MAX@S communication review

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SMARTSHEET (10 responses) USES: Communication Tracker – internal/external, specs tracker, construction issues log, permit comments, budget cost tracking, VE tasks, document delivery log, team questions, consultant coordination and reviewer comments

PROS: A single tracker for all project issues. Able to control access to different team members and set reminders for deliverables. Easy to use and generate the types of information lists the team is looking to track

CONS: None noted

NEWFORMA (11 responses) USES: Information exchange – internal/external, contact list, transmittals, email archive, searches, shared files and file management

PROS: Has multiple uses for team. Shared files folder – allows team (internal and external) to upload and download drawings for coordination

CONS: There is a lot of other information that is included when emails are sent. No real ability to link Outlook and Newforma. When dates are moved they are not updated in Outlook. The shared folder function is good but is not totally user friendly

ONENOTE (8 responses) USES: Information Tracker – internal only, spec coordination, tracking schedules, design issues, standards, tracking changes in an addenda

PROS: Very easy to use. Has allowed clear communication exchange with spec team

CONS: Very limited in what it can do

BLUEBEAM (3 responses) USES: Consultant coordination and CA – internal/external, paperless construction administration markups and consultant drawing overlay coordination

PROS: Very easy to use, paperless, can create PDF overlays for team/consultants to work from

CONS: None noted

OTHER SOFTWARE MENTIONED: OneHub (3 responses) • Owner desire to upload to OneHub for their reference • Effective depository for large files team wanted to share with a large stakeholder group SharePoint • Contractor used it for posting RFIs and submittals for SERA download, SERA upload when complete Google Docs (2 responses) • GSA norm for now • EGWW, it was used for the mini-master schedules and shared checkbook Dropbox (2 responses) • Primarily for distribution of daily/current Revit files for consultants use • Used for remote document retrieval McKinstry Engineering - FTP hosting site Basecamp (not used here but could be) • Comprehensive, specific to design projects, and provides a very nice intuitive interface for project management (internal and external) Prolog • Contractor provided web based software for CA • Very useful for submittals, RFIs and punchlists • Eliminated paper, saved time and all digital markups Mind Meister • Brainstorming with client Yammer • Real-time information sharing software Microsoft Project • Schedules

GENERAL COMMENTS: • Wish there was a software that could work with Outlook • Would be great to have a program that could manage email, calendar, meetings, meeting minutes and file sharing

BASECAMP Features • Team calendar can be linked to Outlook calendar • Dashboard allows team (internal and external) to see the whole project at a glance and what has been scheduled/exchanged/posted • Ability to post documents (potential size limit but could be used with a DropBox link) • Control access to different team members • A SERA employee can view all of their projects through one program quickly • Real-time information exchange – all team members internal and external can post comments and documents to site easily

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