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maj 2021
No 05
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IMPRESUM GLAVNA I ODGOVORNA UREDNICA Nevena Stanisavljević STRUČNA UREDNICA Danica Ristić NAUČNI UREDNIK Prof dr. Bojan Krstić TEHNIČKA UREDNICA Tamara Jeremić REDAKCIJA Aleksandra Fuštić, Milica Kostić, Jovana Manić, Marija Todorović, Jelena Čolić, Katarina Đorđević, Milica Nikolić, Filip Ognjanović, Danijela Selenić, Nataša Timotijević, Slađana Trikić, Tamara Grbić, Ružica Stamenković GOSTI BROJA Dušan Basalo, Aleksandar Raić, Jon Addison, Maja Ninković, Alisa Evsina, Dragan Đorđević, Miro Antić, Nebojša Rako, Dina Tsybulskaya, Slađana Đurović, Brankica Ljamić, Jelena Žikić, Miloš Turinski, Emina Hodžić, Žana Goić Petričević, Mia Popić, Vesna Potelj, Ivana Barbara Turkalj i drugi FOTO Unsplash, Freepik, ShutterStock DIZAJN Polovinas dizajn studio ŠTAMPA Belpak, Beograd TIRAŽ 2.000 komada IZDAVAČ HR World DOO Publikacija izlazi polugodišnje CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 005.96 HR World : better HR for a better world / glavna i odgovorna urednica Nevena Stanisavljević. - 2019, no. 1 (apr.)- . - Beograd : HR World, 2019- (Beograd : Caligraph). - 27 cm Tromesečno. ISSN 2620-2859 = HR World COBISS.SR-ID 276133644 2 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
Tri koraka kako da počneš da živiš SVOJ SAN Žao mi je ako ste počeli da čitate samo zbog naslova jer ja u stvari nemam pojma kako da živite svoj san. Nekako, na prstićima stojim na nekom oblačku, i tek kad baš umirim dah i sklopim oke, jedva vidim i svoj. Vidim jednoroga, slobodnog, magičnog, kako veruje da postoji (jer mu nisu objasnili da ne postoji i da je samo mitsko biće). E, tako vam je to i sa snovima. Kad smo već kod snova, nisam ni sanjala da ću u časopisu koji izdaje moja organizacija pisati o njima, a još manje o onima koji se ostvaruju. Odrasla sam u Srbiji, na Balkanu takvom kakav jeste, i probali su da me nauče „kako treba“ - da se malo skupim, da budem tiša, da ne tražim ‘leba preko pogače, da nađem drugu polovinu (what??), da uvek, ali baš uvek, čvrsto stojim na zemlji. Ne zameram, jer nisu ni znali kako da me nauče drugačijem razmišljanju. Onom u kojem, ako to želimo, postoje jednorozi, u kojem nije zabranjeno da maštaš ako imaš 40, da veruješ u sebe, u druge, u dobro, u snove, u sve što želiš. Ne zameram, jer su i sebi to uskraćivali sve dok nisu zaboravili kako se to radi. Čudne su mi reči realno i nemoguće. Nekako su mi daleke. Ne razumem ih. Hrabro tvrdim da ne postoje, iako mi se ponekad prikradu iza leđa, sačekaju priliku i lupe čvrgu. Ne boli to. Boli ono kada ne pokušamo, kada ne krenemo, kada ne budemo, kada ne sanjamo.
Danas živim svoj san i HR World je njegov deo. I vi ste njegov deo. Svako ko čita ove redove, svako ko je učestvovao u bilo kojem našem projektu, ko je ispričao nekom svom kako je upoznao tim koji radi ono što voli i veruje u to, i živi od toga, i nasmejan je, i nije sastavljen od tamo nekih jednoroga (mada!) već od pravih ljudi koji imaju svoje vrline i mane, i znanja i neznanja, ali svaki dan, baš svaki svaki dan, naprave jedan korak napred. Kako je lako raditi u tom timu i izmaštavati nove projekte u hodu, i kako je lepo kad je gorivo tvoja, i vera drugih ljudi, u zajednički cilj. Ma šta cilj, viziju. A možda je ipak lepše da ovu viziju, na kraju, nazovem san. A taj san se menja, raste, sada se i digitalizuje. I možda je i mesto, uz priču o prvom balkanskom biznis jednorogu, da najavim da ćemo zajednicu odvesti na oblak (čitaj: cloud) i da ćemo zajedno sa vama izmaštati sve što ona treba da ima. Već krajem godine i taj san se ostvaruje. Zato, kao i obično, stay tuned... Nevena Stanisavljević Glavna i odgovorna urednica (i sanjalica)
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E M O T I O N AL INTELLI GENCE Venesa Mušović, co-founder and facilitator, Beyond Empowering
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A key tool to building highly effective teams
How do you need to feel in order to be successful at work? Supported, appreciated, challenged, trusted, or safe? If you’re the one responsible for people’s contributions to the team, this is the question you should be asking.
In times like this, it is difficult to talk about productivity and happiness. Remote work might be a blessing for some, but a curse for others. Most of us are happy to have a job at all and talking about emotions may seem trivial. However, your people are most probably crying out for more connection, belonging, and mental health support. HR and leaders need to create an environment where people can thrive. During the pandemic, it is not about thriving, it is about not letting fear, stress, and uncertainty lead us to burnout. Psychologist John D. Mayer explains that emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately perceive your own and others’ emotions; to understand the signals that emotions send about relationships, and to manage your own and others’ emotions. Is this something that we should learn to do at work? You bet it is! As an anthropologist, I intend to understand what makes work a positive experience even during one of the most challenging times in history. With this article, I invite HR to acknowledge how emotionally intelligent workplaces help us serve people better and to be better leaders, better colleagues, and finally, better humans.
IS IT WORTH INVESTING IN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AT WORK? Our emotions influence our thinking, and consequently our performance at work. Psychologist Suzan David talks about the phenomenon of emotional contagion or our tendency toward copying other peoples’ emotions. Meaning, if your colleague is stressed out, you have higher chances to be stressed out too. Being under stress isn’t all bad but if you feel like that every day at work, it harms your emotional state which leads to a decrease in your engagement and overall satisfaction. Companies with happy and engaged employees outperform their competition by 20 percent.[1]
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According to PSI Services research on emotional intelligence: - 90% of top performers are high in EI - 67% of competencies essential to effective leadership performance are EI related - Leaders with EI are more than twice as likely to be highly emotionally resilient. With data like this, I can’t resist asking what emotionally intelligent leaders do differently. What kind of knowledge and skill do they have to keep people healthy no matter the challenges? According to Daniel Goleman, emotionally intelligent leaders exhibit several common traits[2]: - Self-awareness - Self-regulation - Empathy - Motivation - Social skills The good news is that everyone can practice and develop emotional intelligence, except if they are psychopaths. There are effective techniques of learning to be observant and reflective without falling into the loop of rumination. Authors Gretchen Spreitzer and Christine Porath state that for people to thrive at work they need to have a feeling of vitality and learning. To check if your vitality and learning needs are met, you might be asking yourself the following questions: - Am I passionate and excited about my work? - Am I learning new skills and growing as a person? Emotionally intelligent people are capable of reflecting on their place within a company, creating an environment for others to grow, and have empathic concern for people’s needs. They understand that work is an experience, different for everyone, personalized, and intentionally built.
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EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF REFLECTING ON THEIR PLACE WITHIN A COMPANY, CREATING AN ENVIRONMENT FOR OTHERS TO GROW, AND HAVE EMPATHIC CONCERN FOR PEOPLE’S NEEDS. They are aware that company culture besides having its cognitive level, has its emotional level as well. The one that usually contributes to keeping or losing our best talents.
THE QUESTIONS EMPATHIC LEADERS ASK THEIR TEAMS Instead of trying to force other people to change, you’re better off helping them find their own intrinsic motivation to change. Adam Grant With design thinking and EX, empathy became a buzzword. Everyone is expected to show empathy both for their co-workers and clients. But what does it mean to develop empathy sustainably? According to Daniel Goleman, the author who popularized the concept of emotional intelligence, there are three different types of empathy: Cognitive: I know what you think. Emotional: I know what you feel. Empathic concern: I care about you. My experience of working with teams taught me that empathy starts with silence. Only when we listen to hear and understand, empathy emerges. It is not passive, but an engaging and active process of inquiry. Psychologists find that when we listen carefully, people become less extreme and more open in their views.[3] They also find that asking What questions is much more effective in opening people’s minds than asking them Why questions.[4] Knowing all of this helps us develop our emotional intelligence superpowers, necessary not only for success but for the quality of our relationships at work and in life. When we hear people’s struggles and blockages from the place of empathy, it is intuitive for us to ask: - What does support look like to you? - How do you need to feel to have a job done? - How do you need me to support you at this moment?
For people to tell you about their emotions, they need to feel safe. Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson introduced us to the most important concept that distinguishes highly effective teams. It is the concept of psychological safety. Edmondson defines psychological safety as a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. If you are the one responsible for your people’s contributions to the team, ask them when was the last time they didn’t speak up during a meeting. Is it because they fear being judged for not having a perfect answer, or is it because they think that nobody cares for their opinion anyway?
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See mistakes as opportunities to learn
See mistakes os threats to your career
Willing to take risks and foil
Unwilling to rock the boat
Speoking your mind in meetings
Keeping your ideas to yourself
Openly shoring your struggles
Only touting your strengths
Trust in your teammates and supervisors
Fear of your teammates and supervisors
Sticking your neck out
Having your head chopped off
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Source: Think again, Adam Grant
This is where emotional intelligence comes into play. Teams have to protect themselves from maladaptive behaviors that can make them dysfunctional. According to Patrick Lencioni, there are five dysfunctions of a team: the absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, inattention to results. Team leaders can start building an emotional culture by creating a framework for ongoing conversations about emotions. If employees know that at least once a week or once a month they will have a space to speak up, share what’s bothering them, suggest improvements, express their needs, empathy will start emerging and most probably each individual will start taking ownership over building strong relationships of trust and loyalty.
START BY LEARNING TO LABEL EMOTIONS In her book Emotional Agility, psychologist Suzan David wrote that “trouble labeling emotions is associated with poor mental health, dissatisfaction in jobs and relationships, and many other ills”. She also says that learning to label emotions can be transformative. As she explains, the act of translating our emotions into language can stop our brain from activating our amygdala, the brain’s radar for danger, and the trigger for the fight-or-flight response.
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This helps us stay in control. This book taught me so much about the concept of emotional agility. According to this author, emotional agility is a process that enables us to face our emotions courageously and compassionately. It is a practice that supports us to live in the ways that align our values and intentions.
Therefore, before you start the process of emotional culture building, ask your team the following questions:
We all have a choice to make a pause and ask ourselves: - What am I feeling right now? - What is this emotion trying to tell me?
In this way, you will set your own, unique metrics for success and be able to evaluate and improve your processes. In our team, we identified five skill areas that we are developing through the process of emotional culture building.
My team learned to label emotions by playing a card game called the Emotional culture deck designed by Elephant riders. These cards are an insanely simple and yet efficient tool for building your emotional vocabulary. By seeing different emotions you can be accurate about what you need to feel to thrive in your organization. Once we know how to label emotions, we can use it to: 1. Map our current emotional culture 2. Map our ideal emotional culture 3. Define steps we need to take for a change to happen
HOW WILL YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS? As a soft skill trainer, I often get the request to measure the impact of my work. This is the biggest challenge most soft skills trainers face when negotiating with decision-makers. However, as a cultural anthropologist, I strongly resist the idea that people’s experiences need to be measured and expressed in numbers. There are no numbers that can show my appreciation, belonging, or trust. It takes time and effort for a positive workplace experience to emerge. It manifests in collaboration, empathy, connection, innovation, loyalty, and general satisfaction. Each team will have its metrics of success.
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- How will we know that we are successful by the end of this process? - What changes in behaviours and attitudes will we see? - How will our mindset change? - How will our culture shift? - How will this impact our performance?
Skill areas
Are we able to set clear intentions? Are we able to assess our personal and professional needs?
Values-based decision making
Do we know and understand our values? Do we rely on our values when making decisions?
Safe space and trust
Can we give and receive honest feedback? Can we speak up without fear of being judged?
Emotional intelligence
Are we able to name our emotions? Are we able to recognize and acknowledge the emotions of others in the team?
Empowerment and support
Do we celebrate our successes? Do we support each other through difficult times?
EMOTIONAL NEEDS AS A FOUNDATION OF EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE DESIGN According to author Annie McKee, to be fully engaged and happy at work we need three things: 1. A meaningful vision of the future: is my vision aligned with the organizational vision? 2. A sense of purpose: does this matter to me and other people? 3. Great relationships: do we have trusting and supportive relationships? If you take a closer look at these three conditions of engagement, you will notice that they are directly connected to emotional intelligence or our ability to understand our own and other’s emotions and their influence on the quality of our relationships at work. Emotional culture is an inseparable part of the employee experience journey that most companies are taking. Knowing the emotional needs of people will make a healthy foundation for designing amazing workplace experiences. [1] Annie McKee, How to Be Happy at Work: The Power of Purpose, Hope, and Friendship. [2] https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_45.htm [3] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0146167217747874 [4] https://ideas.ted.com/the-right-way-to-be-introspective-yes-theres-a-wrong-way/
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C-level spotlight interview
RIDING THE UNICORN EXPERIENCE Aleksandar Raić, VP of People and Transformation, Infobip 12 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
WHAT IS SO UNIQUE ABOUT INFOBIP AS A COMPANY AND YOUR HR TEAM? Imagine a small startup of three, coming from a small town of Vodnjan in Istria, and becoming a company of more than 3000 in 65+ offices worldwide, connecting with over 7 billion people... And all that in 15 years. There might be a few stories similar to ours on the global level, but here in Southeast Europe, we’re one of a kind. Our headcount is increasing rapidly – in the last two years, we have increased the number of people by 1500. Another huge milestone for the company’s development was the investment of One Equity Partners investment fund – it was clear that we became a unicorn, which means our value is above USD 1 billion.
We started this year with the acquisition of OpenMarket, a company with a strong presence in the US, the biggest and most lucrative market. There, the corporations are seeking partners like Infobip, to provide them with a worldwide messaging platform. We have also acquired Shift, one of the biggest developer conferences in Europe. Recently, we have acquired SMS Firewall Business Anam to create outstanding secure messaging solutions for mobile operators, an Ireland based company that fits nicely to our product strategy for telecom operators. The biggest challenge is yet to come, and that’s the possibility of the IPO (Initial Public Offering) process that we will be focusing on in the upcoming year. Our growth and the fast pace we are moving at is constant, so the People Operations Team, as we call our HR department, must run even faster to support the business, the people, and the overall transformation of the company.
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certification for the agile approach as we speak, and we hope this will keep us going in this period of intense transformation.
In the vast majority of our offices worldwide, we have been working remotely for more than a year now. The shift from offices to fully remote work in just a few days was the biggest change we faced in the last decade.
One of the concepts we plan to embrace is the “BIP Anywhere” approach. Bippers will get to choose the model of combined remote work and work from the office, but they can also flexibly change their location of work within their country of residence. Integration of OpenMarket into Infobip group will also mark Q1 and Q2 this year; the whole HR department is included in the process as we need to align the people, communications, processes, and the culture, making sure nobody feels unsafe about the future. Because the future is very bright. Since this is our first big merger, to most people it’s a new experience. We are also putting a big emphasis on extending our presence among developers and their community, as we currently have around 3100 employees and will probably get to 4000 by the end of this year. To keep running, but not lose our breath, the POP department also needs a bit of tweaking from the inside – we decided to embrace the agile approach to work because our people were often drowning in endless brainstorming sessions about initiatives that took months to see the light of day. Our leaders from the POP department are in the middle of training and
HOW DOES THE COMPANY CULTURE INFLUENCE THE EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE? Our company culture is deeply rooted in our history. We are proud of our values: the entrepreneurship mindset, humbleness, and our desire to constantly improve and serve our customers better. To improve our employee experience, we try to balance the flexibility with the need for order and automation. For example, we want to bring Fridays back to our people by introducing “no meeting time”, so they can use that time for personal development or learning. We are also looking beyond company boundaries, trying to contribute to the communities where we live and operate with our CSR strategy. During 2020 we`ve supported almost 100 projects, campaigns and initiatives run by NGOs and social enterprises. We are committed to contributing to communities that have been devastatingly impacted by natural disasters. An example of this is the partnership with Solidarna Zaklada, where we donated HRK 1,000,000.00 towards the rebuilding of the areas that were affected by the earthquake.
Now we are thinking about the future of work: how, when, and where to work, how to form bonds, feel camaraderie, build teams, culture, and where to find the energy needed for the challenges ahead of us. We need to make sure our next transition is smooth and tailored to suit our people’s needs.
We all work as a family and we meet every single working day in a 30-min long standup meeting where we share thoughts, ideas, and news without being too much framed by an agenda. Only once a week we have a formal Management Board meeting, well prepared with slide decks and supporting documents to make decisions in areas where formality is required.
We are also investing in STEM education and AI to motivate children to learn new skills required for their better future. This is how we pay tribute to our local community in Istria and Croatia.
Born in Sombor, Vojvodina, I believe I picked up some of the calm mentality. I am a simple person that lives with his family in a wooden house located in a village half an hour from Zagreb. I have a wife, two kids, three cats, and four dogs. My wife and I spend our free time walking in the forest, gardening, and taking care of our small vegetable garden. We simply enjoy being connected with nature and land. I have finished the Military Academy in Zagreb since at the time of former Yugoslavia it was the only five-year college where students were able to study Computer Science. As one of the best students, I had the privilege to stay at the University teaching IT. In the early 90s, I started working in Pliva, where I took the SW development leader role within the IT organization. Over time, I became the Global CIO of Pliva when it was expanding its business globally. Parallel to personal development in the IT area, I did the MBA program and then Master of Science in management with a thesis on Change Management and Organisational Transformation.
I believe we should continue to learn techniques and apply agile and other methods and tools in our profession. My university background is in computer science, so it is not surprising that I prefer a modern and IT-enabled approach to run HR processes. Still, the two key messages would be: - “understanding the business needs” – it is essential that HR professionals understand well company objectives and challenges business leaders are facing. Only with that understanding, they can really see how, from the people dimension, they could help in achieving business goals. Thus, if the HR professionals are asked what they need – it is not more resources, but rather a seat at the executive table. - “active listening of employees” – we have seen a lot of missteps globally when HR managers try to put people in over-structured boxes, classify people to “talents” and consequently to “non-talents”, bombarding employees with dishonest communication and a huge number of buzzwords... I believe most of the failures come from the absence of active listening, misunderstanding of basic people problems, and inability to get the feedback from employees and incorporate it back into modeling and fine-tuning of HR processes and systems.
When Pliva was taken over by Teva, I moved to the Netherlands and then to Germany in the role of CIO for Teva Europe. After that, I moved to Israel where I took the role of Global Change Management Lead for the biggest transformation project Teva ran world-wide. Among others, I had several excellent HR professionals in the team and I started to be more familiar with overall HR topics. The next change for me was when Teva acquired Actavis, a huge USD 40 billion investment – I have been offered the position of Integration Management Officer for International Markets. That was a really exciting time because I was working on a
AT THE INITIAL DISCUSSION, THEY ASKED ME WHAT ELEMENT OF INTEGRATION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR INTEGRATION SUCCESS. WHEN I SAID IT IS HR, WE AGREED THAT THE NAME OF MY CURRENT ROLE SHOULD BE VP OF PEOPLE AND TRANSFORMATION. parallel project in more than 30 countries. Working on post-M&A integration project was a holistic approach to integrate finance, IT systems, sales and logistics networks, manufacturing capabilities, but for the success of those integration projects, the most relevant part was HR organizational design, culture blending, and dealing with massive people transition from current to new roles of the combined organization. When Infobip started to grow inorganically, Silvio and Roberto Kutić offered me to lead the post-M&A integration. At the initial discussion, they asked me what element of integration is the most important for integration success. When I said it is HR, we agreed that the name of my current role should be VP of People and Transformation. In addition to the HR transformation and post-M&A integration, I also deal with internal transformational projects with the main goal to integrate and digitalize our processes end-2-end. And as we all say in my agile HR team and in the whole Infobip: “We are just starting”.
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POKAŽITE IM da vam je stalo do njih!
Neizbežno pitanje koje se postavlja čim se pokrene tema o Customer eXperience-u (CX) i Employee eXperience-u (EX), je: Šta je starije – kokoška ili jaje – CX ili EX? Nažalost, još uvek je veliki broj onih koji smatraju da je CX mnogo bitan, jer nam „klijenti donose novac“ a ovo ostalo, EX „će se samo od sebe uspostaviti“ i ne treba se tu nešto brinuti oko toga. To ni slučajno nije tako, ali, hajde da se malo pozabavimo paralelama...
prilagođavanja individualnim potrebama kupaca (personalizacija), pa tako imamo izbor između kupovine u konvencionalnim ili online prodavnicama, kupovine u prodavnici ili sa isporukom na kućnu adresu, sa sopstvenom ili stručnom montažom. Da i ne govorimo o mogućnostima personalizacije kada je u pitanju online kupovina.
Još 70-ih godina 20. veka koncept sjajnog odnosa prema klijentima, ili stavljanja klijenta u centar pažnje, nastao je u hotelskoj industriji sledećom izjavom: Cilj svakog zaposlenog u hotelu je da „prevaziđe očekivanja gostiju“, odnosno da im se pruži više od očekivanog. Danas se uspeh hotelske, a i mnogih drugih industrija praktično na tome i zasniva. Ovaj koncept kasnije je oslikan izrazima kao što su “extra mile“, „princip 100+1“, “under promise-over deliver“ itd. Koncept se razvijao od customer service-a, preko customer care-a, do današnjeg koncepta pod nazivom customer eXperience.
Šta je, ustvari, CX? Jedna od definicija je da je CX ukupan zbir svih iskustava koje klijent ima sa kompanijom sa kojom je u kontaktu. To znači da se sva iskustva broje - od trenutka kada klijent sazna za kompaniju ili proizvod, razmišlja o njima, kupuje/koristi usluge, postaje lojalan kupac/korisnik i preporučuje dalje. Naravno, kvalitet iskustva će ga opredeliti u odluci da li će samo jednom biti kupac/ korisnik ili će taj odnos dugo trajati, na obostrano zadovoljstvo. Kada je standard jednom postavljen, očekivanja stalno rastu. Usluga i proizvodi u svim industrijama razvijaju se u pravcu
Možda ste primetili kako se promocija određenih proizvoda menja i kako se, sa dosadnog nabrajanja tehničkih karakteristika proizvoda, prešlo na suptilno obraćanje emocijama kupaca i sugerisanje odgovora na pitanje: „Zbog čega je ovo dobro za mene? Kako mi ovaj proizvod/usluga pomaže? Kako bismo ovo koristili?“ O čemu se radi? Priča se o našem potencijalnom iskustvu, o CX, kad i ako kupimo određeni proizvod ili uslugu.
Primer: razmišljate da odete na more (da, ove godine...) npr. na Santorini (ne, nemamo proviziju, samo smo tamo bili pa volimo). Kako se Santorini, između ostalih načina, promoviše? „Moći ćete da, sa svojim dragim bićem, svake večeri posmatrate jedan od najveličanstvenijih zalazaka Sunca na svetu. A to se ne zaboravlja!“ Da li bi sada iko iole normalan želeo da propusti takvo iskustvo, priliku da sve živo, pa i unuke, do kraja svog života, smara tim veličanstvenim zalaskom. To je tzv. nikada zaboravljeni i milion puta prepričani CX.
Verovatno ste čuli za Maju Andželou. Ona je rekla da se „možda nećete setiti o čemu ste sa nekim pričali pre 10-15 godina, ali ćete se sigurno setiti kako ste se tada osećali“. I ona priča o iskustvu, o eXperience-u, o nečemu što nam se urezuje u pamćenje. O emocijama.
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 17
Šta je onda cilj svake kompanije? Da se potrudi da klijentima pruži sjajna iskustva, kako bi bila drugačija u moru ponude i „prva na pameti“ kada klijent razmišlja o konkretnoj vrsti usluga ili proizvoda. Postoji još jedan bitan razlog zbog kojeg se kompanije više bave CXom. Da li znate da jedna od osnovnih definicija prodaje glasi da je „prodaja odličan odnos sa klijentima, na duge staze“? Da li ste nešto slično nedavno pročitali? I šta to zapravo znači? Stvarajte/pružajte sjajna iskustva klijentima (CX), oni će uvek iznova kupovati vaše proizvode... a to znači da ćete vi uvek iznova imati zaradu i.... znate već. Stoga i nije teško znati razlog zbog kojeg mnogi timovi „izgiboše“ stvarajući sjajne CX, što je sasvim OK. Ali... ko pruža ta iskustva? Zaposleni kompanije (gle, čuda...). A koji to zaposleni mogu da pruže sjajan CX? Pa... samo oni koji imaju sjajan EX. Zaposleni koji je demotivisan, neangažovan, nevrednovan, nepohvaljen za dobre rezultate ne može da pruži sjajan CX. Nažalost, ne može. A da li se u svim kompanijama i da li se baš uvek brine o EX? Nažalost ne, jer se tu, naizgled, novac ne zarađuje, nego troši. Ooozbiljna greška (i to teška)! „100% naših klijenata su ljudi, kao što je to i 100% naših zaposlenih.“ „Ako se ne razumete u ljude, onda se ne razumete ni u biznis.“ Simon Sinek. Šta je, dakle, EX? To je ukupan zbir svih iskustava koje zaposleni ima sa kompanijom u kojoj radi - znači od trenutka kada sazna za vašu kompaniju, prođe intervjue, zaposli se, prođe period integracije, radi u kompaniji, razvija se u njoj i na kraju je napušta. Kvalitet ovog iskustva će svakako najviše uticati na odluku zaposlenog da li će se u potpunosti angažovati (engage) i truditi se da se razvija i doprinosi razvoju kompanije, ili će samo dolaziti na posao dok ne ode negde drugde. Šta vidimo ovde? EX neće „sam od sebe“ da se napravi da bude dobar. Kao i za CX, potrebno je da se ljudi ozbiljno potrude da EX bude što bolji. Kao što „opsesivno“ brinemo o customer journey, jednako „opsesivno“ treba da vodimo računa o employee journey. Jednako, ako ne i više. Evo dobrog primera koji smo čuli od osobe koja je iskusila sjajan EX: „Nisam o toj kompaniji znao skoro ništa, jer sam se vratio iz inostranstva gde sam radio, a prijatelj mi je preporučio da konkurišem. Posao sam znao prilično dobro, ali ne i tu firmu. Otišao sam na prvi radni dan i imao sjajan onboarding, kakav nisam mogao ni da sanjam. Došao sam kući, stao pred ogledalo, poljubio se i rekao:
18 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
Milane, na pravom si mestu. Svaka ti čast! Naravno, radio sam najbolje što sam mogao i imao odlične rezultate, šefovi su bili vrlo zadovoljni, ali ni blizu kao ja. Ja nisam bio samo zadovoljan, ja sam bio srećan, motivisan i angažovan čovek.“ Bilo bi mnogo lepo kada bi svi započinjali rad u nekoj kompaniji sa ovakvim stavom. Svedoci smo da su se i CX i EX prilično razvili, u smislu da to više nije tako jednostavno definisati, a još manje stvoriti. Ian Golding, jedan od poznatih svetskih trenera iz oblasti CX-a rekao je: „Oduvek sam znao da je CX veoma bitan, ali nisam odmah shvatio da je to danas nauka i da se ta nauka zasniva na emocijama“. Apsolutno isto važi i za EX. Dejl Karnegi je naglasio: „Ljudi nisu bića satkana od logike, ljudi su bića satkana od emocija!“ Šta nama onda treba? Angažovani zaposleni? E, pa onda se treba potruditi oko EX-a - i to ne samo deklarativno, već i praktično. Svakoga dana. Da, baš svakoga dana. Šta je ono što verovatno svi znamo? Čim se zaposle, svi treba tačno da znaju gde su došli i šta se od njih očekuje, a svakako i šta oni mogu i treba da očekuju. Neophodno je da upoznaju ceo eko sistem kompanije, kao i viziju i misiju i vrednosti kompanije, a o korporativnoj kulturi da i ne govorim. Mnoge firme, nažalost, naprave grešku na samom početku, onboarding im bude traljav, a onda je logično da i zaposleni stvore pogrešna očekivanja, što će se vremenom pretvoriti u ozbiljno nezadovoljstvo, koje direktno utiče na njihovu angažovanost. Šta pokazuju istraživanja? Osim što je utvrđena korelacija između CX-a i EX-a, utvrđeno je i da su kompanije u kojima su zaposleni vrlo angažovani čak i do 147% uspešnije od onih gde to nije slučaj. Temkin grupa je 2017. godine angažovanost zaposlenih (employee engagement) uključila među četiri ključne kompetencije organizacije kada je u pitanju iskustvo potrošača. Jedan od načina da imate i negujete angažovane zaposlene je da oni jasno vide korelaciju između svog posla i očekivanih rezultata. Ali ni to nije dovoljno samo po sebi. Šta je još potrebno? Da poštujete njihov rad, da umete da ga vrednujete, da imate poverenja u njih, da im dajete slobodu i ovlašćenje da i sami donose odluke, da im pomažete u razvoju, da slušate i čujete šta oni imaju da kažu, da je celo njihovo radno okruženje dizajnirano tako da podrži njihove fizičke, emotivne i mentalne potrebe.
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 19
DRUGIM REČIMA: POTREBNO JE DA IM POKAŽETE DA VAM JE STALO DO NJIH! I sada, kada pričamo o EX-u, važi isto što i za klijente: „Jedna veličina ne odgovara svima“. Onda neko kaže: „Ali zaposlenih ima mnogo i nisu svi isti“. Tako je, ne samo da nisu svi isti, nego su svi različiti. Sada dolazimo do bitnog termina vezanog za EX, a to je personalizacija. Klijenti vole da su im usluge ili proizvodi personalizovani, da su im prilagođeni. Zaposleni se po tome nimalo ne razlikuju od njih. Ali da li je realno znati šta svakome od zaposlenih treba? Jeste. Kako? Pričajte sa njima, postavljajte im pitanja, a onda slušajte, zaista čujte njihove odgovore. I ako to dobro radite, saznaćete šta ih konkretno interesuje. Da, šta baš svakoga od njih interesuje. I evo jednog, univerzalnog primera: Imate li beneficije za zaposlene? Verujem da imate, ali može da se desi da ih niste baš najbolje iskomunicirali, ili da, što je još gore, niste promislili šta je vašim ljudima zaista interesantno, korisno, ili možda potrebno. Vi možda mislite da bi team building bio sjajna stvar, a njima je već odavno toga dosta. Možda bi oni želeli neku drugu vrstu zabave ili druženja. Možda bi nešto da nauče. Možda... Neko će reći: pa da, ali svakoga interesuje nešto drugo, šta onda da radimo? Ne može se svima udovoljiti. Naprotiv, ne samo da se može, već je i jednostavno. Odredite budžet po osobi (verovatno ne isti za sve nivoe radnih mesta) i omogućite im onda da sami biraju šta im se dopada i šta god mogu da nađu na tržištu u okviru tog budžeta. Tada su svi srećni. Oni su dobili baš baš ono što im se dopada ili treba, a vas ne boli glava. I vuk sit i ovce na broju. I da ne zaboravimo. Blagostanje (well-being) je postalo jedan od bitnih elemenata EX-a ove i prošle godine. Koliko ste vremena, truda, resursa, posvetili tome? Stvarno? Mnogi rade od kuće. Kako reaguju ? Da li se osećaju pomalo „odsečenim“? Da li se osećaju kao deo tima, deo kompanije ili...? Da li su se uopšte snašli u ovim vremenima? Ako se tome niste već odavno posvetili, onda ste u velikom zakašnjenju. Mali savet: Ne koncentrišite se na tehnologiju, nego na ljude. Tehnologija je samo sredstvo/alat. A ljudi? Oni su zaista vaše najveće bogatstvo (a ne samo resurs)!
20 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
GDE SU TU OČEKIVANJA? Posao je postao mesto gde tražimo zadovoljstvo, smisao, svrhu, strast i ispunjenje. Tražimo fleksibilnost, poštovanje i zaštitu predstave o sebi, ali i identitet – posao za deo radne populacije nije pitanje šta ću da radim, već šta ću da budem ili šta sam. Svesni dinamike promena, rešenje kao i uvek tražimo u osluškivanju, odnosno slušanju potrošača i zaposlenih, jer kako ćemo upravljati bilo čime ako to ne poznajemo dovoljno i ne znamo kakvo je trenutno stanje. A kada su u pitanju CX i EX postoji dosta paralela između pristupa istraživanju i merenju ovih aspekata poslovanja. Prvi korak je uvek upoznavanje potreba i neka vrsta segmentacije potrošača i zaposlenih, odnosno grupisanje u klastere na osnovu njihovih potreba i ključnih motivacija. Kao što potrošači nemaju iste potrebe u pogledu karakteristika proizvoda, zaposleni isto tako nemaju identične potrebe za razvoj, napredovanje, nagrađivanje, zanimaju ih različiti aspekti rada, imaju različite interese u pogledu komunikacije na radu, i sl. Za merenje CX-a i EX-a najčešće se koriste ankete koje se mogu sprovoditi jednom ili dva puta godišnje u vidu tracker studija sa ciljem praćenja promena i efekata konkretnih aktivnosti preduzeća. Mogu se sprovoditi i češće, kratke, takozvane pulsne ankete bazirane na istim modelima kao (polu)godišnje ankete, ali uz ciljano postavljanje dela pitanja i eventualno na delu potrošača ili zaposlenih. Kada je u pitanju EX, ovakve ankete treba da uključe pitanja koja su specifična i jasna, i koja treba da prevazilaze merenje „zadovoljstva“ kako bi se došlo do skrivenih priča šta u organizaciji funkcioniše a gde postoji prostor za unapređenje. U fokusu mogu biti različiti ključni aspekti rada kao što su nadređeni, razvoj karijere, uključenost zaposlenih i povezivanje (bonding) sa kolegama. A tu su i verovanje u misiju i prepoznavanje svrhe onoga čime se bavi organizacija, predstava o značaju posla koji zaposleni obavljaju za organizaciju, ravnoteža poslovnog i privatnog života i sl. Menadžment koristi uvide iz ovih studija za formulisanje strategija i procesa koje će dovesti do boljeg iskustva zaposlenih i njihove veće angažovanosti. HR može pozajmiti i „mapu putovanja“ iz kutije alata CX-a, odnosno u ovom slučaju employee journey map. Dok customer journey opisuje korake potrošača u interakciji sa kompanijom, employee journey mapira korake u radnom ciklusu zaposlenih. Do prelomnih tačaka u radnom ciklusu zaposlenih dolazi se dubinskim intervjuima i sa zaposlenima i sa menadžerima, pri čemu za svaku fazu identifikujemo željene ishode za kompaniju i zaposlenog, kao i jaz između željenog i trenutnog iskustva. Mapiranje putovanja
zaposlenih rezultira prepoznavanjem promena koje su potrebne u procedurama i programima kompanije, kao i na određenim prelomnim tačkama putovanja zaposlenih. Ima li još nešto? Pa ima svašta još... Evo da vidimo ko šta može da (u)radi sa ciljem unapređenja angažovanosti zaposlenih:
ZAPOSLENI: Da li sami traže nove projekte/izazove u kojima mogu da iskoriste razne svoje veštine i znanja? Da li su pretpostavljenima saopštili svoje želje za razvoj i ambicije? Da li su pokazali pozitivan stav, naročito u ovim vremenima većih izazova? Da li podržavaju ili mentorišu kolege sa kojima rade? Da li razmišljaju kakvi su im rezultati rada i kako oni utiču na razvoj kompanije?
MENADŽERI: Da li su preneli zaposlenima viziju kompanije tako da ih ona inspiriše? Da li su jasno preneli strategiju kompanije? Da li osnažuju zaposlene kroz kvalitetnu komunikaciju? Da li su pokazali želju za rastom firme i razvojem ljudi? Da li insistiraju na poverenju i integritetu? Da li promovišu promene i inovacije, a ne status quo? Da li promovišu kulturu saradnje među zaposlenima, sektorima, nivoima...? Da li postavljaju visoke standarde za sve u kompaniji? Da li osnažuju zaposlene?
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KOMPANIJA: Da li je strategija razvoja kompanije jasna i u skladu sa njenom osnovnom svrhom? Da li je ta strategija u skladu sa strategijom unapređenja angažovanosti zaposlenih? Postoje li formalna pravila i procedure koje potpomažu angažovanost zaposlenih? Da li se ohrabruje otvorena komunikacija u vezi sa angažovanošću zaposlenih? Da li se otvoreno promoviše saradnja među zaposlenima, sektorima, hijerarhijskim nivoima...? Da li se rade istraživanja vezana za angažovanost zaposlenih? Da li se, na osnovu tih rezultata, prati dalji razvoj ? Da li se jasno demonstrira uticaj angažovanosti zaposlenih na konačni uspeh kompanije? I za kraj: Dilema između „kokoške i jajeta“, između CX i EX, šta je prvo ili važnije? To uopšte nije dilema. Prvo i najvažnije su vaši zaposleni! Zamalo da zaboravim, najbitniji savet, koji se ne odnosi samo na vaše zaposlene, već i na vaše klijente, prijatelje, rođake, draga bića... Pokažite im da vam je stalo do njih! Ne samo jednom, već uvek. Svakoga dana.
P. S. I samo gledajte kako sve kreće nabolje...
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 21
iskustvo zaposlenih
Gde smo sada i koji su nam sledeći koraci Marina Rakić, HR direktorka, MK Grupa
Poslednjih godina se dosta govori o iskustvu zaposlenih na radnom mestu. Kompanije širom sveta pokušavaju da nađu najbolje rešenje da zadrže i privuku najbolje talente i, samim tim, opstanu na tržištu. Tradicionalne metode više ne daju očekivane rezultate, pa je transformacija organizacija postala neophodnost, a ne očekivanje.
Uzimajući u obzir promene na globalnom tržištu rada, to je potpuno očekivano: Liberalizacijom tržišta kapitala i rada širom sveta došlo je do lakšeg i bržeg kretanja kapitala, ali isto tako i ljudi. Nakon velikih političkih podela i stvaranja političkih blokova koji su obeležili 20. vek, ono čemu svedočimo sada u 21. veku je otvaranje svih zemalja prema globalnom tržištu, čime se konkurencija drastično povećala. Samim tim, došlo je do veće potražnje za kadrovima, za većom migracijom radne snage, ali dovelo je i do većeg izbora u odabiru poslodavca. Rezultat svega toga je rat za talentima koji se sada odigrava na globalnom, a ne više na lokalnom tržištu, i stavlja kompanije u takav položaj da moraju da menjaju svoje modele rada kako bi privukle najbolje da rade za njih. Druga velika promena je, naravno, vezana za tehnologiju. Tehnologija je omogućila jednostavnu i laku komunikaciju ljudima
22 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
širom planete. Takođe, dok se pre petnaestak godina zahtevalo da kompanija ima svoju tehničku infrastrukturu, danas je sa Cloud tehnologijom to olakšano i troškovi su smanjeni. Samim tim, dovoljno je da neko ima dobru ideju koju lako može da razvije uz minimalna ulaganja u IT infrastrukturu i da je putem interneta plasira van granica svoje zemlje. Otud veliki broj start-ap kompanija koje, zahvaljujući fleksibilnosti koju nude, na tržištu radne snage predstavljaju značajnu konkurenciju velikim korporacijama, tradicionalnim igračima na svetskom tržištu.
tako i neformalno obrazovanje, poseduju razumevanje o dešavanjima širom sveta, imaju više prilike za putovanje, veću svest o životnoj sredini, manje predrasuda o drugim nacijama i manje interesovanja za politički angažman. Ove generacije ne traže toliko sigurnost od svog poslodavca, koliko im je važna autonomija u delovanju, svrha rada, iskustvo, lični i profesionalni rast, angažovanost kompanija u društvenoj odgovornosti, veća inkluzija različitih društvenih grupa kao što je porast broja žena na tržištu rada, manjina, prevashodno kroz migraciju stranovništva.
Treća značajna promena su nove generacije koje tek ulaze na tržište radne snage sa potpuno drugačijim očekivanjima od prethodnih generacija. Te nove generacije su odrasle u miru, bez hladnog rata i značajnih političkih tenzija, uz internet i pristup novim komunikacionim alatima. Ove generacije imaju bolji pristup poslovnom svetu, praktičnije obrazovanje, više prilike za kako formalno,
Šta znači iskustvo zaposlenih u tom kontekstu? To je najlakše objasniti kroz osećaj koji zaposleni imaju kada rade u određenoj organizaciji, a misli se, naravno, na organizacionu kulturu i kulturološki okvir. To je razlog što se sada kompanije širom sveta bave promenom kulture, usvajanjem novih vrednosti, edukacijom zaposlenih, menjanjem programa zarada,
nagrađivanja, benefita, mogućnosti napredovanja i drugim mogućnostima koje nude zaposlenima. Društvene mreže takođe su dovele do toga da eksterna komunikacija više nije kontrolisana i da kompanije više ništa ne mogu da sakriju. Jednostavno rečeno, kompanije koje ulažu u ljude moći će da privuku najbolje i samim tim će opstati na tržištu. Sve ovo, naravno, menja ulogu HR-a u organizacijama: HR i menadžment kompanije će morati da se usredsrede na stvaranje otvorene kulture, odnosno okruženja gde se podstiče inovativnost i kreativnost, gde ljudi mogu lako da razmenjuju nove ideje i gde će one biti saslušane i prihvaćene. Okruženja gde se gaji uslužni liderski stil i autoritet znanja, gde se podstiče razvoj na svim nivoima i gde zaposleni vide mogućnosti za dalje usavršavanje i napredovanje.
partnerstava između lokalnih zajednica i kompanija koje posluju u tim zajednicama. Sa promenama potreba na tržištu rada koje je potpomogao tehnološki napredak, jasno je da će doći do nestajanja određenih poslova i pojave novih. Prvi put se veštine kao što su kreativnost, analitičnost, socijalna i emotivna inteligencija pojavljuju na listi traženih veština. Kompanije više neće imati priliku da kupuju zaposlene na tržištu, nego će morati da investiraju u kontinuiranu edukaciju zaposlenih kako bi se pripremile za promene i izazove na tržištu.
Pandemija je neke procese ubrzala ili, u nekim slučajevima, omogućila, kao što je fleksibilan način rada – rad od kuće ili iz kancelarije, fleksibilno radno vreme, organizacija rada po projektnim timovima, merenje učinka po rezultatu, nov liderski stil obojen empatijom i prilagođavanjem potrebama zaposlenih. Kako se granica između privatnog i poslovnog života gotovo izgubila, zaposleni će sve više tražiti da poslodavci organizaciju posla prilagode njihovim životnim potrebama. Društvena odgovornost postaje sve aktuelnija tema, jer je pandemija takođe dovela do toga da zaposlenima nije više važno samo šta kompanija može da učini za njih lično, već kako može da pomogne i zajednici u kojoj žive ili rade. To će dovesti do sve više
Velika uloga HR-a je da najveći deo HR procesa automatizuje i postane agent za promenu kulture i tu tehnologija može da odigra značajnu ulogu. Novi analitički alati koji omogućavaju analizu velike količine strukturnih i nestrukturnih podataka omogućiće HR-ovima da predvide trendove, fluktuacije i promene, pa samim tim i da proaktivno deluju. S druge strane, korišćenjem raznoraznih alata i portala podržanih veštačkom inteligencijom omogućiće individualni pristup svakom zaposlenom, od plana edukacije do procene i karijernog plana.
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Vreme koje dolazi je izazovno, i svi ćemo morati mnogo da učimo i isprobavamo nove metode, ali jedno je sigurno – nove trendove ne smemo da zanemarimo. Princip kontinuiranog učenja i stalnog razvoja, osluškivanje tržišta i potreba zaposlenih, praćenje tehnoloških trendova i prilagođavanje neprekidnim promenama postali su naša nova stvarnost. Sada, više nego ikada pre, kultura zaista može da pojede strategiju za doručak. maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 23
Strategic by Design with Maja N inkovic Shape ra Head of People, Mitto
24 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
What’s different now I guess is that volatility and unpredictability have come in full force.
For this Expert Series interview, we caught up with Maja Ninković Shapera, PhD, who is currently heading the People function in a fast-growing global communications company Mitto. Her small, but powerful People Team provides both operational and strategic support to the CEO, the Leadership Team and 180 employees across 19+ locations worldwide. In this issue of HR World, we’ll explore what it takes to run a successful global people function in a dynamic industry and an increasingly unpredictable world. What is it that got you into this profession and what keeps you motivated about working as Head of People in Mitto? I come to this role from a long background in People Analytics, and to People Analytics from a long background in psychology. It all seemed like a natural progression to me. As it turns out, both skill sets are immensely helpful in setting and executing good people strategies.
What keeps me motivated? The fact that Mitto has succeeded in creating this entrepreneurial playground for its employees – an environment that’s high on freedom, flexibility and trust. It’s unique and many scale-ups fail at this very thing as they grow. But then, we’re only 180 people right now, so it’s an ongoing challenge to keep and nurture this authentic feel. It’s something we talk about a lot with my team. That’s a good topic, and something we explore in more detail in this issue of HR World. Can you tell us more about how you see the role of HR in building or maintaining the company culture? I am always a little amused when I think of building a culture – I picture some heavy machinery and hard, sweaty work. The truth is, authentic culture is already there, it’s a lived experience that people share and reinvent daily and it’s actually remarkably resilient. In the early stages of a start-up, company culture is heavily influenced by the founders.
They lay down the first principles, often without much conscious intent, and the initial employees form a nucleus around that. From an academic perspective, there are various theories on the transmission of culture, but the basis of it nearly always involves bits of information – be it values, beliefs, attitudes, practices, memes. Everything in an organization carries information about the culture (“the way we do things around here”); from the systems we use, the meeting etiquette, the way people talk to each other, who is rewarded, who is demoted, what people laugh about, get upset about, and so forth. What became clear to many companies during the pandemic is that all human contexts – virtual or real – are filled with culture-rich information. This is why we see this unexpected success with remote onboarding – face-toface is certainly richer in some aspects, but human beings have this wonderful capacity to extract the maximum amount of information out of any contextual cues. From an organizational or People Ops
perspective, once you fully embrace this point, you can start to intentionally design the desired elements of culture. For instance, if you want to nurture agility, you won’t burden your candidates or employees with tons of procedures, signatures, approvals. Instead of 3000 words, you’d try to communicate your strategy in 300 or even 30. This role of HR as designers – designers of experiences, and therefore culture – is a very powerful and exciting new way to think about HR and its impact on business. Do you think that companies that place more emphasis on creating positive organizational cultures also perform better financially? Yes, I do. There’s lots of research that supports this relationship. Although, of course, many factors enter into the financial success equation. But take for instance Glassdoor research – they run annual Best Places to Work awards. When they analyzed the real-world stock market performance of the BPTW winners, they found that they consistently
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This is why we see this unexpected success with remote onboarding – face-to-face is certainly richer in some aspects, but human beings have this wonderful capacity to extract the maximum amount of information out of any contextual cues. From an organizational or People Ops perspective, once you fully embrace this point, you can start to intentionally design the desired elements of culture. 26 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
outperformed the rest of the market for 10 years in a row. Now, it’s hard to disentangle the exact causation here – strong culture leads to market success or success results in a stronger culture which then loops back into attracting more customers, but all market forces being equal, I think it’s just common sense to assume that employees who are more engaged, satisfied or have stellar employment experience will also have higher performance. HR as designers is an interesting concept – how do you translate this into practice? Can you describe how some of these practices are implemented in Mitto? When it comes to employee experience and the design of employee-facing processes, we work in lots of iterations, but it usually starts with research. Like with all design, first you need to know who you’re designing for. We spend a lot of time understanding our employee base – what they need to be successful, what are their pain points, how they’re dealing with remote work, their upward feedback, and a host of other things. We use several surveys that are placed at key points along the employee’s journey, but we also do qualitative data collection, like individual and team interviews, check-ins, open questions. We rely a lot on our People Pulse surveys where we track eSAT (overall
satisfaction) and eNPS (employee net promoter) scores, with additional deepdive questions on relevant topics (remote work, process improvement, D&I, etc.). We set ambitious goals around these metrics, for instance, keeping eSat over 8.5 and eNPS over 50, and I’m happy to say that Mitto has done a great job at reaching these targets company-wide.
projects across sub-teams and acting as a champion for the project-based work. Organizationally, using an OKR system is also critical for focusing us on major accomplishments we’d like to achieve in a given quarter.
Based on the data, we then determine if what we’re seeing are isolated cases or patterns that could benefit from company-wide initiatives. Sometimes, however, an isolated case makes us re-think the whole process – for instance, we had several developers who were onboarding remotely and completed their first-week tasks in two days. That meant we’ve hired some amazing people, but also that we had a few cracks in our system. This prompted us to initiate the redesign of the whole remote developer onboarding journey.
At least in the technology sector, I think that working through the pandemic has resulted in some positive changes to the world of work. First, it has brought flexibility to even the most rigid organizational systems – flexible work will become the norm, rather than the exception. Second, it brought about unprecedented creativity in organizational problem solving, as well as lots of empathy and understanding for people’s unique personal circumstances.
To keep this focus on projects – and not be so consumed by lots of transactional work – we also needed to make some organizational changes in the People Team. Every person in a People role, from recruiters to business partners, is required to own one or more strategic initiatives that will improve some aspect of candidate or employee experience. To keep us all focused, we have a dedicated People Ops Project Manager who is coordinating these
The world of work has massively changed in the past year. How has your company adjusted to the new normal?
In Mitto, we are transitioning into a remote-first mode of working. Primarily, what this means for us is reconceptualizing the physical space in our offices around the world. We kicked off a project called #mittohub, which transforms our traditional offices into social collaboration hubs. These global hubs will serve the needs of 25-30% of our employees who opted for permanent office space, but hubs are also imagined as collaborative spaces where social interactions, learning, and knowledge-sharing take place. From a social perspective,
we’ve kicked off a series of initiatives under the #mittoconnections umbrella – so for instance, we’re growing our Buddy program to include both team-based and social buddies. Social buddies are randomly chosen from the global employee pool, allowing people to create social ties with distant parts of the organization. Also, we are adding a cool mentorship feature to our Learning Journeys, where employees will be able to get learning credits from participating in a mentormentee relationship. We try to include a social element in all our initiatives – for instance, if teams have gone through a conference or training, we ask them to organize at least one open Lunch & Learn session where other people in the organization get to connect and hear something new. We also offer our teams a monthly social activity budget that they can use to get together informally – in the virtual or hopefully soon again in the real world.
At least in the technology sector, I think that working through the pandemic has resulted in some positive changes to the world of work.
Essentially, the key challenge in a remote-first environment is to increase the social cohesiveness, this feeling of togetherness, even though we’re apart from each other. These kinds of initiatives tend to increase employee ‘embeddedness’, a neat concept that captures different types of linkages between an individual and the organization – both in terms of work-related activities as well as social relationships with one’s colleagues. What are some of the more challenging aspects of your role as Head of People in a fast-growing environment such as Mitto? For me personally, when you step into a leadership role, you’re always with one foot in the future. What’s different now I guess is that volatility and unpredictability have come in full force. But fast-growing organizations are inherently very unpredictable and you’re always building something that will potentially be completely transformed in 12 months when you’ve doubled your growth or market conditions change. But this dynamic nature of the industry is also what makes it exciting – it seems like every day there’s a new territory to be charted. As the Head of People reports directly to the CEO, what are some ways to make that relationship a success? This question relates to the strategic HR conversation –
what makes HR or a People leader a strategic partner to the CEO, or, in fact, to the whole leadership team. Initially, it’s all about building credibility and building relationships. And credibility is a complex thing: it’s not just about industry knowledge or business acumen or being data-driven. It’s more nuanced than that – it requires deciding not only what’s the right thing to do, but also when and how to do it. That takes some experience, maturity, and ability to hold, at all times, both micro and macro views of situations. And even then, you’ll get blindsided by something you never saw coming. But over time, both vulnerability and credibility build trust, and without this mutual trust, none of the successes we’ve achieved would be possible. What has been immensely helpful – and I’d say essential to this relationship – is also to be honest with yourself about whether the vision of the CEO for the organization resonates with you. The relationship might not be successful without this basic alignment on core issues. This isn’t to say that you should agree on everything with your CEO, but also that not every major issue should be an uphill battle. What does a day in your working life look like? That’s a tough question because most days don’t look alike! I’m a super early bird, and I love quiet mornings before the kids get up. This is the time when I can truly devote myself to
fast-growing organizations are inherently very unpredictable and you’re always building something that will potentially be completely transformed in 12 months when you’ve doubled your growth or market conditions change thinking about the big picture items, like how well are we supporting the larger business strategy, how are we positioning externally on the market, scanning the organizational landscape for blind spots, stuff like that. As a team, we start each morning with a daily meeting, and that time is critical for both tactical and strategic alignment, really making sure that we’re always on the same page. As we’re still building out our team, my day can often get pretty operational, working on different initiatives, providing direction and feedback or partnering with the members of our leadership team on different issues. I’m a data person, so whenever I can, I devote time to running analyses or gathering insights – I love to roll up my sleeves with those kinds of tasks!
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Jon Addison, Vice President, EMEA & LATAM, Talent Solutions at LinkedIn
The global pandemic has left an indelible mark on people and businesses. Over the past year, we’ve witnessed millions of people in the hardest hit industries lose their jobs, businesses large and small struggle to survive, and existing societal inequalities widen. As the World Bank warns of a “lost decade” economically due to the pandemic’s impact on global trade, investment and productivity, now is the time to consider how we reprogramme businesses for growth to enable a more prosperous future. As 2021 gets off to a good start with the vaccine rollout and optimism for further scientific advancement, a new age of work is also in the making. Necessity has driven workplace innovation, and social injustices have spurred businesses to play a leading role in instigating real change. Capitalising on this momentum, with progressive workplace policies, action on diversity and inclusion, and investing in the professional development of employees, is crucial to building enduring brands and businesses, and attracting and retaining the best talent today and in the future. Here are 10 workforce trends that we can expect to shape 2021 as companies look to rebuild stronger and more sustainable businesses, and drive competitiveness through the power and potential of their employees.
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With employees proving that they can work productively and efficiently from home, there is now demand for greater flexibility in the future. Employers acknowledge that they must adapt company policies and benefits if they are to retain their people, maintain an attractive employer brand and cultivate a modern working culture. Research from LinkedIn finds that three-quarters of C-level executives across Europe trust their employees to work productively from home, and many are already considering the long-term changes they want to introduce to better support their people post COVID-19, including giving employees the choice about where they work (40%). With an increasingly distributed workforce inevitable, some of the biggest challenges businesses will need to address include how they nurture company culture, create a sense of community and help employees build meaningful relationships.
Offering employees greater flexibility gives businesses the opportunity to dramatically expand their talent pools as the traditional interdependencies between location and role are no longer as relevant. This means companies can offer opportunities to those who may not be able to afford to live in or near a big city, or have an established professional network. Businesses will therefore be able to benefit from a richer array of skills, experience and diversity of thought which is crucial to driving innovation. New talent hotspots will emerge, competition for roles will increase and local economies will thrive. Companies will grapple with decisions around employee pay and benefits for those that live in locations where the cost of living is typically lower.
Remote working has meant that companies have had to start changing their entire hiring process. Screening, interviewing, hiring and onboarding now all needs to be done virtually, and we’re hearing from businesses that it is reducing the time to hire significantly. With a more flexible future likely, companies are thinking about how they recreate excellent candidate experiences virtually in the long-term, and how they go about differentiating themselves from competitors in these pivotal candidate moments. To help businesses adapt, LinkedIn has introduced an array of new features, including Video Intro which helps recruiters evaluate a candidate’s communication and soft skills prior to the first interview. This gives hiring managers greater insight into the candidate early on, helping them to better assess capabilities and fit, and ultimately speed up the recruitment process.
Many businesses are considering how essential their physical office footprint is to the future of their organisation. It’s likely that many businesses, where flexible working is possible, will opt for a more ‘blended’ work experience, bringing in the biggest shake up of the office in its history. As opposed to disappearing altogether, offices will become centres of culture, collaboration and creativity. They will be spaces where people meet to focus on in-person interaction, ideation and personal connection. Serendipitous moments will fuel new ideas and cross functional teams will be encouraged to work seamlessly together on shared priorities. Work that requires deep focus, structure and privacy will be done remotely, and employees will be trusted to decide for themselves where that is done.
HR and Internal Communications leaders have been integral to navigating their organisations through significant change during the COVID-19 crisis. They’ve demonstrated huge amounts of agility and resilience, while also taking on a breadth of new responsibilities to ensure business continuity during this turbulent time. Companies that have regularly taken pulse checks of their employees and looked after their physical and emotional wellbeing will have seen a positive impact on employee engagement and commitment. While employee experience has always been a priority for businesses, it is now more vital than ever in earning trust and loyalty. With technology making leaders more present and accessible, and regular communications enabling greater transparency, companies will look for ways to continue developing deeper levels of connectedness with their people. They will also continue to pay close attention to employee sentiment, particularly as they plan for important moments such as reopening offices and designing future work spaces.
Events over the last year have highlighted the unacceptable and deep-rooted racial inequality in our society. The current unemployment crisis is also further exacerbating existing economic inequality. The renewed and sustained focus will stimulate greater workforce diversity, which is also crucial to powering innovation, which will encourage organisations to make long-term changes to how they find, recruit, retain and support talent. Data from LinkedIn finds that Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) roles have increased by 58% in the UK over the past 5 years, with one fifth (20%) of these roles being in leadership positions. Such roles are essential to keeping companies focused on their goals. We know that even the simplest
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measures can help create big changes. One place to start is reconsidering the language and requirements on job descriptions. This can have a major impact on diversity sourcing and candidate attraction. For instance, Thames Water recently saw a surge in women applying for manual frontline roles after the company altered the language of job adverts and removed “masculine coded” phrasing. This saw the proportion of female applicants rise from 8% to 46%.
While many companies were already on their digital transformation journeys long before the pandemic, the pace of delivery has been greatly accelerated. As companies reimagine existing business models, we’re likely to see many have a greater need for digital talent. For instance, with some high street retailers reducing their physical store footprint and pivoting investment into e-commerce, this will create demand for digital marketers and merchandisers, logistics, operations and supply chain personnel. The same talent is also in-demand by companies in the Consumer Goods and Technology industries also, among others. Organisations that offer an attractive employee experience, remuneration package, learning and development opportunities, and career progression will be the most enticing to job seekers. Microsoft estimates that the UK workforce will absorb nearly 3 million new technology jobs over the next five years as a result. To help people gain these critical digital skills, Microsoft and LinkedIn recently partnered to offer nearly 1,000 hours of free learning courses which are open to everyone.
Workforce reskilling, upskilling and redeployment is going to become crucial as companies look to improve productivity and get back to growth. A recent study from LinkedIn found that 70% of Learning and Development professionals globally say that their CEO is now actively championing workforce professional development as a result of COVID-19. A priority for leaders will be to understand what skills they have within their business today, the skills needed for future growth, where the gaps are and how to fill
them. These data-driven insights will be crucial to manoeuvring people into growth roles and setting them up for success around the right priorities. Creating a strong culture of learning will also be key to staying agile as business models evolve and external factors place new demands on organisations.
With many companies unable to hire new talent from outside their business at the same pace as before COVID-19 due to continued uncertainty, many are looking inwards to find talent for new roles. According to LinkedIn data, internal hiring of people moving into dissimilar roles within the same organisation was up 20% in UK companies between April and August 2020, compared to the same period last year. This trend was echoed in countries around the world with Germany (25%), Singapore (21%) and Mexico (20%) all hiring internally at a higher rate than the global average (19.6%). To support employees as they transition into different roles, 58% of UK HR leaders are focused on helping employees develop new skills, and 60% will be developing internal mobility programs. This will create excellent opportunities for professional development for individuals who want to learn new skills, gain a different experience and progress within their company. Encouraging internal mobility not only boosts retention and improves employee engagement, but it can also help companies evolve their businesses from within and bridge any existing skills gaps.
Ultimately, businesses have the opportunity to rebuild fairer and more inclusive workplaces by redesigning how work is done. For instance, working parents and those with dependents can benefit from flexible working hours, job-share programs and greater support. This is just one of the many areas that companies can tackle and make an immediate impact. It’s time for businesses to look at the type of employers they want to be, the experiences they want to create for their people, and the environment and culture they want to build to help employees deliver their best work.
Big changes are already underway, and how companies navigate the months ahead will define their trajectory in the years to come. 2021 will be a pivotal turning point in introducing a new era of work that fuels productivity, competition and growth. Companies that fully harness the power of their workforce will come back stronger.
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An essential tool in the fast-paced 21st century
Brankica Ljamić, PhD, MCC Coach, Trainer and Strategic HR Consultant, Sinhronia
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Creativity requires something more than the processing of information. It requires human thought, spontaneous intuition, and a lot of courage. Akio Morita, Sony
How many times have we regretted not having listened to that feeling that was sending us a message about a certain situation, course of action, or, simply, a particular person? How many times did we decide to be pragmatic because it was a logical thing to do? And yet, in the end, we realised that we missed the chance to listen to ourselves, that we should be wiser in the future and more open to our internal navigation system. Intuition is not a paranormal or a random decision-making process, nor is it a magical sixth sense. The term “intuition” stems from the Latin word intuer – meaning “to contemplate” or “to look or know from within”.
reasons or justifications - essentially knowing but without knowing why. It also comes with a strong sense of certainty. Perhaps not surprisingly, intuition has a wide range of terms associated with it, including gut feeling, hunch, knowing/feeling in the bone marrow. No wonder that popular saying emphasizes that results of intuiting are ”sometimes wrong but never in doubt”. In practical terms, all of sudden, we know what to do, without knowing how we came to that conclusion, nor why we are so certain that the specific course of action is the right one. We just know. And we just do.
Whilst there are many different takes on what constitutes intuition, our literature review reveals that there are four characteristics that make up its core. Intuition reads as (1) nonconscious process (2) involving holistic associations (3) that are produced rapidly, and (4) result in judgments backed by particular somatic markers (gut feeling or hunch).
Contrary to common opinion, intuition is a product of long experience and previous learnings. It is a synthetic psychological function that puts together - otherwise separated - facts, patterns, concepts, techniques, abstractions, that constitute our knowledge and experience base. The Nobel laureate Herbert Simon defines intuition as the ”analyses frozen into a habit, and the capacity for rapid response through recognition”.
Intuition is an extremely fast deliberation and thinking process that occurs too fast to be noticed consciously. It is a capacity of the socalled intelligent unconscious. The thinker arrives at an answer with none or very little awareness of the process by which they reached the idea, solution, or conclusion. The answer has no articulated
Simon also estimated the, later widely cited, necessary level of expertise for intuition to hold. Namely, he found that chess masters averaged 50.000 patterns, stored in long-term memory, accumulated over 10 years and 10.000 hours of focused activity, study and practice for their intuition to be fast, conclusive, and spontaneous.
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That investment in a knowledge base makes it possible to access stored knowledge and/or experiences in the subconscious mind in a blink of an eye. That also allows famous players to play simultaneously on 10 boards, demonstrating pattern recognition at its best.
”The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein When is intuition, as non-conscious and environmentally stimulated decision-making and creative problem-solving process really effective? In situations that have no predetermined guidelines to be followed and that feature a lack of objective data or too much data. Particularly so in the case of complex decision-making, because we cannot process all the information consciously. Intuition also seems to be valid under the increased time pressure, when uncertainty prevails, information is inadequate and explicit clues are missing. In a situation like this, an intuitive perspective can bring balance to rational analysis and thus provide a holistic approach to decision-making. For a long time, in both management literature and management practice, the rational model of decision-making was implicitly and explicitly considered to be the model to strive for. Rationality refers
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to an analytic, systematic, rule-based, and explicit mechanism for decision-making. The rational step-by-step process includes identifying and formulating the problem, thoroughly assessing relevant information, generating a set of alternatives, evaluating the costs and benefits of these alternatives, and ultimately making a logical choice based on conscious deliberation. Given its systematic and structured nature, rational decision-making can be time-consuming, and thus not always appropriate to deal with the time pressure, complexity, and uncertainty of innovation decision-making. The CEO of a major energy corporation explained the situation by pointing out that: “Ignoring intuitions has led to some bad decisions... you have to learn to trust your intuition. Otherwise, at the point when you’ve gathered enough data to be 99.99% certain that the decision you’re about to make is the correct one, that decision has become obsolete”. In the post-pandemic world where uncertainty will keep ruling the business and personal environment, intuition and analytical/rational methodology to manage resources and ideas need to go hand in hand. Some researchers strongly suggest that intuition is the main mechanism through which choices are made, whereas the role of rational thinking is to evaluate the product of intuitive processing. In this approach, the role of rational reasoning is to generate ex-post rationalizations for why a specific judgment was made. This does not imply that those rationalizations result in a change in the initial judgment. Indeed, they rarely do. Other researchers maintain that intuition precedes rationality but downplay its role as subservient. Intuition simply provides new information that the decisionmaker will then process through the steps of rational thinking. Very often the intuition–rationality dualism appears to be the underlying mechanism for other organizational confrontations. To name just two: • paradox of performing: the tension between financial (cognitive, rational) and non-financial (affective, intuitive) goals, and • paradox of organizing: between creativity (intuitive) and efficiency (rational).
The best way to prevent the emergence of such dualism and the creation of paradoxes is to demonstrate two perfectly suited applications of intuitive thinking in a business context – boardroom and entrepreneurial mindset.
”Very often, people will do a brilliant job through the middle management levels, where it’s very heavily quantitative in terms of the decision-making. But then they reach senior management, where
the problems get more complex and ambiguous, and we discover that their judgment or intuition is not what it should be. And when that happens, it’s a problem; it’s a big problem.” (Ralph S. Larsen, former Chair and CEO of Johnson & Johnson) Intuition becomes a valid cognitive and affective “partner” as managers climb the ladders of the corporate hierarchy. The speed of decision execution exerted by intuition represents the shortcut for accumulated expert learning, knowledge, practice, and experience. In uncertain times, boardrooms are in major demand for experts with critical intuitive abilities that support creating a sustainable strategic and long-term vision for the future in which all scenarios are possible. Empirical studies show three ways in which executives use intuition: • as an explorer who can set the direction and the vision path to follow, who assumes the risk of directing an organization to the learning from experience context; • as an integrator who finds “unusual” solutions in ”ordinary” situations, out of already existing data and in ”regular” activities; and • as an eclectic person who combines vision and solutions.
In times of continuous change, intuitive synthesis enables experienced senior managers to size up a situation, integrate and put together large amounts of data, deal with incomplete information, and direct the organization towards the future that makes sense (intuitive, at least). One research conducted in the US revealed that almost 50% of managers with at least 10 years of experience often use intuition in the workplace. Situations that lacked explicit cues, routines, or procedures, the so-called loosely structured - were those where experience-based intuition was relied upon. Two thirds of respondents reported the view that intuition had led to better decisions, in terms of: • more expedient decision making ‘‘leads to quicker decisions’’; • improved quality of decision ‘‘provides a check and balance on rational analysis’’; • and better facilitation of personal development ‘‘develops a full toolset’’. At the same time, merely 10% of the managers in the sample rarely or never used intuition. It seems that on the global level, managers and particularly executives use intuitive thinking more often than we would assume. On the level of personal observation regarding the SEE region, we are witnessing almost the same principle, with the exception that, quite often, intuition as a process is equalized with improvisation. Although those two share some similarities, improvisation is more of a rational decision for using resources that are available at hand in a creative way, and to resolve unforeseen circumstances, whereas intuition is the way of overcoming rationality in loosely structured situations. Intuition is, therefore, a part of improvisation that becomes extremely useful if the preexisting knowledge about solutions was accessed and remembered as such. As one client of mine has put it: ”After a round or two of improvisations in business, you become stronger”. Or in the words of late Bob Marley: ”You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice”.
ENTREPRENEURIAL INTUITION “Entrepreneurs have their antennae tuned to opportunity recognition frequencies”. Albert Shapero Entrepreneurship is about individuals who create opportunities where others don’t, and who plan to exploit those opportunities, with no regard to currently controlled resources.
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Entrepreneurs tend to bypass rigorous analysis and are unlikely to make decisions based on time-consuming rational analysis. They are decisive, they appreciate the time value of money, and are attracted to the competitive nature of most markets and industries. They understand that if their ideas are to succeed in today’s rapidly changing environment, decisions need to be adequately fast, there is no time for a proper and orderly sequential analysis of a situation. Entrepreneurs seem to have the ability to sense opportunities “hidden” to others. One could argue that they can see a “seed” of a future pattern, a fruitful possibility in a current situation because of their expertise in previous entrepreneurial scanning. Entrepreneurial intuiting is future-oriented and again rooted in patterns and experiences from the past.
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Entrepreneurs tend to be self-sufficient, trusting their own judgment and self-efficacy. They can also live with ambiguities, uncertainties and are willing to make decisions even though they don’t have all the information they need at hand. Seeing the big picture, listening to one’s heart, gut feeling, and instinct are descriptions of the way entrepreneurs make intuitive decisions. If we add propensity for risk-taking and passionate focus to this picture, we get a broad understanding of entrepreneurs’ supporting drive to trust their intuition and engage fully in the chosen activity.
One of the most intriguing findings of neuroscience in the business context is that serious entrepreneurs can respond to an emotional stimulus before it actually occurs or is generated. Namely, several studies of heart-brain interaction found that entrepreneurs reacted 4 to 7 seconds before the stimulus was selected. In other words, their body reacted, they knew even before there was a ground for knowing. An even more interesting finding in those experiments is that the heart continuously responds before the brain. Bearing this in mind, scientists are starting to verbalize the possibility that intention accompanied by the affect (feeling of knowing) has the same effect on intuiting the future, as does goal setting for unconscious thought. It activates the subconscious areas of the brain and, hence, makes us see more alternatives, compared to the rational approach.
”Inspiration comes only to the prepared mind.”
Louis Pasteur
Although based on unconscious knowledge, experience, and expertise, intuition can be developed and improved by a conscious focus on our unconscious resources. Intuitive unconscious processes can be explained and managed. The factors that influence intuition effectiveness can be utilized and learned. This learning path supports two complementary directions of development – personal and organizational. Interestingly, both have the same outcome: improvement of business results.
So, how do we help executives and entrepreneurs see, develop, and nurture their intuition through workshops and coaching? What are the starting assumptions about intuition we bring to our clients? We treat intuition as a pragmatic and holistic gut feeling that speeds up and increases the quality of decisions in an organizational and private context. We understand that each client has their personal history of learning and knowing, and hence, specific sources of intuition. We help the client separate intuition (a strong feeling of knowing) from wishful thinking (when emotions tend to blur judgement and
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intuition into the outcome). Clients need to learn to recognize and avoid intuitive misses that are characterized by self-deception, avoid letting the ego take control, as well as emotional pressures, and psychological stress. How often does the routine of overthinking and emotional thinking take them away from the present moment? We also talk about the practice of distinguishing between instincts, insights, and intuitions. We benchmark previous intuitions and work on the reliability of hunches, and hence help clients develop the feedback and learning loop. They become masters of both their conscious and unconscious habits. Based on the previous work, once clients realize what not to trust, it becomes easier for them to feel what is worth trusting. That brings us to two sets of outcomes: better personal state (how do I feel about myself ) and better results (how does my improved and aligned state help me achieve more of what I want). To answer the question from the beginning of this section – yes, intuition can be learned.
In the opinion of the author, it actually should be learned. The 21 century is running too fast for us to be thoroughly analytical in most of our activities. That’s when the good old gut feeling comes into the picture. Use it wisely. st
„95% radnika na pumpama koristi aplikaciju gotovo svaki dan. U 3 meseca povećali smo razinu znanja za 15%” MOL group
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Employee experience in startups:
TIMING is essential
Have you ever been a part of a startup company or would you join one if you had a chance? How different would your experience be if you started your career in a startup compared to an established corporation? Are you even aware of these differences?
Emina Hodžić, Chief Human Potential Officer, Mistral
38 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
hours, shorter workweeks, casual atmosphere, etc. and they get equity in the company’s success.
To answer these questions and understand the view from HR and employee perspectives, we need to start from the beginning. A startup is a company or project undertaken by an entrepreneur to seek, develop and validate a scalable economic model. Everything starts with the founder who works on the transformation of their idea into a profitable business model, a product, or a service for which the clients are ready to pay. Let’s stop here for a moment: Everything starts with the founder. The founder(s) begin with a vision of the company they wish to have one day. They put in all their energy, knowledge, skills, money, and they work day and night to transform their idea into a successful business.
Often, we will see that in the early stages of startup development, the founders are joined by their friends or enthusiasts who share the same passion. This is when the core company team is created. While working together in this initial stage, they are, actually, unconsciously setting foundations for what will, later on, be recognized as company culture. The founders transfer a part of their personal values to the company values that become an integral part of the company’s identity in the future. This initial period of the company’s work mostly includes trying out different ideas using the principle of trial and error until the team identifies the model that has economic viability and acceptance on the market. For the core team, this means a heavy workload that requires long working hours, practically no job stability, modest salary, wearing multiple hats to cover everything that needs to be done, not having a clear career or growth plan
in the company. All of this results in high motivation and engagement levels of employees who are not only contributing to the company but they look for ways how to go the extra mile and contribute more. This doesn’t sound just right, does it? But it is! The experience that an early employee acquires is almost equal to the one of the founder, given that they see the company as their own. They are all gathered around an idea that inspires them and they acknowledge any company’s success as their own. When the company starts growing, they feel proud and their internal motivation is high since they are the ones who made a direct impact on that growth and success of the company. In short, for early employees of startups, a job is not “just a job”. It’s an environment where they work with friends rather than colleagues, a place where they can innovate, make decisions, and take responsibility to steer the company’s progress without too much direct supervision. They learn a lot and work directly with the founders (no middle management). Money might not be too attractive but they get to enjoy plenty of other perks that keep employees happy, like flexible working
We, as HRs, think a lot about employee experience through different stages in their employee journey, as we should. But do we take into account that an employee’s experience, and the way organizational changes are perceived, can vary significantly depending on the moment when that person joined the company? We most definitely should. I’ll try to explain this notable difference in employee experience through one simple process. Onboarding. Recently I spoke to a colleague, a software architect today, who joined Mistral as a software developer among the first five people. I was working on ideas to improve the employee experience through the onboarding process. His input was: “Well I can only speak from my experience. I spent the entire first day setting up my laptop. I already knew the entire team since they all interviewed me and on the first day, they pulled a prank on me. By the end of that week, I was already deep in coding, working 12 hours a day to solve technical problems. I wasn’t thinking at the time that this will be the client that would launch our success and remain on our client list even today, after 10 years, with more than 200 employees. For me, it was the best experience I could
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imagine, but I am sure that people wouldn’t share my opinion today.” I started thinking about our different perceptions. He joined a much less structured company where onboarding was done on the go, without a specific process, and you could meet the entire team over one coffee. My experience is that it took me two months to meet everyone and I had a buddy and a personalized onboarding plan. Our views as two employees were completely different since we technically didn’t join the same company. The company he knows is spontaneous and doesn’t need a process for onboarding, but with 200 people today the situation is drastically different. The company evolved and changed. If we insisted on keeping the casual approach to onboarding for the sake of keeping agility, we would have done more harm than good. It is essential though that the established process around onboarding takes company culture as a foundation and creates an approach that allows the company to keep its identity but also effectively integrate newcomers, so they get to feel like a part of that same community. There are many more examples to support a crucial question that modern HR should constantly be asking themselves: “Are we designing employee processes that take into account different types of users we have in
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the organization and are those processes agile enough to adapt to a fast-paced, ever-changing business environment?” There is no one employee journey and experience, like there is no one customer journey and experience. Today, HR processes need to be tailored to its end user and customized according to multiple differentiators among them, like tenure in the company, role, seniority, etc. The first step is to understand each group. I went ahead to talk to my colleagues that have been with the company for more than three years to understand their point of view on the same topic. Their journey was significantly different, since they joined a company that had more than 100 employees and they needed guidance to understand what is the expected way of work and behavior in our organization. It wasn’t so easy to blend in and meet everyone over one coffee, so it took a while to form relationships and truly feel like a part of the team. This brings us to the experience of our new hires. When joining the company, they get a buddy and a personalized onboarding plan to understand key information sources and the “ways of
HRs need to think about customizing communication to their target group and addressing different points of view that will arise from a versatile workforce. Mistral”. We plan their first week and schedule meetings with key stakeholders to get a better sense of the organization. In the words of one of our recent hires: “I have worked for more than 10 years and I never felt more welcome. I know where to go, what to read, whom to talk to. Since I received my onboarding plan prior to my first day, I felt much less stressed since I knew what to expect.” This is a basic example of how only one of the HR processes can be viewed completely differently by employees with different tenure in the organization. Now when you think about introducing any change in the organization you may assume that it will be received completely differently by different employee groups. We can take an example of changing the way you set expectations and evaluate performance. In a company of 200 people, it is no longer enough to get up in a room,
communicate the change you wish to implement, and have everyone informed (especially when we take into account remote work setup). HRs need to think about customizing communication to their target group and addressing different points of view that will arise from a versatile workforce. Nevertheless, empowering your employees through more autonomy, access to resources and support, so that they can act independently and make decisions that will lead the organization to success, always remains a goal, no matter whether you have 5 or 5000 employees. That is how an organization contributes best to employee experience, satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty.
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maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 41
The brilliant jerk
Šta se dešava, međutim, kada osoba postiže vrhunske rezultate, ali nema kapacitet da se poveže sa drugima?
42 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
Ljudi u biznisu sa kojima imamo priliku da razgovaramo često će nam reći da od idealnog zaposlenog očekuju rezultate i dobru saradnju. Sreća na poslu danas je postala svojevrsna nauka pa nije retkost da čujemo preporuke o tome kako graditi zadovoljne timove koji će ujedno imati vrhunski učinak. Neke od tih preporuka su da srećnog pojedinca na poslu čine dve stvari: doživljaj postignuća i povezivanje sa drugima.
Mogli bismo se kladiti da ste u svom radnom veku imali prilike (ili je bolje reći neprilike) da radite sa osobom koja je veoma pametna i sposobna, ali isto toliko i neprijatna. Da li ste znali da za njih postoji naziv u literaturi - brilliant jerks?
Šta se dešava, međutim, kada osoba postiže vrhunske rezultate ali nema kapacitet da se poveže sa drugima? Na kakve sve probleme nailazimo kada u okruženju imamo top performera koji ne samo da ne može da se poveže sa drugima već je velika šansa da svojim ponašanjem može da doprinese da se drugi osećaju loše, što svakako može da poremeti i njihovu produktivnost?
U ovom tekstu ćemo vam opisati tu vrstu ljudi, njihove prednosti i mane, kako utiču na ostatak tima i, naravno, kako postupati sa njima. U daljem tekstu zvaćemo ih BJ.
To su osobe koje postižu izuzetne rezultate, kreativni su i veoma uspešni. Često su nadareni i imaju sjajne ideje. Odlikuje ih privrženost uspehu i istrajnost. Usredsređeni su na ono što treba učiniti da bi se postigli pozitivni rezultati i veruju da je, ako žele da budu uspešni, važno da se bave i jednoličnim, dugotrajnim aktivnostima. Imaju visok nivo samopoštovanja i pozitivno gledaju na sopstvena dostignuća. Spremni su da se upuste u rešavanje vrlo teških zadataka bez straha od neuspeha ili kritike drugih. Dakle, oni su stručnjaci u oblasti kojom se bave i postižu izvrsne rezultate. Međutim, nažalost, njihova neprijatna ličnost je veoma problematična. Odlikuje ih nezdravi narcizam, manjak emocionalne inteligencije i doživljaj privilegovanosti.
Zbog uspeha koji postižu mogu početi da misle da su iznad svih ostalih u organizaciji. Ne umeju da sarađuju sa drugim ljudima na odgovarajući način grubi su, ismevaju osobe koje izlože svoj pogled na situaciju ili problem, skloni su ogovaranju i neprimerenoj komunikaciji. Previše su kompetitivno nastrojeni i uvek urade po svome. Dakle, BJ su individue koje se nikako ne uklapaju u organizacionu kulturu, a postižu izuzetne rezultate. Kako BJ utiču na okruženje? Tipično ponašanje jedne takve osobe negativno utiče na moral tima i smanjuje produktivnost. Zaposleni gube vreme raspravljajući šta je BJ uradio umesto da se usredsrede na rad. Osim toga, tim dovodi u pitanje kredibilitet svog vođe jer omogućava pojedincu da se ponaša na način koji je ostalima neprijatan. Neretko se dešava da dođe do visoke stope izostajanja s posla, do opšteg pogoršanja zdravlja zaposlenih, tužbi za diskriminaciju i uznemiravanje. Vrlo je verovatno da će na kraju organizacija izgubiti druge stručnjake kojima je dosadilo da se bakću s jednom tako teškom osobom.
ŠTA UČINITI? Negovati sistemsko razmišljanje u biznisu Bilo bi najpametnije da organizacija ne zapošljava i ne unapređuje zaposlene samo na osnovu njihovih veština. Treba imati na umu da je cilj da se zaposli prava osoba dakle, u fokus treba staviti osobu u celini, a ne samo njenu veštinu i sposobnost. Poželjno je da se razmotri koliko se osoba u celini uklapa u kulturu organizacije, a da bi to bilo moguće neophodno je na holistički način sagledati i pojedinca i kompaniju. Da bismo na ovaj način posmatrali proces regrutacije i razvoja zaposlenih potrebna nam je sistemska perspektiva koja podrazumeva sagledavanje organizacije kroz mrežu odnosa u kojima će svaki pojedinac maksimalno moći da iskoristi
svoje sposobnosti i da zablista ukoliko za to postoji kontekst koji ga motiviše. Briljantni mogu biti i oni koji umeju da se povežu sa drugima, kao i oni koji nemaju kapacitet za to. Da se ne bismo usmerili samo na one koji postižu sjajne rezultate, a nemaju neophodne ljudske osobine, neophodno je graditi sistem u kojem će svako dobiti svoju šansu da zablista. Mnoge uspešne organizacije pohvaliće se da u svom timu nemaju teške osobe zato što veliki fokus stavljaju na timski rad i dobre međuljudske odnose. Kompanije koje su orijentisane na svrhu i dobrobit svakog pojedinca jednako koliko i na profit i uspešno održavaju ravnotežu između ova dva, neće imati teške osobe u svojim timovima. Razlog tome je znanje da time rizikuju na oba fronta, narušavaju dobrobit tima, a dugoročno gledano trpe gubitke kao što su odlazak ljudi iz kompanije, zapošljavanje novih, a to sve sa sobom nosi i finansijske troškove. Međutim, u slučaju da je takva osoba već u timu, predlažemo nekoliko saveta. 1. Povratna informacija. Ovaj korak je ključan - ovakvom zaposlenom treba često davati konkretne i jasno izložene povratne informacije. One treba da budu zasnovane na podacima, a ne na vašem osećaju. Budite direktni i promišljeni, a ne pasivnoagresivni. Treba da im pomognete da vide širu sliku i da shvate da je promena stava neophodna. 2. Angažovanje kouča. Ovim putem osoba može doći do spoznaje koliko je njeno ponašanje štetno, a takođe se može pokazati i da li je osoba spremna da promeni svoj stav i ponašanje. 3. Jednak tretman. BJ je poput nevaljalog deteta na koga ode sva pažnja, dok se dobrim detetom manje bavimo jer znamo da će se ono snaći. Tu leži i najveći rizik, jer BJ je osoba koja neguje stav privilegovanosti, tj. duboko veruje da
zaslužuje poseban tretman. Ukoliko ga i dobije, time potvrđuje teoriju o sebi. Iz tog razloga je važno baviti se njime jednako koliko i drugima i ostaviti otvorenu mogućnost da ukoliko nije usklađen sa kompanijskim vrednostima krajnji ishod može biti i otkaz. 4. Otkaz. Imajte na umu da niko nikoga ne može na silu učiniti boljom osobom. Ako BJ odbija da se promeni, trebalo bi da ga otpustite. Pritom, jasno stavite do znanja svim zaposlenima razlog otkaza. Time šaljete jasnu poruku koja su ponašanja nedopustiva i kakvu kulturu negujete u organizaciji. Upotrebom različitih inventara procena može se steći uvid u izazove sa kojima se pojedinci sa visokim učinkom susreću i u skladu s tim delovati. Inventar Hogan daje sjajan pregled kontraproduktivnih ponašanja na osnovu kojih se mogu definisati razvojne oblasti. Takođe, Procena 360 iz različitih uglova može dati širu sliku problematičnih ponašanja. I za kraj, ostavljamo vas sa citatom kompanije Netfliks: „U timu iz snova nema briljantnih kretena. Troškovi timskog rada su previsoki. Smatramo da su briljantni ljudi takođe sposobni za pristojne ljudske odnose i na tome insistiramo. Kada veoma sposobni ljudi rade zajedno u kontekstu saradnje, oni nadahnjuju jedni druge da budu kreativniji, produktivniji, a na kraju i uspešniji kao tim nego što bi mogli biti kao grupa pojedinaca.”
Dakle, BJ su individue koje se nikako ne uklapaju u organizacionu kulturu, a postižu izuzetne rezultate. maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 43
C-level spotlight interview
TSYBULSKAYA CEO, Crnogorski Telekom
44 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
POSLOVNO POSTIGNUĆE NA KOJE STE PONOSNI? Ne bih mogla izdvojiti neki pojedinačni trenutak jer je proces ono što posebno cijenim, naročito kada je riječ o promjenama i suočavanju sa izazovima. Promjene kompanija, prelazak na nove pozicije, rad u drugim zemljama – promjena je ono što nas tjera da rastemo i dokazujemo da možemo da radimo drugačije, da možemo da budemo uspješniji. Mišljenja sam da mijenjajući kontekst i okolnosti, mijenjate sebe. I postajete bolji.
Fleksibilnošću i agilnošću kako pojedinaca tako i organizacija, i posvećenošću digitalnoj transformaciji poslovanja. Novo biznis okruženje od kompanija zahtjeva visoku prilagodljivost različitim načinima rada, brzu implementaciju novih ideja i rješenja kao reakciju na zahtjeve tržišta, ali i kontinuirano beskompromisno unapređivanje poslovnih procesa uvođenjem digitalnih alata i servisa. S druge strane, svako od nas pojedinačno mora da pokaže inicijativu, ali ne samo kada je riječ o stvaranju nove vrijednosti za naše korisnike kroz razvoj novih servisa, već i kroz pronalaženje neiskorišćenih potencijala postojećih usluga, opet u korist korisnika i u skladu sa njihovim potrebama. Dakle, sve što radimo i dalje treba da radimo za korisnike i zbog njih, ali nije uvijek neophodno kretati od nule, ponekad je dovoljno biti malo kreativan i pogledati stvari iz druge perspektive kako bi se pronašli odgovori na njihove potrebe. Na taj način ne samo što štedimo vrijeme i resurse u trenutku kada je ekonomija pod velikim pritiskom krize, već i pokazujemo da na sve izazove možemo da odgovorimo efikasno i u kratkom roku.
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 45
Razvoj i primjena „holističkog“ pristupa ljudskim resursima, odnosno mogućnost da se poslovne operacije kompanije sagledaju iz različitih uglova, koje zatim treba pomiriti. U praktičnom smislu to znači razumijevanje različitih očekivanja zaposlenih, investitora i korisnika kada je riječ o poslovanju kompanije, i pronalaženje načina da se ta očekivanja pretvore u zajednički cilj – profitabilno poslovanje kompanije.
Drugi zadatak sektora za HR je stvaranje produktivnog i inovativnog radnog okruženja za sve zaposlene u vrijeme „hibridnog“ načina rada, odnosno u trenutku kada sve više kompanija prihvata kombinovanje rada od kuće i iz kancelarija. Konačno, u „high-tech“ budućnosti koju svi zajedno stvaramo, promovisanje i primjena „high-touch“ HR pristupa nije tek jedna od opcija već predstavlja jedini put za svakog lidera kada je riječ o vođenju ljudi i timova.
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U vrijeme zdravstveno-ekonomske krize, kada je nesigurnost postala trend koji pokorava svijet, HR direktori moraju biti nosioci optimizma u svojim kompanijama. Da bi uspjeli u tome, neophodno je da se dodatno međusobno povežu, da podijele jedni sa drugima najbolje prakse svojih kompanija, i da „vakcinišu“ svoje organizacije određenom dozom optimizma.
Neophodno je takođe i da rade na prepoznavanju i zapošljavanju „antikrhkih“ (antifragile) osoba u svojim organizacijama, odnosno onih pojedinaca koji se ne odupiru potresima nego ih koriste kako bih iz njih izašli još jači, koji u vrijeme nestalnosti i nestabilnosti pronalaze način da rastu i razvijaju se, i koji vole avanture i rizike. One kompanije čiji HR direktori uspiju u tome ne moraju da se brinu za svoju budućnost.
Godina za nama suočila nas je sa određenom dozom neizvjesnosti i otvorila brojna pitanja na koja smo zajedno tražili odgovore, a najveća prijetnja na koju smo na tom putu naišli bila je mogućnost da se udaljimo jedni od drugih. Razlog za tu zabrinutost leži u činjenici da smo nekoliko mjeseci protekle godine gotovo u potpunosti proveli u radu na daljinu, a taj model smo zadržali i kasnije u malo drugačijem kapacitetu. U svakom slučaju, niz aktivnosti koje smo realizovali sa zaposlenima, i ka zaposlenima, krunisali smo pridruživanjem interesantnoj i zabavnoj globalnoj inicijativi – Jerusalema dance challenge – kada smo odgovorili na „izazov“ upućen iz Deutsche Telekoma da se kroz tu koreografiju pridružimo globalnoj borbi protiv pandemije podijelivši sa njima taj trenutak rasterećenja, nade i optimizma. Vjerujem da smo pokazali da nam pandemija nije ubila duh niti optimizam, i da je za dobru zabavu – kao i prije pandemije – dovoljno da se nađemo na jednom mjestu.
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Ovdje bih posebno izdvojila Međunarodni festival kreativnosti – Cannes Lions, koji sam redovno posjećivala od 2010. do 2014. godine.
Cannes Lions nije samo najveće okupljanje kreativaca i marketara iz cijelog svijeta i najvažniji godišnji događaj za sve one koji se bave oglašavanjem i komunikacijama, već nudi i najbolji uvid u globalne digitalne, komunikacijske i društvene trendove u tom trenutku.
U pitanju je „Overthrow II“ u izdanju PHD media. U ovoj knjizi autori Adam Morgan i Malcolm Devoy razmatraju na koji način kompanije i brendovi mogu da se pozicioniraju kao challengers – „izazivači“ na tržištu. Istražujući različite strategije, marketinške i medijske nastupe takvih kompanija, oni zaključuju da sve kompanije – bez obzira na veličinu, konkurenciju i industriju u kojoj posluju – mogu izgraditi bolje odnose sa korisnicima i potrošačima, imati veći uticaj i postići značajan rast ukoliko usvoje pravi način razmišljanja.
Rekla bih da je najvažniji trend kojem prisustvujemo stvaranje spontanih „horizontalnih“ društvenih inicijativa i interakcija, kroz koje pojedinci i grupe oblikuju društvene trendove i mijenjaju zajednice. Na šta konkretno mislim? Danas ljudima nisu potrebne velike i centralizovane institucije (poput vlada, lokalnih samouprava, itd) kako bi se organizovali i realizovali akcije važne za zajednicu. To rade sami na društvenim mrežama. Ne čekaju da im neko kaže da treba da se pobrinu za neki ekološki problem (čišćenje rijeka ili šuma, recimo), nije im potreban neko ko će im reći da treba da urade nešto za sebe ili druge. I to se najbolje vidjelo na početku pandemije, kad su ljudi organizovali dostavu tople hrane ljekarima koji su danima neprekidno radili. Zatim, ljudi su se organizovali i šili zaštitnu odjeću i maske za one koji su bili u kontaktu s virusom kad je širom svijeta nedostajalo zaštitne opreme. Pokretali su i podržavali različite inicijative putem različitih platformi za prikupljanje sredstava. Na kraju krajeva, pojedinci su se organizovali i kreirali vlastiti novac, koji ne kontroliše neka država ili centralna banka (kripto valute). Volim ovu decentralizaciju jer je dobro tlo za započinjanje mnogih velikih stvari i oslobađanje sjajnih talenata i ideja.
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 47
C-level spotlight interview | case study
Slađana Đurović, HR Direktorka, Crnogorski Telekom Kada se godinu nakon početka pandemije COVID-19 osvrnemo iza sebe, nije teško zaključiti da je riječ o događaju sa najvećim društvenim posljedicama na globalnom nivou u posljednjih osam decenija. Svaka kriza je istovremeno i šansa za rast. Da, agonija socijalne distance, maski i karantina privremeno nas je vratila na „fabrička podešavanja“, ali od nas zavisi da li ćemo se vratiti na „najbolju verziju sebe“. Neizvjesnost i strah su nas natjerali da usporimo, ali nas briga za druge, nada da ćemo iz svega izaći jači, i povezanost sa najbližima, motivišu da idemo dalje. Zbog toga smo u Telekomu promovisali iskustvo pažnje i brige o drugima kao korporativnu praksu. Kompanije poput Telekoma, koje i u vrijeme krize čuvaju benefite za zaposlene, postale su primjer da je moguće održati isti odnos prema njima i u izazovnim vremenima.
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Kada bih prepustila olovci na volju ispisala bih nekoliko stranica raznih inicijativa koje smo u Telekomu realizovali u prethodnoj godini. Izdvojiću zbog toga samo one najupečatljivije, o kojima su naše koleginice i kolege ponosno govorile i van kompanije. Njih možemo opisati u četiri riječi: brinuli smo, brinemo, brinućemo. Crnogorski Telekom je u februaru, kada u Crnoj Gori još nije bilo zabilježenih pozitivnih slučajeva, prvi u zemlji uveo sistem rotacije i rad od kuće. Zbog toga je naša kompanija u startu bila spremna da zadrži kontinuitet u poslovanju, a isti sistem smo zadržali i do danas. Zaštitne opreme za zaposlene koji rade u direktnom kontaktu sa korisnicima smo imali dovoljno i u periodu nestašice na tržištu, pa smo u više navrata pomagali
druge kompanije iz našeg sektora, kao i neke državne ustanove. Zaposlenima smo obezbijedili besplatne testove na COVID-19, pokrivali troškove terapije, dijelili pulsne oksimetre. Posebno brinući o njima, za sve koleginice i kolege starije od 60 godina, kao i one osjetljivog zdravlja, omogućili smo dodatna plaćena odsustva. Da bismo im ponudili najbolju moguću zaštitu, unutar kompanije smo među zaposlenima sproveli ankete o imunizaciji, organizovali edukacije i razgovore sa epidemiolozima, i u saradnji sa državom omogućili vakcinaciju zainteresovanih. Uprkos finansijskim rezultatima na koje je COVID-kriza imala jak uticaj, željeli smo da se zahvalimo zaposlenima na vanrednom doprinosu u vanrednim okolnostima, pa smo se posebno fokusirali na očuvanje stabilnosti poslova i benefita, i u tome uspjeli.
Dva puta smo tokom godine nagrađivali koleginice i kolege koje rade u šopovima i na terenu, u direktnom kontaktu sa korisnicima, zbog njihovog izuzetnog zalaganja u 2020, a uprkos padu prihoda, dva puta smo nagradili i sve zaposlene. Posebnu pažnju smo posvetili malim znacima pažnje, znajući koliko su važni, pa su svim pozitivnim koleginicama i kolegama na kućnu adresu stizali pokloni – čokolade i knjige, kako bi im lakše protekao period izolacije – dok smo onima na terenu poklanjali simbolične HVALA+ imuno booster pakete.
Kroz intenzivnu internu komunikaciju razmjenjivali smo najvažnije informacije, dijelili iskustva i fotografije, pisali, i kreirali video materijale o našim T-kole-ginicama, kroz inicijativu „T(i) sjajna žena“. Konačno, zebnja da će nas fizička distanca udaljiti pokazala se neopravdanom, što se vidjelo i kroz globalni Jerusalema dance challenge, kada smo popularonm koreografijom u kompaniji odgovorili na „izazov“ Deutsche Telekoma i na trenutak se protiv pandemije borili plesom, optimizmom i nadom da će takvih inicijativa uskoro biti još i više. Anketa koju realizujemo dvaput godišnje pokazala je ono što smo intuitivno znali – da smo od početka na pravom putu. Procenat zaposlenih koji su odgovorili na anketu porastao je za čak 18%, dok je njihovo zadovoljstvo našim odgovorom na COVID-krizu u prosjeku 92%! Na kraju, dobili smo i eksterno priznanje za naše napore – hrvatska konsultantska kuća SELECTION dodijelila nam je priznanje Izvrsnost u izazovima, jer su nas prepoznali kao kompaniju koja posjeduje visok nivo agilnosti i prilagodljivosti u kriznom periodu, i visok nivo brige za svoje zaposlene tokom pandemije. Zato bih naše zajedničko iskustvo u Telekomu tokom pandemije ukratko opisala – jedni za druge, jedni uz druge.
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“Leading with culture” is one of the many expressions that are, for numerous reasons, often misused. Why is that? Let’s try to break it down together, starting with a simple premise – leaders shape first and lead after. What is there to shape? Well, a bit of everything. First of all, speaking the business language – one needs to have a competitive advantage on the market. And we definitely want to work in a company with strong and healthy culture. So, here we are – strong culture is a big competitive advantage that is not easy to build!
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Let’s look up the definition of “company culture” as a term and then further into the theoretical background. When googled, several definitions come up. Originating in social psychology, Schein (1987) provides an explicit definition of CC as “...the pattern of basic assumptions which a given group has invented, discovered or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, which have worked well enough to be considered valid, and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel concerning those problems... these are the assumptions which lie behind values and which determine the behavioural patterns and the visible artefacts such as architecture, office layout, dress codes, and so on”. Cooke and Rousseau (1988) defined it as “the shared beliefs and values guiding the thinking and behavioural styles of members”. Groysberg et al. (2018) define CC as “the tacit social order of an organization” that “shapes attitudes and behaviours in wide-ranging and durable ways”. Put simply – CC shapes and makes all that we are at our workplace. It influences our thinking, shapes our behaviour, and creates our workplace experience from scratch. Now that we know what we are dealing with, let’s see what we can make of it and what is there to shape. Our next step is – diagnosing the current situation. You may wonder why would we even reshape it. Well, the answer is quite simple. It all starts with the business strategy of the company. The first step is therefore to examine whether our culture is a good fit and support to our strategy. Therefore, we have to dive deep and see where we stand. Having a good diagnostic tool is of great help. It is common knowledge that there is no perfect instrument because each tool has its limitations of use or scope (Bellot, 2011). However, we can outline some tools that can satisfy the needs of every corporate system and provide enough analytics necessary to draw valuable
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conclusions. Among them are scientifically proven instruments such as the Company Culture Assessment Instrument (CCAI; Cameron and Quinn, 1999), the Company Culture Inventory (CCI, Cooke and Lafferty, 1986) and the Spencer Stuart’s Culture Alignment Framework (SSCAF). The latter provides a good analysis of an individual leader, as well as the group culture development, and has good client referencing, making it practical and easy to use. It measures the culture through two dimensions: how people interact (independence to interdependence) and how they respond to change (flexibility to stability). If we sum up the outcomes of previous elements, we will have a solid base to work on to make a transition to the next step. And the next step is – the effort! I cannot think of any other word that sounds so simple and yet carries such importance. The main part of “the effort” is commitment. Commitment to follow and implement all the agreed changes. The first step would be pinpointing the last step and making sure you have a clear direction and a well devised goal. Trust the process and find time to make it happen. Time is another differentiating factor. It takes years to change CC. And the outcome might be glorious! The next step puts us in a completely different perspective. At this point, we have already covered the WHAT. Now we want to know about the WHO. It takes an experienced leader to really grasp the whole idea behind CC and make it work bringing its real purpose to life. This part especially comes to light in situations where there are things that need to be rectified or changed. The leader is the one that others look upon and the one to set a role model and spread the word. The best ones find it easy – they have the answers to key questions – why and how, they see the big picture and fully understand the purpose. Some of the greatest challenges for
those still struggling with the concept, or just those in need of assistance (this is where HR comes to the rescue, but we will get to that) refer to harnessing the full potential of a solid base such as strong company culture. The mitigating circumstance here is that in the majority of cases they do not fail to recognise the importance of company culture in driving business performance and success. Failing at this point might even be tragic. Having acknowledged this, we are safe to move on to the next step on the way – modelling the desired culture. What happens afterwards is merely an aftershock and happens in several steps: A. defining the desired state, B. aligning it with cultural ideals, C. embedding it into all processes. However, there is one key fact that shouldn’t be forgotten here. This is all one great vicious circle. What we aspire to get as the main outcome of a healthy company culture is effective leadership, right? How do we get effective leadership? By having a healthy culture. Doesn’t sound so easy anymore, does it? Setting an appropriate change management process helps grasp all this. Taking the time to follow all the steps along the journey without skipping any or giving any one of them less attention than they deserve is crucial. In the long run – our leaders practice it – they advocate it, they share it, they live it. Ultimately, they use it as a fundamental management tool to drive the organization’s performance and effectiveness, to boost the productivity and morale of employees, to attract, motivate, and retain talents.
The valued behaviours also impact CC. Employees will follow the behaviours that are valued and rewarded in the organization, be it good or bad. Therefore, leaders need to discern the desired behaviours and the behaviours they want to promote. For example, the reward system might be focused on individual achievements despite promoting teamwork values. It all comes down to shared values and norms making a culture both strong and weak. Strong cultures are usually characterized by a very clear understanding and expression of cultural values and norms. In weak cultures expectations are unclear and there is little consistency in work within the organization. Usually, strong cultures are considered high performance unless the CC is strong but unhealthy. Thus, leaders have to observe whether the behaviours deriving from culture are desirable. Their estimates are based on their core beliefs, stem from their values, and are tightly connected to their interpretation and understanding of company culture. Vicious circle again. Does it surprise you? Surprises are bound to follow upon when leaders forget to act as such and take up the role of a “boss”. They start being forcers instead of shapers. This kind of behaviour contributes to creating an unhealthy culture and one simple decision made in that manner can eliminate all the achieved progress and lead the organisation astray from the desired cultural outcome. With the latter in mind, we have to be aware of the fact that variations are also great – not only among companies but within organizations themselves. This is the very reason why we are obliged to act carefully and remain fully aware of the possible outcomes of our actions.
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After all, there are two sides to every story – company culture can engage employees and create an excellent environment, or it can bring stress and tension. Moreover, CC is the product of a group, not only individuals, and is based on shared experiences. Hence the carefulness and a bit more precise (one may even call it tactful) approach. CC is also influenced by traditions, group dynamics, internal and external circumstances. If we should put more emphasis on only one factor, it would definitely be the human factor in the literal sense of the word. No matter how eager we are to grow up and get rid of peer pressure behaviours, we never really do so. If it’s not our friends from school, then it’s our colleagues from work – people we spend most hours with, people we share our troubles with, people we spread joy with, people we identify with. So, are we under their influence? Of course we are! Are they under our influence? Of course they are! Just imagine what we get when a process takes a different turn. Subcultures, strong as they are, start gaining importance, sharing their influence and shaping the culture after their forms. Leaders can be the ones shaping the culture, but subcultures and teams are the ones bearing it – directing it as it lives, bringing rhythm to it as it moves and giving life to it as it exists. Fail to address this matter, and you practically fail as a leader. For all these reasons, we have to keep our eyes wide open at all times. There are always complex levels of company culture that remain unseen to the human eye (and experience for that matter). On a visible level, we can observe those more or less predefined markers such as the way employees dress, the office design, leadership style, attitude towards employees, decision implementation process. The invisible is what makes us human and is therefore susceptible to interpretation – it manifests itself in expressed values and is rooted in deep beliefs. On this journey, Human Resources leaders are those who are given the role of a tour guide. Actually, it kind of comes as natural, doesn’t it? HR is there to pave the road for what is to come and give a helping hand to everyone in doubt. Sights to be seen along the way are beautiful – so many lessons to learn, so many bright spots, so many new people – languages, cultures. It is hard to tell a difference between our change process and a sightseeing tour, isn’t it? Yes, there might be some narrow alleys, some words you might have never heard. This is where we come in – to provide answers and shed some light. Recognised as a powerful factor in the organization’s success, the idea of company culture has been a matter of interest for both
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practitioners and academics worldwide. For example, Fortune’s annual report on the top 100 best companies to work for is mainly based on an anonymous evaluation of the workplace culture done by employees. A lot of recognized company leaders show increased awareness about the importance of company culture. The CEO of Zappos Tony Hsieh said: “At Zappos, we believe that if you get the culture right, most of the other stuff – like great customer services, or building a great long-term brand, or passionate employees and customers – will happen naturally on its own”. John Stumpf, the former CEO of Wells Fargo, has commented on the importance of culture when he said, “It’s about the culture. I could leave our strategy on an aeroplane seat and have a competitor read it and it would not make any difference”. I couldn’t agree more. Putting great effort into building a successful culture is always putting great effort into setting a clear path for the company’s successful future. My company has been on that tour trip for some years. To improve business indicators we are now going through transformational processes, including innovation and digitalization, using the best practices and latest trends in business development, looking for new areas of business growth. The company did follow the abovementioned steps throughout the whole journey. Diagnostics behind every decision were more than thorough. What happens now is everything else – rolling up the sleeves and trusting the process. The results are bound to follow. To get back to diagnostics, it does not end here. There is a follow up as well – setting of targeted CC, thoroughly developed and agreed to plan on how to get there, annual research on social climate, right cultural values in place. As previously said, values are crucial as a foundation for CC change. Ultimately, culture could be built or left to chance. Top leaders always have the strongest power of culture shaping. Understanding this, great leaders such as Bill Gates at Microsoft, Herb Kelleher at Southwest Airlines and Jeff Bezos at Amazon have put their emphasis on culture-building actions. They lead, first of all, by example – the way they behave, the values and actions they carry, the changes they want to make as an example to follow. Walk and talk for leaders have to be coherent if they want to shape the desired behaviour. How to make it happen? Ask your tour guide! No matter what you call it, HR is there to make sure dynamics are right, keep everyone’s focus on the previously set goals, and initiate the process. Strong Leaders shape company culture, strong HRs guide leaders. And everyone is more than fine with that.
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Miro Antić, Co-founder, Chief Experience Officer and Creative Director, M2Communications agency
ECNEIREPXE NGISED Svaki trenutak našeg postojanja je neka vrsta iskustva. Kada sanjamo, čitamo, vozimo automobil ili letimo paraglajderom, doživljavamo različite stimulanse i senzacije koje čine određeno iskustvo. Iskustva mogu biti uobičajena, repetitivna, svakodnevna i u tom slučaju na njih ne obraćamo posebnu pažnju. Ali, mogu biti i prozaična, nekada i stresna, i loše uticati na pojedinca, grupu ili društvo. Naravno, svi težimo doživljajima koji predstavljaju lepa, nadahnjujuća i jedinstvena iskustva koja se pamte, prepričavaju, i koja želimo da ponovimo. Važni doživljaji poput spoznaje prave ljubavi, rođenja deteta, dugo očekivanog putovanja, postaju iskustva duboko utkana u nas kao ljudska bića, a čini nam se i da su deo našeg DNK. Neretko i manje dramatični događaji ostavljaju neizbrisiv trag i dugotrajan pečat u nama, momenti kojima se svesno ili nesvesno vraćamo, poput nezaboravnog druženja s prijateljima, neka anegdota, najbolje žurke, proslave pobede omiljenog tima ili sportiste... Ljudska vrsta se razvija, menja se, kroz neprestano preobražavanje stvara određeni skup vrednosti koji definiše ponašanje, kulturu, ambijent, stvaralaštvo.
Ljudi teže odgovarajućem životnom okruženju, boljoj organizaciji i putu prilagođenom sopstvenim i potrebama okruženja. Mnogi svoju svrhu nalaze u nesebičnoj posvećenosti društvenim problemima i želji da učine svet boljim. Danas, više nego ikada, svi žele život prožet kvalitetnim iskustvima koja ispunjavaju, motivišu i čine biće boljim. U tom smislu, svaki pojedinac je na određeni način stvaralac sopstvenog iskustva. Uzmimo za primer odlazak u bioskop. Time sebi stvaramo iskustvo kojem se vraćamo, jer uživamo u filmskom doživljaju na velikom platnu. Nakon filma ostaje iskustvo koje nam je stvorio sineasta kroz svoje delo. Ono može biti na skali od fantastičnog do izuzetno lošeg. Ako je film loš, trudićemo se da ga zaboravimo i preporučiti prijateljima da ga zaobiđu. Međutim, ukoliko nas je film duboko dotakao i inspirisao, pamtićemo ga zauvek. Ovakvo filmsko iskustvo se prepričava, komentariše, monolozi i dijalozi citiraju, a onda se stvara želja da to iskustvo ponovimo, možda ne na identičan način, ali vraćamo se filmu u kojem uvek pronalazimo novu iskru nadahnuća.
Šta je, zapravo, experience design? U osnovi, experience design može se definisati kao skup metodologija, strategija i praksi koje se zasnivaju na potrebama ljudi, osećanjima, kontekstima i idejama kako bi se stvorila odgovarajuća iskustva usredsređena na čoveka. Reci mi i zaboraviću. Pokaži mi i pamtiću. Uključi me i razumeću. Čuvena izreka koja svoje poreklo vuče iz drevne Kine na najbolji način opisuje smisao experience dizajna, odnosno discipline stvaranja (dizajna) iskustva. Danas bi mnogi rekli korisničkog iskustva u razvoju softvera, ali UX dizajn je samo deo mnogo šire oblasti koja se ne odnosi isključivo na upravljanje interfejsom nekog korisničkog programa. S obzirom da se kao disciplina još uvek razvija, može se podvući pod različite definicije, u zavisnosti da li se radi o dizajnu proizvoda, usluge ili događaja. Sam metod nema sasvim jasnu putanju, već je spoj različitih procesa koje u praksi koristimo u zavisnosti od izazova sa kojima se suočavamo.
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Experience dizajn je pristup koji ima za cilj da pokrene događaje, definiše dizajn i osobine proizvoda ili usluge, redefiniše proces, stvori ambijent ili poslovnu strategiju, te ga zato treba posmatrati kao neodvojivu komponentu svih poslovnih i marketinških aktivnosti. Mnogi poput Ubera ili Airbnb-a, uzdrmali su tržišta i postali moćne kompanije, jer su se prilikom razvoja svog poslovanja usredsredili na stvaranje novog korisničkog iskustva i transformaciju postojećih biznis modela. Dizajn iskustva predstavlja moćan marketinški alat, a razumevanje zašto naši potrošači/klijenti razmišljaju na određeni način i kako donose odluke može nam pomoći da osmislimo efikasne kampanje. Brojni principi iz psihologije koriste se kako bi se optimizovao efekat experience dizajna. Dr. Robert B. Čaldini u svoj knjizi Uticaj: u teoriji i praksi objašnjava psihologiju ubeđivanja postavljajući šest univerzalnih principa uticaja i kako etički primeniti ove principe u poslovnim i svakodnevnim situacijama. Principi poput društvenog dokaza koji mnogi povezuju sa tzv. mudrošću gomile, pretpostavlja da će ljudi, ukoliko nisu sigurni u kojem pravcu treba da deluju, verovatno učiniti nešto što drugi ljudi već čine. Oni osećaju da moraju učiniti isto što i masa drugih ljudi koja koristi popularan proizvod ili prisustvuje nekom zanimljivom događaju. U marketinškom smislu, koristeći se uobičajenim strahom od propuštanja onoga što drugi čine i stvarajući iskustva koja ljudi prirodno žele da podele, možemo razviti pobedničku strategiju. Tu su i principi reciprociteta, odnosno osećaja uzajamnog davanja i princip manjka koji pretpostavlja da što je nečeg manje, to ga više želimo. U marketingu prvi princip podrazumeva da ćete potrošačima ponuditi nešto besplatno ili dozvoliti da probaju vaš proizvod, u nadi da će u budućnosti možda postati kupci, a drugi da proizvodi postaju privlačniji kada su ograničeni –
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limited edItion i događaji atraktivniji ako su ekskluzivni – invitation only. Efekat blizine u psihologiji predstavlja ideju da smo skloni tome da nam se svide ljudi sa kojima se često srećemo i komuniciramo. U marketinškom smislu, veća je verovatnoća da će se neko povezati sa brendom s kojim češće stupa u interakciju. Potrošači očekuju da stupe u interakciju sa svojim omiljenim brendovima na jedinstvene i zadivljujuće načine, a što im se češće takva iskustva pružaju, jača je i povezanost sa brendom. Mnogi će reći da su za experience dizajn ključni podaci. Podaci su neophodni da bismo upoznali naše potrošače, njihovo ponašanje i ukus. Uz pomoć podataka dolazimo do uvida koji su verodostojni i od presudnog značaja za dalji proces stvaranja iskustva uz pomoć alata kao što su brend persona i experience mapa. Brend persona predstavlja zamišljenu osobu koja obuhvata sve osobine vaše ciljne grupe, a uz pomoć experience mape utvrđujemo motivacije potrošača/ korisnika; touchpoint-e (dodirne tačke), misli i osećanja koja dodir sa vašim brendom izaziva kod potrošača/korisnika, kao i prostor za unapređenje iskustva. Nakon ovoga se prelazi na razvoj, a zatim
i na testiranje koncepta ili prototipa, što je preduslov za sprovođenje rešenja. Međutim, potpuno je validno, i u praksi daje dobre rezultate, ako se experience dizajn zasniva na znanju, iskustvu, maštovitosti i intuiciji onih koji upravljaju ovim procesom. Apple se u vreme Stiva Džobsa, na primer, rukovodio sličnim principom u razvoju novih proizvoda. Kako bismo, uostalom, našim stejkholderima pružili iskustva koja su izvan njihovih očekivanja, ako se oslanjamo samo na ono što, na neki način, već znaju? Brendovima je danas važno da pored poslovnih i marketinških strategija sprovedu i dizajn iskustva, jer bez obzira da li primenjuju ovu praksu u svojim aktivnostima ili ne, njihovi potrošači/klijenti će svakako imati određeni vid iskustva u kontaktu sa onim što nude. Brendovi se tradicionalno oslanjaju na obećanje
o izgradnji poverenja kod svojih potrošača, a danas to obećanje ne može biti relevantno ukoliko nije potvrđeno odgovarajućim iskustvom brenda. Kako experience design funkcioniše u praksi? Od dizajna čaše za vino, preko stvaranja korisničkog iskustva e-shopa, do produkcije spektakularnog događaja, sve je bazirano na experience dizajnu. Unapređeni dizajn vrhunskih vinskih čaša bazira se na potrebama onih koji na dubljem nivou uživaju u delikatnom proizvodu grožđa i plemenitih kvasaca. Za prosečnog konzumenta vina, tip i dizajn čaše možda neće praviti razliku u iskustvu, ali za poznavaoce ili profesionalce, najfinije razlike pozitivno utiču na percepciju bukea i ukusa vina. Na primer, kompanija Ridel (Riedel) je, analizirajući iskustva potrošača u odnosu na karakteristike poput težine, materijala, otpornosti, a najviše na koji način oblik čaše oslobađa organoleptička svojstva vina, kreirala vrhunsku Performans kolekciju. Razvili su tehnologiju koja na telu čaše stvara tzv. optički utisak, diskretne uzdužne nabore na unutrašnjoj strani čaše,
čime su zapravo povećali površinu njenog tela, što pozitivno utiče na prepoznavanje suptilnih nijansi i ukupni doživljaj vina. Ovaj jedinstveni optički efekat je, pored funkcionalne koristi, i vizuelno atraktivan, čineći dizajn Ridel Performans kolekcije jedinstvenim. U virtuelnom svetu, e-shop je digitalni proizvod kod kojeg se u svrhu stvaranja odgovarajućeg korisničkog iskustva posebna pažnja posvećuje funkcionalnosti, jednostavnosti, ali i dizajnu i elementima gejmifikacije, sve sa ciljem da se korisnik zadrži na sajtu, aktivira i postane stalni kupac. Sveže ideje za digitalna rešenja pojavljuju se iz dana u dan, a njihov razvoj ubrzala je pandemija, koja je sputala mnoge brendove da na standardne načine predstave svoje proizvode ili usluge i grade odnos sa potrošačima. To je omogućilo novim formama poput interaktivnog videa da dođu do izražaja. Dobar video je sam po sebi privlačna forma, a kada se dodaju elementi interakcije i gejmifikacije, dobijamo veoma zanimljiv virtuelni alat koji pruža novi vid digitalnog iskustva i pomaže brendovima da drže korak s promenama. Događaji se po svojoj prirodi najviše oslanjaju na tzv. totalno iskustvo jer pružaju mogućnost aktiviranja svih čula i uranjanja u ideju iza koncepta, odnosno priču koja je lajtmotiv događaja – “from storytelling to storyliving”. U ovom slučaju, dizajn iskustva je holistički proces koji ne podrazumeva samo ono što je
koncept i program nekog događaja, već uključuje povezivanje iskustava sa svih dodirnih tačaka. BMW je u decembru 2018. u Srbiji predstavio novu verziju modela X3 na prilično nesvakidašnji način za autoindustriju. Pored lansiranja novog modela, ovaj događaj je za cilj imao da pokaže snagu brenda i visoke standarde po kojima kompanije posluje. Kao krunu aktivnosti u toj godini, organizovali su događaj koji je pored lansiranja novog modela trebalo da omogući nesvakidašnje iskustvo svim zainteresovanim stranama, što su u ovom slučaju bili klijenti, mediji, partneri i zaposleni. Ovakav događaj zahtevao je koncept koji će BMW postaviti kao trendseterski brend koji pomera granice kada je event u pitanju. Kao agencija koja na više polja uspešno sarađuje sa BMW-om, angažovani smo za ovaj projekat. Prilikom osmišljavanja koncepta koristili smo kreativni alat „motiv izvan konteksta“ koji ima za cilj da definiše odvažnu ideju koja u startu nema mnogo dodirnih tačaka sa brendom ili karakteristikama proizvoda, a zatim da je poveže sa predmetom i ciljevima projekta. Kada je u pitanju experience dizajn, u osmišljavanju događaja polazimo od faze otkrivanja, odnosno uvida (insight-a) u brend, proizvod/uslugu i definisane ciljeve i ciljane javnosti, a zatim, ukoliko je neophodno, sprovodimo dodatna istraživanja. U razvoju koncepta prolazimo kroz faze inspiracije i razvoja ideje vodeći računa o pet osnovnih elemenata koji su ključni za iskustvo:
» Ambijent » Sadržaj » Interakcija » WOW efekat » Emocija Prolazeći kroz ovaj proces, zaključili smo da je za definisanu ciljnu grupu potrebno osmisliti nesvakidašnju priču za promociju
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 59
automobila, gde će sve zvanice biti akteri te priče – stvoriti immersive experience. Vodeći računa da ostanemo na tragu ideje određene sloganom globalne kampanje za BMW X3 On the Mission, inspirisali smo se veoma aktuelnom temom istraživanja i dostignuća na polju osvajanja Marsa. Iako je misija putovanja na Mars prilično van konteksta predstavljanja novog modela automobila, bili smo sigurni da bi takva tema itekako zaintrigirala zvanice.. Veza je, svakako, ipak postojala jer je novi model X3 spreman za vožnju po najzahtevnijim terenima, čak i onim koji su poput površine Marsa. Tako je projekat poneo simbolični naziv – eXpedicija na Mars. Pred nama je bio izazovan zadatak da ovu ideju razvijemo do najsitnijih pojedinosti na polju kreative, scenarija, komunikacije... tako da svaki pojedinačni segment događaja izazove emociju. Zatim smo došli do faze implementacije, koja podrazumeva planiranje, produkciju i realizaciju kampanje i događaja. Ovakvi projekti zahtevaju sprovođenje specifične taktike u dizajnu iskustva, kada se osnovna ideja iza događaja ne komunicira celokupnoj publici samo na dan dešavanja, već putem svih dodirnih tačaka, pre, tokom i nakon događaja, čime se poruka prenosi ubedljivije, duže ostaje u sećanju, a svaki pojedinac se postavlja u srž komunikacije. Ovde treba voditi računa da svaka dodirna tačka – realna ili digitalna, uvek bude u skladu sa brendom, da komunikacija i vizuelni identitet budu integrisani kako bi u svakom momentu brend bio prepoznatljiv i, naravno, pružio najbolje moguće iskustvo. Kampanja je započela slanjem pozivnica i tizera na društvenim mrežama, sa idejom da se zvanice priključe BMW-u na prvoj ekspediciji osvajanja Crvene planete. U inicijalnoj komunikaciji s namerom je izostavljeno pominjanje promocije novog modela. VIP zvanice su uz štampanu pozivnicu dobile i epruvete ispunjene crvenim peskom, uz objašnjenje da su u pitanju uzorci tla Marsa koje je donela
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prethodnica ekspedicije. Tako je od samog starta brend kreirao drugačiji kontekst u okviru kojeg će se kroz novo iskustvo zvanice iznenaditi, zaintrigirati i privući na događaj. Sam događaj bio je doživljaj za sebe – imaginarno kosmičko putovanje do južne hemisfere Crvene planete i nazad. Gosti su priču započeli u nestvarnom ambijentu BMW-ove istraživačke stranice oko koje se prostirala ogromna panorama Marsa. Prezentacija novog BMW modela dodatno je pojačana specijalnim audiovizuelnim efektima, što je bio vrhunac uzbudljive priče. Iskustvo je nadograđeno VR vožnjama novog modela, memorabilijama, molekularnim koktelima i veoma bogatim programom. Iskustvo koje je BMW pružio bilo je jedinstveno za sve zainteresovane strane i omogućilo kreiranje novih lidova i prodajnog levka, okupljajući veliki broj zainteresovanih i potencijalnih kupaca na jednom mestu. Cela akcija dodatno je ojačana digitalnom i OOH kampanjom, a put svakog lida do kupca pažljivo ispraćen kroz CRM, nakon čega se jasno mogao sagledati direktan prodajni rezultat i izračunati koliki je povrat investicije za kampanju. Koliki je bio uspeh “eXpedicije na Mars” može se videti ne samo kroz prisustvo u medijima, već i kroz to koliko su zvanice dugo prepričavale događaj.* Događaj je snažno odjeknuo u auto-industriji i postignut je uticaj na promenu percepcije o načinu stvaranja iskustva na događajima. *Kada su brendovi u pitanju, više od 80% ljudi pre veruje preporukama prijatelja ili člana porodice, u odnosu na ono što ti brendovi reklamiraju. – Jack Morton Experience Brand Index-2018., bazirano na istraživanju Global Trust in Advertising, Nielsen, September 2015. Primer „eXpedicije na Mars“ je iskustvo brenda koje se u osnovi bazira na umetnosti spektakla i dobrim delom oslanja na elemente zabave, kako bi se ciljna grupa
aktivirala i jače povezala sa brendom. Uvek uzbudljiva tema, ali komercijalne ekspedicije na Mars su još uvek u domenu naučne fantastike. Mnogi brendovi ne praktikuju da se upuste u ovako maštovite i smele kampanje, a shodno vrednostima i karakteristikama teže kreiranju realnijih iskustava. Kako onda omogućiti publici da doživi nešto što nikada do tada nisu, a da nije na nivou mašte, već realnog životnog iskustva? Često smo razmišljali o tome koja bi bila najneverovatnija lokacija za organizaciju događaja. Odgovor na to pitanje dobili smo u Porto Montenegru, gde smo organizovali neobično umetničko dešavanje. Experience Design kao ključ u izgradnji lojalnosti brendu. Brendovi koji svoje obećanje potkrepljuju konkretnom akcijom stvaraju veću lojalnost i spremnost za preporuku od strane potrošača i klijenata. Porto Montenegro je jedinstvena luksuzna destinacija i marina svetske klase. Sve aktivnosti koje sprovode su u punoj korelaciji sa obećanjem brenda koje glasi A Life Less Ordinary. Brendovi poput Porto Montenegra imaju sofisticiranu klijentelu koja pažljivo planira svoje vreme i čiju lojalnost je potrebno konstantno negovati. Kada su potrebe ovakve klijentele u centru aktivnosti brenda i kada im se pruže iskustva koja su po njihovim standardima vanserijska, dobijate brend ambasadore, što je nezamenljivo u svakom biznisu. Jedan od stubova njihove experience dizajn strategije oslanja se na kulturu i umetnost. Želeli su da pokažu posvećenost podršci odvažnim i inspirativnim umetnicima, a svojim klijentima da pruže nešto hrabro i jedinstveno. Povezujući umetnost i dizajn iskustva, postavljena je umetnička izložba u Tivatskom zalivu, ali ovoga puta ispod površine mora. Bio je to izazovan i uzbudljiv projekat koji je dao potpuno novi pogled na pojam
umetnosti, da kroz epsko putovanje otkriju novu dimenziju umetničke prezentacije i avanture, dodirnu skulpture i dožive umetnički izraz u nestvarnom okruženju izložbe na dnu mora. Iskustvo za pamćenje, namenjeno svim ljubiteljima umetnosti, mora, ronjenja i avanture, bez obzira da li su početnici ili eksperti, kreiralo je dugoročan efekat i potvrdilo da Porto Montenegro zaista živi u skladu sa onim što obećava kao brend. Employer branding i employee experience. Kada ste poslednji put imali osećanje da jedva čekate da odete na posao? Da li ste ga ikada imali? Ako je odgovor pozitivan, zapitajte se šta vas je to motivisalo i kakva ste osećanja imali u vezi sa kompanijom za koju radite i radnim mestom. Možda su to i ključne stvari o kojima danas treba razmišljati kada je u pitanju iskustvo zaposlenih. Employer brending se temelji na pretpostavci da ljudski kapital dodaje vrednost organizaciji. Što je prepoznatljiviji brend poslodavca, to je veća vrednost brenda. Organizacija koja stvara snažni employer brend je u povoljnom položaju da privuče najbolje kandidate. S druge strane, iskustvo zaposlenih podrazumeva ono što ljudi susreću, posmatraju ili osećaju unutar organizacije – employee journey. Odnosno, kako je zapravo raditi za neku organizaciju, a ne za nametnutu predstavu o organizaciji. umetničkog prostora. Kolekcija skulptura savremene umetnosti pod nazivom Vreme, svetski priznatog crnogorskog umetnika Luke Radojevića koja oslikava ljudske potrebe, strahove, očekivanja i nadanja – ukazujući na razvojni put ljudske civilizacije od antičkog doba do danas, odlično se uklopila na mestu savršenog spokoja i tišine koje je ujedno i mesto avanture i uzbuđenja. Posetiocima je pružena jedinstvena prilika da urone u nadrealni svet podvodne
Džejkob Morgan, pisac i futurista, kaže da je ključ u stvaranju pozitivnog iskustva zaposlenih u tome „da ljudi žele da se pojave na poslu i da se iskreno osećaju uzbuđeno i angažovano zbog toga“. Kod stvaranja iskustva zaposlenih važno je usredsrediti se na definisanje onoga što zaposleni žele da bude njihovo radno iskustvo i postarati se da to postane njihova svakodnevica. Razumevanje perspektive kompanije i pojedinca unutar nje takođe
predstavlja jedan o ključnih faktora zadovoljstva zaposlenih. U tom kontekstu važna je usklađenost između očekivanja zasnovanih na predstavljanju organizacije i stvarnog iskustva zaposlenih. To zahteva pažljivo planiranu komunikaciju i ton tokom procesa regrutovanja i uvođenja u posao, postavljajući realna očekivanja o onome šta znači raditi za tu organizaciju. Svi žele zaposlene koji iskreno veruju i zalažu se za organizaciju, zaposlene koji su ponosni što su deo nje. Zašto ulagati u dizajn iskustva? Ulaganje u experience dizajn može da poboljša vaše poslovanje. Potrošači su željni direktnije i dublje interakcije sa brendovima, veruju i dele vrednosti koje brend promoviše ili jednostavno žele da budu deo njegovog sveta. Human-centric pristup je u osnovi experience dizajna i omogućava biznisu da se usredsredi na oblikovanje osećanja koje se javlja kod kupca, a ne na osobine proizvoda, obim ponude ili tehnologiju. Shodno tome, važno je istaći da, na primer, gore pomenuti Ridel ne ulaže u takav razvoj da bi stvorio proizvod boljih performansi i lepšeg dizajna, već sa ciljem ostvarivanja boljeg ukupnog doživljaja uživanja u vinu. Tako je i sa zaposlenima, partnerima, medijima i ostalim stejkholderima ukoliko brend ispunjava obećanje, odnosno opravdava imidž koji promoviše kroz komunikaciju. Svi oni postaju njegovi sledbenici, a brend stiče status experience brenda. Sve u svemu, experience design je složen proces koji se još uvek razvija, ali je već sada jasno da ga organizacije prepoznaju kao jedan od najvrednijih, a da su dugoročna ulaganja u dizajn iskustva isplativa. Najbolja i najkraća definicija kvaliteta kaže da je kvalitet razlika između očekivanog i doživljenog. Experience dizajn nema svrhu da nas spreči da ispunimo očekivanja, već nam pomaže da ih nadmašimo.
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ŠTA SE PROMENILO Miloš Turinski, PR Menadžer grupacije sajtova za zapošljavanje Poslovi Infostud 62 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
Po svemu sudeći, usled pandemije koronavirusa, godina koja je ostala za nama bila je jedna od najizazovnijih za privedu i tržište rada širom planete, pa je tako i domaća ekonomija doživela niz tektonskih promena koje su se odrazile i na poslodavce i na zaposlene. To nedvosmisleno potvrđuju čak tri istraživanja sajta za zapošljavanje Poslovi. infostud.com sprovedena tokom aprila, maja i jula prošle godine, objedinjena pod jedinstvenim nazivom „Promene na tržištu rada u Srbiji 2020. i faktori atraktivnosti poslodavaca“. Svako od ovih istraživanja donosi vrlo značajne podatke o domaćoj privredi.
Čak 12% izgubilo posao Tokom prve nedelje aprila 2020. godine, sajt za zapošljavanje Poslovi Infostud sproveo je prvo istraživanje o uticaju pandemije koronavirusa na tržište rada, kako iz perspektive privrede, tako i iz perspektive radno sposobnog stanovništva. U ovom istraživanju učestvovalo je 4.329 ispitanika i 580 privrednih subjekata. Pokazalo se da je od ukupnog broja ispitanika koji su bili zaposleni pre početka pandemije njih 12% ostalo bez posla. Kao najčešći razlog gubitka posla navedeni su sledeći razlozi: privremeno zatvaranje firme (46%), smanjenje obima posla (37%), rezanje troškova (15%), zatvaranje preduzeća (3%).
Pored toga, u aprilu 2020. čak 38% ispitanika bilo je u strahu da će se oni ili neko blizak njima zaraziti koronavirusom, dok je 30% smatralo da će doći do potpunog kolapsa društvenog sistema. Ne treba zanemariti ni da je u tom trenutku 14% ispitanika reklo da im je egzistencija ugrožena, dok se 11% izjasnilo da im usamljenost i odvojenost od ljudi predstavlja veliku prepreku. Krizom su, prema istraživanju, najviše pogođeni turizam, ugostiteljstvo, trgovina (prehrambena) i transport ljudi. Sa druge strane, industrije koje su radile nesmetano na domaćem tržištu su IT, FMCG (industrija robe široke potrošnje), farmacija, telekomunikacije i proizvodnja. Čak 80% preduzeća izjasnilo se da je počelo ili će uskoro srezati troškove, i to pre svega za marketing, zatim troškove dobavljača i troškove zaposlenih. Nije na odmet podsetiti da je Vlada Srbije u tom trenutku već bila preporučila firmama da uvedu nove mere u proces rada. Jedan od ključnih saveta države svim poslodavcima bio je da, kad god je to moguće, zaposleni rade od kuće, što je bio slučaj sa 36% anketiranih. Ohrabrivao je i podatak da je gotovo 60% ispitanika reklo da se u njihovoj kompaniji, iako rad od kuće nije moguć, posao obavlja uz strogo poštovanje
higijenskih mera poput ograničenog broja ljudi u prostoru, korišćenja zaštitnih maski, rukavica i slično. Ipak, među zaposlenim ispitanicima, trećina je pod uticajem poslodavca morala da uzme godišnji odmor, ode na plaćeno ili neplaćeno odsustvo ili otvori bolovanje. Kompanije su bile saglasne u vezi sa merama Vlade Srbije usmerenim na pomoć privredi, pa se 82% njih izjasnilo da bi im u tom trenutku najznačajnije bilo poresko rasterećenje i pomoć u isplati zarada zaposlenih.
Promenjen proces rada – mnogi sada rade od kuće Tokom poslednje nedelje maja 2020. sprovedeno je novo istraživanje sajta Poslovi Infostud. Ovoga puta, cilj ispitivanja bio je da se utvrdi uticaj pandemije na tržište rada nakon ukidanja vanrednog stanja u zemlji, koje je trajalo od 15. marta do 6. maja prošle godine. Kao i prethodno istraživanje, i ovo je obuhvatilo radno sposobno stanovništvo i privredne subjekte, a anketirano je 2.285 osoba i 450 kompanija. U istraživanju je učestvovao skoro podjednak broj zaposlenih i nezaposlenih lica, a 20% zaposlenih istaklo je da je u njihovoj kompaniji tokom trajanja vanrednog stanja dolazilo do otpuštanja. Ipak, 80% kompanija nije otpuštalo zaposlene.
Rad od kuće je svakako jedna od najvećih novina u procesu rada tokom pandemije, te je 54% ispitanika reklo da bi i nakon završetka pandemije volelo da radi delom od kuće, a delom iz kancelarije.
Dosta o svemu govori i podatak da je čak 81% anketiranih reklo da je kriza imala negativan uticaj na njihovo poslovanje, a svega 8% da je imala pozitivan. Mogućnost rada od kuće tokom trajanja vanrednog stanja u Srbiji imalo je 45% ispitanika, 18% je radilo kombinovano, a 37% iz firme ili sa terena. Rad od kuće je svakako jedna od najvećih novina u procesu rada tokom pandemije, te je 54% ispitanika reklo da bi i nakon završetka pandemije volelo da radi delom od kuće, a delom iz kancelarije. Treće istraživanje sajta za zapošljavanje Poslovi Infostud obavljeno je u julu 2020. godine (TALENT X istraživanje) i za cilj je imalo da sazna faktore atraktivnosti poslodavaca na tržištu radne snage u Srbiji. U ovom opsežnom istraživanju učestvovalo je čak 10.418 ispitanika i ono je svakako najveće koje se tiče atraktivnosti poslodavaca u Srbiji.Pošlo se od ideje da je važno utvrditi odgovore na tri pitanja kako bi se došlo do dobrog preseka stanja
na domaćem tržištu rada. Prvo – ko su najatraktivniji (VRH) poslodavci, drugo – šta je to što čini jednog poslodavca atraktivnim, i treće – šta kandidati očekuju od poslodavca u procesu selekcije i tokom definisanja uslova zaposlenja. Ovo istraživanje je i svojevrstan signal poslodavcima kako da prilagode svoje uslove u procesu zapošljavanja i kako da poboljšaju ponudu za kandidate.
Zaposlenima važno da ih poštuju, ali i pravedan sistem nagrađivanja Prva tri mesta na listi najatraktivnijih poslodavaca zauzeli su Naftna industrija Srbije (NIS), Air Serbia i Coca-Cola HBC. Prema mišljenju anketiranih, da bi kompanija postala idealno mesto u kojoj zaposleni žele da grade VRHunsku karijeru, ona mora da ispuni šest uslova. Koji su to uslovi? Za početak, neophodno je da imaju finansijsku stabilnost jer kandidati uvek daju prednost kompanijama koje imaju dugoročnu perspektivu,
kontinuiran razvoj i dobre poslovne rezultate. Ispitanici žele i lidere koji poštuju svoje saradnike. Kako su se izjasnili, najviše cene kada lider pokaže poštovanje prema zaposlenima. Zatim, 48% ispitanih istaklo je mogućnost sticanja novih znanja u okviru profesije kao faktor atraktivnosti poslodavca. Anketirani daju na značaju i jasnom i fer sistemu nagrađivanja zasnovanom na rezultatima. Čak 67% smatra da je prijateljsko i prijatno radno okruženje i te kako odlučujući činilac prilikom odabira poslodavca, dok je dobar balans privatnog i poslovnog života istaklo 56% ispitanika kao izuzetno atraktivan element u poslovanju idealne kompanije. Ne treba zanemariti ni očekivanja kandidata na tržištu radne snage u Srbiji. Na prvom mestu to je visoka dinamičnost tržišta radne snage, da su zaposleni najveći ambasadori brenda jedne kompanije i da je važno da od poslodavca dobiju povratnu informaciju sa konkursa na koji su aplicirali.
POSLEDICE PANDEMIJE: Tri istraživanja sajta Poslovi Infostud otkrivaju kako je tržište rada „živelo“ tokom 2020. maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 63
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THE CANCELL When the experience of leaders gets in the way Žana Goić Petričević, Founder, Managing Director, Leadership Coach & Consultant, Bold Leadership Culture
It sounds very confronting if one claims that experience can prevent leaders from demonstrating effective leadership. Especially because most of them invest a lot of time and energy to acquire necessary skills and competencies. They certainly know a lot. And yet, many leaders constantly feel unprepared for the never-ending requirements of their organisations. With all their experience, they still lack time, trust, good teams, and eventually patience. The purpose of this article is to point out to the leaders the need to shift the mindset, so that they can capitalise on the valuable years of experience and demonstrate truly mature and effective leadership in their complex business realities.
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to be able to demonstrate leadership wisdom and effectiveness.
“Life scales or it dies. Growth is built into all living organisms.”[1]
It’s wrong to simply assume that years of leadership experience directly correspond to leadership maturity. As much as there is learning involved in both, it’s a different kind of learning. That is why the leadership wisdom and effectiveness don’t go hand in hand with the number of years of experience.
The same is valid for leadership. Leaders need to continuously evolve to meet the demands of their complex business realities. Leaders grow or the effectiveness of their leadership dies. And does their experience automatically mean leadership growth and maturity?
So, how do we make sure that while we collect our years of experience, we also truly grow as leaders?
If we define experience as collecting practical knowledge and learning skills while being in a leader’s role for some time, then we can define a mature leader as the one that, beside acquiring new skills, also develops personally
If our learning is focused solely on new skills, we are dealing with a technical challenge. Leadership growth and maturity very much come from adaptive challenges that are part of our personal development – a process in
which we deepen self-awareness and explore our developmental edges. It goes beyond adding a new tool to our toolbox.
level. The paradox is that their years of experience at a certain point may get in the way of their leadership impact.
Unlike the technical challenge, the adaptive one is met by shifting our leadership mindset. It’s not just adding a new tool to our leadership toolbox. We expand the size of the box. That’s when we truly grow.
Paradox happens when they are not open to their curious mind: How can I be wrong? What else can be true here? How can I do things differently?
This growth is possible when leaders adopt the attitude of personal learners. Then their true leadership adventure starts. It goes beyond years of experience and into the pursuit of becoming all they are truly capable of becoming as they grow in self-awareness, wisdom, knowledge, and insight. Leaders as personal learners have a committed interest in actively unlocking their full leadership potential knowing that the growth gain depends on their openness to developmental pain, rather than their practical knowledge from years of experience spent in a certain role. Otherwise, they can choose to stay attached to their experience that throughout the years has shaped their assumptions of who they are and who they need to continue to be and act as leaders, without ever questioning themselves on a deeper
One of the ways we grow in our complex worlds is by taking a step back from our leadership experience to question what we know and what serves us even after years of our leadership practice.
COMPLICATED AND COMPLEX Change is the regular nature of our world, and our openness to learning is our best response to it.
brings “known unknowns” with the range of right answers; complex brings “unknown unknowns” with no right answers.[2] While we can be experts in having the solution to what’s complicated, in complexity we are faced with different rules; it’s impossible to predict the right solution. Therefore, our experience does not play a major role, because as much as we are experienced in what we have been doing so far, we are not necessarily wise enough for the unpredictability we need to address next. Rather than staying attached to our experience of what worked in the past, we have to start operating from a yet unknown mindset level to ensure the right performance. Or we may end up feeling overwhelmed rather than wise.
In my forthcoming book called Bold Reinvented: Next Level Leading with Courage, Consciousness, and Conviction, I encourage leaders to embrace this perspective: in the complex world, effective leading equals a never-ending conscious and intentional learning.
Structure determines performance – that is a key premise of the Universal Model of Leadership. [3] Performance in the context of leadership seems obvious, but what is the structure?
What is complex? Complexity is best understood through the difference between complicated and complex. Complicated
In a simple phrase, the structure is the leader. Leaders’ internal operating systems determine their performance.
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The internal operating system framed in our consciousness determines the way we make sense of our reality, and then has us make decisions, think, act, and perform accordingly. Our overall leadership performance will depend on the level of our internal operating system. When the level of our performance is not up to the level of what our circumstances expect of us, we won’t find a solution by working harder, even though this is exactly what we may automatically do. Working harder means working more, but in the same way as before. In the long run, we end up with less return on our increased efforts. Here’s what it looks like in practice. Imagine a dedicated, responsible leader who is constantly lacking time due to the increased obligations. The immediate response may be trying to work harder and longer to make up for the insufficient time. It’s an unsustainable solution that turns into a losing and exhausting battle with time. Leaning only on our experience, on what used to serve us in the past, is not a sustainable solution as we move to more complex challenges.
to ensure the level of performance required for the new circumstances. Being leaders in an increasingly complex business world, we come to the point when we simply need to change, regardless of our experience. Otherwise, our leadership effectiveness is seriously challenged.
STRENGTHS AND LIABILITIES The authors of the book Scaling Leadership: Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most, [4] have done an interesting research around what differentiates the most effective leaders and how the strengths of highreactive leaders are offset by their liabilities. For the purpose of this article, highreactive leaders are those that have years of experience and valuable practical knowledge but still need to engage in adaptive learning and development to be able to demonstrate effective and mature leadership. When the strengths of such leaders are directly compared to their liabilities, they stand in their own way and cancel out their leadership impact. Here are just a few insights:
The mismatch between the levels of our performance and the demands of our reality can be solved sustainably by working differently. To fight the battle against time more effectively, our leader could, for instance, be leveraging more the power of relationships instead of over-engaging their self-sufficient attitude to work. That would mean working differently, and would also require a mindset shift through adaptive learning. Shifting our mindset means upgrading our operating system to run our more complex circumstances as if they were more advanced applications. Because the current one with all our experience is not designed
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Leaders that have the strength of being result-focused, cancel themselves out by micromanaging Leaders that are visionary and strategic, cancel their impact by not being team players Leaders that have huge technical knowledge in a certain area, stand in their own way by being over-demanding Leaders that have huge passion fail to have the desired impact due to their ineffective interaction style
Leaders that are creative and innovative, but at the same time too self-centric, cancel themselves out Leaders that are personable and approachable but lack emotional control, stand in their own way Despite these strengths, the liabilities that these leaders cannot let go of eventually have the power to cancel out their effective leadership impact. What does that mean in practice? Let’s take the example of the result-focused leader and micromanaging. Even if the leaders increase their focus on results as their great strength, it won’t make their leadership effective unless they stop micromanaging. Their micromanaging style will continue to cancel out their otherwise important and now increased focus on results. They don’t need more focus on results than they need a non-micromanaging approach. This means doing things differently and not necessarily harder, longer, or more. The truth is that micromanaging has probably served these leaders well throughout their experience. Perhaps they even have the experience of being rewarded for keeping things under control to the micro-level. And because this controlling tendency served them well throughout the years of their experience, it feels so risky and uncomfortable to let go of it. Crossing the edge of that discomfort requires a mindset shift. Until they do their adaptive learning work, their years of experience won’t be enough to do the job. They won’t truly capitalise on their years of leadership experience until they have become ready to experience the shift on the level of their mindset required by their increasingly complex business reality.
SPONSORING AND LEADING How to start this shift and where from? Leadership begins by confronting yourself first. When it comes to change, leaders start with themselves knowing the crucial difference between sponsoring the change and leading it. Sponsoring is simply not enough. For our leadership to mature and become effective, we need to acknowledge that our first change project is called “Self ”.
The more experienced we are as leaders, the riskier it can be to take this step. It really is a choice between taking a risk of being vulnerable and leaving our leadership potential locked in our blind spots. How much advantage do you take from the feedback-rich environment you live and lead in every day? 3. Leaders focus on the key thing that cancels out their effectiveness
These are the four essential steps of the “Self ” project. 1. Leaders acknowledge the gap Our more effective and mature leadership journey starts with the awareness of the gap between the leader we are today and the one we wish to be. If we deny the existence of this gap, we deny the growth potential of our leadership. There are several assessment tools to quickly raise awareness of this gap. Still, they won’t do the work without leaders’ readiness to take their development gaps seriously. How ready are you to see your leadership development gap? 2. Leaders build the feedback-rich environment One of the ways to take your leadership development gap seriously is to go back to your relationships for feedback. Many leaders do not have clarity about their impact on their teams and organisations. Leadership does not happen in isolation. You will never be able to fully understand your leadership impact unless you approach people that regularly experience it. Showing willingness to ask for feedback and building intrapersonal skills to receive it, is a key step in developing effective leadership.
In their development, leaders start by focusing on the key thing that can take their leadership to the next level.
licly is always vulnerable. Still, going back to the people around us to get feedback and find a partner that can hold us accountable on our change journey is a well-developed muscle of any effective leader. What’s more important for your leadership than the risk of vulnerability? The experience can sometimes blind our curious learning mind. As Peter Block put it, “It’s hard to learn when we think we know something.” This quote points us to the mandatory shift for all experienced and inexperienced leaders: the one from knowing to learning. Embracing this shift can help us hold the paradox of leading others while accepting, with humility, that we are merely one among many learners around us. At all times, and yes, regardless of our years of experience.
There are development tools that can help us uncover this key thing and set us up for a successful change. We can also, once again, lean on our feedback-rich environment to receive clarity around the key thing we need to work on to avoid our cancelling effect. If you could do it all over again, what is one key thing in your leadership that you would change? What would your environment say about this? 4.Leaders learn publicly Regardless of their experience, all leaders need to continuously ask for feedback from the people in their environment. Learning openly and pub-
1. Anderson, Robert J. and Adams, William A. Scaling Leadership: Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2019. 2. The Cynefin® Framework, https://www.cognitive-edge.com/the-cynefin-framework/ 3. Anderson, Robert J. and Adams, William A. Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016. 4. Anderson, Robert J. and Adams, William A. Scaling Leadership: Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2019.
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Alex Tošović, Head of Product Organization and Strategy Lead, AIHR
Your goal as an L&D professional is to help your organization learn more efficiently and facilitate timely learning interventions depending on business and employee needs. To be successful in this endeavor, you need to know your business priorities, understand your employees learning habits, and have an idea of the skills and knowledge you would like to transfer. Going forward, your learning strategy will greatly depend on digital learning - and that’s great news! Digital learning
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allows us to engage a large number of employees in less time. However, it also means that one of the biggest challenges - how to keep your learners engaged - has become even bigger. How do you ensure engagement for your e-learning programs, when everything is done over the screen rather than in person? Furthermore, how do you engage employees to learn digitally when they’ve just finished their fifth Zoom call in a row? Read on to find out!
The concentric circles of e-learning engagement Even during the best of times, ensuring engagement has always been a challenge for any training, let alone online ones. We all know that group interactions help keep participants active and engaged, but how do you do that digitally, especially in an asynchronous (pre-recorded/ self-paced) environment? Let’s take a closer look at what promotes engagement and how we can use this in a digital environment.
Living a global pandemic means that in 2020 large portion of learning happened online. However, before we jump into the ever-evolving world of digital learning opportunities, let’s stop for a second and think of the overall goal of an L&D organization. At this very moment, people in your organization are already learning - with or without you. While you are reading this article, some of them may be searching YouTube trying to understand how to prepare for client meetings. Others are reading books, and some are being coached.
Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, building and maintaining engagement also requires time, effort, and patience. When it comes to e-learning, engagement has to be built into the design of digital training. At AIHR, we believe that there are three layers of e-learning activation: content, experience, and engagement. They can be visualized in the form of three
concentric circles, as you can see in the image below.
So, let’s start from the center and move outwards.
Offering effective learning content The saying “Content is king” is not exclusive to the world of marketing, as the most important element in any learning activity is relevant, practical, and insightful content. If you want to have engaged learners, your content needs to be interesting and relevant to their learning objectives. This becomes pretty self-
evident when it comes to delivering training. For the most part, learning has been blended, and digital content only complements the more personalized in-person training. But moving to fully digital learning content poses big challenges to quite a few organizations since many training sessions are not available or easily transferable online.
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we believe that there are three layers of e-learning activation: content, experience, and engagement. They can be visualized in the form of three concentric circles, as you can see in the image below.
If you are in such a situation, you can focus on building new content with expert help or simply use specialized thirdparty training.
Build your e-learning content This option means that you will rely on your team of learning developers and trainers. This is suitable for large organizations with an existing pool of experts. If you have the resources, building your own e-learning content will ensure maximum customization for your organization’s needs. The downside, however, is that it involves hiring a team of learning developers and trainers while building such a team that takes time. In the meantime, the content might become outdated.
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Borrow your learning content Now, if, after reading the “build” section above, you’ve been discouraged from digitizing learning, bear with me. I’ve got your back! Today you can “borrow” e-learning content, and there are plenty of choices out there. Aside from the obvious fact that you don’t have to build your content, the advantage of borrowing content is that you don’t have to worry about relevance, upkeep, and innovation. With the sharp rise of digital learning, the eLearning industry has developed a diversified portfolio. This means that as a learning manager, you can choose to borrow content from
“one-size-fits-all” providers such as Udemy. If you’re looking for courses on information technology, then ACloudGuru is the place to go to. For growth hacking, Growth Tribe comes to mind. And at AIHR we focus solely on upskilling HR professionals on everything digital and analytical that is HR-related.
Ensuring Good User Experience Now, let’s pretend that you’ve mastered the first layer of our model. You’ve acquired amazing content and now you have a pool of content available in different places. However, if you don’t curate the content well, your learners will end up spending more time searching for the right content and you will lose engagement points. Let’s discuss how we’re going to fix that.
Decide on a learning management system If you are coming from an established enterprise, odds are that you already have a learning management system in place great for you. However, several growing organizations don’t have a budget for an LMS provider, and they are looking for a way to systematize learning. For these companies, the DIY (do it yourself) method is a good approach. If that is your case, go for smaller solutions, such as Microsoft Sharepoint, Slack, Trello, or Google Classroom. This way, you can still create and curate content and allow your learners to interact. For example, in Slack, you can create learning channels for different topics. These become shared spaces where your learners can come together to learn as well as to have discussions.
Adults remember and learn better when we trigger emotions. So instead of pushing all the knowledge and skills onto your learners, try to seize opportunities where you can personalize your content to make it stick.
The second option is to go pro. This would be suitable for big enterprises who not only need to manage both learning content and staggering numbers of learners across different geographies. You can invest in professional LMS from Talent IMs, Learn Upon, or Cross Knowledge. For this, you will need to keep in mind the following things: 1. Less is more We might not all be Marie Kondo, but that doesn’t mean that a bit of a minimalist approach doesn’t go a long way in ensuring a seamless learner experience. Your people don’t have time to figure out all the extra buttons and icons that will lead them to a million different places. Make sure your navigation controls on your home page only have a few easily understandable buttons with links that work. It’ll make everyone’s life much easier. Make your LMS accessible from different devices: The great thing about online learning is that it can happen anywhere, at any time, thus you don’t want to tie your learners down to a specific time slot in front of their office computer. Some learners might prefer to learn on the go, so why not make your LMS mobile-friendly? You can also consider adding the option of downloading online training for offline viewing. Unsure where to begin? Go for the DIY solution first, to start
building your organization’s learning maturity. 2. Blend your learning Imagine what a tedious adventure learning would be if your entire program was just filled to the brim with pages after pages of reading. And “boring” is definitely something that you do not want to be mentioned in the same sentence as your e-learning program. So, how do you blend content? Aim for practicality in your content. With so many authoring tools available, it is very easy to get lost in designing amusing interactions and gamification elements. However, you run the risk of turning the learning into a clicking spree instead of acquiring knowledge. To keep practicality in focus, you can borrow the steps from the coaching technique “tell-show-do-apply” to guide your thinking. Let’s look at an example! Imagine you are developing training on PowerBI. While “telling”, you will be sharing theory in a short video lesson about the PowerBI. By “showing”, you will use a software simulation video to demonstrate the basic functionalities of PowerBI. Then, you will ask your learners to “do” the activities themselves in a case study. Finally, you will ask your learners to “apply” their learning in a live session where they will be solving actual
company problems using PowerBI. While building your learning paths, keep in mind this general rule: for every passive activity (reading or watching a video), there should be an engaging activity (quiz, poll, game, or online energizer) to balance it out.
strong, unique passwords, or you can turn it into immersive e-learning, just like cybersecurity training provider Ninjio does it. They turn cybersecurity training into an exciting video story with a character your learners can relate to and learn from.
your training program is essentially the product that you need to promote to get your customers interested in what you’re trying to sell.
A final point to consider is storytelling. Adults remember and learn better when we trigger emotions. So instead of pushing all the knowledge and skills onto your learners, try to seize opportunities where you can personalize your content to make it stick. Imagine you are conducting cybersecurity training. You can go on and on about how important it is to set up a two-factor authentication process and choose
3. Enable socialization During the pandemic, we’ve all experienced how essential socialization is for us. The reality of e-learning is that it gets lonely at times. Therefore, to make your learning experience even better, you need to design engagement opportunities in the platform. At AIHR, for example, we have built several options for learners to participate in a community of like-minded professionals, such as:
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Forum discussions: learners can start their own conversations over topics related to the course. Opinions: learners are encouraged to share opinions under different questions posted in our LMS. Lesson discussions: like youtube, the learners can ask questions beneath lessons, and our instructors invite the learners to share their best practices in comments. This way, the students also learn from each other. You can easily integrate activities like these in your e-learning and the key is to keep socialization on the top of your mind during your content development and curation process. Socialization is the key engagement factor since humans are social creatures, offline or online. The current situation that we’re in has proven this to be true more than ever. Online or offline, social interaction is what makes us human and keeps us engaged.
Maintaining e-learners’ engagement long-term And now that you’ve successfully engaged your learners through unique experiences, how do you keep them there? In HR, your workforce is your customer. As an L&D specialist, your training program is essentially the product that you need to promote to get your customers interested in what you’re trying to sell.
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Basically, you need to create a brand. What do you stand for? What are you trying to achieve with your training? Are you recognizable? These are the questions that you should consider. Once you have these fundamentals in place, then it becomes much easier to communicate to others in your organization. Think about it like this: when you think of Nike, Apple, or Ikea, you can already visualize their style, communication, and tone of voice. Their products represent ideas that touch you on an emotional level. Who says the same cannot be applied to L&D? So, aside from building effective content and ensuring a great experience, your learning organization can borrow another marketing trick to establish its own brand-love recipe. Brand-love is a marketing strategy that
seeks out loyal customers and turns them into champions and influencers of the brand. Of course, here, your brand ambassadors are internal. For example, if you decide to build your learning content, why not engage with different subject matter experts in your organization and have them become the influencers? This can foster better collaboration between your team and others. Additionally, you have the opportunity to better understand the needs and pain points of different departments. Earning recognition is also important. Make use of the leaderboards you have set up by posting interviews of those in the top positions. On the one hand, this is an act of recognition for those who have put in a lot of effort to learn. On the other hand, it can also encourage others to aim for the top.
Keeping learners engaged boils down to having amazing and useful content, and making sure their learning experience is varied and interactive. Here, a good LMS is key, but so are activities and opportunities for socialization.
Another thing that you can do is to make use of every opportunity available. Taking a few weeks off to lounge on the beach in Spain? You can still make sure that your learners are notified about training programs by setting up a simple outof-office automatic reply containing a QR code that takes them directly to your academy. Again, the key to accomplishing this is to reserve enough time in your training project planning for designing and thinking about the communication.
Conclusion In our world, attention is a scarce commodity, and engagement even more so. How can you get your learners to be engaged, when so many different things are competing for their attention? Keeping learners engaged boils down to having amazing and useful content, and making sure their learning experience is varied and interactive. Here, a good LMS is key, but so are activities and opportunities for socialization. In the end, we, as humans, all crave company and interaction with each other, even when we are confined to a digital environment. The advantage that technology gives you is scalability and ease of access. You can now make learning available anytime and anywhere. And with the right ingredients in place, you’ll turn your learners into raving fans.
Da li HR može da postane CEO
Zašto jedan HR (skoro) nikad ne postane CEO? Pitanje za milion dolara. Imate li neku ideju? Možda je do „nas“, možda je do „njih“, možda je do okolnosti. Hajde da vidimo šta mi možemo da uradimo po tom pitanju, pod pretpostavkom da uopšte imamo takvu ambiciju. Kada se govori o HR-u, gotovo uvek se postavlja pitanje koja je njegova uloga u kompaniji, odnosno koliko je ta uloga značajna i kako ljudi vide HR poziciju. Da li je trenutna „virusna – home alone“ situacija osnažila HR ili ga bacila u drugi plan (pod uslovom da smo uopšte i bili u prvom planu). U ovom i narednim brojevima HR World-a donosimo vam mišljenje ljudi „iz biznisa“ – kako oni vide HR, šta bi mu zamerili, a šta savetovali. Talks and Folks mentori i govornici Milan Petrović (exCEO Zepter, Strauss Adriatic, Heineken, PepsiCo) i Nataša Nikolić (EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women Program Lead), eksperti iz različitih industrija i oblasti, a istovremeno iskreni, direktni i otvoreni ljudi, na osnovu svog ličnog iskustva i kroz primere daju odgovore na pitanja koja smo postavili za vas.
Dušan Basalo, Ceo, Talks and Folks
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MILAN PETROVIĆ FOUNDER & CEO, M5 CONSULTING TalksandFolks mentor Na koji način HR može da podrži biznis u vremenima koja dolaze? Srećemo se svi sa velikim izazovom koji niko nije planirao, pa ni svet biznisa. U 2020. smo očekivali digitalizaciju i povezivanje svih individua sa digitalnim načinom poslovanja, ali se sa koronavirusom sve ubrzalo i dodatno zakomplikovalo. Sve što je trebalo da se desi u ovim godinama, desilo se preko noći. Ja to gledam kao šansu da se spoji sve najbolje od prošlog biznis modela u kojem smo živeli i novog koji imamo šansu da primenimo. Nije lako, jer novi nivo zahteva mnogo znanja, tehnologije i menjanja navika, a ovo poslednje je ljudima i najteže. Inovacija nije ništa novo u biznisu, jer su kompanije svake godine nešto inovirale u načinu poslovanja. Sada više to nije dovoljno, inovacija treba da se bavi predviđanjem budućih potreba i trendova, a ne da bude odgovor na trenutne potrebe i probleme koji su već nastali. Kakav način razmišljanja nam je potreban? Počni iz budućnosti. Onaj ko ume da se projektuje 2-5 godina unapred, bolje vidi tačku u kojoj se nalazimo i bolje se predviđaju raskrsnice pred kojima se nalazimo. Trenutni model u biznisu i razvoju ljudi ne menja se mnogo, samo njegov oblik. Suštinski sadržaj ostaje isti. Iz mog iskustva, uvek su ljudi ti koji su na prvom mestu i u koje treba ulagati, jer oni prave razliku između uspešne i neuspešne kompanije. Poverenje i komunikacija su dva osnovna
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elementa - to su vanvremenske vrednosti. Ako postoji obostrano poverenje i komunikacija, sve se lako reši. Izazov u L&D delu je veliki, a vidim ga kao šansu, jer je čovek kompleksno biće, ima svoje potrebe, načine i metode učenja. Ja sam pristalica TDM modela (Traditional-Digital-Mentorship), koji u 360 stepeni objedinjuje tradicionalni način učenja sa digitalnim i kao šlag na torti dodaje i mentorstvo. Kroz digitalne treninge mogu se u potpunosti personalizovati modeli učenja za svakog zaposlenog. Po američkom modelu, može se spojiti i nespojivo, po principu major/minor sistema, gde studenti mogu izabrati kao glavnu oblast studija (major) istoriju, a drugu (minor) rokenrol ili fiziku. Postoji na hiljade modela i treninga koji mogu da se personalizuju za svakog zaposlenog – može da se izbrusi površina i sjaj potencijalnih snaga. Nije interes kompanije da kupi treninge, već da ima sjajne ljude koji donose uspeh kompaniji, kroz usavršavanje. Šta je potrebno jednom HR-u da bi postao CEO? HR je vrlo bitna funkcija, ali ono što mu nedostaje kako bi napredovao i kako bi u nekom trenutku postao CEO je razumevanje biznisa. Ako imaš sjajnog HR-a, imaš suvo zlato. Učenje, praksa, razumevanje biznisa u celini je ono što ograničava HRove. Oni koji žele da razumeju biznis, koji razvijaju i ulažu u ljude i u interesu im je uspeh kompanije, oni razumeju ceo proces i imaju otvoren put ka GM-u. Da bi se HR-ovi uključili u HR strategiju, treba da budu hrabri, da inoviraju i da se ne plaše novih stvari.
NATAŠA NIKOLIĆ EMEIA ENTREPRENEURIAL WINNING WOMEN PROGRAM LEAD, EY TalksandFolks mentorka Sve se može naučiti! Ako ti neko ne odškrine vrata, vrlo je teško otvoriti ih sam. Postoji li univerzalni put ličnog razvoja? Upoznati sebe je prva tačka za uspostavljanje što boljih odnosa sa ljudima koje srećemo tokom svoje karijere (better me). Kako me drugi vide i doživljavaju preko mog ponašanja i aktivnosti, a kako ja vidim sebe? Kada nađemo odgovor na ta pitanja, sledi pitanje kako da pojedinačno i zajedno bolje funkcionišemo (better us). Kada sebe razumemo i razumemo ponašanje drugih - to samo može voditi ka poboljšanju nas i naših odnosa. Better me, better us, better working world.
su muškarci praktičniji, oni traže podršku nekog ko će im otvoriti neka vrata. Važno je okružiti se ljudima koji će te podržati na tom putu, imati i navijače i đavolje advokate koji će ti iskreno reći kako stvari stoje, dok ti mentori i koučevi pomažu u razvoju. Ako ti neko ne odškrine vrata, vrlo je teško otvoriti ih sam. Pogotovo ako ideš po hijerarhiji - što si više na poslovnoj lestvici, to je teže. Iako je naizgled nemoguće umrežavati se u trenutnim online uslovima, nije tako, pogotovo ako se ljudi već poznaju. Ali jeste teško uspostaviti emotivni kontakt. Autentičnost je od ključne važnosti u virtuelnom svetu. Kada su ljudi autentični i ono što jesu, bilo online ili uživo, to se prepozna. Uloga HR-a u razvoju lidera?
Kako bismo napredovali u životu i karijeri, važno je da što pre shvatimo šta želimo. Budite sigurni u sebe, čak i kada nešto ne znate. Sve može da se nauči. Ne ograničavajte sebe! Prilike ne čekaju - one dođu i prođu. Ako ih ne ugrabite, moraćete da čekate neku sledeću, ako dođe. Ovo je naročito značajno kada ste na malom tržištu, a vaše ambicije su veće od njega. Da biste interno napredovali kroz globalnu strukturu, morate da doprete do ljudi na globalu, a tome doprinosi umrežavanje i svaka prilika za to. U velikim organizacijama svi završimo u istoj priči ako ne povezujemo tačkice i ne umrežavamo se, zato je važno okružiti se različitim ljudima. Da li je umrežavanje (networking) zaista neophodno? Žene i muškarci, na primer, imaju različite pristupe umrežavanju. Žene lideri obično tragaju za adekvatnim mentorima koji će im pomoći u profesionalnom razvoju, dok
HR mora da prepozna talenat, njegov potencijal i kako da ga razvija. Dok se ne dođe do nivoa menadžera, bitne su tehničke veštine, a na nivou menadžera su soft skills bitniji. Važno je i prepoznati koji su to biznisi koji imaju potencijal da se razvijaju i kojima treba da se pomogne, ili im je samo potrebno malo osnaživanje. Osnaživanje nije isto što i razvoj. Kada je reč o osnaživanju liderki, veliki broj njih ima veštine koje im omogućavaju da dođu do jedne tačke u karijeri kada se zaglave u poslu, te im treba neko da ih malo podrži i da im pomogne. One često sebi nameću ograničenja, po prirodi su takve. Ukoliko je potrebno zatražiti novac od investitora, često će zatražiti mnogo manju sumu nego što bi muškarci tražili. Ženama je veoma bitna svrha onoga čime se bave! Veliki broj biznisa koje su stvorile žene preduzetnice nastao je kako bi se rešio određeni zajednički problem u društvu.
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C-level spotlight interview
SVAKI HR MORA DA BUDE LIDER Iz CHRO u CEO cipele, ali one sa visokom štiklom Jelena Žikić je generalna direktorka Adecco regiona Adriatic i Mađarska. Ona je ujedno i prva žena na poziciji regionalnog generalnog direktora u okviru EEMENA regiona Adecco grupe, a ulogu je preuzela nakon skoro dve godine na mestu HR direktorke Adriatic regiona. Kako je izgledao početak tvoje karijere? Završila sam PMF i potom počela da radim u školi kao profesorka matematike. Godinu dana kasnije, dobila sam poziv da radim u prvoj multinacionalnoj kompaniji u Kragujevcu - Metro Cash & Carry, kao konsultantkinja kupaca. Kompanija se razvijala i dobila sam priliku da se pridružim HR timu. Iako nisam znala šta rad u HR sektoru podrazumeva, prihvatila sam ovaj izazov. Reakcije u mom okruženju bile su podeljene – naročito bih izdvojila razočaranje svojih roditelja odlukom da svoju sigurnu profesorsku poziciju menjam za nepoznat pravac, i to u korporativnom svetu. Šta bi tu tražio profesor matematike? Ipak, pokazalo se da je to što razumem logiku brojeva veliki plus za put koji sam odabrala.
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U Zagrebu i Beogradu sam završila obuku za HR i to su bili moji počeci u oblasti ljudskih resursa, na čemu sam zahvalna kompaniji Metro. U vreme kada sam počinjala, HR se kao struka tek formirao u većim kompanijama. Još uvek je kadrovska služba bila na snazi, a sa dolaskom multinacionalnih kompanija na tržište uveden je HR kakav danas poznajemo. U želji da nastavim da se razvijam, završila sam i master studije za menadžment ljudskih resursa na Fakultetu organizacionih nauka. Svoje prve HR korake napravila sam u Kragujevcu, nastavila da koračam istim putem u direkciji u Beogradu, gde sam vodila tim od 14 ljudi, a zatim sam ubrzala tempo prelaskom u kompaniju Telenor. Na svim pozicijama do sada bila sam strpljiva. Radila sam sve HR poslove, što se uvek na tom putu kasnije pokazalo kao
veliki plus i pomoć u karijeri. To iskustvo mi je dalo mogućnost da razumem ljude sa kojima radim i koje vodim. Danas mogu da kažem da ne postoji posao iz oblasti ljudskih resursa koji ne bih znala da uradim samostalno, što mi uliva samopouzdanje i sigurnost u radu.
Na šta si posebno ponosna u svojoj karijeri? Izdvojila bih otvaranje Telenor banke kao izuzetno zahtevan projekat. To je bilo vreme uvođenja digitalnih kanala komunikacije i stvaranje prve digitalne banke u Srbiji. Slobodno mogu da kažem da je to iskustvo bilo izazovno na više načina. Nemate kadrove, procesi se tek grade, svi zajedno učite i idete napred. Nije bilo lako, ali smo uspeli. Spojili smo telco i bankarsku kulturu, kreativce i one u odelima,
Jelena Žikić, Adecco postavili smo osnovu za digitalno bankarstvo u Srbiji, na šta sam posebno ponosna.
Bila si regionalna HR direktorka u Adecco-u. Kako izgleda sedeti u toj stolici, i šta su dobre, a šta loše strane? To zapravo nije moja prva regionalna pozicija. Pre toga sam u Telenoru i G4S imala pozicije koje pokrivaju region. Suština u regionalnoj funkciji je da shvatiš i upoznaš druge kulture. Koliko god nam delovalo da poznajemo jedni druge u ovom našem malom regionu, postoje razlike u načinu razmišljanja i navikama od zemlje do zemlje. Sada imam iskustvo koje mi pomaže da, kada implementiramo isti proces u više zemalja, mogu veoma precizno da predvidim kakve će reakcije biti u kojoj zajednici (državi). Ispunjava
me ta multidimenzionalnost i mogućnost da konstantno učim i upoznajem različite kulture. Za mene to nije izazov regionalne uloge, to je pravi blagoslov. Pravi izazov je to što ne možeš biti u više zemalja u isto vreme kada se dešavaju transformacije ili neke radikalne promene. Smatram da neko ko vodi HR mora da bude uz menadžment koji pokriva proces. Ako se promena implementira simultano u regionu, nemoguće je biti u svim zemljama. To nije neophodno, ali za mene je od ključne važnosti da budem uz zaposlene i menadžere. Želim da pružim podršku i da ih zaštitim kako bi se svi osećali sigurno tokom transformacionog procesa. Jednom prilikom sam za dva dana obišla tri zemlje kako bih bila sa timom kada saopštavamo korake transformacije koja nas
očekuje. Važno je biti tu u pravo vreme, a još je važnije biti iskren i imati otvorenu komunikaciju prema zaposlenima i menadžerima. Samo tada možemo očekivati da i oni budu iskreni prema HR sektoru.
Odnos na relaciji C-level – strateški HR. Kakva su tvoja iskustva? Kompanije u kojima sam do sada radila imale su sluha za HR. On je bio uvažen i, prema mom mišljenju, postavljen na pravo mesto. Možda sam imala sreću da radim u kompanijama gde je HR na strateškom nivou, a možda to kreiramo i sami. Mislim da veliku razliku pravi pristup onoga ko je u ulozi HR-a i načinu na koji se ta osoba postavi. HR je taj koji gradi i postavlja funkciju. Ako ću ja kao HR samo da sedim na sastancima i da raportiram koliko imamo otvorenih
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pozicija, koga smo zaposlili a koga nismo, a da ne pitam šta možemo da uradimo za nekog klijenta, to ne mogu da smatram strateškim upravljanjem ljudskim resursima.
Šta bi trebalo da ima HR da bi bio strateški? Pored integriteta, stejkholder menadžment je ključan, kao i liderstvo. Svako ko radi u HR sektoru mora da bude lider. Kada sam radila kao HR specijalistkinja i kad nisam imala nikoga ispod sebe, mene su ljudi i tada doživljavali kao liderku, jer sam se tako postavljala i na taj način sam isto tretirala i HR funkciju. Čak i u sistemu u kojem HR nije strateški pozicioniran, ukoliko imaš strateški orijentisanu HR ulogu možeš da je repozicioniraš. Kada sam preuzela poziciju u G4S, kompanija je prolazila kroz veliku transformaciju, a HR nije bio preterano strateški pozicioniran. Njegova uloga bila je da traži kadrove, priprema ugovore i anekse, i bio je više administrativna funkcija. Odmah po dolasku, sela sam sa svojim nadređenim i rekla šta planiram da uradim u budućnosti, a zatim pitala da li imam podršku. Prve godine sam se bavila sređivanjem operativnih stvari, postavljala administraciju i procese. Posle nešto više od godinu dana, moj tadašnji direktor počeo je da me uključuje u stvari koje su se odnosile na celokupno poslovanje (posebno na core biznis). Zaključak je da je pozicioniranje HR-a interna stvar. Razmislite o stejkholderima koji su vam važni – šef, biznis lideri i uspostavite pravi odnos sa svakim od njih. Kada budete prihvaćeni sa njihove strane, bićete prihvaćeni u celoj kompaniji, a vaše mišljenje će se ceniti.
Šta je bitno kod poznavanja biznisa, šta to tačno podrazumeva? Najvažnije je poznavanje usluge koju kompanija pruža svojim klijentima koja god da je industrija u pitanju. Moraš da razumeš i
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znaš šta rade tvoji ljudi i čime se bave. Kada si na sastancima menadžmenta i kada slušaš šta kolege iz biznis sektora govore o planovima za budućnost, o izazovima i idejama, ti automatski treba da praviš svoju HR strategiju, odnosno kako ćeš ti kao HR menadžer da pomogneš da se to ostvari u budućnosti. Najznačajnije je razumevanje biznisa, a onda i razumevanja internih procesa. Na primer, 2005. sam se prvi put kao novopečena HR menadžerka susrela sa terminima kao što su forkastiranje i budžetiranje. Popunila sam tabele koje su tražili od mene, a onda sam želela da znam šta tačno ti iznosi znače, ko ih i kako koristi, kako se na osnovu njih prave planovi ili donose poslovne odluke. Služba kontrolinga poslužila mi je kao izvor ovih informacija. Od tada, pa do današnjeg dana, želim da znam šta znače brojevi u mojim izveštajima i kako oni utiču na poslovanje. To mi pomaže da sagledam širu sliku i budem uključena u posao i razvoj organizacije u kojoj radim. Ako želite da razumete biznis, upoznajte se i sa drugim sektorima. Proverite šta rade kolege iz nabavke, finansija ili prodaje. Nemojte sedeti na sastanku i čekati svoj red da odgovorite menadžmentu. Aktivno učestvujte u sastanku, iznesite argumentovano svoje mišljenje onima koji vode posao ili timove, uključite se. HR danas treba da bude zainteresovan, radoznao, da želi da uči, da ima zdravu logiku i analitičan um. Sve to zajedno daje sliku nekog holističkog pristupa u HR-u i biznisu i procesima. HR možda ima najtežu ulogu - treba da zna ili bar razume sve procese u organizaciji. Na primer, ako se u kompaniji govori o uvođenju neke usluge, i HR treba da bude na tom sastanku. Ne treba čekati da generalni direktor kaže da tražimo na tržištu osobu sa određenim kompetencijama neophodnim za tu uslugu, već HR pre toga treba da pogleda čega ima na tržištu i da tada već može da pruži korisnu informaciju.
Važno je da HR menadžer bude proaktivan. Kao osoba sam prirodno zainteresovana za biznis i ovakve situacije nisu bile problem za mene. Mislim da je još važno da HR radi sa strašću. To je nešto što ne može da se nauči, ali može, i treba, da se neguje.
Ljudi često polaze od toga da ne mogu da se promene. Na primer, ako sam ja introvertna, ne mogu da se promenim i postanem ekstrovertna, iako je to važno. Šta je benchmark za HR profesionalce, sa čime bi bilo dobro da se uporede? Mišljenja sam da HR lider ne može da bude introvertna osoba. Ta osoba treba da predstavlja kompaniju i bude njen glasnogovornik. To nije posao samo PR službe ili Eksternih komunikacija. Znam puno onih koji rade na visokim ekspertskim pozicijama i naglašeno su introvertni, ali oni imaju vrednost koju daju organizacijama i ne moraju da budu ekstrovertni. Mislim da HR nema taj luksuz. Često se na tržištu sretnem s kolegama koji nisu postali HR direktori zato što su introvertni. Kažu da stejkholder menadžment i ta konstantna komunikacija nije za njih. Na kraju krajeva, važno je biti svestan sebe i znati šta možeš, a šta ne možeš. Mislim da ljudi mogu da se menjaju. Kada sam prošle godine ušla u proces, a onda i kada sam postavljena na poziciju generalne direktorke, prvo sam razmislila o stvarima koje bi trebalo da menjam kod sebe, na čemu bi trebalo da radim kako bih bila dobra za tu poziciju. Radim na sebi, svesna sam šta se nalazi izvan moje zone komfora i to su uvek prvi zadaci na kojima radim.
Kako utvrđuješ šta treba da znaš, odnosno kako mapiraš te stvari koje ne znaš? Ako si dobar lider možeš da budeš dobar lider u bilo kojoj kompaniji, u bilo kojoj
industriji. Znanje jeste važno, ali veštine su ključne. Nikad mi nije bio problem da pitam ljude, tražila sam od eksperata iz drugih oblasti da me upoznaju sa stvarima koje su mi bile nepoznate. Smatram to svojim velikim kvalitetom. Otvorenost i želja da učim, kao i sposobnost da uspostavim dobar kontakt sa onima koji to znanje treba da mi prenesu. Tako se opet vraćamo na menadžment stejkholdera. Ako ste dobri u tome, postoji velika mogućnosti da ćete naći svoj put i na pravi način uposliti svoje znanje ili veštine.
Do juče si bila u top menadžmentu sa jedne strane, a sada si neko ko vodi top menadžment tim. Da li si mislila da će sada oni videti manjkavosti u tvom znanju ili si imala sva potrebna znanja kao CHRO? Sa svima sam imala otvoren pristup, rekla sam im - vi ste eksperti u vašim oblastima, a ja sam tu da kao lider svima pomognem da zajedno postignemo najbolje rezultate. Želela sam da znaju da neću „mikromenadžovati”, ali da ću imati hiljadu pitanja na početku. Nije mi bio problem da pitam za stvari za koje ne znam šta znače. I takav otvoren i iskren pristup je pristup kakav bi trebalo da ima jedan lider. Koliko god dugo da si lider, kada odeš u drugu kompaniju i industriju srećeš se sa novim izrazima i procesima. To je normalno. Stav „ja sve znam” će te samo ograničiti, jer pre svega nije istinit i oni koje vodiš to znaju.
Spoznala sam još nešto – svaka industrija ima svoje specifičnosti i pravila, što znači da se ne možeš pripremiti unapred. Ako radiš na svojim liderskim veštinama i učiš, to će ti otvoriti svaka vrata.
Šta si o sebi otkrila na tom putu? A šta bi volela da ti je neko rekao pre deset godina kako bi ti taj put bio lakši? Nebo je granica. To sam otkrila o sebi. Smatram da sam sve što sam postavila kao cilj u poslu uspela da ispunim zato što sam nesvesno težila tome. Važno mi je da se lično razvijam, da učim nešto novo, da učim o novim trendovima, da se informišem. U svakoj kompaniji mi je posao bio izazovan zbog transformacija koje smo radili i živeli kao HR, ali uvek sam razmišljala šta dalje i videla sam sebe na ovoj poziciji gde sam sada. Sa druge strane, važno je da čovek ima i životno i radno iskustvo kako bi bio efikasan na liderskoj poziciji. Volela bih da sam ranije znala da karijera ne mora da se završi na nacionalnom nivou i da sam još ranije uočila i učila o trendovima kao što je digitalizacija. Mislim da bi mi to pomoglo da se još ranije odlučim da preuzimam regionalne funkcije.
Sada kao CEO radiš sa HR timovima. Šta očekuješ od HR tima?
Očekujem da će HR tim da preispituje moje mišljenje, da dovodi u pitanje rečeno, da ima svoj stav i da zaista pre svega bude proaktivan.
Savet za HR kolege i šta bi im dala kao nešto vredno iz svog tvog dosadašnjeg iskustva? Strpljenje. Za HR-a je važno da polako gradi svoj put, da uči od starijih kolega i da uči od HR zajednice. Dragoceno je da se deli znanje, da se ne ustručavate da pozovete nekog kolegu za savet, iako vam je možda konkurencija. Morate biti povezani sa kolegama na tržištu rada. HR mora da postavi sebe na pravo mesto. Nije dobro da se čeka od organizacije da vas sistemski postavi kao HR funkciju. Svi koji rade u HR sektoru moraju da postave svoj tim na pravo mesto. Za kraj, još jednom ističem, stejkholder menadžment i upravljanje potrebama svih zainteresovanih strana je ključno. Morate znati u svakom trenutku šta se dešava u vašoj organizaciji i kako se osećaju ljudi da biste ih razumeli i da biste mogli da izađete u susret njihovim potrebama, da im pomognete da uspostave dobar odnos sa menadžerima i da uspešno izlaze na kraj sa različitim izazovima koji dolaze iz okruženja.
Očekivanja su velika, jer mislim da su svi kao što sam ja bila na njihovom mestu.
Innovative based onon global expertise Innovativesolutions solutions based global expertise for productivity increase and for productivity increase and cost including: costefficiency efficiencyininareas areas including: -Search and Selection Services -Search and Selection Services -Outsourcing -Outsourcing -Payroll -Payroll Servi -HR Services Servi -HR Services -Agency Employment -Agency Employment -Market Surveys
-Market Surveys
Future@Work Future@Wo
adecco.rs adecco.r maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 81 info.srbija@adecco.com
THE BEAUTY OF THE WORLD lies in the diversity of its people Nebojša Rako, Country Menadžer, Mozzart Kolumbija
Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but cultural diversity provides a collective force that can benefit all of humanity| Audre Lorde Hola desde Colombia.
I have over 38 years of experience, working in various countries worldwide and in multicultural environments. For me, cultural differences are not news and I usually quickly adapt. I was really happy to have a chance to get to know a new culture and to learn new things about a country and continent I had never visited before. Upon my arrival, I was surprised with different aspects of the culture but in reality, there are certain similarities with our culture back home. We need the cultural diversities in the world to face new challenges. We
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have to create a harmonious society out of so many kinds of people. The key to this is tolerance, acceptance, and respect. Our culture and behavior shape our national character and I can say today that the cultural diversity of Colombia has most certainly shaped their national character.
UNDERSTANDING THE RICHNESS OF COLOMBIA Colombia has the second-highest number of native Spanish speakers. It is the third-largest exporter of coffee – Los cafeteros is the nickname for the Colombians.
Colombia is the world’s leading producer of emeralds, 60% of the world’s fine emeralds come from Colombia. Colombia’s capital city, Bogota, has one of the biggest bike path networks in the world. It is by far the most bike-friendly city in South America. Colombia is listed as one of the world’s “megadiverse” countries. It hosts close to 10% of the planet’s biodiversity. The greatest bird diversity in the world is located in Colombia with 1851 confirmed bird species.
Colombia is the second largest fresh-cut flower exporter and first in orchid species diversity. Colombians could eat a different fruit every day for more than a year – there are over 400 edible native fruit species. The great Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1982.
It is impossible to use English in everyday life or work. Very few people and usually people in higher positions or with better backgrounds speak English. The people are very friendly and they try to help you in spite of the language barrier. The bureaucracy is huge. What is even stranger is that the bureaucracy in the private sector is more complicated than in the public sector. The Bogotans are very disciplined when talking about protection and measures against COVID-19. People wear face masks all the time while outside, even in restaurants they wear masks until their food arrives. Wherever you go, COVID attendants are taking your temperature and checking your ID number (even and odd days for entry into stores). The personal space is not the same here as it is in Europe. To make their point, Colombians often like to get quite close to the person they are talking to. The Colombian sense of time is quite fluid. A promise to do something “mañana” can often mean it will be finished in the near future, perhaps next week.
Blacks and Indians make up a significant portion of the lower class. Colombian society adopted a culture in which men occupy a dominant role within the household as breadwinners and disciplinarians and they assume the responsibility for keeping family pride and position within the community. The role of “machismo” is an important characteristic of public and business life. A major preoccupation among traditional Colombians is the protection of one’s family pride and name – abolengo. In 2020, Colombia scored 0.76 in the gender gap index, which shows a gender gap of approximately 24 percent, women are 24 percent less likely than men to have equal opportunities. Sports are very important in the life of ordinary Colombians. Football and cycling are the most popular sports. You’ll have to trust me on this one – even the younger generation knows about Dragoslav Šekularac, here known as the white Pele. Novak Djoković also has a lot of fans. Among basketball fans, Nikola Jokić is very popular.
DO’S AND DON’TS – WE ALL HAVE THEM Make an effort to steer the conversation towards the positive aspects of Colombian culture or the energy and attitude of the Colombians Show respect for religion and the Christian tradition. It forms the basis and justification for many Colombians’ opinions. Try to tolerate a higher volume of noise. Colombians are generally more lenient with the level of noise that is permissible in a social situation or coming from a neighboring house. Avoid making jokes about illicit drugs or drug consumption. Colombians do not like to be stereotyped as ‘narcotraficantes’. Do not ask about “violence in Colombia” unless you have a specific question. Colombians find it tiring or even annoying when foreigners seek a broad explanation.
Do not emphasize Colombia’s struggles or seek to make them feel ashamed of it. Most are disgusted by it and want to redeem the reputation of Colombia in foreigners’ eyes. Colombians are a proud nation.
DOING BUSINESS IN COLOMBIA – LONG LUNCHES AND “CHARLA” Family ties are key in business and political life. Everybody knows somebody. Colombians favor human interactions more than efficient time management. Allow some time for small talk (charla) to precede any serious discussion of business. Colombians may not be explicit about their disagreement in meetings. If they say ‘we will have to see’, it means that while it is unlikely to happen, they still value the relationship.
There is a three-class system: upper, middle, and lower. White people dominate the upper class, while mestizos and mulattoes constitute the middle and lower classes.
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Expect meetings to be lengthy; Colombians tend to take an indirect approach when meeting. Very often meetings will be a breakfast or lunch meeting with a duration of some 2 to 3 hours. While they may not be very direct in certain communication styles, Colombians can become very animated in meetings. Once the meeting has finished, it is important to stay a little longer for some closing chit-chat (charla). Colombians prefer face-to-face communication. If not, they will discuss issues over the phone or WhatsApp rather than by email.
HR IN COLOMBIA – THE “MAÑANA” EFFECT HR in Colombia is still in the development stage. HR is considered salaries, benefits, and labor law. Recruitment is mostly done through agencies known and unknown. OD is still an unknown concept here. The working week in Colombia is 48 hours, Monday to Saturday. Sundays are free.
The minimum wage in Colombia is about €270. Colombians are legally entitled to a 13-month salary – a bonus equivalent to one month’s salary – paid in two instalments. The wage differential is around 54% among women and men, obviously in favour of men. Employees are entitled to 15 paid working days of annual leave for each year of service. Employees must take a minimum of six annual leave days per year. Vacation time can accumulate for up to two years. Colombia has 18 national holidays. It is one of the countries with the most national holidays in the world. Most of the holidays are religious and if they do not fall on a Monday they will be celebrated on a Monday. Believe it or not they have 10 free Mondays per year.
received from their superior. They will finish the work in the time they decide is adequate and will not be open to putting forward new ideas, take responsibility, be proactive, and deliver more than asked. “Mañana“ is very common in Colombia so do not expect the work to be done when you expect. On the other side, Colombians believe that nobody knows what is good for Colombia except themselves, so communication with HQ’s outside of Colombia is something they do not appreciate. Employees are also very insecure and do not accept too many changes or changes that are not clear to them. It is not uncommon that employees will do everything in their capacity to gain respect from their superiors. Usually, it is not the quality of work that gains them respect, but other aspects.
In general, work is placed number three in people’s life. Number one is family; number two is life in general (siesta and fiesta).
The Colombian culture differs from the European, but at the same time, there are a lot of similarities, especially with the Mediterranean regions. It has a lot of similarities with Serbia, but on the other hand a lot of differences too.
Decisions are brought by higher hierarchy levels. Employees will conduct their work according to instructions
If you want to survive you have to adapt to the local culture and accept it, try to implement changes in an
acceptable way for the Colombians. Above all, respect the Do’s and Don’ts and it will be much easier to establish a mutually acceptable working environment.
WORKING ON THE GAPS Having worked in multicultural environments and working for a company that respects diversity for me it was easy to adapt and change but also to ask my Colombian employees to change and accept new circumstances. I had to adapt and change some of my behaviors in order to be able to conduct work and lead my people here in Colombia. It has been almost three months since I arrived, and I am slowly filling in the gaps. Together with my team, I am working on accepting cultural differences, and at the same time asking them to accept the changes that we want to implement. But there is still a lot of work ahead for both sides in order to be able to understand each other and conduct the business in the manner that we expect. I leave it to you, dear readers to recognize similarities and differences. As I already said, there are lots of differences, but at the same time a lot of similarities between Colombian and Serbian culture as well. The world is small.
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Maintaining the being in well-being
Machines on the scene... Ivana Barbara Turkalj, Product Development Director, Above Academy
THE BUSINESS MODEL ― A SUPER FUNCTIONAL MACHINE Machines are everywhere, entertaining, helping with communication, providing transport, making lives easier. They save time and energy... until they break down. Oh, right, that tiny detail - all machines have parts that need to be maintained in order to function. Thank heavens some are easier to maintain, say a smartphone for example. Install an update here or there, overall it’s pretty low maintenance. Then there are high maintenance machines that require much more care, like a company car. The more it’s driven, the more the brake pads wear out. The battery frequently needs to be recharged, or in the worst-case scenario, completely replaced. Yet two approaches can be taken with regards to the maintenance of all machines: a proactive one that prevents breakdowns, or a reactive one that simply patches the problem when it pops up...
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Now, let’s look at the world of business, a company is a huge machine in itself with many parts, called departments. These departments can, among others, include finance, operations management, marketing, IT, and human resources. They all play an important role and together work hard to be a lean, mean, well-oiled enterprise producing a final product such as material items, intellectual property, services, or experiences. Within this business machine, an enormous amount of human energy, both physical and mental, is relentlessly exerted in the process of “producing”. Following this line of thinking, employees can ultimately be considered machines too. But instead of little springs and screws that need to be cleaned and tightened, they are real-life individuals with bodies, minds, and personal batteries that need to be properly looked after and recharged to keep going day after day. When they’re in tip-top shape, so is the company.
SLOWLY LOSING THE HUMAN TOUCH... As a result of the industrial revolution and the introduction of the assembly line, the notion that people are machines was put into practice quite literally. Yearning after profit, employers expected maximum performance, output and capacity at the expense of their employee’s health and well-being. The human element of work slowly began to fade away. As a result, this “if it’s not broke, why fix it?” way towards human performance became ingrained into company practices and has been part of the business model and mindset for quite some time now. A worker wasn’t perceived as a “being”, but as a “thing”. A thing that could be replaced when it malfunctioned or no longer performed, just like the machines they were running. But viewing employees as just cogs in the wheel, replaceable and not worthy of care and maintenance, is neither beneficial nor sustainable for people and businesses. Sure employees can be replaced, but in the long run, it’s more expensive.
A business that doesn’t see the importance of paying attention to people’s mental and physical health will incur other continuous costs related to the employee lifecycle. From hire to retire, they’ll have higher expenses for recruitment, attraction, onboarding, training, skills development, and so on, not to mention the time and energy involved every step of the way.
A PROACTIVE AND PREVENTATIVE APPROACH TO MAINTAINING PEOPLE PERFORMANCE Back to the company car: no one dares get into it without taking notice if all its vital signs are normal - full battery, no flat tires, no service warning lights. Upon return, care is also taken to see that everything’s in order. A lot of proactive and preventative time, effort and care go into maintaining this “thing” that helps people get from point A to point B. Bringing that to the business model: employees help companies get from point A to point B, step by step, day in and day out. How are their vital signs checked when they walk in the door at the start of their shift? Perhaps it’s something like “Breathing? Check. Great, get to work!” What about when the day is done? It wouldn’t be surprising if the conversation goes: “Still breathing? Whew. See you tomorrow!” Okay, it’s a somewhat crude characterization, but how else can the workplace well-being industry get its point across to boards of directors and CxOs that this issue still needs to be addressed? In the year 2021, it is not the norm that people receive the same level of care as the company car. It hurts, but it’s the truth. The car is constantly at the ready, but what are the measures that companies
take to ensure their people are always ready to go, even at a moment’s notice?
For instance, what practices are in place for a complex company project - before it, during it, after it’s completed? How are people going to be motivated, how will they be rewarded at the end, how will the company help refill their energy and performance levels, in what timeframe? These are important questions that need to be addressed BEFORE the project commences with solutions incorporated into the project’s budget.
Thankfully, industrial and organizational psychology research has been booming for over four decades now, and the topics of people performance, productivity, and motivation are now more clearly understood.
Investing in people should certainly be a no-brainer as every euro invested in employee health and satisfaction pays off many times over.
THE CREATION OF HEALTHY WORKPLACES STARTS TO GAIN GROUND Over the past thirty or so years, the remnants of this pervasive reactive mindset toward employees have finally begun to fade away. The view that people are the most valuable asset a company has and that they directly affect its growth and success is finally becoming the overriding way of thinking. Thanks to the input of HR and People professionals, board rooms and upper management have started to recognize that without investment into people’s health and well-being, their performance starts to decrease and they become disengaged. Absentee levels rise due to illness, stress or even burnout. If all that doesn’t happen, then sooner or later crucial, high performing employees jump ship and move to a competitor. But isn’t that a bigger expense for the company instead of a small investment in employee well-being? If people are truly invested in, cared for, and developed, everyone benefits. When people feel well, they work well; the business continues to grow and make a profit. It’s a win-win situation.
Similar strides have been made in other areas that significantly impact people’s well-being at work. These subject matters include health, nutrition, neuroscience, epigenetics, chronobiology, personal energy, human capacity, stress resilience, and positive psychology. Today, science is precise about many things when workplace well-being is concerned. If there is one way to summarize all the findings, it’s this: happier, healthier people are more productive. Want another fiveword summary? When people thrive, organizations prosper. Alright, just one more, four words: work smarter, not harder. Subsequently, the list of companies that are shifting their people practices and policies to one that views creating a culture of well-being as part of the strategy to increase productivity continues to expand. That being said, implementing well-being initiatives is no longer a trend, but a necessity and they need to be rolled out faster.
UPSURGE IN WORKPLACE WELL-BEING RELATED JOBS HR and People professionals are just sitting here nodding their heads at all of this, as they have been saying these things for a long time. Regrettably, HR has to deal with many negative stereotypes lined up against them. Among them being that the HR department only spends money instead of making it for the company, they’re just a hiring and firing wing, and that they are there only to enforce the rules.
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responding to the ups and downs of everyday life. Emotional stability focuses on balancing motivation and stress resilience, while a healthy social environment positively affects the work atmosphere and improves interpersonal relationships within the company.
illustrated by benussi&thefish
Fortunately, more and more organizations are recognizing the need for roles within HR and People departments that focus on health and well-being awareness, stress management education, and personal development services alongside their essential administrative, policy/ systems, and organizational change functions. Some companies are going as far as designating a Chief well-being Officer because at the core of health-conscious work cultures are leaders that support it, preach it and practice it. This is precisely why having someone in the C-suite who holds the “well-being strategy reins” is so important. As the designated and empowered executive to help with every employee’s wellbeing efforts on behalf of the organization, a CWO works to integrate and embed these efforts into the company’s performance.
SUSTAINABLE PEOPLE PRACTICES - CORPORATE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING IN ACTION Human beings are at last starting to get the care and attention they deserve from their
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employers. But what exactly does corporate well-being include? Many would agree that by definition, corporate well-being encompasses the belief that the values of health, happiness, creativity and progress significantly contribute to the quality of life and deserve the utmost respect and attention in the workplace. Thanks to our long-standing work in this area with many companies, we at Above Academy can sincerely support the fact that addressing the well-being of people contributes positively to productivity and efficiency, and leads to improved and increased work performance. To introduce a new dimension to modern corporate culture, it’s recommended to comprehensively approach a workforce’s health through physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. Personal energy capacity is a core part of each aspect because they define a person’s overall potential. Additionally, the physical aspect of work affects a person’s productivity and job satisfaction. Mental aspects include thoughts and feelings, as well as
These key points apply to any organization, no matter where they are in their health and well-being journey and need to be top of mind when creating a culture of well-being: Well-being and healthy habits start at the top and trickle down. In other words, CxOs and senior management set the tone. When leaders are confident and forthright about their own well-being, this sends a powerful message down the line that oozes through the company. There are three main levels of workplace well-being to be considered: the individual, teams/departments and the entire company. Well-being strategy and action plans need to be as high a priority as business and sales plans and should take comprehensive, proactive approaches to predict and prevent ill health, low morale, and disengagement. Creating a healthy workplace is a continuous process that uniquely works itself into a company’s current culture and way of working. How, when, where, why, and in what timeframe is solely up to the company and should progress organically. Cooperation with external experts in the field of well-being is highly beneficial.
It’s better to do something, anything, rather than be limited by budget or other excuses. Starting now and allowing nature to take its course is always an option. Extra tips for those working on how to embed a culture of well-being from the ground up: Start-ups should look over business plans with “health and well-being goggles”, drilling down in each section to see where and how an element of health or well-being could be added. For established companies, it’s highly recommended to start with a company-wide health and well-being assessment to have baseline data and feedback for planning. Incorporate well-being practices into employer branding and employee experience strategies for true integration across the employee lifecycle.
Hold health and well-being retreats and teambuilding events. Consider what rewards are offered for special accomplishments and project completions, work them into project budgets. Don’t underestimate the influence that health and well-being initiatives can have on employer branding. Promote results and achievements other companies will learn and want advice.
MAKE CORPORATE WELL-BEING A PRIORITY EVERY DAY, DON’T JUST TAKE A BAND-AID APPROACH Employee well-being has existed as a concept for quite some time, looming there in the background as a “nice to have”, but always getting put on the backburner.
The pandemic though has certainly pushed it to the forefront of agendas and created a real, urgent need to examine corporate well-being practices. Taking care of people has moved from “words and plans” to “initiatives and action”. Organizations that put the development of the individual at the heart of their culture are testament to the fact that it’s the most powerful way to ensure the growth and development of the business. These companies will consistently come out on top as they aim toward improving productivity while enriching the quality of health, well-being and life of their people. Creating a culture of well-being is truly an exciting experience for companies and one that will thoroughly benefit everyone involved. Individuals, teams and the company will all come away happier, healthier and more productive. Now is the time, seize the moment and start the journey today.
Lack of budget doesn’t need to be an issue, free initiatives and awareness campaigns can make a world of difference. Designate well-being warriors throughout the company. Bits and pieces to think about for those already in the workplace well-being game or looking for new ideas on how to upgrade strategy: Perform a company-wide assessment to understand people’s habits, feelings and organizational commitment, act on the results, and follow up again after 6 months or a year. Gather managers, HR and well-being experts all together for a sit-down to make individual well-being development strategy and action plans for each department.
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Gde je danas
radno mesto i ostala teška pitanja za HR u 2021. godini
Nikola Jovanović, HR, Business Consultant, and Researcher in Tuturutu Consulting
Prođe, evo, već više od godinu dana otkako proživljavamo ovu suludu pandemiju, ali i otkako učestvujemo u najvećem globalnom eksperimentu rada na daljinu. Ustvari, eksperiment je uspeo, sada već učestvujemo u najvećoj ikada disrupciji, reinženjeringu radnog mesta i načinu na koji poslujemo, sarađujemo, stvaramo. Već i vrapci znaju da se ovo nikad ne bi desilo da nije bilo pandemije, te da je sreća u nesreći da smo tehnički i logistički bili spremni, inače bi propast globalne ekonomije bila neminovna. Ovako imamo šansu da nadolazeće probleme dočekamo spremni i da ih, ako se potrudimo da budemo malo veštiji nego inače, možda i preokrenemo u svoju korist. Tržište se resetuje ovih dana, pa se i težišta mogu lako promeniti. Tu mislim i na prebacivanje proizvodnje svega i svačega iz Kine u naše krajeve, ali i na nikad veću potrebu za digitalnom transformacijom svega oko nas.
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primećujem ovih dana želju i težnju velikog broja kompanija da se što pre „vrate u normalu“. Prave se planovi povratka ljudi u kancelarije, šalju se mejlovi, organizuju treninzi podrške zaposlenima, angažuju psiholozi i psihijatri da pomognu gde treba. Sve sa ciljem da se ljudi pripreme za što brži povratak u kancelarije. S tim u vezi, primećujem ovih dana želju i težnju velikog broja kompanija da se što pre „vrate u normalu“. Prave se planovi povratka ljudi u kancelarije, šalju se mejlovi, organizuju treninzi podrške zaposlenima, angažuju psiholozi i psihijatri da pomognu gde treba. Sve sa ciljem da se ljudi pripreme za što brži povratak u kancelarije.
„Zašto?“ upitah ja. „Pa kako zašto? Evo padaju brojevi, stigle vakcine, vreme je da se vraćamo u normalu!“ „Misliš u prošlost?“ „Pa mislim ono kako je bilo pre pandemije.“ „A jesi li siguran da je to i dalje normalno?“ Ljudi teže onome što najbolje znaju, i to je u redu. Organizacije takođe. Iako
žestoko izazvane i uzdrmane svim dešavanjima u poslednjih godinu dana, i struktura i kultura organizacije će težiti da se vrate u normalu, u ono na šta smo navikli, u zonu udobnosti. Međutim, svi znamo da se navike, iako teško, ipak menjaju. I tu sad imamo dva velika izazova, da ne kažem problema.
1.Šta je, zapravo, normalno? Ukratko – promena se desila, stekli smo nove navike. Hteli-ne hteli, rad iz kancelarije nije više jedini normalan. Štaviše, ono što je ranije bilo drugačije, hrabro, ludo eksperimentisanje, sada je normalno. Povratak u kancelariju za mnoge nije dobra opcija. Neki ljudi su se naprosto navikli da rade od kuće, neki su oduvek to želeli, a neki su i naprosto uplašeni od povratka. I to je normalno. Istraživanje Envoya iz marta 2021. kaže da je 66% ljudi zabrinuto zbog povratka,
odnosno da se plaše da se vrate u kancelarije. I to je normalno. Insistiranje na povratku tih ljudi u radni prostor može da dovede do ozbiljnih problema, anksioznosti, umanjenja radne produktivnosti, a samim tim i do veće fluktuacije zaposlenih. I onda moram da vas pitam: zašto biste uopšte to i radili? Ako neko želi da radi od kuće, a to ne utiče na efikasnost i rezultate, zašto bi se, pobogu, ta osoba vraćala u kancelariju? A i ako utiče nekim delom na smanjenje učinka, deder probajte da podržite svoje zaposlene i vidite šta treba kao poslodavci da učinite da ti ljudi mogu da postignu bolje rezultate od kuće. Često je to oprema, spora VPN konekcija, neudobna stolica ili nešto četvrto što se jednako lako rešava. Ja to zovem ultrapersonalizacijom radnog mesta, i mislim da će poslodavci koji ponude ultra-personalizovana radna mesta imati veliku prednost na tržištu u narednom periodu. I to treba da postane normalno.
2. Kako se vratiti u kancelarije? Normalna je i potreba ljudi da se vrate u kancelariju, kao i da žele da stvari budu kao pre. One to više nisu i neće nikada ni biti, ali potreba je normalna. E sad, ako se odlučite da vratite ljude u kancelarije, važno je dobro razmisliti koji je pravi način da se to učini. Tu mislim prvenstveno na bezbednost
u smislu pandemije koja još nije prošla, i ko zna kad će, ali mislim i na psihološki momenat, na novostečene navike ljudi. Divim se ljudima koji mogu da, nakon godinu dana rada od kuće, samo ustanu jednog jutra i odu u kancelariju i nastave po starom. Većina, usuđujem se da procenim, naprosto nije takva i biće im potrebno vreme da se iznova prilagode. Vidim da dosta kompanija planira tzv. hibridne modele, gde će zaposleni nekih dana raditi od kuće, a nekih iz kancelarije, i mislim da je to, opšte uzev, odličan pristup. Ali ih i molim da ne pokušavaju da ga primene na sve ljude, već da onima koji žele da rade od kuće naprosto dozvole da rade od kuće. Neki od njih će se svakako u jednom trenutku vratiti u kancelariju, a neki uopšte neće i to je, takođe, normalno. Isto
tako, onima koji žele da rade svakog dana iz kancelarije, dozvolite da rade iz kancelarije. Nemojte na silu sprovoditi nijedan zamišljeni model. Opet – ultra-personalizacija radnog mesta je ključ. Teška pitanja E sad, neminovno je da će se poslodavci, pa samim tim i HR-ovci, susresti s velikim brojem važnih i teških pitanja koja se tiču bezbednosti i generalno obezbeđivanja odgovarajućih uslova za rad. Neka od njih su: Da li je u redu pitati da li je zaposleni preležao koronavirus? Da li je u redu pitati da li je zaposleni primio vakcinu? Da li je u redu insistirati da zaposleni budu vakcinisani?
Bonus problem Još jedno istraživanje pokazuje da mnogo veći broj muškaraca nego žena želi da se vrati u kancelarije. Kod majki je to posebno izraženo - 69% majki želi da nastavi da radi od kuće barem neki dan nedeljno. Ako kancelarije postanu dominantno muške, pitanje je kako će to uticati na odluke, razvoj kompanije, uvek nedovoljnu jednakost itd?
Ili pak smisliti podsticaje da se vakcinišu? Ili ukinuti neke beneficije nevakcinisanima (npr. dodatno zdravstveno osiguranje)? Da li je u redu pitati kandidate na intervjuu da li su vakcinisani ili ih pitati da urade test pre nego počnu da rade? Da li je u redu sprovoditi specijalne bezbednosne mere unutar kompanije (npr. praćenje kretanja zaposlenih kroz zgradu, fizičko razdvajanje sektora unutar zgrade i sl)? Kako pronaći ravnotežu između straha i anksioznosti jednih i ležernosti drugih unutar kancelarija? Nijedno od ovih pitanja nije jednostavno, ali nijedno od njih se ne sme zanemariti. I mislim da rešenja ne možete prepisivati od drugih, zato što ona ultra-personalizacija koju sam spomenuo zavisi direktno od kulture organizacije, organizacije kancelarija, unutrašnje organizacije sektora i timova itd, tako da ono što će dobro funkcionisati u jednoj kompaniji, vrlo verovatno neće funkcionisati u vašoj. Do rešenja, dakle, morate doći sami, a moj najvažniji savet je da ne pravite velike i nagle odluke i da ne očekujete da će se ljudi ponašati kao pre pandemije. Polako, dakle, malim koracima napred, sa fokusom na ljude i njihove potrebe. Trebaće vam ti ljudi, čuvajte ih.
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Vesna Potelj, People Experience Lead, Atlantic Grupa
S početkom regionalnog lockdowna sredinom ožujka 2020. prepoznata je urgentna potreba da se u izvanrednim uvjetima izolacije, rada od kuće i rada na stalnom radnom mjestu u zdravstveno riskantnim okolnostima pokrenu programi u svrhu jačanja rezilijentnosti kolektiva na izazove koje je donijela pandemija.
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S početkom suočavanja s pandemijom formulirali smo principe odlučivanja i postupanja jer su se krucijalne odluke morale donositi svakodnevno. U prvom redu briga kao opći princip utkana u temelje vrijednosti naše korporativne kulture. Svaku smo odluku promatrali u svjetlu toga je li riskantno u pogledu očuvanja zdravlja i života naših radnika, njihovih bližnjih, šire zajednice; je li solidarno i je li jednako fer i korektno prema svima – tj. hoćemo li postupkom demonstrirati zahvalnost prema onima koji su najizloženiji, a svakodnevno odlaze na posao, i solidarnost prema onima koji su ne svojom krivnjom u nemogućnosti obavljati svoj posao; hoćemo li ovime osigurati kontinuitet poslovanja i uspijevamo li ovime očuvati radna mjesta te finalno promoviramo li postupkom zajedništvo ili radimo dodatne podjele.
Imperativ održanja zdravlja i sigurnosti radnika i aktivno djelovanje po principu solidarnosti – davanje podrške i iskazivanje zahvalnosti onim kolegama koji zbog prirode posla nisu mogli prestati s radom (izložena radna mjesta: proizvodni radnici, logistika, prodaja na terenu, održavanje i sigurnost na radu farmaceuti i farmaceutski tehničari lanca ljekarni Farmacia. Stejkholderi i njihove potrebe Radnici na izloženim radnim mjestima Radnici koji su preselili u home office Menadžment Brzina reakcije, transparentna komunikacija; priznanje i zahvalnost za trud i hrabrost Davanje priznanja i iskazivanje zahvalnosti i poticaja
Naučene lekcije Komunicirati mnogo i često i prema ustaljenoj strukturi Aktivirati digitalne kanale i raditi na usvajanju općeg korištenja digitalnih kanala komunikacije Uhvatiti ritam i rutinu i time poticati očekivanja o transparentnosti i poticati dvosmjernu informaciju kako bi mjere bile jasno shvaćene i prihvaćene i time ispunile svoju svrhu Odmah je bilo jasno da zaposlenici na izloženim radnim mjestima trebaju dobiti posebnu podršku, zahvalu i priznanje od cijele Atlantic zajednice i da to treba ići s vrha – kako kroz poseban modalitet dodatnog financijskog nagrađivanja, tako i kroz promoviranje njihovih herojskih priča. Na svim internim digitalnim platformama u sklopu programa Okusa zajedništva prenosili smo iskustva
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zaposlenika s prve linije koji su dali temeljni doprinos u očuvanju kontinuiteta poslovanja kako bi omogućili da kroz taj vid iskazivanja zahvalnosti, solidarnosti i ponosa održimo timski duh i bildamo moral.
Očuvanje motivacije, produktivnosti i dobrobiti i balansa zaposlenika kroz razumijevanje doživljaja izvanrednih uvjeta rada i adresiranje novih potreba (redovno radno mjesto i remote work). Stejkholderi i njihove potrebe Radnici na izloženim radnim mjestima | Radnici u modelu home office Sigurnost i očuvanje zdravlja, priznanje za dodatan trud i predanost poslu. Provedba i prilagodba na rad od kuće: jasne smjernice, tehnička opremljenost, osjećaj povezanosti, uzajamno povjerenje na relaciji linije raportiranja i u relaciji s kolegama, balans dnevnih poslovnih obaveza i privatnih obaveza u izvanrednim uvjetima (briga o djeci, policijski sat, lockdown). Obje skupine: Održavanje osjećaja povezanosti i jedinstva, visokog morala i solidarnosti kroz dijeljenja iskustava u izvanrednim uvjetima u svrhu međusobne podrške i jačanja rezilijentnosti. Naučene lekcije Komunicirati mnogo i često i prema ustaljenoj strukturi. Uhvatiti ritam i rutinu i time poticati očekivanja o transparentnosti i poticati dvosmjernu informaciju kako bi mjere bile jasno shvaćene i prihvaćene i time ispunile svoju svrhu.
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Krizna stanja mobiliziraju energiju, neizvjesnost rađa kreativnost i zajednička nevolja povezuje i jača osjećaj solidarnosti i jednakosti. Naravno, sigurno da je lakše ako imate prave ljude i kulturu koja u sebi već ima integrirane sastavnice mindseta koji promovira rezilijentnost, optimizam, ambiciozne planove i pomicanje granica. Bilo nam je važno ostati dosljedni temeljnim organizacijskim vrijednostima i u izvanrednoj situaciji odabrati dodatni set principa s kojima se ljudi mogu poistovjetiti. Mobilizirali smo se brzo i spremno, postupali s pojedincem u centru svega, solidarno, fer, s kontinuitetom poslovanja, te očuvanjem radnih mjesta i zajedništva kao krajnjim ciljem organizacije. Vjerujemo da smo u tome uspjeli, a rezultati nedavno provedenog Kompas Pulse Survey istraživanja pokazuju da su naši ljudi to prepoznali i doživjeli. Ispitivali smo stanje generalne dobrobiti, povjerenje u vodstvo, osjećaj zajedništva, kvalitetu komunikacije i informiranja, fokus na rezultate te doživljaj uvedenih mjera. Generalno su to rezultati iznad globalne norme (preko 200 hiljada ispitanika, 126 kompanija, 50 zemalja) na što smo izuzetno ponosni. Da bi održali timski duh u ovim okolnostima važno nam je u prvom redu razumjeti iskustvo svake pojedine skupine zaposlenika. Segmentiranje njihovih potreba i tegoba služi nam kao temelj za kreiranje efikasnih ciljanih aktivnosti, programa i mjera. U posebnom su nam fokusu bile sljedeće skupine zaposlenika: kolege na izloženim radnim mjestima gdje je remote work neprimjenjiv i koja čine više od polovine naših ljudi, a vezana su uz distribuciju, proizvodnju i ljekarničko poslovanje našeg lanca Farmacia. Potom roditelji zbog svih izazova organizacije brige za djecu, te novi zaposlenici koji su se Atlanticu pridružili u prvim mjesecima pandemije i nisu se imali prilike integrirati u kolektiv.
OKUS ZAJEDNIŠTVA Pokrenuta je platforma Okus zajedništva (OZ) koja nam je omogućila da ostanemo povezani bez obzira na fizičku razdvojenost. OZ je program povezivanja zaposlenika sa svih tržišta putem raspoloživih digitalnih kanala kako bi pospješili taj osjećaj zajedništva i osigurali da u okolnostima izolacije znamo što se u kojoj državi i na kojoj našoj lokaciji dešava. Dijelili smo priče, slike i videe kako bismo jedni drugima iskazali međusobnu podršku i zahvalnost i tako se bodrili u najtežim trenucima. Sudjelovali u virtualiziranim inačicama programa promoviranja i življenja naše korporativne kulture. Nominirali smo različite aktualne i trenutno relevantne, a obzirom na okolnosti i provedive humanitarne aktivnosti i jedni druge poticali na uključivanje kroz dijeljenje iskustava pod krilaticom value day – every day (snimanje audio knjiga za slijepe, provodili edukacije o vještinama rukovođenja, odabiru novog kadra i selekcijskim metodama za volontere crvenog križa u znak podrške i zahvalnosti na njihovom angažmanu, online tečaj kačkanja za prerano rođenu djecu, davanje krvi. Organizirali aktivnosti u suradnji s našim brendovima: Rulet s barcafeom (serija nasumično odabranih parova između kolega s različitih tržišta u svrhu razmjene iskustava u nošenju s pandemijom, ali i prilika za međusobno upoznavanje, kako zemlje, tako funkcije i opisa posla; Predstavljanje novozaposlenih kroz Cockta profil u kojem se kroz odgovore na nekoliko pitanja predstavljaju neke zanimljivosti o novim kolegama koje se
inače u svakodnevnim uvjetima mogu saznati samo kroz neformalni kontakt i kontakt uživo, što nam je kritično nedostajalo i otežavalo integraciju novih kolega u svoj matični tim i širi kolektiv. kvizovi by Cedevita Organizirali smo live stream fitness program i zajednički se pripremali za nadolazeće maratone. Tri puta tjedno Atlantikovci imaju live satove vježbanja sa licenciranim trenerima iz redova Atlantika koji u ovoj ulozi volontiraju. Trenere imamo iz Hrvatske, Srbije, Makedonije, te Slovenije od kuda nam vježbanje vodi Cedevita-Olimpija Zmajček, vrlo popularan među djecom Atlantikovaca. Ovakav vid zajedničkog vježbanja osim sigurnog i pristupačnog načina održavanja fizičkog zdravlja za sve, predstavlja i izvor super međusobnog zezanja i druženja. Organizirali smo virtualna druženja u formatu zajedničkih timskih ručkova, neformalnih kava, online Pub Quiza i slično. Prilagodili i osmislili nove programe u sklopu našeg Solidarity programa. Nastavili smo s edukacijama u virtualnom formatu i pokrenuli Be Well program edukativnih webinara i experience sessions sa etabliranim regionalnim stručnjacima iz pojedine domene za različita tržišta na lokalnom jeziku namijenjen aktualnoj problematici koji su bili podijeljeni u nekoliko ciklusa: Važnost psihološke dobrobiti i izgradnje otpornosti u vremenima pandemije | Podrška roditeljima za različite uzraste djece | Onboarding u vrijeme pandemije | Upravljanje financijama u vremenima neizvjesnosti | Nakon potresa za kolege pogođene potresima u Zagrebu | Pandemija, tuga
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KROSFUNKCIONALNI TIM KOJI JE VODIO PROJEKAT Vesna Potelj, rukovoditeljica dizajna iskustva zaposlenika Tina Miličić, specijalistica za Employer brending i kulturu Melita Širec, izvršni poslovni asistent predsjednika uprave Feđa Hudina, direktor internih komunikacija Majda Berislavić, rukovoditeljica angažmana potrošača Neža Vobed, starija specijalistica upravljanja talentima i razvojem Tomislav Rašković, specijalist za usmjerenost ka potrošaču
KANALI KOMUNIKACIJE PRIMARNI // Aktivirane su neke stare ali i nove platforme komunikacije kao brza reakcija na potrebu da se, uz minimalna ulaganja i ekspresnu realizaciju, povežu svi zaposlenici bez obzira na to imaju li pristup klasičnim korporativnim kanalima komunikacije. Cilj projekta je bio stvoriti osjećaj zajednice, ne direktnog izvještavanja, pa su društvene mreže preuzele primat u komunikaciji. Okus zajedništva – internet portal dostupan van VPN-a Yammer – interna društvena mreža Facebook – privatna grupa YouTube – zatvorene playliste SEKUNDARNI // Kao podrška za ključne vijesti iz projekta i priče zaposlenika korišteni su i klasični kanali korporativne komunikacije. Atlantic Intranet Atlantic Flash newsletter Atlantic News tiskani magazin Atlantic Radio Koristili smo dodatne kanale komunikacije, posebice portal Okus zajedništva koji
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je bio dostupan van VPN-a, kako bi do izloženih radnih mjesta prenijeli informacije o sigurnosnim i preventivnim mjerama zaštite, načinima i uvjetima rada tijekom trajanja kriznog perioda.
ukućani prošeću kroz kadar dok smo na video pozivu jer je to dio nove norme. Maksimalno koristimo benefite rada od doma i ne zamaramo se frustracijama koje takav rad nosi. Kretanje parametara produktivnosti i motivacije je teško predvidjeti, ali ono što je sigurno je da se efekt remote work-a kreće u ciklusima, posljedice su dalekosežnije i čeka nas ozbiljno suočavanje s negativnim efektima izolacije od naših kolega koji uzrokuje nagrizanje tkiva kolektiva i osjećaja zajedništva. Zato startamo s novim programima koji će imati za svrhu boriti se s efektima tog zasićenja.
Dodatno, kako bi također povezali zaposlenike odlučili smo mobilizirati njihovo kritičko mišljenje i kreativnost i pozvati na višu razinu participacije te na veću demokratičnost u odlukama, pa smo pokrenuli seriju internih istraživanja. Primjerice, nedavno provedeni Kompas Pulse Survey (opisano niže u drugom odgovoru) koji je imao za svrhu utvrditi kakav nam je sveobuhvatni interni doživljaj uspješnosti nošenja sa svim izazovima prvih mjeseci pandemije, ali i prikupiti prijedloge za poboljšanje svih aspekata nošenja sa situacijom.
Atlantic grupa izrazitu brigu posvećuje fizičkom i mentalnom zdravlju svojih zaposlenika.
Besplatne, anonimne telefonske linije za podršku mentalnom balansu
Također, Remote Work anketa koja ima za svrhu upravo utvrditi u kolikoj mjeri želimo napraviti ekstenziju postojećih mogućnosti rada od kuće (jedan dan u tjednu) i što nam sve treba da tu ostanemo produktivni, ali i povezani kao i prije. Remote work u ovom opsegu jedinstveni je globalni eksperiment i nema industrijske najbolje prakse koju jednostavno prekopirate i optimalno se adaptirate. Svima nam je novo. Parametri produktivnosti, motivacije i angažiranosti imali su krivulju koja je u prvim tjednima naglo pala da bi potom rasla i finalno premašila razine opće kvalitete prijašnjih izdanja rada od kuće. Zašto? Svi smo u tome u isto vrijeme i usporedba s radom u klasičnom uredu više nije točka usporedbe. Danas je sasvim prihvatljivo da nam se dijete ili
U ovim situacijama sasvim je normalno da osjećamo neizvjesnost, strah i tjeskobu. Međusobno povezivanje, te davanje podrške i pomoći neizmjerno je važno za očuvanje mentalnoga zdravlja, ali trenutne okolnosti to čine otežanim i izazovnim. Za sve Atlantikovce i članove njihovih obitelji osigurali smo besplatnu mogućnost razgovora, savjetovanja i podrške putem telefonskih linija koje su namijenjene i poznate isključivo nama i preko kojih se možemo povezivati, međusobno dijeliti kako se osjećamo, pružati utjehu i snažiti optimizam uvažavajući preporuke stručnjaka o socijalnoj distanci, ostajanju doma ili čak samoizolaciji. Na ovim linijama s druge strane nalaze se iskusni psiholozi uglednih regionalnih Saveza i Udruga koji stoje na raspolaganju u samo za nas specijalno rezerviranim terminima.
U samom razgovoru moguće se usmjeriti na svu potrebnu podršku i otvoriti teme koje nas trenutno očekivano muče; potražiti savjet kako bolje balansirati obitelj i zahtjeve posla, kako se nositi sa strahom od zaraze, popratnim stresom i svakodnevnim crnim vijestima kojima smo zasipani, kako prebroditi trenutke usamljenosti, kako se nositi sa svim ciklusima doživljaja koji se javljaju u ovoj sad već predugoj socijalnoj izolaciji, a tu su i za hitnu pomoć pri bilo kakvom osjećaju tuge, panike, ili tjeskobe. Cijeli kontekst pored razumijevanja, podrške i vremena za sebe nudi potpunu anonimnost i povjerljivost. Kao i svaki drugi kontakt s psihologom, i ovaj način komunikacije podrazumijeva međusobno povjerenje i obavezu psihologa na diskreciju, te pažljivo odnošenje prema svemu što je klijent iznio u razgovoru. To znači da ovi susreti ne smiju i ne mogu biti dostupni javnosti na bilo koji način, niti mogu biti snimani bez znanja i dozvole klijenta. Solidarnost – pomoć kod narušenog mentalnog zdravlja Program je usmjeren ka onim izvanrednim životnim situacijama s kojima sami ne možemo izaći na kraj, bilo da je riječ o teškoj fizičkoj ili psihološkoj povredi ili bolesti, šteti izazvanoj elementarnom nepogodom (primjerice potresi u Hrvatskoj) ili drugim mogućim životnim krizama. Riječ je o pomoći onim kolegama i članovima njihovih obitelji koji se suočavaju s težim psihičkim stanjima, no ne znaju ili nisu u mogućnosti potražiti adekvatnu pomoć ili lokalni zdravstveni sustav ne može dovoljno brzo reagirati. Bilo da je riječ o problemima poput depresije, problema s različitim oblicima ovisnosti, psihotičnim poremećajima, nasiljem u obitelji, i sl., zaposlenicima se nudi pomoć stručnjaka u obliku besplatnih sesija s preporučenim liječnicima psihijatrima. Dakle, riječ je o svim onim aspektima koji duboko narušavaju mentalno zdravlje i odnose unutar obitelji i gdje je potrebna hitna i neodgodiva reakcija i pomoć.
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We live in a fast, changing, and complex world. Unpredictable events affect us. Health issues, climate change, digitalization, automatization, economic crashes, political tensions – all these changes have a big impact on our business landscape, on our strategies, how we work and how we lead. The year 2020 was disruptive both to organizations and employees, and the global pandemic made us rethink the way we work and how we manage employees. However, 2021 can prove to be a breakthrough year for the HR industry with agile ways of working becoming the norm.
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Maja Majstorović Hajduković, Founder, Agile People Slovenia ICP-AHR Certified Instructor Co-author of the book Agile People Principles – Your Call to Action for the Future of Work
To thrive in today’s business environment, we need to adapt quickly to changes in the market or industry, which often means making a fundamental transformation without the long planning processes to become more agile. Those that make a successful transition can achieve performance improvements, growth, better customer satisfaction, and improved employee engagement. [1] Human Resources is at an exciting crossroads. The world of work is shifting, and with the new ways of living and being it is necessary to think of new modes of working and leading in organizations. To remain relevant, HR needs to evolve. Employees and their leaders want flexible, lightweight, real-time people solutions. They also want to be a part of the conversation and to co-create. I believe HR can find the answers to many of the
challenges we are currently facing with embracing an agile mindset. An agile HR is also the answer to how we can create more agile processes, structures, and the right prerequisites that further foster employee engagement.
Agile People principles Agility is needed more than ever and the essence of agility comes from its principles. Agile working requires a change of mindset. It starts with reviewing and removing structures and practices that don’t serve the purpose within an organization and adopting an agile mindset, values, and principles. Agile People principles give us the direction, like a lighthouse. They are stretchable, and you can choose to what degree you want to try to apply them in your organization.
It means evolving practices in topics like reward, performance, talent, learning, and recruitment, to promote a culture of collaborative networks, continuous improvement, and incremental development and helping leaders understand their new role.
To successfully start working in a more agile way, principles, such as trust, transparency, empowerment, accountability, and increased diversity will be key. Then you can use different tools and practices to make them come alive.
How should HR work in more agile ways? What should HR deliver (together with) the business? We can divide Agile HR into two parts: – How should HR work in more agile ways? In the first instance, agile HR means embracing an agile mindset and using the tools and techniques in our HR work. – HR deliverables (what should HR deliver [together with] the business). The second area is the need to innovate our own people processes and services.
With core values like transparency, self-organization, multi-functional teams, experimentation, feedback loops and incremental development, agile represents a radical shift away from our traditional, more hierarchical, and often bureaucratic ways of working and structuring organizations. With this comes a whole new way to lead teams, make decisions, plan, budget, track performance and deliver value to our customer.
Agile HR services HR no longer needs to follow the traditional best practices only because that’s the way it has always been done or it worked somewhere else. In our ever-changing and complex world, not only is the best practice too static, but it also leads HR to one size fits all processes and systems. Agile HR brings a whole new approach in how we design our HR services, one that fundamentally reshapes the concept – we co-create change directly with our people. [3] In Agile HR we aim to deliver value to our customers incrementally, slice by slice, validating as we go through a test-and-learn approach. To achieve this, we build feedback loops directly into how we work to constantly assess the value we are delivering to the customers. We use experimentation and prototyping to continuously test what works and what doesn’t.
FIGURE I Agile People principles [2] transparency
relative goals
accountability commitment
cross-functional teamwork
Collective intelligence
Optimize for whole
Increase diversity
Increase psychological safety
Increase happiness
Give and receive positive feedback
Make mistakes and learn from them
Continuous learning and improvement
Grow people
Clear goals and simple rules
More experimentation
Common direction
Know people deeply
Tell why and what and leave how to the people
Stable and semi-stable teams
Purpose and meaning
Customer value
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Peer pressure
Trial and error
Emerging goals
Avoid sub-optimization
FIGURE II Agile People tools and practices personal maps
delegating boards
Daily standups
Beyond budgeting
Value stream mapping
Psychological safety game
Buddy system
Merit money
Salary formulas
Reiss motivational profile
Consent decision making
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FIGURE III If we were adding an agile perspective in people-oriented services, it would look like this: goals and performance
- A move to continuous coaching and feedback through regular conversations, moving away from a yearly ap praisal process. - Setting quarterly or monthly goals, with regular check-ins. - Continuous feedback and recognition by peers, managers, and team leaders moving away from just working with a single manager. - Focus on goal setting and working with OKRs on a personal, team, and organizational level. There needs to be a focus on shorter, more frequent feedback loops, open communication, collaboration, continuous improvement, and coaching leadership. The result will be an increase in productivity and more engaged employees.
- Always ongoing, never-ending. - An agile company is always looking for new employees with the right attitude. Individual basic needs, attitudes, and values are, in some cases, more important than competence. They should be in sync with the company values. - The recruitment responsibility is not just on HR; teams, managers and marketing should also be involved – re cruitment needs to happen in cross-functional teams.
competence development
- Less is more, take away rather than add new things. Work with less complicated job roles and job descriptions, and competency libraries. - Focus on values, behaviours, and expectations, instead of task lists. - Focus on keeping/developing the key, strategic competencies that the company needs to be competitive.
- Continuous learning rather than traditional courses and training. The knowledge should be there when it’s needed through people networks, apps. - E-learning, interactive exercises/online training. The co-workers can then, to a certain extent, choose on their own when to learn and how to acquire new competence. - Team competence becomes a concept in the future.
Transforming HR and its role in agile organizations I think HR teams should lead the change. If we want to enable agility throughout an organization, we need empowered and highly efficient teams, who have knowledge and competencies to take over different projects. Being the people function in the business, HR teams are best placed to lead and help create more agile structures. It is time for HR teams to change the way they operate because if we continue to work the way we always did, we can’t drive change in the rest of the organization. If you look at some of the key areas of a business – recruitment, change management, people development, learning, and mentorship – HR plays a
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crucial role. We have the opportunity to make a big difference in the way businesses will operate in the future.
-Visualize the work on the wall with a Kanban board or something similar, to help keep projects on track;
We don’t need to do more things – we need to learn how to stop hindering people from giving their best to the company by providing the wrong structures. This is an opportunity to co-create solutions with our people and embrace our central role in building the future of work.
- Hold morning meetings with your HR team;
How to start with Agile HR?
- Try to strive towards more T-shaped roles; Find a common HR project that you could use as a pilot agile project where a cross-functional team could contribute;
I want to change HR – but where do I start? Here you can find some practical first steps: - Run weekly retrospectives to gather feedback on what went well and what didn’t go well, so that you can make adjustments;
- Start working and in cross-functional teams; - Focus on feedback, creating feedback loops, and using things like Kudo cards to recognize and motivate employees;
- Small changes will gradually change the culture and increase agility in your HR team and further in your organization. [4]
Also, do not forget to create an environment that is psychologically safe. We have to create an environment where everybody dares to be themselves, to express their opinions, to try new things, and to learn. We also need to understand that complex problems do not have simple solutions, so we need to experiment, make mistakes and learn from them. The key is to start making changes. It is important to remember that making small changes will have a big impact, gradually changing the culture and increasing the agility of your team or organization. Culture and mindset are key. Agile is a mindset, and mindset is a journey.
Trust, transparency, and empowerment Agile HR is all about supporting people to give their best effort to the company by providing the structures that enable this journey of change. In my experience, if you invite people to work with you as you experiment with new modes of working, you will find that people are more willing to embrace the change. If you listen to their feedback and use their ideas and input to create changes, you will see better buy-in. I have seen first-hand how people grow when you give them a clear what and why, and then trust them to find the how. For me, embracing transparency helps create high-performing teams that understand how to draw on the individual strengths of team members. It also feeds into creating psychological safety, as you are empowering your people and giving
them the autonomy to make their own decisions. It creates an atmosphere of resourcefulness and increases creativity. It is time to create a culture of empowerment so that employees are taking action toward a joint goal, testing, learning, and improving as they go. It is time to evolve. It is time to honestly give our people more accountability and autonomy to make important decisions. It is time to give them just what and why. Then, together, we can deal with all changes happening around us, including the new modes of work and of how we develop and lead our employees. It is time to empower employees. [5] If we can create an agile organization, one that is always learning and transforming, businesses will be able to adapt to changes in the world and in the market.
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It is all about the people In the end, agile transformation is all about people. People are the ones who continuously improve and make a difference since the company that learns and adapts to changes faster than anybody else in the future will be the one that will have the most important competitive advantage. HR can support or hinder the change towards a more agile organization – that’s why HR needs to go first. Here we have the opportunity to really make a difference. Our careers no longer mean working for one company in one department. We will have multiple reinventions in our careers, therefore it is important to recognize that and prepare for it. I guess 2021 is the best time to be in or have a people-focused role or just passion to co-create a world where we can be the best versions of ourselves and grow.
[1] Saberr (2021) 23.03.2021 found on https://www.saberr.com/blog-posts/how-can-hr-be-agile-in-2021 [2] Dank, N., Hellström, R. (2020). Agile HR: Deliver Value in a Changing World of Work [3] Thoren, P. M. & sco. (2020). Agile People Principles – your call to action for the future of work [4] Thoren, P. M. (2017). Agile People: A Radical Approach for HR & Managers (That Leads to Motivated Employees) [5] Thoren, P. M. & sco. (2020). Agile People Principles – your call to action for the future of work
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 105
Posao nadahnut ŽIVOTOM: „Karijera u dm-u zasniva se na kontinuiranom učenju“ Kompanija dm, prepoznata kao jedan od najpoželjnijih poslodavaca u Srbiji, kroz svoje poslovanje iznova prati trendove na polju ljudskih resursa kako bi privukla i zadržala najbolje ljude. Dva nova projekta na tom planu donose dodatnu korist zaposlenima, kao i svima onima koji žele da svoju karijeru grade pod okriljem dm-a. Reč je o novoj digitalnoj platformi Lernwelt koja predstavlja jedinstveni „Svet učenja“ zaposlenih u kompaniji, a za sve koji žele da se upoznaju s vrednostima, internim praksama i otvorenim konkursima u dm-u dostupna je unapređena karijerna stranica www.dm-jobs.rs. Kako se stvorila potreba i odakle je potekla ideja za ovim inovacijama, otkrivaju Jelisaveta Obradović i Maja Petrović Kolaković, menadžerke razvoja ljudskih resursa u kompaniji dm. „Veoma je važno da HR sektori kompanija spremno dočekaju turbulentna vremena, da bi se izborili s novim trendovima i izazovima. Efikasno upravljanje HR procesima postaje imperativ u brzom i promenljivom poslovnom okruženju. Uz to, primetna je tendencija praćenja tehnoloških trendova kako bi se privukli novi talenti. Iz te potrebe, sproveli smo ove inovacije i unapredili proces selekcije“, ističe Maja Petrović Kolaković.
KAKO FUNKCIONIŠE NOVI „SVET UČENJA“ U dm-U? U poslovnom svetu, ovaj drogerijski lanac se izdvaja po posvećenosti kolektivu i svakodnevnom radu na stručnom usavršavanju zaposlenih, kao i po razvoju njihovih profesionalnih i ličnih osobina. Kompanija kontinuirano organizuje obuke, kurseve,
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radionice svim zaposlenima, te je onlajn platforma Lernwelt (Svet učenja), koja predstavlja jedinstveni svet učenja u dm-u, došla kao prirodan nastavak takvog pristupa. U okviru platforme, zaposleni mogu da izaberu različite digitalne sadržaje. Materijali s edukacija su dostupni u svakom trenutku, a pored toga što su kratki, sažeti i zanimljivi, nude mogućnost stvaranja ličnog iskustva kroz vežbe i interaktivne materijale. „U dm-u poštujemo individualnost svakog zaposlenog, ali iznad svega, kao krovna ideja stoji zajedništvo jer je samo tako moguće pokrenuti inovativne usluge i projekte. Dobili smo priliku da promenimo način i pristup radu i u tom duhu smo zajedno sa ostalim zemljama dm potkoncerna radili na razvoju ove platforme za učenje koja nam je donela mnoge novine u pogledu organizacije i sprovođenja edukacija“, kaže Jelisaveta Obradović.
INOVATIVNA KARIJERNA STRANICA Kako bi zainteresovani kandidati za rad u dm-u spoznali poslovnu filozofiju kompanije i mogli da se poistovete s njenom korporativnom kulturom i vrednostima, a potom i da konkurišu za posao, drogerijski lanac je razvio inovativnu karijernu stranicu. Od menadžerke za razvoj ljudskih resursa kompanije dm saznajemo šta je sada sve dostupno kandidatima uz pomoć samo jednog klika na www.dm-jobs.rs. „Novi sistem regrutovanja omogućava nam da budemo još bliže kandidatima, dok je sama selekcija još transparentnija. Karijerna platforma donosi brojne mogućnosti, kao što su objava eksternih
i internih konkursa, praćenje broja prijavljenih, slanje odgovora i intenzivna komunikacija s kandidatima“, objašnjava Maja Petrović Kolaković i dodaje: „S druge strane, oni koji se prijavljuju imaju mogućnost da naprave svoj profil, uređuju ga i menjaju, prilože radnu biografiju i motivaciono pismo i prate status svoje prijave. Osim toga, mogu da se prijave i na bilten i tako budu u toku sa svim novim konkursima. Naravno, sve to uz zagarantovanu zaštitu ličnih podataka. Brojne prijave kandidata koje beležimo na dnevnom nivou dodatna su potvrda uspešnosti ovog rešenja.“ Novi sistem stavlja ljude u središte digitalne transformacije, fokusirajući se na inovacije koje omogućavaju povezivanje kolektiva sa svrhom kompanije. Iz ovog drogerijskog lanca poručuju da posao može biti nadahnut životom, a oni koji se prepoznaju u vrednostima dm-a otvorene pozicije mogu pratiti na www.dm-jobs.rs.
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 107
The feedback culture in the post-pandemic world Danica Ristić, HR edukatorka
There was never a time when the topic of feedback was outdated, exhausted, or simply not relevant. Every study that has ever been done on this topic has proven that feedback, if done properly and timely, helps improve every metric we should care about performance, retention, satisfaction, and ultimately, revenue. But despite its crucial importance, many team leads and managers, and in some cases, even chiefs of departments still struggle with it. Occasionally, useful training for a new technique helps, but the drive and motivation are easily lost as lessons are forgotten, and the busyness of the business world takes over.
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It used to be challenging to tackle the issue of feedback, but since pandemics broke out, and most businesses were forced to transition to remote work, the term challenge seems to be an understatement. As the use of words like essential became a norm, all that was deemed unnecessary seemed to fade away. Feedback was amongst the first. Who has the time to deal with the complexities of giving someone feedback that is simultaneously informative, objective, detailed, and adequately worded when the whole world seems to be turned upside down, forcing us to rethink everything, from our health to our sanity? Ironically, that is when feedback is needed the most. The need to get comments, appraisals, critiques and a general opinion on our performance, attitude, behavior, and overall likeness isn’t going away because we are facing a never-before-seen crisis. Considering the tool that it had on the job market, this need is more important than ever. As job security is threatened, insecurities and doubts are increasing. This makes feedback, which is given timely and effectively, the most essential tool in the HR work kit. Its importance shouldn’t be neglected. But, how do we go about it? If you weigh the difficulty of remote feedback against its positive effect on productivity and satisfaction, the difficulty takes the back seat. It simply shouldn’t matter how challenging it is, since it can be so valuable to all relevant parties. Regardless if you’ve just dabbed your feet in the world of remote work, or if you are a veteran swimmer, there is surely something you can learn from the ones struggling with the same challenges. Many big tech companies, like Facebook and Google, have changed the way they do performance reviews and how they administer feedback. We’ve done the research and compiled a list of expert advice on how to tackle the issue of remote feedback in the post-pandemic world. Take a look and see for yourself, and let us know if we were able to help you with this important topic.
Both digital and analog have their benefits and downsides, and the easiest way to achieve the results you are looking for is to combine both. Instead of complaining about the AI HR that lacks the personal touch, or refusing to digitalize ancient processes, choose to walk the fine line that runs in the middle. What does that mean for feedback? Well, digital processes are fast and efficient and you can always have access to large amounts of organized data. Analog processes allow everyone to feel appreciated, foster connections, and improve satisfaction. Mix both of them by implementing a digital feedback gathering tool, followed by a one-to-one meeting of employees and their immediate supervisors. Where one way of working is lagging, the other can step in. Have in mind that technology is just a tool, and people, with all their might and weaknesses, are behind every process. Use the tools to help you, make an informed decision, but lead the change with empathy and compassion.
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While everyone is working from home, dealing with the stress and aftermath of the pandemic, keeping up with all the company news probably won’t be a priority. However, employees will be more than keen to know what the company is doing in terms of hearing out their feedback and acting accordingly. This is why it is important to create a special channel of information that will be dedicated solely to communicating the changes that are being implemented based on the information provided by the employees. Every improvement, no matter how small, needs to be showcased. The overall confidence in any company took a hit, and any step taken into strengthening that relationship is a good investment in the company’s future.
Remote work is here to stay, and the faster we adapt, the faster we will grow. These are some of the advice on how to change the entire process of performance evaluation that we have gathered throughout the industry. Revise the processes you have in place and see how you can improve, by learning from others.
• The feedback process should be fast-paced - it should require little time from employers and it should be easily accessible, allowing managers to quickly revise and evaluate data they’ve been given • The information flow should be going in two ways, or better yet - in every way, allowing all relevant parties place and time to express their own evaluations • Anonymity should be protected despite the digital footprint, especially when it comes to highly sensitive topics (any form of abuse, law-breaking, or breach of company protocol) • At every step of the way, the employee should be aware of the why, the bigger reason behind every survey or questionnaire, and feel the company’s good intention, aware of the steps that will be taken as a result • Metrics should take a back seat, allowing for more open-ended questions and non-quantifiable answers • Check-ins should be frequent, both formal and informal, giving employees space and time to express their concerns while being away from their typical office life and colleagues
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When a crisis happens, people change the way they work. Their brains shift into a different mode, and that ultimately leads to altered ways of thinking. The crisis we are going through now has simultaneously asked the employers to allow flexibility to everyone that doesn’t fit the mold (single parents, employees with previous health conditions, senior workforce), while maintaining equality amongst benefits and conditions offered. All things considered, it is an insurmountable task, one that most have failed to complete. This issue is clearly visible in the performance review, which should take all of that into consideration, and evaluate each employee on a strict scale while having in mind their divergent circumstances. COVID bias has already started to impact the job market, creating a gap between the ones who have suffered more and the ones who have managed to thrive. So, how can you possibly tackle this issue? The best, and possibly the only way, is to focus on what are the behaviours and values you are looking for as a company, opposed to keeping track of hours, strict performance metrics, and revenue. Single moms dealing with kids staying at home might not achieve the before-agreed results, but their dedication and motivation will remain intact, if not increased. In order to foster a culture of collaboration, where feedback is a frequently used tool and not a torture device, keep in mind the circumstances and adjust swiftly and transparently. Crisis brings people together, and your company will thrive on a sense of community, trust, and a unified desire to contribute and improve.
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The success of the new feedback process doesn’t necessarily depend on how good the process is, but how invested the people implementing it are. From board members to junior data entry interns, everyone needs to be aware of the reason behind the change and their own benefit in supporting it. Communicate the company’s good intention every step of the way, and never let the reasoning behind it be overshadowed by the technicalities of the process. Agree with senior staff members to keep each other accountable, and keep track of each other, providing valuable and objective insight, in order to smooth the process implementation. Come up with reward and recognition systems that will motivate employees, and allow them to feedback the feedback process without getting defensive. The happier all parties are, the more likely they will be to actually use the process. In the end, it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, it matters that every employee can reflect on their own contribution and come up with an action plan for the future.
The data gathered through the digital portion of the evaluation process should provide you with a powerful insight and let you feel the pulse of your employees. The subsequent regular check-ins between bosses and employees will continue to foster a culture of trust and transparency. The next step isn’t just fixing things that are broken, but making sure less and less gets broken in the long run. That is the final piece of the puzzle that will allow this improved feedback process to be the key to not only survival but improvement of the company, despite the external factors and persistent obstacles the whole business world is facing. The digital world provides us with many tools, but the human element will always be crucial. Instead of wasting time creating, filling and filling lengthy reviews, use the technology to streamline the process, use the spare time to strategize, engage and motivate, and turn this crisis into a chance. It took weeks for some companies to change had been broken for decades. How you adapt to a crisis is how you will survive. Lean on your employees, and enjoy the new normal – together.
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BRANISLAV JOVANOVIĆ, Menadžer za društveno odgovorno poslovanje, Banca Intesa
Za početak, da razjasnimo: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), odnosno društvenoodgovorno poslovanje nije nešto nice-to-have, već je poodavno postalo neophodan aspekt svakog poslovanja koje teži održivom rastu. Traženje odgovora na narastajuće društvene promene i dramatično narušena ekološka ravnoteža svakako jesu ključni okidač za jačanje CSR funkcija u kompanijama, nezavisno od toga da li posluju na globalnom ili na lokalnom nivou. Nije zanemarivo ni to što nove generacije kupaca, klijenata i korisnika usluga u sve većoj meri donose informisane odluke o izboru između više ponuđača na osnovu njihovog uticaja na životnu sredinu i širine spektra socijalnih problema koje rešavaju u lokalnoj zajednici. Ne manje važan razlog, naročito za čitaoce ovog magazina, jeste i introspektivni aspekt – na koji način CSR i odgovorne društvene prakse utiču na
rast naših kapaciteta za regrutaciju željenih kadrova i koliko autentična podrška CSR aktivnostima doprinosi jačanju korporativnih vrednosti i zadržavanju najboljih ljudi. E baš na tom mestu, za neke neočekivano, HR postaje centralna tačka okruženja u kojem strateški planirani CSR postiže svoj puni potencijal i daje očekivani doprinos poslovnim ciljevima.
ETIKA KAO POSLOVNA STRATEGIJA Sa dugogodišnjim profesionalnim iskustvom u CSR-u, čini mi se da sam razumeo sve faze njegovog razvoja – od poslovne teme zgodne za PR pozicioniranje kompanije i jačanje pozitivnog sentimenta u javnosti, preko fokusa na filantropiju i donatorske aktivnosti (neretko greškom mešajući ga čak i sa marketingom i sponzorstvima) do današnjeg
solidno razgranatog spektra regulatornog delovanja i kontrolne funkcije zadužene za upravljanje različitim vrstama rizika. Imajući privilegiju da radim u kompaniji koja kao jedan od globalnih lidera održivosti razume specifičnu vrednost kojom CSR doprinosi poslovanju, ona je svoju CSR funkciju odavno strateški pozicionirala baš tu – u HR sektoru. Zašto? Jednostavno – od presudne je važnosti da zaposleni podržavaju uverenja i ključne vrednosti kompanije. Samo HR može uspešno da omogući da te vrednosti, kao potvrda iskrenog CSR delovanja, prožmu celu kompaniju, i to kroz širok dijapazon aktivnosti. Kako dolazim iz sektora finansija, koji ne samo da je jedan od najuređenijih, već i najosetljivijih na pojavu i najmanjih reputacionih rizika, plan obuka za zaposlene itekako uključuje i one
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Etika tako ruši stereotipe filozofske discipline i postaje živa i primenjiva, vrlo važno sredstvo u stvaranju interne kulture koja se efikasno primenjuje u kolektivnom odnosu prema klijentu, partneru, dobavljaču, i, na kraju, društvu u celini. iz CSR-a. Kroz posebne segmente treninga, CSR je deo svih uvodnih kurseva na kojima se novozaposleni informišu o ključnim pravcima delovanja kompanije kojoj su se pridružili. Kao dobar primer iz prakse može da posluži i činjenica da je u kompaniji u kojoj radim poslovna etika i primena vrednosti Etičkog kodeksa u vlasništvu CSR-a (a samim tim i HR-a) i on kao takav osigurava mehanizme kojima štiti integritet brenda, ali i konstantno među zaposlenima promoviše primenu njegovih principa. Prvi kurs koji je bio ponuđen zaposlenima kroz novu digitalnu platformu za edukaciju bio je upravo interaktivni i animirani trening o primeni Etičkog kodeksa u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Kroz kratke vizuelne i interaktivne forme naš Etički kodeks oživljava, i prolazeći kroz realne situacije u svom odnosu sa Bankom, otkriva društvene i korporativne vrednosti primenjene u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Etika tako ruši stereotipe filozofske discipline i postaje živa i primenjiva, vrlo važno sredstvo u stvaranju interne kulture koja se efikasno primenjuje u kolektivnom
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odnosu prema klijentu, partneru, dobavljaču, i, na kraju, društvu u celini. U tom smislu, pre par godina smo organizovali svojevrsnu turneju po svim poslovnim regionima Banke i u okviru projekta HR Tour u neposrednom kontaktu sa kolegama afirmisali poslovne teme poput, između ostalog, etike u investiranju, odnosno važnosti stvaranja dodatne koristi za društvo od naše primarne, finansijske delatnosti. Upravljanje socio-ekološkim rizicima u kreditnim procesima takođe je jedan od važnijih aspekata agende CSR-a. Na primer, najnoviji ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) framework, koji podrazumeva set novih regulatornih tema koje se dotiču većeg broja funkcija u kompaniji, biće fokus zajedničkih planova HR-a i CSR-a već tokom ove godine, sa ciljem detektovanja ključnih društvenih ili ekoloških izazova na koje će investiciona industrija morati da odgovori u bliskoj budućnosti. Osim ove, edukativne, CSR ima sve značajniju ulogu u razvoju dugoročnih programa brige o zaposlenima kroz, između ostalog, i razvoj novih
Smart Work modela i fleksibilnih oblika rada. Podrazumeva se da HR, kao jedna od centralnih funkcija, neposredno sarađuje sa top menadžmentom, čija snažna podrška daje dodatni kredibilitet integraciji ovih principa i vrednosti unutar kompanije, čineći ga važnom komponentom sveukupne poslovne vizije i strategije. Takođe je važno i da je baš HR funkcija ključna za procese kontrole i merenja indikatora učinka, uključujući i one iz CSR portfolija.
LJUDSKO LICE KOMPANIJE U pravu ste ako pomislite da su sve kompanije različite, i da ovi primeri ne moraju (niti treba) da budu primenjivi na vaše poslovne modele. Svaka kompanija ima unutrašnju kulturu i vrednosti, sopstveno „kućno vaspitanje” i specifične organizacione uslove u kojima razvija svoj pristup CSR-u. Ipak, zajedničko im je da omogućavaju kulturu dijaloga, zbog čega je u procesu razumevanja, prihvatanja i sprovođenja ovih programa izuzetno važna podrška korporativnih komunikacija – sa posebnim akcentom na internu javnost.
U kontekstu CSR-a, interne komunikacije se često poimaju kao sredstvo za uticaj na stavove zaposlenih vezanih za promociju CSR rezultata u kompaniji i motivisanje kolega za učešće u ovakvim aktivnostima. Ipak, ovakav jednostrani pristup ne oslikava svu složenost i važnost unutrašnje komunikacije u stvaranju stavova zaposlenih, neophodnih za poboljšanje performansi CSR-a. Čak ni realno dobre i skupe interne komunikacione kampanje kakve smo mogli videti (pre perioda pandemije i promene komunikacionih narativa ka bezbednosti i zaštiti zaposlenih na radu) nisu garancija da će zaposleni uzeti učešće u CSR aktivnostima i dobro ih razumeti. Bilo je slučajeva da su se zaposleni povlačili iz volonterskih aktivnosti i prestajali da pružaju podršku ovakvim aktivnostima kada su interne kampanje postajale puka promocija postignutih rezultata kompanije. Samo u onoj meri u kojoj interne komunikacije nisu u službi pukog informisanja, već mobilisanja interne javnosti u postizanju konsenzusa oko razumevanja i prihvatanja korporativnih vrednosti, omogućiće kompaniji da dobije ljudsko lice, a zaposlenima da razumeju CSR pristup i postanu njegove najiskrenije pristalice. Važnost dijaloga u slučaju CSR-a može da se ogleda i u uključivanju zaposlenih da sami predlažu načine društvenog aktivizma (oni ionako najbolje
sagledavaju realne potrebe svojih zajednica). Razmatrajući kvalitetne predloge i ulažući značajna sredstva u realizaciju, kompanija povećava stepen podrške zaposlenih CSR-u, negujući i podržavajući njihovu individualnu odgovornost, ali i društvenu odgovornost poslodavca. U kompaniji u kojoj radim, zaposlenima je zato omogućeno da predlažu koncepte CSR-a i volonterske aktivnosti, direktno ili preko online platforme. Razvijanje volonterske kulture sprovodi se kroz poseban program korporativnog volonterstva “Intesa od srca” koji je od svog osnivanja zajednici doprineo sa više desetina hiljada sati doborovoljnog rada realizovanih od strane više stotina zaposlenih u svakom trenutku spremnih da praktično, sopstvenim rukama, ili profesionalnom ekspertizom, kroz individualne ili grupne volonterske aktivnosti podrže pozitivne promene u zajednici. Iako je program opravdano nagrađen gotovo svim nacionalnim priznanjima za doprinos razvoju društva i inovativna rešenja u volonterizmu, to mu nije primarni cilj. CSR aktivnosti i volonterske akcije takođe su veoma bitne za stvaranje zajedništva među zaposlenima, i to u realnim životnim okolnostima, sa vrlo konkretnim i merljivim rezultatima na kraju. A mogućnosti podrške lokalnim zajednicama su nebrojene – od sadnje šume na obalama Gružanskog jezera, fizičke pomoći kolegi čija je kuća stradala u poplavi, preko čišćenje plastike sa Velikog
ratnog ostrva, druženja sa štićenicima Gerontološkog centra u Nišu, do sređivanje dvorišta Ustanove za decu i mlade u Veterniku...
UČINITE CSR SVOJIM EMPLOYER BRENDOM Prema relevantnim domaćim istraživanjima, generacija Z u Srbiji polako postaje ne samo značajni deo buduće radne snage, već i kandidata koji su trenutno u potrazi za poslom. Kao informisana kategorija društva, globalno nakolonjena brizi za budućnost planete, njihova spremnost za rad kod poslodavca meri se i stepenom društvene odgovornosti koju on sprovodi. Baš zato, CSR i treba da bude jedan od stubova našeg employer brand-a. Razgovor o CSR-u sa kandidatima, opisi ovakvih programa u oglasima za posao ili blagonaklon odnos kompanije prema volontiranju u radno vreme sve su češća praksa. Iako kvalitetne fotografije naših CSR aktivnosti na korporativnom sajtu ostaju važan atribut, potencijalni zaposleni ipak više cene da CSR i interna kultura reflektuju vrednosti zbog kojih bi nam se i pridružili.
ZAJEDNO DO INTEGRACIJE VREDNOSTI U KULTURU KOMPANIJE Kroz ovaj tekst pokušao sam ukratko da ukažem da postoji mnogo načina kako bilo koja organizacija ili
kompanija mogu doprineti društvu, ali da je za uspeh svakog od njih neophodno razumevanje, iskrena podrška i uključenost (angažovanje) ljudi koji u njima rade. Sada već dovoljno iskusna javnost u Srbiji, ona interna ali i ona šira, eksterna, u stanju je da vrlo lako prepozna razliku između kompanija koje iskreno pristupaju podršci zajednicama i onih koje CSR koriste samo za PR – što sve više i više postaje neprihvatljiv koncept. Kada je CSR zaista autentični deo korporativne kulture i sistema vrednosti, on će zajedno sa ostalim poslovnim funkcijama doprineti kreiranju ambijenta u kojem ljudi rade, donose odluke i ponašaju se u skladu sa “širom slikom” i željenom strategijom kompanije. Takav pristup okrenut je ka ljudima i stvara dugoročno održive interne procese i organizaciju kojoj klijenti i partneri, a naročito zaposleni, češće ostaju lojalni. A to se može postići ako HR omogući CSR-u još snažniju ulogu i sa njim podeli vođstvo u integraciji vrednosti u kulturu kompanije.
CSR treba da bude jedan od stubova našeg employer brand-a. maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 115
The Future of Events Lies In Providing an Always-On Experience Vlado Damjanović, Head of Delivery, Beyond42 | CollectiVibe
The impact of the Covid-19 crisis is undeniable. The first half of 2020 led to the cancelation of almost every major event. By the summer of 2020, the industry stabilized, but the events, due to the incoming waves of Covid-19, had to shift their strategy towards virtual presentations. A few of the lucky ones managed to retain (at least partially) in-person aspects of the event, all due to favorable pandemics situation locally. The overwhelming majority of others had to shift fully virtual. Even though the virtual event as a concept was widely present even before 2020, it is with the start of the pandemics that it reaches its apex. Overnight, the event venue search transformed into event technology picking and it will remain like this for the foreseeable future. One element that did not change was the reason people attended events. Education, following trends, lead generation, networking, and others remain the biggest reason for joining. The change of format introduced both good and bad changes to the organization. The costs, time-to-organize, and the final cost for the attendees were significantly reduced, with many events becoming free. At the same time, the fact that we did not pay, did not book travel and accommodation, meant that we are less likely to attend. According to the research done by Attedease, virtual events (in the domain of marketing) have an attendance of only around 44%. The final outcome of the events, according to the same research, remains almost identical to the real-world events: Around 76% of event organizers involved in the research reported that they received similar scores in the evaluations they conducted with their virtual attendees, compared to the physical ones.
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Propelled by the new trends the industry continues to shift driven by the need to create new business models and events experiences. What is coming is the radical shift in the ways we perceive events, what they represent, what we gain from them, and how long they are.
THE FUTURE OF EVENTS IS IN AN ALWAYS-ON APPROACH If virtual-only events taught us anything it is that the event content and features are no longer limited only to our physical presence in the conference hall. Digitalizing the content and the services have made them available on-demand 24-7, living attendees the pleasure to experience events at their convenience. Event organizers have also stepped out of their previously mandated roles. They no longer see themselves as pure organizers, but individuals whose purpose is to draw lines between participants, businesses, topics, matchmaking, exclusive content, etc. What is evident at the moment is that, while the industry will go back to the physical gatherings, the majority of the organizers will keep the virtual component, making their events hybrids of all sorts. Considering that there will be a “digital” replica of the event, however executed, means that the organizers can now offer services that were previously reserved for the “three days the event lasted” throughout the year. Features such as business matchmaking, content sharing, live chats with the niche audience of event attendees can now become annually available for the benefit of all parties.
The always-on approach affects the way attendees behave when in online, always-available environments. The already short attention spans are now even further reduced, meaning that the concept, as well as the content, need to be adapted for the new audience type. This will have direct implications for the physical gatherings as their content will either get shorter, or the pacing of the event itself made quicker.
MULTIPLE AUDIENCES, ONE SHARED EXPERIENCE We’ve established so far that the future of events is hybrid. The next milestone for organizers is to ensure an optimal experience for both their online and on-site attendees. Since we are talking about singular events, the key becomes the creation of a shared experience among both groups that will, leveraged through technology, make them feel like being a part of something bigger than just a physical gathering (or a virtual one, for that matter). If we understand the difference between two types of participants and their motivation to participate in an event, we conclude that this new experience needs to be provided as an add-on, rather than as a tool for forcing interactions among the two types of audiences. The technology where the two meet needs to be a part of the experience. The video content produced needs to be broadcastgrade to provide the most immersive experience. The technology itself should be widely available (on all devices), fully customizable, and preferably unique. Providing an experience that attendees have not been through before will help with pushing an event to an even greater number of potential participants. Platforms such as CollectiVibe offer full virtual recreations of real-world event venues regardless of where they are located. Instead of roaming the static pages and video beams, users get to roam the real 3D live stages that look just like a real thing, feeling as if they are really “there”.
ELEVATING AN EVENT EXPERIENCE INTO AN ENGAGED COMMUNITY Always-on events represent a great opportunity and a catalyst for event organizers to convert their attendees into engaged communities
ALWAYS-ON EVENTS REPRESENT A GREAT OPPORTUNITY AND A CATALYST FOR EVENT ORGANIZERS TO CONVERT THEIR ATTENDEES INTO ENGAGED COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE GATHERED AROUND ONE OR MULTIPLE NICHE TOPICS. of practice gathered around one or multiple niche topics. Considering that the virtual participants are always there and that the in-person attendees will be joining virtual the moment the physical event finishes, the first prerequisite, the members, has already been satisfied. Built around the technology they are powered by, the newly founded communities will thrive on user-generated content provided by the members interested in showcasing their work and research or gathering feedback from the crowd of experts. Attendees can be engaged indefinitely through participation in real-time question and answer sessions. Event-exclusive features, such as matchmaking and meeting booking, can become an integral part of the new community, providing the unbeatable incentive for active participation. The ultimate goal of creating engaged communities behind events is the reduction in marketing and organizational costs. If an event has an active community of 500 members, there are high chances that some of those members will automatically convert and attend the next event being organized.
CONCLUSION We are at the beginning of a new era when it comes to hybrid events. The signs and the direction that the industry is moving are clear but the final transformation will become visible as the pandemics approach its end. Technology will be at the center of it. maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 117 »» COLLECTIVIBE.COM
Knowing your people is a deal maker Danijela Đurić, People and Organization Development Consultant, HR Xcel Sónia Cardoso, Executive Director, Slot
Showcasing how knowing what to look for and ascertaining it’s there helped an organization hit the required retention and saving Human Resources can make great things happen. We help people find a perfect job fit. We help them thrive in organisations by providing opportunities to grow both professionally and personally. But how do we know we have recognized a perfect job fit? How do we get familiar with the strengths and attention points of the individuals, in order to provide a development programme with the highest impact?
in the HR practice. What if the assessment tool we chose is as good at predicting the behaviour as flipping a coin? Based on a study presented in the Consulting Psychology Journal 2005, it’s important to check at least the reliability and validity of the psychometric tools we choose to rely on in our decisions related to people. The best choice is to rely on those assessment tools that are scientifically proven.
There is a common belief that being a psychologist in the business world or being an experienced assessor, having the eye for assessment, and trusting your gut feeling will help you make the right choice. Is that enough? Fifteen years ago, the first mentor in my assessment practice used to say: “The gut feeling you have is only a hypothesis that you have to check by doing an assessment”. Each time we fail to check our hypothesis and jump to a conclusion, we are at great risk of deciding based on our personal bias or assessment tendencies. There are diverse assessment tools we can use
Let’s explore the difference an assessment can make for a business. I have invited Sonia Cardoso, Executive Director of SLOT, to share their recent business case in Portugal.
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to recruit and keep qualified licensed maintenance engineers. In the airlines, the maintenance engineer is a critical position. Actually, the maintenance technicians are like the Holy Grail. Both airlines needed help and expertise to reduce the costs and to recruit the right people, highly motivated for learning. Both Training Directors showed us some important figures (Table 1). Table 1
Line Maitenance - Training Training costs per trainee
Facts 12 000 €
Assessments should be an important tool to make the right decisions, as technology is ready to collect and process the data about people more efficiently and scientifically.
Total cost per Class (16 students)
Turnover during class
Our clients, a German Aviation Company – Line Maintenance Training Center and Sata Azores Airlines reached out to SLOT Portugal in 2018 and 2019. They were struggling
Turnover after class
Training duration
Total cost
192 000 € 2 years
230,400 €
It takes two years to train a maintenance engineer. The cost per trainee was EUR 12,000. Each class has 16 people. The cost of the training was fully supported by the airlines, which already was a significant investment. On the other hand, the turnover in this position was 60%. Trainees were leaving in the middle of the training, or right afterwards. Most of them left to another airline with training and certification paid by our clients. The purpose of the project was to keep the best students at the end. When exploring their approach to recruitment, we realised that they used technical tests, knowledge tests and traditional interviews.
according to 30 Performance Indicators, and last but not least, their drivers and their motivation. In total, 130 people were evaluated, 70 for A German Aviation Company – Line Maintenance Training Center and 60 for SATA.
As I believe that each person is unique, the best way to understand them, to keep them engaged and motivated, is to look deeply into people. We had to choose the assessment that will help us understand people’s personality traits and motivational drivers.
We had a gold mine of information. I shall give some examples. For instance, for this industry and job requirements, we decided to look for people with low scores on impulsiveness and high scores on composure, beyond other relevant indicators which would never come up in a traditional interview the way they were doing it.
Facing this scenario, we proposed to apply Thalento e-assessments (Picture 1, the Assessment), to make sure they choose the right people. We found this step crucial as it was supposed to bring quality to the recruitment process. We wanted a tool that can predict behaviour and performance in a business setting by assessing personality characteristics and motivational drivers. This way we wanted to reduce turnover and make the costs more efficient (Picture 2, the Need)
So, we asked them: “How could you assess the behaviours, potential, and motivation of the people?” They realised that it was impossible to use only traditional recruitment methodologies, especially due to the high requirements of this training and job.
We started a pilot project in both airlines, where we used Thalento assessments, which allowed us to choose the right talents, with the required soft skills and motivation. All the phases of the project were concluded in 3-6 months, consisting of the same phases:
We started the project, assessing and predicting behaviours, we evaluated each person Picture 1 | The Assessment
TH-PQ CLUSTER MODEL & FACTORS • Thinking • Impulsiveness
• Routine
• Persistency
• Need for challenge
• Efficiency Orientation
• Decisiveness
• Failure & Criticism avoidance
• Risk averse - Cautiousness
• Openness
• Self-Confidence
• Composure
• Status & respect
• Altruism
• Trust
• Distrust - Scepticism
• Social Ability
• Social Need
• Need for change
• Structure Orientation • Goal Orientation • Energy and effectiveness
• Need for Appreciation & entation Support • Influence • Dominance • Need for Autonomy • Competitiveness • Resilience • Empathic Ability • Self Awareness
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 119
Picture 2 | The Need
qualify people with motivation to learning
qualify people with high eficciency orientation
qualify people with high emotional stability qualify people with low impulsiveness
Costs reduction Low turnover Increased the sucess of the training
1. Diagnosis of the job descriptions, vision and mission of the airlines. We evaluated the critical aspects for the roles and identified the errors when they recruited without consultancy and assessment tools. 2. Validation of the project dashboard. 3. Advertisements and OPEN recruitment – implementation of an OPEN DAY with a representative of the airlines. 4. Candidates pre-selection. 5. First Interviews, shortlist of 30 people out of 60. 6. E-assessments. 7. Interviews according to e-assessments results matching with technical tests. Structured interviews were used – specific and tailormade questions based on the results of the assessments. 8. Final analysis and selection of 16 candidates for each airline. The accuracy of Thalento assessments allowed us to choose the best candidates according to their learning motivation and several critical indicators for the role. Knowing that, after two years of training, all our selected candidates completed it with success and have signed a contract directly with the airlines is the greatest achievement of the projects. The only disturbance in the project happened due to COVID-19. The project in A German Aviation Company – Line Maintenance Training Center is still ongoing because the training is on standby, regarding the pandemic situation. Our pilot project ended successfully. We are proud that the whole group of trainees finished the two-year training successfully, and are still working for the airlines, our clients. In order to make the right decision in hiring or designing L&D projects, we need to know people. And we need to know the business environment and grasp it through assessment, whether by using the job requirements, the industry-based reports, or benchmarks based on the results of top performers. By knowing the personality tendencies and job requirements we can predict the behaviour of people in the business context. And that can generate results as visible as the ones presented in the case study above.
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HR XCEL is a full-service Human Resources & Organizational Development company based in Serbia. As a reliable partner to the clients, they offer innovative solutions that accelerate talent attraction and development, build leadership excellence, drive strategy execution and high performing culture. HR Xcel is the strategic partner of Thalento for the Adriatic region and proud to have the best-in-class e-assessment solutions for their clients.
iskustvo kandidata Anđela Arula, Talent Acquisition Specialist Adriatic, Nestlé Adriatic S Imajući u vidu da Nestle, prateći globalne i lokalne
trendove, teži ka kontinuiranom unapređenju svih poslovnih procesa, pozitivno iskustvo kandidata u procesu regrutacije i selekcije nam je svakako jedan od prioriteta u tom domenu, a sa ciljem da se od samog početka procesa povežemo sa kandidatom i obezbedimo što jednostavniji i efikasniji proces. Svaki kandidat za nas je izuzetno važan, te svakog kandidata tokom celog procesa informišemo o statusu prijave u skladu sa datom fazom procesa. Nedavno smo počeli da koristimo alat koji omogućava automatsko zakazivanje intervjua, zahvaljujući kojem kandidat može sam da izabere odgovarajuće vreme, zakaže ili pomeri svoj intervju putem mejla ili telefona i to u veoma kratkom roku. Još jedna zanimljivost je da će sredinom godine svi koji posete naš sajt za karijeru imati priliku da dobiju potrebne informacije o kompaniji ili procesu selekcije putem Chat bot opcije. Za kompaniju je važno da osiguramo dostupnost za sva pitanja, pokažemo da nam je bitno kako se kandidati osećaju tokom celog procesa, kao i da upoznaju i prepoznaju kompaniju Nestle kao poželjnog poslodavca. Na kraju, povratna informacija o konačnom ishodu je neizostavan deo procesa.
Vanja Mihailović, TALENT Acquisition, Two Desperados U Two Desperados studiju, proces otkrivanja talenata počinje sastavljanjem profila uspešnosti kandidata za datu ulogu, a završava se tek kada smo sigurni da je kandidat zaista postao član tima. Tim za pronalaženje talenata blisko sarađuje sa menadžerom tima koji zapošljava, kako bi vizija i vrednosti kompanije, kao i svrha pozicije od početka bili utkani u njenu komunikaciju. Veoma nam je bitno i da kandidati znaju da u svakom trenutku u kompaniji sedi osoba kojoj se mogu obratiti sa pitanjima. Jedna novina kod nas je da smo prepoznali da je komunikacija važan deo razvoja biznisa, ali i podrške svim našim HR naporima, te smo osnovali tim za komunikaciju.
Dejan Jovetić, Senior HR Manager, Hyperoptic Tokom
procesa regrutacije i selekcije trudimo se da omogućimo kandidatima da se osećaju ugodno i da ih opustimo kroz razgovor jer smo svesni treme koja je često prisutna. Kako bismo bili sigurni da svi kandidati imaju adekvatan tretman, organizovali smo treninge za sve naše menadžere naglašavajući važnost utiska koji kandidati ponesu sa intervjua, kao i poštovanje obećanih rokova i pružanja povratnih informacija. Na kraju, intervjuisane kandidate zamolimo da popune kratku anketu i podele svoje iskustvo iz procesa selekcije, kako bi nam pomogli da ga učinimo još boljim.
Sanja Miladinović, Talent Acquisition Manager, PepsiCo Iskustvo kandidata u procesu selekcije je važna i aktuelna tema i prirodno je da se u TA timu time bavimo, ali iako je „buzz word“, nije nimalo jednostavno. Za nas su važna tri principa: pravovremenost, slušanje i fleksibilnost. To znači da kandidat treba uvek da bude u toku sa koracima u selekciji, bez čekanja i odugovlačenja. Drugo, da kandidat uvek dobije informaciju koja mu je potrebna, bez opštih mesta. I na kraju, da uvek pružimo kandidatu više opcija za predstavljanje. Novi kandidat je i nova prilika za nas da dobijemo povratne informacije, posebno kroz alat Candidate Experience Survey koji se šalje kandidatima, tako da smo uvek u toku sa najnovijim interesovanjima i trendovima. Ma koliko je novih tehnologija, sve se svede na jednostavne pristupe kako bi se ljudi osetili izuzetno i kako bismo im priredili posebno iskustvo! Marija Holjevac, Talent Acquisition Manager Jasmina Milošević, Recruiter, Seven Bridges Naš tim ima candidate centric pristup u procesu selekcije. Temelji našeg pristupa su: informativni i jasni konkursi, uprošćen proces prijave, kao i efikasan proces selekcije gde će obe strane imati priliku da se predstave i postave očekivanja, uz pravovremenu i personalizovanu povratnu informaciju o ishodu. Biotech industrija je relativno mlada i nepoznata na našim prostorima, pa se naš tim trudi da pruži dodatnu podršku kandidatima kroz resurse i informativne razgovore. Važno nam je da komunikacija sa kandidatima bude blagovremena, dvosmerna, da odgovorimo na sve nedoumice i prenesemo značajne informacije o poziciji, proizvodu, kompanijskoj kulturi i vrednostima. Konstantno radimo na unapređenju procesa selekcije, a portali kao što su Glassdoor, Joberty i drugi nam pomažu u prikupljanju povratnih informacija. Kako bismo dodatno unapredili i uveli metriku kao indikatore za praćenje iskustva kandidata, ove godine planiramo projekat mapiranja Candidate Journey.
Maja Petrović Kolaković, menadžerka ljudskih resursa, DM Svet oko nas se menja velikom brzinom, a digitalizacija je samo dodatno doprinela da potencijalni kandidati danas očekuju drugačije iskustvo još od prvog kontakta s kompanijom. Oni teže da budu povezani s poslodavcem i da se identifikuju s korporativnim vrednostima kompanije. Osim te povezanosti, kandidati žele da proces prijave bude brz, lak, intuitivan i u realnom vremenu. Upravo sva ova očekivanja integrisali smo u naš novi sistem za regrutovanje i selekciju, koji kandidatima omogućava da na jednom mestu, na stranici www.dm-jobs.rs, pronađu sve informacije o kompaniji, da pretraže otvorene konkurse i u nekoliko koraka konkurišu za posao i aktivno prate status svoje prijave. maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 121
u procesu regrutacije Olivera Mrđenović, HR konsultantkinja, Saga NFG
Kako bismo iskustvo kandidata u procesu regrutacije i selekcije učinili izuzetnim, trudimo se da sa kandidatima uspostavimo odnos koji se bazira na poverenju. U cilju ostvarivanja kvalitetnog odnosa, najviše se oslanjamo na redovnu i transparentnu komunikaciju tokom procesa selekcije. Na samom početku, kandidate upoznajemo sa procesom selekcije, kako on izgleda i šta mogu da očekuju, da bi mogli adekvatno da se pripreme. Tokom procesa, trudimo se da period između krugova selekcije ne bude dugačak, a sa kandidatima sve vreme održavamo redovan kontakt kako bi uvek bili u toku sa procesom. Na kraju, svim kandidatima dajemo povratnu informaciju o ishodu i mogućnost da se podrobnije informišu, što još više doprinosi njihovom pozitivnom iskustvu.
Ivana Canić, HR direktorka, Strauss Group
Tokom procesa selekcije, ono što smo prepoznali kao potrebu kandidata i što sada razmatramo je uvođenje transparentnog feedback-a koji objašnjava i razloge za odbijanje kandidata. Takav individualan pristup bi omogućio kandidatima da unaprede svoj nastup u selekciji. Iskustvo kandidata u selekciji se poboljšava onda kada uspemo da im damo odgovor koji nije „formular za odbijenicu” nego individualizovan komentar na ono pozitivno što smo primetili, ali i ono što nas je opredelilo da tog kandidata na tom koraku selekcije zaustavimo. U masovnijim selekcijama to je teško izvesti, ali nam je plan, za početak, da ovu praksu probamo da sprovedemo makar za kandidate koji dođu do poslednjeg kruga selekcije.
Marija Lazić, HR Manager, DEXY CO Jednostavna formula ne postoji, verujem da samo pozitivne ljudske vrednosti imaju potrebnu snagu za ostvarivanje dugoročno dobrih rezultata na ovom polju. Ono što ima veliki značaj za imidž poslodavca je pitanje povratne informacije nakon razgovora. Ovo je uvek bila značajna tema, ali i najčešća zamerka kandidata. Veliki broj njih je nakon pozitivnog iskustva u procesu selekcije doneo odluku da počne i da radi kod nas. Isto tako sam sigurna da neke sitnice načinjene nenamerno mogu ostaviti loš utisak i ne baš prijatno iskustvo kod kandidata. Zato je proces selekcije kompleksan i zahtevan, kako u delu pripreme, tako i u pogledu znanja, strpljenja i osetljivosti osobe zadužene za proces izbora zaposlenih. 122 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
Biljana Duković, Head of People & Culture, Dnata Serbia U pristupu kandidatima za posao u DNATI vodimo se istim principom kao i kada su u pitanju zaposleni. Upitan u poslednjem globalnom kompanijskom istraživanju stavova zaposlenih da se izjasni koju korporativnu vrednost od ukupno šest, prepoznaje kao najznačajniju, Beograd je u najvećem procentu odgovorio da je to poštovanje (respect). Na naše veliko zadovoljstvo, 92% je istovremeno smatralo da se u našem timu ljudi upravo tako međusobno i odnose. Ovom vrednošću se vodimo i kada kreiramo iskustvo kandidata u procesu selekcije, a manifestujemo ga: optimizovanim i neiscrpljujućim procesom selekcije, srdačnim kontaktom, otvoreno pokazanom namerom da ostvarimo poziciju obostrane koristi tako što ćemo zajedno doneti najbolju moguću oduluku za obe strane (polazimo od toga da i kandidati biraju nas, a ne samo mi njih), fer feedback-om i, na kraju - ne dozvoljavamo sebi da ikoga ostavimo bez odgovora, ni one koji ne zadovoljavaju osnovne zahteve pozicije. Ako je taj odgovor u pismenom formatu, a u masovnim selekcijama najčešće jeste, vodimo računa šta u njemu piše i kako će se posle naše povratne informacije ta osoba osećati.
Aleksandra Babić, Talent Acquisition Specialist, COING Inc. U COING-u, najvažniji zadatak procesa selekcije, sa stanovišta HR-a, jeste odrediti u kojoj meri se kandidati uklapaju u organizacionu kulturu kompanije. Kako bismo ostvarili ovaj cilj, kandidatima zakazujemo info sastanke gde razgovaramo o obostranim očekivanjima i želji da idemo u istom pravcu. Trudimo se da sam proces bude transparentan i da sve informacije koje dajemo budu validne. Bilo kakav da je ishod, svakom kandidatu šaljemo povratnu informaciju u roku od 24 sata. Takođe, ostavljamo im mogućnost da nam kroz anonimne upitnike saopšte svoje utiske. Ono što želimo posebno da istaknemo je da zaista nastojimo da se svi kandidati osete poštovano i podržano tokom čitavog procesa selekcije.
Ana Lukač, HRBP, Mlekara Šabac U Mlekari Šabac uvek nastojimo da kandidati budu opušteni i otvoreni tokom intervjua. Naša politika je da iskreno komuniciramo s kandidatima o našoj kompaniji, izazovima i planovima, kako bi razumeli aktuelnu situaciju i šta se od njih očekuje. U narednom periodu planiramo dodatnu obuku naših menadžera na temu vođenja intervjua, s obzirom da je poslednja faza u procesu selekcije upravo finalni razgovor sa budućim rukovodiocem. Osim toga, potrudićemo se više da ostanemo u kontaktu sa kandidatima kod kojih smo prepoznali potencijal i kreativnost, kako bi otvorili mogućnost za neku kasniju saradnju.
i selekcije Vladimir Zdravković, HR Business Partner, United Cloud Proces selekcije postao je dvosmerna komunikacija na relaciji kandidat-poslodavac i iskustvo kandidata u tom procesu je zapravo ono što gradi imidž kompanije. Zato je i nama ovo važno i trudimo se da iskustvo kandidata koji učestvuju u procesu selekcije učinimo što boljim bez obzira na ishod. Tajnog sastojka baš i nema, ali transparentna i iskrena komunikacija, objašnjenje procesa unapred i pravovremeno pružanje informacija pokazalo se kao ključ ka izuzetnom iskustvu. Ono što planiramo da pokrenemo jesu upitnici o iskustvu kandidata, kao i virtualne ture po našim poslovnim prostorijama kako bi kandidati mogli što bolje da se upoznaju sa kompanijom i tokom intervjua na daljinu.
Mirjana Dimitrijević, Talent Aquisition Specialist, Atlantic Grupa Kandidati biraju nas, koliko i mi njih, krilatica je koja sve više dobija na težini, pa smo se mi tokom posljednje godine odlučili ozbiljno pozabaviti procesom stvaranja odnosa s potencijalnim novim kolegama. Počeli smo naravno od toga da smo anketirali kandidate koji su kod nas prošli selekciju, što je sada sastavni dio selekcijskog procesa, pa u svakom trenutku imamo jasnu sliku o njegovoj kvaliteti. Da bi kandidatu pružili informacije i znanje koje mu je potrebno da se kvalietno pripremi kreirali smo FAQ stranicu sa odgovorima na najčešća pitanja o selekcijskom procesu te oblikovali CV kviz i priručnik za intervju u kojem prenosimo šta mogu da očekuju od razgovora i pružamo im savete. Informacije koje smo dobili od kandidata bili su jedna od smernica i za smanjenje selekcijskih koraka, a uveli smo i praksu redovnog javljanja feedback-a u periodu od dve nedelje, mail-om ili telefonom u zavisnosti od koraka procesa selekcije u kojoj je bio kandidat. Kao točka na „i“ pozabavili smo se menadžerima koji zapošljavaju – kako da se pripreme za intervjuisanje da omoguće svakom kandidatu da se uspešno predstavi.
Dina Atlas, HR Manager, EXLRT Kako proces regrutacije i selekcije može da privuče ili odbije potencijalnog kandidata, tokom celog procesa smo transparentni, profesionalni, jasni u komunikaciji i vodimo računa da kandidat u svakom momentu zna na čemu je. Iskreni smo u predstavljanju kompanije kako bismo kandidatu zaista dočarali ko smo i kako funkcionišemo. Znamo ko nam je ciljna grupa i u skladu sa tim kreiramo našu poruku. Aktivno slušamo kandidate, prilagođavamo se njihovim mogućnostima, raspoloživom vremenu i vodimo proces tako da svima odgovara. Prema kandidatu se u svakom trenutku odnosimo s poštovanjem i postavljamo se kao partner koji treba da pomogne u odabiru prave poslovne prilike.
hr perspektive Ivana Krčadinac, Menadžerka za regrutaciju i razvoj zaposlenih Grupe, Sport Vision Vrlo je važno za iskustvo kandidata u procesu selekcije da imaju osećaj da su poštovani i da brinemo za njih i njihovu dobrobit, zbog čega smo u vreme epidemije uveli primarno online kanale selekcije kako bismo zaštitili zdravlje i naših zaposlenih i kandidata, što oni vrlo afirmativno prihvataju. S druge strane, veoma nam je važno da svi kandidati, bez obzira na konačan ishod selekcije, zadrže taj osećaj, te se uvek trudimo da kandidatima iz najužeg izbora pošaljemo personalizovane poruke i/ili lično objasnimo razloge zbog kojih nisu odabrani, kao i da ostanemo sa njima u kontaktu do nekih narednih prilika. Negujući odnos sa njima i nakon selekcije, oni ostaju motivisani i rado se ponovo javljaju na konkurse.“
Marija Minić, asistentkinja za regrutaciju i selekciju, Nelt Group Kako smo svesni da iskustvo kandidata u procesu selekcije u velikoj meri utiče na pozicioniranje kompanije kao poželjnog poslodavca, trudimo se da konstantno unapređujemo sve procese, počevši od oglašavanja, prijavljivanja kandidata, same selekcije, do onboarding procesa. U toku prošle godine osmislili smo i sproveli anketu zadovoljstva kandidata procesom selekcije. Kandidati po završetku procesa selekcije dobijaju ovaj upitnik. Rezultati upitnika nam daju vrlo merljive, konkretne i korisne informacije koje nam pomažu da konstantno unapređujemo svoje procese i budemo usklađeniji sa potrebama i očekivanjima kandidata.
HR team, msgSEE i msg digital U srži naših vrednosti nalaze se ljudi i trudimo se da svakim novim zapošljavanjem u tim uvedemo člana koji će doprineti sinergiji postojećih timova. Iako istu situaciju svaki kandidat može doživeti na različit način, naša obaveza je da celokupno iskustvo učinimo što prijatnijim. Stoga detaljno planiramo kakvu osobu tražimo i šta su neophodne kompetencije. Tokom čitavog procesa gradimo transparentnu komunikaciju i siguran odnos prilikom kojeg kandidati u svakom momentu mogu da nam se obrate za sve nedoumice i potrebne informacije. Posebno u vreme online poslovanja, ceo proces može biti dodatno frustrirajući kandidatima jer ostaju uskraćeni za doživljaj atmosfere/kulture kompanije. Zato naši regruteri i menadžeri pokušavaju da održe visok stepen transparentnosti i da virtuelno prenesu barem deo kulture, kako bi kandidati imali jasniju sliku o kompaniji kojoj će se možda pridružiti. maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 123
Venesa Mušović Venesa Mušović is a cultural anthropologist. She is specializing in customer and employee experience design. As a co-founder of Beyond Empowering, she constantly develops training programmes on emotional intelligence and purpose-driven workplaces. She works as an editor at Customer Experience Magazine.
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Aleksandar Raić He was born in Sombor and lived there until he started the Military Academy in Zagreb where he studied Computer Science. As one of the best students, he had the privilege to stay in the University teaching IT. Later, his career in Pliva/ Teva gave him the opportunity to live and work in Croatia, the Netherlands, Germany and Israel. For the most part of his career he was working in global teams, leading cross–functional projects in IT but also M&A integration projects. Parallel to personal development in the IT area, he did the MBA program and then Master of Science in management. He is a simple person that lives with his family in a wooden house located in a village half an hour from Zagreb. He has a wife, two kids, three cats, and four dogs.
Dragan Đorđević Dragan Đorđević voli da ide ispred vremena. Osnivač je Skills-a, koji je sada u svojoj 25. godini postojanja. Svoju ljubav prema customer experience razvio je radeći u hotelskoj industriji. Osnivač je Asocijacije Autentičnih Hedonista (2005) kao i prvog experience centra u Srbiji (2013). Inicijator osnivanja i suosnivač je Customer & Experience Asociation of Serbia (2019), čiji je danas i predsednik.
Katarina ĐorđevićLinc Katarina Đorđrvić-Linc veruje i živi stav da je stalna težnja pojedinca ka
unapređenju kvaliteta komunikacije i usresređenost na potrebe klijenta ključ razvoja, individualnog i kompanijskog. Svoje bogato iskustvo i znanje dugi niz godina prenosi kao trener Skills-a. Prvi je član CEXAS-a.
Olivera Despotović Olivera Despotović svojim naučnim duhom i radoznalošću nastoji da doprinese praktičnim problemima tržišta i razumevanju pitanja javnog mnjenja. Sa više od 15 godina iskustva u istraživanju tržišta, ona je na poziciji direktora u agenciji MASMI. Olivera je psihoterapeut pod supervizijom, dopunjujući biznis orijenatciju humanim doprinosom. Olivera je suosnivač je CEXAS-a, i član ESOMAR-a.
Jelena Žikić
Marina Rakić Marina Rakić se od januara 2021. godine pridružila MK Grupi kao HR Direktor MK Grupe gde, sa HR timom, kreira i sprovodi HR strategiju za celu grupu u skladu sa vrednostima i strateškim prioritetima organizacije. Marina je došla iz kompanije IBM, jedne od najvećih IT kompanija na svetu, sa pozicije HR menadžera za Sektor prodaje za region Evrope, Bliskog istoka i Afrike. Svoju karijeru je zapocela 2007, godine u IBMu kada se pridružila lokalnom timu. Marina je rođena 1983. I po zanimanju je diplomirani ekonomista.
Jelena Žikić je generalna direktorka Adecco regiona Adriatic i Mađarska, a ulogu je preuzela nakon više od dve godine na radnom mestu HR direktorke Adriatic regiona. Tokom bogate karijere stekla je raznovrsno iskustvo, uz akcenat na ulogu HR-a. Pre nego što se pridružila Adecco-u, bila je deo kompanija kao što su Telenor, Mobi Banka, Metro Cash&Carry i G4S, gde je razvijala svoje veštine i radila na inovativnim projektima u okviru različitih industrija. Jelena je završila Prirodno-matematički fakultet, a svoje obrazovanje je upotpunila master studijama za menadžment ljudskih resursa na Fakultetu organizacionih nauka.
Brankica Ljamić Brankica’s professional experience spans over production, sales and marketing and business development. Her extensive and unique educational combination (BA in psychology, MSc in management, PhD in organizational sciences), supports clients in creating a difference when it comes to acceptance of changes. Her coaching school offers a unique, accredited education program created to support professional development of coaches, managers and entrepreneurs. Learn more about Brankica Ljamić by visiting www. sinhronia.com
Emina Hodžić Emina identifies herself as a problem solver, always curious to look at things from various perspectives. As a graduate of Management & Organization and a person with strong interest in data analytics, finding the right combination of both, led her career in the direction of Human Resources in the IT industry. For the past 7 years she’s been focused on developing people related strategies and processes in high growth, international environments that are scaling fast. She is currently in a role of a Chief Human Potential Officer in Mistral.
Mia Popić
Dina Tsybulskaya
Po zanimanju sam psihoterapeut i biznis psiholog. Trenutno završavam doktorske studije u okviru kojih se specijalizujem za primenu Kognitivno bihejvioralnog koučinga. Svojim znanjima pomažem: ·Pojedincima da se osete bolje, pokrenu i hrabrije upuste u izazove pružajući psihoterapijske i koučing usluge ·Kompanijama da razvijaju svoj biznis kroz razvoj ljudi sprovođenjem koučing i konsultantskih programa ·Top menadžerima, tim liderima, HR menadžerima, Scrum Masterima i preduzetnicima da razviju koučing stil u vođenju ljudi ·Pojedincima koji žele da nauče više o koučing psihologiji kroz međunarodno priznatu koučing edukaciju koju vodim.
Dina Tsybulskaya je karijeru u telekomunikacionoj industriji započela 2007. u Telekom Austria Grupi, gdje je obavljala funkciju direktorke marketinga. Karijeru je nastavila u Turkcell Grupi, gdje je bila na funkciji komercijalne direktorke do 2015, a zatim više potpredsjednice TG i izvršne direktorke mobilnog operatora ‚‚Life” u Bjelorusiji. Na čelu Odbora za nadzor razvoja softvera u kompaniji „Lifetech corp” bila je do 2019. Tsybulskaya posjeduje bogato iskustvo u razvoju korporativne strategije, marketingu i finansijama, a obrazovanje je sticala na prestižnim institucijama, uključujući i Stanford Graduate Business School u Kaliforniji. Poziciju izvršne direktorke Crnogorskog Telekoma preuzela je u februaru 2019.
Alisa Evsina Slađana Đurović Slađana Đurović rođena je 1982. godine. Diplomirala engleski jezik i književnost. Posjeduje bogato iskustvo iz oblasti ljudskih resursa u inostranim kompanijama, u industriji telekomunikacija, i u bankarskom sektoru. HR-om se bavi od 2006, kad se pridružila HR timu Telenora. Nakon 9 godina u Telenoru, sa pozicije HR menadžerke 2014. godine odlazi na poziciju HR Direktora Societe Generale banke. U Crnogorskom Telekomu je od aprila 2020. na poziciji HR Direktorke, i član je Menadžment komiteta kompanije. Član je brojnih domaćih i internacionalnih HR zajednica.
Alisa Evsina has over 20 years of experience in managing human resources to facilitate strategic growth. She has a Master’s degree from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, where she studied HR management. She completed a training course with the CIPD and received another Master’s degree in HR from Kingston University in London. Alisa joined NIS in 2014 as the director of the Compensation and Benefits Sector and worked on modernizing the company’s C&B policy. In October 2018, she became the HR director of NIS and is focused on developing various areas of HR management to strengthen the NIS employer brand and improve the corporate culture.
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Miro Antić Miro Antic is a Co-founder, Chief Experience Officer, and Creative Director at M2Communications agency. He is also the Co-founder of NEO – New Entertainment Office production company and Digital X. Miro has over 15 years of international experience in marketing and business development. Since 2008 he has established several marketing agencies and content creation companies. Miro has been elected one of The 100 Most Influential People in the Event Industry by Eventex. He is a Member of eminent business associations, Serbian Association of Managers and AmCham. He supports talents in sport, arts, and design.
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Dušan Basalo
Miloš Turinski Diplomirao odnose sa javnošću na Fakultetu za menadžment u Novom Sadu gde je potom svoje radno iskustvo sticao kroz novinarstvo, odnose sa javnošću u medijskoj i event industriji. Do 2016. se uspešno bavio organizacijom stručnih konferencija, a tržištem rada u Srbiji počinje da se bavi iste godine po prelasku u grupaciju sajtova za zapošljavanje Poslovi Infostud. Plasirajući i komunicirajući analize i podatke kako o radnim mestima i kadrovima u zemlji tako i o dobrim i lošim praksama poslovanja, zajedno sa celim timom sajta nastoji da učini Srbiju boljim mestom za rad.
Žana Goić Petričević Zana brings a unique blend of nearly 20 years of experience as a corporate leader and then entrepreneur, executive coach, leadership consultant, speaker and writer. She initiates bigger and bolder conversations enabling leaders to become game changers who make bold decisions and create bolder leadership culture in their context. She is Certified Professional Co-Active™ coach, Co-Active leadership graduate, Organisation and Relationship Systems Certified coach and Leadership Circle® certified practitioner and ambassador in her region. Zana lives in Zagreb, Croatia and works internationally as a leadership coach, consultant and speaker.
Pored svog dream job-a u Talks and Folks agenciji gde je CEO, Dušan je aktivan i u Atria Group (Senior Partner) i Generation Zeal (Chief Digital Learning Designer). Kao član Srpske asocijacije menadžera ima priliku da osnažuje kulturu prenosa znanja kroz saradnju sa najvećim imenima iz sveta biznisa.
Alex Tošović After working in the various strategic program, learning, and organization development roles in Avon, Coca-Cola HBC, and FRISS, Alex has decided to apply his expertise in a different way and shifted to leading product development & strategy for AIHR.
Ivana Barbara Turkalj Nebojša Rako Nebojša Rako ima 38 godina radnog iskustva u HR-u i spoljnoj trgovini. U svom radnom veku radio je u Engleskoj, Rusiji, Tajlandu, Crnoj Gori i Srbiji. HRom se bavi od 2001. do 2020. U okviru svog HR delovanja radio je u multinacionalnim kompanijama, a od 2013 je bio Menadžer Organizacionog razvoja u Mozzart-u. Osnivač je Asocijacije HR Profesionalaca i do 2019. bio je predsednik iste. Organizovao je lokalne i regionalne HR konferencije. Od marta 2020. je Country Menadžer Mozzart Kolumbija.
Product Development Director at Above Academy, Ivana Barbara Turkalj has nearly 12 years of work experience in the corporate wellbeing industry. Having helped hundreds of companies and thousands of individuals learn how to improve their performance, and sustain it naturally, she is an expert in increasing personal energy, capacity and stress resilience. Her mission is to create healthy workplaces by spreading awareness about the importance of investing in work-place wellbeing and people. She pours her heart and soul into shifting mindsets and firmly believes that taking care of people is the hallmark of successful companies.
Sónia Cardoso
Maja Majstorović Hajduković
Vesna Potelj Vesna Potelj je psiholog iz Novog Zagreba. Ekstenzivno profesionalno iskustvo stjecala je u području recruitmenta, a danas se bavi postavljanjem sustava razumijevanja iskustva rada svojih kolega s ciljem da se kroz poznavanje njihovih potreba i ukupnih doživljaja pojedini segmenti tog iskustva optimiziraju. U Atlantic Grupi radi već 12 godina i sve teže joj pada remote work jer najbolje ideje dobiva kroz kontakt s drugim ljudima koji su joj najveća inspiracija.
Maja Majstorović Hajduković is the Founder of Agile People Slovenia, which is a HR consulting company focused to accelerate the HR transformation through spreading the values of customer collaboration, energized people, inspiring leadership and rapid change to all areas of businesses and organizations. She is also a certified Agile HR Facilitator by Agile People, a global movement, and a co-author of the Agile People Principles book which was published in September 2020.
Vlado Damjanović Branislav Jovanović Branislav Jovanović je menadžer za društveno odgovorno poslovanje Banca Intesa. U vodećoj banci u Srbiji zadužen je za implementaciju strategija odgovornog poslovanja u cilju usklađivanja ekonomskih sa socijalnim i ekološkim aspektima tržišnog delovanja, sa fokusom na procese upravljanja rizicima održivosti, primene poslovne etike. Kao lokalni CSR delegat, učestvuje u kreiranju i sprovođenje CSR aktivnosti na domaćem tržištu u okviru Intesa Sanpaolo grupacije. Od decembra 2020. član je Upravnog odbora UN Global Compact u Srbiji.
Vlado Damjanović currently works as a Head of Delivery at the Serbian startup Beyond42, a company that developed CollectiVibe, industry-leading technology for organizing and managing virtual and hybrid events. For years now, he has been working in the software development industry. In his current role, he works on streamlining the product delivery processes for the technology solutions that Beyond42 is providing to its clients and partners.
Danijela Đurić Senior HR Professional with more than 20 years of experience in individual and organizational development. Currently works as a People and OD Consultant in the agency HR Xcel. She passionately believes each individual and organization has unique power to grow and transform. Danijela has international experience in leading L&D, she cultivates a special interest in people and leadership in the fast pacing industries like food retail, fashion retail and production companies. She is psychologist, team coach and a certified Barrett consultant.
Executive Director with more than 20 years of experience in individual and organizational development, HR management and People Analytics. Currently works as an Executive Director and Co-Founder, since 2006, in the Portuguese agency SLOT Recursos Humanos. Sónia is Graduated in Management, and has several Certifications on Thalento tools, Consultive Consultancy and also in the HR Quality Normativa. She had her first approach on Consultancy and E-Assessments in 2012, with Thalento, and it was an immediate crush on this HR field.
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 127
Dušan Jovanović, Head of Human Resources, sa.global
Call for united HR activity To all medical workers fighting against Covid 19, THANK YOU for your service, for your sacrifice. THANK YOU for everything! Taking this initiative was a pleasure. And we at sa.global shouldn’t be alone in this. Let’s show all our employees and their family members in the medical sector that we appreciate all the hard work, personal risks they are taking on a daily basis, their commitment and sacrifice they have been showing together during this extremely hard battle against the virus. For this reason, we have decided to offer them a small gesture of appreciation for everything they have been representing during this challenging period. It doesn’t matter if they are a doctor, nurse or a technician, we want to SHOUT OUT a huge
THANK YOU! We would also like to invite the whole HR community (local and international) to support this noble activity and contribute to the cause as much as possible. We owe them that. sa.global HR Department
#hrcares #charitychallenge #thankyou #heroesworkhere 128 | HR World 05 | maj 2021
maj 2021 | HR World 05 | 129
130 | HR World 05 | maj 2021