 NISS 3N1AB6AP7BL607258 07 NISS 1N4BL21E17C232868 01 NISS JN8DR09Y21W613904 83 OLDS 1G3AM47Y5DM519880 18 PORS WP0CE2A72JL189904 02 SUBA JF1GD29682G506990 01 TOYT JTEHF21A510024120 00 TOYT JT3HN86R1Y0301711 10 TOYT 2T3BF4DV7AW063839 99 TOYT 4T1BF18B0XU347183 99 TOYT JT2BG22K2X0303752 17 TOYT JTMRFREV7HJ108815 05 VOLK 3VWDF71K25M620021 03 VOLK 3VWDD21C33M435734 07 VOLK 3VWRF71K67M087955 99 VOLK WVWMA63B8XE096066 02 YAMA JYACE07Y72A027652 ***END OF PUBLIC AUCTION REPORT*** First Publication: February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel CITY OF AURORA, COLORADO Ordinance 2024-01 A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AURORA, COLORADO, FOR A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 0.87 ACRES OF LAND TO MEDIUM-DENSITY MULTIFAMILY DISTRICT (R-3), LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST WELSEY PLACE AND SOUTH DILLON STREET Ordinance 2024-01 which was introduced on February 12, 2024, will be presented for final passage at the February 26, 2024, regular meeting of the City Council. The full text of the ordinance is available for public inspection and acquisition in the City Clerk’s Office, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Suite 1400, Aurora, Colorado, and on the city’s website at: /s/ Kadee Rodriguez City Clerk Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING As required by the Colorado Liquor Code, as amended, notice is hereby given that an application for a Beer & Wine Liquor License has been received by the Local Licensing Authority for the granting of a license to sell at retail, malt and vinous liquors for consumption on the premises only. Magic Nails & Lash, Cornerstar, LLC dba Magic Nails & Lash for a location at 6775 S Cornerstar Way, Suite E, Aurora, CO 80016 filed the application on December 12, 2023. The LLC members reside in Colorado.
with the Liquor Licensing staff up to and including the date of the public hearing. Miranda Garica Senior Licensing Officer 303-739-7214 Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Case Number(s): 1990-6023-04 Applicant: West Centertech LLC Application Name: West Centertech You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Aurora, Colorado. This meeting will be a virtual meeting, please go to the city website ( for instructions on participation. The hearing will consider a request for approval of a Site Plan for a 37,800-square-foot industrial/ flex multi-tenant warehouse. Site Location: 300 feet south of the intersection of E Lockheed Drive and Laredo Street (16001 E Lockheed Dr) Site Size: 2.34 acres At said meeting any person in interest may appear and be heard on the requested approval. /s/ Kadee Rodriguez City Clerk Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Case Number(s): 1976-6028-08 Applicant: Max Hookah Lounge Application Name: Max Hookah Lounge You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Aurora, Colorado. This meeting will be a virtual meeting, please go to the city website ( for instructions on participation. The hearing will consider a request for approval of a Conditional Use for a hookah lounge within 300 feet of residential in MU-C (Mixed UseCorridor) zone district. Site Location: Southeast Corner of E Iliff Avenue and S Xanadu Way (13690 E Iliff Ave) At said meeting any person in interest may appear and be heard on the requested approval. /s/ Kadee Rodriguez City Clerk Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Case Number(s): 2023-2002-00; 2023-7002-00 Applicant: Salud Family Health Centers Application Name: Aurora Center For Health, Wealth and Well-Being You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Aurora, Colorado. This meeting will be a virtual meeting, please go to the city website ( for instructions on participation. The hearing will consider a request for approval of a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone 4 acres, more or less, from R-R (Rural Residential) to R-3 (Medium-Density Multi-Family) and a Master Plan for 168 affordable multi-family residential units, health center, retail/commercial, office space, urban farm, and open space amenities. Site Location: Southwest Corner of E Colfax Avenue and N Airport Boulevard Site Size: 23.4 acres At said meeting any person in interest may appear and be heard on the requested approval. /s/ Kadee Rodriguez City Clerk Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel
A Public Hearing to consider the application has been scheduled to be held virtually before the Local Licensing Authority on March 19, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. via Webex from the Aurora Municipal Center, 15151 East Alameda Parkway, 5th Floor, Tax and Licensing Office, Aurora, CO 80012. Provided either the applicant or protestant(s) desire to use petitions to prove the needs of the neighborhood, and the desires of the inhabitants, the petitions may not be circulated before February 15, 2024 and must be returned by 12:00 noon on March 6, 2024, for review and verification by the City of Aurora Liquor Licensing staff. Information as to the application, procedures, or remonstrances, may be handled
Honest Journalism
Public Notices
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE CONFISCATED ITEMS FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION March 27th, 2024 Unclaimed, confiscated, and recovered property will be auctioned to the highest and best bidder at 9:00 a.m. on March 27th at 7500 York Street, Denver, Colorado. These items may be inspected at 7500 York Street, Denver, Colorado, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. the day before the sale, then between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the day of the auction. A complete list of all items will be available for review in the City Clerk’s Office, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Room 1400 (1st floor), Aurora, Colorado. 23-1357316AP308747-3 Westlake Rifle Scope 21-17436225676-1Kobalt Steel Shovel 18-21606116009-4Pittsburgh 3 ton Jack 19-22730161974-17Oala Toilet (new) 14-442844112-1Wilson Leather Jacket 20-26515199783-1Dewalt Power Drill 18-48750141155-1Science skeleton model 22-342764AP289719-2Yellow metal chain 22-287551AP281918-4TWO SILVER/ GOLD EARRING 23-37385AP296162-2NECKLACE IN BLACK CASE 23-113519AP305914-2WATCH WITH RED WRAPING 22-347442AP300777-2SMALL WATCH 23-58092AP298876-1RING 23-58092AP298876-2RING WTH CLEAR STONES 23-58092AP298876-3RING WITH CLEAR STONES 23-58092AP298876-4RING WITH STONES 23-58092AP298876-5RING WITH CLEAR STONES 23-58092AP298876-6RING WITH THREE STONES 23-20523AP267780-3YELLOW COLORED NECKLACE 22-34932AP278660-11WATCH 22-34932AP278660-12WATCH 22-34932AP278660-13WATCH 22-34932AP278660-14WATCH 22-34932AP278660-15WATCH 23-55566AP298542-1WATCH WITH CLEAR STONES 23-55566AP298542-2CHAIN WITH CLEAR STONES 23-82329AP303490-3BRACELET 23-82329AP303490-4EARRINGS 23-55482AP298490-2NECKLACE W/ DIAMOND STUDS 23-79850AP301808-1NECKLACE 23-80696AP301843-5RING 23-104786AP304770-1WATCH 23-104786AP304770-2EARRINGS 23-23480AP269975-4BULLET REPLICA 22-22247AP269071-2WATCH 22—22247AP269071-3NECKLACE 23-317AP290403-1WATCH 22-345639AP290028-1WATCH 22-345639AP290028-2RING 23-63094AP299604-44APPLE WATCH 23-158227AP311668-1Coach Leather bag 23-177562AP313972-1Ryobi 18V light 20-5543185201-1JACK 20-31391203809-19Knights of Columbus Hat 23-142411AP309616 1BLUE AND SILVER AVALON NEXT BIKE 20-20773195672-145 SPEED HARD ROCK BLACK AND WHITE 23-173705AP313515-1LETRIC UNISEX BIKE 23-182752AP314558-1SILVER MOUNTAIN BIKE 23-195277AP315976-126 IN HUFFY ROCK CREEK 22-196830AP316093-1BLACK MOUNTAN BICYCLE 23-206347AP317404-1BLUE MOUNTAIN BIKE 23-157790AP311588-1PULSAR GENERATOR BLK AND GRY 23-112295AP305821-1GREEN KENT CHAOS KIDS BIKE 23-166294AP312738-2Samsung Television 22-321147AP286680-1 Nintendo Switch 18-28853123201-13HOVERBOARD 20-34905205919-20TRIPOD 20-40809209643-1YOUTH BICYCLE BLUE/GRN 20-40809209643-2YOUTH BICYCLE SILVER/BLK 20-85161213452-4MILWAUKEE 3 INCH TOOL 20-85161213452-5MILWAUKEE PORTABLE SPEAKER 23-210282AP318008-1ELECTRIC GUITAR 23-210282AP318008-2GUITAR SPEAKER 18-26461121108 -1SAWSALL 18-26461121108 -2ANGLE GRINDER W/ ACCESSORIES 20-41193210295 -1FORD WHEEL IN BOX 20-41193210295 -2FORD WHEEL IN BOX 20-32521204067 - 2IMPACT DRILL 20-32521204067 - 3BATTERY TO IMPACT DRILL 18-26461121108 - 7FOUR SAW BLADES 20-40820212400-12300 WATT GENERATOR 11-112221111222-46LIQUID PETROLEUM CANISTER 2010-461961046193-136MISC FOREIGN MONEY 22-338802AP289261-3FOREIGN MONEY PESOS 23-1352AP295952-10BRITISH 10 CENT COIN 23-165064AP312351-6FOREIGN MONEY PESOS
23-167866AP312784-19FOREIGN MONEY 23-212342AP318285-6100 PESOS BILL 23-224817AP319772-4COLLECTABLE PENNIES 23-224817AP319772-21 FOREIGN COIN 23-226931AP320040-2FOREIGN MONEY PESOS 23-237271AP321529-6CLEAR BAG FOREIGN COINS 23-59950AP299217-21MISC FOREIGHN MONEY 19-43916AP179121-2FOREIGN COIN 23-101194AP304390-2$5.11 EURO 23-111252 AP306340-4FOREIGN MONEY 23-120516 AP306864-3FOREIGN COINS 23-129698 AP307993-3UNITED ARAB EMIRATES MONEY 23-455AP290420-4100 MEXICAN PESOS 23-455AP290420-530 NICARAGUAN CORDOBAS 23-455AP290420-61 CUBAN PESO COIN 23-48949AP304217-1FOREIGN CURRENCY 12 23-63722AP299744-550 PESOS 23-76268AP301298-2CANADIAN COIN 15-1554412925-3UNKNOWN COIN 16-1085840868-31 CANADIAN PENNY 20-34684205599 -30VEINTE PESCOS $20 16-6914AP37675 -9FOREIGN MONEY 23-238645AP321750-4Play Station 4 2023-238645AP321750-2Pre-Owned Playstation Games 2010-403551040355-1Nail Gun 20-5532186113-1DEWALT HAMMER DRIL 20-5532186113 -4GENERATOR 16-4965764001-10LUXPAD TABLET 16-4965764001-11LUXPAD TABLET 16-4965764001-12PLAYSTATION 2 16-4965764001-21BLUE WHISTLER INVERTER 16-4965764001-25HARMON/KARDON SPEAKER 16-1965764001-27APPLE COMPUTER 20-5532186113-6SkullCandy Headphones 20-5532186113-14RIDGID SAW WITH CHARGER 20-5532186113-152 DRILLS WITH 4 BATTERIES 23-206836AP317481 -2SCHWINN MT BIKE 23-219389AP319078-1BIKE 23-236741AP321464-1GRAY MOUNTAIN BIKE 23-236816AP321465-1WHITE RODE BICYCLE 23-249422AP323139 -1GREEN SWINN BICYCLE 23-252727AP323642 -1JETSON BIKE 20-32094204694-1Black car seat 20-32094204694-2Crunch stereo AMP with wires 20-32094204694-3Black Sub Woofer digital designs 21-462213780-1MILWAUKEE DRILL 21-462213780-2MILWAUKEE SAWSALL 21-462213780-3MILWAUKEE GRINDER 21-462213780-4MILWAUKEE SAWSALL 21-462213780-5MILWAUKEE VACUUM 21-462213780-6IMPACT WRENCH MATCO 21-462213780-7AIR RATCHET 21-462213780-8DEWALT BLOWER 21-462213780-9AIR COMPRESSOR 21-462213780-10TOOL BAG WITH MISC TOOLS 20-41193210295-1FORD WHEEL IN BOX 20-41193210295-2FORD WHEEL IN BOX 2020-5532186113-1HAMMER DRILL Terms of the sale will be cash, certified check, Visa, American Express, or Mastercard at the conclusion of the sale. The successful bidder will be required to remove all items after the close of the sale. All sales are final WITH NO WARRANTY. Any and all bids can be rejected at the discretion of the City of Aurora. /s/ Kadee Rodriguez, City Clerk First Publication: February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel BEFORE THE COLORADO GROUND WATER COMMISSION DETERMINATION OF WATER RIGHT LOST CREEK DESIGNATED GROUNDWATER BASIN AND LOST CREEK GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTARAPAHOE COUNTY TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to section 3790-107(7), C.R.S., and the Designated Basin Rules, 2 CCR 410-1, Servants of Christ Jesus has applied for a determination of right to an allocation of designated groundwater from the Denver aquifer underlying 40.03 acres generally described as part of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. (receipt no. 10033804). The applicant claims ownership of this land and control of the groundwater in this aquifer underlying this property. The groundwater from this allocation is proposed to be used on the described property for the following beneficial uses: drinking water and other household use within the Servants of Christ Jesus’s Group Home and for irrigation purposes for landscaping around the home. In accordance with section 37-90-107(7), the Colorado Ground Water Commission shall allocate groundwater from the above aquifers based on ownership of the overlying land. A preliminary evaluation of the application finds the volume of water available for allocation from the Denver aquifer
underlying the above-described property to be 978.14 acre-feet. The amount in the Denver aquifer represents a reduction in the volume of water available for allocation due to the existence of a small capacity well, permit no. 125413 (canceled) and repermitted under permit no. 330537, withdrawing water from beneath the described property. This amount is subject to final evaluation, and subsequent to issuance of the determination, adjustment to conform to the actual local aquifer characteristics. In accordance with section 37-90-107(7) (a), well permits issued pursuant to subsection 107(7) shall allow withdrawals on the basis of an aquifer life of one hundred years. In accordance with Rule 5.3.6 of the Designated Basin Rules preliminary evaluation of the application finds the replacement water requirement status for the Denver aquifer underlying the above-described property to be not-nontributary (4% replacement). Upon Commission approval of determinations of rights to the allocations, well permits for wells to withdraw the allocations shall be available upon application, subject to the conditions of each determination, the Designated Basin Rules, and approval by the Commission. Such wells must be completed in the aquifer for which the right was allocated and must be located on the 40.03 acres of the above described property. Any person wishing to object to the approval of this determination of right to the allocation must do so in writing, briefly stating the nature of the objection, the name of the applicant, a general description of the property, and the specific aquifer and related receipt number of the application that is the subject of the objection. The objection, including a required $10 fee per application being objected to, must be received by the Colorado Ground Water Commission by close of business March 23, 2024. Objections should be sent via email to, upon which the objector will be emailed an invoice for paying the fee online. If the objector is unable to provide the objection via email please contact 303-866-3581. First Publication: February 15, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel BEFORE THE COLORADO ENERGY AND CARBON MANAGEMENT COMMISSION AMENDED NOTICE AND APPLICATION FOR HEARING DOCKET NO. 220800225 TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Pursuant to Rule 523.d, the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission Staff has applied to the Commission for an Order Finding Violation against K.P. Kauffman Company, Inc. (Operator No. 46290), to adjudicate allegations in the Notice of Alleged Violation Nos. 403035076, 403035192, 403035259, 403035328, 403035446, and 403035534. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to: 1) the general jurisdiction of the Energy and Carbon Management Commission of the State of Colorado under § 34-60-105, C.R.S.; 2) specific powers granted pursuant to § 34-60-106, C.R.S.; 3) the Colorado Administrative Procedures Act at § 24-4105, C.R.S.; and 4) the Commission’s Series 500 Rules at 2 C.C.R. 404-1, that the Commission has scheduled this matter for hearing before a ECMC Hearing Officer at the following date, time, and location (subject to change): Date: March 18, 2024 Time: 9:00 a.m. Place: Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 801 Denver, CO 80203 The Notice and documents related to this matter can be found on our “Hearing eFiling System Document Search” page here Select “Search for Docket Related Documents” from the pull-down menu, use the above “Docket Number”, and select “Search”. Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR MURPHY CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO. 3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly to the electors of the Murphy Creek Metropolitan District No. 3, Arapahoe County, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three (3) Directors will be elected to serve until May 2025 and two (2) Directors will be elected to serve until May 2027. The election will be conducted as an independent mail ballot election. Eligible electors of the District interested in serving on the Board may obtain a SelfNomination and Acceptance Form from the Designated Election Official (DEO) and from the District’s website: Via Email: (preferred) In Person: Fritsche Law LLC, 3900 E. Mexico Ave., Suite 300, Denver, CO 80210 Via website: election-info/ The Office of the DEO is open Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The deadline to submit a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 2024 (not less than 67 days before the election). Submittal via email to is preferred. b, that an application for an absentee ballot shall be filed with the DEO (email preferred) no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the election, April 30, 2024. MURPHY CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO. 3 By: /s/ Mandi Kirk Designated Election Official Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel DISTRICT COURT, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO NOTICE OF APPEARANCE Case No. 2024CV000010 Div. 34 In the Matter of: ADAIR, DANAE DANAE ADAIR 5704 S. KILLARNEY WAY CENTENNIAL, CO 80015 You are hereby notified that the above captioned case has been set for NAME CHANGE HEARING. You are required to appear at 7325 S. Potomac St. Centennial, CO 80112 on April 01, 2024 at 8:30 AM in Div 34 via Webex. Meeting number (access code): 2594 408 0614 Join from a video conferencing system Join by phone: +1-720-650-7664 Access Code: 2594 408 0614 then press #,# (no attendee ID is needed) Date of Notice: January 29, 2024 NFH for Shana Kloek Clerk/Clerk of Court Continuance granted only by the Court on Written Motion. First Publication: February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel DISTRICT COURT, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO SUMMONS TO DISCLAIM PATERNITY Case No. 2023JV429 In the Interest of: Petitioner: Cydney Graham v. Respondent: Montree Wyatt To the Respondent named above this Summons serves as a notice to appear in this case. You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in this Court in which it is represented that the Petitioner is disclaiming that (name of party) is the biological father of the named children in the Petition. The Petition, requests that the Court enter judgment and grant such further relief as the Court deems proper, including requiring you to pay costs of this action. You may be required to pay a filing fee with your Response. The Response form (JDF 1315) can be found at by clicking on the “Self Help/Forms” tab.
You are hereby summoned to appear for an INITIAL STATUS CONFERENCE in Division 12 of the District Court in Arapahoe County, at the above address, on 9/2/23, at 10:00 am, at which time an Order may be entered identifying whether the Petitioner/
Respondent is/is not the biological father of the children identified in the Petition and any other orders as appropriate. Please see the attached. The hearing will occur via WebEx video conference. The hearing will be on 1/18/2024 at 9:30 AM. To join from a video conferencing system or application long on to the following WebEx address at https:// or join by phone at 1-720-650-7664 with an access code of 2598 388 7751 #. Notice: Colorado Revised Statutes §19-4105.5, provides that upon personal service of the Petition and Summons on the Respondent, or upon waiver and acceptance of service by the Respondent, an automatic temporary injunction shall be in effect against both parties for 120 days after its effective date, unless all parties consent to a modification of the temporary injunction. Either party may apply to the Court to modify the length of time the temporary injunction is in effect. You are hereby advised that, pursuant to state statute §19-4-105.5, C.R.S., this request for genetic tests shall not prejudice the requesting party in matters concerning allocation of parental responsibilities pursuant to §14-10-124(1.5), C.R.S. If genetic tests are not obtained prior to a legal establishment of paternity and submitted into evidence prior to the entry of the final order establishing paternity, the genetic tests may not be allowed into evidence at a later date. Automatic Temporary Injunction – By Order of Colorado law, you and the other party: 1. Are enjoined from molesting or disturbing the peace of the other party; and 2. Are restrained from removing the minor child(ren) from the state without the consent of all parties or an Order of the Court modifying the injunction; and 3. Are restrained, without at least 14 days advance notification and the written consent of all other parties or an Order of the Court, from cancelling, modifying, terminating, or allowing to lapse for nonpayment of premiums, any policy of health insurance or life insurance that provides coverage to the minor child(ren) as a beneficiary of a policy. If you fail to appear at the stated time and place, the Court may enter orders as addressed in the Petition. Date: December 7, 2023 /s/ Clerk of Court/ Deputy First Publication: January 25, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel DISTRICT COURT, EL PASO COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO SUMMONS Case No: 23CV31277 Div. No. 15 Plaintiffs: RIVERS VENTANA, LLC, v. Defendants: THE ESTATE OF CHRISTINE ROTHE NOTH; CHUCK BROERMAN, PUBLIC TRUSTEE FOR EL PASO COUNTY, COLORADO; AND, ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ESTATE OF CHRISTINE ROTHE NOTH; CHUCK BROERMAN, PUBLIC TRUSTEE FOR EL PASO COUNTY, COLORADO; AND, ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN: You are hereby summoned and required to appear and defend against the claims of the Complaint filed with the Court in this action, by filing with the clerk of this court an answer or other response to the Complaint. You are required to file your answer or other response within 35 days after the service of this summons upon you. Service of this summons shall be complete on the day of last publication. A copy of the Complaint may be obtained from the clerk of the court. If you fail to file your answer or other response to the Complaint in writing within 35 days after the date of the last publication, judgment by default may be rendered against you by the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint without further notice. This is an action by Plaintiffs to quiet title to the following real property: See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. DATED: January 11, 2024 Exhibit A Legal Description of the Property A tract of land located in the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 8. T16S, R65W of the 6th P.M. County of El Paso. State of Colorado. being more particularly described follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of
Public Notices
D.L. EVANS BANK, Plaintiff, vs. ELMO C. ISHMAEL, Defendant. To: ELMO C. ISHMAEL: You have been sued by D.L. Evans Bank, the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for Cassia County, Idaho, Case No. CV16-231063. The nature of the claim against you is breach of contract. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 1550 Overland Ave. Burley, ID 83318 and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff’s attorney at Parsons, Loveland, Shirley & Lindstrom, LLP, Attn: Rhett M. Miller, P.O. Box 910, Burley, Idaho 83318. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. /s/ County District Court, Deputy Clerk Rhett M. Miller, ISB #11163 PARSONS, LOVELAND, SHIRLEY & LINDSTROM, LLP 137 West 13th Street P.O. Box 910 Burley, Idaho 83318 (208) 878-8382 - Phone (208) 878-0146 – Fax Attorneys for Plaintiff First Publication: January 25, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel INVITATION TO BID Sky Ranch Community Authority Board (the “CAB”) will receive sealed Bids for the Sky Ranch Community Authority Board Filing 5 Fencing Installation Services (the “Project”) at the office of the CAB Engineer: Independent District Engineering Services, 1626 Cole Boulevard, Suite #125, Lakewood, CO 80401, Email: Bids shall be made on the forms furnished by the CAB and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope and endorsed with the name of the Bidder and must be delivered to the CAB Engineer no later than 10:00 a.m., on March 1st, 2024. At such time, Bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud. Attention is called to the fact that the Successful Bidder will be required to advance funds to the CAB in an amount equivalent to the amount of the bid submitted in order to fund the Project (the “Project Advance”), and to enter into a capital funding agreement with the CAB to address the CAB’s repayment of the Project Advance to the Successful Bidder. A description of the Work to be performed is: Fencing material procurement and fencing installation services to the CAB for the Sky Ranch development. Bid packages will be available upon request to the CAB Engineer for pickup after 10:00 a.m. on February 15th, 2024 via email. Bids shall be made on the forms furnished by the CAB and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope and endorsed with the name of the Bidder. Bidders must supply a list of Subcontractors providing Five Thou-
Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR40 Estate of Wilhelm Kupper, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 15, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Stefan H. Kupper Personal Representative 2919 N Lafayette St. Denver, CO 80205 First Publication: February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel VEHICLES FOR SALE 2009 VOLVO XC70 VIN-050561 2004 HONDA ACCORD VIN-083799 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA VIN-202246 Extreme Towing 303-344-1400 Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel VEHICLES FOR SALE 2016 NISSAN ALTIMA VIN-234864 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE VIN-633454 2021 TOYOTA COROLLA VIN-005518 2020 TOYOTA TACOMA VIN-358733 2018 TOYOTA CAMRY VIN-114564 2016 NISSAN ALTIMA VIN-234864 Extreme Towing 303-344-1400 Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801 C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR30009 Estate of Mark Bright, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 8, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Victor Bright Personal Representative 4045 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 Attorney for Personal Representative Abby C. Boyd Atty Reg #: 47699 Kingsbery, Johnson & Love LLP 2672 North Park Drive Ste. 100 Lafayette, CO 80026 Phone: 303-443-4694 First Publication: February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2023PR584 Estate of Amy E. Decker, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 1, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Attorney for Personal Representative Wendy S. Monteith, #31296 Monteith Law LLC 4610 S. Ulster St., Suite 150 Denver, CO 80237 Phone: 303-290-7413 First Publication: February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR32 Estate of Donald F. Oatley, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 15, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. John J. Diak, Jr. Personal Representative 11875 Cattle Lane Parker, CO 80134 First Publication: February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2023PR31327 Estate of Scott Manuel Jardim aka Scott M. Jardim aka Scott Jardim, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado on or before June 8, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Attorney for Personal Representative Loren Randall Atty Reg #: 28801 Loren Randall & Associates 9934 Sydney Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80130 Phone: 720-548-7404 First Publication: February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2023PR546 Estate of Chris Allan Pixler aka Chris A. Pixler aka Chris Pixler, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 15, 2024 or the claims may be forever barred. First Western Trust Bank Personal Representative 1900 16th St., Ste. 1200 Denver CO 80202 Attorney for Personal Representative Trevor G. Bartel, #40449 Frances Scioscia Staadt, #51368 LEWIS ROCA ROTHGERBER CHRISTIE LLP 1601 19th Street, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303-623-9000 First Publication; February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR12 Estate of Elizabeth Mae Hennesy, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Adams county, Colorado, on or before June 1, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Heidi Ridley Personal Representative 10866 Quintero St. Commerce City, CO 80022 First Publication: February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR30098 Estate of Bruce W. Hamon aka Bruce Hamon aka Bruce Wayne Hamon aka B.W. Hamon aka B. Hamon, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 10, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Muriel Hamon Personal Representative 18852 E. Long Ave. Centennial, CO 80016 Attorney for Personal Representative Patricia L. Clowdus, Esq., Atty. Reg. # 8744 Richard B. Robinson Atty Reg.# 6052 Robinson, Diss and Clowdus, P.C. 3200 Cherry Creek South Drive, Suite 340 Denver, CO 80209 Phone: 303-861-4154 First Publication: February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR30006 Estate of James Elton Price, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 5, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Anna Burr, Esq. Atty Reg #: 42205 Law Office of Anna L. Burr, LLC 2851 S. Parker Rd., Ste. 230 Aurora, CO 80014 Phone: 720-500-2076 First Publication: February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR30027 Estate of Robin Schaffer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 15, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Hannah Schaffer Svoboda Personal Representative c/o Steven M. Weiser, Esq. Atty. Reg. #: 27535 Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher, LLP 360 S. Garfield St., 6th Floor Denver, Colorado 80209 (303) 333-9810 First Publication: February 15, 2024 Final Publication: February 29, 2024 Sentinel NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR30053 Estate of Linda R. Barker aka Linda Barker aka Linda Richter Barker, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the Arapahoe County District Court on or before June 3, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Philip W. Barker Personal Representative c/o Frank J. Danzo, III Atty Reg #: 26789 Chayet & Danzo, LLC 650 S. Cherry St., Ste. 710 Denver, CO 80246 Phone: 303-355-8520 First Publication: February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR30149 Estate of Matthew Roland Backus aka Matt Roland Backus, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 15, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Attorney for Personal Representative, Emily Donne Sorey-Backus Law Office of Alexandra White, P.C. Krista Beauchamp, Atty Reg. #: 47615 12625 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 Phone: 303-500-1221 First Publication: February 15, 2024 Final Publication: February 29, 2024 Sentinel
I) Judges lay it down 2) Caesar's salad ingredients? 3) Wray of "King Kong" 4) Lhasa is its capital 5) Drools 6) Acorn producer 7) Seat at the wedding 8) Buddhist in Nirvana 9) Feudal vassals 10) Washington, D.C. resident 11) Threshold location 12) Emulated a cow 13) Leaping amphibians 18) December ditties 23) Force out 24) Brother of Moses 25) Squander slowly 26) Ice-cream portion 28) Reddish deer 31) Get naked 35) Brown tone 37) Sprang up
Stan Fowler, PE 1626 Cole Boulevard, Suite #125, Lakewood, CO 80401
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR300050 Estate of Richard Wayne Lehman aka Richard W. Lehman aka Richard Lehman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 2, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Walter H. Fisher Personal Representative c/o Mesa S. A. Jetton, Esq. Atty Reg #: 58026 Jetton Legal LLC 1425 Hawk Parkway, Ste. 5 Montrose, CO 81401 Phone: 970-615-5055 First Publication: February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel
First Publication: January 18, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel
Any questions concerning this bid shall be directed in writing to:
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR30078 Estate of Michael Eugene Hunter, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before June 15, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. William F. Hunter and Kathleen A. Hunter Personal Representatives 15616 E. Atlantic Circle Aurora, CO 80013 Attorney for Personal Representative Jennifer E. Jespersen, Esq. Atty Reg #: 36295 8039 S. Oneida Court Centennial, CO 80112 Phone: 720-841-7771 First Publication: February 15, 2024 Final Publication: February 29, 2024 Sentinel
PUBLIC NOTICE is given on Janu- ary 30, 2024, that a Petition was filed for a Change of Name of an Adult has been filed with the Adams County Court.
The Petition entered that the name of Bella Mali Nigro be changed to Bella Mali Lipsey. /s/ Judge
I) Barn attics 43) Bone-dry 6) Gemstones for some Libras 44) Get in 11) Prankster with pointy shoes 46) Measuring tube (var.) 48) Misfortune 14) Be useful to 15) High hideaway 49) Some signatures of old 51) Kind of helmet 16) Postal motto conjunction 52) Egyptian cobra 17) Definitely not now? 53) Square dancer's need 19) Word with "cents" or "faced" 56) Mariners' assents 20) Longoria of TV 58) Current or former court org. 59) _ of Good Feelings 21) Title of respect, abroad 22) Decaf alt. 60) Movie, in Hollywood lingo 23) Roof supports 61) Ticket word 27) Groups of four 62) What a convict seeks 29) Sculler's item 68) Keogh alternative 30) Enonnous birds of myth 69) Form of lyric poem 70) Cornball 32) In a minute 33) Canton that borders Bern 71) Yorkshire's home 34) Casino machines, briefly 72) Supergiant in Cygnus 36) Postgame segment 73) Kitchen wrap 39) Lushes 41) More in need of liniment
/s/ Timothy F. Brewer Timothy F. Brewer, #32946 Timothy F. Brewer, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2024PR20 Estate of Esther Alma Baird, Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before July 17, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Linda Kathleen Carlson Personal Representative 2980 Redbud Ct. Grand Junction, CO 81504 First Publication: February 8, 2024 Final Publication: February 22, 2024 Sentinel
12th February
TIMOTHY F. BREWER, P.C. *In accordance with C.R.C.P. 121 Section 1-26, a printed copy of this document with original signatures is being maintained by the filing party and will be made available for inspection by other parties or the court upon request.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO §15-12-801, C.R.S. Case No. 2023PR30801 Estate of Arthur Vago aka Arthur Vago Sr., Deceased. All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado on or before June 2, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Attorney for Personal Representative Skipton S. Reynolds Atty Reg #: 38997 The Law Office of Skipton Reynolds, LLC 2 Inverness Drive East, Ste. 102 Englewood, CO 80112 Phone: 720-440-2774 First Publication :February 1, 2024 Final Publication: February 15, 2024 Sentinel
Thence N89°12’20’’E, 10.00 Feet; Thence S00°00’20’’W, 10.00 Feet; Thence S89°12’20’’W, 10.00 Feet; Thence N00°00’20’’E, 10.00 Feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.
sand Dollars ($5,000) or more in labor and/ or materials to the Project. Bidders are hereby advised that the CAB reserves the right to not award a Contract until ten (10) days from the date of the opening of Bids, and Bidders expressly agree to keep their Bids open for the ten (10) day time period. CAB reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any informality, technicality or irregularity in any Bid, to disregard all non-conforming, non-responsive, conditional or alternate Bids, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, to require statements or evidence of Bidders’ qualifications, including financial statements, and to accept the proposal that is in the opinion of the CAB in its best interest. The CAB also reserves the right to extend the Bidding period by Addendum if it appears in its interest to do so.
� �
the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 said Section 8 from which the Southwest Corner of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 8 bears S00°35’10’’E, 1316.50 feet, thence S00°35’10’’E, 50.00 FEET along the West line of the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of said Section 8, Thence N89°12’20’’E, 797.16 Feet to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.
First Publication: February 15, 2024 Final Publication: February 29, 2024 Sentinel
PUBLIC NOTICE is given on Janu- ary 24, 2024, that a Petition was filed for a Change of Name of an Adult has been filed with the Arapahoe County Court. The Petition entered that the name of Natalie Lauren Franks be changed to Natalie Lauren Love.
/s/Sarah Ingmenasen Clerk of Court/ Deputy Clerk
First Publication: February 15, 2024 Final Publication: February 29, 2024 Sentinel
Send Notices to:
� �
12th February
I) Barn attics 43) Bone-dry 6) Gemstones for some Libras 44) Get in 11) Prankster with pointy shoes 46) Measuring tube (var.) 48) Misfortune 14) Be useful to 15) High hideaway 49) Some signatures of old 51) Kind of helmet 16) Postal motto conjunction 17) Definitely not now? 52) Egyptian cobra 53) Square dancer's need 19) Word with "cents" or "faced" 56) Mariners' assents 20) Longoria of TV 58) Current or former court org. 59) _ of Good Feelings 21) Title of respect, abroad 22) Decaf alt. 60) Movie, in Hollywood lingo 23) Roof supports 61) Ticket word 27) Groups of four 62) What a convict seeks 29) Sculler's item 68) Keogh alternative 30) Enonnous birds of myth 69) Form of lyric poem 70) Cornball 32) In a minute 71) Yorkshire's home 33) Canton that borders Bern 34) Casino machines, briefly 72) Supergiant in Cygnus 36) Postgame segment 73) Kitchen wrap 39) Lushes 41) More in need of liniment
I) Judges lay it down 2) Caesar's salad ingredients? 3) Wray of "King Kong" 4) Lhasa is its capital 5) Drools 6) Acorn producer 7) Seat at the wedding 8) Buddhist in Nirvana 9) Feudal vassals 10) Washington, D.C. resident 11) Threshold location 12) Emulated a cow 13) Leaping amphibians 18) December ditties 23) Force out 24) Brother of Moses 25) Squander slowly 26) Ice-cream portion 28) Reddish deer 31) Get naked 35) Brown tone 37) Sprang up 38) Makes baby chick sounds 40) Canonical hour 42) Fix a word-processing error 45) Continued a subscription 47) Some believers 50) Outerwear in Sonora 53) Home to Notre Dame 54) Cancel, to NASA 55) Synthetic fiber 57) African coastal capital 63) Poem of homage 64) Four winter wks. 65) Gas-station offering, sometimes 66) Bake sale organizer, for short 67) Suffix for "Hallow"
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38) Makes baby chick sounds 40) Canonical hour 42) Fix a word-processing error 45) Continued a subscription 47) Some believers 50) Outerwear in Sonora 53) Home to Notre Dame 54) Cancel, to NASA 55) Synthetic fiber 57) African coastal capital 63) Poem of homage 64) Four winter wks. 65) Gas-station offering, sometimes 66) Bake sale organizer, for short 67) Suffix for "Hallow"
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