Why Start-up businesses love freelancers?
Some start-ups prefer hiring people, while others think that hiring a freelancer can be a better alternative. Most professionals who seek to get freelance projects online are either reluctant to get a full-time job or want to earn some extra money. However, let’s find out why freelance professionals are more preferred among start-up companies than hiring on-site employees. Lack of space: Start-ups are small businesses and as the name suggests the office has just started up. Therefore, space might be a cause of concern to hire employees. A one or two room office would not be sufficient for more than ten employees. To get work done without hiring on-site people, assigning the projects to a freelancer can be a much better and more desirable option. There are plenty of job marketplaces for freelance work. Employers can just post their projects and within a day, freelancers will start pitching for the specified project. Affordability: Freelancers are far more affordable. Yes, they might charge per hour or per project, but after the project is completed – there are no monetary transactions. An on-site employee needs to be paid the monthly salary along with free tea or coffee, reimbursements and so on. If you calculate smartly, then hiring a freelancer can be highly beneficial and financially more relaxing. Lesser workload: The work pressure on small businesses is comparatively much less. This means one can get work done with the help of a freelancer. In fact, sometimes the work pressure fluctuates from high to low. The on-site employee might bunk office and the project suffers. In such predicaments, the freelancer is considered more responsible and will not leave the project in the lurch. The freelance professional promises more stability, regardless of work pressure.
Simple hiring process: Hiring full time employees are a very tiring process. One wrong decision can be fatal. A lot of scrutiny and background check goes in, which can be a sheer waste of time. When hiring self employed, independent freelancers, the employer finds truly talented people with diverse experience and on top of that the hiring process is much simpler online. Freelancers chat online and will have a portfolio ready about their work and talent. No wonder start-ups vouch for freelancers and prefer hiring them from SEOBloggers!