Safer and more predictable turnaround cycles for Coated Bolts The journey to develop coated fasteners which can stand up to the harshest environments started in the late 1990's when a contract for fastener turnaround and anti-corrosion paint application in Mexico became a complicated project. Data from Mexico City was not representative of all areas within the scope of the project. In areas such as the Gulf Coast and the rainforest jungle, corrosion rates were much higher and many of the bolts had seized. The bolts were unable to turn as they had badly corroded. The only way to remove them was to cut and then torch them. This not only had cost implications but also greatly increased the time required to complete the job. Whereas most bolts are produced by a manufacturer and coated by another supplier, Doxsteel Fasteners embrace full ownership of all significant variables in the production process. The fastener, the coating, and the coating application have all evolved through extensive research and development, leading to a bolt capable of resisting corrosion with a probable fastener life of 21 years. A warranty is issued to guarantee no seizing within 5 years. For clients looking to source API 20E bolts, all Doxsteel Fasteners comply with API 20E standards and ASTM specifications. Bolts are traceable stamped with a number that will trace it to its heat load.
About Doxsteel Fasteners Corrosion is the enemy of fasteners and after encountering logistical problems working on seized bolts in the 1990's, the founder of Doxsteel Fasteners started looking for a solution to the problem. 'The World's Smartest Bolt' is the result of continuous research and development to revolutionize bolting and fastener production. Their nickel cobalt alloy coating ASTM B994 acts as a barrier to hydrogen embrittlement. Their goal is to consistently conceptualize and deliver safer, less expensive, and more scientifically sound industrial fasteners to the industry. Doxsteel Fasteners promise measurable benefits which can be summed up as 20.21.Zero. The statistics represent 20 times ROI, a probable fastener life of 21 years and zero hot bolting required. The promise is backed up by a warranty which guarantees the fasteners will not seize within 5 years. For more information, please visit the website Contact Details Telephone:281-298-1500 Email: Address:1544 Sawdust Rd #301, The Woodlands, TX 77380