How Sewer Cleaning By The Pros Can Actually Save Time And Money If you're seeing a slowdown in the speed in which it takes your bathtub to empty out, it could just be a problem with your drain being plugged up with hair and soap scum, however if you start seeing two different drains in different parts your home experiencing the same slowdown, it's very likely you have a problem with your sewer line. This can be especially troublesome if you have a twostory home, or basement under your home that has a drain as well. In that case it would be possible for sewer from an upstairs toilet to back up into your basement, causing a huge problem. Obviously keeping an eye on the drains in your home is important, let's take a look at some important tips about sewer cleaning . Some aspects of sewer cleaning can be done by the doityourself homeowner, however there are tools that are required for many different problems, depending on where the blockage has occurred. If the blockage is merely in the trap below your toilet, tub, or sink, then cleaning that in many cases is fairly easy with the standard home tools. If there's a blockage farther down the line, things can become a little bit tricky, even if you know where the problem is. You can use a toilet plunger to try loosen up many kinds of blockages, but keep an eye on your lowest level drains in the home to make sure that you're not just forcing the water there. When it comes to sewer cleaning, the professionals have a tiny video camera they can run down your pipes and examine them from the inside to discover exactly where the problem is. In many cases, the problem will end up being tree roots that have invaded your sewer pipes to find water and nutrients that they are currently in search of. Tree roots can be very difficult to find, and even more difficult to remove. Without specialized tools the sewer line going from your house down to the street would need to be dug up and cleaned by hand, which can be a very timeconsuming and difficult job. When a professional sewer cleaning company comes to do the job they will insert their tiny camera to locate the blockage. Then, they'll send a special tool that can grind up the roots and flush them on down the drain in a matter of minutes, without ever having to dig up even a handful of dirt. This can save the homeowner thousand dollars in time and labor. As you can see, when it comes clearing a large blockage, many of the jobs are much easier and cheaper when handled by the professionals who have all the right tools. It doesn't hurt for the homeowner to spend some time looking for the cause of the problem, just in case it's an easy fix, but when it comes to the big job it's better call the pros. Check the Orlando, FL drain cleaning website for more information and any needed help.