Portfolio Septime

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Illustrator/ Character Designer/ Hobby Writer/ Breathes air(probably)

Moin Moin! My real name is Melanie MĂźller but try finding me with that name. Good luck. So, to make it easier for all of us, I just go by the name Septime, which is the german name for the seventh interval in music theorie. I happen to have been in music classes half my life and the seventh was a big part of what I could do (mostly singing wise) and hope to master, so the name reflects that. When I was young I said „I will do something with art“ (Well, there may have been some periods where I said I want to be a teacher, or even a dragon and I clearly might not have been as eloquent, but please pretend that I was, for the sake of the story). And here we are! And while I love to write too, and have many stories and worlds written down and in my head, I will stop now, to finally allow you to take a look at my drawings and ideas, Have fun!


The Bear and the Hare Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016

A birthday gift for the 3rd birthday of my niece. It now hangs in her room and got a >>Aunt Mel drew that! Me too!<< So according to her, this is a Collab.

Being with you is fine Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016

Two of my own characters, who are part of a story of mine, sharing a moment together.


Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016 Fanart for the character Plague Knight, from the game Shovel Knight. A game I like for it‘s music and style.

Days are changing

Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016 Color Study. I wanted to try my hands at the changing colors the sky has with the passage of time during the day.

Character Design

Humans that are just animals Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016

Quick sketches for an Uni task where we were asked to draw humans, that had design elements from animals in them. Screech owl, LLama, Cinereous vulture


Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016 A small character sheet for a character from a design challenge between some friends of mine.

Comfortable shoes

Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2014 Fullboy art reference of Jayla Germaine, one of my own characters, who appears in a story of mine.

Little ones, tall ones

Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2014/2015/2017 Some creatures I drew for a small game project I was briefly part of and for the personal Project of a friend.

Graphic Design

The Streets

Digital | Paint Tool Sai/Indesign | 2016 Poster Design for Uni, with the task to design a Poster with a photograph in it. My Idea was to go for the general form of a polaroid

One long longdrink Digital | Indesign | 2015

Poster Design for Uni. We were asked to try our hands at Typographic ligature.

Green may be a creative color Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016

Poster Design for Uni, with the task to design a Poster with the Slogan „Think Green“ in mind.

Colorful Death

Digital | Paint Tool Sai | 2016 Poster Design for Uni. The task was to create a poster with only one color group. Well, it ended in death people. Still I wanted to do it in a way that did not dehumanize them.


Digital | Ilndesign | 2017 Uni task in which we had to create a magazine on a topic of our choice. I decided to create it around Northern Germany, seeing as it is my home.

Find me here E-Mail: septimeillu@gmx.de Twitter: @SeptimeLeftover Facebook: /SleepySeptime Tumblr: Artdoorstop

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