What are nootropics

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Nootropics are a class of cognitive enhancing supplements that improve concentration and boost memory. Nootropics are often used to increase attention spans, help individuals focus and as studying aids.

You will occasionally see Nootropics referred to as “smart drugs� as they are associated with increased intelligence, motivation, and mental energy. What are Nootropics and how do they work?

This article will provide a basic guide to nootropics and give you an overview of how to use these supplements to enhance your mental capabilities.

Nootropics are broadly any type of neuro enhancing drug with very low prevalence of side effects. The actual definition of what makes a supplement a nootropic is somewhat of a loose concept.

The best description comes from Belgian pharmacologists S. Giurgea and V. Skondia who invented the first Nootropic – a compound known as Piracetam – in 1963.

They established the classification of Nootropics to refer to cognitive boosting substances with extremely low toxicity that can be taken for long-term use.

This highlights the fact that Piracetam and other Nootropics are able to improve brain functions without any of the negative side effects associated with brain stimulants.

Piracetam (known also by the name Nootropil) is one of the best known Nootropics and makes up part of the Racetam family along with Aniracetam, Noopept, Pramiracetam and Oxiracetam.

These are all synthetic compounds that have been created in lab environments, but there are also a large number of herbal and natural nootropic supplements.

For example, fish oil, grape seed extract, bacopa monnieri, yerba mate and even licorice are all natural nootropics. You will often find these supplements combined together in a Nootropic Stack to further enhance their effectiveness.

What exactly do Nootropics do? Like most “smart drugs�, Nootropics will not instantaneously give you a higher IQ or a better intellect. But they will boost your brain functions by increasing the production of various neurotransmitters.

Your brain is essentially a network of neurons connected by synapses. These neurons communicate and work together through chemicals known as neurotransmitters.

When you have a higher presence of neurotransmitters, you experience improved concentration, better memory, mood elevation, increased processing ability for mental work, and longer attention spans.

With continued supplementation of nootropics, you can actually alter the permanent level of these neurotransmitters in the brain thereby causing long lasting improvement to the health of your brain.

Other Nootropics show effects of vasodilation which means they increase the blood flow to your brain. This supplies your brain with more oxygen, nutrients, and glucose – the primary energy source used by the brain during long periods of focus.

By raising bloodflow and oxygenation, you will immediately experience greater capacity for memory and focus. This type of nootropic is especially favored among students for studying as their effects are felt immediately.

Nootropics can also show signs of neuro preservation and neuro protection. These compounds directly affect the levels of neurotransmitters associated with slowing down the aging process.

Some nootropics will result in an increase in the production of brain cells while slowing down their destruction as well. Over time, this can significantly slow down signs of aging like loss of memory and even counter the development of disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

Below is a list of some of the most popular and best nootropic drugs that are available today. Each supplement with have its own unique mechanism of action that is distinct from other nootropics.

You can either select the supplement that best matches your needs or goals, or you can combine several nootropic compounds together in what is known as a stack.

A stack simply involves any pairing of substances that enhance and complement each other when taken simultaneously.

Most of the pre-packaged brain boosters available will stack together several different herbal or synthetic nootropics like those listed below, but you can also buy the bulk raw powder and mix your own capsules to design a formula that is right for you.

Racetam: As mentioned previously, racetams are a class of nootropics including the widely used Piracetam, Aniracetam, Pramiracetam, and Oxyracetam. They all share a similar chemical structure with a Pyrrolidone nucleus.

Racetams work by dramatically increasing levels of neurotransmitters and other chemicals required for proper brain function like glutamate and acetylcholine.

They have been tested to improve cognitive function, prevent damage to brain cells from alcohol consumption and other factors, and to increase the communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.

Choline: Choline is frequently found in a nootropic stack with racetams like Piracetam and Aniracetam. Taking choline supplements will cause greater production of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter in the brain.

Since Racetams result in increased uptake and demand for acetylcholine, stacking choline with this nootropic will further enhance your results.

Studies have shown that choline supplementation can improve performance on memory tests as well as social behavior. Choline also plays a key role in the production of new brain cells.

Pyritinol: Pyritinol has antioxidant effects for supporting the long-term health of the brain. But its primary benefit is aiding glucose uptake for periods of extended mental strain.

If you are studying or working for a long period of time, your brain will start to diminish its glucose (sugar) stores which are the primary way that the brain derives its energy.

Psychological studies have shown that continuing to refuel your brain with glucose will improve concentration and cognitive ability during extended periods of mental work.

Supplementing Pyritinol aids further in glucose uptake so that your mental energy levels are higher.

Vinpocetine: Vinpocetine has been shown as one of the most effective nootropics for improving brain blood flow. After taking Vinpocetine, the blood vessels dilate and are able to circulate more blood to the brain.

This causes a number of immediately noticeable effects such as concentration boosting, better mental agility, and higher energy levels and motivation.

There are many more nootropics available out there and different ones can assist you in improving your brain in various different ways. For a full Nootropics List, keep reading this website and check out our many Nootropic reviews.

Which nootropic supplement you pick is largely a matter of personal preference. You might want to check out the pre-made nootropic products like Alpha Brain or you might prefer to design your own stack by purchasing ingredients like Piracetam powder.

The health and capabilities of your brain are one of the most important determining factors in a happy and successful life, so whatever you pick you can rest assured that you are making a smart investment.

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