Checking for Bad Links and Av
31 Chicora Avenue, Toronto, Ontario ,M5R 1T7 ,Canada Tel:416.820.4225
Link building is one of the most important factors in designing a website. It’s criticalthat you institute a program to continually check and audit for bad links, so that you can avoid a ranking penalty from Google. If your website has good links, you can improve traffic, build your brand and generate more revenue. As the most powerful search engine in the world, Google has provided requirement guidelines for online link quality.
31 Chicora Avenue, Toronto, Ontario ,M5R 1T7 ,Canada Tel:416.820.4225
Tracking And Monitoring Links It is necessary to track your links. Both the traffic and the page ranking of the link need to be checked with Google. If traffic is not increasing in your links, you may not need the links. If you have very strong links, with genuine traffic, your website may be able to generate traffic. Unless you learn How to Check and Audit Low Quality Links to Your Website, you can may never reach your desired level.
31 Chicora Avenue, Toronto, Ontario ,M5R 1T7 ,Canada Tel:416.820.4225
Linking to High Quality Contents Google is very serious in maintaining the standards of website content. If your links are low quality content, the search engine may panelize you. It is not easy to create quality content. You need to ensure that you are linking your website with high quality contents. There are effective tools to check for bad links and if you find that the links are not worthy to add to your website, you need to remove them, before you get into trouble. The purpose of adding links to the websites is to improve traffic and page ranking. If your website has poor quality links, your website may not be recognized by Google.
31 Chicora Avenue, Toronto, Ontario ,M5R 1T7 ,Canada Tel:416.820.4225
31 Chicora Avenue, Toronto, Ontario ,M5R 1T7 ,Canada Tel:416.820.4225