Removable Wall Stickers for Kids - Problems You Should Be Aware Of Before Purchasing Before you spend your hard-earned money on wall art stickers, it's always a good idea to know exactly what it is you are getting. Knowing the problems one can encounter with a product helps avoid the disappointment that can follow after a bad purchase. Some of the most common problems a person can encounter are listed below: 1) Application Method: If you've ever bought a wall decal, you know what a pain it can be to apply it to a surface. The first wall decal I ever bought provided some interesting surprises. Apparently a special applicator was required and a list of specific application instructions had to be followed, the excitement of purchasing something new and different quickly turned to disappointment. As it turns out, any sticker that requires a specialised applicator is prone to tiny bubbles that form across the entirety of the sticker. Wish I'd known that before the purchase. Look for a wall sticker that does not require an applicator. 2) The Stencilled Look: When the "stencilled look" is being advertised, what they mean is that you cannot place this sticker on a dark surface. A very light color wall has to be used, preferably a white one. In this case, a clear vinyl has been used to print the sticker, which means that the color surface it is placed on will show through the sticker and change the look of it. Look for a wall sticker that has been printed on solid white vinyl. 3) Sticker Thickness: Wall stickers Australia are commonly 3 microns thick, this means that they have a tendency to fold in on themselves and make application that much more difficult. Look for a wall sticker that is thicker than the average. 4) Solid Colours: Children's wall decals tend to have solid colours printed because that's what is necessary for the type of vinyl being used. This makes the cartoon characters look amateurish and basic. Look for a children's wall sticker that is printed using shading, this will allow for a more detailed and professional cartoon sticker character. 5) Not All Stickers Are Created Equal A wall tattoo should not be mistaken for a wall sticker, they are very different. Once you place a wall tattoo on your wall, you better be sure that's where you want it since it can't be repositioned. Look for a removable wall sticker that specifically states that it can be repositioned. 6) Deceptive Sizing: When the size of the wall decal is advertised, you will notice that it is commonly the size of the sheet that is displayed, and not the actual sticker. This makes the wall decal seem larger than what it actually is. Pay attention to the sheet size and sticker size, there's a big difference. 7) Hidden Costs: At first glance, one sticker may seem better priced than another. Is delivery included? A cheaper vinyl
sticker may only be cheaper until your invoice suddenly includes its delivery, you may find out you purchased the more expensive option. Find out the delivery costs before you make the purchase.