The Planning Application Process Whether you are new to the online digital maps process and this is your first time applying, or if you have made an application before, it might be useful to do a lot of preparation and research beforehand to make sure you get it right. If you are looking at doing quite a lot of building work and your plans are more extensive than an average project, then you will need to ensure your application is convincing and complete without any omissions. Meet the Experts Some people actually arrange a face-to-face meeting with a Planning Officer from the council to have a chat about their plans before they actually embark on the planning application maps to get an idea of what is expected of them. By seeking advice and guidance before you make your application, you put yourself in a stronger position and hopefully end up with a strong application. It will also help you to understand the process and help you with the terminology and trickier questions and requirements. The Planning Officer will be in a better position to offer advice if you go along to the meeting with any plans and drawings you have to discuss, and you will get more out of the meeting if you make a list of questions beforehand. The Planning Officer can also advise you on what your particular local authority requires in terms of your local environment and rules. If you envisage any problems arising on your site, including those with cables, water supply and road access, then you can discuss how these problems might be overcome. Some applications are deemed invalid because they have not sufficiently addressed the requirements, so you can try to avoid this happening to your application by preparing thoroughly before you even submit your application. Being Aware and Prepared If you are realistic about how simple or extensive your plans are, then you will have a pretty good idea about how much preparation you will need to do. If you have fairly standard and simple plans, then you do not have to have an extremely in-depth application. If, however, you have quite complicated plans that may have more of an impact, then you will need to address all the possible relevant areas on the forms so that you cover everything the planning officer may question. Justification for your plans is something that the authorities will be looking for, so it is important to give solid and convincing reasons as to why you think your plans should be approved. This will help you to complete the more technical components of your application.