Carbon Steel Fasteners With a 5-Year Warranty Against Seizing Understanding the life expectancy of a steel fastener drives maintenance schedules and budgets. Being able to turnaround fasteners quickly and without hot bolting saves time, money and potentially lives. Doxsteel fasteners are designed to last, with a life expectancy of 21 years. Unlike others in the industry, Doxsteel backs up their product with a 5-year no seize warranty. Carbon steel is electroplated with a Nickel-Cobalt alloy to make steel fasteners which have been developed to combat the corrosive environments fasteners are often exposed to. A representative from Doxsteel Fasteners explained more about their FELT testing system (Fastener End of Life Test) "When we produce a set of fasteners, we keep samples of each heat load and coating batch for testing. We place them under tension and put them in a salt fog environment to simulate their real world applications. Every 120 days, we open a sample to check its condition. If the fasteners still turn, we know that the bolts in the field are still performing and provide our customers with a progress report. We keep enough samples from each batch to continue the test for eight years, and as an old batch is opened a new batch is closed. If at any time a sample should fail to turn, we recommend our customers schedule a turnaround before the fasteners seize in the field. Our customers can use this information avoid the costs that come from lengthy shutdowns as well as avoid the necessity of a hot bolting scenario." The Doxsteel Fasteners website includes information about the processes used, technical sheets, case studies, testimonials, news from across the industry and shares the traceability and packaging standards that set their steel fasteners apart. About Doxsteel Fasteners Corrosion is the enemy of fasteners and after encountering logistical problems working on seized bolts in the 1990's, the founder of Doxsteel Fasteners started looking for a solution to the problem. 'The World's Smartest Bolt' is the result of continuous research and development to revolutionize bolting and fastener production. Their goal is to consistently conceptualize and deliver safer, less expensive, and more scientifically sound steel bolts to the industry. Doxsteel Fasteners promise measurable benefits which can be summed up as 20.21.Zero. The statistics represent 20 times ROI, a probable fastener life of 21 years and zero hot bolting required. The promise is backed up by a warranty which guarantees the fasteners will not seize within 5 years. For more information, please visit the website Contact Details Telephone:281-298-1500 Email: Address:1544 Sawdust Rd #301, The Woodlands, TX 77380