A CPAP Pillow - Comfort All Night Someone with the tendency to spend the night sleeping on their side while using a CPAP machine may find that the design of the facial mask, although comfortable and cushioned, will not only dig down into the pillow and cause leaks but also cause sore and irritated facial areas around the cheeks. This can be prevented with two different forms of CPAP Pillows. Nasal pillows are unlike the more conventional facial mask designs in that they are inserted into the nostrils. This means minimal contact between sensitive skin areas and the device itself as there is nothing to be fitted around the nose and cheeks. With nasal pillows, the device is designed to be supported over the forehead allowing for a user to sleep on their side without undue pressures on the face. However, for a mouth breather, this design would not be beneficial and so it would be necessary to actually change the pillow that is being slept on. CPAP pillows are shaped and contoured specifically for users of CPAP machines who have a tendency to sleep on their side, and as such they are created with a mask zone so the face mask and adjoining hose has minimal contact with the material supporting the head, neck and shoulder areas. This had many benefits to the user in that it will minimize leakage and encourages compliance with the CPAP function without damaging, twisting or buckling the hose. A cpap pillow can also define proper airway alignment during the night and allows for freer breathing and posture. Pressure on the nose and cheeks is removed and irritation from having the mask rub against sensitive skin areas is also decreased with this type of pillow. A range of accessories can be bought to enhance the sleep experience while using a CPAP machine with a contoured apnea, and these include not only cases that are fitted to the shape and design of the pillow, but tethers to control hose movement during sleeping hours and insulating hose covers to help prevent humidified air from the CPAP process causing undue condensation in the bedroom.