Alpha Beta Creatives Launches New Enterprise Grade Ecommerce Platform For Wordpress. Alpha Beta Creatives, a new digital agency that provides creative, marketing, and technology solutions has launched a new platform called Alpha Beta Commerce. The new platform is designed to give the agency’s startup and small business clients the same level of robust enterprise grade solutions you would find at a larger digital agency. Clients who use a digital agency usually have needs greater than just building the latest website. Many clients have integration and specific business operational needs that go far beyond simple development. As entrepreneurs themselves, the agency partners have extensive operational experience in both large and smaller organizations. Their current clients range from video game developers to fashion, retail, and technology entrepreneurs. “I am a finance and operations guy first and designer/developer second” says Jeremy, managing director of Alpha Beta Creatives. Having been in the SMB market for some time, I have seen a tremendous gap between the web and operations needs of a small but growing business, and what is currently being offered in the marketplace. The key difference between this marketplace is the level of personal support that is offered. Clients can sign up for the starter plan, which provides a robust and beautifully designed website from deisgners all around the world, to an enterprise level solution allowing clients to select a handful of backend platforms like Drupal, Ruby on Rails, Or Wordpress. In addition, services for the larger plans include integrated accounting, strategic and operations support, digital marketing and custom branding. The company knows its clients want a scalable and flexible solution that can serve their growing needs. The company has decided to back the Ecommerce Wordpress platform as the base for its enterprise solution, as millions of users are already familiar with system and how easy it is to use. “You can get a Wordpress theme from Themeforest or other marketplace, but at the end of the day, if that website is not integrated into your business process and driving sales, what’s really the point” says Martha, Creative Director of Alpha Beta Creatives. One of the special parts of the platform is the agency’s custom built plugins and modules that are provided for free. There is no nickel and diming here every time you need a new feature. The modules perform a high level of integration that you won’t find in any other marketplace. The ease of building a web application has certainly come a long way from where it was 10 years ago. However it’s still not as easy as the internet would have you believe. Many times, clients will download a wordpress theme from a marketplace and then get stuck in the process. Even for clients who already know a little HTML5 and CSS3 or how upload and configure their theme may get stuck when they need
to know a coding language like PHP or understand how API hooks function in order work and integrate with another program they want to use. “Our process becomes an education experience for clients and a relationship builder for us. When clients come to us, they have usually reviewed many solutions on the market and want to know how our solutions differ, says Jeremy. “The truth is that unless you understand the underlying financial model and operations of each business and vertical, it’s very hard to be a true value added partner. And most small business today need all of the value-add they can afford.” The value of having the resources of a fully integrated agency at an affordable price is indispensable and many SMB’s and Non-tech startups would do well to look here. The marketplace is in beta and is currently offering three months free for clients that signup before the official launch date in April. Designers who are interested in submitting their work for the marketplace can also do so at