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Editor’s thoughts Events
The Faith of a Farmer
Planting season is upon us and another year for farmers to demonstrate their faith by planting another seed in the ground. With increased input costs, an increase in spotted wilt pressure last year and other obstacles; farmers demonstrate their faith each year when they decide to purchase seed, chemicals and more to begin a new season of growing crops.
By having faith, farmers are demonstrating their ability to let go once they bury the seed in the ground. Prior to letting go and planting the seed, farmers are care takers of the land and prepare the soil with nutrients and remove weeds to ensure a viable crop at the end of the season. Throughout the season, the farmer continues to nurture the seed and protect it from disease and insect pressure.
Obstacles may come up from time to time throughout the growing season that may test a farmer's faith. Equipment failure, disease pressure, insect pressure, weather events such as tornadoes or hurricanes can all cause stress for farmers. However, by having faith the size of a mustard seed, farmers are making strides and overcoming obstacles to persevere and keep on going.
I wish for you the strength and faith you need for the 2023 season!
Integrative Precision Agriculture International Conference
May 18-19, 2023, University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Hotel, Athens, Ga. For more information visit hotel.uga.edu/events/integrativeprecision-agriculture.
USA Peanut Congress
June 12-15, 2023, Amelia Island, Fla. For more information call 229-888-2508 or visit peanut-shellers.org.
American Peanut Research & Education Society Annual Meeting
July 11-13, 2023, The DeSoto, Savannah, Ga. For more information visit the APRES website at apresinc.com.
Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day
July 20, 2023, Moultrie, Ga. For more information call 229-985-1968 or visit the Expo's website at sunbeltexpo.com.
Southern Peanut Growers Conference
July 27-29, 2023, Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort, Miramar Beach, Fla. For more information call 229-386-3470 or visit southernpeanutfarmers.org.
American Peanut Shellers Association and National Peanut Buying Points Association Pre-Harvest Meeting
Aug. 8-9, 2023, Albany, Ga. For more information call 229-888-2508 or visit peanut-shellers.org.
Georgia Peanut Tour
Sept. 12-14, 2023, Bainbridge, Ga. For more information call 229-386-3470 or visit georgiapeanuttour.com.
Brooklet Peanut Festival
Sept. 16, 2023, Brooklet, Ga. For more information visit the festival's website at brookletpeanutfestival.com.
Plains Peanut Festival
Sept. 23, 2023, Plains, Ga. For more information call visit the festival's website at jimmycarterfriends.org.
Let us know about your event. Please send details to the editor at joycrosby@gapeanuts.com.