10 Ways That Drive Visitors Away from your Website

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10 Ways That Drive Visitors Away from your Website Do you have an online presence in the form of a blog or online store? Bad news, there are millions of similar ones out there. Yes, and that is one of the reasons why your site does not have many visitors or why the visitors leave your site faster than you wished them to. But hang on, that’s only half the story. The truth is that you may be a bigger contributor to driving the visitors away than you think. Try taking a reality check here. Do you… 1. Write Whatever That You Are Thinking Of Well, it’s your blog after all. And being the owner you have the right to write whatever you want no matter how irrelevant it may be. Just go right ahead with complaining about the current political status to ranting about how unappreciative your nephews had become to the old oak tree that you used to play under when you were 4 years old. Hey, isn’t that what freedom of speech is all about? 2. Use Academic Language Write in the Queen’s English and remember to take great measures to ensure that your writings are grammatically correct and that spelling and punctuation are accurate. Who cares if it tends to leave your readers with an impression that they are reading a formal article? The important thing is that it is the proper way to write and that Mrs. Wright, your old English composition teacher would be really proud of the posts if she reads them today. 3. Be Lame What has creativity got to do with writing? It’s safer to be boring. The readers don’t mind it. If that guy at the party can get away with talking about his comics collection non-stop for an hour, so can you.

4. Write Long Posts The ability to write long articles is a skill indeed. It gives the impression that you know what you are talking about and that you are an expert on the topic. Facts don’t matter at all. Yes, it may be too long for readers to finish in one sitting but they would surely return to continue the post… wouldn’t they?

5. Advertise, Remember to advertise at whatever space you can find on your site. The more the better. Don’t worry if the advertisements take up more space than the postings. After all, the advertisements are the ones that generate income and at the rate that you are getting paid for these advertisements especially those pay-per-click ads, it’ll be difficult to make anything if you don’t have tons of them. 6. Videos and Animations It’s important to include lots of videos, animations, and high-resolution graphics on the front page. Yes, it may take your visitors a whole day just to load the page

but its cool isn’t it, to have all those music, animations, and graphics around. People should have more patience. 7. Wrong Information and Broken Links You don’t have to ensure the accuracy of the information on your posts. I mean who has so much time to do researches just to make sure that the facts and figures are correct. An estimate would do fine. A little exaggeration wouldn’t hurt either. And forget about checking all those links to see if they really work. If you want to move the pages around, by all means, do it freely. “Error 404 Page not found” is just a few things that readers should put up with and not get all upset over it. 8. Publish Without Editing It takes too long to edit and it’s not fun to do so. There’s nothing seriously wrong with a few grammatical errors here or typos there. The visitors would be able to figure out the right words themselves, wouldn’t they? 9. Forget About Your Site Why stress yourself up with constantly writing articles? Just leave the site alone and update only when you feel like it. And about the comments that your visitors leave… just let it be. There’s no written rule to say that you have to reply to them. 10. Complexity And if you have an online store, try to make it as complex as possible to place an order. Send your visitors all over your site just to look for the “purchase” button and then when they finally reach the checkout, make them fill in lots of information just to create an online account. The above measures should have successfully turned away 90% of your readers. So how many of the above “crimes” have you committed? Do not despair if you had. In fact, most of us had made these stumbling blocks at some point in our online life. Just make a U-turn now and not frustrate your readers anymore. You had spent much effort in creating a wonderful site so try not to send your site into

self-destruct mode. Apply the opposite of the above and see if there are any changes to your pageviews. Keep me posted on the outcome. Click to SEO Spezialist Hamburg

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