6 minute read
46th Annual Florida Peanut Meeting
by Ken Barton
The Florida Peanut Producers Association held their 46th Annual Membership Meeting Feb. 24, 2022, in Marianna, Florida. During the meeting, farmers elected new board members and received a report on activities of FPPA and the National Peanut Board.
The new members elected to serve on the FPPA Board of Directors are Philip Melvin from Calhoun County and Jim McArthur from Jackson County, Florida. These directors are eligible to serve two consecutive three year terms. Melvin and McArthur replace retiring director positions of Joe Tillman from Altha, Florida, and Michael Davis from Graceville, Florida.
Offi cers elected during the meeting include Larry Ford from Greenwood, Florida, as president and David DeFelix from Campbellton, Florida, as vice president, and Philip Melvin, as secretary/treasurer.
Ken Barton, FPPA executive director, provided a report highlighting some of the promotional and educational activities the association has been involved in over the past year. Lindsay Stevens, marketing and communications specialist with the National Peanut Board also gave a report on the national promotions and research funding.
The highlight of the evening included the presentation of the Farm Credit/FPPA Young Peanut Farmer Award presentation. Daniel Neely, loan offi cer with Farm Credit of Northwest Florida presented the award to Johnny Donnell from Escambia County, Florida. "To depend on farming as your livelihood is a commitment to long days and hard work," Neely says. "Johnny and his family have chosen to embrace this way of life."
Farm Credit of Northwest Florida proudly nominated Donnell for the Young Peanut Farmer of the Year award. Donnell grows corn, wheat, cotton, soy beans and peanuts.
Unlike many young farmers, Donnell was not born into a multigenerational farming family. His love for farming began to grow at age 14 when he worked on a neighbor’s farm. From there, Donnell gradually transitioned into his own farming operation which is now approximately 1,200 acres.
With acreage spread across three counties in Florida and Alabama, Donnell needs the stars to align and the weather to cooperate in order to plant, maintain, and harvest all his crops. If it’s Sunday morning, Donnell is at church with his wife and three young children, but the rest of the week you’ll fi nd him in the fi elds.
Donnell doesn’t run a fl ashy or fancy operation but his work ethic and fi nancial responsibility have made him a successful farmer who will be producing food and fi ber for years to come.
Daniel Neely Farm Credit of Northwest Florida
Johnny Donnell of Escambia County, Fla., receives the Farm Credit/Florida Peanut Producers Association Young Peanut Farmer Award from Daniel Neely, loan offi cer with Farm Credit of Northwest Florida, during the 46th annual FPPA annual meeting Feb. 24, 2022, in Marianna, Fla.
Mark your calendars for the 23rd Annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference, July 21-23, 2022, at the Edgewater Beach Resort, Panama City Beach, Florida. This year’s conference offers farmers an opportunity to learn more about legislative issues, peanut promotions and production issues. The registration fee for growers is $195 which includes all conference events and meals. The registration deadline is June 30. The registration fee increases by $50 on July 1.
The theme for this year’s conference, “Together Towards Tomorrow,” plans to focus on school nutrition, ag labor, carbon credits and more. During the Saturday morning general session, the keynote speaker is U.S. Congressman Glen 'GT' Thompson, R-Pennsylvania, Republican Leader of the House Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. July 21-23, 2022 Edgewater Beach Resort, Panama City Beach, Florida Register online at www.southernpeanutfarmers.org.
Tentative Agenda
Thursday, July 21 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Hospitality Room & Conference Registration 6:30 p.m. Welcoming Reception 7:00 p.m. Welcoming Dinner
Friday, July 22 7:00 a.m. Prayer Breakfast 8:30 a.m. General Session I 10:00 a.m. Refreshment Break 10:30 a.m. Ladies Program 10:30 a.m. General Session II Friday, July 22 continued Noon Luncheon 6:00 p.m. Pirate Cruise
Saturday, July 23 7:00 a.m. Breakfast 9:00 a.m. General Session III 10:30 a.m. Refreshment Break Noon Lunch on your own and afternoon free! 7:00 p.m. Reception 7:30 p.m. Dinner & Entertainment
by Madeline Hawkins
U.S. Congressman Sanford Bishop (center), D-Ga., joins peanut industry representatives for a donation of 10,080 jars of Peanut Proud peanut butter to the Capital Area Food Bank. The donation was made during the U.S. Peanut Federations's Spring 2022 Washington, D.C. Fly-in.
The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) combined advocacy with service during their Spring 2022 Washington, D.C. Fly-in. The Georgia Peanut Commission in conjunction with USPF proudly partnered with Peanut Proud, the peanut industry’s humanitarian relief organization, to donate 10,080 jars of peanut butter to serve the Nation’s Capital and surrounding area. The delivery of this donation was made possible by SouthernAG Carriers who graciously donated their truck carrier service to transport the peanut butter.
The USPF members were joined on site at the Capital Area Food Bank warehouse by U.S. Congressman Sanford Bishop of Georgia. U.S. Congressman Bishop is the Chairman of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies and is a champion of the peanut industry.
“Peanut butter is nutrition packed, versatile, inexpensive, easy to store and is a convenient source of protein and heart-healthy fats,” says Congressman Bishop. “It helps reduce insulin resistance and is a good source of fi ber. On top of that, it’s good!”
“The peanut butter we’re donating can be used to make more than 141,000 sandwiches,” says USPF chairman Joe Boddiford. “Peanut butter is one of the most requested food items at food banks due to its long shelf life. We are grateful to partner with Peanut Proud and the Capital Area Food Bank to ensure that those affected by food insecurity can have access to safe, nutritional food, and delicious peanut butter.”
Molly McGlinchy, senior director for procurement and direct programs at the Capital Area Food Bank, expressed appreciation to the peanut industry representatives in attendance.
“We are so thankful to be able to supply this to the children and families we serve,” McGlinchy says.
The food bank works to address hunger today and create brighter futures tomorrow for the half a million neighbors across the region experiencing food insecurity. As the anchor in the area’s hunger relief infrastructure, they provide over 45 million meals to people in need each year by supplying food to hundreds of nonprofi t organizations. They also work in partnership with organizations across the region to address hunger’s root causes by pairing food with other critical services. For additional information, visit the Capital Area Food Bank website at www.capitalareafoodbank.org.
The United States Peanut Federation (USPF) is comprised of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, the American Peanut Shellers Association, and the National Peanut Buying Points Association. USPF serves as a unifi ed voice in Washington, D.C. for all sectors of the peanut industry and advocates actively for strong agricultural policy.