Dr. Jim Arnold

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Dentistry Awards 2014


DOCTORS'CHOICEAWARDS SEPARATINGTHEBESTFROMTHEREST Doctor ?s Choice Awards has long been one of the most respected medical review and rating websites, with over 4,000 of the nation?s leading physicians participating. However, it is not just another review website. By design, it attracts the best of the best in various medical fields, and features those with the highest scores for their expertise and consistent professional excellence. The top doctor for each specialty is chosen as the national award winner.

Adifferent kindof reviewsite Have you ever looked at a patient testimonial, or a negative review, and wondered if it was genuine? Perhaps the reviewer is a friend of the doctor, or maybe they have a personal vendetta. Maybe the individual?s experience was atypical of the practice. Unethical professionals have, on occasion, even been accused of paying for good reviews of their own practice, or bad reviews of competitors. These and similar possibilities limit the usefulness of such sites. You need to know how qualified your new doctor is, and you need information you can trust. Doctor ?s Choice Awards was designed to answer this need.

HowIt Works Our reviewers are not random, unverified members of the internet community. They are doctors. They know what it takes to be a good doctor, how a patient should be treated, and how follow-up care should be handled. They know what all of those credentials and titles mean. They know which schools and educational programs are best. In short, they are experts on the topic, and no review is more reliable than an expert. The DCA platform allows doctors to rate and recommend the doctors they trust their own health to, as well as those they have worked with, mentored, studied under, or had other professional associations with.Lorem It allows patients quality physician withelitr, confidence. ipsum dolortositchoose amet, aconsetetur sadipscing sed diam eirmod tempor invidunt labore et magna aliquyam The doctors who nonumy choose to join this program are ut confident in dolore their expertise and solid professional erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et reputation, so the nature of the platform attracts the best in the field. After joining, a doctor must ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem meet the minimum number of reviews and quality rating before receiving a profile badge. The best ipsum dolor sit amet.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing doctor in each city, and each specialty, is named the local winner. From this pool of premier doctors, elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore a national winnermagna is chosen according to their quality and quantity ofaccusam peer reviews. aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et et justo duo dolores etineathe rebum. clita kasdas gubergren, no sea There were a lot of excitement DentalStet community Dr. Jim Arnold of takimata Valparaiso became the ipsum dolorAwards sit amet. First ever nationalsanctus winnerestofLorem Doctors Choice in Dentistry ? 2014. City winners too were selected from all cities that were represented. There were 93 cities which is quite a great number of cities to be represented as this was the first year of Doctors?Choice Award. Checkout the city winners in page <number>

Dr. JimArnold National Winner 2014 Dentistry


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