Test Automation Framework: An Insight into Some Popular Automation Frameworks

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Test Automation Framework: An Insight into Some Popular Automation Frameworks A test automation framework is a set of guidelines and protocols that provides a platform to carry out test automation activities in a more streamlined and structured manner, thereby ensuring optimal results. An automated test environment can be easily set up using the framework, which will in turn help boost the performance of development and QA teams. In this article, you will get to know about the function of a test automation framework along with the most popular test automation frameworks. What is a test automation framework? It is a platform that basically comprises a combination of tools, features, compilers, programs etc. A specific environment is provided where automated test scripts can be executed. It is a set of components that facilitate comprehensive reporting of test results and executing tests. The key components that are required to implement a test automation framework are procedures, scripts, testing tools, equipment and test automation engineers. Following are the most popular test automation frameworks:

Modular Driven framework

Linear Automation framework


01 Automation Framework


Library architecture framework

Data-driven framework




Keyword-driven framework

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) framework

1. Modular Driven framework: A modular approach to testing is followed wherein tests are broken down into separate units, modules or functions and then are tested in isolation. Combining these separate test scripts will lead to building larger tests through which the specific functionality or complete application can be easily covered. Independent testing of modules is done first and then the application is tested as a whole. This will in turn make each test independent. 2. Linear Automation framework: This framework is considered for basic level testing. Specific program functionality is targeted by users and test scripts are created in sequential order and then run them individually. All the tests like inputs, navigation etc., are captured in this process so that they can be repeatedly played back in order to conduct the test. Custom code or specific automation knowledge is not required. 3. Library architecture framework: This framework is considered to be an extension of the modular framework. A greater level of modularity to testing is provided by breaking down the tests into functions, units etc. Similar tasks are identified within test scripts and then grouped by a function. These modular parts are focused on common objectives. Using this framework, the scalability of test cases is increased. 4. Data-driven framework: When an application is being automated or manually tested, the same functionality needs to be tested multiple times with a different set of input data. In such scenarios, the test data cannot be embedded in the test script. Hence, the test data need to be retained into some external database that is outside of the test scripts. The user can segregate the test data and test script logic from each other using the Data-driven testing framework. 5. Keyword-driven framework: The logic and decoupling of data introduced in a data-driven environment is taken a step further. Not only the data is being stored externally, but, the different actions that have been associated with specific keywords are used so that GUI can be tested and stored externally. Keywords are made independent entities that reference specific actions or functions that are in line with specific objects. Code is written by users to prompt the keyword-based action, and the execution of the appropriate script is done within the test when the keyword is being referenced. 6. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) framework: Through this framework, the functional validations are automated in an easily understandable and readable format to testers, developers, business analysts etc. The user need not have practical knowledge of the programming language. Specific tools such as Cucumber, JBehave etc., can be used in this framework.

CONCLUSION If you are looking forward to implementing a test automation framework for your specific project, then do get connected with one of the finest and most reputed software testing services company that will provide you with a methodical testing strategy along with professional support in order to meet your project specific requirements.

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