THE PRINCIPLES OF WEB DESIGN The Principles of Web Design Web design is never an easy thing and his is because of the fact that its main goal will be to come up with a design that can be used, is pleasing to the eyes, delivers information, builds brand, is sound technically speaking and is also coherent visually. And because most web designers learned the craft through self study and the medium is as dynamic as it is, one must know the principles that are governing web design. Superiority A nice website design, just like any other designs, focuses on information. One of the most important aspects that you should have in your arsenal would be the superiority. When you navigate a web design make sure that your user can be able to lead around your screen. This is what we mean by superiority and this is all about the visual weight of the various parts of the design that you have. For instance, in majority of the sites, the logo will be the first one that you will see. Usually, this is something large and placed on the site’s top left, as revealed by studies which state that this is where people look at first. For you to achieve good superiority, the things that you must consider would include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Position Color Contrast Size Design elements
Spacing Another important principle that you must not neglect in your web design would be your spacing. There might be times when you would be compelled to fill up every space that you see on the screen. You might think that if there are empty spaces, it would be a total waste. But the reality is spacing actually makes things much clearer. When web design is concerned, the three spacing aspects that you must look into consist of: 1. 2. 3.
Line spacing Padding White space
Navigation There might be times when you feel frustrated simply because you do not have any idea in the world as to where you might be or where you ought to go. Navigation is something very vital in web design. When we speak of navigation, you must be able to help your user to know as to where you can actually go. And when orientation is concerned, you must help your user to know where he or she actually is.
Typography A web design will not be complete if there is no text found in it. And just like the graphics, web design text must also be given a lot of focus. Here, the major things that you have to consider include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Font choices Font sizes Spacing Line length Color Paragraphing
Usability The last but definitely not the least principle of web design would be its usability. You must know that pretty graphics are not what makes a web design complete. This is actually more about information and graphics combined in order to make it usable by the users. When you come up with a web design, make sure that you will adhere to the users and think of your users as well. When you have incorporated these principles in making your web design, you will surely be able to achieve your goal as a web designer.