Re-Organize Your Storage Unit and Save Money Now! The cost of renting storage space can add up. One way to lower the cost of your self storage unit is to down size your storage unit. Listed below are some great ideas on how you can make the most out of your storage area. Remove Everything from Your Storage Unit You are going to have to empty the entire storage unit. This is the re-organizing phase of your project. In order for you to do so, you will have to touch everything. Your goal will be to put everything into separate piles. Categorize and Make Piles We suggest creating four piles for you to put your items in so that you can start can have an organized approach to figuring out what you need to get rid of. 1. Seasonal goods – Holiday decorations and party supplies. 2. Family heirlooms and valuables. 3. Standard household overflow or business items. 4. The Get Rid of it Pile - This pile or area will be broken up into 4 sections:
Sell Trash Recycle Donate
Re- Organizing the Storage Unit Now that you have cleared away a number of your items, it is time to create a game plan of putting them back into the storage unit. The best way to do this is to create a quick map or diagram of where you want to put your things. Ultimately, you are going to want to leave this map in storage unit so that you can reference it later when you need to retrieve some of your items. Here are some storage tips to consider when creating your design.
Use the Walls and Ceiling for Storage – These areas are perfect to hang items that could be taking up valuable floor space.
Store Furniture and Appliances in the rear of the storage unit – Take advantage of storing other things inside of cabinets or appliances. Store Boxes in Neat Rows – Large boxes on the bottom, smaller ones on the top. Create an isle-way inside the storage unit- An isle-way will give you easy access to your stored items. Store frequently used items near the storage unit door – You want to easily be able to retrieve frequently used items, store them near the door. Shelving System – Store boxes and other items on shelves. Storage experts claim that a well thought out shelving system can increase your storage capacity by as much as 30%.
These storage unit tips are sure to help you make the most out of your storage area. Not only will your storage unit space be more organized, but, you will also be saving money! For more information about how to organize your storage unit visit our website!