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Wellness Wonder Woman

Flor Espinal, aka Wonder Woman

Part of the Menlo Park City School District’s “Strategic Directions for Wellness,” includes engaging in the outreach and support of traditionally underrepresented students. During the 2016- 2017 school year, this effort led to the creation of a position of a Family Engagement Coordinator.

At first, Ms. Espinal’s efforts focused around MPCSD’s District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), and with this work, the dream and vision for “Parent Cafes” was cultivated. Drawing upon her own experience as a young woman and student in Honduras, as well as being an English Language Learner herself, Flor knew that what College Bound families needed was a safe place and time and venue where they could engage in parent education trainings, and become empowered to advocate for their children.

College Bound parents

These parent trainings became specific to sharing experiences of raising and educating children in a culture that may be different than their own, and how to navigate academic expectations and a sense of belonging and connection to their children’s school, to ensure wellness for all of our families.

Parent Cafe

Ultimately, Ms. Espinal’s relentless and empathic approach to family engagement and wellness is beyond honorable and authentic. She supports families with Spanish interpreting services, acts as a liaison for College Bound students’ educational and social-emotional needs, and is always available, almost 24/7, to receive phone calls and texts from the families she serves. Flor Espinal has earned the title of “Wonder Woman,” and is absolutely a superhero for wellness in our District.

181 Encinal Avenue Atherton, CA 94027 (650)321-7140 Email: district@mpcsd.org

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