==== ==== To reveal the easiest traffic source to your websites please visit www.uozm.com ==== ==== Title: 10 Tips To Generate Traffic To Realtors' Websites Word Count: 532 Summary: In todays technological era, you cant afford not to have a presence in cyberspace as there are an ever-increasing number of people referring to the web as their major source of their information and research. Without doubt, your website represents a great opportunity to promote your properties for sale or to rent, in addition to your business generally, to the whole wide world. This is a real no brainer - you must regularly update content on your site and you need v...
Keywords: realtor website traffic, offline and online website promotion strategies for realtors
Article Body: In todays technological era, you cant afford not to have a presence in cyberspace as there are an ever-increasing number of people referring to the web as their major source of their information and research. Without doubt, your website represents a great opportunity to promote your properties for sale or to rent, in addition to your business generally, to the whole wide world. This is a real no brainer - you must regularly update content on your site and you need visitors. To optimize the number of visitors to your website, you need to promote your site with some, if not all of these strategies:1. Your web address should appear on all business stationery, promotional material including your newsletter and all advertising especially signage. It also makes good sense to refer to your website in your on hold and after business hours telephone messages. 2. You should ensure that you make mention of your web address in all press releases, editorials or articles you write. Any readers will then be able to check your agency out via your website.
Similarly, if you have the good fortune to be interviewed on radio, you should ask the interviewer to mention your web address or you should drop it into the interview yourself with some subtlety, of course. 3. Incorporate your web and e-mail addresses in your e-mail signature message. This may satisfy the curiosity of your e-mail recipients and encourage them to check you out You can also refer to specific properties or forthcoming auctions in your e-mail signature message however thats another story! 4. Include your web address in your 30 second networking commercialwhen you meet people and you have an opportunity to talk about your business. Then make sure that you give them a business card to reinforce the message. 5. The web address should be included with your logo and company name on any business t shirts. The visibility with t shirts is difficult to beat. 6. Similarly, staff name badges should incorporate the web address on the name badge. Again this represents excellent visibility. 7. When you are speaking in public, your speaker introduction should include reference to your web address and, wherever practicable, you should also refer to it in the course of your presentation. You can achieve this objective without being painfully obvious. 8. Some may believe that its crass, but theres merit in including your web address in your motor vehicle signwriting. When you stuck in a long line of traffic, you never know who will see your message and record it for posterity or later use. Naturally, this could be a disadvantage if youre caught speeding, parked where you shouldnt be or involved in a road accident! 9. Establish reciprocal links with other websites that would appeal to your clients, referrers and prospective clients. 10. Publish a newsletter and regularly include details of new content, features and other changes to your web site. You should allow visitors to sign up to receive an e-newsletter on your web site youre sure to be pleasantly surprised by their interest. The ability of the web site visitor to register for an e-mail newsletter also allows you to collect information regarding visitors.
==== ==== To reveal the easiest traffic source to your websites please visit
www.uozm.com ==== ====